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5985551 No.5985551 [Reply] [Original]

>tfw what is considered to be one of the worst games ever made contains one of the most thought-provoking stories to ever grace video games

>> No.5985558
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Dude, it's not that deep. Read a fucking book.

>> No.5985560

>it's not that deep.
Obviously I know that, I'm just saying that for a game from 1998 it's pretty insightful

>> No.5985561

That's two counts of hyperbole, dude. SA1 wasn't that bad, certainly not one of the worst games ever made. Gamma's story was good, but it wasn't that deep.

>> No.5985565

So a game's release date precludes it from being meaningful?
Is Shakespeare not insightful just because it's old? Not that Sonic Adventure is anywhere close to that. It has the depth of a napkin scribbling.

Fucking zoomers, Jesus Christ.

>> No.5985570

Gemma's story wasn't insightful or all that intelligent.
The only literary merit it has was that it succeeded in telling a sad story and making players feel an intended emotional response.

>> No.5985576


>> No.5985590

Japanese has this thing where you're watching the stupidest of things then it hits you full force with EXISTENTIAL DRAMA.

>> No.5985601

Gamma had a good simple story with feels. His theme is what sells it though.

>> No.5985624

Not him, but Shakeapeare is unironically overrated, though.

>> No.5985625

>tfw zoomers zoom
Back to your containment board

>> No.5985723

What is even the thoughts being provoked? That robot learn what do bad and then decide do good? What's so deep about this? Besides that, it has fuck all to do with the overall plot of the game.

>> No.5985729
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Yes, this is true. At the same time, his works are highly regarded for a reason. It can be both things at once.

>> No.5985768

Francis Bacon's

>> No.5986112

Which comes undone after Amy's story confirms that they all lived happily ever after.

>> No.5986138

It does? I must be remembering wrong. Gamma dies, right?

>> No.5986147

>one of the worst games ever made
>one of the most thought-provoking stories to ever grace video games
Both are terribly inaccurate.

>> No.5986240

Gamma's arc isn't nearly the most thought provoking story to grace video games nor is SA1 one of the worst games ever, at least 2/3rds of the game (Sonic, Tails, Knuckles, Gamma) is fun.

>> No.5986241

Sonic Adventure is bad. Maybe the Sonic levels, half of them anyway, are fun, but there's five other characters in the game too. None of them are as thought out or developed as Sonic so it just feels like massive amounts of padding. You end up with a game where less than a fifth of it is even worth playing, and that's totally ignoring the terrible cutscenes (even in Japanese) and Adventure Maps which are glorified level selects with "immersion" that waste your time.

>> No.5986280
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>considered to be one of the worst games ever made

>> No.5986283

It's the birds that live happily ever after, not the robots. The tiny animals in Eggman's robots are like batteries, they don't pilot the robot

>> No.5986287

Since when is “bad” the same as “worst ever made.” Do you know how many video games there are? Stfu you absolute moron.

>> No.5986308

Oh, right.

>> No.5986310

Of what measure is sentience? The robot was always the bird. Did the bird ever say that it doesn't remember it's time as a robot?

>> No.5986335

By saying "one of the worst games of all time" is "terribly inaccurate", there is an implication that you're defending the game. I'm just giving my opinion that it's is bad. Anyway, you do know that was just hyperbole used to get (You)s on their bait thread, right?

>> No.5986341

Gamma isn't the same as the Flicky that was inside of him. It's fair to come to the conclusion that the Flicky somehow inspired his face turn, but Gamma and the Flicky are separate entities.
Gamma died and the Flicky went back to its family.

>> No.5986741

What is this meme with pretending that Sonic Adventure, and Sonic games in general are all trash? To me it seems purely reactionary to autistic Sonic fans from over a decade ago.

>> No.5987058

Some guy from IGN said Sonic was never good and that finally made the fanbase explode.

>> No.5987076

Shakespeare's just garbage though. Well, most of his stuff is, anyway.

>> No.5987139

because like two prominent e-celebs said it was bad so now its the worst game ever

to be fair, i think the version most people played is the dx version which was a lazy port and is much more buggy and hard to play than the original dreamcast version so it's understandable on that level. the problem then becomes people don't do their homework and play the game how it was meant to be played

>> No.5987362

SA1 prior to the sonic was never good memes had 91 on metacritic

>> No.5987370

the dreamcast version did. dx is a different story and was pretty much always panned because it was an inferior, buggy port. and it just so happens to be the one most people end up playing

>> No.5987373
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Why was Gamma the only one that Tikal spoke directly to? Why was he special?

>> No.5987539

Tikal Spoke to Sonic, Tails, and Knuckles directly to though it is weird that Tikal first acknowledged Gamma and not the other way around. My headcanon is this vision was the start of Gamma's redemption.

>> No.5987623

Sonic Adventure actually was never good. People and critics at the time liked it because it felt innovative and large, with the benefit we know its innovations never went anywhere and the game as a while is a mess. IGN's 3/10 score for the 360 version is completely and totally warranted.
I hate this meme that people only hate it now because of ecelebs or IGN or whatever. People only pulled it to begin with because they were drinking the next gen Kool-Aid and figured it had to be great because it looked good for the time and had "a lot of content".

>> No.5987653
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Sonic Adventure doesn't have a good or provoking story, which is also hampered by the terrible cutscenes, but it's good enough for Sonic's first 3D adventure. At least it's better than future Sonic stories.

>> No.5987884
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>Le Egoraptor / IGN boogeymen
There was lots, and LOTS of Sonic detractors since the fucking 90s. Mario defenders hated Sonic obviously, and the only reason Sonic existed was to beat Mario, which he failed to do. So, now that Sonic "died" with his console, the detractors had all the power to bash Sonic to oblivion. And the best part is, they didn't even need to try. Thanks to SEGA's period of pandering to every single thing asked by the "fanbase", they made Heroes to pander to Nintendies, ShTH to pander to some autists wanting guns in a cartoon rat series about platforming, and then 06, which was the extreme conclusion of taking SA1/2 as serious as possible to the point Sonic was lanky as all shit, Eggman design was ruined with realism, and all of the tone and shit felt like Sonic was slapped into Final Fantasy. In short, Sonic became a joke, because nothing he did after SA2 made any fucking sense.

Outside of 06 being bipolar as all fuck, of course the game was hot garbage gameplay wise on release, so Sonic died again, this time for good. Despite getting games after this point, Sonic's image was done for. No, it's not "muh e-celebs", wake up drones, Sonic was dead to the public thanks to 06. He was done for. And what made it all the sweeter to anti Sonicfags, now that SEGA had to abandon all things Sonic was in the past to save face, they rebooted the series with Unleashed, which failed thanks to the retarded Werehog gimmick, then made Colors, and everyone, even non fans, liked it. So Sonic pandered to Color's audience since, which I hear actively makes the 2000s fans seethe. So what makes it all perfect to this day, what makes the hate for Sonic all the sweeter, is now that SEGA had done everything to make Sonic relevant, has singlehandedly made Sonic into a Frankenstein's monster, so not even his own fans like him anymore, because his gameplay style doesn't pander to x part of his fanbase. Aka, Forces, and what proves why Sonic was never good.

>> No.5987887

>spell out their message right at you
lmao dude get some taste.

>> No.5987972

This is probably bait, but if you're serious, you've probably never read a good book.

>> No.5989519

>worst games ever made
I thought most people considered a rough diamond or at least a decent effort.

>> No.5989526

>spell out
Damn it anon, good stuff

>> No.5989542

Hot take: Sonic was ALWAYS good. The Game Gear games were reasonable facsimiles for the portable system, and they even had original games like Triple Trouble and Tails Adventure. Even more recent failures like Heroes, 06, and Forces are so bad it's good.

>> No.5989569

sa1 is pretty far from being one of the worst games of all time, you have no idea just how deep that rabbit hole goes.

>> No.5989957

>Gamma isn't the same as the Flicky that was inside of him

This is what makes Gamma's story "deep". It could be read as a story about emotion and motivation forced on a robot. Or it could read as a story about animals who lose their identity when put into a robot.

>> No.5990025

>The Game Gear games were reasonable facsimiles for the portable system, and they even had original games like Triple Trouble and Tails Adventure.
Even the "adaptations" were original games you goofball

>> No.5990191

Sonic Adventure is a wonderful game. Maybe it's aged a little poorly but it's still a beautiful game. You can tell Sonic Team really tried to put someting special togethr for the Dreamcast and they succeeded.

Sonic's stages are great
Tails' stages are great
Amy's stages are fun
Big's stages are fun (a lot of people complain about them but they're actually not bad)
Gamma's stages are pretty bad but he had a nice story so it evens out
Knuckles' stages are horrible and still a chore to get through

Sonic Adventure 2 was way worse than the first and totally deserving of criticism. Literally only the Sonic\Shadow stages are fun, everythingelse sucks ass.

>> No.5990204

>Sonic's stages are great
maybe like half of them
>Tails' stages are great
if by great you mean completely pointless. he doesn't do a single thing sonic doesn't already do other than have the ability to fly over everything.
>Amy's stages are fun
flat no. they're slow and the antithesis of fun.
>Big's stages are fun
>Gamma's stages are pretty bad but he had a nice story so it evens out
>Knuckles' stages are horrible and still a chore to get through
bit of a chore but at least knuckles and gamma had more going on gameplaywise than tails amy or big, makes perfect sense why they were selected to be in adventure 2
imo adventure 2 took hunting and shooting and actually developed them into distinct gameplay styles rather than having them be a slight variant on sonic stages, which is alright by me. only problem really is that you can only sense one of the three emeralds at a time, besides that the styles are upgrades.

>> No.5990256

lol you sound like a teenager. chill out dude.

>> No.5990271

Says the person who doesn't even take the time to capitalize his words, which is indicative of how actual teenagers type.

You need to be 18 to post here.

>> No.5990428

>>IGN's 3/10 score for the 360 version is completely and totally warranted.
Yes, because DX is total garbage and the original Dreamcast release is the ultimate way to play this masterpiece of a vidcon.

>> No.5990429

I guess Tikal wanted to re-enact the scenes as closely as possible to warn the characters about Chaos' wrath. Maybe Gamma had to be directly stimulated in order for him to care.

>> No.5990458

>Shakespeare being better than Sonic Adventure.
More people finished that game than read Shakespeare. It's fair to say Shakespeare's depth is so bad people would rather play as a hedgehog than read a boring book about Romeo and Juliet or the Shrew.

>> No.5990459

>tee hee i trawled uuuu hahahaheheeee

>> No.5990469
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>More people finished that game than read Shakespeare

>> No.5990483

First of all, if they re reviewed the Dreamcast version, I'm fairly confident it would have a dramatically lower score. Secondly I would say a 3 for the 360 version is honestly fair. It's probably the laziest port Sonic has ever got, which is saying something. The game got worse with every port, and 360 is the bottom of the barrel for experiencing the game.

>> No.5990515

It's accurate. How many people do you know that read books anymore? How many do you know that only talk about Sonic than about some rustic book of history. Nobody remembers Shakespeare except for (you). Oh by the way nice selfie.
>I am butthurt that Autistic people do not like what I like because I am a normalfag.

>> No.5990724

The reason why Shakespeare books are barely appreciated is because his works are better seen the way they're intended to (theatre play) than with a book that's supposed to be read the same way as other normal books.
The fact that in most countries's schools you have to study one of his books as a whole instead of his biography with a summerization of his important works makes people appreciate it less.

>> No.5990914
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>People with shit taste are retarded so by that logic they are in the right.
Kys reject.

>> No.5990917

Did you just out yourself as autistic?

>> No.5990928

Gamers are illiterate.

>> No.5991950

wow ok so some people never liked sonic and there are other sonic game people consider bad. so what? pretending that e-celebs (as well as most people playing the dx version_ have had no influence on the consensus of sa1's reputation is totally disingenuoous