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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6049630 No.6049630 [Reply] [Original]

knowing what a pile of action zoomer shooter shit RE2 remake is, i can already tell pic related

>> No.6049636
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>good gameplay

>> No.6049667

RE2 remake is actually good, though.

>> No.6049830

Resident evil has been shit for so long a mediocre, content lacking game is considered -good-

People wanted a REmake of 2, not a Resident evil 4 version of 2

>> No.6049838

Gonna be another round of normie articles coming out similar to "Look what this modder replaced Mr. X with!!! Lolol"

>> No.6049840

hi micheal

>> No.6049842

RE3 is shit so they can't make it worse

>> No.6049847
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>i haven't played it but it sucks

>> No.6049869
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>never learn form your experiences and always think next time will be better

>> No.6049876

Fuck off to /v/.

>> No.6049890

Imagine giving a fuck.

>> No.6049905

Rent free. Keeping thinking about how much you hate the remakes while I and everyone else enjoys them.

>> No.6049931

>People wanted a REmake of 2, not a Resident evil 4 version of 2
That's not at all what we got.

>> No.6049937

yes it is. a proper remake would have been like the RE1 hd remake and not that shit

>> No.6049943

Pretty much this. RE3 is one of the most obvious cases of "we have a popular franchise, give the B team something to do to milk it." If Sony didn't force the number 3 on it it'd be completely forgotten just like Survivor, Outbreak or Gaiden

>> No.6049956

>Introduces one of the most iconic monsters in the series
>would be forgotten
Cope harder, Veronica

>> No.6049965

The old games had good gameplay too. Not everything has to be an ots shooter you zoomer quadroon.

>> No.6049980 [DELETED] 

>RE2 is notorious for being the easiest game in the series
>REmake 2 is as difficult & survival oriented as REmake/RE1 even though its over the shoulder
>This somehow makes it RE4

The RE2 is notorious for being the easiest game in the series. REmake 2 is as hard & survival oriented as REmake

>> No.6050040

Is the remake of re2 good or not? Only unbiased replies please.

>> No.6050043

Pretty good keyboard skills for being a full on retard.

>> No.6050045

play the game yourself if you want unbiased opinions. note that almost all negativity from the remake is from seething shitposters who want every game to fail.

>> No.6050057

I wish it was a re4 version of 2. The action sequences in remake 2 are shit. Slow, clunky, and encourages you to run past shit. Yawn.

>> No.6050060

If you like OTS games. It’s like RE4, 5, 6 in gameplay. The RPD is significantly different than the original but I think it’s still a great setting in both. Voice acting is probably the best out of the whole series and that’s special because resident evil is known for cheesy voice actors.


It is lacking content variety in a few ways.
Leon and Claire’s a and b share very minor differences between each other. Apart from the cutscenes and characters it’s the same exact linear progression through the story and locations. And the bonus content suffers from the same copy paste type shenanigans.

Claire’s classic outfit doesn’t have the black under shirt and that’s a negative to the whole game in my biased opinion.

>> No.6050064

Or fans of the original fucking gameplay you homosexual dick garbling broken down wurfahmen ass troglodyte

>> No.6050065

You got the original game to play. If it played exactly the same you would be bitching about something else. Seeth harder.

>> No.6050067

Nah I know that I want in a video game I’ve been playing them for 20 years

>> No.6050093

I had hoped it played like the original game

>> No.6050098

Nobody bitch about REmake....

>> No.6050107
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lol stay mad you cunt

>> No.6050109

This is just another instance of developers taking the name of a well known game and reducing it to a basic cashgrab so that new fags can pretend they've played the original without having to.

>> No.6050131
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We all did

>> No.6050165

Yes it's good. It's a modern take on the classic survival horror formula and has the proper gameplay loop of choosing which enemies to take out or dodge and managing your routes and resources.

>> No.6050461

Its a sad shit show. Unpolished, with massive camera issues. And it its very core the combat really sucks since its based on a roll of the dice. Shall mean sometimes zombies will take one shot to die. Other times they will take two magazines of bullets to the head before they die. Its probably the worst game that through massive marketing managed to sell millions of copies. It doesnt even feel like a capcom game. It feels more like unfinished crap EA would come up with.

>> No.6050605

>The action sequences in remake 2 are shit. Slow, clunky, and encourages you to run past shit. Yawn.
Because REmake 2 is unironically more of a survival horror that the original.

>> No.6050609
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>Unpolished, with massive camera issues
Such as? I've never had any problems with it, though I use a mouse and keyboard to play it, so maybe it's just the console peasants who suffer. I agree that the rng on headshots is pretty bad though. The game would be too easy if you could just 1 tap zombies though. I've got 70 hours logged in it on steam and I'm still having fun with it.

>> No.6050624

REEEEEE she's not Una Kavanagh

>> No.6050635

It doesn't play like RE4 at all though, dumbass.

>> No.6050637
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>> No.6050638
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>just because there's no round house kick doesn't mean it doesn't play like 4

>> No.6050640

What's the point of making the exact same game again? Obviously it won't be the same, even REmake changed things.

>> No.6050647
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RE2 Remake has you run past encounters and avoiding a reoccurring monster you can't stop, RE4 rewards you for killing everything in sight, and encourages you to scavenge money and treasures for upgraded weapons, and there's not really any enemy encounter you can't brute force your through with combat at any point.

>> No.6050649

>sometimes zombies will take one shot to die. Other times they will take two magazines of bullets to the head before they die
This is my only complaint, but I'm willing to tolerate it. I figure the game could be improved on that point with a hack.

>> No.6050651

The change in camera perspective completely changes the gameplay. They took 4's gameplay and neuter it by giving you minimal ammo and making the enemies bullet sponges (on the purported hardcore mode - you have plenty of ammo as well as auto-saves on any other difficulty). That doesn't make it survival horror. The game feels very streamlined to begin. It probably doesn't help that your map tells you where everything is and if you've missed an item in each room / area, or the glaring mission objectives telling you what to do. Also you get like twice the inventory space so no more having to plan your routes or think carefully about what you need to bring with you. The original had plenty of issues, but that doesn't excuse this travesty from what it is. Also fuck adaptive difficulty.

>> No.6050657

>Shall mean sometimes zombies will take one shot to die. Other times they will take two magazines of bullets to the head before they die.

Didn't the original do the same?

>> No.6050658

Good gameplay ?

>> No.6050674

>the camera is like RE4 so the rest of the game's design is like RE4 too
sloth brained take
No one wants fixed camera angles and tank controls in their modern releases, gramps. You can make a perfectly solid survival horror experience without them and REmake 2 is undeniable proof of that.

>> No.6050692

nooooooooooooo game design isn't allowed to change we have to keep things the same as they were in 1998

>> No.6050716

Stop samefagging schizo.

>> No.6050726

Play it with the original music dlc, and hardcore difficulty for ink ribbon immersion and it's a solid new take on the original RE2. Lots of fun moments. A few bullshit ones. But overall pretty enjoyable. Nu-leon is a bit of a cuck and nu-Claire kinda overcompensates in the last portion of the game. But it's not that bad. The only really bad thing is that they screwed B scenario. 3rd survivor and tofu is really fun. And the ghost survivors are nice additions.

>> No.6050882

So everything should play exactly the same? Every game should be a fps or ots shooter? Kill yourself.

>> No.6050895

Sounds like you've never played it.

>> No.6050910

Even Nemesis is better looking than those 2.

>> No.6050914

Uh.. The maps in the original changed colour when there was nothing left to discover in a room. But posters like this or the waifufags are why I stopped even discussing RE(2) online. What a waste of time, I’d rather play the originals or the remakes.

>> No.6050917

Good thing RE2 remake isn't retro, and we don't have to talk about it or acknowledge it here. Oh, wait, that's right, we're overrun with /v/irgins who will have to talk about it in every RE thread.

And for those who try to claim it is retro since they failed reading comprehension, remake =/= remaster.

>> No.6050929

RE2 Remake is harder than the original, fool.

>> No.6050937

It's pretty good.In many ways it's harder than the original since you can take less hits before you die, zombies are tougher than the original and it's often a better idea to shoot off zombie legs and dodge them rather than kill them completely. I'd say it's faithful to the survival horror roots and it's a good time overall. The only real problem is that B routes feel like an afterthought.

>> No.6050970

>Oh, wait, that's right, we're overrun with /v/irgins who will have to talk about it in every RE thread.
This is a thread specifically about the remakes, you tard, and discussing remakes of retro games has always been acceptable on /vr/.

>> No.6050987

>It’s like RE4, 5, 6 in gameplay.
Considering level design, resource management, combat design, and enemy balance are vastly different from RE4, 5 and 6, I'd say its gameplay is closer to that of the classic REs despite the perspective change. It simply has more in common with those in terms of its pacing, exploration, level design, narrative experience, etc.
The camera angle isn't the only thing that dictates the gameplay. In fact it's not all that important, which is why mods have shown that REmake 2 can work just as well with first person and fixed camera modes.

>> No.6050993

I've noticed a very suspicious negative sentiment forming around the original. Until now it's always been given moderate or high praise.

>> No.6051005

Out of the blue sort of question really but has anyone gotten the original PC version to work in windows 10? I've got an XP PC that I suppose I could use.

>> No.6051279

Personally I've always sang the praises of RE1 over RE2 but yeah, I think it's viewed a bit more negatively now than it used to be. Many considered it their favorite of the series, and that's understandable, but I never thought it was the most well designed of the series. I think REmake 2 just ended up highlighting the problems it had for a lot of people. For one, I think the remake balances itself better between survival horror resource management and action.

>> No.6051315

here we go again.
anyways i'm pretty hype, i enjoyed 2 immensely and i am looking forward to it.
people are screeching about the costume, but it's probably just an unlockable now

>> No.6051323

i enjoyed it, it's different enough to be new, but has a lot of what made the original have it's heart.
it actually managed to give me that sense of unease that i had way back in the original.
nostalgic fear was something i never felt before that.
do yourself a favor and get the original soundtrack, it still manages to fit extremely well.

>> No.6051325
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>> No.6051335

there has always been that guy.
one for each game.
but really you have to assume we have some tourists trying to stir things up since this is a classic game and /vr/ might seem like an easy mark.

>> No.6051339


>> No.6051372
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just waiting on the porn.
it's nice that classic characters can keep coming back like this

>> No.6051389
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>And it its very core the combat really sucks since its based on a roll of the dice. Shall mean sometimes zombies will take one shot to die

Just like RE1, 2 and 3? Wow really showing your high level real fan appreciation of the classic series here not even knowing about the damage rolls that weapons have.

>> No.6051462

Zombies in originals took 4-8 shots ALWAYS unless you played as Chris and got the lucky rare crit headshot and wasn’t that only in directors cut?

Your argument is invalid

>> No.6051518

>zombies always took these random number of bullets

>> No.6051719 [DELETED] 

With an error margin of 2.

Go vote for Bernie Sanders.

>> No.6051724

4-8 vs 1-12


>> No.6051732
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>> No.6051765
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I wonder how they'll change around the puzzles. Also looking forward to seeing new Barry.

>> No.6051820

wow you guys sure showed me.
How about trying to refute this
>game is 4 hours long
>the entire first half of the game is nothing but backtracking across the same backallyes, finding randomly placed and completely obtuse items that don't reveal their actual purpose for sometimes up to an hour after you originally find them never letting you be sure when you'll need them and either clogging your inventory or forcing you to backtrack back to a box to get them when they're finally useful.
>This design is contrary to every other RE game to that point, where items were intelligently placed and anything you picked up would be useful within the next 5-10 minutes of gameplay.
>The reason for this game design becomes obvious very quickly; the Nemesis. By forcing continuous backtracking the amount of times you'll trigger his rng appearances drastically goes up. However within 30 minutes of playing the game, the Nemesis quickly just becomes a boring gimmick. An extremely obvious soundtrack change let's you know he's there, he can be easily avoided just by running in a loop between areas until the super spoopy Nemesis music stops and you can go back to playing the game, or if you're knowledgeable about to exploit the game he dies in 5-6 freeze rounds. Even if you completely ignore him he'll at best hit Jill once or twice in particularly large areas since he's faster than her and then fuck off.
>Camera angles are badly positioned throughout the game, this was the game that started the trend of cheap bites and grabs by placing enemies in blind spots
>the dodge mechanic is horribly implemented, and due to its shit control scheme will more often that not result in you dodging while you're trying to shoot the more agile enemies like dogs or hunters, especially during their jumping attacks. Because it has no i-frames and these enemies are almost always in groups this will actually end up getting you hit more often than it will assist you

>> No.6051821

I favor RE1 over RE2 as well, I just like to point out that it isn't the pinnacle of the classics since it didn't surpass it's predecessor in any significant way besides the controls feeling smoother and the presentation not being as goofy.

>> No.6051823

>The worst boss fights in the entire series, 2 puzzle bosses where you barely do anything, a worm that is universally regarded as one of the worst bosses in the entire series, and a Nemesis fight where your model and hud do not relay your actual health, meaning any amount of damage you take is completely unknown and you can be randomly killed simply because there's no way to know if you're in orange caution/danger or not. The game is filled with stupid badly designed shit like this, the camera angles, the shitty dodge, choices, powders etc. because it was made by a bunch of b-team rejects who thought up a bunch of ideas, but couldn't execute any of them because they suck at actually making games.
>the ammo powder mechanic is completely worthless, it requires you to either A: carry around the ammo maker at all times, giving you a dead inventory slot, or B: go back to a box and require even more backtracking. Add on top of this that making anything besides freeze rounds is completely worthless since by the time you make any of the enhanced ammo you'll be 75+% done with the game, have wasted tons of powder on shitty ammo and some better handgun bullets do nothing for you.
>The choices system is also dull and yet another example of the devs just having an idea and throwing it in without actually planning on how to use it. Every choice in the games basically results in either knocking out/dodging Nemesis or having to run from/fight him for a bit. They switch it up once by having you start from the front or back of the clocktower, wow amazing.
>The water machine puzzle
>Just various random stupid things like the Nemesis chasing Carlos when his entire goal is killing STARS and an incapacitated Jill is literally laying in the next room.
I'm sure if I actually think there's some more but I'm sure you guys, will be able to give extremely thoughtful well laid out responses to everything here and not just post some wojak edit

>> No.6051827

aw, did the boomie made a big boom-boom?

>> No.6051828
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>>Introduces one of the most iconic monsters in the series
>>would be forgotten
Exactly, well said. When people say "Remember RE3" the ONLY answer people respond with is oh yeah, Nemesis was fucking scary. There is nothing else going for this game. Maybe Carlos...he was a great character because

>> No.6051850

As someone who played the original Resident Evil 2 multiple times on different platforms I thought the remake was fantastic. Not as good as the original(especially post police station), but refreshing nonetheless. Can’t wait for this remake of 3

>> No.6051858

Resident Evil was never good. Tank controls always signify a shit game.One of the biggest and most important innovations in 3D gaming was the ability to control the camera with the right analog stick. Before that, 3D games used the unpleasant L and R configuration, which was bad enough. Games with tank controls, like Resident Evil, are nigh unplayable. 4 tried to make it semi-playable, but fell flat on its ass much like Capcom itself.

>> No.6051943

t. Zoom zoom

>> No.6051947

t. Liar

>> No.6051956


>> No.6051973

Does the music suck in RE2remake or what here everyone is saying that I download the original music

>> No.6051979

there's a very small amount.
it's fine honestly, i just think it's amazing that the original soundtrack still fits everything.

>> No.6051983

look not everything gets worthy reboot / remakes. be glad your not a DMC fan faggot. 4 killed the franchise and the reboot was so bad we got niggers making bad unity clone DMC demo reels and i cant tell if they are trolling or not


it doesnt look worse than the reboot

>> No.6052424

The game is infinitely more enjoyable with the original soundtrack. I really don't see why they didn't just ship the vanilla game with it instead of what little music we ended up getting. I've heard people say it doesn't fit the new tone but I honestly don't see it. The old music is still memorable and atmospheric, which is all it really needs to be. Like you, I think it fits really well.
On a completely separate note regarding the soundtrack, I thought the new song they recorded to sound like a 90s rock song (the one Leon is listening to in the beginning of the game) was outright terrible. It genuinely didn't sound like anything that would have released in the 90s. Far too overproduced. Sounded like a song recorded in modern day attempting and failing to sound like a 90s song because that's exactly what it was.
It's not really a big deal since it doesn't come up much, but I remember reading articles about how they wanted that song to sound authentically 90s and to my ears they just failed spectacularly on every level with it.
It reminded me of that awful "what if Stranger Things was an 80s anime" video that looked nothing like an 80s anime and instead used shitty synthwave visual aesthetics, which draw inspiration from 80s visuals but are distinctly modern.

>> No.6052431

Yes goy. Pay for this remake and this remake and that remake and... O look theres another remake of that remake!

>> No.6052781

iirc the original had a set number of shots for each weapon which were required to kill a given enemy. It only changed based on body shots vs head shots or shit like firing the shotgun or the magnum from a distance vs point blank

>> No.6053063

What artist is this?

>> No.6053113

Most of your grievances are just "I personally don't like it" but this one is particularly stupid
>finding randomly placed and completely obtuse items that don't reveal their actual purpose for sometimes up to an hour after you originally find them
Do you expect to find every item directly across from the place you're supposed to use the item? You'd hate any Point & Click then.

>> No.6053137

>n-nooooo stop liking what I don't like :(

>> No.6054013

Missed the point entirely

>> No.6054171

>noooooo you can't like remakes because they're jewing you
Fuck off, retard. Your point is shit.

>> No.6054682

They should invest the time and money in new games and not quick cashgrab remakes like the last 5 years

>> No.6054737

old good new bad

>> No.6054745

This. Just look at it mechanically. What's harder, autotargeting enemies you can down in four shots with a peashooter you have a hundred rounds for, or free aiming a shot to the head or leg just for a stagger, having only 20-odd rounds to do it, and not being able to cheat the combine feature to avoid reload times? You have ammo for days in the original and never have to worry about missing a shot. Not so in the remake. The only people who think the remake is "casualized" are zoomers posturing as oldheads using whatever they gleaned from watching Youtube and Twitch playthroughs.

>> No.6055083

okay boomer whatever you say.

i personally don't feel any sympathy for REfags when they get shat on because they have a history of cutting off their nose to spite their face.

>RE5, ORC, RE6. (even though 5 had a horror focused DLC & leon's scenario in 6 was meant to be horror focused)

>Rev 1, Rev2, RE7 & RE2 remake.

>> No.6055252

You should invest more time into not being a stupid faggot. Just because you think (((da joos))) are cheaping out and releasing quick cash grabs doesn't always make it true. In the case of the Resident Evil remakes we've gotten it's definitely untrue. You just have stupid opinions.

>> No.6055260

Tell Denny I said hey, mike

>> No.6055298

why do faggots always say rent free? I doubt even your mother thinks of you often lmao

>> No.6055304

Fuck off reddit

>> No.6055341

>being this mad for only 2 pics

>> No.6056097

>"haha retard said the game was bad"
>bad game design
>bad controls
>bad camera angles
>bad boss fights
>pointless systems added to the game that do nothing and weee just included to say they exist
>"w-well you just don't like it"

>> No.6056139
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its the only REAL tps/ots survival horror game.
no other game of this type makes you avoid enemies and plan how to navigate through the areas of the game.

>> No.6056152

RE2 is more of an action game than REmake 2 is. Blasting your way through the entire game (sans the initial street area I guess) isn't an option like it was in the original.

>> No.6056306

Everything he said is true.

>> No.6056312

>The game is infinitely more enjoyable with the original soundtrack. I really don't see why they didn't just ship the vanilla game with it instead of what little music we ended up getting
It's due to the switch to ots camera perspective. Spatial awareness is more important in a game specifically tailored to shooting, so the music designed for it never really emerges itself from the background.

>> No.6056336

So you've never played it either. I see what kind of thread this is.

>> No.6056338

If I wanted to play tank controls again I would pull out my psx which I do every year.

>> No.6056478

It honestly looks pretty good to me and I literally don't even play games anymore besides occasionally having nostalgia for retro games and maybe playing even more rarely than that. Jill is looking sexy as usual and Carlos looks as he should. Nemesis has a slight Tyrant 1 look to him as well. Hopefully they give us a full playable scenario with Carlos to. I still need to play the second games remake.

>> No.6056516

You consider it bad. I don't. You don't like it. I do.

>> No.6056616

Liking things that are shit doesn't make them not shit. You can like Syfy movies and realize they're trash or you can be a childish fuck who just calls people retards when they don't reinforce your beliefs and then scream "BUT ITS MY OPINION" like a middle schooler on gamefaqs

>> No.6056618

Disliking things that aren't shit doesn't make them shit. You can dislike Syfy movies and realize they're good or you can be a childish fuck who just calls people retards when they don't reinforce your beliefs and then scream "BUT ITS MY OPINION" like a middle schooler on gamefaqs

>> No.6056689

>RE2 is more of an action game than REmake 2 is
Not really. They just forgot to put in a Hard Mode that limits your ammo in the original Playstation release. The dreamcast and pc ports remedied this with their nightmare mode. Play RE2 Reimagining on Normal and you will be just as overloaded with ammo, as well as auto-saves, dynamic difficulty, mission objectives, 16+ slots of inventory, you know, all of the stuff you would expect from an action game.

>> No.6056710

I'll give you an example.
>the dodge mechanic is horribly implemented
Your gripe with this is that you're bad at using the mechanic and you end up getting yourself hurt instead (lol). This mechanic makes fighting Nemesis much easier, which apparently you have trouble with since you also referenced him "appearing randomly" which he doesn't do if you take him down at the linear points in which he appears. This isn't a flaw of the game, this is just you being bad at the game and getting angry.

>> No.6057008

Except it is shit and I provided examples you can't even attempt to refute except by saying "bro it's just my opinion"
How am I bad at using a mechanic that activates with the same button used to shoot your gun and often activates during the specific enemies I mentioned attacks as you're shooting them, sometimes even they're off screen?
>"appearing randomly" which he doesn't do if you take him down at the linear points in which he appears
Have you ever even played this game or did you just watch someone play it on twitch and now think you're an expert about it, because it's becoming pretty obvious you know jack shit about it.

>> No.6057015

>This mechanic makes fighting Nemesis much easier, which apparently you have trouble with since you also referenced him
and yeah I had so much trouble with Nemesis I called him a boring addition, easily taken care of with 6-7 freeze rounds or just easily kited by running in a loop for a few minutes if you don't want to do that, with him at most punching you once in longer map areas since he's faster than Jill.
You are a horrendously stupid faggot who can't actually support a single aspect of the game being good and I'm increasingly aware that you've never even actually played it.

>> No.6057301
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>Except it is shit
That is literally


your own value judgement. Saying "the dodge mechanic is implemented this way" or "the game has tank controls" is an objective observation (granted, your observation could still be incorrect, but that's not the point here), but making a judgement that said implementation is "good" or "bad" is subjective.

>> No.6057306

Take your meds, Michael.

>> No.6057427

>How am I bad at using a mechanic
Because you manage to fuck it up in a way nobody else in the world ever did. Most people have trouble getting the timing right as a skill, and you're saying you consistently and unintentionally hit it frame-perfect whenever you fight zombie dogs, which your reflexes are too slow to shoot during the first 99% of their predictable jump animation.
Nemesis also doesn't "appear randomly via rng." He appears when he's set to appear. If you don't kill him, he chases you. Kill him and he's down until the next scripted encounter.
First you complain about how difficult the game is, then you say it's too easy.

>> No.6057619

For EXAMPLE the part where you have to escape from chief irons? The camera is a dysfunctional piece of shit in this one.

Yes the original does the same. Only in the original it works, since the generic zombies eat less bullets in general.

Speaking of Zombies. The glorious HD remake only has a handful of generic Zombie variations that you encounter again and again.

>> No.6058320
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Tank controls and fixed camera angles are never coming back bros...

>> No.6058357

when I finally found this hentai it was the most disappointing one I've seen in my life

>> No.6058371
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Which sucks, because they were a huge part of what made the games interesting and unique and gave it its style and atmosphere. When people talk about how it's an improvement to be over-the-shoulder with 3D controls and an emphasis on precision aiming, I wonder what the hell they even liked about the original RE games then?

>> No.6058429
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>Tank controls always signify a shit game.

>> No.6058453

PE2 > RE.

>> No.6058773

Resident Evil 2 remake is the best game in the series. Remake1 just after it.

Don't hold yourself to the past because of "muh tank controls" how about trying new things you spergs

>> No.6058789

...and Trump is your president.

>> No.6058794

Play zombie revenge

>> No.6058797

>One of the biggest and most important innovations in 3D gaming was the ability to control the camera with the right analog stick.
Cannot tell if serious. Do you not know what a mouse is? Do you not know what game design is?

oh fuck yes, this. The over-the-shoulder shit restricts view, makes things feel claustrophobic, sure, but it's just clumsy. Tank controls were part of resident evil, the game was designed around them.

>> No.6058861

'New game fun.'
'But not same as old game!?'
'Yes, that right but still fun.'

>> No.6058945
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Desu I've spent years arguing online about how awful RE4 is and how shit the series has been since its release. RE4/5/6/RERV1/RERV2 are all trash compared to the tank control games (RE1/2/3/CVX/0/OB1/OB2). I spent a lot of time arguing about how REmake 2 would be shit without tank controls as well. I ended up buying it a week after it was released and was blown away by how good it was and how much of an autistic fool I have been. If you think that OTS = action game, you have no idea how wrong you are. REmake 2 feels like a genuine survival horror game on par with RE1/REmake 1.

A lot of the criticisms that I see in this thread are valid (RNG headshots, music removal, B scenario being shit), but other criticisms just don't really hold up IMO. For example, inventory space. On hardcore you start with 8 slots and I believe you can upgrade to a maximum of 12 (haven't played since the summer, so I could be wrong). Even though you get 12 slots, all weapons except pistols take up two slots when they are upgraded, so those extra slots are quickly negated by carrying upgraded weapons. On normal I always finish the game with an absurd amount of ammo, but this is no different than any of the classics on the same difficulty. Hardcore forces you to count bullets and dodge monsters constantly, which is a key component in a survival horror. The only "action" component that really stands out to me is the way the self defense weapons work. Even then, that's a stretch.

I had a lot of fun with REmake 2. RE1 and RE3 have always been my favorites though, and I am very much looking forward to a modern take on RE3.

>> No.6059117

>objective quality of things doesn't exist.
yeah you're obviously just a larping retard who never played the game and have no ability to describe anything about it in anyway.
>Because you manage to fuck it up in a way nobody else in the world ever did. Most people have trouble getting the timing right as a skill, and you're saying you consistently and unintentionally hit it frame-perfect whenever you fight zombie dogs, which your reflexes are too slow to shoot during the first 99% of their predictable jump animation.
What in the fuck are you even talking about? Are you even aware that you're held static while shooting in old REs and you basically get a safe distance and just hold the button down, sometimes while even being able to see what you're shooting? The only type of precision shots the series ever had was shooting hunters (and maybe dogs, but you can usually just stunlock them) out of the air. Which you can't do in RE3 because it will randomly dodge instead.
>First you complain about how difficult the game is, then you say it's too easy.
When did I ever say the game was difficult? I said it had horrible game design, a ton of worthless tedium, and barely functional mechanics that were just thrown in to have them and no one has been able to prove this wrong because a large portion of the posters here obviously know nothing about these games that they haven't seen on YouTube playthroughs and think precision shooting was an aspect of the games before 4 because they have never actually played them.

>> No.6059225

>The only type of precision shots the series ever had was shooting hunters (and maybe dogs, but you can usually just stunlock them) out of the air. Which you can't do in RE3 because it will randomly dodge instead.
I don't know what the rest of what you typed had to do with what I said, but again, you managed to fuck this up in a way nobody else did. I'm picturing it in my head and it's like watching Jerry Lewis play Resident Evil. You find it that difficult to shoot hunters? You dodge every time you try to shoot, and every time you dodge, another hunter swipes you mid-dodge? Haha, what the fuck? Just shoot them like everybody else in the world is able to do.
>When did I ever say the game was difficult? I
You said you couldn't figure out where to use the items because it took longer than 5 minutes to find out where they go, that you can't fight zombie dogs or hunters because you can't get a hang of the controls, that you have trouble detecting enemies by sound before they've come into view, you have trouble killing Nemesis when he appears and resort to either running away or knocking him down once, and of course, you struggled with the water machine puzzle. Again, this isn't the game being bad, this is you being bad at the game.

>> No.6059464

>I ended up buying it a week after it was released and was blown away by how good it was and how much of an autistic fool I have been. If you think that OTS = action game, you have no idea how wrong you are.
Absolutely based, redpilled, and probably a handsome guy

>> No.6059465

are you ok anon?

>> No.6059483

>If you think that OTS = action game, you have no idea how wrong you are.
It fundementally is a mechanic to emphasize action. Static camera angles emphasize the room you're in and put the focus on exploring it. Over-the-shoulder de-emphasizes the room and puts the focus on the enemies. Even first-person perspective puts more focus on your environment.

Even if you're running around with an inf ammo rocket launcher in the original, when you kill an enemy it still just feels like you're using a tool to bypass an obstacle. In the remake, it's a major part of the gameplay that the game has been built heavily with in mind.

>> No.6059545

>You find it that difficult to shoot hunters?
No, because shooting in RE games is braindead. I find it hard to shoot jumping enemies when the same input for shooting is also for dodging instead of putting it on run like an intelligently made game would considering it does nothing with a gun drawn.
>You said you couldn't figure out where to use the items because it took longer than 5 minutes to find out where they go
No, I said the design of the item placement was bad because you would find items that have no use for up to an hour after you have them, and with no previous contextual clues as to what they'd actually be for, meaning you'd either have to carry them or store them and backtrack once you reached the area where they're useful. This is bad game design and unlike the previous games, where items were either useful quickly or there were previous contextual clues to let you know what you'd need and when you finally found it you'd know what to do.
>that you have trouble detecting enemies by sound before they've come into view
A zombie moaning does not alert you to the fact turning a blind corner that you can't shoot will result in you getting bitten because the camera angle is shit and you can't tell where it actually is. CV did the same shit.
>you have trouble killing Nemesis when he appears and resort to either running away or knocking him down once
Not once did I make any comments about the Nemesis being difficult. I literally called him boring and easily kited or simply killed with a few freeze rounds.
>Again, this isn't the game being bad, this is you being bad at the game.
No. Quit creating strawmen in your head of things I clearly don't say because you're incapable of actually arguing any of my real points. All you can do is create things in your head that I don't say and attempt to attack them because you know all the actual points I made are factual and you can't respond to or defend them. It only makes you look like a retard.

>> No.6059552
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>When you know that this thread was made by a certain shitposter at /v/ when he uses the same buzzwords.
Hello Michael, and Janitors delete this thread, its literally a flamewar bait made by him and his discord group who keeps making the same repeated threads at /v/ with DMC and RE games.

also he isn't a retrogamer, he started playing RE with RE6.

>> No.6059565
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It's very good in its own right and it's harder than the original game too. The only real problem is that B routes were neutered. Also, just make sure to play it on Hardcore

>> No.6059651

>Tank controls always signify a shit game.
>grug no understand forward go forward and left right turn person in little box

>> No.6059704

You'd bitch about it no matter what, quit pretending you have a point

>> No.6059705

I don't know, why do faggots waste time seething over games they don't like when there is a near infinite amount of other games they could enjoy?

>> No.6059715

I hope they also decide to remake RE1 again. Always wanted to explore a new take on that mansion with OTS pov and modern graphics.

>> No.6059736

RE3 remake could be literally the best game of all time, and yet some of you boomers would still complain about meaningless shit anyway. Good thing most people stopped caring about what you think.

>> No.6059741

I would probably feel about it the way I initially felt about RE4. Amazing game, one of my favorite games of all time, but doesn't satisfy the need for a Resident Evil game.

You may enjoy the games they make now, and that's fine, but anyone who played 0-CV and liked that style of game will never be able to play another game in that style.

>> No.6059827

You misrepresent the core RE fanbase. Nearly all of us wanted RE2 to be in the style of REmake. You cannot glide past this point. That is a very clear direction we wanted the series to go in, away from 4,5,6. In fact, ever since 5 there has been growing numbers of people saying STOP. TURN BACK. THIS ISNT GOOD.

>> No.6059832

imagine thinking this place is better than /v/

>> No.6059843

>It's more like
>RE4, RE5, ORC, RE6
"Can you have a Resident Evil game next?"
>Rev 1, Rev 2, RE7, RE2make
"Can we have a Resident Evil game NOW?"

The horror was beside the point. We wanted Resident Evil, not Dead Space or Amnesia. People don't seem to get that being a fan of a game means you like the game you're a fan of. I'm a fan of Resident Evil and would like to play more Resident Evil games that are designed like Resident Evil games. I'm not a fan just because I think the name is cool.

>> No.6059853

>when you kill an enemy it still just feels like you're using a tool to bypass an obstacle
Which is exactly what REmake 2 feels like, this pedantic argument sucks

>> No.6059864

Enemies feel more like an encounter because the camera is designed to direct you towards them and it puts a focus on precision shooting. Boss fights as well go from being a shit test where you're just trying to survive long enough to end the threat, to being your typical TPS boss battle

>> No.6059982

well, sauce us up fampai

>> No.6059985

unmitigated autism

>> No.6060049

I haven't played RE2 remake but honestly I don't see what having an OTS camera adds to RE.
I mean, I'm sure it's a fun game on its own, but in 4 it made sense since you could stun enemies, shoot dynamite out of the air, etc. In a game focused on resource management and evading zombies the OTS camera doesn't seem to add that much.

Maybe a good compromise be static camera angles with the ability to go into first person or OTS for aiming (but not being able to move, or move slowly) like in metal gear 2.

>> No.6060059

It's for people who need every game they play to feel like Gears or Uncharted. The idea of a game genre that can't be labeled a sub-category of TPS or FPS just doesn't click with them.

>> No.6060086

>It's for people who need every game they play to feel like these totally unrelated games

>> No.6060090

They're more related to RE2make than RE2make is to the original RE series

>> No.6060192

REmake 2 doesn't play like either of those games. Clearly you haven't played any of what you just mentioned.

>> No.6060197

>REmake 2
It's Chinatown, Anon. These people will complain and shitpost about a game they haven't played just because it was recently released.

>> No.6060225

>OTS TPS with dedicated knife/grenade buttons and quickswitch weapon wheel to make combat more smooth
Yep, that's RE alright

>> No.6060239

This is a great point. Remake didnt change so much it felt like a different game. Im not mad at remake2, but i understand the hate for it.

>> No.6060246

>No one wants fixed camera angles and tank controls in their modern releases, gramps.
Why are you here?

>> No.6060248

>to being your typical TPS boss battle
but in reality you're still just trying to survive long enough to end the threat. In that particular regard there literally isn't a difference. So you have to aim a little bit for weak points and the camera is placed somewhere else. The bosses also have more attacks. But the point you're specifically arguing here is still the same in both versions.

>> No.6060254
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>when the game is slightly different

>> No.6060262

Because I like old games. The thing about old games, though, is that they exist and you can play them whenever the fuck you want. You can always revisit them. When it comes to modern releases, I think it's safe to say that most people simply do not want fixed camera angles or tank controls.

>> No.6060267

I guess that says more about the consumers iq than anything else.

>> No.6060273

>but in reality you're still just trying to survive long enough to end the threat
It's not just survival, the boss fights are made to be more fun and action-packed. The second Birkin fight in Leon A is almost identical to the El Gigante fight in RE4. Birkin in the original wasn't necessarily "fun" to fight, it just felt like "oh shit, I hope I don't die, I haven't saved in a while." In the remake, it's not very tense because it's a familiar format you're used to from other TPS-- duck and weave the attacks, target the weak spot, go all in when he does his weakened animation, and repeat until dead

>> No.6060278

It really doesn't. There hasn't been a big budget AAA survival horror game developed from the ground up since the PS2 era. It's just not the world we live in anymore. Tank controls and fixed camera angles are things that were left behind. You can lament that all you want but the fact of the matter is they aren't coming back. Sorry.

>> No.6060286

How different can something be before you're allowed to say "I wish it wasn't different"? Even when RE4 came out, people kept saying "it's not that different, you're still collecting items and stuff and you still need to conserve your ammo if you play on Professional mode." Every time a new RE game comes out, you have people claiming the series has always been like that and that it's still basically the same, and then a new RE cames out and they change their mind and go "yeah the last one wasn't like RE at all, but THIS one totally is." When RE3 remake comes out, people will be going "yeah they changed a lot with the RE2 remake, but you have to admit this remake really captures the spirit of the original!"

>> No.6060289

> The thing about old games, though, is that they exist and you can play them whenever the fuck you want. You can always revisit them.
I'd like more though. I don't get what's wrong with wanting more games that are like the games you like.

>> No.6060298

New tech doesnt mean a better product and why should i trust AAA game companies or mindless consumers telling me this is better? I agree there are some good new games, but the AAA titles these days are created to funnel money from loyalists.

>> No.6060301


>> No.6060321

I haven't seen what you described at all. Everyone and their dog knows that RE4 onwards were much more action focused. It was only starting with RE7 that they started genuinely focusing on horror and item management again. And RE2 is close to the original even if you're autistic about the camera angle and having controls that aren't as clunky since it's not the exact same. Hell, in spite of having better controls, RE2 manages to be more difficult than the original. Like it takes more ammo to kill a zombie completely and you only takes three hits to die most of the time whereas you can tank significantly more in the original.

>> No.6060358

>I haven't seen what you described at all. Everyone and their dog knows that RE4 onwards were much more action focused.
No offense, but if you were on message boards when RE4 came out, you'd know this was a common phenomenon. I remember it very well. "Oh come on, it's still RE. It's even scarier than RE1 and the originals threw tons of ammo at you anyway. They're still zombies even if they're not undead. You just can't handle that the series has evolved. How does being able to aim mean it's not RE?"

The only RE game I can think of that didn't have people rationalizing it like this was RE5, although even then people were saying the Lost in Nightmares DLC was just like playing RE1 (what more do you WANT?! It's literally RE1!). After that, RE6 came out and people were saying "See? It's a compromise, the Leon campaign has zombies in it, so the original RE fans get what they want and the RE4/5 fans get what they want too with Chris' campaign, everybody's happy." Then Revelations came out and they said "It's finally a return to the series' survival horror roots, no more blatant action and the enemies are BOWs again instead of humans so it's clearly just like playing classic RE" which turned out to be just as much of a TPS as any of the previous games even if the first 30 minutes were slower paced, and then RE7 came out and they said "okay, now see, THIS time it's REALLY just like RE1-- look how atmospheric it is, and there's lots of puzzles, and you only get 10 bullets in the whole game just like how RE1 was!" like the fact that it's not a shoot-em-up is automatically supposed to mean it's virtually indistinguishable from a classic RE title. Then RE2 remake came out and here we are again. People deny the differences now, but the track record of the series suggests that in the future people will accept that RE2 feels very different from the original, and then RE3 will be the new "look, it's the same exact game just with better graphics and controls"

>> No.6060439

It's no more horror than 4 or 5 and has so much action that it had to have a dedicated quick-heal button

>> No.6060457


>> No.6060465

t.assblasted zoomer

>> No.6060472

t. Mega zoomer

>> No.6060474

t. samefag

>> No.6060480


>> No.6060491

No shit?

>> No.6060606

>Just look at it mechanically
Just because it has more mechanical depth than the original it isn't necessarily more challenging. 2 is by far the easiest of the classics but at least it doesn't have adaptive difficulty, mission objectives, a casualized map system and auto-saves.

>> No.6060616

Which game did people use a walkthrough for?

>> No.6060648

Carlos had the best "play as the supporting character" section in the series until REmake 2's Sherry section. His section is a perfect split between the first & second halves of the game, is almost full level length, and changes up the gameplay in a fun manner with his Assault Rifle. Though I agree with the general critiques of the game in the thread thus far.

>> No.6060649

The original RE3 was shooter zoomer shit too. You could active dodge rockets, and the whole game was essentially a constant flow of fighting Nemesis and then gathering shit to prepare for the next boss fight against him as you move to the next area.

>> No.6060848

>adaptive difficulty
Doesn't make it easier than the original and is only important for people who suck
>mission objectives
>map system
It's functionally the same
>auto saves
Play on hardcore like you're meant to.

>> No.6060859
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>is only important for people who suck
It literally makes the game easier for you if you die.
Why do you lie?
>It's functionally the same
Odd, I don't recall the original telling you exactly where everything is, or if you have exhausted all of items from each room
>Play on hardcore like you're meant
It shouldn't be a feature on any difficulty.

>> No.6060984

>until REmake 2's Sherry section
Sherry doesn't support Claire in any way, shape, or form.

>> No.6061045

>It fundementally is a mechanic to emphasize action
I'm not so sure about that. It does make combat feel less clunky though, so perhaps your right.
>Static camera angles emphasize the room you're in and put the focus on exploring it. Over-the-shoulder de-emphasizes the room and puts the focus on the enemies
Going to have to disagree here. It's been a while since I've played SH1, but I know for certain that SH2 and SH3 had the option to move the camera over the shoulder to help explore rooms. As we all know, SH1/2/3 are peak survival horror.
>Even if you're running around with an inf ammo rocket launcher in the original, when you kill an enemy it still just feels like you're using a tool to bypass an obstacle. In the remake, it's a major part of the gameplay that the game has been built heavily with in mind.
I'm not sure that I follow this line of reasoning. What is the difference between holding R1 to draw a shotgun and lock on to a zombie(s) and aiming upwards and blowing the head off of the zombie(s) and holding mouse2 and manually aiming at the head?

>> No.6061051

t.gee how could you tell, sherlock?

>> No.6061559

The camera in Silent Hill is shit to begin with and is different from RE's. In RE, the camera angles are static and each frame shows you the room from a specific angle that the developer wants you to see it from. It's very much like the screens in a P&C adventure. You move to each screen and analyze what they show you to figure out what you need to do or to find the items they want you to find. With over the shoulder view, you're controlling what you're looking at, and since it's at player-level looking forward, it's best used to track things that are moving and sets you up to aim/shoot them. The static angles show you the room itself and by design shows you everything the devs wanted you to see in the room, at least a section at a time.
>What is the difference between holding R1 to draw a shotgun and lock on to a zombie(s) and aiming upwards and blowing the head off of the zombie(s) and holding mouse2 and manually aiming at the head?
It's like the difference between throwing a fireball at a goomba in Super Mario World vs shooting a knight with a rocket launcher in Quake. By making the mechanic more complex, they put more focus on it. It's more fun to shoot an enemy in the remake than in the original because they dedicated more of the gameplay design to action, whereas exploring in the original was more fun because they put more attention towards the rooms. Decades later, I can still picture specific frames with all the details.

>> No.6062257

She's a supporting character in the narrative sense.

>> No.6062316

What’s the meaning of this?

>> No.6063894

I wonder if they're going to keep the ridiculous difference between Easy and Hard mode

>> No.6064347
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All the police station parts are kino as hell, best part of the game easily

Sewers felt way too long for what it is, the lab part is nice but doesn't looks like enough the OG one.
A/B is rushed as hell, even more inconsistencies than the original game.
Designs are hit or miss, but I really like them overrall

>> No.6064353

Guarantee that there will be assisted, standard and hardcore.

>> No.6064407

There is no such thing as an unbiased reply. Do you mean no replies in bad faith?

>> No.6064409

That can't be real. It literally looks like someone with a wet wash cloth on their head.

>> No.6064410

>No one wants fixed camera angles
I guess I'm a ghost.

>> No.6064413


>> No.6064425

Have y'all played Alien Colon Isolation? It's pretty good and actually retro.

>> No.6064763

>Designs are hit or miss, but I really like them overrall
Leon looks good, Claire looks stupid, Birkin looks great, Tyrant looks retarded

>> No.6064797

that is the worst puzzle in the series

>> No.6064812

It's not nearly as hard as people make it out to be

>> No.6064830
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>the lab part is nice but doesn't looks like enough the OG one.
It looks like HIVE/the Resident Evil movies. It was never "The Umbrella Corporation" before them either. I mean the lab is even named NEST in the remake.

>> No.6065650

Resident Evil is mediocre.

>> No.6065657

Here we go again...

>> No.6066497

You are absolutely correct, and that's what is making the zoomie-shiIIs seethe now.

This, though there's nothing "RE4" about DEmake2. It'd be unironically a step to better direction if it had even some 4's genes.

>> No.6066503

>Is the remake of re2 good or not?
Fuck no.
It's a casualized, dumbed-down bastardization of a 20yo classic, released hastily pre-maturely, and marketed for NON-fans.

>> No.6066872


>> No.6066914

is completely different from RE4's.
Same thing with the whole gameplay.