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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 1.10 MB, 556x480, n64.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5976875 No.5976875 [Reply] [Original]

>finally time to see how much n64 emulation has progressed
>dies from seizure

>> No.5976878

ok this is epic

>> No.5976923


might as well use ultraHLE

>> No.5976930
File: 2.01 MB, 556x480, n642.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5976932
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Emulators you've seen normies use long after they're obsolete.

>> No.5976936

>implying anyone wants to waste their time on such a shitty system.

The only worthwhile games were already ported by Nintendo ages ago.

>> No.5976938

>he doesn't know n64 emulation relies entirely on a plugin system which mainly targets pj64.

>> No.5976940

I don’t have This issue on the latest Mupen. Are all your plugins up to date? You’re using angry lion?

>> No.5976941

Tell us what emulators you use in place of these.

>> No.5976943
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>emulating games

>> No.5976949
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Stock settings. No problems.

>> No.5976950

Mupen64Plus-Next core in RetroArch also works fine

>> No.5976952


>> No.5976953

no it doesn't. It also frequently blacks out during races, just not rapid flickering.

>> No.5976954

Not him but these are more accurate emulators:
>NESticle -> Mesen OR Nestopia
>ZSNES -> bsnes OR Snes9x
>ePSXe -> Mednafen / RetroArch's Beetle PSX Core OR PCSX-ReARMed
>Project64 ->RetroArch's ParaLLEl Core OR Mupen64Plus

>> No.5976957

Well something's wrong on your end then. Old hardware? Old OS? Old drivers? Something like that.

>> No.5976958

try playing the actual game

>> No.5976968

>he bought into the RetroArch meme

>> No.5976976
File: 2.72 MB, 598x480, n643.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5976978

I listed alternatives for a reason, friendo.

>> No.5976991
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Lower framerate with opponents but no audio stutter so that's probably just N64 chugging. No problems.

>> No.5976994

you're using an emulator that hasn't been technically updated in like 15 years

how does everyone and their grandmother not know to use mupen64plus by now?

>> No.5976997

epsxe is still fine to use though

>> No.5976998

Is it still loaded with adware?

>> No.5977000
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I wish ParaLLEl wasn't Libretro exclusive.

>> No.5977019
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>Closed source
Also compatibility and accuracy are behind the leading open source alternatives.

>> No.5977026

>Closed source
who gives a shit? i'm not a developer. shit like mednafen is a complete inconvenience to use unless you want to subject yourself to retroarch's interface which is a whole other inconvenience

>> No.5977027
File: 2.47 MB, 1920x1200, svideo NTSC filter (1).webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Uses latest Mupen64PNextPlusGLpro RetroArch core with NTSC S-Video filter
>The downsampled polygons actually look pretty charming under the filter, and the gaussian blur effect is required when displaying the N64s famously razor sharp backgrounds and textures on an LCD screen
>It looks and runs wonderfully
>Just as the developers intended dare I say
N64 emulation isn't a meme anymore, but it only left meme status within the past couple years. If you're not using the Mupen RetroArch core you're fooling yourself. It's updated a few times a month by its one-man autist dev "team" and is the best emulator for N64.

>> No.5977036

Well try BizHawk.

>> No.5977041

If you're not looking to upscale I'd stick with ParaLLEl. It does a lot better job with all of the dithering and blur effects the N64 uses. Run at native resolution, stick an ntsc filter over it, maybe scanlines, and you've got pretty much a perfect replacement for the actual console experience

>> No.5977043

>No one mentions OpenEmu
This is a decent for Macfags, right?

>> No.5977049

>N64 emulation isn't a meme anymore
But Sega Saturn emulation still is

>> No.5977069

so, NBA hangtime can be played now?

>> No.5977074

Sure. Why not?

>> No.5977081

See, I thought the same thing. I loathed getting a Saturn emulator running on my PC. But it may have been the least painless of all the 32-bit consoles to get working properly, which is saying a lot as PSX emulation is very simple.
It's not as feature rich or as something like Beetle PSX, but Saturn emulation is way better now than it was five years ago.

>> No.5977085

Depends on what you wanna play.

>> No.5977120
File: 2.64 MB, 1920x1200, Ozone UI.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>subject yourself to retroarch's interface
XMB is shit, but the ozone UI is okay.

>> No.5977319


>> No.5977327

is there one that just lets me use my fucking mouse instead of belabored keyboard menu fiddling like im on fucking unix in the 1970s?

>> No.5977338

Nah dude

>> No.5977454

works good enough for me. none of your screeching about accuracy is gonna change that.

>> No.5977703

you realize posting screenshots does nothing to show if there is or isn't a problem?

>> No.5977715

I'm not making videos for some cryhard thread

>> No.5977747

but you'll post screenshots that show nothing?

>> No.5977846

Not familiar with NES emulation
I acknowledge that it's outdated, and use snes9x most of the time, but there's some game hacks that only work properly on zsnes, so I still keep it around
It has always worked well, have no reason to change
I agree, it doesn't work very well, but N64 emulation is spotty regardless of what's being used, and project64 has some features which I use that other emulators don't

>> No.5977985

Someone pls share new n64p.

>> No.5978014
File: 36 KB, 743x322, nesticle.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Not familiar with NES emulation
It's one of the, if not the first emulators ever made, and was responsible with popularizing the concept. If you remember Genecyst for the Genesis, it was by the same team and used a similar UI.

>> No.5978016

There are maybe half dozen games I need to use SNES emulators for, which don't have superior ports on some later console (GBA, DS, etc), and ZSNES runs all of them without any glitches.

>> No.5979974

I remained a virgin for many years thanks to Nesticle and Genecyst, bless

>> No.5980809

I've been testing Yaba Sanshiro for a while now. It looks and sounds very good but the audio keeps freeezing at some point in every game I play.

>> No.5981405

How outdated is you pc that you can't even run retroarch? Literally under $100 and you can play up until ps1 at full speed with the integrated intel graphics.

>> No.5981414
File: 187 KB, 1280x720, maxresdefault.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How does no one know there is a desktop UI? It's funny how people complain about something, they fix it, and people are ignorant and still complain.

>> No.5981416


>> No.5981425

What the fuck are you doing on this board zoomer?

>> No.5981879
File: 28 KB, 373x268, Mario_paint_box[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


when I was 15, I was playing Mario Paint (the least "flasy" game ever) and I had my first seizure.

24 years later, my epilepsy keeps getting worse!

>> No.5982271

I still use MEKA to this day.

>> No.5982323


>> No.5983514

Amusing but who the FUCK would watch that for more than 30 seconds?

>> No.5983527

Isnt epsxe basically perfect now? I'm basing this on the android one, btw, which is the paid one

>> No.5983531

Ghost in the Shell doesn't boot, it's a very laggy emu too, that one that plays games from the CD-Rom drive without any improvements is the only good emulator along with the 3 Bleem disks.

>> No.5983538
File: 34 KB, 450x343, NROpoQoQCKU.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>use unstable dev build
>be surprised when it's unstable

>> No.5983560

>N64 emulation is spotty regardless of what's being used
Name one game you can't play with 99%+ perfect accuracy.
Or stay silent like the little bitch you are.

>> No.5983564

Gauntlet Legends
Wow that was easy

>> No.5983608

Turok 3

>> No.5984021

Wow that was easy

>> No.5984035

Oh, please, what would a zoomer piece of shit that should be shot on the head for even daring to post here instead of /v/ where he belongs know about accuracy?

>> No.5984058

you didn't answer.

>> No.5984124

>answering a question from someone that has no clue about he's talking about
That would be pointless. You wouldn't understand, let alone be satisfied, with any answer anyone here could possibly give you

>> No.5984839

>RetroArch's ParaLLEl Core
Is there a reason why this won't launch at all on my computer? Mupen runs damn fun, but Parallel just goes straight back to the launcher. Does it require a bios or something?

>> No.5984847

Four Horsemen of PS1-Emulation

>> No.5984848

I have a mouse, a keyboard, and an Xbox controller, and they all work in retroarch. How did you manage to turn off the mouse?

>> No.5984863

Rogue Squadron.

>> No.5984901

Your backend renderer is wrong. It's probably set to Vulkan and ParaLLEI is set to use OGL as its renderer or vice versa.
Swap to the backend renderer so you can boot the core, boot the core, then switch to the core renderer you want to use.
>RetroArch is set to use OpenGL as its backend renderer
>ParraLLEI is set to use Vulkan
>Shit, now I must change RetroArch over to Vulkan so it won't crash on boot
Alternatively change one line in retroarch.cfg and retroarch-core-options.cfg.
Things go a lot faster if you learn what does what in the cfg files and just ctrl+f them yourself instead of navigating through the frontend.

Also ParaLLEI is a meme for people with i7 9700k CPUs and an obsession with muh accuracy. Properly configured Mupen with a simple NTSC filter looks, plays, and runs way better.

>> No.5984904

>Swap to the backend renderer
Should be "swap the backend renderer" but you get it.

>> No.5984926

So you can't name one then. Got it.

So far everyone in this thread and every thread like it for the past year has been BTFO. I will restate my challenge here.

Name one game you can't play with 99%+ perfect accuracy.

>> No.5984946

Parallel is too much as if now. He really should just use the latest standalone Mupen with the python GUI. It’s very easy to find bundled. Googling a wiki regarding emulation would be a good start wink wink

>> No.5984968

Oh cool, thank you Anon.

>> No.5984983

Not retro but fuckers need to quit using desmume and complaining about pokemon games emulating like shit.

>> No.5985007

KEGA Fusion for anything that isn't 32X games.

>> No.5985008

Show me Mario Golf Minigolf and then I'll might reconsider N64 being as bad as it was years ago. I've asked this hundreds of times at this point and nobody ever showed video proof of that being fixed.

>> No.5985052

>normie instead of normalfag
STFU zoom-zoom. NESticle is still a quite decent emulator, we just use it from time to time for the UI and nostalgia.
>he never installed NESticle on every PC in the computer lab so everyone could have Mike Tyson's Punch Out! races instead of working on shit
What a loser.

>> No.5985063

>He really should just use the latest standalone Mupen with the python GUI
Disagree. The ozone GUI for RetroArch is better, and updating to new builds of Mupen and OGLNextPro+ or whatever that video plugin Mupen uses is more streamlined though RetroArch.
I've always said the shaders in RetroArch are worth it alone, especially in games that have a mixture of polygons and textured planes/2D backgrounds where you really need to blur and NTSC-ify the emulator's video output. Yeah I know setting up RA can be a pain but it can paint a nice composite or s-video image for things like N64 games that really need it.

And it's not like you need to set up a dozen different systems to run RetroArch. You can just use RA with N64 and utilize the frontend/API features you need like shaders or updates. You can even hide menus and options in the GUI if you don't care about or need them.

>> No.5985070

>How did you manage to turn off the mouse?
It's shockingly easy to disable input devices accidentally in RetroArch. And the fact that it overwrites the frontend config file on exit makes it even worse.

>> No.5985267

wow thanks for the picture. what this is or how toe nable it would be appreciated info

>> No.5985682 [DELETED] 

From what I can gather, there is a specific part of a babby Nintendo game that you want to see, but I'm really not sure because I don't speak Nincel. If you feel like trying again to communicate go ahead. I'm aware of the game Mario Golf.

>> No.5985686

>show me a specific scene inside my babby nincel game or you're wrong
Actually, the burden of proof is on you. Mario Golf emulates excellently. If you can show me that certain minigames or scenes or levels within it don't work using the latest video plugins, you'd be contributing something. But otherwise, fuck off. You obviously haven't even tried to see for yourself. Good job proving that people who like Nintendo games are absolutely helplessly stupid. Have you even tried Angrylion? No? Didn't think so. On behalf of everyone with an IQ over 75, please end your life immediately.

>> No.5985689

Ok but you also don’t get the latest version of Mupen in retroarch. There’s been a lot of solid updates and it performs a lot better and is more accurate. I didn’t say anything about the GUI so stop sperging out dude. I use retroarch too but it just isn’t as good for this specific situation

>> No.5985910

I still use ePSXe sometimes because for all it's flaws, the others are a clusterfuck. Mednafen expects me to either use a command line, retroarch, or a hacked together GUI that's never worked for me and pcsxr doesn't like certain games.
what a fucking mess. Ironically I'd say it's now less tedious to emulate the PS2 than the PS1. Funny how at a certain point that happens. I guess the kind of programmer autism that leads to the higher levels of emulation accuracy also leads to disregarding making a simple user interface.

>> No.5985916

I like it but I'm bitter that multi-disk playstation games need you to go messing with .ccds or some other bullshit. It's not that hard, but it goes against the whole philosophy of the thing being zero effort it-just-works software. That and the fact the Playstation classic controllers don't work and they're not going to fix them.

>> No.5985992

You guys claim it works "perfectly well" so it's your job to prove if it actually works that well. I'm not going to waste my time to find out it was to find out it was nothing at all and you anons baited me. Instead of calling me stupid, how about you do what I asked first and fucking prove your point? Proof or be BTFO'd like in all these threads before.

>> No.5985993

I can't play N64 with my dual shock, I have no idea how to map the buttons to play comfortably.

>> No.5985995

What other alternatives are there for DS?

>> No.5985996

>I didn’t say anything about the GUI so stop sperging out dude
Sperging out? Please. I respectfully disagreed and made my point politely even by fucking 4chan standards.
What's this about not getting the latest mupen in retroarch?

>> No.5986000
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>> No.5986015

Oh wow, I didn't know it advanced that much

>> No.5986162

Why the fuck is nintendo 64 emulation based on this frankenstein plugin bullshit unlike emulators for every other console AFAIK? Who thought this was a good path forward?

>> No.5986167

So it doesn't work and N64 emulation is still shit.

>> No.5986334

Wow, melonDS has eclipsed DeSmuME? Never would've thought.

>> No.5986347

Technically the only "obsolete" emulator I sometimes use these days is Kega Fusion. Still works fine with pretty much anything.
Honestly still surprises me that there's still people out there that use shit like ZSNES and ePSXe when there's such better alternatives now.

>> No.5988519
