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File: 497 KB, 1000x1000, beltscrollertrinity.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6033435 No.6033435 [Reply] [Original]

the holy trinity of belt scrollers.

>> No.6033439

Not without Violent Storm.

>> No.6033459

>Final Shite
>No Bare Knuckle

>> No.6033470
File: 646 KB, 2884x2093, A9F45506-EBBF-4E1C-AD7A-7CEB1C1D8B36.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try again, OP.

>> No.6033472

Pretty good, Id replace Warriors of Fate but its still a really good game. Anyone who doesnt include Final Fight in their list can be disregarded offhand, it indicates criminally shitty tastes

>> No.6033487

Final Fight has one good game that’s not even THAT good.

>> No.6033507

It is that good. Even ignoring the massive historical importance and the fact that it pioneered so many mechanics that became staples, it's still an incredible game with an unmatched aggressive enemy lineup, very fine tuned character movesets, near perfect pacing, Haggar, top tier gritty presentation and even decent boss fights. The sequels are shit, though.

>> No.6033523

Lel all you’ve done is lost a bunch of fluff. It pioneered but didn’t perfect any of those things. Historical significance is irrelevant when judging a game’s overall quality.

>> No.6033526

>no Sailor Moon Arcade
into the trash it goes

>> No.6033548

The only "fluff" aspect I listed is presentation but it's still important. Shit like enemy and moveset design are the most important aspects of any beat em up and FF nails both, there's pretty much no other bmup that feels as aggressive and hostile to you, where you're required to be on top of everything happening or else face the risk of getting killed on just about every screen of the game. I specifically didn't talk about its historical importance because the game still absolutely stands up and btfo's later Capcom works even if you ignore everything it contributed. Even something as basic as superjoy balance is really fine tuned in FF to the point where it becomes just another part of your moveset rather than draining a bit too much health to be used normally like in Captain Commando or being too powerful to the point where it becomes your main method of offense for many encounters like in Knights of the Round.

>> No.6033553
File: 19 KB, 511x448, animaniacs5.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no Animaniacs

>> No.6034993

How come CPS1 bmups are so much better than CPS2's?

>> No.6035008

Because Capcom fucked up by making Final Fight sequels on the Slowdown Nintendy System instead of CPS2.

>> No.6035043

>final fight
I dislike that you have to exploit AI to such a degree to beat some of the bosses. The movesets are a bit boring aside from haggar. I wish each character had one or two more moves so you could do flashier combos. But it's still a really fun game for the most part.

>> No.6035050

The best 3 bmups are
simpsons arcade game
TMNT Turtles in time
Dungeons and Dragons arcade game

>> No.6035118

>no AvP
>no Streets of Rage 2
You have shit taste. Final Fight is alright because you want piledrive trannies though.

>> No.6035168

>Bare Knuckle
Hi quality beat em ups only. Take your shitty final fight CLONES elsewhere.

>> No.6035235

this. fuck shits of rage, overrated console rubbish for plebcunts.

>> No.6035286 [DELETED] 


>> No.6035365
File: 30 KB, 600x696, everything.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Final Fight
The Punisher

>> No.6035370

For me it was
>Streets of rage
>Captain Commando
>Turtles in Time

>> No.6035401

The only boss you need to exploit is Sodom and even then there's several effective strategies some more cheesy than others.

>> No.6035414

I dislike Edi E too, will just blatantly become invincible or power through your attacks or grab you from 5 feet away for half your life

>> No.6035415

He has a lot of iframes after waking up, so just keep that in mind, wait it out and the fight will become far less frustrating immediately. desu I even forget he exists.

>> No.6035418

I know, just find him annoying. I look up speedruns and he gets destroyed fast as fuck. Then when I try it I'm getting swarmed with enemies when he pulls his gun.

>> No.6035434

Well there's always the safe strat of just staying in the left corner and fucking him up there but honestly killing all the mooks real quick shouldn't be hard, and after that the fight is free since he has very predictable AI where he tries to cross to the other side if you get close to him.

>> No.6035442

I need to git gud mostly

>> No.6035705

You guys know you can scroll the screen ever so slightly so that Edi E aggros and none of the mooks show up, right?

And the key to punching him is to make sure that you're not standing on the same plane as him. Punch combo into a throw into the left corner. When he pulls out his gun, you can catch up to him and knee him to death.

>> No.6035731

I do and even mention the safe screen scrolling strat but we are talking about whether or not bosses need to be exploited. Aside from Sodom they are very reasonable without exploits

>> No.6035740

Oop, my bad. I need to go to bed.

>> No.6035753

good taste.

for me it was
>Turtles in time
>Streets of rage 2
>Xmen (konami)

>> No.6035767

>Turtles In Time
You haven't played the game in 30 years have you, especially the arcade version which is irredeemable garbage rather than meh like the snes port.

>> No.6035876

You the guy who gets stuck at the first shredder fight aren't you?

>> No.6035901

No interesting assumption though. How about this one - you've never 1cc'ed the arcade version, don't even know that the SNES port is mechanically a completely different game and yet still reflexively defend the arcade original because you have vague memories playing it when you were a dumb kid.

>> No.6035915

>yet still reflexively defend the arcade original because you have vague memories playing it
I played it some months ago and it's fun
Sure I didn't 1cc'd it but I can't see how it's a bad game in any degree

>> No.6035921

See now this is why I asked about 1cc because credit feeders consistently fail to notice glaring flaws (and good things too) in games because of this no consequence playstyle.

Turtles In Time arcade has, among other things, completely randomized combos including throws which means playing it normally has no fucking consistency, slippery garbage controls where you will regularly slide mid combo with terrible hit feedback, inconsistent enemy hitstun, preemptive attacks enemies can randomly do and TIMER BOMBS that can only be avoided with extremely specific iframe exploits that kill you off outright if you're not credit feeding.

>> No.6035945

needs Tower of Doom/Shadow of Mystara

>> No.6035958 [DELETED] 
File: 140 KB, 220x289, ninjagaidenarcadebased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most beat em ups are from low IQ faggots, but Ninja Gaiden is the only good one.

>> No.6035960
File: 140 KB, 220x289, ninjagaidenarcadebased.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Most beat em ups are for low IQ faggots, but Ninja Gaiden is the only good one.

>> No.6035965

Why, what makes it better than those low IQ bmups

>> No.6035968

Well I knew about the instakill bombs and that's why I can't 1cc it, all the other stuff I prefer to simply tell myself I need to get good
And while I don't have a strict rule about not just drop credit after credit I find more satisfying to just get a game over and restart if I used more than the average 3 credits you are given in console games

>> No.6035975

>all the other stuff I prefer to simply tell myself I need to get good
None of those problems get fixed if you get good, you simply stop using combos because they are inconsistent shit, controls always remain slippery, preemptive enemy attacks are always an issue and will hit you now and then. Ironically timer bombs are the one thing that does stop being a problem with enough practice, yet that supposedly stopped you from getting the 1cc. Interesting stuff, though I'd wager the reality is that you simply didn't try to get good at the game and didn't know what's a flaw and what's just you being shit, but assumed the game is fine despite this and jumped to defend it.

>> No.6035994

The agility it gives you.

>> No.6036001

Games like AvP let you fly all over the screen, slide, dash, back hop, wall hop and bounce from one enemy to another seamlessly mixing in attacks. Or is that a low IQ kind of agility compared to pipe hang kicks

>> No.6036012

Ryu is slow and clunky as fuck, though.

>> No.6036156

What game are you playing?

>> No.6036174

>Historical significance is irrelevant when judging a game’s overall quality.

>> No.6036457

>None of those problems get fixed if you get good
>didn't know what's a flaw and what's just you being shit, but assumed the game is fine despite this and jumped to defend it
Is this peak projecting or what?

>> No.6036463

If it's projection and not a factual statement does that mean you got good at TiT and fixed those issues?

>> No.6036464

sor3 is alright, sor2 is overrated as fuck just because ir sounds/looks nice

>> No.6036745

>hating on Final Fight

What happened to you as a child to make you so jaded?

>> No.6036748

Best 3D bmup? I vote for Dynamite Deka.

>> No.6036758

2 also has better characters. Zan the robot Man is just goofy and dumb. Not to mention the whole plot and cutscenes slowing the game down to a crawl.

>> No.6036772

>no Streets of Rage

>> No.6036778

Are there even any good ones besides that, Spikeout, God Hand and Urban Reign?

>> No.6036783

>do they exist
>are they good
No. Genre stagnated hard.

>> No.6037672

Dynamite Deka might as well be 2D with how it plays.

The Warriors and the Yakuza series.

>> No.6037686

You should try The Bouncer.

>> No.6037690

>The Warriors

>> No.6037803

Demolish Fist, if you can find a cab in the wild.

>> No.6037939

Final Fight are pretty shit games, I don't know why people like.

>> No.6037963

Because you have shit tastes and/or credit feed beat em ups like mad

>> No.6037968
File: 2.40 MB, 1920x1080, tmnttitf.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Crapcom Fagboy doesn't want to include any Streets of Rage/Bare Knuckle or Konami licensed IP belt scrollers

>> No.6037971

The licensed Konami belt scrollers are their worst ones

>> No.6038020

I was ABOUT to fucking ask where's AVP.

>> No.6038053
File: 996 KB, 592x1280, 1572996977679.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>no Sailor Moon Arcade

>> No.6038089
File: 2.38 MB, 850x1204, wildfang.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I challenge that!

>> No.6038690


>> No.6038814

Streets of Rage are SHIT games. Shitty final fight clones. Thats what they are.

>> No.6038819

CPS1 bmups > CPS2 bmups

>> No.6038821 [DELETED] 


>> No.6038824

Spikeout >>

>> No.6039661

he doesn't want to include that trash because capcom objectively made the best retro jog 'n jabs

>> No.6039828

I didn't say anything about Streets of Rage buddy.

I just don't see the appeal of Final Fight games, they are both shallow AND slow/clunky, with nothing particularly interesting about them. Something like C&D is like a Porche or Lamborgini to FF's USSR Lada/Trabant.

>> No.6039861

FF has some of the most aggressive dangerous enemy AI in the entire genre and very tightly designed combat where every move is extremely useful and the choices between them are the difference between keeping a huge crowd under control or getting stunlocked to death. The game is very exciting to actually play because of how random and dangerous the enemies are, it's very intense and fun. What's special about Cadillacs on the other hand? Do you even know? Or did you credit feed and assume it's the better game because the controls feel better?

>> No.6039873

I've beaten C&D on actual machines more times than you have finished any beat em up game in any way combined buddy. C&D is a religion where I'm from.

What you are saying is not very compelling as to why FFs are good games, again considering how slow and clunky they are, while that other games have similar AI and move usefulness.

Since you love SoR so much, I agree that in SoR some boss moves can be bullshit, but play 5 minutes of any FF game, and then put BK3 (or SoRR with BK3 settings) and the speed and fluidity difference hits you like a truck, BK3 is a like jet in comparision, and on Mania difficulty (especially in SoRR) the difficulty/enemy AI/level of knowing you char is not much different than what you describe for FF.

>> No.6039876

Also there are other types of beat em ups like Little Fighter 2 which I also think are better than FFs.

>> No.6039884

>I've played C&D!!!!
I didn't ask for your history with C&D, I've asked for REASONS why it's so interesting compared to FF.
>What you are saying is not very compelling as to why FFs are good games, again considering how slow and clunky they are
You get used to the controls in a few hours, a drop in the bucket compared to overall playtime.
>while that other games have similar AI and move usefulness.
No they don't, Cadillacs & Dinosaurs doesn't for instance the only dangerous enemy type is a reused boss and ARGUABLY the midgets but they are more of a nuisance, the stages become very relaxing after you learn them with the main sources of challenge coming from the doctor and Slice/Slisaurs. Cadillacs move usefulness is equivalent or even lower since many moves like the down up special are situational shit you pull out to do a bit of extra damage sometimes, and the air special is nearly useless. Hell, even the normal combo is situational because the throw finisher beats it in terms of utility outside of very specific circumstances. In Final Fight with Haggar the punch combo is always handy, the throw combo is extremely handy, the jump forward attack is good for keeping crowds locked down, and even the back-jump is very useful as a tool to quickly get enemies on one side.

>> No.6039889

Also I'm not the guy you were talking to, I like SoR2 Mania with Max because of its enemy aggression and move utility too, I don't play it much because it's too fucking long of a game and has clumsy difficulty balancing where it gives you a ton of extra lives but makes no miss runs absolutely retarded, but it's still a good game even by arcade beat em up standards.

>> No.6040157
File: 196 KB, 266x375, Shadow_over_Mystara_sales_flyer.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Pic related is the greatest beat em up of all time

>> No.6040164

>moves register when they feel like registering


>> No.6040302 [DELETED] 

Tower of doom is better

>> No.6040306

Not even the best D&D beat em up.

>> No.6040314

Little love here for Captain Commando here. I always thought that the game had almost the perfect lenght, and the stages are some of the most memorable ever seen in a Capcom game. The cast of characters it's also brilliant, and they could never replicate them, not even in Battle Circuit.

>> No.6042775


>> No.6043281
File: 49 KB, 811x720, yakko_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Uhhhhhhh that's based