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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5991358 No.5991358 [Reply] [Original]

>"Don't use retropie. just buy a used optiplex, bruh."
Yeah, cause the first thing I want people to see when they come into my living room is a big autistic office PC under my TV. Fuck off with that shit.

>> No.5991363

did this really deserve a thread? Enjoy your mediocre emulation dood,

>> No.5991372 [DELETED] 

He either has that big a self image problem or he's a Pi shill that's banking on others having big self image problems.

>> No.5991375

>Everything up to PSX perfect despite miniscule form factor and price
Pick one.

>> No.5991379

one man's trash is another man's gold, I guess

>> No.5991385

>self image problem
sounds about right, since the whole premise of the thread is worrying about what people think of your living room

>> No.5991394

t. slobs

>> No.5991414

Thanks I needed a laugh. Try living in the real world, anon.

>> No.5991421

This. Hell, my 90yo grandfather has a fucking tower sitting right next to his TV for watching british crime dramas. OP has serious self image issues.

>> No.5991437

Multidisc psx is a fucking hassle desu

I just use my laptop and Mednaffe (mednafen frontend) hooked to the tv for psx games.

Otherwise rpi3 and recalbox justwerks

>> No.5991442

raspberry pis are great if you use kodi and youre watching movies. not so good for emulation

>> No.5991443

You’re kind of proving his point that only a retarded old man about to kick the bucket would have a desktop computer next to his tv.

>> No.5991450

>Only an old man would use technology!
You are seriously making this argument. What kind of self image issues do you have?

>> No.5991475

Nope, I'm not making that argument. It's not about him using technology, it's about him not caring what his home looks like.
Caring about one's image doesn't mean it's an issue unless you take it too far. Not caring about your image at all is actually an issue, so ironically you're the one with self image issues. Try not coming off as a complete loser if you ever have friends over (unlikely) and you might actually get laid some day.

>> No.5991479

I'm trying to think of someone I know who ISN'T a 60yo who doesn't have a computer hooked up to their TV. Sounds like you live with low IQ types. Enjoy your "friends" who freak out at the sight of a PC in 2019.

>> No.5991482

>I don't have enough space to either hide a tower or integrate it into an entertainment console

You shouldn't be buying anything that isn't a house renter

>> No.5991490

>sorry guys, don't mind that, i just need an entire fucking desktop computer in my living room in case there are any retro video games that a smaller device wouldn't be able to handle
>Sounds like you live with low IQ types
I have my own place, you should try that too if you can ever afford it.

>> No.5991492

why do people like you always double down when you know you're wrong? Are you seriously saying having a PC in your living room setup = not giving a fuck about your image at all? Have you never conceived a clean living room PC setup?

>> No.5991493

That's one sleak PC case, i'll give it that.

>> No.5991496

you're so insecure it's sad man,, just delete this thread and learn from your mistakes.

>> No.5991497

Holy shit this HAS to be a troll.

There is NO WAY someone could legit be this dumb and with this level of shitty retards as friends.

>> No.5991515

Keep that shit in your bedroom you autistic fuck.

>> No.5991537

>end table with holes drilled out in back
>false front or drawer front

>> No.5991576

1. You're not arguing with one person
2. Living a suffocating life of OCD surrounded social code is not healthy for your mind.

Here's how real life works
>you've invited friends
>they're impressed at your custom setup
>you all enjoy whatever media you want to consume
>you invite people
>you are ill-prepared and waste their time instead of enjoying whatever
>embarrassment ensues
It really doesn't matter what you use unless it's really, really unaesthetic

>> No.5991643 [DELETED] 

Know what else is great for watching movies? A PC

I know people who use things other than PCs as their entertainment center and they're all horribly limited by comparison

>using a PC makes you look like a loser and keeps you from getting laid
I honestly cannot imagine what kind of social group this applies to but it must be awful

>> No.5991667

>Multidisc psx is a fucking hassle desu

>> No.5991712

Just buy a ThinkCentre in the Tiny series. It'll look nice under your tv, have way more horsepower than a Pi, and they're fairly cheap used. Seems like it's common for them to be sold as barebones systems missing the CPU, RAM, and HDD for $20-30 which might be advantageous if you have some spare parts lying around already.

>> No.5991724
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>he doesn't have a retro mancave with CRTs and retro PCs

>> No.5991810

I personally find the bios allocation and disc-switching aspects of retroarch fucking deep hassle.
Not gentoo-hard, just annoying.
Similarly, you have to set shaders by editing config files which isn't fun.
It's not hard, just annoying.

Similarly, variable cheats are a bitch.

Nerd shit.

Overall I love recalbox. Just multidisc is a bitch and setting correct bios for games like Legend Of Mana, adjusting shaders &c

>> No.5991812

For example:

>> No.5991815

Just download PSP2PSX EBOOT versions of multi disk games. I remember it not being too difficult when I completed MGS1 on my Pi.

>> No.5991849

>Can't figure out you can just put it behind the tv stand or speakers and is easily hidden.
>Also doesn't know SFF models are even smaller.
>Probably some kid who doesn't have a job and can't afford to buy one.
>Probably some kid who can't even install an OS on one that was wiped.

>> No.5991871

Yeah, cause the first thing a fucktard does is buy the biggest case he can when he wants a small one. That's some dropped on the head as a baby stupid you've got going on there kiddo.

>> No.5991874

Reminds me when I heard "If you don't got an iPhone, don't put it up. Only originals." by Kanye. The world has gone mad

>> No.5991891

>big autistic office PC under my TV
Pretty sure anons specifically mention the small form-factor Optiplexes. The HTPC ones.

>> No.5991903

Bought a used optiplex and a decent graphics card for less than I paid for my monitor. Kicks ass for anything I want to use it for up to Skyrim era.

Anything retro I play on my Wii through S-vid to my 34" trinitron xbv.
OP a fag.

>> No.5991959

I would respect an optiplex turned into a HTPC and emulation machine way more than seeing a retropie in someone's living room.

>> No.5991971
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OP's living room

>> No.5991976

I am going to assume you are a millennial and most of your friends are too. So am I. We are of the generation where having a desktop connected to your TV was the logical default.

Unfortunately the average zoomer was sheltered away from PCs as a child and never learned to properly use them, but instead grew up with smart phones and that is their native environment. Devices like Retropies appeal to their sensibilities and they see desktops as cumbersome. Which is idiotic and to their disadvantage, but it is what it is.

>> No.5991991
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If I want an arcade machine, emulation station, and HTPC all rolled into one is it better to buy a used optiplex, construct a NUC, or just build a SFF PC with desktop components?
Ideally I'd like something that can emulate everything up to Wii U in 4K which will need to be pretty beefy as a result but I'd accept Wii/PS2 1080p emulation if that cuts the price down enough.

>> No.5991995

good thing you can use a ps2 now for maximum soul

>> No.5992016

>Ideally I'd like something that can emulate everything up to Wii U in 4K
You'll need a modern system for that.
>Wii/PS2 1080p emulation
Literally a 1st/2nd generation i3 or better.

>> No.5992019 [DELETED] 

Terrifying if true

>> No.5992020

pretty comfy desu

>> No.5992024

The infamous i5/1050 ti combo should run 1080p ps2 for ~200. Not sure about wii. I can't stand flailing around to control a game.

>> No.5992030

>I can't stand flailing around to control a game.
That's why you should emulate, you can remap waggle to a button.

>> No.5992052

i agree. a pc is good for watching movies. pis are kinda outmoted right out of the box

>> No.5992097

>autistic office PC
Have you tried getting it counseling? Popped a few pills in the CD drive?

>> No.5992115

100x better than autistic LED's and glass panes.

>> No.5992164

None of the above. Buy a used workstation like a Dell Precision, HP Z series, or Lenovo Thinkcentre instead of an enterprise grade PC like an Optiplex.

Workstation hardware is more robust and suited to HTPC and gaming purposes.

>> No.5992167
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Huh, I didn't realise the requirements for emulating Wii and PS2 were that low. Thanks.
I'll look into those things you mentioned, but I might get a Skull Canyon NUC and shoot for 4K media playback in addition to the emulation.

>> No.5992215
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And thank you too.

>> No.5992219

Jesus. Precisions and Zs are fucking overkill. Thinkcentres are just more expensive Optiplexes/ProDesks

>> No.5992242

Can confirm, I got 60fps wii emulation on a nehalem i5 CPU with a GT 630.
(Now using an ivy bridge i5 with a GTX 750 Ti though)

>> No.5992243

Used ones are cheap though.

>> No.5992259

Sounds related to something I was thinking about briefly the other day. Where is the next generation of developers going to come from? People aren't growing up using a desktop computer any more. Sounds like a generation of developers who had to learn everything in college rather than through experimentation as they grew up.

>> No.5992272

People still have laptops. There will be no shortage of kids who played Minecraft on their tablets and seek out how to make their own games.

>> No.5992530

>Yeah, cause the first thing I want people to see when they come into my living room is a big autistic office PC under my TV. Fuck off with that shit.

No, instead they see an rpi with wires and shit hanging out that you autistically setup thinking you've created a bomb in your living room and are an actual terrorist lmao Vs. sleek sexy looking black optiplex.

>> No.5992541

This is some serious schizo shit. Get help.

>> No.5992543

that tower looks great for a living room. it would fit well with my sub and bravia
your a moron if you don't think that is perfect styling for living room tech or your an even bigger moran after a minimalist austere living room like an apple using nitwit

>> No.5992668

I love this thread. I have a big autistic optiplex with an ssd and a lowish end gpu as my main pc, and an assortment of old consoles under the tv. It works out alright. Even with a wireless keyboard/mouse combo and some sort of emulation frontend though, navigating a pc to get a game is kind of frustrating with guests over.

>> No.5992869

I am going to assume you're a dumbass. I'm 34 and it was never the default to connect a desktop PC to your tv. Rarely was it ever a good idea to do that, the only time that would be required was if you were grabbing tv/game footage or if you were really particular about using a CRT for emulation, but most emulators weren't designed with that in mind.

Connecting a desktop to your tv is - you've said it yourself cumbersome and seems more like an autist's idea of being effective with computers. For the past almost 7 years I have a linux set top box for my tv along with a remote for it, and I also connect and control it from my computer/laptop over wifi. It takes ~10 seconds to boot up and there is no "desktop" it goes into. I have everything satellite, youtube, torrents, iptv all instant. That's an effective setup. I only emulate on my pc right now or sometimes Wii and have original hardware and flashcarts setup with a CRT.

>> No.5993165

The real trick is to rip the screen off a refurbished midrange laptop and have it permanently output HDMI to your TV. It takes up barely any space and is much more capable as an emulation device.

>> No.5993183

I have an always-on Windows mid-tower connected to my TV. No one has complained (yet) about having to use a wireless mouse. Games can be launched fairly quickly from the stand-alone emulators and I also installed some co-op PC games, which launch pretty quickly from desktop shortcuts. Movies launch pretty fast from a Windows folder. Kids and other guests seem to especially like the old arcade games (I use MAMEUI). I damn sure wouldn't let them use my personal PC.

This seems to work well for my situation, but I'll guess that your setup LOOKS better than mine.

>> No.5993231

How often are you switching discs? And just use the pre-built shader config files if youre going to be a bitch about it

>> No.5993795

You're an idiot and don't know shit about technology, and probably didn't have any friends that did either.

>Rarely was it ever a good idea to do that
I mean really, this is a very fucking dumb thing to say if you are actually 34. That means you would have been in your 20s in the heyday of when desktop PCs reached their highest popularity, and most young men at the time actually knew how to work with them and used them for every tech task you can think of, including as HTPCs.

I said ZOOMERS think connecting a PC to a TV is cumbersome. I, a millennial know it is actually a piece of cake, especially if we are talking about the latter half of the 2000s when it was just a matter of connecting straight to a VGA, DVI, or HDMI port on the back of your television.

>For the past almost 7 years I have a linux set top box for my tv along with a remote for it, and I also connect and control it from my computer/laptop over wifi. It takes ~10 seconds to boot up and there is no "desktop" it goes into. I have everything satellite, youtube, torrents, iptv all instant.
If you actually had that the last "seven years" you wouldn't have written the stupid drivel you did because you would know better. And even if you did that would only put you back into 2012. Awfully late time for a 34 year old to be getting into the HTPC game. I was doing that shit in 2004 with a modded Xbox, and very soon after with a PC when my first HDTV had a vga port.

You're a zoomer who just got into tech and knows a few things now, but you don't know shit about history. Lurk more.

>> No.5993807

Good point. Never thought about this. smartphones and tablets are so closed and hide so much from the user

>> No.5993809

I'm a boomer and I think hooking up a giant noisy office PC to your living room TV screams autism.

>> No.5993814

Because you're a dumbass boomer who wastes his money on "easier" solutions that are actually worse in nearly every way. Go watch your roku, grandpa.

>> No.5993831
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If you don't know anything about the subject at hand then just don't post. Mid-tower office PCs are going to be quiet 99% of the time, unless you are pushing them as gaming machines, and then it is expected. For multimedia tasks and with modern hardware from the last ten years playing 1080p video is not going to impact fan speed. Hard drives can be swapped with SSDs.

And average office PC fully stock is going to be much quieter than a satellite or cable receiver with a hard drive and a fan in it. Those make a lot of noise.

A mini set-top box will be quieter than an office PC, but it is also limited in its capabilities. I'd never accept that compromise. If I wanted full silence I'd just build a quiet PC or run wires from a closet.

>> No.5993843
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> all the optiplexes have the same size

>> No.5993848

literally this, retropies are just the rokus of retro gaming

>> No.5993852
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>> No.5993897

>I'm a zoomer
>I think
choose one

>> No.5993950

silence boomer

>> No.5994064

If I had to pick one it would be the largest one. Bigger case equals better air flow and that means better performance and quieter fans. Also room for a properly large GPU and room for extra hard drives.

The size of these things is heavily, absurdly exaggerated, and I suspect quite a lot of those posts are troll posts. Even a full size tower PC is still a fairly small object in a living room.

>> No.5994072 [DELETED] 

I use the #2 size and you just listed literally every thing that's a pain in the ass about it. It's basically the same size as a fat PS3 though.

>> No.5994075

By #2 you mean the SFF size, correct?

I used to own a Pentium 4 Optiplex and had to run it with the case lid off because the fans ran so much. However, the Pentium 4 platform was probably the hottest era for Intel. If I were running a SFF machine now I'd try to get a CPU with a very low TDP.

Or just get a proper tower case.

>> No.5994081 [DELETED] 

No, the second largest. One might call it the "desktop" one but I keep it on its edge like in the pic, sitting right next to my PS3 in a cube where it very likely does not get enough ventilation. It's popped like three power supplies.

>> No.5994085

Those are usually called Slim Towers. If it's not getting enough ventilation perhaps... move it? However, you can easily read hardware temperatures with hardware monitor to see if it is overheating. Popped power supply sounds more like overdrawing of power. What kind of GPU do you have in it?

>> No.5994097 [DELETED] 

1050ti - the power supplies are supposedly 400w but they may be ersatz. After I did two warranty replacements the third one they sent me looks different and has performed better.

>> No.5994106

Awww how cute, sweaty, you posted it again!

>> No.5994151

>it was never the default to connect a desktop PC to your tv
From about 2005-2014 it was if you were a male between the ages of 18-35. If you didn't have a PC you had a PS3 or Xbox you were using for a media player. I still know several people who have PCs connected to their televisions.

>> No.5994153

there are smaller form factor optiplexes

>> No.5994174

There are, but how small do you really need?

>> No.5994209
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>office PC
So you've never used an office PC?

>> No.5994346

I'll just leave this here - check the case.

- more powerful than shitty optiplex intel GPUs
- can be silent
- looks like a console
- not even that much more expensive ($256.05)


>> No.5994356

This looks pretty solid, although it might be worth throwing in another 50 to get something like a ryzen 3200g instead

>> No.5994358 [DELETED] 

You could buy three or four optiplexes for that

>> No.5994375



i7 3770 CPU Benchmark: 9278 / 2068
AMD Athlon 200GE CPU Benchmark: 4960 / 1638

And that's not even the best deal on ebay, just the first one I clicked on close to $200.

>> No.5994382

It's underpowered and overpriced. Building a PC from scratch is near meme status right now with the abundance of cheap but powerful machines on ebay.

>> No.5994401
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Yeah, they aren't that big.

The "big ones" here >>5993843 and >>5993852 are mini towers.

>> No.5994406

a raspberry pi will run snes9x 2005, picodrive and pcsx rearmed perfectly so using a PC is pointless.

inb4 someone says something about n64 emulation:

>emulating n64

>> No.5994417


1. It's new - I put this here to naysay the people who are all like "ew old desktops"

2. It's quieter - I put this here to naysay that crowd as well. If you wanted it could literally be 100% fanless.

3. It actually has a GPU worth talking about, unlike the intelshit you linked, and that's where the bottleneck actually will be.

4. If you think the 200GE is underpowered for emulation you don't understand hardware: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LZgONj_XLAw

>> No.5994428

The integrated GPU on that is a joke. You are much better off to just spend the money on a discrete GPU. And as I said that is far from the best deal on ebay.

>it's new
I don't give a shit and neither should anyone reading this. Buying new is a sucker buy.
>it's quieter
If you're going to use the stock CPU cooler it won't be significantly cooler.

I don't think the 200GE is underpowered for emulation but I do think $256 dollars for a machine powered by it is a rip off.

And I for sure don't give one single rat fuck what some jackass on youtube has to say about the subject.

>> No.5994431

>significantly cooler.

>> No.5994437

Well I mean obviously with that kind of approach you're not going to learn much, and it shows. Not much point continuing the conversation. All I can say is that as someone who has gone both routes... I'd take the old system like you would, but I can understand there are real, valid reasons to go new, and if I were going new, that's how I'd do it.

Good night and fuck you too.

>> No.5994441

Learn what? How to assemble an Ikea computer kit?

You're assuming everyone is some beginner here when that's never been the topic of the thread. I wouldn't learn a thing putting together that computer you linked. I buy computer parts and build with them for performance, not for the "learning experience". And if I can get a pre-built with superior price/power ratio that's what I'm going to buy.

>> No.5994451

Using a huge desktop PC to emulate games is total fucking overkill when a single board computer is fine

>> No.5994453
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Average retropie owner

>> No.5994462

Entirely depends on what you are emulating, the level of accuracy you demand, and how much storage you want. People also do things like streaming while playing and having a multi-core workstation PC for this is useful.

>> No.5994467

if in order to get greater "accuracy" you need a fucking 8 core cpu and a $400 GPU then you're better off playing on the real thing especially since you're probably trying to emulate consoles from like 1 or 2 generations ago. Which is absolutely retarded and pointless children's shit.

>> No.5994469

Depends what you're emulating.
If you're like the weirdo who wants to emulate PS3/Wii U @ 4K, you're going to need a monstrous computer with top of the line components.

>> No.5994470

ok, I'm waiting for something to finish so I'll reply again.

Here's all the fucking shit you're not considering when it comes to old vs. new:

- the BIOS in some older machines is an absolute CHORE to work with and doesn't always have the options you need.

- you can end up saddled with SATA II or worse for storage controllers if you're not careful - waiting for boot on a TV system is no fun.

- hyperthreading and multiple cores almost always means fuck all, so the money you "save" is often still wasted on performance you can't even properly use. so much for "building for performance;" unusable performance is just wasted electricity.

- older GPUs might not even be able to do everything more recent emulators ask of them, and they might not have the mix of old and modern video out connectors a newer build can have.

- your old shitbox looks like shit. my new box looks nice and clean. if looks don't matter to you, then looks don't matter... but some people want it to look nice. In fact, I can tell you as someone who does this as a side job, I sell far more "new" for precisely this reason... I've just about given up trying to explain to people how much further their money goes with used components.

- please, feel free to enjoy coil whine on your shitbox's old, proprietary PSU and/or GPU

- you can't upgrade your shit, I can upgrade mine.

- silent is significantly quieter than "very quiet" to some people. fan noise does bother me in a media center setting.

I'm sure you'll have comebacks for every single one of these things because that's just the kind of stubborn asshat you so obviously are. It's exhausting watching people like you try to get through life.

>> No.5994486 [DELETED] 

It doesn't seem like you're talking about Optiplexes anymore.

>> No.5994495

Just use your regular PC. It doesn't even have to be in the living room, just run a long HDMI and USB cable.

>> No.5994497

You've descended to trolling now. You know all of your points are strawmen and I'm not taking the bait on them. Goodnight.

>> No.5994501
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I'm talking about a wide variety of old computers for the purpose of emulation, of which optiplex are only one option of many. There's nothing special about them.

Pic related... I have experience using old computers.

>> No.5994502

>pointless children's shit.
as opposed to?
Are you implying /vr/ era games are not for children?

>> No.5994503

>Pic related
Until you have actual entire storage buildings full of hardware you're not impressing anyone.

>> No.5994504

>the type of person who thinks some made up 'proper aesthetic' is a lifestyle.

Fall into your prolapse, boy.

>> No.5994506

I literally did, until I recently cleared it out. You just don't know as much about computers as I do. Especially older hardware.

>> No.5994509
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I used to have a nice SFF PC in a Shuttle case and I miss it. It looked really nice with a home theater setup and it could do way more than emulation. I really should look into making a new HTPC.
(Couldn't find a good picture, so this is all I got)

>> No.5994510
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-It's OEM, they don't want you to fuck with anything because you will, and will break it.

-Skip some bluray ads for me

-They still mean fuck all today, Power settings (GASP) can be adjusted.

- If you need more than HDMI why are you emulating?

-Nice new clean sexy leds to run 20 year old games

-Dell 7xxx/9xxx series Optilex MT use standard size PSUs

-Do I really need more than 24gb of ram on a 3770?


>> No.5994512

>nothing to be concerned with regarding BIOS options on any business or enterprise class PC repurposed for home use
>SATA II is fine but plenty of the stuff on ebay is SATA III.
>parallel processing is useful for streaming, recording, modern gaming, runahead, and web browsing
>Buy a GPU made in the last four generations if this is such a concern for you. A GTX 750 is very cheap. Use your brain to buy the GPU with connectors you need.
>looks fine to me
>coil whine only affects whimpy, whiny people
>then build a silent PC instead of one with a stock CPU cooling fan

>> No.5994515

>waiting for boot on a TV system is no fun.
My laptop SSD boots in 12 seconds via SATA II.

>> No.5994518

You need decent GPU performance if you want to use shaders like CRT-Royale. I don't think many of the single board computers can handle that. An Nvidia Shield could do it for sure. Maybe a hacked handheld from Sony or Nintendo. Not my area of expertise.

>> No.5994523

Normal people literally do not give a fuck about that shit

>> No.5994525

>they don't want you to fuck with anything because you will, and will break it

And this right here tells me everything I need to know about you and your level of experience with computers.

you would say that, until you run into BIOSes that have astoundingly limited boot order options, or no viable fastboot methods, or which don't allow you to control fan speed adequately

Your point about SATA III availability IS my point - yes, it is there. You and I know how to get it. Not everyone does. Learning about how to find out is your and my interest... some people just want to play retro games. New PC builds can make sense for them.

Parallel processing is great, but for emulation and emulation alone... it's not the CPU which is going to be your bottleneck. Even something like the 200GE has vastly more power than most consoles you'll ever be emulating, until you get up to current gen. Thus it's wasted performance, unless you do stuff like streaming on the same box - obviously in that case I'd recommend a different CPU - and probably not an older one at that.

Buying a dGPU to fix your video out options is fine, but - adds a fan, removes some or all of your cost benefit, uses more power, represents an additional point of failure, increases boot time (especially in older systems), and isn't otherwise necessary.

aesthetics. most people I've met who I did business with disagreed with yours. personally you and I agree.

there are wimpy, whiny people out there. what are they supposed to do? (other than nut up and enjoy the sound of old electronics like true chads).

I can definitely take that shitty 200GE build further than you can take an old optiplex - mostly in terms of CPU power. It's the furthest thing from nonsense.

that's what I did - and it's a fuckton easier to do with a modern chip that sips 35W TDP than your 65+W intlel used PCs.

>> No.5994526

Do you enjoy your transfer speeds when moving all your ROMs and ISOs on and off that shit?

>> No.5994530

Why would I be concerned about it at all? I'm not moving 100 gigabytes of data a day. If I want huge ROM collections it's mostly a one-time endeavor to transfer. Even if I had some kind of NAS setup going I wouldn't worry about it.

>> No.5994531
File: 32 KB, 372x486, AWJEEZ[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that the goal of this thread? To do exactly what normal people do?

>> No.5994534

fair enough. II and III aren't hugely different for most people's use cases. I tend to have better luck getting fast boots out of systems with SATA III, though - that may be down to firmware (UEFI/BIOS) rather than storage controller tech level, though.

>> No.5994538

Well normal people don't give a shit about a PC next to their fucking TV either yet we're 120 posts into this garbage

>> No.5994542

>astoundingly limited boot order options
Any Dell Precision, HP Z series, Optiplex, Dimension, Thinkcentre, Thinkstation, or really any generic business class PC is going to have normal boot order options in the BIOS. You'd have to screw up very badly to buy some kind of thin client that wouldn't let you change this. The actual danger here is buying a PC which has a locked BIOS, but that is something any decent ebay vendor will tell you about beforehand.

They have variations on boot tests and times, although I'm not sure what you consider fast booting. Some newer laptops with UEFI boot in less than 5 seconds, I know. That's nice and super fast, but I'm going to be perfectly fine with legacy boot methods that reach a desktop in 12-30 seconds.

Pretending 65w TDP is some kind of power hog is silly.

>> No.5994545

god dammit no... the issue with 65W TDP is not how much your power bill is going to be, it's whether you can dissipate the heat it generates using a fanless sink in a small box. That's what the conversation was about previously:

">then build a silent PC instead of one with a stock CPU cooling fan"

As for the limited boot options on boot order... I have run into dells and HPs that, for no good damn reason at all, did not want to boot from a (known good) liveUSB image. No amount of cajoling or changing settings in BIOS made a difference. I ultimately had to resort to installing my OS to a drive in a separate PC, then moving it over. Not a fun time, and definitely something I'm willing to pay money to avoid in some cases.

>> No.5994550

>it's whether you can dissipate the heat it generates using a fanless sink in a small box.
Which still won't be an issue with a 65w TDP. We are not in the bad old days of Prescott anymore.

>> No.5994559

Complain complain complain.
You posted an overpriced shitty system and got called out on it. Move the fuck on.

>> No.5994571

But Roku TVs are absolutely based, autist

>> No.5994584

I use dot.glsl and crt-pi.glsl regularly with pi3 with no probs

>> No.5994590

I had a long-ass post that I was working on that refuted all of Alcoholic Who Lives in a Rat's Nest of Ethernet Cables Surrounded by PSU's points line-by-line, but I said fuck it and ate an apple turnover and played fetch with my cat instead.
Then I come back and it seems anons have already set him straight and even mentioned his laughable complaints about BIOS functionality. The SATA II versus SATA III complaint also isn't really valid in this situation for reasons I don't care to spell out but it seems everyone here gets it.
>You need decent GPU performance if you want to use shaders like CRT-Royale
This is true but couldn't the iGPU in an Optimeme in this price range ($60 or so) handle shader presets that have lots of passes? Ivy Bridge had a decent iGPU for its time, Sandy Bridge less so. Obviously if you went older, to the Core2 series and such, on-board graphics wouldn't work for shader presets that have a dozen passes like the Sony BVM one. Actually, now that I think about it, I'm also wondering whether those Ivy and Sandy Bridge iGPUs would work with RetroArch's most recent OpenGL driver, which is OGL version 3.2, and how performance would differ if one needed to use the older OpenGL 2.0 driver with an intensive shader preset. I could legit test this this right now but I need to sleep.
Why are you mentioning normies in a thread about whether a cheap SFF PC is better than a similarly priced single-board solution for emulation of 5th gen consoles and maybe Dreamcast? A normal person wouldn't have any clue or give a fuck about any of this shit.

>> No.5994610

There's a version of CRT-Royale for intel iGPUs, but I don't know what sacrifices were made to achieve that. I know for a fact and from first hand experience that Sandy Bridge aka Intel HD Graphics 3000 will not cut it. CRT-Royale brings it to a crawl. CRT-Easymode does not even reach consistent 60 fps. But that is pretty old tech now.

Anyway, back in the regular real world I will continue to recommend to youngsters that they just buy or build a regular tower with enough airflow for a proper "real" GPU and plant it right down next to or underneath the television and not worry for one second what anyone else thinks about it.

>> No.5994625

Well I thought the point of this whole bullshit was about entertainment/ease of use for guests

>> No.5994637

I don't know what kind of guests you have man but I'm a nerd and so are almost all of my friends. If I had one of those RPI things under my TV I'd actually get a lot of shit for it.

>> No.5994954

Yes they can be, I'm a dumb shitty person with dumb shitty friends who have desktops in our living rooms. I couldn't care less what random anons think on this board, especially because of the amount of austistic drivel you guys constantly cry about. Each to their own!

>> No.5995000

>inviting friends over
You must not have children

>> No.5995053

>You're an idiot and don't know shit about technology,
ah ok, I tried to teach you something but you're beyond hopeless.

>I said ZOOMERS think connecting a PC to a TV is cumbersome. I, a millennial know it is actually a piece of cake, especially if we are talking about the latter half of the 2000s when it was just a matter of connecting straight to a VGA, DVI, or HDMI port on the back of your television.
I don't care what you said, I'M saying it's cumbersome and a shitty way to do it. What you say is irrelevant because you have no idea what you're doing. If you want to use a desktop pc that's fine, but it's not a good way at all and noone ever did that by default.

>If you actually had that the last "seven years" you wouldn't have written the stupid drivel you did because you would know better.
It's actually almost 6 years. I was careless to say 7 but it was already posted by the time I thought back properly. However the device known as a vu+ solo 2 was available significantly over 7 years ago. I can do everything imaginable with it, I can download a video on pc and instantly play it on my vu from the wifi, record from device to my pc harddrive, youtube, internet, epg, everything. The only thing I don't attempt on it is emulation. Before that I had a Technomate 1500 CI+ and before that I had a Strong SRT 6130. My family and I also had various sky boxes but of course you can't move and play media easily with them (maybe you can with the new ones). There were all kinds of ways to play video files off a tv - I could also simply use a USB drive with my first LCD tv and I had a music player with a video out for playing video and music on my CRT. I had a modded xbox as well and could play video on it but it was cumbersome and a shitty way to do it compared to what I had.

>> No.5995073 [DELETED] 

>Downloading movies instead of just streaming them from free sites that you need good adblockers for

>> No.5995093 [DELETED] 

Once again you make a worthless and stupid post tripfag. I can stream any modern tv show or movie (and popular old ones) from my iptv if I want. However why bother when I can just download from piratebay and view when it's done downloading.

>> No.5995094

Once again you make a worthless post tripfag. Those sites could be gone at any time. Using any website is also time-consuming, it's not instant. I can stream any modern tv show or movie (and popular old ones) from my iptv if I want. However why bother when I can just download from piratebay and view when it's done downloading.

>> No.5995175 [DELETED] 

LOL thanks for the tips from fucking 2011. Streaming sites are up for years now before you have to take an hour or so to find the new one and if they aren't instant for you, you either suck at navigating the web or have a shitty internet connection or both.

>> No.5995181

Yea, what would my overly sensitive SJW friends think of my Desktop Computer near my television?

Why do you shit stains even exist?

>> No.5995273

imagine thinking an entertainment system made up of receiver, DVD player, equalizer, BD player, and other types of boxes is okay but not when one of those boxes is a PC.

>> No.5995324

Use neither of those, I modded my Famicom Mini and SNES mini and everyone I know thinks that's cool as hell. If they don't have enough storage space for the games you want (like Sega CD that takes up an assload of space), you can get a USB host.

>> No.5995357

It just goes to show OP has Zero imagination. Just like his SJW friends.

>> No.5995373

Don't you know? PCs are for incels and we don't associate with those far-right types

>> No.5995415

Everything in your post leads me to believe you are nowhere close to 34.

>> No.5995640

You are absolutely correct. The idea that a computer in the living room would somehow be offensive to anyone just goes to show how low the average age of users on this board has fallen.

>> No.5995702

Hide it behind a large fern.

>> No.5995821
File: 320 KB, 491x335, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you have self image problems, you're most definitely white. The reason I bring that up is because your self image problems stem from a deep seated fear of being unable to have sex, but since you're white, you can breath a sigh of relief since women do not want to fuck white men anymore; Jewish media convinced them that nonwhites are objectively better in every way, except for oriental Asians who are instead mocked for having even smaller penises than white men. So do whatever the fuck you want, it literally won't change your 0% sex-having probability.

>> No.5995824

want to know how I know you're a white incel?

>> No.5995834

Just because people with desktop computers in their living rooms next to their TVs are literal Nazi types as demonstrated here, doesn't make everyone with a non-autistic living space a SJW.

>> No.5995842

>being so embarrassed of your mutant spawn you stop inviting friends over

>zoomer isn't an age group it's mental disability
>i'm too poor to have my storage

>> No.5995856

The advantage of surplus office/library/school computers is the opportunity to drop in a GPU that can run off motherboard power. Chipsets up to the GTX 1650 have such an option.

>> No.5995915 [DELETED] 

I have 600 laserdiscs. That's my response to that.

>> No.5995925

dude you still don't get it do you? I don't "navigate" anything except channels. I switch on my tv and vu system and it's there. I go to channel 16666 (can't be bothered to memorize the specific channels) and scroll down a bit for 49 porn channels. I go to 18888 for uk pay channels. I go to 25555 for US channels. I do pay €50 for six months and I get every channel and everything I could ever wish for, pay per view, everything. Not shitty cams of new releases with ads all over them, you can suck them hard if you want, but if it's on tv I have it.

For imdb 250 movies it's 26666, however as stated I rarely bother with this because usually easier to just download it through torrent from my pc and it'll be there in 20 minutes or so, what's the rush.

For top tv series I often do stream them alright. I just go to the end of the channel list and go upwards page by page, getting to my episode in less than a minute.

Navigating around shitty websites that appear and disappear and hoping to get a decent stream all day like a cuck and pretending to people online you know ones that will always work, good fucking joke. Go ahead and waste your life on those like a pleb if you want I have more important things to do.

>> No.5995930 [DELETED] 

IKS is the epitome of liability. I certainly hope you have a VPN

>> No.5995947

56% chance
100% chance on 4chan

You will never have sex, what or why do you care what others think of you?

>> No.5995962
File: 324 KB, 868x488, MacMini.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You could just get a decent used MacMini and use OpenEmu. Then you'll actually have a nice front end for your emulation.

>> No.5995981

It's a good front end for mouse and keyboard at your desk. For controller and couch though, it doesn't even come close to RetroPie. Normies like to scroll through and see gameplay videos because they don't know what the games are like.

>> No.5996049

>i shitpost irrelevent bullshit. That's my response to that.
That's your response to everything. One of the many reasons you're such an assclown.

>> No.5996101

What's the name for this brain? /pol/-brain, perhaps?

>> No.5996108 [DELETED] 

You're just obtuse. The relevance is now that movies are even produced digitally, there's no difference between streaming it and having it downloaded. I rarely re-watch films anyway, especially modern ones so 100 minutes of entertainment isn't worth taking up a gigabyte of storage.

>> No.5996112 [DELETED] 

He's a robot. /r9k/ definitely creeps all over /pol/ though. They like having someone to blame, which /pol/ is more than happy to provide.

>> No.5996125

Does anyone have that one green text about the guy who brings over some friends to play retro games and make fun of him as he revs up the desktop? I don't care about what people use to emulate, but that pasta was so ridiculously exaggerated that I found it hilarious and I haven't been able to find it again.

>> No.5996176

just hide it behind your anime wall scroll

>> No.5996240

>all those mental gymnastics
>performed by a mental special olympics participation trophyist
I guess if you never leave your basement you can't comprehend the difference between downloading and streaming. Then again, someone who LARPs about having 600 laser discs and then argues that streaming is the way to watch doesn't understand much. Not to mention that someone who can't afford $50 to store thousands of movies is probably so retarded they'd get that HDD stuck in their nose.

>> No.5996254 [DELETED] 

There is literally no difference between downloading and streaming a digital movie. Laserdiscs on the other hand are pure warm analog love all the way from cellulose to crt.

>> No.5996275

>There is literally no difference between downloading and streaming a digital movie.
If it's exactly the same video file and you have a fast enough connection to buffer it.

Which is not the case 99.99% of the time.

>> No.5996640

There's literally many differences. Maybe you're too retarded to understand that or to autistic to admit it. But facts are still facts.

>> No.5996776

>There is literally no difference between downloading and streaming a digital movie
Man how could this guy calling himself Father Electronics claiming he has 600 laser discs be this dumb.

Streaming has to use shitty compression and can't match a downloaded file by its nature.

If you have a fast connection to the server and it's serving the file quickly (unlikely for free sites) you can get good quality streams and rarely might match a downloaded file. But normally it can't. Try watching sports streaming and then reflect on how stupid you are.

>> No.5996970

I suppose you're advocating waiting until the blu-ray rip of the game comes out huh? Lol. When somebody is streaming the fucking Pakistan soccer match or whatever you're trying to watch in your obviously a decade behind region they have to capture, encode and transmit the stream as close to "live" as they possibly can with what is also be pretty low-end equipment. It's obviously retarded that you think that's what movie streaming is like. Netflix freaking releases world premier content on their streaming platform for Christ sake.

There are absolutely multiple pirate streaming sites hosting the exact same blu-ray rips that you're downloading. There are even torrent clients that can stream although I just do everything through https now.

I'm sorry that you guys seem to live places it's easier to start a torrent on your computer, wait all day for it to be finished transferring then stream it to your "set top box". I remember when I used to do the same thing with my Xbox but that was a long time ago and a lot of us have reliable high speed internet that can do all this stuff instantly now so we want to use a platform that's also capable of it.

This is drifting WAY off topic now and it's not any kind of argument you could start a /vr/ thread with but it's equally dumb as OP's "Optiplexes are ugly" claim.

PCs are simply the most capable platform period.

>> No.5997085

ps2 retroarch is terrible.

>> No.5997110

not when you factor in soul

>> No.5997156

Original hardware or bust

SNES: higan
PS1: Mednafen

If you must emulate

>> No.5997623

>start a torrent on your computer, wait all day for it to be finished transferring
If it takes all day to torrent a movie then it's going to take all day to stream it kiddo

>> No.5998018

>reading comprehension

>> No.5998140

retropi is better for having something you can take to a friend's house or in your bedroom. but for home/livingroom, a used dell is better at home.

>> No.5998174

>There are absolutely multiple pirate streaming sites hosting the exact same blu-ray rips that you're downloading.
Name one single pirate site which is offering to stream 10+ gigabyte 1080p blu-ray rips.

Very, very few of those sites offer a 1080p stream at all,and if they do it will top out at around 3000 kbps, which is slightly better than youtube quality. This is perfectly watchable but it is not even close to the same quality you will get by downloading a full original quality blu-ray remux.

And this isn't even getting into 4k blu-ray.

>> No.5998180

>Streaming has to use shitty compression and can't match a downloaded file by its nature.
On a purely technical basis this is not true. Theoretically you could stream any video quality you want as long as your hardware and connection was up to it.

>> No.5998268

If you want the best emulation device without having to buy autistic choices, buy a modded Wii or original Xbox

>> No.5998432

>anything comprehension
Keep on failing kiddo

>> No.5998738

Don't be mad at that person just because they're ble to play games at full speed.

>> No.5998924

just buy the Mister FPGA kit and enjoy 1:1 emulation of every 2D platform

>> No.5998940

>plays vidya from 40 years ago
>b-b-but breh what will people think of me
Kill yourself normie

>> No.5998941

1:1 emulation

>> No.5999206

Why not launchbox?

>> No.5999228

bro I don't know whether something's physically wrong with you or what, like how are you even coming up with this shit? Pakistan soccer match? I am talking about any stream, even dedicated streams. I googled it after my post and yes everyone still thinks that streaming sports are dogshit quality, even premium ones they are specifically trying to make look as good as possible. And you're here arguing that some free sites will offer the same thing?

Netflix is notorious for being brave enough to stream their content and they do a really good job of it. However the quality of shows like that isn't what you need for fast-moving sport. You don't notice it. It's also well paid for and dedicated, not some website that pops up and allows you all of that for free, and out of the fractions of cents they would get for the ads you don't even bother with it, you just put up ad blocker. You may be able to watch some low quality streams for free, that's it. It's similar to how you can watch a few old movies or tv shows on youtube, not get what you want.

You're a tosspot.

>> No.5999537

stop being so easy to bait

>> No.5999774

Wow. Okay, I guess I'll say it in full on retard language and all caps


It's literally retarded to try to compare live streams, especially ones being streamed by small time services or just some guy with his computer connected to his locally available game.

Alphabet and Vidcloud and Mega all host 1080p blu-ray rips and I get close to 10mbps from them sometimes. I don't have any 4k displays and I don't know of any free sites that stream it but there sure are a geek of a lot of 4k IPTV providers so it's obviously something available in lots of markets

>> No.6000427

I usually stream my retro vidya from my computer room
or the built in Internet Archive emulators to my Pi in the main room. No reason to have a big ugly box in the main room just to play casual 2D games.

>> No.6000432

>big ugly box
lmao why do Pi Devotees keep saying this?

>> No.6000441

I tried several videos on vidcloud and saw nothing that came close to 10 mbps. However, it seems like a great pirate site so I will keep it in mind for future use and probably watch Terminator: Dark Fate on it tonight.

Alpha I am unfamiliar with as a video host.

Mega can theoretically host a full blu-ray remux but I have never seen a place where links to full length shows and films were being shared. They are always broken up into pieces so the pirates can make money via clickthrough advertisements.

However, this is far off topic so I will cease now.

>> No.6000443

Well, one last post to say I agree with most of the things you've said and it is actually video pseuds who automatically think "stream bad!" and don't realize a ton of video content is ONLY released as streams now and that's the best you'll get, and yes sports broadcasts are a great example of this. OTA television is technically a type of stream, and is very high quality.

>> No.6000681

A desktop PC is easier to explain than a bare PCB sitting on your desk with cables plugged from every direction to it.

>> No.6000706
File: 100 KB, 1158x1539, antec p180.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the BIOS in some older machines is an absolute CHORE to work with
Yeah, you have to use the keyboard on a 80x25 column display instead of dicking around with the mouse in a 3D UEFI bios.

>and doesn't always have the options you need.
Unless you want to tinker with overclocking, pretty much all bioses are equal.

>you can end up saddled with SATA II or worse for storage controllers if you're not careful - waiting for boot on a TV system is no fun.
Win10 on my sata3 ssd boots in maybe 3 seconds. In fact turning on my HDTV and selecting the right hdmi channel takes about as long.

>hyperthreading and multiple cores almost always means fuck all
a ps2 emulator in 2006 managed to receive straight linear 2x performance increase when I moved from my Athlon 64 to a A64 X2 (making Disgaea playable at full speed). While it is true that with more cores, the performance does not always scale linearly, it does allow you to do shit in the background however, like recording your gameplay for example.

>older GPUs might not even be able to do everything more recent emulators ask of them
My 10 year old Radeon HD6970 can do everything that any emulator requires, besides shit like GPGPU and DX12 acceleration, which I'm not even sure if anything uses. But if that's a problem you can drop in a modern low-end card for $50. That is not to say that most modern computers have onboard video that can do everything you want.

>they might not have the mix of old and modern video out connectors a newer build can have.
Every card in the past decade had at least DVI which you can convert to HDMI or Displayport with a $3 dongle. Or even VGA to be honest. If you want composite/S-Video/component output, they stopped including those on cards in the past decade.

>your old shitbox looks like shit. my new box looks nice and clean
My old shitbox looks nice and clean and is completely quiet, your new box has half the case made out of glass and has a gay rainbow coloured led laser show inside.

>> No.6000950

unrelated anon here: spoofing a verified account for satellite networks isn't magic and is so insignificant that unless you're selling it as a black market service it's hardly detectable thus highly unlikely anybody will bother you

>> No.6001238

>spoofing a verified account for satellite networks isn't magic and is so insignificant
Hooooooookay. I'm not sure if the last time you did it was the mid '00s or if you're just literally talking out your ass. Since this is 4chan I'll assume the latter. If it is indeed inconsequential to you, I advise you to claim the 10 year old standing quarter million dollar bounty for a Nagra 3 hack. The only "inconsequential" hack is IKS or Internet Key Sharing which is indeed a black market service Anon is obviously subscribing to - one that requires an always-on connection to a highly illegal key server. Actual TV is cool and all but it isn't worth the risk and I've become so accustomed now to online content that when I'm at my in-laws' house I'm actually startled by the amount of commercials - when they aren't just watching DVR, which is most of the time and a silly, counter-intuitive way to consume content that is never the less being successfully marketed by the "TV" providers. They also watch "on demand" content which is literally the same as streaming shows from the internet.

Thanks. People will delude themselves into all kinds of irrational justification for continuing to do things the way they've been doing them even when there's simpler and/or cheaper and/or better ways to do the same thing. It's just human nature.

>> No.6001343

Because they can't afford anything over $49. $75 is too much for them.

>> No.6002330

>muh 1080p blu-rays
Your average cable/satellite box either outputs at 720p or 1080i AT BEST. Normies switching to piracy to cut the cord aren't going to notice a real difference between a YIFY rip of John Wick and the HBO feed of the same film.

>> No.6002524

To be fair, I usually take my pi in a bag with a controller when I go to my friend's houses, they all have 360 controllers lying around and it never goes unused.
It's a shame there's no proper "portable" solution for emulation up to Wii, best you can do is a hacked WiiU but you have to carry the tablet around + no PS2 emulation

>> No.6002595

I was emulating up to and including Wii on my laptop something like 10 years ago champ. Might be time to throw away that old hand me down netbook.

>> No.6002606

I don't have a laptop, they're shit, and I'm not paying $400+ for an emulation machine

>> No.6002776



>> No.6002814

See, this is a classic example of a know-it-all shitpost. Has almost nothing to do with what is actually being discussed at hand, but anon MUST "correct" everyone with information they all already know.

>> No.6002839
File: 28 KB, 640x480, DellOptiplex.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this is an i3 optiplex

>> No.6002843

Price: 6 Raspberry Pis, no bluetooth adapter or hard drive included. Can't run the best Genesis emulator Genesis Plus GX unless you can compile the source code for it yourself or you can try to install Linux on that Optiplex which doesn't have proper Linux drivers.

>> No.6003035

Raspberry Pi: cannot run MAME properly and cannot be meaningfully expanded to ever do so. Largely terrible ancient emulators that all take huge shortcuts with accuracy to get anything to run on this useless turd.
We get it that you like driving around town in your golf cart, but people with actual vehicles are always going to laugh at you. You got what you paid for.

>> No.6003140

>We get it that you like driving around town in your golf cart
Audibly chuckled

>> No.6003638

stupid cadaan faggot

>> No.6003761

We get it that you drive a huge pickup truck to compensate for something.
The Pi just works, and it's an added bonus how angry it makes you. At least you have the namefags on your side though right?

>> No.6003804

yes it can run mame https://www.lakka.tv/

>> No.6003806

also this good for emulation http://www.orangepi.org/orangepipc/

>> No.6003948

LITERALLY the same price as a pi 3. Also, isn't genesis plus on retroarch?


Eat a dick.

>> No.6004008

I literally drive a huge pickup truck. I've got a big dick too but, considering the topic of this thread, if you're more concerned about the effect on your image from what you use for your media center than you are about what you drive you got some FUCKED up priorities, Son.

>> No.6004292

This is what I did.

It's even easy to make your own using the tool for it. Select disk(s) > click convert > rename as it was.

>> No.6004450

You being too poor to afford something doesn't mean it doesn't exist kiddo

That's not a golf cart

>> No.6004480

>hurr if you don't waste your money you're poor
You are a nigger and a faggot. Good day, sir.

>> No.6004687

>hurr if i'm to poor to afford something i'll say it doesn't exist and then cry when people make fun of me for being a fucktard

>> No.6004723


>> No.6004970

>yes it can run mame
You're running the latest MAME, not one from 2003 that can't even run fucking Bubble Bobble properly, right?
One more thing, run it with these arguments, what speeds do you get once its complete?
MAME64 raveracw -noautoframeskip -frameskip 0 -seconds_to_run 100 -nothrottle -nosleep
I get this: Average speed: 202.92% (99 seconds)

>> No.6005031
File: 655 KB, 600x600, 2019-11-11_22-49-36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not having a rack/cabinet of AV equipment in your living room where a pc would not be out of place anyway
why even bother

>> No.6005035

Lol dude you can get a small form optiplex 990. I have a shitton on the floor right next to me here at work.

>> No.6005045

Had no idea hardware could be autistic.

>> No.6005087

A computer disconnected from any kind of network is technically autistic.

>> No.6005150


>> No.6005151


What's the issue?

>> No.6005204
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>> No.6005421

Built on top of the famous RetroArch emulator, Lakka is able to emulate a wide variety of systems and has some useful features such as automatic joypad recognition, rewinding, netplay, and shaders.

>> No.6005482

What 15 year old time capsule are you after climbing out of? Nagra 3? Cardsharing? Cardsharing is a european thing, stop larping as if you have any idea of it. Nagra 3 was hacked many years ago, I used to input the keys for Nagra 2 manually I got from the website with my remote. Then we had cardsharing in western europe for a long time but that's now dead as well, it's all IPTV now. I actually kept going with cs as it's called here (not iks) up until the bitter end since as stated earlier streaming isn't always great quality and satellite with cardsharing is a lot better. But IPTV can be ok for normal tv.

>> No.6005558

Hey that's super for you but it has nothing to do with "spoofing a verified account for satellite networks"

>> No.6005574

Ok. Now tell me the average speed it manages running Race Racer in MAME 215.

>> No.6005582

fuck, that hit deep, man.

>> No.6005687

Raspberry pi OS is free. Windows is expensive

>> No.6005848
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>paying for windows

>> No.6005856
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>> No.6005921

>there are people on 4chan that can't even run KMS

>> No.6005941
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How good are the chances that an optiplex would support an old ATI Rage 128 graphics card I still have lying around?
Has an S-Video and Composite out, would be comfy

>> No.6006194

If you can find one with an agp slot then yeah, but there's no reason to confine yourself to just dell optiplex. Look for any pentium 2 system, that'd fit best with the R128 but rly any old thing with an agp slot would work, few exceptions. If your card has 2 notches in the slot connector it should plug into any agp slot, if it's only got one notch on one side or another you have to watch out.

read: http://www.playtool.com/pages/agpcompat/agp.html

your card could also be the shittier PCI version, in which case it could maybe fit in a modern computer but don't. it would either not work at all or just be near unusable for anything unless you mangle windows 98 or something on it. you still have to be mindful of different notches in the PCI version.

>> No.6006215

Settle down, you didn't even know what KMS was and were fully anti-Linux a few months ago. It was when you were linked to this page http://emulation.gametechwiki.com/index.php/Input_lag and completely BTFO that you started with this KMS meme, pretending you know anything, when really you were the idiot who'd never even heard of KMS until recently.
>run KMS
Just lol WOPs. Keep trying to sound intelligent.

>> No.6006231

Making a fool of himself, getting schooled, and returning a week later as an "expert" on the subject is SOP for the shitposter. I've seen it many times. Truly pathetic.

>> No.6006248

Who pays for torrents? Is this a joke? They even have an option to install a legit copy if you have a key or a pre-activated one. 32bit and 64bit are on the same image. There's no excuse. By expensive, you must mean it costs usage of brain cells.

>> No.6006258

>I honestly cannot imagine what kind of social group this applies to but it must be awful
The mythical "gigachad" social group that only exists in the minds of NEETs who can barely talk to people anyway.

>> No.6006353

KMS is a fucking Windows authenticator, the most common package being KMSpico. I dunno what the fuck you're taking about but Linux sucks.

>> No.6006478

These are the best emulation machines for the price. Just search i5 8gb ram (i3 4gb if you're a cheapo) on ebay and find the fastest/cheapest one and your set. Even the intel integrated graphics works perfect. I only played up to ps1 so far. No slowdowns or issues. I have two so far hooked up to large screens. Might as well buy them while they're cheap.

>> No.6006508
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>> No.6006838

Anon when you got to psycho mantis how did you switch controller to port 2

>> No.6006843

Dude, you got btfo..just stop.

>> No.6007336

yes it did, but whatever, you haven't a fucking clue.

>> No.6007443

>spoofing a verified account for satellite networks isn't magic and is so insignificant
Its not insignificant, companies like xstream-codes make tens of millions of dollars from it and are the target of major counter-piracy operations both legal and technical
>Nagra 3 is hacked
While it IS likely that the source of these streams is some sort of closely guarded private Nagra 3 hack, all the major companies are still using Nagra 3 and it is officially "secure". A card swap shut down the easy "card sharing" but the swapped out cards are still Nagra 3.

If "spoofing verified accounts" is so "trivial" to you, you should probably go into that business because it's non-trivial to millions of people willing to pay for it.

This thread DID inspire me to go read up on IPTV. Looks like way way more people have good enough Internet and high-bandwidth servers are available enough in shady countries now for it to really be the new thing and the most interesting thing I discovered is that the way the law in the US currently works, the liability is entirely on the streaming service. It's only illegal to knowingly use technology to obtain valuable services for free. If you're paying for a service, it's reasonable to claim that you believed the service was authorized to provide that content. That's a nice legal buffer.

>> No.6007498

>Caring about one's image doesn't mean it's an issue unless you take it too far.
For example: (you)?

>> No.6007535

First of all don't greentext me as saying something I didn't without a very good (or even mediocre) reason.
>Its not insignificant, companies like xstream-codes make tens of millions of dollars from it and are the target of major counter-piracy operations both legal and technical
Because they are making big money you knob. It's the same with any piracy operation.
>While it IS likely that the source of these streams is some sort of closely guarded private Nagra 3 hack, all the major companies are still using Nagra 3 and it is officially "secure". A card swap shut down the easy "card sharing" but the swapped out cards are still Nagra 3.
If it's been hacked before it's compromised. In the UK Sky use NDS which has never been hacked in over 20 years.
>If "spoofing verified accounts" is so "trivial" to you, you should probably go into that business because it's non-trivial to millions of people willing to pay for it.
Again it's the exact same as any sort of sharing including torrents, IPTV or plain old bootleg DVDs - for personal use they won't go after you.
>Looks like way way more people have good enough Internet and high-bandwidth servers are available enough in shady countries now for it to really be the new thing and the most interesting thing I discovered is that the way the law in the US currently works, the liability is entirely on the streaming service. It's only illegal to knowingly use technology to obtain valuable services for free. If you're paying for a service, it's reasonable to claim that you believed the service was authorized to provide that content. That's a nice legal buffer.
yeah... no. The real law doesn't work like that. If you use it yourself they won't come after you, if you build up a steady income they'll come down hard. You see plenty of people being prosecuted for running IPTV servers all the time. The beauty of cardsharing was that it only used a matter of bytes for a perfect picture while with IPTV you need to stream it all.

>> No.6007565

Yes, as I said the liability is on the streaming service. Back in the day, when we were actually hacking the real equipment ourselves the liability was on the end users. The entertainment companies could and did go after them to the tune of hundreds of $10,000 lawsuits followed by an unknown but probably much higher number of $2,000 settlements versus the threat of an up to $100,000 lawsuit plus associated legal costs. They absolutely still go after people using torrents for personal use it's only the ISPs that have since gone to battle in court to protect the privacy of their users against civil liability.

Subscribing to an IPTV service actually should offer an end user a legal shelter though for the reasons I thought I stated clearly. If I buy a service that provides me with video streams for a certain fee its not any different than Hulu. I'm not obligated to personally check that Hulu has the right to offer that content so I shouldn't be obligated to find out if JackholeIPTV.com does either. That's their problem, not mine. Hulu has huge and constantly updating Terms of Service of course that Jackhole doesn't so there are probably tons of technicalities that could be hammered down on but the basic legal premise is sound.

>> No.6007713

Well since you're such a huge fag, why not get a Mac mini instead

>> No.6007717


Imagine being this big of a gay.

>> No.6007724


or you can just fuck off and play snes

>> No.6007725


like you can't pirate windows like you pirate your games

>> No.6007726

What do you care? You probably never leave the house or have guests over anyways, except the odd welfare worker.

>> No.6007826

No, they first they see are your anime body pillows, then the PC, so I think your autism flag is being proudly waved already.

>> No.6008451
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>> No.6008490

You don't need to. Just destroy the statues.

>> No.6009980

naw nigga, get a mini pc and blue tooth a ps4 controller, then you just setup a frontend with your emulators and get rid of whatever splash screens you can, then bam, totally modern awesome emulation machine, you could even play old pc game on it

>> No.6010002

Does this nigga work for Raspberry?

>> No.6010229

I like my living space clean and uncluttered. I used to have pcs every but now rather not. No need too. Android or firestick for tv, nice remote and solid. Pi for Emulation station, solid and runs nicely. recessed suround sound speakers, wall mounted LCD, recessed in wall cab for audio pre amps and amps. But thats just me when I was young I liked computers and shit everywhere.

>> No.6010294


>when you're so obsessed with minimalism you don't even think your sentences need subjects

>> No.6010370
