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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 42 KB, 540x386, gfs_23350_2_13_mid.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
6006947 No.6006947 [Reply] [Original]

Pachinko Sexy Reaction comes to mind.

Rules: must be a game, must have fappable babes

>> No.6006964
File: 13 KB, 640x400, dragonknight1-2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I wish I could read Japanese

>> No.6006972
File: 126 KB, 800x1022, hmm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i found it, try find a more coomer game than this

>> No.6006980

You will never convince me that Valis wasn't made to piggy back off existing magic girls doujin AND to fuel doujins itself in a snowball of coom.

>> No.6006992

I can't tell you how long I've wanted to make a retro porn game thread. But I refuse to participate in this one, you underage /v/tards. Go back to your containment board.

>> No.6007018
File: 8 KB, 277x256, ejadiar4tjowewat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Stiletto in Noctropolis.
I fapped to her uncovering breasts scene.

>> No.6007026

>Thanks.. but who might you be?
Anyone who has spent 5 minutes studying Japanese can read that.

>> No.6007027

>all hiragana
they can read but can they understand the meaning?

>> No.6007032

it doesn't say anything sexual nihongolet-kun

>> No.6007034

You can’t be a true coomer unless your hairline’s receding and your will to live has been crushed by a dead end job.
Thus, /v/tards can’t be coomers.

>> No.6007057

Why do Chinese cartoon girls always have a weird looking crotch area?

>> No.6007082

Anime aesthetic doesn't mind exaggeration if it is sensually intense

>> No.6007084
File: 77 KB, 550x461, vgcvc029.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The world needs a new Variable Geo more than ever.

>> No.6007217

LOL what pseudo science. If that were true you wouldn't see bald christians.

>> No.6007230

I don't get the cummer meme. It feels like angry conservative christans made it up because "your dead relatives watch you jerk off" wasn't working to scare their kids into not masturbating anymore.

>If you masturbate, people on the INTERNET will MAKE FUN OF YOU!

>> No.6007353

This. shitty zoomers memes

>> No.6007419

It's more like people who have nothing else on their mind except jerking their dicks, and everything has to be sexually arousing to have value

>> No.6007440
File: 175 KB, 936x1024, 6180db414bea434ab96e36e5e1a41b9e577e6241_hq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

But it's not true, niggers who play Visual Novels need to sit through 50 hours of shitty text before getting to the sex part. If all they wanted was to quickly get off they would just look up the CG sets on e-hentai.

>> No.6007445
File: 265 KB, 1200x802, jogo-saturn-asuka-120-burning-fest-limited-cd-rom-D_NQ_NP_647295-MLB27013509366_032018-F.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Asuka 120 is cool because every character's commands are standardized and that simple juggling system allowing for large combos even if you're bad at fighting games. The cute girls are bonus. They don't even show pantyshots in the game itself so if you just wanted to masturbate there are much better alternatives out there.
I'm saying is that what YOU actually want is to dictate other people's tastes.

>> No.6007459

Ew crap

>> No.6007467

Hair loss is either genetic or from stress. Masturbation doesn't make you lose hair any more than it gives you hairy palms.

>> No.6007468

Masturbation itself isn't the problem, it's the porn addiction.

>> No.6007469

What are some games that just let you play as a hot babe and isn't necessarily porny

>> No.6007475

it devolved into "liking female character = you just fap to her".

>> No.6007482

Not him but I also don't get it. I masturbate 2-3 times every day and enjoy it, I much prefer watching porn while doing so. It's an invented problem.

>> No.6007484

that would make sense in any other forum, but this is not the forum, THIS IS 4CHAN!

all the people who talk about 'LEL CUMER' are just morons lying to get a reaction, they dont have anything better to do.

thats just bullshit virtue-signaling as everything else, and the worst part is that its done, not because they actually believe in it, but just to annoy people who lost good things they wanted, namely: Senran Kagura 7even, who was killed by Sony censorship, and these idiots were all too eager to jump ship to shit on people who has the legimitate right to complain.

and yes, the 'LEL CUMER' was invented around the confirmation of 7even's death and replacement by Kandagawa jetgirls. its a really recent meme.

>> No.6007485

>implying there's any other reason for a man to like an anime girl

>> No.6007510
File: 16 KB, 260x226, Asuka 120% Burning Festival Excellent (Japan) (2).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me see if I got this right.
>original was on FM Towns
>Maxima was on PC Engine with gameplay similar to SF2
>Special was the PSX remake of Maxima using old PCE sprites still played like SF2
>Limited on Sat/PSX was made with larger redrawn, introduced supers, juggles and the fan favorite version of the game
>Final on Sat/PSX was developed by another company, with the controversial stun system that some fans didn't like
>LimitOver is a fan hack of Limited only on Saturn with better balancing and is the fan preferred version of the game
>Excellent is a PSX remake of the FM Towns game with emphasis on a new point'n click/avg/adventure mode where the goal is interact with classmates to raise money

>> No.6007516

there's more than just tits & ass

>> No.6007520

If they consumed any sort of Japanese voiced media, probably. It is unironically the sort of words you learn through anime and shit.

>> No.6007523
File: 101 KB, 320x240, 1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Let me see if I got this right.
>original was on FM Towns
>Maxima was on PC Engine with gameplay similar to SF2
>Special was the PSX remake of Maxima using old PCE sprites still played like SF2
>Limited on Sat/PSX was made with larger redrawn sprites, introduced supers, juggles and the fan favorite version of the game
>Final on PSX was developed by another company, with the controversial stun system that some fans didn't like
>LimitOver is a fan hack of Limited only on Saturn with better balancing and is the fan preferred version of the game
>Excellent is a PSX remake of the FM Towns game with emphasis on a new point'n click/avg/adventure mode where the goal is interact with classmates to raise money

>> No.6007532

tldr don't play Final play Limited or LimitOver instead

>> No.6007629

>Kanno classics

>> No.6007632

vidya coomers seem less like traditional porn addicts and more like women who want to read romance novels all day

>> No.6007634
File: 19 KB, 640x480, jill-4.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6007663

I like that game

>> No.6007679

There was SNES port released but was halt.

>> No.6007695

I prefer the term "beat 'em offs"

>> No.6007709

I was more interested in the arcade port of Limited they never made.

>> No.6007710

Look at those fat cheeks

>> No.6007716


You fucking retards make me want to kill myself

>> No.6007750

>Press T to Turtle

>> No.6007779
File: 66 KB, 390x476, comment_D7XfAHC4AUqQWlMB6xHTtmo1947Zhpvu.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why yes, I don't simulate reproduction with my hand attempting to copulate with pixels on a screen, how could you tell?

>> No.6007785

>Not him but I also don't get it. I masturbate 2-3 times every day and enjoy it, I much prefer watching porn while doing so. It's an invented problem.
2-3 times every day... the absolute denial.

>> No.6007791 [DELETED] 
File: 24 KB, 690x388, chuckschumer+mgn4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm not a coomer, I'm a 38 year old Schumer

>> No.6007797
File: 93 KB, 950x760, a5178bac5471308283e4d9cd04fec2fc.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

coomers even perform worse in the top NBA

>> No.6007808
File: 1.79 MB, 320x193, 1573208631347.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I masturbate 2-3 times every day
>watching porn while doing so
>It's an invented problem.

>> No.6007823

Does Pachinko Sexy Reaction exist in an English language rom?

>> No.6007848
File: 79 KB, 800x815, EFPVYssXsAEX3KG.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6007865

Rance is pretty good, it gives you a rape option when talking to people. Don't know what a coomer is though.

>> No.6007868

No, but it doesn't need to, it's just pachinko and girls get naked when you win and you will win eventually, I barely had to do anything and had tons of balls everywhere, then there were tits.

Now, the fucking mahjong games on the other hand, those you have to learn to play mahjong, so good luck. But those girls are designed by Kenichi Sonoda, so that was my primary reason for checking them out. The SNES game doesn't have any nudity, though, just the arcade versions...maybe the DS version of 3, you'd have to look it up, there are a ton of ports.

>> No.6007872

Mahjong is just gin rummy, you only need to know the symbols and your set.

>> No.6007880


Or shitty diet, weak/inactive body overall. Genetically I "should" be bald but I take care of myself and don't have that or any of the other problems that my family deals with.

>> No.6007965
File: 22 KB, 768x480, Mahjong_Gakuen_008.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Mahjong games aren't that hard once you know the rules as >>6007872 put it. See http://mahjonginmame.com for basic knowledge on how to play arcade or computer mahjong.

In MAME, most can be set to easy difficulty or have very generous power-ups.

>> No.6007968

Nice hips but tiny buttcrack. Sad!

>> No.6007985

Joke getting too old.

>> No.6008101


>> No.6008135

Complete bollocks, weightlifting speeds up alopecia.

>> No.6008156

Ah yes- but which one of these has the first Newhalf in it? Is there a PC-98 with my delicious all consuming need- for femcock thigh-high lace, garterbelts lipstick and that oh so 90's-80's feel?

I wanna suck vintage "we're still innovating it's shemales ladyboys, travestis only not this shit ass no try trans ink sock pre-boku-no pic trap renissance-Rome 2.0 shit" Tranny dick, you know?

Back when they didn't rewrite the tranny codex and Pronouns weren't the prominent issue and there's probably a couple thousand people who shouldn't be these sex-objects at all, but jews in medicine are evil fucks and shrinks are spineless because there were no contingencies for screening these people for their body-warping shenanigans .

Classy shemales, just that little extra you looked for- hidden underneath the counter, where she should be.

>> No.6008187

I urge you, stop cooming

>> No.6008215

Should have made one before coom meme then

>> No.6008620
File: 45 KB, 225x350, la blue girl.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Your ideas are intriguing and I wish to subscribe to your newsletter

Also, I'd love to see someone make a hentai game in the 80's/90's anime artwork style, but in a genre outside the norm for H games.

Imagine something like a survival horror game in the vein of Urotsukidoji and Bible Black

>> No.6008624

This, but unironically

>> No.6008858 [DELETED] 
File: 158 KB, 900x600, cho aniki.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You won't last five minutes playing this.

>> No.6008869
File: 489 KB, 1000x2100, G_1.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Id love to see Kimura on more games. And anime. And just in general everything. Real life would be great.

>> No.6008872
File: 245 KB, 850x1252, vgcvc080.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Would love a hentai fighter
>wouldn't catch on because evotards

>> No.6008892

>thing with uncensored nudity doesn't catch on in mainstream

>> No.6008909

When the fuck is Xenon getting translated

>> No.6008914

>everything has to be mainstream

>> No.6008930

If you don't care about mainstream then why are you crying about EVO? Why are you crying about it "catching on"?

>> No.6008931

Mmmmm, so soft.

>> No.6008960

Are you going to spend the rest of your life being mad at whatever the newest meme is?

>> No.6008982
File: 132 KB, 500x660, giana sisters.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6008992
File: 119 KB, 284x320, 014790.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try this NES homebrew. The download link is at the very bottom of the page.

>> No.6009040

good christ almighty... [girl]... "thank you"..."uh... who are you..."

>> No.6009089

People who buy games solely because it has a waifu in it are retarded.

>> No.6009092

Not him but you're the one who brought up "mainstream." I thought it was pretty obvious he meant no one would bother with it even on a casual level because everyone wants to role play an EVO champ whenever they pick up a fighting game nowadays. Just like you can't even bring up the genre without some ape popping off like someone insulted their school crush.

>> No.6009097

>you're the one who brought up "mainstream."

>no one would bother with it even on a casual level
Once again: Casual = Mainstream.

>because everyone wants to role play an EVO champ whenever they pick up a fighting game
That's also mainstream. EVO is mainstream. Competing and paying attention to EVO is mainstream.

>> No.6009127


Resident Evil of course

>> No.6009145


>> No.6009194
File: 1.93 MB, 720x480, good ole mahjong.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody should be deprived of cute mahjong girls.
I made a video on how to play it but not gonna be shilling here. It's not as hard as one might think.
Go for it anon. Learn it and earn those pixelated nipples.
Game is Super Real Mahjong (saturn)

>> No.6009197

People are sick of seeing porn/fetish threads where they don't belong.

>> No.6009201

Then they should go to a different website that doesn't host multiple pron boards. I swear the idea of a SFW 4chan never fails to be ludicrous

>> No.6009203

ok coomer

>> No.6009207

Make sure you don't click the wrong link, lest you scar your virgin eyes.

>> No.6009274

Sure thing soigoy. Keep trying to change 4chan

>> No.6009362
File: 203 KB, 1752x884, unknown-25.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.6009509

How many of those have you actually played?

>> No.6009612

This and several boards are already changed into 4channel you know.
>implying kids aren't obviously trying to change everything here with their 'funny' words that aren't from this website

>> No.6009626

>Mahjong Gakuen
An interesting thing to know is that this game was developed by the same team who made Final Fight and Street Fighter II.

>> No.6009630
File: 169 KB, 720x716, 54640-Yakyuken_Special_Konya_Ha_12_Kaisen_(J)-1535299100.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

it's fucking kino

>> No.6009650

That's neet.
I posted the pic because it was one of my favorite games (and the lewdest when it comes to arcade) when I got into emulating strip mahjong in the early 2000s.

I had no idea Akiman was behind its cuties.

>> No.6009834


>> No.6009853

Variable Geo was originally porn on PC98
I'm fine with the current system of releasing semi-ecchi games but still PG13 and letting the fans come up with the smut.

>> No.6009881
File: 10 KB, 256x224, gourmetsentai-17.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You act like I know what gin rummy is, so either way, you have to learn a complicated game, though at least it's not Koi Koi or any of that other Yakuza shit.

These games are all about the dudes, but when the ladies come out, you get some good thicc.

>> No.6009885

Super Strip Fighter IV is a thing that exists, so hentai fighters are a thing.

>> No.6009887

Does this have actual nudity or just pokies, because a lot of the Idol Chan Suchie Pai games actually have at least full on tits in them.

>> No.6009916
File: 36 KB, 640x400, Star_Platinum_231_B.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Koi koi is pretty easy too. The only obstacle is the fact the normal hanafuda deck might be hard to read at first, but give Star Platinum a try with the zodiac cards to get familiar with the combinations then you're good to go.

>> No.6009942
File: 2.03 MB, 300x268, KAN! uhhh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one has no nudity. Excellent art but no nudity. It's a Saturn game after all. I guess they didn't want to go that far.

>> No.6010084

vr fags trying to figure out the COOMER meme when it originated from pol. It makes fun of the COOMER who actually attended a BLACKED event IRL.
Now it'a being spammed whenever sexy bitches are being posted

>> No.6010106

She's saying: have sex incel (with me)

>> No.6010116

What a pervert!

>> No.6010159

I'd love to watch that video you made anon

>> No.6010308

What the fuck, you attacked first.

>> No.6010316
File: 22 KB, 480x360, hqdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is koi koi the same as hanafuda? I did play a simplified variant in sakutai

>> No.6010542

hanafuda refers to the cards themselves

>> No.6010554

Didn't Marvelous or whoever take an exclusivity deal from Sony regarding 7ever? I'd assume that would've been the killing blow, a series known for its lewd fanservice willingly taking a bribe to stick to a console that has taken drastic measures to censor sexuality.

>> No.6010630

What game would you recommend if I wanted to learn hanafuda and mahjong games?

>> No.6010642

true, they got paid for exclusivity, but sony should have let them do their jobs rather than killing it.

i mean, sony gave them money for the game, they knew what they were gonna get.

>> No.6010686

Hong Kong Mahjong Pro
It's in English and some the opponents are good.
Maybe some differences with the Japanese mahjong rules.

>> No.6011960

>vr fags trying to figure out the COOMER meme when it originated from pol.
it came from /fit/ and got hijacked by reddit and discordfags who wanted to run it down, you newfaggot shit

>> No.6011969
File: 54 KB, 606x680, IMG_20191022_212853.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

When I was maybe 11 or 12, I was in a smaller school and it had a homemade MAME cabinet with that pachinko game on it. After school one time, I played it and ended up humping a bean bag chair and eventually came into it. I'll never forget that game

>> No.6011987

Who the fuck cares about meme history you fucking losers.

>> No.6012054

nah, i was just tearing down your little "anything i don't like is from /pol/" stigma
/fit/ is already worst than /tv/ as of 2019

>> No.6012083

Oh man... What an awkward situation

>> No.6012119

The Suchie Pai games on Saturn have nudity, apparently.

Also, here's all the Suchie Pai games if anyone wants to play any of them, there are a shit ton.


>> No.6012121

You're gonna have to give me more info than Star Platinum if you want me to find the game, because you know I'm just going to get JoJo shit on Google.

>> No.6012198
File: 77 KB, 640x884, Star_Platinum_265.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Yeah, that's the problem with this game having such an iconic name. Just add "pc98" in your search for more relevant results.

This game worked for me to learn the Koi koi rules with its highlighting and easier to read cards (pic related). And it has great dithered art with a catchy soundtrack.

>> No.6012205

/v/ needs to get out and stay out

>> No.6012210 [DELETED] 

What a boomer thing to say. I'm getting up there in age but I'm one of the cool ones. I'm more like a doomer.

>> No.6012264

Is it normal to play VNs for story and not for flapping? Some of the stories in these games are great.

>> No.6012271

>Is it normal to read novels for the story?
There's no point otherwise, genius. If all you want is to fap, just watch porn.

>> No.6012329

>implying r=.4 proves anything
I remember my first time with statistics

>> No.6013403

Yes but it's not like VNs are that interesting in terms of literature in general. You can have VNs with hundreds of thousands of words but quantity doesn't guarantee quality.
Really, if you've read the top 10 most talked about ones like Fate/Stay Night, Muv Luv, any Key visual novel or that popular one from the 90s that got a reboot and an anime adaptation recently but I forgot the god damn name, er ... you basically read everything that was worth reading. Like with any medium you can ignore most of them unless you're just looking for sex scenes.

>> No.6013690

>or that popular one from the 90s that got a reboot and an anime adaptation recently but I forgot the god damn name, er

>> No.6013705

lmao, your EOP tears are delicious.

>> No.6014620

I remember reading something about a planned Switch version, so they probably didn't get full exclusivity, just the usual "help us pad out exclusive list by making other versions unavailable for a few months/years" schtick of theirs. Nintendo and Microsoft should jump in on moneyhatting Jap devs for 'uncensored' games, the Japanese will stick with the Sony marque until it sinks.

>> No.6014628
File: 92 KB, 642x480, 3B868A62-F13A-4CB0-9709-029736801DE1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i always liked the artsy blue haired girl that has a bad heart

>> No.6014823

Lakers win.

>> No.6014845
File: 161 KB, 340x574, Piranha.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

look at thes tittiees brehss.... oh fukkk im gonna cooooom

>> No.6014857

>not Cube

>> No.6014862

>Not Mew

>> No.6014867

>not Gamu

>> No.6015026

Gamu is the casual pick

>> No.6015031

if you knew only hiragana you could read it and probably understood it if you watch a lot of anime anon-kun

>> No.6015043

yakyuken special. i love how they dance

>> No.6015046

super real mahjong grafitti has nudity

>> No.6015151

What's so EOP about it? The fact I named a few VNs that are so popular that they got a fan translation, which was exactly the point I was trying to make that those are the most popular ones? You could replace with any untranslated popular VN and the message would still be the same because the majority is mediocre at the very least.
>like with any medium
Just to clarify it to you because it seems your reading comprehension could use some work.

>> No.6015160

I'm too busy looking at those giant mega man feet.

>> No.6015183

To think that those boobs would have been considered gigantic in the past when now you have normal anime shows with characters that are double the size

Asuka 120% was a franchise intended for women not coomers

>> No.6015231
File: 174 KB, 1036x1234, 1534404267077.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game is fun, but you have to play well if you want a hot girl. Unless bbw amazons are your thing, then you're set.

>> No.6015356

>you attacked first

>> No.6015386
File: 127 KB, 600x468, images_tenderlovingcare_04.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Tender Loving Care has some spicy scenes depending on your choices.

>> No.6015540

>a smaller school and it had a homemade MAME cabinet
wtf? Really?

>> No.6016646

It's intended for beginners, if you pick the american stars and stripes girl she can do zangief pile divers with qcf motions which is way surreal. Remember to play Limited and not Final.

>> No.6016846
File: 7 KB, 248x464, Poison2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For me, it was Final Fight. The Amiga version I played had Poison in it. Pausing it right at this frame = cooms

>> No.6016854
File: 75 KB, 520x244, yakyu_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6016975
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>> No.6017609

>not all of them all at once

>> No.6017714
File: 66 KB, 844x474, vc3do.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Virtual Cameraman for the 3DO. It's a Japan-only FMV title where you watch pre-determined videos and press a button to "take a photo."


>> No.6017837

I for one wish there were a lot more sexy beat-em-ups and such.

>> No.6017867 [DELETED] 

>fapping to a qt trans woman

absolutely based

>> No.6017905

Also make porn game threads if you want dope, its all worth persevering; especially if its good.

>> No.6017907

People are enjoying something, and so they must be wojaked at until they stop.

>> No.6017913

Its like making fun of drunks or stoners. The action isn’t bad, but excess always will be.

>> No.6019675

Shit, I'd play them but can't find the ISO for any of them but the PSP ones

>> No.6020230

I liked the first version of the coomer meme where he was just an absurdly horny guy who got aroused at the slightest thing and cum a wave while doing the loud nigra scream.

>> No.6020271

But seriously, what are some decent old eroge that I don't need a few years of Japanese lessons to read?

>> No.6020286

Divi Dead if you are into VN

>> No.6020448
File: 50 KB, 320x198, 9dc99fdf6ca1c17693260551e3516b3f.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's an untapped market

>> No.6020460

I'd love a sexy brawler; doesn't even need to have any sex or such, just some well done pixel nudity and cut ins and such.

>> No.6020468

Do the AOF thing were if you beat your opponent their clothes explodes and then like in VG you get a nice CG.

>> No.6020479

Good idea.

>> No.6020481

you wake up in the middle of the night and see some succubus riding your cock

>> No.6020491

This meme was designed to be cringy, right? Like it’s supposed to be alienating?

>> No.6020498

you could even incorporate stage hazards, like a ring out leads to a gang bang if you want to go full hardcore porn

>> No.6020507

Yeah I definitely wanna see some dudes pulsing asshole up close on the screen

>> No.6020516

So you ignored the drealmer head?

>> No.6020518

It's a mirror held up to coomers to discourage them from continuing down that path. It's supposed to make you feel uncomfortable.

>> No.6020571

How is it working so far? kek

>> No.6020907

All I see is another shitty wojack.

>> No.6020981 [DELETED] 
File: 418 KB, 1047x1542, they did it for free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Watch out guys, you don't wanna piss off the jannies

>> No.6020982

>Images and discussion should pertain to retro/classic games only
>Post is nothing but a onions edit of a modern movie

Wow really makes you think, almost like it was totally justified. cry more lol

Where's that beat em up version of Rapelay I hear so much about? Forgot the name of it.

>> No.6020987

>says to watch out for the janitors for complaining about wojacks
>when your shitty wojack post was deleted
Was getting caught part of your plan?

>> No.6021007

>Post a wojack
>Get banned
>Openly ban evade
>"Wow jannies amirite"

Newfags like you need gassing.

>> No.6021012 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 426x425, 1573971184964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Jannies can't ban me, I'm unbannable.

>> No.6021025


>> No.6021026 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 426x425, 1573971184964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6021058

Oh so it's the 'creator intended to weird out its audience' excuse. Yeah cause that worked out so well with Anno's Evangelion, right? It's not like Asuka vs Rei waifufagging got out of that instead ...

>> No.6021192

It just represents a man who is consumed by lust to the exclusion of all else in life. Coincidentally there are many such men posting on 4chan..
Has nothing to do with politics

>> No.6021201

Why is Pepe like this? He started off as just a dude that peed with his pants all the way down. I don’t understand

>> No.6021303


>> No.6021320

Since when is posting satire a bannable offense, especially if it's retro game (Sonic) related?

>> No.6021324


>> No.6021332
File: 327 KB, 1411x1080, Battletoads (JUE)-180616-222105.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Moderators on other sites are massive faggots these days, why would the ones on this site be any different?

>> No.6021336

Fuck off, the post was deleted so you're commenting without context. Just shut up.

>> No.6021338 [DELETED] 
File: 418 KB, 1047x1542, they did it for free.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.6021340 [DELETED] 
File: 115 KB, 426x425, 1573971184964.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

They can delete my posts and ban me as much as they'd like, that's not going to stop me from posting here

>> No.6021342

Why post here if you're not actually going to post on topic and just want to spam frogs?

>> No.6021346

>commenting without context
Not that I'm admitting to your schizoid accusation, here, but since when is that a bannable offense, either?

>> No.6021349

Spamming off topic stuff is against the rules and thus bannable. Anything is technically bannable, as this is 4chan. I got a three week ban from the whole site back in 2010 for saying slavshit on /k/.

>> No.6021807

Yeah, with that jap pachinko game loaded on it specifically. Totally real anon

>> No.6021945

right? That's a painful chombo there

>> No.6021947

senran kagura? From what I can tell you spend most of that game pounding girls out of their clothes.

>> No.6022014
File: 1.69 MB, 1614x962, ScreenClip-3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That's a good modern example of a fighter, but I meant more like a beat-em-up sort of thing.

>> No.6022364
File: 282 KB, 800x1169, Athena.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6022789

And which is this one?

>> No.6022796

Paprium, some newly made game or something. I just grabbed the first half-decent screen shot of a beat em up from google just to show the genre.

>> No.6023345

>Paprium, some newly made game or something.

>> No.6023347

I count a game made by when its released and this shit is vaporware.

>> No.6023468


>> No.6023593
File: 561 KB, 1415x1407, Mahjong-Clinic-Special-Front.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.6023672

Gals Panic