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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 193 KB, 840x960, seaman-dreamcast.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6045143 No.6045143 [Reply] [Original]

>when one mounts the other while leonard nimoy narrates

Wtf, Sega?

>> No.6046914

Why does nobody ever actually post screenshots from this game?

>> No.6047082

Blue board

>> No.6047520

>Why does nobody ever actually post screenshots from this game?

Here you go. The game is pretty much this, except you can talk to the fish (the game is voice controlled with the VMU mic).

>> No.6047665

am I the only one who thought seaman was voiced by george tekai?

>> No.6047687

>Now tell me, do YOU have a girlfriend?

Seaman, fuck off. Please.

>> No.6047706

Is seaman good?

>> No.6047708
File: 131 KB, 680x1000, 3gZklEl3XXn4BD0Diyh76HQliMo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guarantee someone at SOA spent a lot of time watching ISO growing up

>> No.6047759

Mine is.

>> No.6047843

You honestly believe /v/r/ plays Seaman, or any non-Top 5 Dreamcast game?

>> No.6047851

It's one of those games you really needed to have played when you were a teenager for it to have had maximum impact.

It could be comfy for you anyway, but it is absolutely a slow-burn that, while not tedious, is nevertheless a farcry being an actual game. It's more of an experience. An interesting enough experience but ultimately a footnote in gaming history of incredibly unrealized potential going forward.

>> No.6047853

*farcry from

>> No.6049442

Well it has an ending
Question. Can the seaman die?

>> No.6049463

Is this really a blue board? I know jannies are as ive been banned three times for saying beaner but maybe there just pissed off goblinos

>> No.6049910

Yeah. You have to be able to check on them every day for over a month. The temperature of the tank and the oxygen levels constantly drop (slowly) while the game is turned off.
Lets say you checked on your Seaman on Sunday at 3pm and then didn't check on them until Monday at 9pm.... there's a good chance your Seaman died.

>> No.6049947

There's an AVGN episode, if that's your thing. One of the less obnoxious ones, too

>> No.6049964

>t. blanca

>> No.6049979

>no mom, we can't stop to pick up dinner. I need to get home check on my seaman! right now! my seaman need's air or they'll die!
So your mom gets you home and here's you talking in your room. "I have a girlfriend, I have a girlfriend."

>> No.6050001

Rarer than screenshots are people talking about the non-retro PS2 sequel.

>> No.6050009
File: 261 KB, 795x2245, seaman.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

A must-see professional documentary film called A Dream Cast about the Sega Dreamcast and a lot of its games that features the creator of Seaman Yoot Saito discussing his work. It begins 44 minutes and 30 seconds in.


>> No.6050075

Whoa, how have I not heard of this? Thanks, Anon.

>> No.6050082

fuck u mean B

>> No.6050086

what if we romhacked Seaman with some sophisticated modern AI?

>> No.6050090

i didnt even

>> No.6050125

Seaman with a sophisticated AI would be so great

>> No.6050564

>One of the less obnoxious ones
Except he plays dumb for no reason, quite vexingly.

>> No.6051084

t. I love semen.

>> No.6051093

You what?

>> No.6051163


>> No.6051298

i never had the courage to lie to seaman like that. if anything i was secretly hoping he'd give me some advice
back then you couldn't google "how to tell if a girl likes you" and get 200x wiki-how articles with dumb little drawings. all you got was like spice girl fansites with frames with copy-pasted chain email things on them :(

>> No.6051331

Probably would be much easier to just rebuild it from the ground up. Would be pretty cool though.