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/vr/ - Retro Games

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6034687 No.6034687 [Reply] [Original]

Why should I spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and decades of my life hoarding decaying physical media when I can emulate it for free?

>> No.6034702

You shouldn't.

>> No.6034720

for fucks sake, flashcarts exist you know? No one collects cats because they realllly want to play that game. Players use flashcarts, collectors hoard plastic. Emulation is worse than both of those however since you can't play with hardware accuracy.

>> No.6034731


>> No.6034735

Really for me it's about the save data I have and the fact I like having a gaming corner in my house.

My ownership of Panzer Dragoon Saga is purely down to hoarding, though.

>> No.6034736

If you don't own the systems since back in the day, just content yourself by emulating.
Nobody is forcing you to buy anything. If you come across people mocking you for not playing on real hardware, it's just banter bro.

>> No.6034738

Why is hardware accuracy a good thing, though?

Look how fuzzy early 3D games look. At least with emultaors they can smooth out the textures at higher resolutions so you can make out what was intended to be there.

>> No.6034752

zoom zoom harder, please, I'm outta here

>> No.6034754

>Why should I spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and decades of my life hoarding music records when I can torrent the mp3s for free?
Owning stuff feels nice op but I'm sure everyone agrees when it gets to the point you're spending decades and hundred thousand dollars you're probably mentally ill.

>> No.6034786

Buy the few games you're really into, use a combination of flashcarts and emulation for everything else.

>> No.6034790

>At least with emultaors they can smooth out the textures at higher resolutions so you can make out what was intended to be there
I promise you it looks better on my hardware on a CRT

>> No.6034802

As someone who's done both extensively the only case where this is true is games with finely tuned atmospheric lighting effects like Silent Hill or Shadow Tower. Part of the experience in those games is what you DON'T see and the upscalers and filters still don't really "get" that 100%

>> No.6034817

what? the game was designed around those limitations you're not suppose to see the textures are higher resolutions. Look at OOT textures at higher resolutions it's awful they're supposed to be blurred

>> No.6034820

I don't care about your contrarian opinion mr. trip.

>> No.6034830

Personally, I make the stuff work again and put it back into the market, unless it's something I want.
There is nothing wrong with wanting things.

>> No.6034834

I'm not being a contrarian. There's a big difference between 2D games and 3D games. A sprite is designed to be looked at the same way, in the same resolution at all times and they were designed with CRT resolution as the media. 3D models are always designed from much closer than they're actually viewed in game so they always benefit from being rendered at higher resolutions. So far the upscalers don't correctly take color depth or something into account. I'm not sure what it actually is but I'm sure they'll get that ironed out soon too. It's still super cool seeing for the first time details in models that have always been there and don't even get me started on how great PGXP is.

>> No.6034848

again, you're stating your mere opinions as facts. Some designers made the 3D models specifically to look their best at low resolutions on a CRT, some did not. Stop making blanket statements.

>> No.6034854

Also you fail to mention 3D games which used a mix of 2D sprites and 3D models, which is the majority of early 3D games.

>> No.6034856

>Some designers made the 3D models specifically to look their best at low resolutions on a CRT
At what draw distance? You know that's bullshit. 3D artists made their models to look as good as possible with the number of polygons they were allowed - or in many cases had their original models automatically down-converted to meet the final mechanical requirements.

>> No.6034868

I think games like Final Fantasy Tactics look fine with pixel-art style sprites on 3D backgrounds. That's one about the only one if that kind of 2.5D game I can think of off the top of my head that enforces draw distance to keep the spirites scaled right for 240p. Other games like Doom are a mess of hastily nearest-neighbor scaled sprites that absolutely do benefit from being internally upscaled.

>> No.6034871

Because otherwise collectorfags would suicide themselves over being stupid morons spending tons of cash on useless crap.
Which means you should emulate everything.

>> No.6034919

so you really think a game like mario kart 64 where the players are represented entirely by sprites looks better upscaled? Check ur eyes mate.
And that's not even mentioning even in the best case scenario where the 3D models do look better upscaled, the textures are going to look like shit anyway.

>> No.6035005

>so you really think a game like mario kart 64 where the players are represented entirely by sprites looks better upscaled
Absolutely. The sprites are already being scaled on real hardware, the emulator just does a better job at how it's been done from the beginning.

>> No.6035045

nah, they look like a blurry pixelated mess, it's good to know you believe this though, now I can just disregard all your posts about anything related to aesthetics without even thinking about it.

>> No.6035054

If you already weren't into it over the years getting in now is kind of silly
Collecting for me was originally just about owning the games I want and being able to get those games cheap because no one wanted them. They were just left overs you found in thrift stores and at swap meets.
You can have a nice contained collection and not turn into a hoarder or make it a big investment

>> No.6035080

>giving a serious reply to obvious underage bait
Come on anon, didn't the wojak edit tell you enough?

>> No.6035292

>real N64 hardware
>not blurry and pixelated

>> No.6035296

>thinks upscaling doesn't just make all of it more apparent

>> No.6035301

>talking about the N64
Disregard everything this idiot says, he's irrationally biased against the system.
That said, it's either blurry OR pixelated, not both at the same time, old man.

>> No.6035310
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They found a way

>> No.6035314


You shouldn't unless its 5th/6th gen. Just buying a PS2 makes way more sense than building a pc that can emulate ps2 well

And even then, just get the systems you want, mod them, pirate everything you possibly can, if there's a compatibility issue with something you really want, buy it, but only if it's the most practical option

>> No.6035321

The only reason to buy any /vr/ physical software is if you're addicted to nostalgia, wasting money, and being a good sub to ebayers/youtubers

The companies already made their money, and if they re release them on modern platforms, buying is just enabling them to be lazy and drain your wallet to play roms, don't encourage them

>> No.6035331

>Disregard everything this idiot says, he's irrationally biased against the system.
I don't blame him. N64 is the worst fifth gen console and its shittiness doomed Nintendo.

>> No.6035332


>> No.6035335

>nintendo is doomed meme
>almost 2020
come on /vr/ you're better than this
anyway, in all honesty, I'm sorry, but I'll play N64 or Saturn over PS1 anyday.
>b-but muh catalogue!
enjoy the endless shovelware unplayable garbage with mediocre 3D and mediocre 2D.

>> No.6035336

Yeah I don't get the hype for upscaled N64/PS1 games. Gen 6 and up is a different story. I emulate all of that shit.

>> No.6035363

Collecting objects is a coping mechanism and a mental illness.

>> No.6035374

If you think deeply about it, everything is a coping mechanism: trying to convince yourself that owning physical stuff is "a mental illness" is also cope.

>> No.6035393

emulation is shit. Real hardware + flash is the best solution.

>> No.6035403
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nothing wrong with that

>> No.6035409

>Why should I spend hundreds of thousands of dollars and decades of my life hoarding decaying physical media when I can emulate it for free?

You shouldn't unless it's what you want to do with your life and money. The "muh collectior" is mainly a meme. It's more likely that people have a few thousands of dollars of stuff and games they kept from their childhood.
I'm a childhood games and flash cart guy myself. I see no point (unless it's what you like) in collecting cartridges when you can play them all on a flash cart. I also see nothing wrong with emulation, which is 99% the opinion here. The emufag/collectorfag memeing is mainly b8 and shitposting. Just enjoy your games and you'll have a much better time than fighting about how others play (or display) theirs.

People have always collected odd shit like salt shakers to display in their house. If they like it, then who cares?

>> No.6035421

>zzy early 3D games look. At least with emultaors they can

Basically it's nostalgia. People who grew up with atari and nes/genesis/snes are more likely not to care if graphics don't look "perfect."

With a good setup, you would be surprised at how fucking good old games can look on a nice consumer crt. Use a decent cable and anything but a bargain bin crt and it looks good.

I mean, think about this: most emulators have shaders. Many shaders are trying to achieve the crt look. If the crt look was so "shit,' then why are even emulator devs trying to emulate that look?

It's not that expensive either. Say you like SNES. You can get a top of the line flash cart for $150-$200, a good working system with 2 controllers is $75 or less. A nice big crt is free-$75. Good cables are $30-60. Basically for what you can save up in a month or two, you can have ALL the games, translated games, romhacks, etc. You will always have them, and they are REAL hardware. This is less than the cost of a ps4 and you have ALL the games.

You can get by much cheaper, especially if you look for deals or are ok with a less than pristine looking console.

Fuck, just last month I bought a CIB Master System with 2 controllers for $60 locally. I had a flash cart I bought in an ebay lot for $100, resold the master system from the lot for $50. So I have a fucking pristine master system with all the games for $110. This isn't expensive.

An NES? $50 tops and a $120 flash cart, all the games.

Seriously, most systems are less than $200 fully decked out with the best flash carts, the best cables, multiple controllers, etc.

All this said, if you don't hold nostalgia for real hardware, fucking don't. Just emulate and have fun. It honestly makes no difference how you enjoy games.

I don't drink, don't do drugs, don't smoke, so budgeting a few hundred dollars every couple months for "the complete experience" isn't a big deal.

>> No.6035521

>Why should i leave my moms basement and meet a girl when I can fap to hentai animu for free?
You shouldn't. And you never will.

>> No.6035539

Its not that expensive unless youre unemployed, plenty of good games go for 5$

>> No.6035551

All roms go for $0

>> No.6035936

Even the "undumped" ones?

>> No.6035948 [DELETED] 



>> No.6036056

But then people wouldn't have a backdrop to shoot their shitty retro you tube channel against..

>> No.6036462

Name one game I can buy a physical copy of but can't download online.

>> No.6036492

Some games emulate like shit, so there is that. Less and less as time goes on, but there are still some out there.

N64 and Saturn it unplayable for me, but I think my PC is just shit and it's not the emulation community's fault.

>> No.6036558

fuckin teatotaller

>> No.6036571

Spin The Bottle

But also Laseractive games, electromechanical games like the original Wild Gunman and other early games with discrete circuitry.

>> No.6037365

Every "undumped" one. If you can't name one yourself then you need to go away until you're 18 and then lurk moar before shitposting

>> No.6037607

you wouldn't download a girlfriend, would you?

>> No.6037617

>hundreds of thousands of dollars

nigga what the fuck?

>> No.6037635
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Let's use the Neo Geo Pocket Colour as an example. A full set of 82 games at $810 each will cost you at least $66,000. Now consider that the NES has about 800 games and you can see the cost for a full set is astronomical.

>> No.6037714
File: 84 KB, 542x778, IMG_20191030_162956_079.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OK then don't collect sealed items you fucking retard

>> No.6037717

Sure and I'll save even more money by only buying food that's already been opened and partially eaten from the grocery store.

>> No.6037728

Are you trying to be funny now? wtf is wrong with you? Just stay quiet and stop running around creating a trail of diarrhea zoomer.

>> No.6037729
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You're a fucking retard lmao

>> No.6037774

Better yet, let's use the retarded poorfag zoomer shitposting as an example. A full set of 47 chromosomes has cost him the ability to use even the most basic of logic. An empty set of pockets with $0 each leaves him with $0 to buy toys. Now consider that it's a faggot who'd rather try to justify his existence to strangers on the internet than play games and the full set of his shitposting is astronomical.

>> No.6037831

I like to use my collection in part as an art piece. Nothing beats having a man cave with every system known to man and walls lined with media of my choosing. I will one day be a guru of ancient media, able to browse my collection and choose any title at will, dust it off, and pop it into it's respective system. My friends will ask me, hey anon, what game is the best to play on x? And I will select a game they've never heard of, that is complete garbage, and say yes friend this game right here is what you need, I got this copy for 600 dollars and played it for two hours. But it is good.

>> No.6037853

>A full set of 47 chromosomes
Hey, you leave the intersex folk out of this!

>> No.6037858

Disregard everything he says about every system.

>> No.6037862

>decades of my life hoarding
You don't really have to spend time on that part. Not if you've dug your moat properly.

>> No.6037892
File: 1.40 MB, 1269x1927, dilation schedule.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stop posting you faggot, nobody likes you

>> No.6037924

>hardware accuracy

You are now aware that hardware is full of hacks, errors, and bugs just as much as emulators are.

>> No.6037926


I'm not gonna lie, you had me in the first half

>> No.6038025

>it's a food analogy

>> No.6038218

>I spend hundreds of thousands of dollars
>decades of my life

I only own physical copies of my most favorite games, and the 3 consoles needed to play them, and one small CRT

all of this has set me back probably about $500 over about a 7 year period of very occasional collecting, I don't intend to buy any more

I emulate everything else

>> No.6038237

Similar situation here, I've bought 5 consoles (one not retro) and around 40 games for all of them after emulating them and I really wanted to play them the original way. It's nice to have some accessories but if you didn't already have most of them years if not decades a long time ago you don't need to buy most games to play them and it doesn't cost much.

I'm starting to think OP and some other shitposters here are just here to say some incoherent bullshit because he only seems to care about how valuable those games are and not WHY they became them or just talk about the games and ignore all of that off-topic babble altogether.

>> No.6038242

Because if you're going to fantasize about money you'll never have you may as well fantasize about toys you'll never have?

>> No.6038698

>dilation is lifetime

>> No.6039875

You better cut the racism right quick, pal.

Homophobia won't be tolerated either.

>> No.6039990

More proof that Gramps and Sevenleaf are one in the same. Oh well, I bet the MOUTHFEEL is worth it.

>> No.6040114

there aren't any good Atari 7800 emulators, do I have to play the games on a CRT.

>> No.6040130

You clearly don't know me very well if you can believe for one second I would write a post like that

>> No.6040178

you shouldn't unless you are a filthy consoomer

>> No.6040190

>me very well if you can believe for one second I
I know gramps, you'd help tie the noose, just playing a bit.

>> No.6041323

Can someone post the image of the sprite rendered flat and rendered as intended on a CRT

>> No.6041414

>hardware is full of hacks, errors, and bugs just as much as emulators are
the mental gymnastics on this one are strong

>> No.6043921

Maybe is because you are hooking up your dad's N64 to a 16:9 HDTV instead of a CRT, zoom zoom

>> No.6043928
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>why is hardware accuracy a good thing, though?

Can't fucking believe it

>> No.6044093

Why should you catch a fish just to throw it back.

Why would you sew when some Chink can do it better and for less.

Why collect coins.

>> No.6044101


I miss computers like that :(

>> No.6044116

Imagine if people flew into an autistic rage when you turn up the resolution in a 90s PC game.

>> No.6044117

the eternal jew demands you buy frivolous shit and play games all day, be as complacent as possible and spend your shekels like a good goy.

>> No.6044138

I like to collect physical copies of old PC and PS1 games, sometimes they are extremely cheap at flea markets because the seller doesn't know jack shit about them. I keep only the ones that I consider to be really good though and I just sell the rest online for a higher price (collectors will buy them anyways), so it's quite profitable sometimes.
I use emulator to play the PS1 games on my PC though.

>> No.6044159

However you can be a retard about it too, spend your lifetime spending hundreds of dollars buying everything just to see your collection growing even though you will never play most of them (you just don't have the time for it assuming you have a job, but even if you don't you probably have your own taste that makes you prefer some kind of games to others, so you won't just mindlessly consume every game you have just because it's "collectible").

>> No.6044597

A hobby is a regular activity done for enjoyment, typically during one's leisure time, not professionally and not for pay. Hobbies include collecting themed items and objects, engaging in creative and artistic pursuits, playing sports, or pursuing other amusements. Participation in hobbies encourages acquiring substantial skills and knowledge in that area. A list of hobbies changes with renewed interests and developing fashions, making it diverse and lengthy. Hobbies tend to follow trends in society, for example stamp collecting was popular during the nineteenth and twentieth centuries as postal systems were the main means of communication, while video games are more popular nowadays following technological advances. The advancing production and technology of the nineteenth century provided workers with more availability in leisure time to engage in hobbies. Because of this, the efforts of people investing in hobbies has increased with time.

Hobbyists may be identified under three sub-categories: casual leisure which is intrinsically rewarding, short-lived, pleasurable activity requiring little or no preparation, serious leisure which is the systematic pursuit of an amateur, hobbyist, or volunteer that is substantial, rewarding and results in a sense of accomplishment, and finally project-based leisure which is a short-term often a one-off project that is rewarding.

>> No.6046282

Resolution isn't what people talk about when they talk about hardware accuracy you ignorant fuck

>> No.6046285


>> No.6048194

For people who collect, the value of their collections are not monetary but emotional. The collections allow people to relive their childhood, connect themselves to a period or to a time they feel strongly about. Their collections help them ease insecurity and anxiety about losing a part of themselves and to keep the past to continue to exist in the present.
Assessment of hoarding. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 67(5), 456-466. https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/abs/10.1002/jclp.20790

>> No.6050076

You don't