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5945306 No.5945306 [Reply] [Original]

Seemed like I am not the only one who thinks dungeon crawlers with no grid movement or turn-based combat are really rare, so I decided to make this chart.
Also, dungeon crawler thread, I guess.

>> No.5945315

You didn't say first person so Xanadu

>> No.5945324

Ravenloft: Strahd's Possession
Ravenloft: Stone Prophet

>> No.5945331

Isn't the combat in those games turn based?

>> No.5945332

No, the combat is similiar to Dungeon Master and Eye of the Beholder.

>> No.5945345
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Anvil of Dawn. Very strong atmosphere and suprisingly good dialogue.

>> No.5945346

Oops my bad anvil of dawn doesnt actually have free movement, but its combat is not turn based

>> No.5945361

Just reporting in to say that Lands of Lore: Guardians of Destiny is one of the greatest and most underrated games of all time

>> No.5945370

Might and Magic 6-8 belong on there

>> No.5945597

and how is III?

>> No.5946084

I'm playing Wizardry 1 for the PSX. Anything I should know? I'm on floor 3.

>> No.5946117

I've never been that into really olds cool dungeon crawlers. Oldest ones i played were Wizardry 6 and Yendorian Tales, really like both. What are some gentler blobbers/crawlers from that era?

>> No.5946187

I would argue System Shock 2 is just sci-fi Ultima Underworld.

>> No.5946225

Pathways into Darkness, D.W.Bradley's Cybermage.

>> No.5946262
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Gameplay-wise yes, but it's kinda hard to draw a line between dungeons and not dungeons, at least level design-wise, so I just excluded games with bigger emphasis on firearms, like the ones this anon mentioned >>5946225
I didn't feature these because the combat doesn't seem to be completely real-time (I am probably using the wrong term), it's still about stats and your party members taking turns, instead of swinging your weapon in the enemy's direction and physically avoiding their attacks.

>> No.5946268
File: 23 KB, 292x302, whywouldyoudothat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>with free movement and realtime combat

>> No.5946272

Because everything else bores me, gramp

>> No.5946276

Don't visit floors 2,3,5,6,7 and 8. There is simply no point. Just grind against Murphy's Ghost until you're strong enough to rush the final boss.

>> No.5946293

SS1 is almost a direct adaption of UU. I'd argue for it, but not SS2 which is different enough to no longer be recognisable as a crawler.

>> No.5946317

Well, it was SS2 that brought back the RPG elements that SS1 didn't have, but I agree that the level design and the pacing of the overall game was different.

>> No.5946424
File: 319 KB, 640x480, kf22.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

These are my favorite kinds of games. Also KF3 is underrated, I like it more than KF4

>> No.5946445
File: 389 KB, 640x849, the-granstream-saga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does this one count?

>> No.5946460

I forgot to specify that I was collecting first person games only

>> No.5946510

>so I just excluded games with bigger emphasis on firearms
Now, that's retarded. The hell are Battlespire with its downright broken Bow, and Shadow Tower Abyss, with its cornucopia of guns, doing in your list?

And, anyway, the fuck the difference does it make whether it's a gun, a bow, or a spell?

>> No.5946540

You're right about Shadow Tower Abyss, I just tried to not include games that are closer to Wolf3D than to Ultima Underworld, or games that aren't fantasy/medieval-ish (because that's what most people expect with "dungeon" crawlers, not space stations or cyberpunk streets, even though the setting doesn't always affect the gameplay).
But yeah, I guess it can't hurt adding a new row with SS1, Cybermage and Pathways into Darkness, even though Cybermage really doesn't strike me as a dungeon crawler.

>> No.5946553

Catacomb 3D?

>> No.5946563

Daggerfall deserves to be on the list because all the content of the game is inside dungeons.

Because it's more fun FUCK YOU.

>> No.5947032

Every King's Field game and even Eternal Ring but not Baroque?

>> No.5947047

They have 360 degree mode.
EoB series don't. I think DM series don't too.

>> No.5947165

I'll second Baroque even though I've only played the remake.
It's probably too obscure and the list maker never heard of it.

>> No.5947223

>old dungeon crawler with action combat/movement
>combat consists of walking forward, swinging sword, backing up to avoid enemy attack, repeat forever

>> No.5947315

Haven't played it, isn't just Wolf 3D with different sprites?
It would be misleading to feature Daggerfall, because you spend a lot of time in the procedurally generated open environment that isn't anything like dungeons.
I heard of it, but I only saw the PS2/Wii version, which isn't first person (and I tried to feature first person games only). Now that I looked up the original game, it is indeed much closer to what kind of games I tried to collect, thanks for the recommendation.

>> No.5947326


it's a shit game and broken beyond belief.
even Daggerfail is better.

>> No.5947472

system shock 2

>> No.5947776

Not at all. And Hovertank isn't Wolf3D-with-different-sprites either, although it's not dungeon crawler for a change, it's a spin on arcade Battlezone (in a kinda way RotT is a spin on Wolf3D, going all wtf and quirky-like). Wolf3D is like the LEAST interesting of those early three games.

>> No.5947785

What? Compared to Descent to Undermountain (which from a certain point becomes "let me just play a bit more to see what other things are working hilariously NOT like whatever they were intended to work - not that that intention could be even divined from the end product anymore"/"what HAVEN'T I seen, Jeez") Battlespire is like rock solid.

I mean, the two bugs that are most jarring are the chest duplication bug (fixable through ini and a modicum of self-restriction) and the bug with the possibility to plummet whatever stats were buffed through magic items, thus gaining free points that could be spent elsewhere. Like, you have a magic item giving you +1 to jumping. You find the place with the lowest possible ceiling, in 10-20 minutes get jumping to 100. End of the level, you now plummet jumping to like 5, gaining all those delicious points you can spend on everything other than jumping.

And, I guess, not all of the builds are survivable. Taking Regeneration trait, whatever the cost (and it IS costly) at the chargen is more or less mandatory.

>> No.5947790


>dont play the game

>> No.5947796

I mean, you know how you go down the ladders in DtU?

You jump down, while facing the ladder. That allows you not to take damage on landing.

Yep, the entire game is like that. Just remember that you are a flying robot, cosplaying a half-orc or whatever.

>> No.5947803

Where do I start with M&M? Any brainlet guide?

>> No.5947861
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I added Pathways into Darkness and Baroque, rearranged them and I made the description a bit more specific. I just try to collect games similar to UW, Arx and King's Field.
I looked it up, destroying walls to open new ways sounds like an interesting mechanic.

>> No.5947902

it's a brainlet game series. You don't need a guide and if you get lost in game, just go to oracle and he will head you to main quest line