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File: 44 KB, 400x319, 770_fallout.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
600078 No.600078 [Reply] [Original]

Just started playing Fallout 1. First time.
Okay, so, I can see how cool the huge world of the game is. I can see, also, how cool is the dialog. I can even deal with those old graphics.
But god fucking dammit, the gameplay is simply disgusting. I can't fucking walk around without those annoying Action Points.

TL;DR I fucking hate Fallout 1 gamplay. Don't know if too young for this or just retarded.

>> No.600115

You can exit the battle mode and walk around freely as long as there aren't enemies around.

>> No.600126

fo2 fixes some of these problems, but this is how games were back in the day, turn based western rpg

>> No.600127

>too young for this or just retarded.

most likely both

>> No.600142
File: 617 KB, 745x1800, fallout philosophy with a rat.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

OP for fucks sake exit combat mode. You do not need AP outside of it at all.

Also, post your build.

>> No.600154

Next you are going to tell me that the combat is too slow when there is an option that speeds up the combat.
>when there are no enemies around press enter
>Also I don't know if you know this (a lot of people don't for whatever reason) but you can run instead of walk by either switching the options to "always run" or holding shift before you click to move.
>you can only sneak by walking btw

>> No.600180

OP here.
God dammit, I am such a retard. I'm sorry, everyone. I'm just not used to this kinda game.

I'm sure I'll cringe every fucking time I remember this event in my gaming life.

>> No.600186

Nigga post that build so we can help you. Fallout is not forgiving at all if you make a poopie character.

>> No.600187

This has to be a troll. No one's stupid enough to walk around in combat mode 24/7. The game will automatically exit combat mode when you enter the exit grid, anyway.

1/10, I responded

>> No.600218

some people are just that dumb brah

also there arent any newer games with this mechanic and im sure op is after this time so he prob wasnt familiar with it

>> No.600231

no I had the OP's problem the first time I played it. Luckily I figured out that walking while in constant combat was not suppose to happen. So 10 minutes of wasting AP I figured it out by pressing every key on the keyboard.

>> No.600240
File: 8 KB, 231x219, jesus snorting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>So 10 minutes of wasting AP I figured it out by pressing every key on the keyboard.

please be kidding

>> No.600250

Seriously though, the game automatically exits the combat interface when the last enemy is dead. You'd have to actually manually enter combat to have the OP's problem.

>> No.600258

Are you from 2238? That picture is either from 2238 or NMA.

>> No.600264

I'm not kidding. The key to enter combat is not the same key that exits combat. It only took me 10 minutes. At least I didn't go on a message board like OP and complain that the game was shit.

>> No.600261

>I can't fucking walk around without those annoying Action Points.
Close combat mode once everything is dead. Either button lower-right corner or iirc right click.

>> No.600294

Who the fuck uses the keyboard for entering combat?

>> No.600303

No, but you did take 10 minutes to figure out something that should've taken 1, and instead of knowing what your keybinds are you slammed every key like a retard pretending they are Mozart.

>> No.600305

>The key to enter combat is not the same key that exits combat.

Why wouldn't you just push the button that says "end combat"?

I have a feeling I'm being masterfully rused.

>> No.600304

There's a button on the HUD that'll do it, too.

>> No.600307
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>Pic related, it's OP right now

I actually had the same problem at first, but realized very quickly that you can switch the combat mode on/off. I think that I may have accidentally activated combat mode after battle, since the interface can be pretty disorienting at first.

Glad you got over the issue, though. It's an amazing game that everyone has to experience at least once.

>> No.600310

when it comes to old RPGs, read the manuals. RPGcodex even has an acronym for that: rtfm. it's basically vital because none of them have tutorials, and these systems are like gibberish to the profane

>> No.600339

>none of them have tutorials
>I am now reminded about the shitty tutorial they put into Fallout 2
You just had to go and remind me, didn't you?

>> No.600358

> 342% Speech

>> No.600369

I probably should have greentextd the story and add more details. I knew how to do everything with the mouse but c'mon, who uses the mouse when there are keybinds? I played the game when it was free on GoG that one time. I knew some of the keybinds but like I said before, the key to enter combat is not the same key to exit.
If you walk into an enemy you enter combat and they attack first. If you enter combat manually you get a free first attack. I held shift and ran near the enemy, and before you aggro you enter combat. Attack. End your turn. Attack again.

>> No.600373

You mean the Temple? That's easy as fuck.

>> No.600385

Again, who the fuck uses keys for combat?

>> No.600396

sorry bro. are you aware of the mod that skips it?

even though the temple is a tutorial stage, it's not a typical one because there's not some retard telling you to click weapon to attack. it teaches the mechanics without speaking a word, which is pretty impressive. it is a pain for low strength characters as we all know

>> No.600402

It's institutionally faster to click a key binding that you've learned than it is to move the mouse and click.

>> No.600413

Are you trying to speedrun your first time? The fuck is wrong with you?

>> No.600423

I'm mostly just joking about it, but yeah, I usually play a small guns, high intelligence and agility character which makes the tutorial a bit of a drag, but I've played through it enough that I can just run on autopilot through it.

Does the mod work with the high resolution patch and do you still get the experience for tricking the guard out of a fight?

>> No.600442

It has less to do with speed running and more to do with entering combat before the enemy sees you.

>> No.600457

>seriously implying that the microsecond between pressing a key and clicking your mouse will ever, EVER get you spotted

>> No.600526

Well, yeah. Also if you hold B, your pokeball is less likely to break.

>> No.600589

I've played both games at least a half-dozen times each, and I barely use keys aside from ESC to bring up the game menu (and typing in cap amounts when bartering).

>> No.600601

i don't use the hi res patch with FO because it looks too gamey afterwards. it's not like PST where there's beautiful architecture to look at

>do you still get the experience for tricking the guard out of a fight?
i didn't even know you could do that!

i realize i wasn't much help. you're welcome

>> No.600610

I agree with you OP. The gameplay and GUI are awful. In fact, reviews didnt like them even back in 1997 either.

but the freedom of choices is pretty awsome. worth bearing through the rest for that.

>> No.600627

That's fine. I mostly use the patch so I can have low res widescreen.

>> No.600642

hmmm maybe i should look into it. i still need to do a retard run, but my backlog of RPGs is so huge that there's no telling when i'll get around to playing fallout again

>> No.600742

My problem with Fallout 1 is the time going in and out of combat, they could have made it go by a bit faster. Also the glitches, that killed my interest in playing when my file ran into one. I know I could go somewhere and download something to fix the glitches, but I would still have to start over again and I just don't have the motivation for it.

>> No.600781
File: 74 KB, 614x572, 1365822672315.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


how old are you? Jesus I'm 24 and enjoyed that game.

Do you play tabletop games? AP is only for combat and it makes sense if you've played any tabletop.

>> No.600810
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same guy here, fuck this shit I'm dumpin my screenshots

>> No.600828
File: 131 KB, 960x540, scr00002.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

also OP don't be gay and install the Fallout FIXT mod


You'll only get a few glitches, like this guy, but he's the only trader that bugs out and what he sells isn't all that important, plus you can still use him.

>> No.600845
File: 140 KB, 960x540, scr00003.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.600859
File: 113 KB, 960x540, scr00017.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm sure you nerds cried at this part

I sure did

>> No.600868 [SPOILER] 
File: 123 KB, 960x540, scr00023.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.600891

Ha, that's what you get for changing out of your leather armor.

>> No.600894

Original Fallout gameplay is the best. Nothing quite like capping someone's groin at 200 yards.

>> No.600895 [SPOILER] 
File: 124 KB, 960x540, scr00006.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


people who played Ultima

>> No.600905


not really, it's what I get for taking him with me towards the mutant fortress

poor boy. you had a good run.

also it's canon that he dies.

>> No.600913

Thinking about picking it up, is making a charm/intelligence character actually legit, or are most fights forced on you

>> No.600932
File: 83 KB, 960x540, scr00021.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


I would read it up somewhere, but Charisma isn't all that effective.

Intelligence is important though dialoguewise in getting people to do what you want.

>> No.600965


>> No.600974

You can talk, repair, or science your way out of so damn much in that game. Just be prepared to run for your life from time to time, and have yourself a good set of armor for the endgame.

>> No.600981

>You can talk, repair, or science your way out of so damn much in that game.
Including the final boss, IIRC.

>> No.600991

Being ably to simply talk the big bad final boss into killing himself is still one of my favorite game moments.

>> No.601007

That is so fucking satisfying.

>> No.601052
File: 85 KB, 286x264, 1347824217393.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it that the first reaction these people have is make a shitty thread on /vr/ crying about how the game is unfair/unplayable/shit? The worst part is that when this happens, it's ALWAYS because the OP was completely retarded and missed something elemental about the game. I still remember the guy complaining because he couldn't figure out how to open red doors in Super Metroid.

>> No.601787

OP here, pal.
Yeah, I went full retard for a moment there.
But the whole point of making a thread was getting help, actually; hence the "Don't know if too young for this or just retarded".
And yes, I am ashamed of my stupidity, but, haven't we all been there at some point of our lives?
Some guys pee their pants in the schoolbus; some guys totally screw everything up the first time they eat pussy... In my case, I couldn't move freely in FO.

>> No.601809

Erudite academia runs were the best. Retards runs are a close second.

>> No.601834

I wanna make a melee build for my next playthrough.

Is it worth pouring into luck and choosing finesse for the crit chance?

>> No.601840

Well, the game is solid, but i always encounters Deathclaws in the desert and get fucked.

>> No.601861
File: 4 KB, 154x160, 1308594022398.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You are a troll. I refuse to believe anyone that can operate a computer can be this retarded as to not notice they're constantly in combat mode. God almighty.

>> No.601864

I'm only 20 and I fucking loved Fallout 1 and 2 way more than 3. It actually is what got me into pc gaming years back.

>> No.601953

He shows up in Fallout 2 in an event, so whatever.

>> No.601985

>lo nabokov
You conniving bastard

>> No.602001

For a new player, how should I build my character?

>> No.602157

High agility, intelligence, and perception. Tag small guns, lockpick and speech. Take the gifted trait.

Sorry for not being more detailed, I'm on my phone and also slightly drunk.

>> No.602382


I know rite?

She should be 14 tops.