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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 14 KB, 316x316, DescentII_DOS.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5923262 No.5923262 [Reply] [Original]

best game ever


>> No.5923269
File: 141 KB, 350x219, yoshimitsu_harakiri.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've always came across the odd dude claiming descent was the pinnacle of multiplayer fps gaming but never really knew it to be anything other than a 6 degrees/flight/space action shooter.
Did people play competitively? are there pickups or frag movies or was it just a really fun shooter time forgot?
Can I play the multiplayer now?

>> No.5923317
File: 11 KB, 150x150, Windows-command-prompt-logo-150x150.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

you can play multi , you know what kali is ?

>> No.5923364

seriously, where the fuck has this thread bin, one of the best dos games ever fuckin made, still plays well today, bought to break out my flight stick

>> No.5923394

How is Descent 3?

>> No.5923452
File: 7 KB, 355x266, spaceorb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>was it competitive he asks...

>> No.5923459
File: 533 KB, 800x963, fs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Mines, mines and even more space mines
As if Descent 1 wasn't enough with repetitive levels. Meanwhile pic related blows 1 and 2 out of the water.

>> No.5923475

Descent 2 was such a letdown to me. Gone is the claustrophobia and dizzying 6DoF based maps. Instead you're basically just playing Doom (pulling levers and having trapdoors containing enemies open behind you 40 times per level) with a few angle shifts here and there.

>> No.5923484


Motion Sickness : The Game

Fun af though I'll give ya that m8

>> No.5923537

>why was the game made to be like doom, like doom?

gee i dunno

>> No.5923956

Not best game because optimal movement isn't fun. I don't mind difficult movement tech, e.g. strafejumping/bunnyhoppy in Quake series, but trichording sucks because you spend so much time looking at walls. Going fast doesn't feel fast.

>> No.5925238

Maybe my first game. Also the first game i finished

>> No.5925897

>best game ever
eh, it's descent at best

>> No.5925904

Funny, never understood why people get motion sick from games...or motion sick in general.

>> No.5925912

*edit: if I ever get motion sick, I can kiss my career goodbye.

>> No.5925913

That would be a really great cover if the chick didn't have the 25 cent lick n stick tattoo on her face.

>> No.5925918

Your career of being a faggot? You'll be fine.

>> No.5925921

Pilot, sweety

>> No.5925927

How many other thread are being a loser in? How many windows do you have open right now, waiting to spam retarded shit? You are the death of good things.

>> No.5925938

>I'm projecting

>> No.5925941

The only thing you pilot is your cock up the ass of little boys.

>> No.5925960

Just because everyone knows what you're doing doesn't mean you're good at it. Go fuck with origami or mecha, or some other board where everyone is trying to have a good time. Dweeb

>> No.5925968

This dood a faggot loser.

>> No.5925971

He might as well start tripfaggin with his shits in mouth/on you signature.

>> No.5926027


>> No.5928052
File: 2.27 MB, 642x480, descent.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5929379

>Complaining about aesthetics instead of saying anything about gameplay.
What is this shit? Forsaken's AI and level design absolutely sucks compared to Descent 1 and 2.
Go play Descent on ace difficulty or higher, I guarantee it's more challenging and exciting than this shitty Descent clone.

>> No.5929386

I can hear the screams.. Why.

>> No.5929703

>Thinking the comment was just about aesthetics
Sure, go and enjoy your labyrinthine and repetitive levels that the devs tried to "fix" by adding a guidebot in 2.

>> No.5929774
File: 10 KB, 265x190, lemmesmash.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5929783

>Labyrinthine and repetitive levels
Uh, what's the repetitive part?
Play more and smoke less weed and maybe you don't get lost so much and run around in circles, fucking moron.

>> No.5930653

I played Descent 1, and the game peaked at the first episode for me. I guess it was just shareware nostalgia. Is 2 any good?

>> No.5931476

2 is supposed to be even better, basically like the first one but with better AI and more enemies and weapons. 3 is nowhere near as good though.

>> No.5931480

<iframe width="640" height="360" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/Ed_78HTkRbQ" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>

>> No.5931503

What exactly makes 3 worse? I enjoyed 2 but never got around to trying it out.

>> No.5931532

The AI and level design just isn't that good in 3.
Also they dumbed down scoring and removed the limited lifes mechanic which screws up balance for scoring if you enjoy that kind of thing.

>> No.5931538

reported for hacking

>> No.5931951

Anyone else prefer the midi music that came with the Descent 2 demo rather than the retail version that came with CD audio?

>> No.5932638

Yis, midi 4 lyfe.

all the descent games give me big nostalgia boners