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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5983149 No.5983149 [Reply] [Original]

The MSX line of computers sees a North American release; What changes?

>> No.5983157

It did see a North American release. No one bought them.

>> No.5983158

ur mom buys one

>> No.5983161

More porn is translated to English and VN's become far more popular stateside.

>> No.5983167

I mean a proper one, on the same level as the Apple II & C64.

>> No.5983178

Probably not much, the NES would still have taken cultural foothold, especially since the MSX we would have gotten in a "proper" release would have been the original spec hardware which the NES outshines in most respects, particularly scrolling.

>> No.5983180

What do you mean? A company tried to sell them to Americans. They failed. Other companies smartly decided not to try because they knew they would also fail. The best the MSX could have hoped for was being a distant also-ran against the C64 for a couple of years until the NES came out and destroyed the 8-bit home computer market.

>> No.5983186

Nothing because all the hentai VNs would still be unimported and untranslated, and even if they were US PC players weren’t into those types of games if you can even call them that. Also only adult stores would sell those games, you aren’t gonna walk into funcoland or toys r us and getting school girl vs tentacle monster 2 for msx, nor would blockbuster or hollywood video have them for rent. Maybe a local mom&pop store would have them in the back room with all the porn and mixed martial arts cage fighting tapes. The customer base would be too small and not profitable enough.

tl;dr - nothing

>> No.5983193

MSX would of still had Konami, thats what made the computer sold in Japan and Pal markets, plus the MSX2 would of had better video hardware to appeal more to the North American market.
People did not buy a MSX for porn (that will be the PC98), people bough a MSX for Konami and we would of got the real Metal Gear instead of what the NES had.

>> No.5983261



>> No.5983262

I think a lot of anons are unaware of fundamental things about retro gaming like how computers even C64s and Apples were like ten times a expensive as contemporary consoles and that international releases were much less common in the 80s.

Sony MIGHT have chosen to really really push the MSX but even Sony's pockets weren't as deep as IBM's, who would have never ever let MSX penetrate the business market.

I guess if we're really indulging OP, perhaps if Sony had pushed it hard from the very beginning into a position of competition with C64 then Microsoft may have released Windows for it instead of just IBM (and the key, South Asian clone PCs). MSX might have even gotten the jump on those clones and could have moved into the niche that became serious PC gaming with IBM standard remaining a business machine but really that world wouldn't even be that different. Sony might have kept trying to be the premium MSX manufacturer enough never to have tried partnering with Nintendo and maybe MAYBE the Playstation may never have came about but probably they would have realized pretty quickly they couldn't compete with cheap clones and still wanted to produce a closed platform.

Maybe, MAYBE it would have kept the Playstation from existing and the big corporations wouldn't have entered the console market, keeping to the computer gaming market but the cost of computer gaming didn't become competitive until the late 00s

>> No.5983307

Years later a gook toon image board is spared a shitpost

>> No.5983343

The MSX had more then just Sony, it had alot of companies making them.

>> No.5983351

I thought it did get a proper release, but just bombed?

>> No.5983356

It had 2 Spectravideo releases that are not MSX compliant and Yamaha made a music computer that was it's own stander (V9938 VDP but MSX1 bios).

>> No.5983364
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Anyone here emulating MSX?
It has some fun little titles

>> No.5983378

Like this one.

>> No.5983442

The Master System struggles even more, and dies early on. The MSX becomes a close No.2 to the dominant NES. It has a healthy Burger-centric catalogue. The TurboR actually has a library, becomes a rival to the Megadrive, steals the devs that would have made games for Sega's machine, but again plays second fiddle to Nintendo. The last iteration of the machine is released in 1998, and then that's all she wrote.

>> No.5983446

Nobody would buy it. End of story.

>> No.5983594

Yes, they would, as Japanese products during that time would of been seen as the best of the best, also Konami.

>> No.5983708 [DELETED] 

Yes I'm aware of that. Sony is just the only company that could have effectively imported them and marketed them in the US in the 80s

>> No.5983742

Or, you know, Yamaha. Who actually did it.

>> No.5983802

Nothing. Commodore would rape it to death and Tandy would piss on the corpse. That sort of cheap home computer wasn't wanted in the US.

>> No.5983835

Everyone bought Japanese TVs, Hi-Fi receivers, CD players, cassette decks, cars, VCRs and ect. in those days, the MSX would of sold like hot cakes and they would of been the ones to rape the Vic-20/C64 to death, not the other way around.

Also Konami.

>> No.5983842

>would of

>> No.5983848


>> No.5983905

>not knowing when to use "have" instead of "of"
>not knowing what a typo is
>not knowing you will immediately cease and not continue to access the site if you are under the age of 18

>> No.5983939

I'm 29 years old.

>> No.5983960
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The MSX would not have done well, the real tragedy was the MSX2 and onward not being released in North America.

>> No.5983964

Yes, it would.

And the Spectravision computers don't count.
Nether did the Yamaha SFG-05 was that was branded as a music computer rather then a MSX comparable computer in the states and not using the MSX spec.

>> No.5984139

>i'm 29 years old and communicate at a 6 year old level
Not something I'd brag about, but then again I'm not literally retarded like you

>> No.5984142

>some zoomer sees a youtube eceleb fag talk about a forgotten system
>'g-guys what if it this thing happened instead???'

>> No.5984169

Well it was released in Europe, the land of the microcomputers, and even here it was only moderately sucessful in some countries. So nothing happens.

>> No.5984336


>> No.5984719

Sold 5 million over there, it did fine.
The SGF-05 was not branded as a MSX computer in North American and it's also non-stander as well, it does not count.

>> No.5984967

>I think a lot of anons are unaware of fundamental things about retro gaming like how computers even C64s and Apples were like ten times a expensive as contemporary consoles
When the NES debuted in 1985 in north america it retailed for $199, and earlier in 1985 the C64 had its price drop to $149.
To be fair the C64 was already 3 years old at that point but still moved 1 million units that year and another 1.5 million in 1986. The Nes price dropped to $179 in 1986 and sold 1.1 million units that year. Nintendo mostly pushed the Rob bundle at an inflated price which didnt help.

It was only 1987 when the NES released the bare bones unit for $89 that it really took off and sunk the C64 sales, but c64 still averaged 1 million per year through 1988.

>> No.5984975

Are you suggesting that in 1985 (or really 1986 since it was a limited regional Christmas 1985 release) anyone would have considered a C64 to be comparable to an NES for playing games?

>> No.5984982


>> No.5985090

No strictly price. The c64 was cheaper then the nes in 1985 and 1986.

>> No.5985107

Because they were clearing out stock. In 1985 an Amiga was $1,300 without a monitor.

>> No.5985316

Kill yourself, you cum snorting spastic. Do it now.

>> No.5985331

plz no bully

>> No.5986828

Why would anyone have bought that slow piece of shit over a commodore 64?

>> No.5987017

Nothing. Cuz it already had.