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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 155 KB, 573x347, zelda lttp.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5964251 No.5964251 [Reply] [Original]

This shit is unplayable on the GBA.

Soul x soulless

>> No.5964257

Hey man you don't need to make a new thread every time you want to tell someone your shitty opinion, especially when it includes bad memes. /v/ would more fit your style.

>> No.5964263

I never advocate GBA ports on the sole reason that you're only getting 2/3 of the pixel count compared to SNES. That would be like recommending someone watch the 4:3 TV version of a movie instead of widescreen.

>> No.5964272

Sorry, I will start again with some arguments

>smaller viewing area
>worse controls(less buttons)
>annoying oot voice when using the sword
>worse audio(how is it even possible with the gba hardware)

>> No.5964273

for some movies the 4:3 version shows more rather than cropping

>> No.5964275

Exactly this.

>> No.5964280
File: 210 KB, 600x400, file.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>you got little bitch ass link with his little bitch ass sword and he goes "heh, heh, heh"

Most accurate review of the GBA version.

>> No.5964285

No, that is peak /vr/
/vr/ thinks this board is about retro gaming. It is about "/vr/" gaming. Some random set of retardation that no one agrees with.

>> No.5964287

>videogame retards
Seems right.

>> No.5964397

>annoying oot voice when using the sword
This is the main issue for me. Made no sense since LttP Link is supposed to be older than that.

>> No.5964445

It plays just fine. Stop acting like some entitled whiny little cunt.

>> No.5964462
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>> No.5964465

They did a pretty good job considering the 2D retro powerhouse known as Game Boy Advance, the last truly cartridge-based system, has less resolution in both dimensions than even the very first bitmap games.

>> No.5964518

Both are souless. LA on the other hand = soul

>> No.5964589

>how is it even possible with the gba hardware
That's a common issue with GBA versions of SNES games. See: literally any one of them. The sound processor simply wasn't up for it.

>> No.5964619

Still holds up as the best Zelda game. Fight me.

>> No.5964636


>> No.5964668

You can use the original palette (ingame setting) and emulate it with a CRT shader. It's still a hot mess, bonus dungeon aside.

Counter-example: Super Mario Bros 3
Superior version is on GBA because the screen bottom is almost always unused.

>> No.5964672

I mean there's zero reason to play it today when your PSP can emulate the original or you can just play it on Switch, but a fairly acceptable portable version of LttP in 2002 was pretty cool.

>> No.5964690

Counter point, maybe some people are willing to accept small compromises to play these games on the go.

>> No.5964697
File: 699 KB, 2000x1000, remake_adv_beach.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

congrats, you just summed up every shitty Nintendo port and remake

>> No.5964738

>Four Swords

and I'm sure it'll get dismissed as quickly as I brought it up

>> No.5964772

The GBA version is the definitive version. It fixes errors from the original, and lets you keep the shovel item. Sucks that the bonus dungeon is completely locked off though.

>> No.5964796

in a game about a flying blob that sucks things up and takes their powers

>> No.5964824

The one on the right looks far far better.

>> No.5964826

Got any examples?

>> No.5964845

The one on the right looks damn near identical to how it would on an SNES emulator, being on a GBA emulator. It's a terrible comparison.

>> No.5964869

But what I told you we added voice acting

>> No.5964873

this is such a fucking autistic complaint

>> No.5964881

If you apply the voice removal + SNES palette + music restoration patches, the GBA version ends up being better.

>> No.5964892

I don't disagree with that, just that it looks much better crisp than blury.

>> No.5964954
File: 247 KB, 1427x570, remake_adv_cliffs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

missing background tiles is a pretty basic and easily observable complaint you idiot

>> No.5964962

ALBW is better than ALttP though.

>> No.5964965

i know the soul/souless meme can get tiresome but this shit right here has got to be the definition of that. "Dude just slap a bunch of platforms everywhere lmao"

>> No.5964975

The sprite on the GBA is bigger and the screen has less pixels. Try stretching to the size of a tv screen and you will start to see the problems.

>> No.5965002

It's pretty obvious they did it to show off their new backgrounds. It's a much better remake than SMA, all in all.

It's funny that people pick on the best GBA ports for being trash, sometimes for legit reasons... it got lots of REALLY bad ports that have far worse problems than screen resolution or the gimped sound chip.

>> No.5965004
File: 3.90 MB, 3645x2734, P10707011.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I know my preferences. Even long before better screens appeared I hated the blur from CRTs and I'm glad I can display them how I like now.

>> No.5965005

Home releases of Back to the Future, Jurassic Park and a bunch of other major blockbusters for example

>> No.5965018

Not him but that sounds like BS. I sure never heard of a pan and scan that showed extra footage beyond the original frame. How would that even work? To show more than was visible in the theater would mean recutting the film and doing more special effects assuming it's not just more trees or buildings you're seeing.

>> No.5965073

>I hated the blur from CRTs
That's what emulators are for

>> No.5965094

So wait, the all-stars autist is just an anti-nintendo guy falseflagging right? He doesn't even like the originals, just wants to stir shit between nintendo fans utilizing the soul vs soulless meme.
By chance, do you like Amiga games?

>> No.5965098

It's more common for animated films that followed older aspect ratio standards during production. For "The Secret of NIMH", for example, 4:3 (or 1.33:1) is closer to the 1.37:1 ratio the film was produced at, but the intended aspect ratio was always the theatrical 1.85:1.

>> No.5965105

Is he? I didn't think he was supposed to be more than 12 or so in LttP.

>> No.5965109

This. Faggots that bitch about ports that are almost 20 years old are cancer. Maybe if you spent more time actually playing games instead of shitposting about how MUH PIXELS aren't perfect, then you'd understand. Back in 2003, the idea of having ALttP in portable form was worth a handful of imperfections. Too bad this board is more underage than /v/.

>> No.5965117

Who cares? The GBA version is a thousand times more playable thanks to tighter controls and no fucking slowdown every time you use an ability. I'll gladly suffer some "missing background tiles" over than any day.

>> No.5965331

>tighter controls
How is that?

>> No.5965378
File: 182 KB, 1296x864, 71ByG92+CFL.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>In his new design, which is targeted toward
foreign fans, Link appears a little more mature
than he did in The Adventure of Link. (Hyrule Historia pg 142)

>> No.5965401

gba version has better controls because it actually makes use of the shoulder buttons

>> No.5965459
File: 15 KB, 480x360, you.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

...Because it loses two thumb buttons.

>> No.5965474

no shit. just always thought it was odd the snes version didnt make any use of them. using the map with L and the boots with R just feels more natural

>> No.5965509
File: 58 KB, 450x340, 7118707285_31219e39ab.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5965540

Yeah for a cartoon it's plausible. Jurassic Park? I'm gonna need some proof of that bull.

>> No.5965563

SNES version is randomizable, checkmate atheists.

>> No.5966407
File: 26 KB, 229x252, 1546082866628.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Alternatively you play it THE WAY THE DEVELOPERS INTENDED which is being an eight year old in 200whatever with a GBA who's first console was an N64 and you don't even know what a Super Nintendo is, but hey here's this cool Zelda game that plays just fine, instead of a thirty-something loser screeching about how it's an inferior port in 2019 when you have many options to play the original in handheld format rather than the compromise of the time.

>> No.5966724

>assuming it's not just more trees or buildings you're seeing
why would you assume that tho

>> No.5966730

You just now realized that the All-stars threads are bait?

>> No.5966750

I wouldn't call this soul vs soulless at all but I do believe the designers on the right flubbed by removing the background cliffs and replacing them with what I assume is a large scrolling mural. The design of the front solid cliffs that Kirby's standing on looks quite nice though, except (nitpick) I probably would have kept the silhouette line going straight down, instead of the slight inverted diagonal angle they seem to have there.

>> No.5966754

The thing is, that's not terribly different from the way most contemporary games looked, many of which are often called "full of soul" despite their usage of abstract floating platforms and the like.

>> No.5966763

And yet that thumbnail looks quite nice. I don't know what era that particular image came from, but generally speaking I think it's rather admirable what talented 16-bit artists were able to accomplish working within the confines of the CRT limitations before the ability to ignore them and the focus on pixel clarity became commonplace.

>> No.5966783

I'm pretty sure the GBA version nerfs part of the ice palace. It's reaching pretty far back in memory now, but there's a part with a hole in the floor and four blocks on either side, and you have to push the correct one in the right spot so that you can push it onto the switch on the floor below. In the GBA version it doesn't matter which you push, you can move it infinitely as opposed to only once.

>> No.5966802

"Soul x soulless" is not the appropriate argument to use here, however I do despise all the vocal "HYA!! HAA!"s and such added to later renditions of LTTP. Maybe it's because OoT came after my time and I just didn't get into that version of Link, but I just don't find that constant shrieking appealing.

>> No.5966821
File: 84 KB, 900x500, Open_matte_film_illustration.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I sure never heard of a pan and scan that showed extra footage beyond the original frame.
That's because they aren't pan and scan. Pan and scan is used to convert an anamorphic widescreen movie to 4:3, while when a 4:3 version ends up having more information it's because it's the open matte version of a non-animorphic widescreen movie.

>> No.5966836

Which means the analogy isn't perfect and that's okay. But for the video games example, you're going from hard number of pixels, to absolute lesser number. It's a one-sided compromise.
>Counter-example: Super Mario Bros 3
Fair point. Sometimes games had some GUI that element was in the frame and could be removed.
This would be true if it were 2003. But we have options now. You could play on a laptop, phone, or even hacked device (3DS, Switch) and preserve the original work. I stand by that I'd never support playing the GBA version over the original.
I wish I could think of 3 examples of games where this was a benefit. I disliked SMB2, SMW and LttP. ymmv

>> No.5967094

The controls are better and there is input buffering. There are a lot of instances where pushing a button in the NES version just straight up does nothing because the game does not accept or process input during certain frames or actions.

This. Although I was like 18 when the GBA port came out, and I had played the original to death, but I was still stoked and didn't give a shit about the little imperfections because it meant I could play ALttP while in school or taking a shit.

>> No.5967095

>OoT came after my time
Christ, how fucking old are you, gramps?

>> No.5967129

Why would you do that though, it’s a portable version of it.

>> No.5967148

>last truly cartridge-based system
How are the DS, 3DS, and Switch not truly cartridge based? If you're going to use the "muh digital downloads" argument, don't, because the DS didn't have that, they're not a requirement for most games on the 3DS and Switch, and every console since the SNES had some sort of online/satellite download system in Japan.

>> No.5967154

they were cartridge cringe

>> No.5967158

>cartridge cringe
Stop memeing and present a real argument like someone who isn't a toddler. Otherwise, opinion discarded.

>> No.5967171
File: 509 KB, 2002x1502, P10706811.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly that's why I like it.

That's Monster World 4 and I think it looks great on my screen. You don't have to agree with my tastes though, if you like the blur of a CRT then more power to you. Personally I'm glad I have a choice now.

>> No.5967181

>enjoys the NES version

>> No.5967184

Not him but I was 24 when OoT came out. I've still only played about half of LttP and no OoT but I could understand getting annoyed by the added sounds if he was used to the original.

>> No.5967190

You sound like a retard.

>> No.5967280

Cartridge based systems mapped the ROM data into the CPU address space so it was kinda like having the entire game available in RAM at any time. Bank switching complicates that a bit, but not really for the end user, just the coder.
The DS, 3DS, Switch on the other hand use what really amounts to a read-only SD card. Data has to be loaded into RAM before use so the only benefits you get is the stability, durability and decent random access speeds.
However, imagine for a minute if by magic they created some kind of 512pin cartridge for the Switch so that all 32gig of ROM could be wired directly into the ARM address space, while it would be a "true" cartridge, you still wouldn't get much benefit because a significant chunk of the time spent during "loading" screens is not pulling data off the storage media, it's compiling shaders, sending data to the GPU, running scripts to set up the game state, etc. and none of that will be any faster.

>> No.5967519
File: 139 KB, 573x347, 1571720913489.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a more accurate representation, but you're right, it's still unplayable on the GBA.

>> No.5967543


>> No.5967546

The gba version had a brightness setting.

>> No.5967567

>not having an AGS-101

>> No.5967580

there’s more than one retarded shitposter on /v/r

>> No.5967581

When I used to play hardware SNES ALTTP on my old CRT I would sometimes turn the tint and brightness dials so I could pretend I was playing at "night" and I would roam around the wooded areas near Hyrule castle and duck in between trees trying to snipe guards without getting seen.
Good times

>> No.5967583

They will never top the center-bottom Link design. It is literally perfect. I don't know why they've never used it

>> No.5967704

>not moding your original GBA

>> No.5967747

>not forcing your GBC wormlight to face the other direction
Look at this pleb

>> No.5969084

Halloween 1-3 on vhs and a crt is way better than watching it in HD.

>> No.5969186

>scifi Zelda
Didn't they toy with this idea with BotW too? I wonder what's holding them back from doing a really different Zelda.

>> No.5969210

Yes, they they have been toying with this idea for a while. Personally I think that's the opposite of what they should be going for; I'm not saying I want the series to be Dark Souls, but the medieval fantasy elements are more interesting than "forgotten civilisation with spaceships and robots".

>> No.5969213 [DELETED] 

This is /vr/ you tard, I'd wager there's many of us who got into the Zelda series much earlier than '98.

>> No.5969689

There's, among other films, an open matte version of Jurassic Park on various torrent sites. It literally shows more of the frame than the was shown at cinemas, yes.

>> No.5970892

It's not pan and scan, it's open matte. Basically, the normal version has those parts deliberately cropped out. Often it can reveal things you're not meant to see, like a microphone in shot or the machinery of an effect or whatever.

>> No.5970912

>left isn't a photo of a CRT
>right isn't a photo of the GBA LCD
>they're clearly both emulator screenshots of the same sprite with different filtering
What did he mean by this?

>> No.5972356

>Every remake that I was old enough to project my annoyed emotions upon*

>> No.5972362

are they pointing out the power gloves aren't correctly rendered with a palette swap in the GBA version?

>> No.5972414

Based pixel purist bro. You’re a breath of fresh air among the Vaseline fetishists.

>> No.5972646

By that same logic chrono trigger ds is shit.

>> No.5973240

Is it possible they did this to increase the contrast between Kirby and the background to make up for the original GBA's black hole of a screen?

>> No.5973268
File: 109 KB, 573x347, Wormlight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As you wish

>> No.5974341

>I never advocate GBA ports on the sole reason that you're only getting 2/3 of the pixel count
>sole reason
I guess you're deaf

>> No.5974345

>I know my preferences.
Everyone knows your preferences, they're called shit

>> No.5974515

>blur from CRTs
what a retard. The "blur" you're referring to is from the signal type you used, such as RF or composite. This smearing is also visible if you plug in your system to a flat screen LCD, because it has nothing to do with the display. A CRT being fed a high quality signal such as RGB or component is going to be sharp as fuck.

>> No.5974518



>> No.5974548

>it's still unplayable on the GBA
Explain how I've beaten it 3 times then

>> No.5974701

The purpose of a lot of those GBA ports of SNES games was they were the more accessible way to play some of the games at the time in the early to mid 00s. A Link to the Past for the SNES was still expensive as a used game in the early/mid 00s and they weren't making any more cartridges, so if you wanted a new copy and play A Link to the Past for the first time, you would just get it for the GBA. Same with Final Fantasy VI and so on. I think a lot of anons recommend the GBA versions because it was just what they played when they were young, and they don't realize the resolution is worse or that you can't fix the sound card's output capabilities no matter what soundtrack you patch into the ROM. If you're emulating, there's little reason to play the GBA ports of the SNES games.

>> No.5974738

>"let's add a new ending that ties the game closer to the sequel that people are already divided over!"
>everyone you loved died off camera by the comic relief henchman

>> No.5974901

What's even more perplexing is that they clearly gave the rocks in the remake the same pattern as the cliff walls in the original...so how did the miss the point so badly!?

>> No.5974973

>>annoying oot voice when using the sword
This is what kills it for me, it's so unnecessary and grating.

>> No.5974983

>Soul x soulless
I wish reddit never came here

>> No.5975017


>> No.5975025

Is there a hack that cleans up the translation of the original and lets you keep the shovel like the GBA version, but without the awful sound and cropped picture of the GBA version?

Has anyone hacked the content from the GBA Final Fantasy games into the original?

>> No.5975160

>chrono trigger ds is shit.
Yes. The only people who recommend that port don't own the SNES cart + a good CRT

>> No.5975168

Lmao cope CRT cuck.

>> No.5975172

Autism. Legitimate autism.

>> No.5975731

yes "Hacks - A Link To The Past Voice Removal - Romhacking.net"

the fucking website is down though.. so thats cool.

>> No.5975741

PVM scarcity makes bitter nerds

>> No.5976620

>A CRT being fed a high quality signal such as RGB or component is going to be sharp as fuck.

No it's not.