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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5978245 No.5978245 [Reply] [Original]

Budget PC gaming nostalgia bread! Post your favorites you played from when you were flat broke and had to resort to bargain bin releases or borrowed copies. I played the shit out of these my freshmen year of college.

>> No.5978249

All i remember playing was Starcraft and Command & Conquer back in the old times. Even on multiplayer and custom multiplayer was fun.


Also does anyone remember the old I-Spy games?

>> No.5978261
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>> No.5978271 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5978274
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Couldn't afford a new computer at the time, so I just played several year old releases that my laptop could run. Was pleasantly surprised. Flawed for sure but found it to be a really engaging game.

>> No.5978280

NoX is fun and runs on just about anything. The most intricate and lethal combat I've seen from an ARPG. Online is dead these days but the real kicker is we never got a proper follow up. The ARPG genre went very much in the diablo direction and the team behind NoX was disbanded.

>> No.5978285

this game runs amazingly on my potato speed pentium 4 computer at medium settings

>> No.5978483

I play this kind of stuff now because GoG stuff is easy to pirate and I have no money and a 12 year old laptop.

>> No.5978546

based as fuck

>> No.5978889

I learned so much random crap from the You Don't Know Jack games. It didn't take much to run either.

>> No.5978906
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Clearance bins were where I got almost all my stuff. Those red stickers with prices ending in 3 or 7 were rock bottom prices at Target, where I really got into some RTS with Yuri's Revenge or that Commander Pack for Total Annihilation. Grocery stores would have Planescape Torment bundled with Soul Bringer. Even convenience stores like 7-Eleven would have great cheap games like Puyo Puyo 2, Biohazard (RE), etc.

I "borrowed" so many games too from friends, family, and classmates. I experienced so many DOS games from just "borrowing".

They were good times, but I recently was in Best Buy with a mystery $5 coupon to get something from the clearance section, and the section is pathetically small and sparse with no games.

>> No.5978925
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before CD Projekt was a dev, they were the biggest local distributor of games
that ToCA 2 is the oldest game I bought and still have

>> No.5979017

>have thousands in the bank
>have a top of the line custom build
>plays Quake in DOSBox almost exclusively
Sometimes I wonder if most people wouldn't be /vr/ if they had more money.