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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5978401 No.5978401 [Reply] [Original]

I noticed quite a few zoomers are buying SNES and other retro games or consoles, without even having nostalgia for them. Do you think this is cool that their enjoying older games, or pointless since their quite primitive compared to modern vidya?

>> No.5978406

99 percent don't play the games, they post picks of the shit on social media then let it rot, or frame it next to some Pops or whatever the fuck to decorate their urban apartment aka cuckbox. They don't play that shit like real men, aka you and me, do.

>> No.5978413
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>quite primitive
They might be playing them because they are actually less primitive/better game design. And I don't want to hear about "muh indeh." Those games fall into the same traps as AAA games, with their handholding, non-punishing, impossible-to-lose-at game design

>> No.5978427


>> No.5978462

So you're only allowed to play consoles that you owned as a kid? How do you feel about the people who own more obscure stuff like saturn, sega CD, jaguar, and so on that not many people owned when they were young? What about people who grew up with genesis and want to try out super nintendo, or vice versa?

>> No.5978470

Why don't they just emulate instead of paying tons of money for real hardware, though? Buying the actual hardware feels like a power move to try to make your dick look bigger than anything else. Look at any hardware thread here, it's just everyone comparing dicks. Hardware fags don't play the games.

>> No.5978484

You could make that argument regardless of whether the console was owned back in the day or not, thus the premise in the OP is still nonsensical

>> No.5978485

>Look at any hardware thread here, it's just everyone comparing dicks.
If by "comparing dicks" you mean "sharing photos of our setups for others to see because that is the explicit purpose of the thread", then yes.

>> No.5978492

>or pointless since their quite primitive compared to modern vidya?
You're a fucking retard. SNES games are at least as good as many games today, especially the best SNES games. OP I think you have to understand this hobby a bit more before you come in spouting bullshit like that, we do not think they're "primitive", at least not in a bad way. Twenty bucks says you're a zoomer yourself.

>> No.5978494

That's what many people do, yes, but on this forum, as I have said, we are the real deal and play the games until the point of mastery. As for me, I have never posted in a hardware or CRT thread, but I always played on real hardware because one, I always had real hardware, two, I don't like to pirate things, three, I tried emulation and I feel it cheapens the experience. I also have tons of music software on computer and shit, but for me no matter how cutting edge the program, nothing beats playing some licks on the real thing. But that's just me, you do whatever the fuck you want to do.

>> No.5978497
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Where's the confusion? A lot of older games were awesome. That's why I'm still here even though I also love a lot of new games. New generations discovering classic games is great in my books.

>> No.5978505

>99 percent don't play the games, they post picks of the shit on social media then let it rot
Have zoomer nieces and nephews and this x100. They buy the mini consoles and get geeked when a new old vidja character is added to smash but I have yet to see them sink any large amount of time into the older games. They play the new stuff and indie games.

>> No.5978510

I'm 34 and I exclusively play games I didn't play when I was a kid. I've been pirating since psx but my tastes and awareness has changed so drastically that there are tons of games to go back to. The games I played as a kid, I played the absolutely shit out of. I don't care what zoomers do with their money.
But from my experience, yeah, they don't have the attention span to finish a long game. But that goes for newer games too. One of the younger guys I work with never finishes games, even when he loves them. Dropped chrono trigger 15+ hours in for no reason, despite coming in and raving about it for a week. He did the same with bloodborne

>> No.5978557
File: 10 KB, 326x179, 81531700.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Imagine falling for bait this obvious. Come on guys, he makes the first post like some clueless casual, then the next one he's talking about being familiar with hardware threads and calling them "try to make your dick look bigger". Pretending he's just asking some unrelated question as if he was really curious about it when all he wants to do is shit on old games and hardwarefags.

I swear /vr/ is one of the easiest places to troll on the entire internet. The more you feed them the more they come back, just let it go, the OP is not posting in good faith.

>> No.5978559

SNES has one of the best game library's

>> No.5978561

>New generations discovering classic games
In their case, "discovering" just means "saw it on their favorite youtube show, bought the first overpriced 'buy it now' listing on ebay, popped it in the console once to make sure it works and jammed it on a dusty, ugly, particle board shelf with a thousand other games that will never get played, either".

>> No.5978562

>Buying the actual hardware feels like a power move to try to make your dick look bigger
Why do you talk all this bullshit when it's clear you don't have the hardware or the experience to know why it's superior?

>> No.5978567

>Dropped chrono trigger 15+ hours in for no reason
Damn, that is some serious ADD. Chrono Trigger is one of the most briskly-paced RPGs ever. If he can't get to the end of that, there's no hope for him. And at 15 hours, he had to be nearing the end, unless he really sucked balls.

>> No.5978573

Not him but I found CT super dull and never finished it. I don't generally care for rpgs though.

>> No.5978575

I don't think it's wrong but I'll get particularly defensive if some child who only grew up with AAA DLC-laden Unreal Engine games is trying to tell me something like Rocket Knight Adventures is bland and boring.

>> No.5978583

I just downvoted your comment.


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>> No.5978596

What is all that supposed to mean?

>> No.5978602

Where do you suppose mentally ill people go online?

>> No.5978604

goto ln3

>> No.5978608

Most of them seem to be here. The implication I assume is that not being a fan of RPGs means he thinks I'm from Reddit, but that makes little sense.

>> No.5978626

I can't really blame they. I bought a SNES mini, played metroid(didn't finish, shame on me), finished LttP(for the nth time) and never picked it up again. It was still worth the 80 bucks though. It's very cute on my bookshelf. Maybe I will pickup a megadrive mini, play shinobi, mortal kombat, altered beast and sonic for a couple of hours and put it on my bookshelf next to the mini rival.

>> No.5978648

I bought one because I wanted to play games, faggot.
that hasn't happened yet, i have too many consoles in my room so its rotting downstairs rn. enjoying layer section on saturn tho

>> No.5978651

Do you play other old games?

>> No.5978665

Mostly on my 3DS, I'm playing Link's awakening now (because I refuse to pay 60 bucks for a 2D zelda "remake").

As a matter of fact I almost never play on a monitor/TV. I've never docked my switch.

>> No.5978698

Ahh that makes sense. I'm in a similar boat, very rarely play on the big screen any more and retro games especially are almost always handheld.

>> No.5978713

Yes and I hope it continues so that you have more useless shit to get mad about

>> No.5978745

>retro games especially are almost always handheld
They're just perfect for handheld devices. Retro games are chill, you can play only 15 min or hours it doesn't matter. Modern games are stressing and you need a PHD to figure out so many controls. I went back to play RDR2 after 6 months and I just couldn't remember the controls, there's just so many menus, itens, buttons, button combinations etc...

>> No.5978771

Shouldn't the question be wether it is as enjoyable for them as it is for nostalgia people?

>> No.5978807

SNES is a fucking great console. I don't mind the zoomers buying them outside of the fact that they're raising prices on the games. What exactly makes it pointless because they're older consoles? There's great games that are old and bad games that are old. That gen was particularly good because it was the apex of 2D

>Buying the actual hardware feels like a power move
What the fuck even gave you that stupid idea? Some people enjoy the actual hardware. I still have my childhood SNES, and the only time I emulate SNES games is when I have to use a translation patch.

>> No.5978818

Yeah, not the OP you morons. I only make threads about actual games, I don't give a shit about hardware. Also, OP's IQ is obviously double digits since they don't know about the word "they're" and use commas where they shouldn't.

>> No.5979445

/vr/ left a long time ago, only nu-/vr/ is retarded enough to fall for this shit
Sage and report, eat my shit jannies

>> No.5979637

OP here, I wasn't giving an opinion, I was asking what people thought. I personally think it's nice since I think older games often have better design

That's what I meant. Sorry about the shitty grammar, it was quite late where I live. Also all these people thinking that other posters are me and calling it bait are autistic I was just genuinely curious

>> No.5979689

2019 map design is just one big flat blob with nothing in it

>> No.5979727
File: 17 KB, 182x268, MV5BYWNiYjk0NWYtMGFmYi00NTNkLWI4YjEtZmMxOWY2ZDA1MWZiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNjU3OTI4MDU@._V1_UY268_CR4,0,182,268_AL_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I don't see the problem as long as they actually enjoy the games or play them. I am only 22 years old and have been a gamer my whole life. Around the age of twelve I realized that a lot of the games coming out were boring shooters and I wanted more.

I owned a NES, SNES, PSX and an N64. Now I only owned about ten games or less per console so it's not like there is much nostalgia to go around. So, back to age twelve I truly wanted to dive headfirst into retro gaming.

Best decision I have ever made. I still play modern titles hence being a gamer but i'd say about 80% goes to retro titles. By the age of 16 soooo around 2012 I had already finished the Thief series, Doom, Wolfenstein (all mission packs) Ever build shooter (Blood is my personal favorite) and even more obscure games at the time like Sweet Home for the NES as well as many MANY other classics.

Last year I bought my own CRT (moved out) as well as getting an RGB setup and every console gen 1-7 and even an 8th. My girlfriend bought me a complete copy of Phantasy Star for the SMS last year and I was ecstatic! I am currently playing Alien Soldier and so far I love it!

There is nothing wrong with zoomers playing these games. But every community has it's posers or fakes. Like Metal Jesus for example. Just another Boomer who goes for "rare" *cough*(uncommon) games. I can truly say that retro games (gen 4 being my favorite) are the single greatest peices of art produced on a screen to interact with.

>> No.5981465
File: 53 KB, 600x445, zelda_gba_conceptart_nqZBd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Early zoomer here, first console was Gamecube
The main reason i got into 3rd and 4th gen is because i just got tired of modern level design. Most games are too cinematic for their own good, they try to be epic and totally fail, and have boring graphics. I also got fucking tired of online competitive games. I'm not saying all games are shit now, i still enjoy some indie games and stuff like Dark Souls.
Because of this board i decided to check out stuff like Super Metroid, Zelda 1, Doom, Mario 3, Castlevania, etc, and i really liked them. Im still a total beginner in retro gaming but i just find it to be very fun and easy to get to. No internet needed, no micro transactions, almost no cutscenes, good level design, storytelling, visual style, intuitive controls, etc.

>> No.5981706

If you weren't alive when the game/console was released, chances are you will be disappointed with it cause it won't bring back any memories.

Don't buy shit from our generation.

Get a fucking emulator.

>> No.5981713

you noticed how quite a few zoomers bought an SNES and other retro games or consoles even without having nostalgia at all? Do you think this is cool that their enhoying older game and pointless since their quite primitve compared to modern vidya also?
Than count me in.

>> No.5981752

what a trick
a 4chan post, with a statistic pulled out of an ass

>> No.5981796

I’m 25 and I got a snes and a nes at a yard sale when I was 11/12

I grew up with those consoles, therefore I have legitimate nostalgia for them

>> No.5982474

I'm a zoomer and I grew up playing retro games through the wii virtual console and retro game collections for gamecube and PS2. I really liked the games and I wanted to explore more from those time periods and Ive always had some sort of fascination with times before I was born.
I got into emulation when I was a teen and was thrilled to know I could play and beat A Link to the Past on my tablet because it was a game I always wanted to play. Thought I'd take it a little further and explore real hardware about a year ago and it's been great so far. Yeah emulation is way more convenient and efficient, but you can't beat the authenticity of playing on a real SNES hooked up to a CRT.
Most of the games I play now I dont have nostalgia for like Metroid and Castlevania, but I'm really enjoying them so it isn't much of a factor for me. My guess is it's all about keeping an open mind.

>> No.5982551

It’s not nostalgia for them, just appreciation for the games. Like I have appreciation for 80s metal and listen to it all the time even though I wasn’t born until 88, and didn’t get into that era of music until around 99/00.

>> No.5982612

Fuck you. I want to play Star Fox.

>> No.5982619

you cant watch tom and jerry unless you're a 1940s kid

>> No.5982632

I believe you are talking about Millennial Boomers.

>> No.5983028

i love imagining shit that makes me mad too, man

>> No.5983982
File: 2.03 MB, 4032x1908, JPEG_20191030_180727.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I dont mind younger generations getting into retro consoles (4th or 5th gen) as they're keeping the memory alive I guess. The only detriment is if prices increase, which doesn't turn out great for the person just wanting to buy an old console. As a mid-30s boomer, I had lost a PS, genesis, SNES, and NES in a house fire in 2000. Recently I have been collecting those listed above (save for a playstation because they're so fucking cheap, they're practically given away). Having some minor knowledge of electronics, it's fun to clean up old consoles and accessories as I can see what did what when it comes to internals, rather than the "magic" that was happening under the plastic housing to my then seven year old mind.

Jap consoles and games are inexpensive as fuck (and somewhat better taken care of). I have a famicom coming in today. Cant wait to tackle any technical problems I may face outside of my usual referbs (disassembly and replacement of faulty parts, especially the rubber controller components).

>> No.5984095

SNES games still look good.
2-d games like donkey Kong country still look beautiful.

>> No.5984482

>do i have /vr/s permission to shit on people for playing games that came out before they were born