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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6056182 No.6056182 [Reply] [Original]

>your old video store’s sticker is still on the cartridge
>it’s been a quarter of a century

>> No.6056187

>I'll never rent Poy Poy 2 for weekend with the boys again

>> No.6056194

you'll never have your mom and drive you and your best friend to the video game store ever again. It was 60 cents to play the supernintendo for an hour and 3 euros to play the playstation for an hour. The grown ups would play resident evil on a ctr. I just went back and forward between nintendo and Saturn. Had to pay 6 bucks for a three hour session playing Mortal Kombat Ultimate on the Saturn. Later, they got a new formula: you payed 20 buck and you got to take home the saturn for the whole weekend. Renting a console as pretty sweet, if you were a poorfag.

>> No.6056201

Last time she dropped my friend and me of at the store, it was snowing heavily. She was already on her way back. We came to the front door and the videogame store was closed. There were no cell phones back then, so we were stuck. We walked the eight miles back home and had some great time talking to each other about video games and taking in the air. When we got home, it was video games galore again.

>> No.6056221

>I'll never be excited as fuck again with a friend because a Pokémon trade finally went through despite those shitty link cables for the original Gameboy who didn't work 99% of the time.
You young whippersnappers and your internet trades have it so good lemme tell ya

>> No.6056224

pm videos
movie gallery
family video
-where art thou

>> No.6056239

ah man, that was a thing? God bless.

>> No.6056240

>3 euros

Fucking zoomeuros.

>> No.6056287

> remember when the local video store started renting games for 5 nights for 5$ instead of just one.

>> No.6056302

A significant factor in my acquiring a Super Nintendo was seeing “Mario Is Missing” in their half of the game section and thinking “Holy shit, there’s an entire Luigi game!”
I guess it still worked out to my advantage in the long run, but man, that game was pretty fucking gay.

>> No.6056315

Probably his cable or GB socket were defectuous, I never had a problem with the link cable.

>> No.6057997
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one day on my way home i stop to rent a game and see if anynew movies were in but the doors were lockt and no lights were on

then i realize the place was close for over five years

>> No.6058004

it close in 2011

>> No.6058089
File: 328 KB, 800x778, A5497FDE-405C-48D7-B9EA-B7EFDA4C45E4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My StarFox is from Kid Rock’s hometown video store

>> No.6058101

>some video store you have never been to has been branded into the back of your cartridge

>> No.6058221

Zoomers are so lucky to be growing up in a time when we have the technology to fit a whole video store into the back of a cartridge

>> No.6058250
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>dad got screwed in the divorce, got to see him every other weekend
>looked forward to those weekends so much
>local rental place, get 2 snes games
>late 90's computer games
>that sunday afternoon feeling when you know you're running out of time

Sunday afternoons give me a real weird feeling to this day.

Then in middle school/highschool my friends all hung out at someone's house like all friday-saturday playing games and now I don't have anything planned for weekends and it's depressing as hell.

>> No.6058290

Why not? It's a piece of history at this point. Why not be sentimental about the videogame store.

>> No.6058306
File: 741 KB, 2016x1512, D9970FE4-9F7E-43C1-9648-4718DA875778.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

what’s the late fee on this?

>> No.6058313

At least you had friends like that growing up. I was always playing vidya by myself most of the time and the only time I ever played vidya with a fren was when DKC and DKC 2 came out but before and after, I was playing by myself.

>> No.6058356
File: 115 KB, 1000x750, IMG_1430.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'll do you one better. I still have (my mom's) video store CARD.

>> No.6058484

And the sign says you got to have a membership card to get inside

>> No.6058643

I've never had a single link cable ever fail, and boy let me tell you how much I traded

>> No.6058650

>60 cents to play the supernintendo for an hour
what kind of britbong carnival shit is this

>> No.6058680

>Springfield Virginia

Ew. Gross.

>> No.6058682

You looked forward to your weekends with your ex-father because it meant uninterrupted video games? I’m sure he was gravely disappointed but ever so desperate to see you that he kept in his feelings of worthlessness until you went back home.

>> No.6059026

That's just the HQ. There were franchise locations everywhere... usually in nicer areas. Our Erol's was in the same shopping center as our grocery store.

>> No.6059040 [DELETED] 


Renting video games & movies on friday nights should been a cherished memory for me. It still kinda is, I remember seeing ps1 and n64 games that had "overnight rental only" and waiting for them to go to 3-day or 7-day as my dad would never let me rent overnight ones (cause of a deal and we had fees). Too bad an older boy used this movie nights to molest and rape me for about 3 years. still dont know why i would continue to agree to have another "movie night". ah well, i still love croc

>> No.6059042 [DELETED] 

>Too bad an older boy used this movie nights to molest and rape me for about 3 years. still dont know why i would continue to agree to have another "movie night".
My bad, dude, I thought that you were enjoying it.

>> No.6059043
File: 377 KB, 248x224, tokyuu-famicom-04.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That was a big nostalgia punch in my mind.
My dad took me to the store and I rented 3 Famicom games every Friday after school. I woke up early on Saturdays to play.

>> No.6059049 [DELETED] 

no probs. i'm already working with a therapist and lawyer to build a case to lock you away. kudos.

>> No.6060143

I'm sorry movie night anon, I thought you were just shitposting.

>> No.6060147

>3 euros to play the playstation for an hour
>physical euros weren't used until 2002
>3rd world youropoor paid 3 bucks to play PS1 games in 2002, at the earliest
wew lad

>> No.6061254


>> No.6063127
File: 102 KB, 241x228, 1550766708690.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the name of the kid you borrowed it from is still written on the cartridge
>you were supposed to return it 32 years ago

>> No.6063215


Epic frogpost op

VERY reddit of you


>> No.6063326

Be a man, track him down, and return it already.

>> No.6063362

He’s dead, Jim

>> No.6065552

depressing thread.

>> No.6069051

oh shit

>> No.6069063

I still have a few rental stickers on some of my NES carts. I rented them, and while I was renting them, the store went out of business

>> No.6069065

>holding onto earthly belongings
consumerism never made anyone happy

>> No.6069136

Yes it did. Being poor will never make you happy.

>> No.6069229

"poor" is a concept of consumerists
poor are unhappy since they can not fully engage in consumerism
yet live in consumerist society because they believe consumerism can make them happy
but it doesen't

>> No.6069261

Blockbuster, movie gallery and jumbo video were awesome.

There were two local places that were cool, too. Got Clayfighter 2 and Street Fighter 2 on the SNES at one, and Mischief Makers at the other. The first one was next to a pizzeria, in the top of a building where my grandfather used to work in the 50s through early 90s.

>tfw I'll never go there and browse the SNES, PS1, and N64 games, or see the horror movie rack, and smell the pizza again

>> No.6069267

>mfw I'll never have to wait 6 weeks for delivery of Super Metroid 2 again
>mfw I don't have to spend $30 aud plus $10 delivery, which is the equivalent of $23 million in today dollars
As good as the old days were, there are some things I don't miss.

>> No.6069270

>tfw your friend killed himself because he never got to play Battletoads again >>6063362

>> No.6069273

That feel when time has marched on without you. I feel it too.

>> No.6069281

>now I don't have anything planned for weekends and it's depressing as hell.
Can you see your Dad?

>> No.6069284

>what’s the late fee on this?
The gdp of a small African nation.

>> No.6069295


>> No.6069301

I'm blind

>> No.6069310

Just learn sign language to communicate. It's not hard.

>> No.6069312

Give or take.

>> No.6069315

I'm hard

>> No.6069323

See your dad

>> No.6069475

Poor is what you are. Also butthurt.

>> No.6071595

>used to absolutely love video games as a kid, would wake up early to play a little before going to school
>spent time at school thinking about getting home and playing
>played all night as late as I could
>weekends were nonstop game marathons
>couldn't wait to grow up so I could have all the time and money in the world to play whatever I wanted

>now an adult
>have all those old games available to me 24/7
>have nothing to do after work or on weekends except what I want to do
>can't bear the play games longer than an hour at most, get almost nothing out of them
>inevitably shut the game down to spend several hours surfing 4chan and watching random Youtube videos

the fuck happened to me

>> No.6071607
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>> No.6071616

Whats the cure?

>> No.6071619
File: 195 KB, 1039x692, 1563527376222.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Autism bucks neetdom or death. Or find fulfillment in your life. Be that a hobby or otherwise.

>> No.6071652

Even though I have lots of >>6071607 symptoms, I'm glad I can still enjoy video games.

>> No.6072810

We lose our imagination somewhere. When I was in 6th grade I used to imagine World War I storylines when playing Melee and Mario Kart DS battles. Something like Bowser completely annihilating Ice Climbers was supposed to be the archduke assassination, which brought all these other characters in on alliances and so on. I play now but it’s not much more than what’s actually on the screen.

>> No.6072929

about tree fiddy

>> No.6075016

My copy of Ogre Battle is from an EZ Video but luckily, it's just in a plastic case and no sticker on it