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6048230 No.6048230 [Reply] [Original]

Why didn't Cloud care enough about Aeris?

>> No.6048235

gameplay/story segregation

>> No.6048237

Not enough tits.

>> No.6048242

What kind of a engrish name for a ressurection ability is "Phoenix down"?

>> No.6048243

it's supposed to be phoenix tail

>> No.6048247

It's supposed to be feathers from a phoenix. Down is a type of feather.

>> No.6048249

I just realized that neither the date with Tifa nor Aeris are "romantic."

Tifa's saying the same thing as Aeris.

I know she literally said that while on the ride ("Aeris probably knows how to say this better" or something), but I always thought Tifa was trying to confess her feelings to Cloud and couldn't bring herself to.

I just now realized that Tifa wasn't trying to confess anything to Cloud. She might've been worried about him, but not in a loving way. Tifa thought Cloud was acting really strange and she didn't know what was going on with him. He was being a Zack clone for some reason and just plain acting more and more unusual from his original personality by this point, to the point that she's almost questioning the Cloud she thought knew from childhood. She was trying to tell him that she knew he probably wasn't his normal self because she'd known him for so long, but she couldn't bring herself to.

Aeris did a little better at telling him, but she didn't come out and say it either even though she was a little more sure about what was going on. Unlike Tifa, Aeris probably knew JENOVA was influencing Cloud a little.

But neither of them were in "date mode" during the date. The entire "date" was actually a cover-up to express the worries they'd wanted to express for a while. Watching those scenes again, I don't really know why they had Yuffie kiss Cloud. But I think it's because she's only seeing Cloud for the surface and doesn't know/care what's beneath like Tifa and Aeris.

>> No.6048253

There's a lot of subtle hints in this great story that throw even seasoned players off.

The entire point up until now is that Tifa didn't know what to think of this new "impostor" Cloud. This Cloud was acting completely different from the one she knew as a child, and she didn't know what had gotten into him. There was never any mention or hints of romance between the two by this point because, for one, they weren't that close yet, and she was still treating him as a friend (she became closer after seeing him broken and then realizing he saved her). And, for two, this wasn't the Cloud she knew. Unless you're implying that she fell in love with badboy-Zack Cloud, but the entire reveal contradicts this.

No, she wasn't trying to confess anything other than that things weren't what they seemed with him to her. Which was a fact--things weren't what they'd seemed to her. That was actually all that'd been happening up until then in this game too. For example, In just the last big scene, Tifa was nailing this impostor Cloud with skeptical questions. She had no idea he was even with Sephiroth on the mission to their home because she only saw Zack and two randoms with him, not Cloud. Later on, she asks him how badly Sephiroth hurt her. To which he gave an completely accurate answer, leading to her response: "..."

She was completely thrown off and flat out assumed he had to be lying because she didn't even realize Cloud was there with them until near the end of the game where he was revealed to be the generic soldier. He couldn't have known how badly she was hurt because she thought only Zack was there. That's why she apologized to him later on, for getting him entirely wrong and deceiving him by playing along with and testing his Zack-psyche.

On that ride, she was basically trying to admit she felt something was off without admitting she was deceiving him for her own sake.

>> No.6048258

PD can 'only' restore energy to characters who fainted, it can't revive dead people who have just been impaled by a sword.

>> No.6048271

Not according to canon descriptions of PD, you stupid nigger retard

>> No.6048282

He was just hoping to save us from countless insufferable shitthreads about the bitch. Obviously he failed miserably.

>> No.6048301

any game that decouples its story from its gameplay is a shit game

>> No.6048308

Phoenix Down reverses the knockout status, not death.

>> No.6048332

How old are you/what language do you speak that you don’t know what down is?

>> No.6048336

>being this angry over a difference in opinion

>> No.6048349

When you come to Los Angeles you can suck my big circumcised Jewish cock

>> No.6048442

>because she's only seeing Cloud for the surface and doesn't know/care what's beneath like Tifa and Aeris.
Yeah that's like the whole point of Yuffie.

You should be able to grasp Tifa's actual thoughts about Cloud on a second play through and making it work with her was in fact the reason for my second playground back in the 90s. Aeris's actual thoughts are much harder to figure out and I actually had to read a faq before I understood that she had a history with Zack.

>> No.6048447

>wasting a phoenix down on a literal whore
No thanks. Yuffie can have all of my phoenix downs and my materia. God bless.

>> No.6048450


>> No.6048457 [DELETED] 

>People still don't instantly understaffed what phoenix down is
And that's why it's a good translation - it feels specific to Final Fantasy

>> No.6048458

>People still don't instantly understand what phoenix down is
And that's why it's a good translation - it feels specific to Final Fantasy

>> No.6048469

You are a dumb retard motherfucker

>> No.6048495

Am I remembering wrong or is there a sort of parody scene in FFT sort of related. I think Cloud might be there but I'm pretty sure Mustadio and the robot are. The robot accidentally kills someone or something and Mustadio runs around looking for a Phoenix down. I think I'd recently played 7 and it seemed funny.

>> No.6048505
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>> No.6048510

Fine 1990+19

>> No.6048524

Agressive incels detected. Just jack off and stop screaming at that cute anon.

>> No.6048531

it's not 2009 anymore grandpa

>> No.6048543

>actually believing the Beacause translation and its wholesale autistic obsession with renaming FF elements to their Jap counterparts

>> No.6048570

You must be thinking about this scene


>> No.6048574

Ramza tells Worker 8 to beat up Mustadio and it immediately blasts him, prompting Ramza to scream "Phoenix down! Where's the phoenix down!?"

>> No.6048578
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>> No.6048601

Because she died and revive items just cure unconsciousness

>> No.6048604


>> No.6048614

>choosing to live in Los Angeles

>> No.6048617

Spoilers you motherfucker

>> No.6048683
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Oh wow lol my bad

>> No.6048741

At least when Galuf died in FFV, his friends tried everything they had to revive him. Cloud didn't even so much as make an effort

>> No.6048754

I've made this mistake too many times. It's kinda shocking how quickly time seems to pass when you start to get older eh?

>> No.6048760

>start to remark how I started out just taking a few months after new year before I stopped writing the old year on my checks
>realize zoomers and even millennials may have never written checks

>> No.6048771

Soon this comic will be older than how old the artist was when he first played.

>> No.6048772

That's life! I unironically almost peed myself laughing at ellen degeneres making a millennial try to make a call on a rotary phone. So it's not all bad.

>> No.6048824

Millennial typically is said to end in the mid-'90s. We all can do these things while also seamlessly transitioning to "online pay" and "the mobile device." The kid in the Ellen skit is a clearly defined Z.

>> No.6048845

>drowning in a pond

>> No.6048859

Man, I should replay this. Everything was flying over my head when I was 15.

>> No.6048937

My boomer landlord slaps a surcharge on paying rent any method except paper checks

>> No.6048961

This is code for "My time is not valuable, and I enjoy the fallout from the occasional bounced check."

>> No.6049000

Naw I think it's code for "fuck you kid, it's how we did it in my day and everything was better then so don't try to make me use your fancy intarwebs scam machines. Just give me a stack of cheques like I've always been used to."

I'd think /vr/ of all places would sympathize with this.

>> No.6049020

When your decisions involve other people, it takes a certain degree of arrogance. When it's something that's just a hobby or personal lifestyle choice, that's a completely different animal.

>> No.6049083
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>> No.6049136

Down status, or incapacitation, isn't necessarily the same as death. It only is if all party members are incapacitated at the same time and nobody can revive them.

>> No.6049139

So every game with a story?

>> No.6049158

>you can be shot, squashed, vaporized, etc and be revived with a Phoenix down

>stabbity stabbies can't be revived omg aerith died!

>> No.6049178

>stabbity stabbies can't be revived omg aerith died!

Yeah, this. For a change, Crono got fucking kamehameha'd by Lavos into oblivion and still could be brought back via some mumbo-jumbo (still not by using Revive item or something). But she got stabbed and whoops! She's gone! [laugh track]

>> No.6049180

Cloud couldn't save Aerith because Aerith never existed. It was all in his mind.

>> No.6049181

>pointing out the logic flaws in video games which make them playable
In RE if you get bitten by a zombie, you should die, but herbs and first aid sprays heal you. In Mario there are no healing items so you should only have 1 life.

>> No.6049203

Aerith was never interested in Cloud romantically. She was just a sociopathic whore who slickly controlled him and let him be tortured by Jenova even when she knew the truth.

>> No.6049205

We aren't talking about gameplay mechanics, we're talking about story consistency. Obviously dying in one hit in RE
would make for a shitty game so there are some allowances made for that. Suspension of disbelief and all that.

Phantasy Star 4 had Alys take the full brunt of Zio's attack and it was established early on that yes, that attack was cursed and healing spells weren't going to do shit.

There wasn't even an attempt to handwave away why Aerith couldn't be revived with a Phoenix Down. It's lazy Saturday-morning-cartoon tier writing. Maybe the remake will clear things up, who knows.

>> No.6049348

Hey boomer, download a driver from a third party source without getting a virus. No adblockers allowed.

>> No.6049370

Any piece of media where death is not well-defined, consequential, and final inevitably becomes a fucking circus. Dragon Ball and Naruto are the pinnacle of this of course. Dragon Ball tried to give it limitations like "you can only wish someone back once," but this eventually went out the window once the Namek balls came along and Toriyama subsequently had to resort to nonsense like "Goku doesn't want to be wished back because evil aliens always come looking to fight him." When you open up the door for this kind of shit with infinite lives, it doesn't feel like anything important is at stake anymore. Vegeta's "sacrifice" when he tried to suicide bomb Buu was like, a footnote to me.

Japanese media is probably the worst with this, but no one is immune to it. It's part of the reason why capeshit is such trash.

>> No.6049374

You don't know much about jap media if your point of reference is boomer dragon ball.

>> No.6049385

Here's your reply.

>> No.6049497
File: 63 KB, 400x400, 1575056181573.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

billie ellish didnt know who van halen was.
everyone got mad then realized it was like 40 years before her time in the 80s.

Like being a 90s kid and not knowing the 1950s doowop bands.

then everyone wanted to die.

>> No.6049516

Who the fuck is billy ellish?

>> No.6049518

Great, coherent post

>> No.6049531

Imagine being retarded enough to make this post and think anyone could understand it at all

>> No.6049536

Give me the source of that image based schizoposter.
I beg you

>> No.6049539

Take your fucking meds you weird freak

>> No.6049548


i know where you live. how'd you like a trip to the psych hospital? i will call them.

>> No.6049552

I don't get it. It's a pretty straightforward post, yet everyone's going apeshit. Can't expect a zoomer to know 80's band just like an average 90's kid doesn't know whatever the fuck there was in the 50's.

>> No.6049679

Maybe you're a mentally ill too.

>> No.6049690

My absolute favorite detail that I missed when I played as a kid is Cloud feeling sick on the journey back to Nibelheim. It's not motion sickness, because only Yuffie gets that. It's anxiety about Tifa seeing him as a failure because he's just a regular grunt, confirmed by him putting the helmet back on so she can't identify him.

>> No.6049825
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>> No.6049978

I have no fucking clue.
What I wrote makes complete sense.

She's a 17 year old popstar.
"She has been nominated for six Grammy Awards, including Record of the Year, Album of the Year, Song of the Year and Best New Artist. She is the youngest artist ever to have been nominated for the Big Four Grammy Awards"


Shes 17 so.
2020 - 40 = 1980 = vanhalen

A 30ish year old 90s kid
1990 - 40 = 1950 =

Tthe beatles, the Everly brothers, the platters, the coasters, the penguins, the drifters, the crows, the crew-cuts, the four aces, the orioles, the diamonds, the chordettes, the clovers, the el doradoes, the ames brothers, the turbans, the andrews sisters, the five satins, the del-vikings, the ravens, the mcguire sisters, the kingston trio, the flamingos, the mills brothers,the shadows, the moonglows, the isley brothers, the spaniels, the inkspots, the crickets, les paul and mary ford,

If youre a 90's kid, name even one song from any of those bands that isnt the beatles or the fact that you know les paul is related to guitars.

You cant.

Thats what van halen is to billie eilish a 17 year old now.
Ocarina of Time was 1998 and she was born 2001.

You showing her Ocarina of Time to her is like your dad playing van halen to you in his pickup truck in the 90s, ten years after it was made.

>> No.6049981

You showing her Ocarina of Time to her (as a ten year old kid) is like your dad playing van halen to you in his pickup truck in the 90s, ten years after it was made. *

>> No.6050024

>But neither of them were in "date mode" during the date. The entire "date" was actually a cover-up to express the worries they'd wanted to express for a while. Watching those scenes again, I don't really know why they had Yuffie kiss Cloud. But I think it's because she's only seeing Cloud for the surface and doesn't know/care what's beneath like Tifa and Aeris.
dude it's because they are all under a fucking megaton of anxiety, there is some sort of superhuman madman running across the world leaving a trail of mindfucked and brainwashed cripples and completely fucked biohazard horrormonsters that are probably made from actual people and animals and there's some global monopoly that spends all it's money on gigantic fucking cannons and building a giant pizza to put their city on so they can literally look down at poor people

They also built this giant gold octopus theme park dedicated to hedonism and disregard to the giant fucking desert wasteland filled with monsters that surrounds it, and in this surreal pandemonium caricature of reality Cloud who has the most severe case of amnesiac PTSD on the planet is on a ferris wheel with one of his friends who is trying to find the words to convince him that things are going to be okay

of course, nobody is in fucking "date mode", what the fuck does "date mode" even mean

>> No.6050028

the ivalice games are notorious for having shitty translations that are rewritten to be flowery instead of accurate. my jaw hit the fucking floor when i was playing ff12 with japanese audio and english subs, and balthier said some shit like "if you perchance find yourself a bit lonely on the battlefield, bring me along, too" in the subtitles but his voiceline was literally just "open the menu and add me to your party."

>> No.6050049

>sharing life threatening adversity
>of course, nobody is in fucking "date mode", what the fuck does "date mode" even mean
If I were in a situation like that I would be fucking any and all three of those girls any and every chance I got - but I've never been mortally wounded and had someone else's memories implanted in my mind either.

>> No.6050087

Cloud did have motion sickness though.

>> No.6050106

this is just because you've never experienced real intimacy

>> No.6050179

Memories of El Monte

>> No.6050184


>> No.6050298


>> No.6050312

There you go. Someone who understands the Demi/Maelstrom/Graviga of the situation.

>> No.6050319

Crono was brought back via time travel shenanigans. Technically, he never got blasted.
Nobody fucked with time to replace Aerith with a blow-up doll before she gets stabbed - and phoenix downs don't raise the dead, they only cure unconsciousness.

>> No.6050436

The translation sucks so it can make things even more confusing. 7 really has the most convoluted plot in the series, even more so than 10. They needed a bunch of prequels, spinoffs, and a movie to explain all the shit from the game.

>> No.6050440

Phoenix Down doesn't work on people who die of their own free will. Same shit happened to Galuf when he sacrificed himself to save the party in FF5. Aerith had accomplished her goal of summoning Holy and she needed to die to head into the life stream anyway to protect the planet from Sephiroth via the Lifestream. Honestly, it's a missed opportunity that she didn't show up when Cloud and Tifa fell into the Lifestream, but I guess they wanted that scene to focus on them.

>> No.6050454

You get down off an elephant, not a bird

>> No.6050457

>Take a thousand bullets to the chest
>Use a potion and it's OK
There's a clear disconnection from most JRPGs and their gameplay.
Yes, it's not a good practice, but many games ignore gameplay-lore connections on purpose.
Like any zombie game where you don't get infected by zombie bites.
Or Bethesda's Fallout games where a stimpak can regenerate limbs.
One thing is pointing at this or even criticizing it. Autistically ignoring that phoenix downs cure incapacitation in combat is a much different issue.
Can you imagine that it was canon that if your grandparents died you could just phoenix down them back to life over and over again? Or that if you crash your car your insurance company just brings a phoenix down with a cab driver instead of an ambulance?

There are games, like D&D games such as Baldur's Gate, where gameplay is strictly connected to the story and ressurections, dismemberments, etc, are treated within the lore and there are rules for those things. Like you can't resurrect a companion past some point, and when the story confronts you with death the explanation is there. Also resurrection takes a toll, vampires and zombies can infect you until you cleanse yourself, etc. Most of it is "magic and gods" but at least there's some logical justification for those things. And JRPGs generally don't work that way.

>> No.6050581

>Like any zombie game where you don't get infected by zombie bites
Usually you're immune

>> No.6050618

Or it doesn't infect you

>> No.6050636 [DELETED] 

>this is just because you're not a pussy
When faced with very real impending death isn't the time to be building a relationship. At any fucking moment a tonberry could pop up and stab Tifa right in the pussy. Then where would I be?

>> No.6050639

>this is just because you're not a pussy
When faced with very real impending death isn't the time to be building a relationship. At any fucking moment a tonberry could pop up and stab Tifa right in the cunt. Then where would I be?

>> No.6050797

You'd probably be dilating in the corner like the namefaggot tranny you are.


>> No.6050803

It should be "some phoenix down" since down refers to many little feathers which is plural.
Too cheap to use some phoenix down.

>> No.6050809

>At any fucking moment a tonberry could pop up and stab Tifa right in the cunt
>stab Tifa right in the cunt
I laughed harder than I should.

>> No.6050921
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>> No.6050923

I made up a word. The users of this board are /vr/oomers

>> No.6050949
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>> No.6051060

t. this game is OVERRATED.

>> No.6051146

>everyone got mad then realized it was like 40 years before her time in the 80s.
Does she know who Mozart was?

>> No.6051160

>If youre a 90's kid, name even one song from any of those bands that isnt the beatles
The Everly Brothers- Unchained Melody
The Diamonds- Little Darlin'
The Chordettes- Mr. Sandman
The Del-vikings- Come Go With Me
The Isley Brothers- Footsteps in the Dark

I barely listen to music and I know at least those ones. I would expect someone in the music industry to know a lot more about music.

>> No.6051176

>everly brothers
My nigg. Bye bye love is amazing

>> No.6051210

I'm partial to Wake Up Little Suzie

>> No.6051216

>the shadows
Every hip-hop/EDM fan knows "Apache" (via the Incredible Bongo Band cover)
>the inkspots
And every /vr/ fan knows "Maybe" from Fallout.

>> No.6051218

Guy wouldn't even spend 1 gil on a flower.
You think he'd spend 500 gil on a phoenix down?

>> No.6051226

Ever heard of reverse image-search?
Sirius the Jaeger

>> No.6051363

you're mum's the coolest "chick" i know and i go down on her

>> No.6051649
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Nicely written - saved.

>> No.6051676

kill yourself retarded faggot ESL scum

>> No.6051682
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>a difference in opinion
>this is a matter of opinion

>> No.6051687

Thank you for respecting my mom

>> No.6051843

kids just learn how to pass standardized tests
hell even in college in like 2009 I took a class about movies and all we did was watch archaic garbage that the professor had a boner for. The only real movies we watched the whole semester were The Godfather and Brick.
One of our papers we had to make up some 1 page story about anything as a movie and I just panned out to a squirrel god destroyer of worlds called like Tototalooktookunakuolacalcalius and he snorted a line of coke and I got an A+.
I don't even know what to tell you beyond that.

>> No.6051879

Except you can still frequently encounter music from the 70s, hell even 60s, on still today.

>> No.6051928

Somebody needs to teach her simple English before she starts working on her maths. I didn't even notice her failure to understand numbers at first because I was so distracted by how somebody with the title of Professor can't type simple English sentences.

>> No.6052052

It makes a lot more sense once you realize shes Head Professor of Africa. Guinea pig amongst hamsters dontcha know n such.

>> No.6052087

>there are "people" browsing this board right now that don't know what down means

>> No.6052117

All Phoenix Downs do is Bring Unconcious people back to life, not revive people.

>> No.6052310
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>> No.6052317

No, they revive the dead. FF5 even had the party attempt to use one Galuf, but he had pushed himself too far so all the restorative magic and items in the world wouldn't work.

>> No.6052339

Shut your mouth, Balthier was crippled after having to carry the entire game.

>> No.6052368

ESLs, zoomers, or minorities.

>> No.6052754

cowering from islam in your basement

>> No.6054634
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>Gameplay and story takes place in difference universes

>> No.6054658

Why does no one talk about FF6? It's objectively the better FF.

FF7 isn't even the best FF on PS1, that would be FF9 (or the re-release of FFT).

The question you should be asking in regards to FF7's storyline is why didn't Tifa mention to anyone (including Barret) that Cloud wasn't who he believed he was? They are literally going around the world chasing a demi-god and she never once went "Hey, Cloud might be mental"?

In regards to the whole why couldn't Cloud bring her back, they oringnally did plan for Aeris/Aerith to be revived. Using the debugging shortcut the game still allows you to.

>> No.6054665

Man I played Tales of Hearts earlier, there's a like an angel dude who gets stuck on a rock that's sinking into the lava and he fucking dies because no-one can reach him in time.

Dude can fly

>> No.6054756

Ressurection of the Phoenix is an old legend
You cast it when one of your team-mates is "Down"
Did you know that "Black Hawk Down stole a great many scenes from FF7. It's subtle, you'll likely miss them, like when the first helicopter was smashed down by a Weapon. That was from FF7!

>> No.6054757

Fun fact: The "Down" refers to the down feathers of a bird, the undercoat of feathers beneath the visible layer on top.

>> No.6054761

>Cloud couldn't save Aerith because Cloud never existed

>> No.6054762

That's right Grandpa, music DID finish in 1971. Take your pills and I'll pop you into bed.

>> No.6054768

Van Halen just weren't that good of a band.
>Dr Hook
>Bee Gees
>John Denver
>Johnny Cash
NOW we're talking!

>> No.6054787

Pfffffft, what?
Crazy boomer nonsense that is.

>> No.6056432

I hope her death in the remake is made as cringe worthy as possible so that it pisses the remake fags off.

>> No.6056442

why doesn't cloud touch aeriths boobies?

>> No.6056471

My grandmother experiences this every fifteen minutes.

>> No.6056491


>> No.6056493

This guy >>6050087 is right because later Cloud can't read Yuffie's contract because they're on the Highwind

>> No.6056507

This might explain why Aeris willingly wanted to die. She could go to the lifestream and help stop the meteor

>> No.6056512

>sound body

>> No.6056607

Your comparison only works if she was born next year. The 80s to someone born in the early 00s is comparable to the 70s to someone born in the early 90s. And I can guarantee you a 90s kid would be able to name several bands and popular songs released in the 70s and 60s.