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File: 77 KB, 346x229, genesis.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
596540 No.596540 [Reply] [Original]

You have 10 seconds to name 3 Genesis exclusives not developed by Sega.

>> No.596556

Gunstar Heroes
Jackie Chan

>> No.596559
File: 78 KB, 418x585, Wilywarscover.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know is a remake but it was never ported to another console.

>> No.596558

Landstalker, crusader of centy... uh...

>> No.596563
File: 97 KB, 375x531, Castlevania_Bloodlines.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

oh yeah, this one too, and is really good

>> No.596565


why the fuck didn't they just use the fucking japanese covers, shit man that just looks awful

did people think that looked good back in the day?

>> No.596567
File: 873 KB, 1600x1200, DSC00088.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocket Knight Adventures
Landstalker (published, not developed by Sega)
General Chaos

>> No.596572

Gunstar Heroes
Dynamite Headdy
Rocket Knight Adventures

>> No.596573

>implying I didn't avoid the kid who had a Sega Genesis

>> No.596574

Contra Hard Corps
Rocket Knight Adventures
Castlevania Bloodlines

That is only touching Konami.

>> No.596581
File: 111 KB, 640x897, megamamm.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Are you shitting me nigger?

Megaman had the worst box arts of all time. Japan and USA.

>> No.596582

alien soldier.
thunderforce 4

>> No.596584

Gunstar Heroes, Alien Soldier, Castlevania Bloodlines, Ristar

>> No.596590 [DELETED] 

in b4
> hurrr mah pure japanese art is nacho cheeded by your pizza pals sandwidch, mr connery. Furthermore to the point is the nip which suculently and serenly let fly my wildest desire.

Is that so Mr. Connery?

Yes. It is so.

>> No.596796
File: 479 KB, 440x634, niggerman2.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]



>> No.596802


Is that a Blue Eyes White Dragon? Sure as hell looks like it.

>> No.596824

I thought a lot of the "Sega" branded games were actually made by smaller developers that Sega had some kind of business relationship with. Mostly American games like Toejam & Earl and Ecco and Vectorman.

>> No.596828

the western art is awful, end of story

>> No.596827


I remember this. I could trade games and bring a controller to play multiplayer with kids with Super Nintendos. We commiserated about Mario and Final Fantasy and Zelda.

I'm not sure if the one kid with the genesis was retarded but he sure seemed as repulsive.

And only Biggie Smalls could afford both.

>> No.596837

Divorced parents master race here

>Mom has Super Nintendo
>Dad buys Sega Genesis so you will have some reason for wanting to come to his house.

>> No.596842


shhh no tears now

>> No.596849

It was the opposite in my town. Everyone had a Genesis except for this one snotty little twerp who was always bragging about Donkey Kong Country or whatever.

>> No.596859

Castlevania Bloodlines
Rocket Knight Adventures
Contra Hard Corps

>> No.596890

fuck that faggot dkc is an average platformer that just looked really nice for its time. I loved the shit out of it when it was a kid but it was one of the games that was casual enough for kids to beat.

>> No.596896
File: 59 KB, 400x300, roadrash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.596901


>implying any platformer had the kind of bonus levels and secrets that DKC and its sequels had

look i'm not even a huge fan of the games, but you can't deny that there are reasons other than HURR DURR GRAPHIX as to why they were, and still are, popular

>> No.596912
File: 15 KB, 210x240, 1322131037736.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You mean busy work to up that percentage completion meter?

>> No.596916

yeah they are fun because of that but it would also be nice if they could step up the challenge a little bit after you beat it or something. It was an easy game to 100% complete even as a kid, its really fun but its not OMG THA BEST PLATFORMER EVA

>> No.596919

>busy work
>things to do

Call it what you want, but finding shit is fun. If you can't appreciate that in a game then you're playing the wrong kinds of games.

>> No.596925


If you're playing a platformer on the SNES for achallenge, you're looking in the wrong place.

Obviously you want IWBTG

>> No.596935

The thing is they are inane. The only thing it does is increase a number next to your file. It doesn't get you anywhere, it doesn't make you progress. It is just there to inflate time.

Back then it was probably a good thing because chances are you didn't get to play many games, but with even more games available it isn't an exciting prospect in fulfilling in those games. It is just something to do to fill in the time gap.

>> No.596950

nigga why you think im in a sega thread. I was just stating how I feel about dkc

>> No.596969


>high resolution graphics

>> No.596976

fire shark
splatterhouse 3

>> No.596981


Looking for challenging platformers on the genesis is almost as hard and then you have the inferior d-pad on the controller factoring in.

I love my genesis to death but lets be real here

>> No.596992

oh langrisser (warsong) also came out in japan on pc engine sry. Its a north america exclusive though which is what i meant.

>> No.596995
File: 230 KB, 512x251, 1367370221699.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Inferior D-pad
You mean the one that allows you to easily move into any of the eight directions? The one that doesn't dig into your thumbs with its sharp edges? The same d-pad that doesn't feel stiff?

>> No.597006

what? that floating dpad on the 6 button controller is god tier, kicks the fucking shit outta the snes dpad

>> No.597021

Crash Bandicoot 1, 2 and 3

>> No.597037

MUSHA Aleste I know faggots jerk that game off all the time but honestly it deserves it.

>> No.597048


That's funny. Microsoft drew inspiration from the Genesis controller's d-pad for the 360 controller's d-pad, yet, the 360 d-pad is considered shit.

>Sharp edges

Maybe its because I work a lot and play guitar, and as a result don't have very soft hands, but the SNES controller doesn't hurt me today or dig into my thumbs. It also doesn't feel stiff to me.

>> No.597068

Contra Hard Cops
Castlevania Bloodlines
Mega Bomberman

>> No.597075

> Microsoft drew inspiration from the Genesis controller's d-pad for the 360 controller's d-pad, yet, the 360 d-pad is considered shit.
Is it a SEGA D-Pad? No it isn't. The Genesis and Saturn have the best D-Pads period.

If you are bringing up the Xbox 360 as an example then your argument goes out the window because it doesn't seem like you have actually used a SEGA D-Pad and only comparing it to something similar to it.

>> No.597084

Pretty sure that's a mock-up. Wily Wars in the US was exclusive to Sega Channel.

>> No.597147

Comparatively, yes. Earlier consoles like the Channel F and Colecovision had a smaller resolution than the NES.

>> No.597159
File: 19 KB, 320x224, 02.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ranger X
Contra Hard Corps
Alien Soldier

>> No.597156

Not that guy, but I have a 3 button genesis controller, 6 button genesis controller, and a 360 pad all sitting in front of me right now, and the d-pads all feel identical. Disc d-pads suck shit through a garden hose.

>> No.597163

3rd party after market garbage doesnt count fagget

>> No.597170

Ristar was made by SEGA.

No see, there's a key difference, the 360 d-pad is shit, and the 6 button Genesis/Saturn d-pad isn't.

>> No.597171

>Changes from 256px to 320px active per line
every time

>> No.597174

>Disc d-pads suck shit through a garden hose.
And that is where we will have to disagree. The Genesis and Saturn D-Pad are the best I've ever used. I've used both Sony and Nintendo D-Pads and they cannot compare to a SEGA one.

>> No.597218
File: 811 KB, 800x598, son.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

u wanna go m8s aye'll fukkin burst ye'

>> No.597220

What the hell happened to your three button controller. It is as if you knocked it up a bit. The six button still looks tight.

>> No.597234

It's just the lighting, the controller is in near perfect condition.

These controllers are all extremely comfortable to hold, but disc d-pads are absolute ass for anything that requires any kind of accurate input. The only edge the 3 button controller has is having a larger d-pad than the 360 pad, and the only advantage the 6 button has is having a more pronounced pad. They all feel the same otherwise and all suffer from the same problems.

Cross D-Pad > Button D-Pad > Disc D-Pad

>> No.597239


>> No.597242

I have street fighter for SNES and I have it for Genesis. all I gotta say is Nigga fuck zangief with a SNES controller.

>> No.597247

>State-of-the-Art High Resolution Graphics

>> No.597252

>are absolute ass for anything that requires any kind of accurate input.
I have had zero problems with them while playing Shmups. I prefer them because of the easy eight directional input, and I don't find myself going off to another direction that I didn't input.

>> No.597268

Depends on the controller that you have. The different production runs of Genesis controllers often had quite different D-pads, and some were fantastic while others were subpar.

>> No.597283


>> No.597308

Contra Hard Corpse
Rocket Knight Adventures

>> No.597324

I hear you.

Unfortunately, the two best D-pads I've ever used are The one on my Nokia E63 and The C-buttons on the Hyperkin Tomee N64 controller.

>> No.597329
File: 179 KB, 419x600, Megaman_nes_pal.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No man, only america's sucked

>> No.597335


better, but still shit. that isn't what mega man looks like at all.

>> No.597339

Yeah, but it's still kick fucking ass

>> No.597585
File: 29 KB, 300x220, I couldn't keep a straight face.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>High Resolution Graphics
>implying all NES games didn't run on the same resolution

>> No.597587

Understand it in the context of 1987. NES did have very crisp graphics while previous stuff looked like Lego blocks. Which is ironic considering its resolution is 256x224 when 320x200 had been standard for the longest time.

>> No.597601

>NES did have very crisp graphics while previous stuff looked like Lego blocks
Compared to older consoles (on which there were no Mega Man games, as far as I know), sure. NES games can look both really good and really bad, but AFAIK it has nothing to do with resolution, just the quality of the art.

Did they put "High Resolution Graphics" on the box of every NES game because Atari 2600 and C64 had worse graphics?

>> No.597606

Direction input ranking:
Japanese style joystick > American style joystick > Thumbstick > WASD/Arrow keys > D-Pad

And even if your preferences differ there's zero reason to use anything but your favorite.

>> No.597624 [DELETED] 

Japanese style joysticks are the nice, clicky 8-way ones right?

>> No.597632
File: 205 KB, 476x350, 1219871-roadrash2_tennessee_cow.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.597642

That's just Capcom bullshitting.

>> No.597649

I think it's an artist's interpretation of the thing that goes down like a bitch to Quick Boomerang at the end of Wily Stage 1.

>> No.597648

>Did they put "High Resolution Graphics" on the box of every NES game because Atari 2600 and C64 had worse graphics?

More correctly that it was the first console to be able to have hi-res graphics that weren't monochromatic

>> No.599021


Still looks like shit. And are you aware that >>596796 is the Japanese box art for MM2?

>> No.599114
File: 14 KB, 400x300, 1c656__crocodile-dundee-knife.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Rocket Knight Adventures
El Viento

>> No.599120

Gunstar Heroes, Wily Wars and CV: Bloodlines/New Generation.
What do I win?

>> No.599369

Rocket Knight Adventures
Contra Hard Corps
Wonder Boy in Monster World
Vectorman 1/2
Thunder Force 2/3/Lightening Force
Shining Force 1/2/Shining in the Darkness

I could keep going but nah

>> No.599404
File: 88 KB, 567x685, 1315492275385.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>And only Biggie Smalls could afford both.

You have NO idea how big and cheesy my grin is right now :)

>> No.599459

Did you work and play guitar at eight years old?

>> No.603745

>Rocket Knight Adventures
NOPE, SNES had it too

>> No.603750

Oh wait nevermind

>> No.603752

Honestly you just have to mention the Treasure games.