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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 76 KB, 720x480, 420273-virtua-cop-sega-saturn-screenshot-cheese-it-it-s-the-cops.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6032210 No.6032210 [Reply] [Original]

Are there any solutions for playing saturn (or any console) light gun games on a pc crt, or will I have to resort to using consumer crt's?

I plan on buying an OSSC very soon so I can play retro on my pc crt, but after doing some research it looks like you can't play light gun games on pc crt's due to timing differences between consumers crt's?

>> No.6032241

Software emulation + camera based PC "light guns" including a Wiimote are an option but meh accuracy. For real hardware there is the "LightGunVerter" https://www.lightgunverter.com/index.html , uses a Wiimote for tracking and fakes an SD CRT's light, even more meh accuracy.

Best solution is just use a real SD CRT.

>> No.6032423

Any way to emulateit in a VR environment?

>> No.6032440
File: 73 KB, 1154x1154, 220008i_ts.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Just use this. Why do you need a CRT to see where to aim?

>> No.6032471 [DELETED] 

There just doesn't seem to be any elegant solution for light gun games on anything but the good ol' 15khz CRT TV

It always involves compromise to the point where it doesn't seem that worth it

>> No.6032482

there is a compromise, buy a cheap wii controller/oculus rift/playstation move whatever and use MAME

>> No.6032502

Umbrella Chronicles was such a disappointment. So much potential, but Wiimote """"lightgun"""" is the same as just using a mouse to move a cursor around. There's no aiming involved.

>> No.6032520
File: 280 KB, 700x437, max-1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one's sadly a hard victory for CRT/hardware fags. I goddamn wish there was a decent emulator solution for lightguns but there isn't. You have Wiimotes and glorified Wiimote style solutions (aimtrak)... or you can go down the autism rabbit hole of using a GunCon 2 with a PC + CRT with very sketchy results. It's a shame. Proper emulation of CarnEvil and Chiller never ever, I guess. Luckily, most good lightgun games can be easily played on consoles, most of the best ones on PS2 in particular.

>> No.6032530


This is the best you're gonna get. It does... kinnnd of work and you can sight-aim with this, but for darker games you'll have to crank the gamma til black is grey. The cursor (which you can hide for sight aiming) is also delayed so any lightgun game that's especially twitchy will be quite difficult if not impossible, but I used this til I got bored and exasperated with it. Was neat for a second, but still not great.

>> No.6032557 [DELETED] 

Honestly like, lightgun solutions for any kind of non-SD-CRT display are basically like trying to be MTF. With way more effort and extensive modification, you can get something that resembles the experience, sort of, but that really isn't as good in any way shape or form.

>> No.6032561

You can play House of the Dead 2 on Dreamcast through VGA on a PC CRT. I don't know how it works, but I've done it.

>> No.6032569

I believe EmuVR currently has them implemented. I've seen video, but I haven't had the chance to try it out myself. I also only just got my first Guncon 1 and 2 in the mail recently so I'm not exactly a lightgun expert.

>> No.6032570

I recall doing this too. Remember I couldn't quite calibrate it as well as I could on my TV, but yeah.

>> No.6032573

I'm actually pretty impressed with what I saw. This is probably the best route going forward, really.

>> No.6032575

In general it's a really cool piece of software. I'm a hardwarefag myself where possible, but there's something amazing about trying to recreate some of the experiential aspects of systems rather than just the software itself. The environment, the sensation of plopping something into the machine and switching it on, even cables out the back. It'll never be the same as a real system but it'll make that part of the experience a lot more accessible, particularly to future generations.

>> No.6032732


Okay anons I have a Windows PC hooked up to a 15khz CRT with CRT_Emudriver? What is the hardware / software setup I need to make lightgun games work from here?

>> No.6032764

Real light gun? AFAIK you can't (at least currently).

>> No.6032796
File: 2.92 MB, 854x720, 1572647029007.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This is arguably the best way to play now, if you don't have the real thing. Accurate as fuck and 0 delay.

>> No.6032820

Sinden lightgun looks interesting, keen to see how the accuracy and input lag turns out. There are already working proof of concept adapters for PlayStation Guncon game support with original hardware.

>> No.6032829

I have an Aimtrack, which works on any kind of screen for PC and PS2; however it's less like a real lightgun and more like a Wiimote.

>> No.6032858

Act-labs guns are still the only option, currently. Emulation and native ports all run pretty good, the only restriction is that the guns only update position with a screen flash, so you can't play machine gun games.

Other than that, they're great. Perfect accuracy, although they do occasionally need calibration.

Sinden is probably going to be the best going forward, not needing a CRT is major and hopefully the accuracy is good enough to work.

EmuVR is unfortunately garbage. Playing games is a massive fucking hassle because of all the focus on dumb bullshit like swapping discs and plugging in consoles. You're stuck with a zapper model, which has an awful sight picture. And the program itself runs like hot ass, probably because it's loading in all the garbage in the room as well as the dumb CRT shader and screen curve.

You also have no real support for a lot of major titles, because Retroarch is shitty and there's no wrapper for all the PC releases. I like how everything is pre-calibrated, but with unusable sights it's not much better than an Aimtrak, sadly. Half the games don't even have off-screen reloading, although I hear that's getting fixed.

If they cut out all the fluff and gave me a proper menu and an adjustable flat screen, it'd be great. As is, it's basically just a worse version of Virtual Desktop. If someone could get a gun model into that, it'd ironically be the best current option for light gun stuff, because then you could play pretty much anything on PC just by running it all through a front-end that started games in full screen.

>> No.6033071

Works for me lel ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

> Playing games is a massive fucking hassle because of all the focus on dumb bullshit like swapping discs and plugging in consoles
> garbage in the room
> dumb CRT shader
Isn't that like the whole point though? Why don't you just play in Virtual Desktop if that's not your thing, wtf do you even want with EmuVR, lol

> Half the games don't even have off-screen reloading, although I hear that's getting fixed.
That's fixed already. (btw that affected only some MAME games)

> it's basically just a worse version of Virtual Desktop. If someone could get a gun model into that
Well, you can do that. Just search or import your own GunCon or whatever model to Workshop and will show up in VD, there you go!

>> No.6033203

Damn that blows. Hope somebody makes that work some day or else I'll have to wait till Sinden comes out it looks like

>> No.6033248

>>Isn't that like the whole point though?
Sure, I just think that it's a completely fucking soulless design, one that's focused more on making dumb screenshots than it is on basics like performance and ease of use. EmuVR is possibly the most user unfriendly emulator I've ever used, and that says a lot. I had to quit out a few times just while I was setting it up to figure out whatever dumb control combo I needed to use to do stuff like pull out the guns. Sure, these issues are partially exacerbated by VR itself because you can't just pull up a browser, but that's why design should be key.

Why do I have to go around to the back of the big TVs just to change system? Why do I have to play with a dumb faux CRT in the first place?

>Well, you can do that. Just search or import your own GunCon or whatever model to Workshop and will show up in VD, there you go!
I messed around with VD for a while and couldn't get any models to show up in it, but maybe that's because there's no fucking way I'm spending 10 bucks on a virtual screen app that barely works and isn't really suited for any purpose. VD has its own share of issues anyway, a garbage interface that requires you to custom-make a frontend and use a keyboard for shortcuts, not to mention setting up every game specifically for it. The real death knell is the lack of off-screen reloading though.

If EmuVR fixed the garbage lightgun model by adding in a couple of alternatives, and let you plug any console into the front of any screen, it'd be just barely fit for purpose. As is, I'd rather just set everything up on an LCD and use something like Sinden. I'll never have to worry about a garbage sight picture because VR resolution is a joke, I'll never have to worry about controllers that don't feel like guns in the hand, controllers that don't let me two hand them, controllers that don't even have recoil.

>> No.6033309
File: 3.27 MB, 500x288, NastyTepidAlpaca-size_restricted.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit

>> No.6034216

You can use wingun for XP and lower that makes any lightgun act like a mouse (so that you can use it instead)

>> No.6036067

Thanks for all of the replies. I think im just gonna stick to using my trini crt for light gun games and my pc crt for everything else.

Ya win some ya lose some.