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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 206 KB, 640x629, 133311--kings-field.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6016107 No.6016107 [Reply] [Original]

What are some games like this one?

>> No.6016110


>> No.6016126

Ultima underworld

>> No.6016134

a whole host of western dungeon crawlers better than this derivative jap console trash

>> No.6016135

Lmao westcucks.

>> No.6016140 [DELETED] 

Seething weebnigger.

>> No.6016142

And none of them have any sense of atmosphere. It's all furry shit.

>> No.6016196

Dark Souls.

>> No.6016210

Whoah there buddy

>> No.6016224

How about the real "King's Field"?

>> No.6016225

hexen (heretic) > this clunky shit

>> No.6016238


hexen and heretic are just doom clones.

>> No.6016239

The best part of KF is undeniably the music. The Chu Ishikawa-inspired soundtrack is a marvel and it's criminal that From dropped the ball so hard on the music in the Souls series in favor of silence followed by LOUD CHANTING crap.

>> No.6016245

Western games will be forever inferior.

>> No.6016258

Eh, the dungeon synth-esque soundtrack works better with the KF games overall look and feel than any Souls game.

>> No.6016285

Not saying they should have reused the KF soundtracks, just had some good atmospheric music instead of nothing

>> No.6016730

Shadow Tower series

>> No.6017347

Very few retro western dungeon crawlers had real-time combat and free movement without a grid. You have Daggerfall, but the dungeon design is inferior to Kings Field. Basically you have Ultima Underworld, and maybe System Shock if you want to call that a dungeon crawler.

>> No.6017353

Nothing IS atmosphere. Shadow Tower easily beats out the KF games in terms of atmosphere and it’s not much different than the Souls games in terms of sound.

>> No.6017369


I've tried shadow tower but it wasn't really what I was looking for, or it had a different vibe than kf.

>> No.6017420

Absolute horse shit. Shadow Tower has nothing on KF besides a few more polygons, it is remarkably lighter in tone and has none of the oppressive atmosphere of KF

>> No.6017507

a heap of compost

>> No.6017925

Horseshit back at ya, I love KF and its atmosphere but can't stand playing ST because that shit has the creepiest atmosphere I've ever encountered in a game. The soundscape is just insane.

>> No.6018010

Might & Magic 6+ too

>> No.6018052

The only other japanese game with this kind of rpg gameplay is LSD dream emulator and thats not even an Rpg weeb.

>> No.6018507

I know very few retro Japanese titles are like this too. My point was more a direct response to the guy saying there was "a whole host of western dungeon crawlers" like King's Field. I'll never understand when guys get all butthurt and feel like they need to "take sides" with western VS Japanese titles, or American VS European titles, or whatever.

>> No.6018530

Baroque is good if you can find a translation patch for it.

>> No.6019620

does a translation patch for baroque even exist?

>> No.6019991

dark souls :^))))))))))))

>> No.6019993

Echo Night
Echo Night 2

>> No.6020052

There's also thief 1, thief 2, deus ex, non retro elder scroll games, bethesda fallout, some other M&M games, system shock 2.
But I agree that taking sides with Ameican vs Japanese is dumb, I would be listing japanese games if I knew any.

>> No.6020081
File: 38 KB, 646x731, 1573934484406.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6020083

>why don't girls like me
>i feel poor

>> No.6021663
File: 725 KB, 2000x1950, crawler-min.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I made this chart a month ago, hope it helps

>> No.6021729

If Ultima Underworld is so good, why are you guys always lurking the KF threads. Checkmate westcucks.

>> No.6022563

shadow tower has a way better atmosphere than king's field IMO. Shadow Tower is claustophobic and unsettling but king's field kills the mood with its looping midi music

>> No.6024272
File: 71 KB, 1060x789, 1563249086903.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>words worth
the hentai?
that's new to me.
i guess i shouldn't be too surprised, hentai had a lot of clout in the 90's

>> No.6024321

Souls is okay when it's blasting trumpets so Demon's Souls has pretty great music and the rest are kind of annoying.

>> No.6024574

I don't know about Armored Core but the only game from FromSoft I don't think is completely overrated is The Adventures of Cookie and Cream.

>> No.6024586

Lol I forgot about Words Worth

>> No.6025017

Yeah, but only the remake, because the original was grid-based.