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5949845 No.5949845 [Reply] [Original]

Just played Final Fantasy Tactics and it had some of the best writing I've ever seen in a video game, not to mention pretty fun gameplay too. It was so good that I want to explore the PS1 RPG library more now. I was thinking of playing Suikoden 1/2 and Xenogears soon, but is there really anything that will compare to FFT's writing? I've played Vagrant Story in the past but wasn't really having fun with the gameplay (and yeah I spent a decent chunk of time in the tutorials and working things out).

>> No.5949853

I thought the story was boring but the gameplay was great.

>> No.5949863

I think the actual plot of FFT is fairly simple (it is basically following a template civil war as inspired by the War of the Roses), but it's really the power of the conversations and individual lines that elevate it for me. In translation there's stuff like "Animals have no god!" that everyone knows, pretty much every conversation was filled with legendary lines. Really can't think of many games that have such a high density of powerful lines.

>> No.5949920

Tactics Ogre Series.

>> No.5949926

Both the confused PS1 translation and faggy PSP rewrite have problems, but I liked FFT's story overall. Ramza will be absolved by history.

>> No.5949928

It's a clever touch that Ramza discovers the true history covered up by a conspiracy centuries years ago, then the historian, then a historian discovers the true history of Ramza covered up by a conspiracy. Very cyclical.

>> No.5951191

That and how it is the future of FF XII.

>> No.5951312

That's not writing. That's just some squiggles.

>> No.5951317

lol over half the lines in the game are near fucking nonsensical

>> No.5951331


Just saying.

>> No.5951341

google translate is really good these days.

>> No.5951343

It's shit for lower lifeforms like you.

>> No.5951498
File: 433 KB, 1000x1000, 1509083106526.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>can speak weebrunes
>calls others lower lifeforms
Yeah… no, get fucked, weaboo trash!!

>> No.5951508

Those will come in handy when the eventual China domination happens.

>> No.5951509
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Both translations are janky for entirely opposite reasons. I love it.

>> No.5951526
File: 56 KB, 620x373, Marxuno.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Matsuno was inspired by the class struggle within Square itself when writing FFT

I wonder which Square Exec shot his sister with a crossbow

>> No.5951538

That's the Android version? How is it?

>> No.5951574

Grandia had a very sweet coming of age & spirit of adventure story line.

>> No.5951670

l i t t l e m o n e y

>> No.5951680

the android version is great. The sprites were redrawn and are higher resolution.

>> No.5951691

This. Both Tactics Ogre and Ogre Battle are great. I honestly prefer Ogre Battle because of its open-ended nature.

>> No.5951697


The new sprites were made by running it through a smoothing upscaling filter. Then they went over it and drew over it to fix it. It results in some wankiness. There seems to be details that were never there to begin with.

>> No.5952001

>sprites were redrawn and are higher resolution
Good stuff. Guess I'll be replaying it during the upcoming weeks.

>> No.5952280


They're not fully redrawn per se.

>> No.5953031

This is what i was looking for, thanks anon

>> No.5953152
File: 283 KB, 911x868, Hoshigami_ Ruining Blue Earth.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5953157
File: 105 KB, 658x650, Saiyuki_ Journey West.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5953162

What is the best way to play FFT? I've always wanted to, but, never had the opportunity.

>> No.5953168

Loved the story until the Church plot became the focal point of the game. Couldn't really care about any of that shit.

>> No.5953183

The best version is called Tactics Ogre

>> No.5953450

Tactics Ogre is similar in many ways, despite not being a PS1 game. The PSP version is excellent.

Valkyrie Profile 1 and 2 have a good story with amazing characters, so you should check it. Not as great as FFT however.

>> No.5953479 [SPOILER] 
File: 2.49 MB, 1920x1017, 1571283903898.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Its been said a dozen times already but reiterating Tactics Ogre one more time, because its Matsuno again in earlier form without the Final Fantasy dressing. You'll find some familiar concepts, and a retreading of both the good and bad to his scenario design. The SNES fan translation patch uses Atlus' PS1 localization script however, if that matters.

Only somewhat related, but Matsuno was also asked to do a bonus scenario for FFXIV in the past year. He offered to write up an original story but the game's director specifically requested to do a plot revolving around an alternate take on FFT in an attempt to reconcile it with FF12 instead. The result is pure dumb fanservice schlock that completely misses the point of the original story but if you're absolutely desperate for more FFT material, its there (or at least the cutscenes on youtube).

Tactics Ogre's PSP port did the same thing, with a cheesy, vaguely feel-good "canon" post-game epilogue as well, but I'm not sure if Matsuno contributed to that or not.

>> No.5953508

That image is infuriating

>> No.5953753

>Tactics Ogre's PSP port did the same thing, with a cheesy, vaguely feel-good "canon" post-game epilogue as well, but I'm not sure if Matsuno contributed to that or not.

He was the director of the PSP version. it's why it's so good. He was brought on after the FFT PSP version was such a mess.

>> No.5953775

FFTA is shit btw

>> No.5953791

what if I told you guys that matsuno wasn't actually responsible for any of the fun writing in fft

>> No.5954008


who wrote it then?

>> No.5954134

Bad translators. They accidentally made something cool and memorable.

>> No.5954150
File: 108 KB, 700x1000, tumblr_m9bimyjilx1qzj5ggo1_1280[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Always wanted to see this guidebook scanned.

>> No.5954153

I dont get why modern tactical jrpgs still have worse maps then fft. Fucking new fire emblem has mostly just flat boring maps compared to fft

>> No.5954154
File: 261 KB, 1600x1200, s-l1600[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


According to previews, the interior is pretty standard.

>> No.5954182

>Suikoden I
Ok this one is fun, not great, but has it's charm
>Suikoden II
Exhausts the same formula of the first one, but with even worse writing. The game goes in a downhill spiral after the gypsie group leave you.
Brainlet tier Eva exploitation. Gameplay is boring, control of the mechas is even worse, writing is ultra cringe and the soundtrack are nothing to remember of.

I would sugest you to play Chrono Cross, if you want to play the undisputed PSX RPG masterpiece, or Valkyrie Profile, if you want a RPG with a cool system and story

>> No.5954185

War of the Lions was localized by Alex O Smith-wannabes and I hate it.

>> No.5954272

not op but ive been wanting to try out tactics ogre is the psp version ok? it seems pretty diffrent from the original from what I saw.

>> No.5954275

games have stories?

>> No.5954631


>> No.5954676

Hoy does FFT stack against TO:LUCT?

>> No.5954683

Goddamn, this is the most obvious Nintendo fag post I’ve ever seen. Congratulations on stepping outside of the bubble.

>> No.5955043

The pebble that we have thrown might have created only a ripple on the water's surface, but that's certainly...
How does the last part translate? What does "to narou" mean? The volitional form of "to naru"?

>> No.5955068

Definitely not a nintendofag, I try to play a wide swathe of games from different genres. I consider the best JRPG ever made to be Tobira no Densetsu (扉の伝説) and as cliche as it might be my favourite western RPG writing-wise is Planescape Torment. FFT doesn't reach their level for me but it's still one of the better video game scripts I've ever encountered, it's on an entirely different level than most games.

I would like to play more western RPGs but they tend to have really player-driven and thus weakly structured plots which I don't tend to like, especially with the ancient gameplay they have. Maybe I'll find more of them to like in the future (wasn't too fond of Arcanum for instance).

>> No.5955075

Yeah. Volitional form, and when used like this it expresses likelihood. Think of it as like だろう but applied to verbs. (And don't try to translate it into English because by making it more explicit he will appear to contradict the 確実に when in reality it's just a tonal thing.)

>> No.5955076

Thanks, anon. We're all gonna make it. Right?

>> No.5955092
File: 31 KB, 211x255, 1376363185185.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've been a professional J->E translator for like 3 years at this point, if I can do it so can you.

>> No.5955095


>> No.5955102


>> No.5955108


>> No.5955321


>> No.5955405
File: 20 KB, 343x357, 1542598698743.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>muh all political intrigue is well written
I fucking hate this boomer meme. Political intrigue is boring as balls. Fucking go watch game of thrones.

>> No.5955449

Like I said here >>5949863, the actual plot (i.e. the political intrigue) is pretty simple. What makes the writing is good is the power of the dialogue, though it also nice how the plot is complex enough that it's fun to read the lore entries to get a clearer picture of the overall plot - I like how the queen is such a vastly important character but never shows up on screen. Also, I've read the ASoIaF books and they're pretty fun, though it's more the sheer scale of the story and the action that's good rather than the political intrigue which is more like a spice to the rest of the content.

>> No.5955467

I played it a long time ago, but isn't this one of those plots that overwhelm you with character names, countries, political factions and shit that you have to literaly memorize?

>> No.5955473

No, it never reaches anything close to that level of complexity or scale, though it does state the names of some characters before they are introduced which requires the player to have some degree of working memory to keep up. (Namely Goltanna's army being mentioned in the prologue long before he physically shows up). It wouldn't be wise to try and memorize FFT characters when so many of them die so fast.

>> No.5955495

it’s not a Nintendofag it’s just some guy being like “ask me about my brain”

>> No.5955504


>> No.5955514

Hint: Search text in quotes to find exact hits

>> No.5955530

Ignore this man, he is a fool.