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/vr/ - Retro Games

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601035 No.601035 [Reply] [Original]

ITT- we show off our collections

Also, where to buy bookshelves for NES games? All I have is the shelf I built for my games at the moment

>> No.601056

inb4 nes games on a bed

just build a shelf or buy one from ikea or something

>> No.601068
File: 1.24 MB, 1824x1368, Nes Bed 2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you could always make a bookcase yourself for your nes games.

even if your bad at woodworking using a simple stain would improve the attractiveness of whatever you make and it would likely be far cheaper than buying anything that specialized.

>> No.601069

it's like you know.

>> No.601076

fill a swimming pool with them like scrooge mcduck

>> No.601072

>no SMB/DH
How is that even possible?

>> No.601081

it's there, he has the semi-rare triple cart.

has smb/dh/ and track meet or something. i think there is an even rarer variant that has tetris on it too.

>> No.601085
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>top right corner
>looks like "Fag-Team wrestling"
>I lol'd

>no Contra
The fuck bruh, get that game. I am jelly of your Battletoads though. I can't find a copy anywhere around here.

>> No.601093

Oh, I didn't notice that, good eye.

>> No.601094

Oh man, this pic gives me a weird sensation. Like, I realize that it's a shelf, but the wall looks like a wood floor and so it seems like you have them all standing up on the floor and doing an above view photograph.

>> No.601104

Wouldn't NWC be the 'rarer triple cart with mario and tetris'? Or was there really a SMB/DH/Tetris cart? I've never seen or heard of such a thing before.

>> No.601117

don't worry dude, I got you. I have the triple cart.

I am planning on getting Contra soon, I just have bee focusing on more obscure titles recently, like the Crystalis and Solstice I just got a few days ago.

>> No.601131
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>> No.601139
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Thats my shelf. Kinda crappy. Only enough room for the stuff i regulary play. Errything else loose and boxed is all packed away

>> No.601140

How do I take a picture of a large collection? Should I take individual pictures of several shelves, or one shelf at a time and stitch 'em together into a big one? Should I try for a photo of the whole set, despite the inability to then read the labels? Do I include my consoles in that?

I apologize, I'm rather new to the process.

>> No.601143

Ive seen people mainly post many pictures of multiple sections of the collection. There's no rules, just show us dude

>> No.601142
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I got a CD case at some woodworking shop. Each shelf holds 9 games each.

>> No.601150

thats the one i was refering to, i was just talking offical multicarts

>> No.601176
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Pretty spooky collection mate.

Here's my NES games, I'm just posting those instead of everything. There are some duplicates, either because one copy doesn't work (Metroid Silver Label), label or color variations (Metroid again), or because people have given me multiple copies along with their grown-up kid's NES collections (that last part is also why I have too many NES decks)

>> No.601187

oh yeah, one more bit: the unlicensed carts on top are Tengen RBI Baseball 3 and both Bilbo Adventures carts.

Are there any UL carts definitely worth grabbing? I haven't read much about them in a long time, though for some reason I remember ebay used to have tons of Aladdin Deck Enhancers.

>> No.601193

And then there's this guy:


>> No.601195

>glanced real quick
>saw flintstones
>thought it said suprise at dinosaur peak
>almost raged when I was it sandwiched between other games
>realized my mistake
>calmed down
>mega man 2 and 3 separated
>rage intensifies

>> No.601220

I am pretty jealous of that copy of "$3.99", really great game.

>> No.601368
File: 1.86 MB, 3121x2780, Most of Collection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Got 'em organized in order of release. Unfortunately, I am low on some system's games (like the Saturn or DS), the Universal Game cases haven't come in for the N64 carts, and I'm outright missing SNES. Still, I'm pretty proud of what I've managed to acquire and despite the low picture quality, it looks great in person. I apologize if my calculations are off, I haven't gone through and redone them to be sure. I just add new games to the total, which might mean I've missed one or two, or simply miscounted.

>> No.601418
File: 1.50 MB, 2592x1456, 2013-04-21_00-18-02_358.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an older pic, it keeps getting bigger.

>> No.601442

also, I'll never understand these people that make videos by pointing their camera at their monitor, it's not that hard to use video capture programs

>> No.601601

I was going to say the same thing..

You can capture your screen for free with camstudio, and you can also install camstudio's lossless codec to capture your screen without any quality loss at all.

>> No.601615
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I don't understand why PS2 had such bland spines in PAL regions.

Why would you make blandness a standard?

>> No.601651

dat autism

>> No.601709 [DELETED] 

It was probably to protect the muslim population of Europe and the UK from having art and color inflicted upon their hate-stained minds. Because according to the Quran, everything is a mortal sin except stoning and raping girls to death.

>> No.601764
File: 2.14 MB, 3500x3449, majorty of collection2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here is the majority of my collection. Some of it is not /vr/ related, my apologies.

>> No.601768

Sell! Sell! Sell!

>> No.601769
File: 84 KB, 500x664, bunny can't believe this shit.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As someone building a survival horror collection: i'm so jelly i could shit. Well, wish they weren't PAL, but still.

>> No.601776

Do you happen to have a close-up on your PS1 games? Those are what intrigue me the most.

>> No.601778

I'm not selling that, but I do have a second copy of EB that I should sell before the bubble bursts. It's loose, though.

>> No.601782


>living in Japan with a good job

Pick one and only one, but you can see from his channel description which one is correct.

>> No.601803
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This pic is just for you. Those blank cases are a loose Resident Evil Director's Cut and a Silent Hill with only the outside of the manual. (I got them both at a flea market eons ago.)

>> No.601807

>Double Dungeons

Anger. Massive amounts of anger.

>> No.601821
File: 442 KB, 528x516, awe doge.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Umihara Kawase Shun
> that unassumingly stashed Misadventures
> loads of "common rares" like Lunar and Valkyrie
Heh, rock solid collection there, m80. I'll post mine in a bit, but it's nothing to gloat at.

>> No.601831

>implying autism and career success are mutually exclusive

>> No.601839

Fuck my cropping. Rhapsody, Soul Blade, Spiderman, Star Ocean 2, Steel Reign, Suikoden, Twisted Metal 2 (GH) and Twisted Metal 3 got cut out.

Double Dungeons and Silent Debuggers are actually Dropoff and Tricky Kick. Don't ask why; they were like that when I bought them.

I actually have four copies of Valkyrie Profile.

>> No.601845

Four copies? Were you that anon selling a box of duplicates a while ago on a BST thread?

>> No.601865

I did post a box of dupes a while back, but I didn't know that thread turned into a BST.

>> No.601874

Yeah, was about to correct myself, but i think it was that thread that spurred the creation of BSTs.
Still, mad jelly, i waited for an e-mail back then but i don't think i had enough money for a fair trade anyway.

>> No.601878

>Implying career success in Japan as a foreigner with autism is possible.

>> No.601883

So, how much did you spend on all this shit, approximately?

>> No.601907

I honestly have no idea. Some of it I bought new, (a lot of the boxed N64, boxed SNES, and PS2 games) and a lot I have gotten at flea markets, garage sales, pawn shops, Goodwill and such. I've also paid primo prices for some of the rarer stuff on ebay.

>> No.601916

Must be nice having infinity dollars.

The only thing I have on you is my copy of Bomberman 64: The Second Attack complete in box.

>> No.601945

>infinity dollars

That would be nice. I spend far too much time every week at a job I care nothing for to have the money to spend on my hobby. I wish I had more time to actually play my games. I've probably only completed about 30% to 40% of it. And that is mostly stuff I had before I got into serous collecting.

>> No.601958

See, I really hope I don't end up like that; I only pick up games to play, not to say I own it. I bought a Sega Saturn and Panzer Dragoon Saga for fifty not to own it, but to actually sit down and play. I can't imagine having games I never actually play. I understand time constraints are an issue for you, but when your paycheck gets devoted to it, I think that goes a bit hard.

For what it's worth, you seem just about almost done, and because I'm a player first, I don't value things like complete boxes too highly, which makes it easier for me to ship them online.

>> No.602012

I admit that my collecting does get a bit out of hand, but I do intend to play most of the games I buy once I have the time. I bought my copy of PDS with all intentions of playing it and I did finish it very recently. Game playing is very difficult hobby to have. It's not easy to balance work, playing retro games, playing modern games, and still having time for all of the other necessities.

>> No.602049
File: 214 KB, 958x960, mycollection.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.602052

My stuff hopefully getting more yard sailing this weekend..

>> No.602061

What's the deal with the paint, both on the wall and the shelves?

>> No.602057

>putting zelda in a plastic case like it's super rare

my fucking sides

>> No.602067

That's all?

>> No.602070


Seriously anon, what is with that shelf? Did you just take the individual pieces outside before assembling them, and start splashing paint on them?

>> No.602083

or maybe he doesnt want the gold chipping off

>> No.602112

That's how the whole wall looks, it's my room and I like it,
The shelves I've had since i was a child, I'm planning on painting it.
Yeah, sorry it doesn't meet your standards? lol

>> No.602143

That hardly qualifies as a collection. Are you just starting to collect?

>> No.602159
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Because i clearly have nothing better to do with my time.

>> No.602185

a collection can be any number of things

>> No.602196
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>jumping flash
one of my favorite PS1 games and probably the first PS1 game I played on the demo kiosk at circuit city.

>> No.602213


I think your collection is nice, handhelds are my favourite and you've got a nice little collection there.

>> No.602224
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I keep my games in a spare dresser drawer, helps protect from dust and keeps them outta the way. I own around 30 NES games and 6 SNES games.

>> No.602256

Why do people assume collections like this were bought for mega bux? This basically looks like my collection, except mine is probably twice as big, and even then it's nothing ridiculous. I'm 30 and I've been buying games since I was 8. That's a long time to accumulate shit.

>> No.602271

Everything I own except a yellow Cliffjumper, I have acquired since the year 2000.

Most of my game collection came about in the past eight years.

>> No.602278
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Been focusing on NES for a while and just now really starting to expand into SNES/PS1 stuff.

>> No.602297


You should have your dad take the baby stuff off your wall.

>> No.602315


I've been buying games on a regular basis for the last 2 years, dropping maybe $30 tops a month, and anywhere from $100-$200 when I get my tax returns, and I'm already up to about 60 NES games, and 30 Genesis titles. I'm 23 now, I can easily imagine my collection getting fairly large by the age of 30, so long as prices don't go through the roof.

>> No.602316


Lol. It was my son's nursery. Haven't painted it yet. Going to switch out Winnie for Wally Bear I think.

>> No.602347

Fantasy Zone and Shinobi by Tengen are essential.

Micro Machines is a pretty good racer. Ultimate Stuntman is at least interesting for having a different style of play every level. The Adventures of Dizzy games were really popular in Europe, at least I know Yahtzee swears by them. All of those are by Camerica.

Maybe Chiller just for the sake of seeing blood on an NES.

One of the really rare ones, I think it's Maxi-15, is supposed to be a really compilation of games, but good luck on finding that one.

>> No.602350

*a really good compilation of games

>> No.602371
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Console collection.

Game collection is kinda unimpressive.

>> No.602381
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Here are the games.

Pretty outdated.

>> No.602389

would be a shame if...someone knocked down all those games

>> No.602392


Christ almighty anon, that looks like an avalanche waiting to happen.

>> No.602403


Its actually a lot worse now.

I'll invest in some shit from Ikea once I move out.

>> No.602420
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Heres my Nintendo collection

>tfw all around me, everyone is selling Nintendos for $80 and Top Loaders for $120

>> No.602495
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and heres the SNES collection

Just snagged the beaten up SNES for free, it will get TONS of TLC

SFC came in with a dead board, swapped with a US SNES Board. All works the same, now its easier to maintain.

Retron2 for free thanks to a bro trading shit and wound up with not needing it

>> No.602540
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i win?

>> No.602572


>> No.602579

awful folder and desktop organization

>> No.602601

The shelf I use was some IKEA shelf made for storing VHS/DVDs. Works well enough for NES cartridges. Unfortunately, my collection got too big for the shelf years ago. I picked up the shelf while going yard sale hunting for video games for five bucks.

I'd show off my collection, but it's in America and I currently live in Korea.

>> No.602616

>SMW doubles
How does this happen? People giving gifts of games you already have? I'm wondering because I just saw some postings on craigslist where the owners had tons of doubles.

>> No.602646
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would be really nice if there was a video game store closer than 2+ hour drive away...

most of my games come from garage sales,goodwill, and pawn shops as a result.

>> No.602650

made me lol

>> No.602651

They bought/were gifted a lot of games that included Super Mario World.

>> No.602673

Im sorry but was is a BST?

>> No.602709

Buy/sell/trade threads, for anons to share their collections here.

>> No.602721

came with the free snes.. previous owner thought it didnt work, tested it and it fired up no problem

>> No.602761
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a whole bag of shitty/cheap ones I planned on selling some day but never did. all the really good games are on my shelf (zelda, ducktales, dragon warrior, batman, golgo 13, plus a couple more)

>> No.602961
File: 2.69 MB, 4023x2460, Vidya Collection, April Edition.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I need to make a better and more detailed/comprehensive picture one of these days.

>> No.603237
