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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5958614 No.5958614 [Reply] [Original]

So what is everyone's general opinion on the PS1 in 2019?

Do the games still hold up gameplay wise And
is the PS1 worth playing?

also what does the future hold for the PS1?

>> No.5958651

>Do the games still hold up gameplay wise And
>is the PS1 worth playing?
Only the good games are.
>also what does the future hold for the PS1?
Disc rot

>> No.5958783

It still holds up for me

>> No.5958791

Disc rot is the worst meme I've seen on /vr/. Sounds like cope from emulation poorfags.

>> No.5958792

whats the best way to play ps1 games if i dont want a big stack of disks?
from hdd on ps3?

>> No.5958793

It's a Castlevania: Symphony of the Night player. And even that isn't as good as the majority of later 'metroidvanias'.

>> No.5958808

Graphically, 3D games end up inferior as fuck to sprite ones as tech progresses. So a lot of PS1 games aged like shit in the visual aspect. Gameplay depends entirely upon the game, a lot of early 3D platformers had horrendously shit controls and aged terribly, while stuff like SotN or FFT play perfectly even today because they're game types that didn't need any real ironing out for control schemes to function properly.

tl;dr Depends on the game. Like any retro game.

>> No.5958825

when you say early platformers do you mean when it first came out or the whole gener on the PS1?

>> No.5958861


>> No.5958874

I mean early 3D platformers. Things got better as time (and analog sticks) came out and were refined, but early PS1 3D platformers were pretty shit compared to later ones. 2D platformers didn't have this hurdle to jump over on the PS1, since dev's had plenty of experience perfecting that stuff in the previous generations.

>> No.5958882

So you would say PS1 games released from 1998 and onwards are still perfectly playable today

>> No.5958965

jeez give it a little more credit than that

>> No.5958972

I would always say it depends on the game. Bubsy 3D controlled like dog shit for example, while Crash 1 controlled well enough. Whenever we get a "big" jump in tech that brings "new" fields, and everyone tries to jump on in, theres always going to be more failures than successes, but theres always successes. Mario 64 would probably be the first game I'd say really nailed 3D platformer movement and set the new standard and moved goalposts to "does this game control as well as M64?", but thats not a PS1 game. I know I didn't like the controls of Croc or Spyro 1 for example, and I also forget when the fuck they released in relation to other games...

>> No.5959102

I honestly feel bad for you. If you’re console war autist, then make that double.

>> No.5959308

Fuck that shit. Shouldn’t have to solder shit to your hardware.

>> No.5959685

PS1 is the only Sony consoles I actually love and many of its games are still great. Unfortunately Playstation brand now is only about cinematic and "woken" crap.

>> No.5959720
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>Unfortunately Playstation brand now is only about cinematic and "woken" crap.

Please go back to /v/. I am so tired of this culture war bullshit seeping into every aspect of my life

>> No.5959728

If you like jrpg games the ps1 has many good ones. Things like sotn and medievil still bring me joy.

I hear the PSP and Vita can both be cracked easily these days and run ps1 games very well if you want a mobile option with real controls, otherwise PC would be best emulation and you can even play them on Android.

Or you can pay for the games and play them on real hardware or mod a ps1 and burn the iso to disc and play them that way.

Everyone likes to mod the of Xbox for emulation too, not sure how it does with ps1 games.

>> No.5959731

Emulating, upscaling and fixing texture warp? Maybe some games are fun to play for a few minutes. But playing the original PS1 is just cringe in 2019, nothing screams "incel!" like doing that.

>> No.5959738

Would you kindly fuck off, please?

>> No.5959909

They still hold up for me

>> No.5960070

get a modder to do it for cheap if you cant

why not?

>> No.5960142

>I honestly feel bad for you.

You shouldn't. I have literally thousands of retro games worth playing. And PS1 games ain't among 'em. Early 3D games are garbage and always were.

>> No.5960143

PS1 is a great console to play still. Since modern gaming is online only, when I get with a few friends we end up playing Ps1 fighting games most of the time.

>> No.5960910


>> No.5960958 [DELETED] 

The laser in it is like an old man's dick.
Fuck Sony for cheaping out on it. They could have used a better assembly and diodes for $20+ a pop and it would be nearly flawless, machine-wise.

>> No.5960978

I don’t like altering original hardware.
