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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 25 KB, 480x270, amO2rJnL3_480w_v1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6040248 No.6040248[DELETED]  [Reply] [Original]

Post cursed /vr/ images.

>> No.6040252
File: 40 KB, 375x500, 12617FFA-ED37-9713-97BDEF8C12528F6F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Hey look, a physical collection! This makes /vr/ REEEEEEE until they sweat!

>> No.6040371

How are those DS4 for emulation though?
I've been having a hard time finding a controller that would be good for retro. Most people suggest controllers without analogs or 4 shoulder buttons, but I emulate a lot of PS1 and those are important.

>> No.6040383

DS4 is pretty good, but I suggest Xbox one for the feel

>> No.6040385


It's a playstation controller, why wouldn't it be perfect for ps1 emulation?

>> No.6040387


ds4 has a better dpad by far

>> No.6040391

Nah mate, clicky xbone for life

>> No.6040392

I'm REEEEing alright. Over the unused space.

>> No.6040393

Remember when "cursed" images were supposed to be something legitimately horrible and not "something that looks slightly off when examined a tiny bit"

>> No.6040398

They're both a huge improvement over PS3 and 360. Gen 7 was a dark age for D-pads.

>> No.6040426
File: 68 KB, 847x500, Hacked PS1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jelly of my leet ps1?

>> No.6040443

I'll take the bait, I legitimately hate collections and I consider collecting to be a mental illness that society deems acceptable even though it's blatantly deviant behavior from a natural-world perspective.

>> No.6040457

Maybe you just have autism

>> No.6040528

>I legitimately hate collections
How many gigs or terabytes of roms, music, and movies do you have on your hardrives? Thousands and thousands of pieces of content you will never watch, play, or listen to. You're probably signed up to a half-dozen streaming services and "upgrade" to the newest phone, CPU, GPU every year.

You are "collecting" just the same, it's just that your form of collecting doesn't take up physical space (which many of us don't care about since we're not zoomers who live in a 10x8 bedroom).

>I don't do any of that!

Sure you don't.

>> No.6040531

/r/ing audiophile PS1 mods

>> No.6040534
File: 452 KB, 641x623, Steam.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>You are "collecting" just the same,
Yep. He no doubt has a steam collection of 100s of games he'll never play, probably with an animu av. "That's not the same thing, bro!"

>> No.6040539

>He no doubt has a steam collection of 100s of games he'll never play, probably with an animu av.
Hey now why am I being caught in the crossfire here?

>> No.6040546

>Hey now why am I being caught in the crossfire here?
We all do friend. You're not a gamer unless you do. Those deals are too hard to pass up, just like those NES, SNES, Sega, etc games were hard to pass up in the glory days of thrifting and flea markets.

>> No.6040638

white privilege, the post

>> No.6040741

The exposed disk is cool

>> No.6040780
File: 14 KB, 233x225, (baka).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can be bothered to paint and detail a PSX, down to the controller ports
>but can't be bothered to use the original discs

>> No.6040863

Hey man, I'm a poorfag too but at least I don't seethe over it.

>> No.6040895

Someone post the guys

>> No.6040919

I hate plastic hoarders and I don't do any of that. If I want to listen to music, I use youtube. If I want to watch a movie, I turn on PIA, torrent it, watch it, and delete it. I download complete NTSC-U rom sets, curate them and cut out 90% of the trash, and keep the ~10% that I regularly replay. I have a Prime subscription because I purchase a ton of shit on amazon, but there's nothing on any streaming service that I can't just immediately torrent and watch. I usually keep phones for at least 6 years, and I'll buy a high-end GPU and CPU and upgrade 4-5 years later when I can no longer play shit on high at 1080/60.

Your move, hoarder.

>> No.6040921
File: 1.17 MB, 3064x1932, please_kill_us_it_hurts_to_live.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6040953
File: 1.13 MB, 854x480, 1567951578453.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

First 4 seconds

>> No.6040968

If you think having a simple and organized collection makes you a hoarder you've never met a hoarder.

>> No.6040976

>not always nudging the tray instead of reaching under and feeling around for the button
Get a load of this guy.

>> No.6040978

You miss the part where he slid the disc over the edge and into place?

>> No.6040995

Yeah, since I always did that shit. Treat it like fine china during the first install, a week later and I'm using it as a coaster or tossing it on a dirty stack of CDs on a shelf.

>> No.6040997

That Digital Foundry faggot can sometimes get on one's nerves.

>> No.6041000


>> No.6041012

I have hundreds of gigs of music, except I've legit listened to all of that, and keep it to make a remix album of it one day, at least one snippet per album.

>> No.6041036

Shelves upon shelves of every game ever made for a system in cartridge form isn't a simple, organized collection. It's autism. It's obsession. Guys like MetalJesus and AVGN are clearly off their rockers and should not be imitated.

>> No.6041049


You're just poor AND retarded

>> No.6041062

Why are audiophiles so gullible?

>> No.6041090

>It's autism. It's obsession
It's a hobby most people don't take seriously. Most people who collect have, at most, couple shelves and maybe a box they keep in a closet or something. I don't know who Metal Jesus is and AVGN's been at it for years and at this point it's clearly just a set for his videos. Regardless, it's not hurting anyone and is just something people do for fun. There's nothing autistic about actually enjoying your hobby, there's plenty autistic about telling people what they're doing is wrong and dumb because you wouldn't do it.

>> No.6041226

I consider myself an audiofag but that's because I refuse to settle for shitty onboard/desktop speakers. Anything more is crazy smoke and mirrors bullshit

>> No.6041240

pressure sensitive buttons (or lack of them) can screw up some games. the bottom shoulder buttons work differently on the duelshock 3 and 4 when compared to the 1 and 2.

>> No.6041243

wut happens to his collection when steam takes some of those games off the store or bans him

>> No.6041248

Purchased games are still accessible after licenses expire. For the second, don't be an insufferable faggot

>> No.6041269

Are you that faggot who literally can't shut the fuck up whenever somebody makes a collecting thread on /tv/ too and your micropenis will launch through your fucking computer screen if you do not immediately go on a tirade about "hoarding" and "mental illness"

Even if you're not, you're pretty much the same. The fucking gold standard for cope.

>> No.6041275

Collecting is one of the most universal human behaviors.

>> No.6041321
File: 17 KB, 380x335, the-ants-and-the-grasshopper.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I consider collecting to be a mental illness/deviant behavior from a natural-world perspective

>> No.6041380

>If I want to listen to music, I use youtube.
Supporting google and suffering through youtube's shit compression that destroys audio quality.
>I download complete NTSC-U rom sets, curate them and cut out 90% of the trash, and keep the ~10% that I regularly replay.
So you do collect. Lol.
>It's not that much, bro!
NES Library: 700 games/70 games
Sega Genesis: 900 games/90 games
PC-Engine: 700 games/70
Super Nintendo (North America): 700/70
Sega Saturn: 1000/100
Sony PlayStation: 3000/150 (I'll give you the benefit of doubt, since there's a massive amount of shovelware, and say 5 percent instead of 10 percent).

550 games, just for the "core" /vr/ systems 3rd gen and up. And no PC, MAME, etc? 500 games is about the size of most physical collections. I think you have the retarded impression everyone is like Metal Jesus.
> I purchase a ton of shit
"ton of shit."

If you're purchasing a "ton of shit" on Amazon (and giving a cretin like Bezos even more money), you're either a novelty seeking "consumer" frequently buying a variety of cheap Chinese crap or massively lazy to the point where you can't get off your chubby ass to go buy your general household items (soap, detergent, toiletries, etc) at the local market.

>> No.6041398

There's no legitimate argument against collecting, or to redefine it, possessing physical media and hardware. Sure, hoarding is a problem, but hoarding is only classified as a problem if the behavior interferes with your quality of life and responsibilities and presents a health risk (like the hoard drawing vermin, insects, mold, etc). I don't exactly know Pat the NES Punk's or Metal Jesus's personal life, but they don't seem to qualify as hoarders.

Benefits of collecting:
- Getting full use of things that still perfectly work fine or can be repaired to work fine vs. them being discarded to landfill and filling the world with more garbage.
- Something to pass down to future generations to enjoy. The counterargument is always, "your kids or relatives won't care about this shit." That hasn't been the case in my experience, and there will always be younger enthusiasts of "antiques." So if your little Johnny doesn't want your "trash," you can find someone who will.
- Subjective, but many console designs and game art work has aesthetic value that is simply "nice to look at."
- More social. Collections are nice conservation pieces. In real life social gaming is also better with real hardware and games.

- Takes up space! Not a problem for collectors since the gameroom or a room's game section was used to fill up empty space. This is the primary complaint, and it leads me to believe detractors are indeed poor shoebox dwellers lashing out because of sour grapes.

>> No.6041415

>This is the primary complaint,
its the only complaint we need. its disgusting to watch someone like metal jesus and his collection of 10 thousand games probably worth like 50-100k, games he'll never play, when the moral thing to do is sell if off, emulate, and donate that money to oppressed people of color and the homeless.

I also hate how small families like just a married couple or family of 3 need a 3000sqft mcmansion. so yeah theyre going to have "unused space." a small family like that only needs half that space. this would mean more land, cheaper property and cheaper rent, which would help people-of-color and the homeless.

>> No.6041420

I like how you proceeded to ignore all of his other points. Because that's the only thing you care about---
>donate that money to oppressed people of color and the homeless.

>> No.6041421

Jesus man I can't tell if you're baiting on purpose or not at this point

>> No.6041550

>moral thing to do
I've never denied a (you) before, but holy shit

>> No.6041998

>denied a (you)

>> No.6042003

>Its autism, its an obsession
What's wrong with that? If you have the money and the space, why not have something that gives you a sense of joy and purpose in life?

>> No.6042041

Go dilate.

>> No.6042062


Coping collectard detected! Why would I REE over not wasting money and getting fleeced by ebayers so that I can be like the epic retro youtubers? Mental illness makes people act funny on here, I swear.

>> No.6042064



>> No.6042105

The one just right of center, top row is pretty classy.

>> No.6042119
File: 61 KB, 700x525, baste anaconda.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you don't even use cable elevators.

>> No.6042150

See using a ps1 as a CD player would make sense if you wanted an ok CD player for cheap. But people worshipping a mid-range dac in an old console and tricking them out is pretty silly.

>> No.6042194 [DELETED] 
File: 247 KB, 890x960, final argument.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Cursed image thread
>no cursed images

>> No.6042231


>> No.6042237
File: 49 KB, 500x500, _36badb57bae0374ea43817d1f14408fc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6042297
File: 2.88 MB, 4032x3024, 20180121_140841.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

My god, I just googled that. I've now heard the dumbest shit of my life. I mean, I understand that electronics emit flux fields and shit, but unless you're running an unshielded cable next to pulsating high voltage lines, this is fucking dumb. Oh no, my cables are sitting on carpet! Oh I can hear the signal degradation! So so fucking stupid. Thanks for the laugh anon.

>> No.6042347

I mean, it's a cool project but it's not black magic. Couple this with how flakey the ps1 laser is and there is no point.

I could see if you had a ps1 with a destroyed case or something, just making a cd player from it as to not just throw it away, reuse recycle and all. You could put it inside a neat walnut box or something, would look neat, but still mid tier at best.

>> No.6042368
File: 28 KB, 510x342, mikro-pebbles.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh it gets so much sillier than that. Google "audiophile rocks".

>> No.6042382

>"audiophile rocks"
My sides are in orbit.

>> No.6042428
File: 236 KB, 1280x952, MUSASHI.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Military lets me calibrate measurement equipment so probably.
Two TV series and two movies on my hard drive. I own two blu-rays in hard copy, may want a third. I have five MAME roms. Ten digital music albums, none physical. I also own a PS4 and only have one game for it at a time.
Only 14 games in my 11 year old Steam account. Two are repeats and one is a VR that was installed with the others.
I'm not poor, but I do hate people owning toy collections.
I don't go on /tv/ anon, you all never talk about chanbara enough.
Food and tools perhaps, not molded plastic. It's deviant.
>Humans are ants
We're not nearly as efficient, an ant wouldn't even play video games.

>> No.6042429

Idk, it’s more about preference. The DS4 is better for sports games though for sure. But mostly I prefer the clicks xbone pad. I go back and forth a little on it but both are quite good

>> No.6042471
File: 101 KB, 595x913, Choose 3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>why not have something that gives you a sense of joy and purpose in life?

This can only be found through work. (not to be misconstrued with a paying job) Collections are only dopamine highs. Notice how you never see collectors learning Japanese or learning to develop games for their favorite consoles. They only seek ease and highs, not purpose.

>> No.6042482

I feel genuine joy when playing a new (or new to me) game that turns out to be incredible.

>> No.6042486

>I consider collecting to be a mental illness that society deems acceptable even though it's blatantly deviant behavior from a natural-world perspective
Literally the opposite of the truth

>> No.6042505
File: 158 KB, 960x933, tumblr_p24xysu6oE1s8xhw7o3_1280.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I'm not poor, but I do hate people owning toy collections.
You have a "toy collection," though. How many ROMs on your harddrives? You're just retardedly preoccupied with the format and "physicalness," when there isn't a fundamental difference between a rom and cartridge outside of the delivery method.

You still don't have a sufficient response to the fact that using the physical hardware and games keeps them away from the landfills, adding even more piles of waste to an already disgusting amount of perfectly working e-waste that was discarded to buy the new "shiny."

I know what you're problem is, though. You associate game collecting with these types, with "reddit types," and since you've been programmed to contrarianism by being on this site, you reflexively dismiss anything that reddit and "soiboys" might also do. In any event, your argument is based on pretty piss poor logic.

>> No.6042510


>> No.6042513

>You associate game collecting with these types, with "reddit types,"
Yeah. He already admitted it. >>6042062
>so that I can be like the epic retro youtubers?

His argument is emotion based and has no credible logic behind it.

>> No.6042518
File: 127 KB, 800x534, shun_mook_3.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Oh it gets so much sillier than that.
And even much sillier.

>Each tower is made up of several chambers. Mpingo Discs are attached to the outside, and there are slit openings into which Bill inserts newsprint, experimenting to find the right room-tuning effect. He claims to have compared the sonic virtues of various types of newspaper and discovered that the old stuff works best. He found a source for Civil War-era newspaper and uses that to fill the commercial versions of his tuning towers.

tl;dr. Civil War era newspaper has the best sonic properties


>> No.6042524

Yeah, this is the house of a serial killer.

>> No.6042543

>How many ROMs on your harddrives
Five, I wrote it in a reply above yours.

This >>6042062, ain't me.

>> No.6042563

>Five, I wrote it in a reply above yours.
Just MAME roms, right?. How many roms total, from the /vr/ era?

>> No.6042564

Humans have an instinctive desire to collect stuff, like the squirrel collecting nuts in winter.
Collecting bits of plastic is just scratching that itch.
It's stupid when you think about it, but big collections are still pretty cool.

>> No.6042569

>It's stupid when you think about it,
Not really. It has a "logical purpose." I simply don't see the point in throwing out something that works fine or can be easily repaired to work fine to appeal to some minimalism idea that has no function for me since I don't need the space. I completely understand people who need to get rid of "stuff" if they move into a smaller place or like the "aesthetic" of minimalism (but they shouldn't throw away their stuff and sell it to people who will use it).

>> No.6042580

There's no benefit of having the original cartridges over a flash cart and roms. If you already have the originals, or if money and space is not a problem, then sure it doesnt make a difference.
But a desire to own the originals for the sake of owning them doesnt make sense.

>> No.6042587
File: 250 KB, 594x810, 32564562.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Only five; OutRun, Space Harrier, Turbo OutRun, OutRunners, and Mr. Goemon. I may add Hang-On and Super Hang-On to the lineup, but I'm not content with my skills in the others yet so I'm still practicing. I used to run Sky Kid as well but I wasn't making much progress and it pained me to practice it after a while.

I have an installation of Doom as well which I'm working through and then it'll be deleted, currently almost done with Evilution and then starting Plutionia.

If the mood ever strikes me to play through a childhood game then I just download the emulator and game and delete everything after completion, my last ones were a run of DKC 1, 2, 3.

My Steam account has a few more games, but they haven't been touched in years, and I've removed the ones from my account that I no longer play, last thing I did play was Serious Sam four years ago during tech school.

>> No.6042593

Again, why throw away working cartridges?
>I'm not saying throw them away, sell them
But if everyone thought that owning carts doesn't "makes sense," then all this shit would be thrown away. That doesn't make sense to me. We've become too much of a disposable society over the last couple of decades.

Subjectively, you can appreciate the history that the cart or hardware actually occupied time and space from the era it was from. You can appreciate the physical cart and box artwork. It's something to potentially pass down.

>> No.6042606

While you're not wrong, I also don't feel like these collections need to be in the hands of neckbeards who don't play them. I'd rather they be given to preservation groups or private collectors who will display them to the public in some sort of active museum configuration.

>> No.6042679

i never said throw them away, if someone did say that in this thread then it wasnt me.
If you have the carts, sure you might as well keep hold of them.
The point is collecting for the sake of collecting doesnt make sense.

>> No.6042687

Those collections ultimately WILL end up in museums when the time comes that video games are rare enough they need to be preserved in museums.

>Neckbeards accumulate collections of games
>Time passes
>Alpha neckbeards acquire entire collections and curate them
>More time passes
>Alpha neckbeard dies
>Collection doesn't mean much to Alpha Neckbeard's kids other than that it was important to him and he's want to see it stay together
>Donate to museum
>This Fall, 2119 (Your Community) museum presents the Alpha Neckbeard collection on loan from The Smithsonian

>> No.6042751

>Neckbeard's house burns down

>> No.6042752

>bottom shoulder buttons
They really should be called this instead of 'triggers'. This confusion lead to a whole misunderstanding in the 7th gen, where many Xbox users were confused by the DS3's squiggy 'triggers', which while arguably valid – anybody who played PS1/2 knew R2/L2 were supposed to be secondary to R1/L1. Only silly devs like R* assigned L2/R2 to aiming/shooting. Being analogue is useless for binary actions anyway, the real use is for things like driving games with analogue acceleration and braking.

>> No.6042802

ITT the same "I can't understand anyone's opinion and I get angry by it" falseflagging shitposting that has nothing to do with retro games. Now watch as this post gets ignored again and the same shitposters as usual go at it again because they don't want anyone to call them out.

>> No.6042896

Have you ever considered that maybe you're the deviant?


You should sell your computer, smartphone, etc and donate the money to the poor, you'd get to truly live up to that moral high ground you claim. It's not like you need any of those things; you can still get online at a library or something.

>> No.6043142

>nudging the tray
that's literally rape, as pressing the button = consent

>> No.6043159

>moral high ground

Don't know where you got this idea from, I haven't brought morality into this at all.

>> No.6043160

>you can't criticize society if you still partake in it
>you can't use the tools of oppression to attack capitalism

>> No.6043162

>when the moral thing to do is sell if off

>> No.6043168

I just want to remove his means of posting here so we'll be spared from his bullshit

>> No.6043172

I don't know where you live but around here houses almost never just spontaneously burn down.

>> No.6043179

Never wrote that anon.
I use a Thinkpad T410 that I bought on ebay in 2014.

>> No.6043272

OP here.
I just wanted to see some /vr/ gore and instead retards start discussing the merits of collecting.
Was worth it for the audiophile keks I guess.

>> No.6043389


>> No.6043394

You must not know the story.

>> No.6043401

Unfortunately your thread was killed with the first post. Not sure what it is about physical media that makes a certain segment of this site seethe so much. Same thing on the music board.

>> No.6043414

It's the same thing on /tv/.

I swear it's just poorfags trying to cope with the fact they'll never own anything of value.

>> No.6043416

I mean I've seen the pictures of that guy's melted NES collection. I'm interested to know if any further details emerged about possible insurance fraud there. Something about it seemed suspect.

Those pics of the Australian flood damage are more heartbreaking though since you can feel his passion in his collection more so than those racked NES carts.

>> No.6043430

Only poorfags have giant game collections anon. Real richfags have arcade cabinet rooms, multiple pinball tables, and rare one of a kind promo shit that was only used at E3 for the company booth.

>> No.6043432

>Only poorfags have giant game collections anon.
That makes zero sense.

>> No.6043446

Rich game collectors also have huge game collections in addition to all of that.

>> No.6043449

Loose carts are not expensive. You can pick up any number of typical "holy Grail" titles like Earthbound or Radiant Silvergun after a week of working part time at McDonalds.

>> No.6043450

Exactly, so why rage about them?

It's jealosy, nothing more.

>> No.6043456

What rage? I'm just pointing out that anyone can own these hunks of plastic and silicon.

>> No.6043458

I'm talking about the fucking
>CoLLeCtiNg iS a mEnTaL iLLnEsS

>> No.6043475

That's because it's not appropriate for human beings to do anon.

>> No.6043478


>> No.6043482

And who the fuck are you to determine that?

The answer is "nobody". You're a nobody, desperately grasping at straws for something that'll allow yourself to elevate yourself above others, even if it's entirely in your own head.

>> No.6043528
File: 33 KB, 800x800, mando-trailer-2_thumb_11_c72eadf8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sure made you mad tho fag.

>> No.6043534

Go fuck yourself.

>> No.6043554
File: 461 KB, 768x512, screen-shot-2019-11-22-at-8-07-25-am-1574428112.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You're kind of a faggot, Bro.

>> No.6043560

Shitposting is the way.

>> No.6043596

If that collection was built during the N64 or GC eras, it would have been dirt cheap. No reason to assume one way or the other.

>> No.6043757

kind of?

>> No.6043773


The rage that's 70% of this fucking thread, retard.

>> No.6043796

Lmao based humanities major

>> No.6043829

Lots of collecters literally create their own independent computer games. They're just not Sonic the Hedgehog level famous

>> No.6043834

>listens to records

I will never understand this.

>> No.6044012

>I will never understand this.
Masters. Still to this day, the best master of many pre-90s albums and even albums from the loudness war era is the LP version. There's also god knows how much music on LP that never saw a digital release.

>> No.6044021

This is an exponential level above autism. This is ascended. Alien.
>He had the wiring throughout his 80-year-old home modernized, except for the listening room, where he maintained the old knob-and-tube wiring.
I can respect the lengths he goes.

>> No.6044027

until someone steals your account, faggot

>> No.6044029


>> No.6044071

>Remember when "cursed" images were supposed to be something legitimately horrible
post an example

>> No.6044092
File: 108 KB, 640x436, hvgnsoy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

add this to the collage

>> No.6044172

It's easy to do when they bundle several games for like ten bucks...suddenly you have a tons of crap youll never get around to playing

>> No.6044175

Man, why do people do this so much? Anyone over the age of 12 would realize they look like a inbred retard getting ice cream.

>> No.6044176

when did this face begin?