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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.87 MB, 1814x626, 16 bit classicvania.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6033213 No.6033213 [Reply] [Original]

>> No.6033216

inb4 redditors saying rondo of blood

>> No.6033223
File: 103 KB, 222x338, cv68k.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

All of those in your image are shit.

Now here is the only good 16-bit CV.

>> No.6033232

For me? It's SNES Dracula X.
People only think Rondo is more replayable because of its branching paths. But the game is easy and once you see it all you're done with it. Plus there is very little in the way of platforming challenges, a staple of Castlevania.
Dracula X has proven to be more replayable for me thanks to the higher degree of challenge it offers, its perfect length, and the best visuals of any 16-bit Castlevania. The biggest pleb filter of the series bar none, and patrician's choice.

>> No.6033242

>you can't fight Death unless you go find and collect all the dumb anime bitches
Into the trash SNES Drac X goes.

>> No.6033249

Bloodlines has the better controls. the end

>> No.6033303

Playing Rondo as Maria has never been topped

>> No.6033307

I like chronicles better than SCIV so far. The bosses in SCIV are too easy, literally beaten all of them the first time playing like a retard.

>> No.6033340

>super castlevania bros.

>> No.6033342

68k and Dracula X posting has already begun, Amigavania and Haunted Castle should be along shortly

>> No.6033347

Best classic Castlevania for sure.
I prefer this over SOTN on the PSX.

>> No.6033349

You mean all 2 of them? Try not being a bitch

>> No.6033351

If you're shit at video games I guess

>> No.6033361 [DELETED] 

Castlevania threads should be a bannable offense.

>> No.6033443
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>> No.6033451

>muh safe space

>> No.6033483


>> No.6033530
File: 130 KB, 840x1236, SCVIVdracula-04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I used to say Rondo was my favorite, then I transitioned into a X680000 phase. In the end, after replaying all of them multiple times over the years, I realized I enjoy IV the most, mostly due to level design.
Rondo and X68K have great bosses, and some great setpieces, but as awhole, the level design isn't as good. IV feels more focused on level design than bosses, as Castlevania should be (CV 1).
Bloodlines is my least favorite out of those, level design is not among the best on the series, and the constant mini-bosses interrupting the pacing aren't even good fights.

>> No.6033564

If IV didn't drag on so long (10+ levels) or have gimmicky shit stages like Death Tower I would appreciate it more.

Rondo and BL are overrated though, I'll give you that much. But they still have better pacing than IV.

>> No.6033580

Yeah IV is probably the longest classicvania to play in one go, but somehow I never get tired of it, even if the first levels are very easy, there's something about the rhythm of that game that I think flows very nice.
Also what do you mean by "Death Tower"?
As for Bloodlines, I hate its pacing, and if we talking "gimmicky level design", nothing beats Bloodlines.
Rondo has very good pacing though, I just think Rondo becomes a bit boring once you know all the secret rooms and stuff.

>> No.6033590

>If you disagree with me, you are a strawman bad person.

I swear, this board would have a field day talking to someone interested in gaming/retro gaming from the early to mid 2000's. It was just commonly accepted that Rondo was this incredible gam that singlehandedly justified the TurboCD, the whole community had way more weebs, and people were way more likely to un-ironically get up in arms calling Final Fantasy VII the best game ever made.

>> No.6033593

My biggest gripe with Rondofags is that for years they made me believe that Dracula X was a "bad port" of it. When I finally played Dracula X and realized it's a whole different game I was mad.

>> No.6033596

Anyone that ever referred to Dracula X as a port is a legitimate retard

>> No.6033656

castlevania threads are more comfy in /v/

>> No.6033685

then stay on /v/, nigger

>> No.6033693

>anime pics

no, thank you

>> No.6033748

they are ALL shit games

>> No.6033817

I love them all, but imo, Bloodlines.

>> No.6033840

If you have shit taste, sure.

>> No.6033850

overrated contrarian shit
this game fukken sux

>> No.6033892
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Morris or Lecarde? for me is pic related

>> No.6033926

I like Rondo and Bloodlines the most. Some days I prefer one over the other

X68k next, then Super IV, then Dracula X last

do any of the castlevania fags in this thread play any other pc engine games?

>> No.6034513

not many, i have only played Cho aniki and Ys

>> No.6034535

Just beat Requiem Rondo. My dad got me the PSP version way back when it came out so it has a special place in my heart.

>> No.6034567

Rondo would have to be my first pick.

Second would be Chronicles with new graphics and Roland SC-55 soundtrack

>> No.6034572
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>Chronicles with new graphics

>> No.6034583
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>> No.6034618

Tough call. Probably Lecarde. I wish we got to see more of him.

>> No.6034651 [SPOILER] 
File: 457 KB, 1280x1024, 1574782924700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I wish we got to see more of him.
oh no you don't

>> No.6034656

Bloodlines is super underrated. Amazing how well Castlevania translated to sega.

>> No.6034663

>translated to sega.
what did he mean by this

>> No.6034664

sega's machine and standards i guess? (like the added gore missing on the nintendo castlevanias)

>> No.6034668

You should also try the following

Soldier blade
Parasol stars
Wonderboy iii dragon trap
Bonk 2
Sonson II
Gate of thunder

>> No.6034669

super nintendo got medusa titties though

>> No.6034678

It was pretty common all through the 2000's to refer to Dracula X as a "botched port". It is only very recently that there has been any sort of reappraisal of the games merits. If you had posted this 10-15 years ago, people would have called you a retarded troll.

>> No.6034686

Sega-ish look and feel. It was very arcade-y.

>> No.6034737

I think most classicvanias are arcadey, in fact Castlevania 1 was on arcades, as "VS. Castlevania".

>> No.6034742

He's cool in Portrait of Ruin as a ghost

>> No.6034851

it was pretty inventive and still plays fresh today. The bouncing around the world thing was pretty rad.

The spear weapon actually still feels like Castlevania whipping in a strange way like you still have to plan it and time it right.

>> No.6034860

Arcadeyvanias > Jarpigvanias

>> No.6034902

>Roland SC-55
I like you

>> No.6035214

Hilarious that the sotn dude equated it to zelda instead of metroid.

>> No.6035216


>> No.6035250
File: 36 KB, 590x263, underrated.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is it really underrated, /vr/?

>> No.6035267

Fuck no and I'd argue it was always overrated, ever since the 90s when video game magazine reviewers sucked its CD-ROM dick for being an import game that very few people could play.

>> No.6035269

i would call it an ''unknown gem'' (due to it being jap exclusive in a system nobody owns) rather than underrated because rondo is one of the most highly rated Castlevania games

>> No.6036235
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how does anyone still actually believe this

>> No.6036327

Honest question /vr/, has there every been a good castlevania thread? Every time I come to this board there's always an absolutely dog shit thread going

>> No.6036658
File: 305 KB, 1030x1080, Akumajo_Dracula_XX_Art_Richter_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Dracula X

>> No.6036686

Castlevania fags have never played a single other pce game besides rondo

They are just as bad as the Americans who buy an msx just to play metal gear

>> No.6036710

SCV:IV - too easy
CV:B - too weird
Rondo - just right, though if I'm being fully honest the PSP remake is even better with the new bosses and such.

>> No.6036712

>SCV:IV - too easy
But Rondo is easier...

>> No.6036717

CV:IV has nice difficulty outside of bosses, who are a bit too easy. The levels are pretty good with lots of platforming

>> No.6036723

when will /vr/ be brave enough to admit that most classicvanias are about the same difficulty and this should not be a major factor in evaluating them

>> No.6036728

then CV threads would be boring because most of them are pretty amazing games.
All the console Castlevanias are classic games.
Yes even SQ.

>> No.6036738

Classic Castlevania difficulty tiers, hardest to easiest:


>> No.6036749

I don't see how Bloodlines is harder than 1, or Rondo is harder than IV.
In fact, I don't think Bloodlines is harder than IV, either.
Only really difficult 4th gen vanias are DX and X68k.

>> No.6036801

IIRC Bloodlines gives you limited continues unless you abuse passwords, that alone makes it one of the hardest imo.It probably makes a difference in which character you pick too.

>> No.6036824

>It probably makes a difference in which character you pick too.
John deals more damage, which is better because you're having to fight a bunch of (mid)bosses.
Eric is faster at platforming in some parts with his superjump and is more defensive since you can aim your spear thrusts.
Just depends on your playstyle. It's not like RoB where Maria is leagues above Richter for example.

>> No.6036843

The only thing holding back Rondo is lack of multi directional whip and it doesnt have the impressive special fx. Bloodline had good fx despite lack of mode 7. The programmers pushed the Genesis to its limits there.

>> No.6036904
File: 66 KB, 1151x902, the new generation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's a very impressive looking genesis game

>> No.6036935

Examples of impressive FX was the tower level which rotated around and you had the giant statue heads which fell off and also the reflecting water pool levels. Also the gear boss had great animations as well as the lvl 1 knight boss.

>> No.6036946

>you can't collect Annette without collecting Maria in the same life
>you can't collect Maria without collecting the key from the end of last stage in the same life
>you can't get to the key if you get hit and knocked into the pit even once
WTF were they thinking?

>> No.6036996 [DELETED] 

>muh collecting
Just whip, jump and kick dracula's ass. That's what Castlevania is about.

>> No.6037568
File: 11 KB, 937x465, c4566543.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

why Dracula is blue?

>> No.6037646

All three are amazing and got their pros and cons.

+ the most complete Simon yet
- the easiest game of the three

+ get to play as two different characters
- limited continues yet there is also a password system

>Rondo of Blood
+ branching level paths
- only released on turbo CD

Each game of course has a lot more pros and cons than these but you guys can fill that part in.

>> No.6037660

cause he's dead

>> No.6037708

I'm such an OCD autist that I actually went and bought an SC-55mkii just for my DOS and early Windows games. Combine that with Munt and several premade-GUS installation packages for DOSBox and you've pretty much got the ultimate boomer PC sound experience

>> No.6039016


>> No.6039040

>not Rondo
Why are people still pretending Rondo isn't the easiest classicvania?
Even the first couple levels of IV, which are easy enough, are still harder than the first levels of Rondo.

>> No.6039071

Because the boss fights in Rondo are too hard.

Even the normal enemies are hard, with some having over 3 different types of attack patterns.

>> No.6039086

Enemy and Boss design in Rondo is cool.
Cool, but not "too hard". Slogra on IV is harder than any boss in Rondo.

>> No.6039123

Bloodlines is my personal favorite, especially with Lecarde, although CV1 is best overall IMO (along with Chronicles).

>> No.6039953
File: 48 KB, 615x409, JimmySavile2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>implying /vr/ isn't just slow /v/

>> No.6039956

It's perfect

>> No.6039957

Try the first Valis on PCE as well, it's pretty good too and the only good version of that game.

>> No.6040468

It has a lot of slowdown, and some of the worst level design in the classic series.
I like it, but it ain't perfect.

>> No.6042656
File: 139 KB, 489x629, 1543718450596.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

holy shit imagine being this bad at video games

>> No.6042659


>> No.6042929

should i skip castlevania 2?

>> No.6042946


>> No.6042949


>> No.6042951

i don't know

>> No.6042954

There is a patch someone made to retranslate it a bit, and speed up the day and night transitions. Its a far superior experience, and isn't nearly as plodding or obtuse.

>> No.6042968


>> No.6042976

Dracula X is just a crappy port of Rondo, we all know this

IV is the best on the snes, hands down

but SOTN is the #1 out of the series

>> No.6042983

iv > x68k > dracula x > rondo > shitlines

>> No.6043057

Awful list nintendildo

>> No.6043081

Not really a bad port, it's still a good game. But one of the most appealing parts of rondo of blood is the soundtrack and cinematics, which you're not getting with the snes version.

>> No.6043095

>- limited continues yet there is also a password system

the passwords save how many lives you still have, it blows

>> No.6043107

I'm still there, Buddy.

>> No.6043129

i can't believe you're still alive, old man

>> No.6043206
File: 280 KB, 510x856, 1558852100731.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If he was a Nintendo fanboy he would have placed Dracula X before the Sharp game. Nice try though, auster.

>> No.6043509

X68K is shit. Stop memeing it.

>> No.6043513

t. assblasted he couldn't beat the she-wolf boss

>> No.6043514

You hipsters pretending to love Castlevania (Chronicles) because it is obscure are aware that it was released over here on the Playstation and plenty of people have played it, right?

>> No.6043519

yah most people played it on playstation or ps emulators.

>> No.6043525

It's a legitimately great CV game, and no amount of whining will change that, shitposter.

>> No.6043527


>> No.6043530

All of them are great, you faggot.

>> No.6044087

I hate bloodlines simply because the fucking boss with the 3d rotating platform makes me nauseous every time I play it

>> No.6044098

8 direction whipping really makes a ton of difference in difficulty I would say. Meanwhile Rondo had the classic whip attack, only no upgrading needed. Rondo has some difficulty spikes while SCIV is pretty much free of any sudden spikes in difficulty.

>> No.6044102

Castlevania IV is Castlevania for people that don't like the mechanics of Castlevania.

It's the Smirnoff Ice of Castlevania.

>> No.6044120

Better than 4? No, it doesn't.
It also sounds like ass.

>> No.6044152

Synths always beat your muffled midi shit fag

>> No.6044294

Contrarian bullshit
How can anyone think this is close to being the best??

>> No.6044361

>It's the Smirnoff Ice of Castlevania
That's very well put. Thanks for the kek anon. Does anyone here have that famous castlevania 4 pic that makes the diehard fans of it seethe? I lost it and would appreciate it back thanks in advance :^)

>> No.6044394
File: 71 KB, 640x456, 22584_front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rondo as it was the series defining game out of the three games. Also it had an aesthetic as fuck EU release.

>> No.6044420

>8 direction whipping really makes a ton of difference in difficulty I would say
People exaggerate a lot about this, the multi direction whip doesn't make this game easier, only makes it more dynamic. IV has the most amount of enemies attacking you at an angle. Levels are filled with bats coming at you at high speed in a diagonal trajectory, as well as skeletons jumping at you from above. Plus you have to commit to your whipping, because if you don't time your attack well, the whip won't make full damage and the enemies will still hit you. The only actual way the whip in IV feels cheap is when you can attack enemies below by letting your whip drop, but that doesn't even happen often, just a number of times.
Meanwhile, Rondo lets you cheese like 75% of the game with the bible subweapon.
Not to mention Rondo introduced jumping on stairs.
Rondo is the castlevania for people who don't like Castlevania. All in all, IV is still one of the most traditional ones, even with the diagonal whipping (which games like Bloodlines and X68000 also implemented in their own ways)

>> No.6044579


>> No.6044835

which one, super castlevania bros or the one that says x68k is a superior remake of cv1 than cv4?

>> No.6044839

I beat CV3 US Trevor-only and Dracula X SNES no-continue and the raft in this game is still too much bullshit for me. No thanks.

>> No.6044840

That isn't Rondo.

>> No.6044847
File: 116 KB, 781x903, 1503885017171.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You know, every Castlevania game up until the 2000s was pretty a different subspecies.
The original game on NES is the most un-original game of the series. Each other one differed a bit.
Proof of this is seen in how no 3 people in a row can agree with which one is the best.

>> No.6044851

Raft is easy though, what's giving you trouble?

>> No.6044854

bloodlines always felt like a castlevania knockoff

>> No.6044858
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>> No.6044860

>The original game on NES is the most un-original game of the series

>> No.6044862

Yup. It's the most basic and has no unique features.

>> No.6044864

Excellent argument, you actually convinced me, wojakboi.

>> No.6044868

It's what SET the template. Its uniqueness is measured against all the other games that came out at that time, not against sequels that hadn't happened yet. Everything that sets classicvania apart from other side scrollers and divides fanbases to this day dates back to the original game. It's incredibly unique.

>> No.6044872

>castlevania 1986

let me see...

>Alien Syndrome
>KiKi KaiKai
>Rygar the Legendary Warrior
>Double Dribble

And many others...

>> No.6044887

The super castlevania bros one.

>> No.6044890

australia-kun memes were never funny though

>> No.6044962

Well that is other people. To me the multi direction whipping makes the game much easier. Doesn't mean it isn't good, its great even. Just makes it easier. A large part of the difficulty and appeal of Mega Man is also because you cannot shoot anywhere you want. In CV and MM you get a lot of health so the trade off of less directions you can attack makes sense. In Contra you get hit once you lose a life, in return you get plenty of direction you can cover with your attacking plus aoe bombs.

Regardless, both games are still great was my ultimate point anyways.

>> No.6045051

Ok nintendildo

>> No.6045093

Haha based

>> No.6045101

iunno looks sick, worth a play at least, dam

>> No.6045196
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Not even a nintendo fan, but keep trying.

>> No.6045483
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Well, that's why I mentioned that Castlevania IV has the most amount of enemies attacking you at an angle, compared to other CV titles. They give you diagonal whipping, and they also give you reasons to use it, and on top of that, you also need to be good with the timing, because if your hit isn't certain, the whip will do less damage and enemies will still hit you, often resulting in knocking you back and dying to pits.
Anyway, all 3 games, IV, Rondo and Bloodlines, are fairly easier than their 8-bit predecessors, but I don't think IV is the easiest, in fact, the later levels in the game make me think it's actually the hardest of the 3.

>> No.6047142
File: 53 KB, 474x658, 1548985036139.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>For me, it's Bloodlines. The best 16bit Castlevania.

>> No.6047274
