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5957245 No.5957245 [Reply] [Original]

Finally finished Breath of fire 1-4, and after all that Breath of Fire 3 is my favorite. How about you?

>> No.5957252

dude minigames lmao

>> No.5957380

4 by far for me but 3 was also good. 1 and 2 were super forgettable. 5 is surprisingly good despite all the hate it gets.

>> No.5957516

4 had way more minigames than 3, and you need to do them continuously to upgrade the dragon

>> No.5957528
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4 without question.

Yeah but that's the thing. By giving them a tangible reward they actually feel like they're worth doing.

>> No.5957534

3. Obelisk was a neat last area and Light is one of the best songs in gaming.

>> No.5957537

As great as the 4 cast is, none of them are as memorable as Momo.
Ryu is really important to 4's plot, but he's so passive and more like a macguffin than an actual character, whereas 3's Ryu has an entire child arc and goes through pretty traumatic events the game shows how he bonds with the other characters instead of just tagging along. There was that scene in 4 where Nina talks to Ryu about how she's in love with Cray and Ryu isn't even paying attention. Like the majority of 4 Ryu doesn't even need to be there.
Also 3's story an better overarching theme throughout the game's story and side events, 4 I think gets more sidetracked.
3 had more masters, more to the dragon transformations, more to find in the world, and better fishing imo. I also enjoyed the music in 3 a lot more. The main edge over 3 the fourth game had for me was the graphics were overall better quality though it seemed like it has a lot less variety in the setting.

>> No.5957538

Yeah it's still pretty good but no 4. 4 is a near masterpiece.

>> No.5957554

Momo is cool but I like most of the cast and story of 4 far more than 3 and I like that the setting is more cohesive. Nina is the only one I think is underwhelming but even she has great moments. I also.like that it's lighter on the minigames, but I can understand thinking the opposite.

>> No.5957559

I played 3 and 4 back to back, and 4 definitely has a heavier amount of minigames.

>> No.5957563

Momo is so great they put her in 4 for no reason other than her being awesome

>> No.5957747

I like 3 because fishing in 4 sucks, and I prefer the music in 3 more.

>> No.5957749

Only played 3. Did 4 rip off Chrono Trigger’s OST too?

>> No.5957960

Interesting, I remembered there being more in 3 but it could be I spent more time on them. In 4 I was more focused on the story and didn't care about maxing everyone so there were minigames I ended up ignoring.

>> No.5958229

The minigames were required to advance the story...

>> No.5958238

4 had a far more repetitive soundtrack that sounds more xenogears than CT, especially the battle theme. The foulu empire had a more Asian flavor, the empire in the game is kinda modelled after ancient Chinese empire

>> No.5958239
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>> No.5958264

I think each sequel was better than its predecessor (not including the mobage shit) and I love them all.
That's fair but also you can lay the blame for that at FF7's feet.

>> No.5958269

It's been a while but I remember there being a lot of fishing and other stuff I didn't bother with after it was plot related.

>> No.5958536

I'm planning to play one of these but I'd prefer the best looking and the best gameplay. Is it 4 and is it ok to start there?

>> No.5958562

Yes. The games are unrelated and 4 is the only (retro) BoF that actually clears the mediocrity bar.

>> No.5958573

>The games are unrelated
Not true

>> No.5958658

is it a simple time gap where they're references but little more?

>> No.5958705

A little more impactful than references but I don't care enough to list them.

>> No.5958730

I would say yes and thdn if you really like it go for 3. After that decide of you want to explore the roots more in 1 and 2 or see the craziness of 5.

>> No.5958742


>> No.5959154

I like III's plot because no one in the party was actually trying to save the world, they just wanted to ask God a few questions and accidentally ended up killing her.

>> No.5959170

>accidentally ended up killing her
You can choose to spend the rest of your life in Eden. Also Myria ends up calling to God herself, she wasn't God.

>> No.5959429

It doesn't have fishing. That's unforgivable.

>> No.5959887

fuck fishing and FUCK you

>> No.5959912

Played them all back in the day and recently doing some replays on emu.
Just finished 2 the other day and I can safely say that it's fairly ass. Going through 3 right now and it's hilarious how much 3 absolutely blows 2 out of the water in so many ways. 2 was a slog, 3 is fun.
Haven't played 1,4,or 5 in decades but I'd play the shit out of a 7 if Crapcom gets around to it and does it right.

>> No.5959929

only got half way through 2 and 3, just lost interest and got bored. But I felt like they were fairly similar, maybe 2 had a bit more charm actually, but 3 had better character development.

>> No.5960320
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I'll play River King if I want to fish. I don't need it in BoF.

>> No.5960384
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Reminder that Yuna living is actually a great plot point as it adds actual depth and reasoning to Fou-Lu's motivation.

>> No.5960406
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>fuck fishing

>> No.5960491
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>he doesn't like fishing minigames

>> No.5961135
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>I don't need it in BoF

>> No.5961156
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There's a /vr/ banner waiting to happen.

>> No.5961430

>download the free snes games on Switch
>BoF huh? let's give it a try I guess
>items have no description, you have to select an option and go to the item in order to know what it does
>"item can be used in battle"

Wtf??? I can't even know what the stats are on equipment in the shop?? I thought oh man this must have been a really early snes game but nope it came out in 1993. No excuse. I'm still gonna finish it but damn did they make this unnecessarily annoying.

>> No.5961661

Strategy guides were big business in the era before interbutts. Making the game obtuse sells more books, or at least that's my theory.

>> No.5961684

The only items you need to know are marble 3 and herb.

>> No.5962061
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What were they thinking with this character design?

>> No.5962170

chill dude

>> No.5963120 [DELETED] 

BoF5, Dragon Quarter.
It has the tightest gameplay and most unique setting and systems. It's a real gem, but people don't like it because it's different to the rest.

That's followed closely by 3, the spritework, the music, the mechanics, and the characters are all great. It really is a kind of template on what makes a great JRPG.
Though I do have a soft spot for all the five games, they all have their own things going on, even the first one with its weird and fantastical races and silly scenario.

BoF is really a series that deserves a remake, I think people would really enjoy a fully realised version of the first game, with the other games to draw on they could really make something great and spark interest in the series. I guess they tried with BoF6, but that was a try in the same sense as shitting your pants is a conversation starter.

>> No.5963123
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BoF5, Dragon Quarter.
It has the tightest gameplay and most unique setting and systems. It's a real gem, but people don't like it because it's different to the rest.

That's followed closely by 3, the spritework, the music, the mechanics, and the characters are all great. It really is a kind of template on what makes a great JRPG.
Though I do have a soft spot for all the five games, they all have their own things going on, even the first one with its weird and fantastical races and silly scenario.
BoF is really a series that deserves a remake, I think people would really enjoy a fully realised version of the first game, with the other games to draw on they could really make something great and spark interest in the series. I guess they tried with BoF6, but that was a try in the same sense as shitting your pants is a conversation starter.

>> No.5963129

I only liked the first even with its laughable translation

>> No.5963446

>I only liked the first

but why

>> No.5964185

But it doesn't have FUCKING shisu

>> No.5964302
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>That ring of green trigrams is a Primordial/Earlier Heaven bagua. "The fuck is that?", the average goon says. Bagua means Eight Symbols in Chinese, and is an important diagram in Taoist philosophy. It represents the flow and structure of reality, with the trigrams representing parts of reality along with elements of yin and yang. Going clockwise from the trigram at Fou-Lu's feet, they are Heaven, Wind, Water, Mountain, Earth, Thunder, Fire, and Lake. They are also associated with seasons, cardinal directions (with Heaven as north, just like the compass says), emotions, concepts, families, and a whole bunch of other stuff. They're also an element in feng shui, used to map out the house to be in balance with creation and affect the owner's life. There's probably a metric shitload more symbolism here than I'm aware of (especially with the western symbol looking a lot like that Bangla script Om discussed in the previous symbolism update), but the fact that Fou-Lu's standing on Heaven while you approach him from Earth isn't exactly subtle.
BoFIV was so fucking cool.

>> No.5964316
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>> No.5964323

Spent SO MUCH GODDAMN TIME on the faerie village in 3. What an amazing game. I wish it would get a proper revival or maybe a remaster, so Capcom can test the waters and see if there's interest.

>> No.5964402

those symbols were and are common in East Asia, they're not an obscure reference. Look at the S Korean flag for instance.

>> No.5965804


>> No.5965854

I love the 4th one, although the minigames are too much. Until this day it remains beautiful

>> No.5966295

Guys, be honest with me here please: are BoF 3/4 worth playing if a consider Dragon Quarter one of the best JRPGs i have ever played but disliked BoF 2 and hated BoF 1? BoF 1 was a super generic SNES JRPG and BoF 2 was incredibly slow (tons of backtracking, huge encounter rate, story feels like filler most of the time, etc.).

>> No.5966331

The encounter rates are still high, but backtracking is easier because there are no encounters on the overworld and also the stories are top tier.

>> No.5966832

Anyone keep getting a white screen wiith 4 on the pc?

>> No.5966835

I'm thinking of playing 4, is the PC or PS1 version better to play these days?

>> No.5967286
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>decide to let Rei off the leash and go Werenigger mode now and then
>one-shots Momo
>one-shots Momo
>one-shots Momo again

>> No.5968303

Then why are you playing BoF?

>> No.5968578

There is almost no difference. The only real change is that the pc version has a different font, I personally think it looks much worse.
>not getting influence from the King Goblin at the start

>> No.5970104

BoF3 has an interesting (but ultimately limited due to time allowing it to be mapped out) system. The story is... a lot of it is the main characters flailing around, trying to move forward, only sometimes hitting on progression.
BoF4 has a better, more engaging story and a slightly simplified system.

>> No.5970284

>a lot of it is the main characters flailing around, trying to move forward, only sometimes hitting on progression
That's Breath of Fire™, baby!

>> No.5970289

>a lot of it is the main characters flailing around, trying to move forward, only sometimes hitting on progression
literally Breath of Fire IV. Unlike IV, III's Ryu actually progresses as a character. Scias, Ursula, and Ershin become completely redundant characters once their small "arcs" are finished and aren't truly invested in following the main character around like Garr, Rei, and Peco are til the end.

>> No.5970519

They have almost nothing in common with DQ except certain aesthetic/story elements. 4 shares DQ's dark tone and interest in the relationship between divinity and humanity. 3 same thing but it's much more light-hearted overall.

>> No.5970921

Probably not. I think that 3 and 4 are both better than 2, but ultimately they all share the same strengths and weaknesses.

>> No.5971160

So in 4 do the stats for your previous levels change if you switch to a different master? Or do you just have to deal with it?

>> No.5971167

Let Rei mating press the bunny

>> No.5971301

No. Your previous stat increases are not retroactively changed when you switch masters. The new master only affects new levels gained.

>> No.5971657

except in dragon quarter where an unstoppable madman murders fifty cops for getting in his way

>> No.5972514

Ah thanks. I'm kind of bummed i missed Stoll and i can't go back but i guess the game should be easy enough anyway.

>> No.5974351

4 is the best but 3 is also great.

>> No.5974414

If 3 didn't have the slowest text speed in all video games, it'd be best.

>> No.5974447
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3 is best.


>> No.5974450
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>> No.5974520

Weren't you able to change text speed in 3? IIRC there's even an instant speed.

>> No.5974567

I feel like Ryu is the the most bland in 4 while Cray and Nina push the story along.

>> No.5975682

Even if there is, it barely helps since the real culprit is the way the text scrolls, but it's "fade" when there's more than one text box. It's ponderous.

>> No.5977697

>Ryu is the the most bland in 4
That's because the protagonist is Fou-lu.

>> No.5977717

Is this series as good as its art?

>> No.5977730

2, 3, and 4 have pixel art of comparable quality to Yoshikawa Tatsuya's art, if you're in for the visuals.

>> No.5977953

Best pixel art in RPG history

>> No.5978007

The cunt's hormones are leaking, better put a lid on it.

>> No.5978238

So why did people hate 5 again? Is it the difficulty?

>> No.5978246

Because it's jarringly different to its predecesssors and most people talking about this series are speaking from nostalgia and haven't played any of them in 10+ years.

>> No.5978253

That, and it's so different. They also seem to hate the "timer" aspect. But it's a legit great game, even as a BoF game in my opinion. It's not for everyone, but it has better and more inspired design in both mechanics and art than most games did (and do).

>> No.5978263


>> No.5978310
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>> No.5978319

For some reason a bunch of developers decided that they'd get rid of the Open World concept in RPGs and make every set a continuous piece. This led to a bunch of weird design innovation.

I think its simple as DIFFERENT = BAD and a lack of challenge from people hearing it was so and then vehemently defending that opinion despite never having given it a second chance, or a first chance. You still find people regurgitating highschool opinions of vidya games like it was gospel.

Even though I love the setting and the story I can understand some of the frustration. They don't really do much with the D-Counter beyond using it as a way to shame Ryu for being weak, and there's a lot of untapped lore no one explains. Which is extremely strange considering that the novel the creators were interested in was a post-nuclear apocalypse coldwar novel about an underground bunker civilization. Even if the player knows what a Nina Wyndian or a Lyn Warren are they're not really explained and you don't see any other references to it.

It also bothers me that they don't go deeper in with Nina's wings and what they're from or how they allow her to do magic stuff.

>> No.5978528

That theory mostly makes sense except for Deis going from goddess in IV to normal party member in I and II to goddess again in III who's Myria's sister even though this was never mentioned in I or II

>> No.5978530


>> No.5978951

You don't really need to stretch to connect the canon for BoF like you need to for other series. 1>2>3>4>5 makes perfect sense with few discrepancies.

>> No.5979003

You must have played a differe 4.
One where deis doesnt say she and ryu are from a different universe

>> No.5979787


So...4, 3, 5, 1, 2?