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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6032925 No.6032925 [Reply] [Original]

With 8K OLED everything scaled from CRT resolutions will be correct, coupled with true black and good contrast, so that together with an emulator with a shader that simulates the scanlines well is likely to solve the problem definitely.

>> No.6032987

Black Frame Insertion is important to getting proper motion clarity as well, but honestly 4K OLED does everything you describe, 8K is overkill unless you’re sitting two feet from a 65” screen.

>> No.6032997

Well, except for vector and light gun games. OLED is great though.

>> No.6033000

CRTs are the most massively overvalued technology in the history of mankind.

>> No.6033108

>Black Frame Insertion is important to getting proper motion clarity as well, but honestly 4K OLED does everything you describe, 8K is overkill unless you’re sitting two feet from a 65” screen.
In 4K you can do a correct scaling from 240, but not from 480. For 240 since 2160(4K) / 240 (original) = 9 and then you remove the lines you want to put the scanlines. But we can't scale properly 480i because 2160 / 480 = 4.5.

>> No.6033114

Be that as it may, the consoles of olde still were made to operate on them so if you have original hardware, it's meant to be.

>> No.6033117

OLED isn't durable enough to spend money on yet.

>> No.6033118

Why doesn't Company just make a line of premium to-order crts for enthusiasts?

>> No.6033134

Look up how much Sony's PVMs and BVMs cost when they were new, then adjust that for inflation and modern shipping costs.

>> No.6033139

You can't even imagine what people thought when they saw television for the first time, Anon. Then CRTs were have down the best, essentially the only usable display technology for over half a century. Literally all of the information technology your dumb ass takes for granted was developed by people using CRTs.

>> No.6033145

You notice how every time a new type of screen comes out, it's super expensive at first but then it gets cheaper later on? It's not just them scamming you, it's something unavoidable. The machinery used to make any kind of new hardware is fucking expensive. They have to charge a lot for the product to pay for the equipment and the rent. Once the equipment has been paid for, then the costs will come down and get reasonable. A specialty new CRT would have the same issues, unless they found a cheaper way than making the things brand new.

A more reasonable business model might be to recycle old CRT screens into new devices, but the products would have a lot of variation. They might also find some set of old production equipment, if it still exists. I'm pretty sure they are still making small CRTs in India, but I'm not sure you would really want to own one, because it's designed on the cheap.

>> No.6033150

>thing used to be important
>this means you have to defend and appreciate it 25 years after its obsolescence

>> No.6033417

spoken like a true zoomer bitch

>> No.6033513

They'll still lag.

>> No.6033519

>still can’t zapper games
>still input lag
lol nope

>> No.6033538


I want this to be true, I don't even think 8K is necessary moreso than a OSSC type device that can output 4K to existing sets. I kinda want to be an annoying sperg and take my PS2 and OSSC to best buy or something to plug it into an OLED and see how it looks, but I'm skeptical it's going to be $1000+ of improvement over my LCD or CRT. Again, if it can actually match or approximate CRT motion, colors, and input latency then sure, sign me up, but I haven't seen anything do it 100% yet.

MicroLED might also be a worthy competitor? But years before it's worth buying

Pillarboxing and having 100% perfect geometry kind of gets away from the charm of CRT too imo.

If you have the space and don't get cucked by an ebayer selling you a 14" PVMeme for $500 because youtube told you to, it's tough to see much really beating a decent free CRT for a while

>> No.6033549

If you use an fpga only the TV has lag. My current TV has 21ms if I put lag, which no human would notice

>> No.6033561

This would honestly make for a great crowdfunding scam. Nostalgia-obsessed gaymers love throwing money away on Kickstarter, and if you could brand this premium CRT project with some '80s holding company IP a la what the Atari company is doing with that VCS, you could make a killing.

>> No.6033628

>my mommy won't let me have an old tv in my room shitthread #9001

>> No.6033634

If you can simulate 240p with scanlines, then you can simulate 480i since they are the same amount of lines - 480i just alternates between the odd and even lines to use as empty "scanlines".

>> No.6033659

>CRT nigger crying as he hunches over his radiation box post #9002

>> No.6033661

Can you really? I used a 5x scale in RetroArch on my 1200p monitor. You’re telling me CRMeme shaders can fixed the garbled looking 480i?

>> No.6033679

so then just scale 4x?

>> No.6033704

If you're counting the "scanlines" that'd be a 2.5x scale, so no good for 480i unless you add some blurring.

>> No.6033872

>expensive new thing will BTFO free old thing that works great and most people who want one already own
Lol, k.

>> No.6033880

>new thing comes along
>this means you must abolish and demonize all old things
Just let people use what they want to use. Why are you so salty that people enjoy CRTs?

>> No.6033881
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>trying to convince a retro board to buy into a technology that has almost nothing available for it in current media, let alone fleshed out scaling options for old

>> No.6033913

>literal nigger has never even seen a CRT shitpost #9003

>> No.6034164

>still using my 48" plasma
>very low hours, basically watch 1-2 movies per week and maybe 4-8 hours vidya a month, we don't watch tv typically
>has composite, component, vga, hdmi, and s-video inputs
>perfect scaler and faroujda 3d digital comb filter for dealing with composite signals
I am never going to "upgrade" to a nu-screen, I will say this though, my plasma TV takes a kilowatt to run.

>> No.6034174 [DELETED] 


Do plasmas just have a lot of lag or something, cause one would assume that with them being dirt cheap to pick up now that they'd be all the rage.

I didn't go that route when buying a TV this year just because I only want 1 flat panel and I like smart features/4k, but always 'mired the way a nice plasma looks

>> No.6034184
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But I already own a CRT with original hardware I repair myself, so shut the fuck up goblin.

>> No.6034215

But isn’t that the same case with 4K? Just at a 4.5x scale?

>> No.6034230

lag is a meme

>> No.6034243

Can you play light guns on it though?

>> No.6034250

You know I think CRTs are much handier for 480i stuff than 240p. While a touch later than /vr/, I've been playing a lot of Burnout 3 recently on PS2. On there it only does interlaced, and the motion is so much more fluid when it's hooked up to my little lightgun game CRT than my usual flat panel it's unreal. With 240p stuff you get default proper handling of 240/288p and faster response times of course, but when it's a progressive image the difference isn't anywhere near as dramatic. To me, anyway.

>> No.6034270

Ok, which one of you was it?

>> No.6034271

Who threw out the tv? Or are you seriously trying to imply anyone on this board plays SSBM more than casually?

>> No.6034290

Yes, you'd ideally want a whole number. (but real 480i content arguably looks better with a bit of vertical blurring anyway, or just deinterlace)

>> No.6034306

Yeah. Flintlock muskets are thoroughly obsolete next to a Glock 17, but that doesn't take away from the historical importance of old muzzle loaders and how absolutely impressive and important they were.
Fact is they're still fun too, which is why there's a decent amount of (not rarely affordable) options for replicas of antique blackpowder weapons.

These new TVs sound pretty exciting, but if I want to play Duck Hunt or Hogan's Alley, I'll still need a CRT television.

>> No.6034310

I laughed. Though Meleefags would be pariahs even here.

>> No.6035117

Ah yes, garbage crts in the streets. My shit is gold to these zoomers. *takes a huge shit on the ground* BEHOLD ZOOMERS, A FEAST FOR YOU. IT IS A THANKSGIVING MIRACLE!

>> No.6035127

still can't play duck hunt on an anything other than a curvy boy CRT.

>> No.6035448

So long as the refresh rate and style is exactly the same so lightgun games work...

>> No.6035568
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>muh historical significance
Nah, take your fudd toys and fuck right off. I'll be here with my AKM that is objectively superior in every way imaginable while playing modern vidya with CRT shaders because fuck you.

>> No.6035642

>t. ass burned flat panel salesman

>> No.6035658

>not playing Burnout in 480p
why would you ever

>> No.6035661

Because 3 didn't want to run on my softmodded Xbox and I couldn't be bothered fixing it.

>> No.6035704

surely because there's the people who can't source their own crt are sort of by definition not enthusiasts

>> No.6035923
File: 137 KB, 1280x672, IMG-3451.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There would be no AKM without previous developments in things like smokeless powder, rifled bores, percussion caps, metallic cartridge cases, jacketed bullets, along with various advances in metallurgy and manufacturing; forging, milling, stamping, riveting, heat treating, plating, parkerizing, etc, etc, along with numerous weapons Mikhail Kalashnikov took direct inspiration from, like the M1 Garand, 1918 BAR, Remington Model 8, etc. The AKM didn't come from a vacuum, and since you use the proper designation, you should be well aware of how it's the upgraded fix to the initial AK, or "AK47", which was planned for a stamped and riveted receiver from the get go, but which had to be abandoned soon as the state of the Russian arms industry just wasn't developed enough to produce them correctly with consistency, leading to the famously thick and heavy, expensive, though robust, machined billet receiver.

It's also not particularly modern looking next to a decent AR15, and CRT shaders are hideous.

>> No.6035984

>It's also not particularly modern looking next to a decent AR15
Joke's on you, I shit mine up with a Zhukov stock and fagpul handguards with a comfy hogue grip.
>CRT shaders are hideous
You better delet this right now. CRT shaders are gorgeous and I will die on this hill.

>> No.6036048

You can run it in 480p off the PS2 as well. Just hold X and Triangle at disc boot. It will ask you if you want to switch. Not all games have it but B3 is one of them

>> No.6036130

That's what everyone said about plasma back in the day but mine is 12 years old and still looks beautiful.

>> No.6036206

I'm all fine with modernizing an AKM, nicer furniture out of plastic, lighter weight synthetic mags (also not susceptible to follower binding due to subtle rusting in moist conditions), and a nicer side folding stock (the MP40 styled one is compact, but unpleasant), I however don't hear much good about Zhukov stocks from AK aficionados, who granted, are the kind of people who seem to often take joy in smashing cinderblocks with their wooden stocks, and using their steel magazines for driving nails into wood.

On CRT shaders, I probably speak as someone who never really loved them, I embraced LCD screens pretty quickly when they came around.

>> No.6036219

>i point the plastic toy gun at the tiny screen a few feet away and pull the trigger
Are you 10 years old? How can you be entertained by short and pointless lightgun games?

>> No.6036240

>hating time crisis
Embarrassingly bad taste, anon.

>> No.6036373

That's interesting, I was under the impression that Burnout 3 only supported interlaced on PS2. Hence my continued use of my PAL copy, which supports 576i/50 or 480i/60 as options.
I've ordered a hard copy on Xbox anyway since it's all of $10 and I've wasted enough time trying to find a clean dump of it.

>> No.6036383
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>> No.6036406

I hope more manufacturers adopt nearest-neighbor scaling and improve the latency when doing such scaling. Most 4K TVs have horrible latency when you pair analog->digital conversion + upscaling.

>> No.6038056

Fucking joyless dipshit.

>> No.6038146

I miss my granparent's Zenith 25 Inch TV from back in the 70's. I spent so many hours playing old video games on that thing.

>> No.6038221

>my plasma TV takes a kilowatt to run.
At least it's winter now so you can enjoy the benefits of your space heater. I know I do.

>> No.6038243

well it hasn't happened yet

>> No.6038248

Same durability as a SCAR stock, which is to say if you drop it in the folded position and it lands the wrong way, it'll break at the hinge.

>> No.6038415

What <100" plasma draws 1Kw? My 50" Kuros only need 400w and that's displaying a plain white image at max contrast/brightness.

That said the rest of your post is dead-on. Fuck having to settle for HDMI as your only input option and being spied on 24/7.

>> No.6038790

>Fuck having to settle for HDMI as your only input option and being spied on 24/7.
Not all TVs with hdmi are smart TVs

>> No.6039691

No one will come to your funeral

>> No.6039712

China OSSC is salvation.

>> No.6039950

I'm not personally very impressed by that.
It's why I prefer the FAL/Galil style of folding stock when it comes to AKs.
Not as lightweight though, admittedly.

>> No.6039993

>and being spied on 24/7
If you have a post-2013 AMD (PSP) or post-2008 Intel (IME) CPU, you're already being spied on 24/7.
Had an SLR-107FR with the triangle folder, and it just looked too much like a 76, so this time around I went full space meme with the robot boot. It's luxuriously comfy.

>> No.6040034

Other than playing on a larger screen, is there much benefit to playing on a plasma via OSSC? I have several good CRT and RGB everything. I really enjoy my crt but would like to hear some opinions. Is it worth getting a chinese OSSC if I'm all set up and enjoy my current setup?

>> No.6040054
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16k 480hz microled displays will revolutionize retro gaming

>> No.6040259

>appreciate it 25 years after its obsolescence
Are Zoomers this dumb? Flat panel display technology (Plasma, LCD, DLP, etc) didn't displace CRT technology as far as television/movie viewing goes until the mid-00s. And it is still arguable if flat screen technology has displaced CRTs for gaming when you consider all factors from response times to motion to handling of multiple resolutions to overall image quality. The fact you need an external scaler to make a flat panel television/monitor display something at its non-native resolution not look like shit should implicate the limitations of the technology.

>> No.6040284
File: 165 KB, 1058x723, Compare.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And it is still arguable if flat screen technology has displaced CRTs for gaming
If you only value screen size and wide screen capability in your gaming, flat screens win out. But beyond that, they still lag behind CRTs for everything else.

>> No.6040305

They always say that to shill new stuff, then you play on it and it has 8 months of input lag.

>> No.6040316

>They always say that to shill new stuff, then you play on it and it has 8 months of input lag.
And it's funny how CRT detractors think we're all just grudgingly holding onto the past or sunk cost "coping" (which makes no sense, since CRTs are cheap). Any CRT fan is probably a fan of display technology in general, so it's not about CRT vs. something. If anything, we want a display that can potentially replace the CRT in this regard because many CRTs are on borrowed time. As of yet, no display tech exists that is as versatile as a CRT when it comes to gaming. It's just a fact.

>> No.6040328

>Everything else

I can name only one benefit of a CRT, frame time and holding. I would love to see charts of color reproduction where CRT are missing over half of current DCI-P3, let alone all the other shit CRT can't do right.
Fight the battle you can win. CRT looks good for 240p content with no extra costs, and has no blur or delay. It has nothing else and you make everyone look retarded trying to argue anything else.

>> No.6040331

Except all the ones that are, if you are not poor. Facts.

>> No.6040394

4k is enough, resolution is obviously not what's holding lcd's back. Even my 1ms gaming monitor is blurry as fuck when playing fps games

>> No.6040412

How's the motion though? What about input lag?

>> No.6040432

Most CRTs are dying a slow, painful death. Hell I just had one fuck off on me yesterday. And people aren't letting go of them for cheap anymore either. "I know what I have" is a common sentiment around here.

>> No.6040452

If you're in Europe, this might be more up your alley:

>> No.6040486
File: 85 KB, 313x314, fapo_3M01_may2013-LoRes.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>CRT looks good for 240p
Consumer television sets aren't the only type of CRTs. Flat panels look like shit at all non-native resolutions.
How many older games will resolve that color space? I'm not asking rhetorically, but I have doubts that MechWarrior 2 will resolve to that colorspace on a modern HDR display, considering the display tech it was made on (but yeah, I know many times, like in the case in the photograph, there's "hidden" color information within that will only be resolved once the tech is capable of it). .
Do you have any measures/comparisons of something like a 1440 CRT display vs. a modern display that compares color gamut

And where are you getting that "CRTs are missing over half of DCI-P3?" Isn't Adobe RGB about as wide? And this monitor resolves 97 percent of Adobe RGB:


>> No.6042002 [DELETED] 

The vast majority of colour CRTs are P22 which is what became sRGB gamut,

>> No.6042004

The vast majority of colour CRTs are P22 which is what became sRGB gamut, the RDF225WG was a real oddball and sacrificed efficiency and brightness to get its wider gamut, which is still pretty far off P3 at least in the green corner.

Old games targeted P22/sRGB, you can stretch out the gamut and make it look oversaturated if you want on a wider gamut display, but that's not how it was intended to look.

>> No.6042006

Nice price especially if you'd be paying euro taxes on china shit.

>> No.6042753

True, but all smart TVs have hdmi.

>If you have...
I don't but thanks for your concern anon.

>> No.6043543

4k screens are already pretty good at this, if you make your own mame overlay that multiplies out correctly, and the contrast/brightness controls in mame you can make a pretty convincing filter. The problem is it being too sharp with no bilinear filter, or too blurry with it.

>> No.6043546

The amount of expense and effort it requires to emulate the way an average consumer crt naturally looks is hilarious.

>> No.6043559

btw my recommendation is no filter, unscaling to the proper amount, and turn your tv's sharpness filter to 0 or near 0. This gives the most convincing image.

>> No.6043562

Literally ok boomers.

>> No.6043564


>> No.6043760

>literally not-ok zoomer

>> No.6043996

Chinese labor and technology theft makes literally any niche profitable. Absurdly cheap labor and parts is the backbone of capitalism.

>> No.6044548

Not to mention that CRTs are still very plentiful and cheap, provided you know where to look. I was able to find a 20" PVM for the same price as an OSSC.

>> No.6044554

PVMs are gross and inauthentic.

>> No.6044570

Don't care. Still think RGB looks great.

>> No.6044582
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I bet you think this looks good you sick bastard.

>> No.6045116

I'm only 27, but alright, I'll play along; ok zoomer.

Older computers are still vulnerable to spying through god knows how many backdoors, so I'm hoping you're only sticking to them because of period specific games and software.

>> No.6045149

>Not to mention that CRTs are still very plentiful and cheap
There's a few things which hold me back from getting one.

First is if I want a good and big image, I need a big(ish) TV, and they frankly take up too much space (and for that matter weigh too much to be moved easily by myself), that it really makes me hesitate, smaller TVs exist, but they are screenlets and thus undesirable.
Second is that I still hear that weird subsonic EEEEEE noise from the tube, I'm told that goes away with age, which it hasn't yet, but also that it depends on the quality of the screen, which I don't know if it's true, and which TVs or displays would make less.
Third is that all the ones that exist (barring cheap garbage ones still made in like India) are all already old, and who knows how long they're gonna last, if something breaks, can I fix it myself, can I hire someone to it, will it be expensive, will it even be possible to fix?

Fourth would be a maybe, but I wonder how bothersome it would be to hook up an NES or N64 to say a CRT computer monitor, and if this would save me some space and trouble.

>> No.6045151

No. Anon (don't know if it was you or not) said that CRTS are overvalued, but how? They did their job for like half a century. Yes they may have been clunky and consumed quite a lot of electricity compared to modern displays but they changed people's lives dramatically. Don't take them for granted.

>> No.6045161

>falling for the giant tv meme
Don't do this. Retro vidya looks much, much better on a small screen. Sit it on your desk with the rest of your monitors, and use it from that distance. You won't hear the tv REEEEEing while playing vidya, because the games always have some kind of music playing at all times. If you want a CRT monitor, get one that supports DVI and buy an ArcadeVGA.

>> No.6045185

>You won't hear the tv REEEEEing while playing vidya
I still do, I can practically feel it with my entire head.

>> No.6045190

Might be that particular set, or maybe psychosomatic.

>> No.6045194

Go shoot guns without earplugs. You won't be able to hear the reeeee over your tinnitus.

>> No.6045837

Different ones. Also that's nonsense.


>> No.6045871

Because this: >>6033134 coupled with the fact they would be extremely niche so you don't get economies of scale like you did when it was the standard display technology. Basically, good luck selling $10,000 CRTs to gaymers.

>> No.6048183

They will, but CRTs are still so common you can get them for free. When more of them are broken, a small but expensive market will emerge. Everyone else who replied to you is retarded but what can you expect from this website.

>> No.6048187

Why on earth do we have so many threads trying to shit on CRT's here

The only thing that's keeping them from being smashed up piles of glass, plastic and heavy metals in a landfill for a little bit longer is people wanting to play old games on them

You'd think people would have a more positive attitude around this

But when your mom won't let you use the car to go pick one up and you don't have any friends to help you carry it anyways, it's kinda tough to cope I guess

>> No.6048215

>But when your mom won't let you use the car to go pick one up and you don't have any friends to help you carry it anyways, it's kinda tough to cope I guess

it's just zoomers coping

>> No.6048221

>people who don’t want an old bulky piece of shit have no friends!
Whatever helps you sleep at night anon

>> No.6048248


Idk man mine doesn't seem like a piece of shit

It looks nicer than my LCD + OSSC combo by a fair amount, has decent speakers and a subwoofer built into it which is pretty tight, etc

It sure is heavy though

I actually didn't even get friends to move it upstairs I just paid a couple movers $100 because that represented the total investment into the hardware so yeah, who am I to talk

$100 even is a lot when it's allowance money though so I understand

>> No.6048321

>Why on earth do we have so many threads trying to shit on CRT's here
It's just try-hard 4chan contrarianism. Playing retro games on a CRT has become orthodoxy, so you have a certain segment of people that want to feel special by challenging that orthodoxy. And definitely there's some "cope" fueling things. Probably zoomers living in shoeboxes or kept men needing to observe the wife approval factor, each limited by space and/or interior design, so they have to manage with the flat panel they have.

>> No.6048328

It's just zoomers coping. Most of us have both CRTs for SD games, and LCDs for HD games. As it should be.

>> No.6048334

CRTs are free so I don't see how it could be coping. I think it's just stupid kids calling out even stupider kids for taking a hobby too far. It's one thing to enjoy old movies but to use old projectors is going to get some flak.

>> No.6048338

>CRTs are free so I don't see how it could be coping.
For them to be free, you need to socialize, something many zoomers can't into.
Also probably they don't have the space in their tiny college rooms.

>> No.6048340

Damn wish I had a 35mm projector

>> No.6048342

>It's one thing to enjoy old movies but to use old projectors is going to get some flak.

>> No.6048376


>taking a hobby too far

Whoa man, you've taken things too far.. You mean to tell me, you found an old TV for free off craigslist and drove 20 minutes to pick it up? So you have a normal TV... and an old one just for old games? Dude, that thing is like, pretty heavy.. I'm worried about you, I think you're getting in TOO deep with this whole video games thing... I mean, /two/ TV's?!... Shit...

>> No.6048434


>> No.6048465

>CRTs are free so I don't see how it could be coping.
Zoomers don't have space in their rooms for one. Millennials might get the toe tap from the wife or girlfriend telling them "no."

>> No.6049223

>having a separate tv for muh mario
Mental illness.

>> No.6049234

I've met people who still used black and white console TVs from the 50s so they could watch I Love Lucy or their VHS tapes. They were fairly normal people too.

>> No.6049238

t. spacelet

>> No.6049251

Maybe on the outside they seemed normal but trying so hard to re-create your childhood is unhealthy mentally, a coping mechanism for anxiety produced by depression.
Everyone is throwing around the word "cope" to describe people without CRTs when literally, psychologically, collecting things to remind you of the past IS coping.

>> No.6049263

CRTs do have a practical use, though. And that is getting the best possible picture and least possible input lag out of video games made before 1999. Next I suppose you'll say playing anything that was released before the PS4 is a mental illness.

>> No.6049264

You're overthinking it, probably out of projection of some kind. LCDs simply look like shit for retro games. And I'm not going to buy some plastic made "scaler" when I have a perfectly good working CRT. Makes no sense.

>> No.6049274

There is a reason why noone is doing OLED monitors. That shit burns in. Same reason as with Plasma monitors.

>> No.6049279

>CRTs do have a practical use,
The zoomer generation doesn't understand the concept of reusing since from day one they were habituated into a consumer economy built on planned obsolescence, zero maintenance but short lifespan, where you're expected to dispose of the old as quickly as possible.

Zoomers also love miniaturization at the expense of performance. Something like a Beats Pill shouldn't exist. Get a real stereo system. The Beats Pill and speakers like it serves zero function but to "look cute" on a desk.

>> No.6049557

Is /vr/ the secret /k/lub house.

>> No.6050520

Convince me on a small CRT by the way, like why is it better? Legit curious.

>LCDs simply look like shit for retro games.
I generally don't feel as such, I started emulating a long time ago (probably like 20 years ago) and I thought crystal clear pixels looked fine as we transitioned to flat screens. The same for older PC games.
Some games probably look a bit better on CRTs though, and obviously some only function on CRTs.

I think it's just regular overlap between normal hobbies. I really enjoy Quake, Simcity 2000, and Kirby's Dreamcourse, and at the same time I dream of one day having a genuine select-fire Colt M733 and IMI Mini-Uzi, among so many different revolvers.

>> No.6050540

>8k realtime CRT shader


>> No.6050582

>an emulator with a shader that simulates the scanlines
I spent a while trying all kinds of shaders in multiple emulators after hearing everyone talk about how great they were, and the only thing they seemed to do was make the image blurry and give me motion sickness because I kept focusing on the lines while the game moved separately. I tried changing sitting distance and all that but nothing helped.

I saw someone say this is because on actual CRT TVs, the scanlines alternated with each frame which made them not seem as prominent as they are in emulator shaders. Is this true? I haven't really looked at an actual CRT TV for a long time and don't entirely understand all the technical stuff behind it.

>> No.6050663

It is cope but maybe it's actually a healthy way of connecting with the past in a modern world where 20 years sees so many technological and cultural changes that it can be overwhelming. In the past you would use 30 year old appliances without thinking twice about it, now you need to worry about whether your colleagues are judging you for using the wrong fucking iphone.

>> No.6052409

>i'm poor

>> No.6053319

>100000 powered on hours isn't enough

>> No.6053337

>only $1,999.99! comes with FREE voice activation and built in camera, plus apps!!

>> No.6053339 [DELETED] 

>saw someone say this is because on actual CRT TVs, the scanlines alternated with each frame
You're confusing progressive video scanlines (240p) with interlaced video such as 480i which rapidly alternates visible lines on screen.

>> No.6053362

If you're not using a shit scaler and non-linear scaling then you won't have to worry about incorrect scanline patterns.

>> No.6053365

>if we throw even more resolution at the problem, we'll finally have images as good, if not better than what we were producing 20 years ago! It's really happening this time, for sure, honest!

The absolute state of modern display technology. It almost makes me weep.

>> No.6053367

shit filter/shader*

>> No.6053372

>implying they don't all start fading after a year of daily use

>> No.6053375

They don't. Your poorfag cope is clear as day.

>> No.6053379

You're getting that figure directly from some LG puff piece with no science backing it up. Enjoy your blues dropping to 50% brightness within 2 years of use.

>> No.6054683

I really don't want a smart TV.

>> No.6054692


>> No.6054694

lol wut? They will outlast your autism when you NEEEEEEED 16k when it launches.

>> No.6054697

They had all of this in the 80's and 90's and PVMs were still expensive.

>> No.6054935
File: 114 KB, 1280x800, consumer whore.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

consoomer spotted

>> No.6054937

>zero latency

>> No.6054957

to each his own you close-minded fuck

>> No.6054959

i dont connect any of my computers or tvs to the internet

>> No.6054969

Why don't they just make a line of lcds with fast response, inbuilt 240i input with minimal processing. And scan lines overlayed physically over the pixels.

>> No.6054970

coping with what?
if its something someone wants to do, then who gives a shit.
being a thought nazi or suggesting how people should play games or dictating how many tvs they can have is an illness.

>> No.6054973

youre a gun guy. i get it now

>> No.6055045


>> No.6055121

Light gun games won't work on an LCD, Anon. You could play them with a mouse, I guess, but that would be absolutely soulless.

>> No.6055383

>You could play them with a mouse, I guess, but that would be absolutely pointless.
So close.

>> No.6055758

>massively overvalued
Is this bait?

>goes to local craigslist
>free section
>8 ads on page 1 giving away working CRT televisions

>> No.6055760

>mixing up value and price

>> No.6056036

It's been a decade since I watched Rejected. Cheers for the reminder.

>> No.6056468

from the dictionary

Definition of value
1 : the monetary worth of something : market price

They're literally trash. They have virtually zero value. You have to pay to dispose of them, or if you're lucky, a retro gaming dork or poor person will take a working one from you. There are far more working CRTs than people who want them.

>> No.6056591


>> No.6056594

Why yes, increasing the resolution even more will blow the fuck out of the displays with the resolution intended for retro games, how could you tell?

>> No.6056601

That shit is dead on arrival.
Quantum Dot Emissive will be a thing soon

Can't forget MicroLED.

>> No.6056604

Fuck off and kill yourself Composhit cuck.

>> No.6057062

Daily Reminder that composite is the objectively correct way to play retro vidya.

>> No.6057739

That too. I guess I could also Elvis it, but that would quickly get very expensive, and the neighbors would complain a lot.

>> No.6057813


Consumer CRT with component is objectively the most based display method for /vr/, sorry

>> No.6057821

>can't blend genesis/saturn dithering
Not based.

>> No.6057835

im not talking about lightguns nor lightgun games

>> No.6057849

You probably aren't, no.

>> No.6057880
File: 796 KB, 1024x768, DOSBox 2019-10-23 20-46-39.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is why we need to push this shit forwards, mainly for monitors.

DF Retro's video and some of late kind has shown that OLED is becoming REQUIEM of CRT

that is because retards doesn't know how to config the damn stuff.
its kinda like SNES with blargg, or Dosbox game internal resolution with the NTSC or pal shader if using any CRT.
if the game using the snes resolution, you need to double it up with the shader, if its dosbox, many games will be limited to 320x200 or 240p, you need to put 640x480 or 800x600.

Lottes, GTU and such needs a good preset for it, it needs to be the twice of the game's resolution output.

>> No.6057883
File: 149 KB, 1024x768, DOSBox 2019-10-23 20-46-42.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6057890

No, keyboards are.

>> No.6057914


I like having colors not be shitty and washed out, dot crawl, rainbowing etc out the ass and i'm not offended by visible dither patterns, idk, personal preference

>> No.6057986
File: 3.68 MB, 3299x2471, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Composite doesn't look that bad, you're exaggerating.

>> No.6058215

lol no
It's shit and DoA
See >>6056601

>> No.6058223

This shit is so dumb.
Why would you want a new game to look this goddamn blurry? What the fuck is wrong with you?

I haven't even ever seen a consumer CRT that looks this bad in real life my whole life.

>> No.6058227

Genesis Composite output is beyond awful.
NES or SNES composite output is decent but Genesis?...holy shit.

>> No.6058264
File: 3.87 MB, 4032x2737, Untitled.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think it looks okay. I'd much rather have nicely blended art over SCART pixelshit.

>> No.6060398

nice meme

>> No.6060410
File: 144 KB, 1172x896, baste and carmackpilled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6060516

>integer scaling
the fuck are you on about?

>> No.6060523

>he doesn't like crisp pixels
get a load of this nerd

>> No.6060542

Integer scaling blows.
I'd rather play Composhit or even RF.

>> No.6060548
File: 318 KB, 1920x896, baste non integer scaling.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i got you anon, here you go

>> No.6060550


>> No.6060578

Filters suck too
RGB 240p on a good CRT, some good RGB CRT shader at 4K or bust.

>> No.6060621

stop coping if you cant find a pvm, or bvm. this shit will never look as good as they do. cope cope cope cope cope until you choke choke choke.

>> No.6060638

>i dont know what im talking about, the thread.