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5997616 No.5997616 [Reply] [Original]

fuck this dungeon im out

>> No.5997649


>> No.5997656

lol got 'em

>> No.5997665

Haha sucks for you OP

>> No.5997671

What game?

>> No.5997672

Twin Peaks: Dale's Awakening

>> No.5997683

The rock on the left has a keyhole in it. That's how you make the door appear.

>> No.5997685

I can't believe he couldn't figure out this puzzle

>> No.5997690

no the dungeon itself is a piece of shit is what I'm saying

>> No.5997694

You’ve been filtered already, shut up

>> No.5997697

That was one of the easier dungeons, git gud lmao

>> No.5997727

There is a problem in a game like Zelda where most of the gameplay is constantly reused between games, when a dungeon introduces a new concept never before seen, it is jarring because games typically don't work this way without giving you a little hint.

Like in a stage in Megaman 8, when you're introduced to exploding platforms, the first time you witness is it is basically pointless just so you know it exists for when it matters later in the stage

>> No.5997731

ok boomer

>> No.5997747

I think I'll replay this game, there are so many of these threads lately.

The Oracles are bad though.

>> No.5997758

o k a y
b o o m e r

>> No.5997790
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>The Oracles are bad though

>> No.5997791

I just finished the remake and I was pretty surprised how short and manageable this dungeon is compared to my kid memories of it.

>> No.5997802

>The Oracles are bad though

>> No.5997805

Honestly LA is a game that gets better with each playthrough.

>> No.5997810
File: 386 KB, 451x953, 523456254754678.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How can you even be there with only three hearts?

>> No.5997814

3heart challenge

>> No.5997832

any la fag that doesn't like oracle of seasons doesn't actually like link's awakening

>> No.5997841

Yes OP we get it. We realized you suck at a child's game the last 2 times you made a thread. Please shut the fuck up already.

>> No.5997862

this is never a true statement

>> No.5997869

>adding Anonymous to his filter
what's it like to see 0 posts

>> No.5997879

Probably due to not having to constantly open and close the inventory.

>> No.5997884

>everyone I disagree with is one single entity

>> No.5997886

I'm sorry you don't feel the same

>> No.5997894

why would anyone feel like a game is better with each progressive playthrough unless it's designed like binding of isaac

>> No.5997904

Personally, I think in LA's case it's because the map is compact enough to have a lot of diversity and cohesive design so that every tile feels worthwhile. Knowing your way across the game feels good on replays, anyway I don't mean to have the game 100% memorized like a speedrunner, I mean for replaying every once in a while, not constantly. So each time you will feel more and more familiar with the game, but still have fun finding certain secrets you forgot about.
So to me, LA is a game that is balanced enough in terms of design to warrant having a good time each time you replay it.
At least, it happens to me.
No part in this game feels like a chore.

>> No.5997937

>thinks he can't be caught samefagging.

>> No.5997949

casual filtered, son

>> No.5997963
File: 6 KB, 160x128, LA_-_Piece_of_Power_2.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Link's Awakening is better than the Oracle ga--

>> No.5997978

Imagine not liking Oracle of Seasons, one of the best Zelda games.
Like man that's just embarrassing.

>> No.5997979

you can quickly cancel out of that in the original

>> No.5997996

It gives you enough visual cue so that you can avoid getting it, if you so desire.
Also what >>5997979 said.

>> No.5998142

bandaid solution for a problem that shouldn't exist. oracle games don't nag you whenever you touch a rock either
except sometimes close enough to where you cant see it coming before accidentally touching it or close to a place youre trying to go without touching it

>> No.5998172

kids game

>> No.5998302

The irony being how you've been samefagging this entire thread. No, I haven't posted here in months. Did it ever occur to your peanut brain that maybe people have been playing the original LA now that the remake is a thing? Use your head a little, dumdum.

>> No.5998312 [SPOILER] 
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How is the original not included in the remake? Fucking disgusting

>> No.5998315

how is this an excuse for the game making you wade through unnecessary text constantly? in fact i say it being a kids game makes the flaw work even moreso against it. what kid wants to put up with this shit?

>> No.5998317

because everyone who thinks they want it would immediately be jarred by the much more annoying inventory management and unnecessary text boxes

>> No.5998319

Not him, but do yourself a favor and play the original. It's not a "bandaid", it's the fucking original game.

>> No.5998320

i'm saying being able to skip the unnecessary text boxes with b is a band-aid to fix the issue. they just shouldn't be in the game at all or in the case of the power bracelet message be more sensibly implemented like in the oracle games

>> No.5998323

>i'm saying being able to skip the unnecessary text boxes with b is a band-aid to fix the issue
Complaining about text boxes (that can be skipped) is a bandaid to fix the fact there's not really much to complain about this game.

>> No.5998331

i wasn't even the one who originally brought it up. you can downplay it like a fanboy all you want, overall it makes the game extremely tedious, even if it seems small in of itself. its made all the worse by the fact that the game still feels the need to nag you about what rocks and crystals do constantly even after you already have the power bracelet and pegasus boots

>> No.5998337

>extremely tedious
You claim I'm "downplaying it like a fanboy", I think you're an exaggerated ADHD person.
Just press B whenever a text box you've already read comes up, alternatively, wait 1 second. It's way less than what you'd be waiting on a modern game with all the loadings and stuff.
>the need to nag you about what rocks and crystals do constantly even after you already have the power bracelet and pegasus boots
Is this something added to DX as well? I don't remember this from the original.

>> No.5998340

a kid might need to be reminded of something as simple as equiping the bracelet
>everyone who thinks they want it would immediately be jarred
switching items isn't that bad, it's a fix that's not really warranted because the original game had two buttons to work with
if the game was going to be remade they should have went all the way with it and not just upping the graphics and adding a few extra collectibles

>> No.5998342

or...hear me out...you can just do what the better-designed oracle of seasons does and not make you wade through unneccessary text at all. you're just such a fanboy you cannot perceive of an alternative where people just don't have to deal with the shitty interruptions. you can only compare them with worse alternatives which is never a good look for what you're arguing for

and yeah, as long as you don't have the bracelet or boots equipped, the game bothers you about them

>> No.5998348

>a kid might need to be reminded of something as simple as equiping the bracelet
i get that. the thing is there's better ways of going about explaining that. a better example is right there in the other two zelda games made with the links awakening engine. if you push into a rock for a second, the game tells you that you need something to lift it. the problem with how link's awakening does it is that even just touching a rock with the side of your body will display the message, even if you weren't trying to trigger it at all.

>> No.5998350

Do you defend CV2's constant interruptions as well? What a delusional fanboy you are.

>> No.5998356

>or...hear me out...you can just do what the better-designed oracle of seasons does and not make you wade through unneccessary text at all.
Just in case, I wasn't the guy saying Oracles weren't good or whatever. I never played them, yet.
I just think that complaining about text boxes is very nitpicky, and does not make it "extremely tedious", a minor annoyance at most.
>and yeah, as long as you don't have the bracelet or boots equipped, the game bothers you about them
But it happens if you press an action button on them or what? I don't think the game kept telling you about the rocks once you got the bracelet. Pretty sure I bumped into them a lot of times without having it equipped and no text box.

>> No.5998358

Can you cancel CV2's texboxes with B?
Also come on, LA doesn't interrupt your game every given set of minutes like CV2 does.

>> No.5998361

if you include the owl, it can kinda feel like it sometimes

>> No.5998364

Complaining about the owl is an OOT thing, because of his long speeches, and the tricky "want to read again?" thing.
The owl in LA is very brief and while sometimes it might appear often, it's still ridiculous and hyperbolic to compare it to CV2's day-night message.
Anyway, if this is some kind of Oracles VS LA war, I'm not part of it, as I said I never played Oracles, and I'm sure they're good games anyway. I'm just discussing because I think some people have a different experience with LA because of playing the DX version instead of the original.

>> No.5998368

press B to cancel it

>> No.5998376

That's actually my favorite dungeon in the game. Shit boss though

>> No.5998492
File: 52 KB, 500x400, 9CC7C69B-9992-42D7-A77E-318D7209FF1A.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Imagine not liking the Oracle games

>> No.5998501

oos is so damn comfy. perfect game to play on a cool autumn night

>> No.5998526
File: 29 KB, 249x224, Untitled.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I just finished Seasons for maybe the 4th time in my life. There are so many good environments in the game. It drove me through the game just to visit them again.
The forest in Tarm Ruins is probably my favorite.

>> No.5998546
File: 22 KB, 396x400, 3d4.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5998784

zoomfags can't into anything before colorful tutorial owl beak

>> No.5998787
File: 219 KB, 220x220, tenor.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
