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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 121 KB, 768x513, rtype.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5918310 No.5918310 [Reply] [Original]

Why do you hate shmups so much, /vr/?

>> No.5918316

I don't. And I think the hate is heavily exaggerated. There might not be a ton of people interested in them, particularly on a deep level, but few people actually hate them. Not like they're the only games you can't have big discussion about on /vr/ either.

>> No.5918323

No one cares about shmups enough to hate them. Shmupfags sure won't shut up about RPGs tho

>> No.5918324

Can't say as I do, you sure you're not conflating one or two loud people as representing a mass?

>> No.5918327
File: 45 KB, 606x449, xiga.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What are your favorite shmups, OP?

>> No.5918332

What the fuck is a shmup. Stop making up words

>> No.5918335

Shoot 'em up. Shmup is a perfectly cromulent term.

>> No.5918339


>> No.5918352

Because most of them have no story and 1 hit deaths are fucking stupid ?

>> No.5918367

I can get to him without dying, but can't beat Xiga yet. I'm not good enough at building my level so I have to survive the fight longer (can't damage him). Cool boss, someday I'll get it.

>> No.5918373 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5918387

Jarpigs BTFO

>> No.5918389

How do you figure?

>> No.5918392
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>> No.5918405 [DELETED] 


>> No.5918407 [SPOILER] 
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and redpilled

>> No.5918410

No. It is fucking retarded.

>> No.5918418

What is all that fucking shit on the wall around the sign? For the love of fuck, clean up your shithole, limey bastards.

>> No.5918426

I'm not that good at them. But I still love Aero Fighters, Gradius, Salamander, and TwinBee.

>> No.5918442

Nice. I like Radiant Silvergun, Gradius/Parodius, and DonPachi/DoDonPachi. There's a lot of others, but those are some favorites that came to mind. I don't 1CC them all and I'm not an incredible player or anything, but I shmups are nice sometimes. I want to try TwinBee games more sometimes, I've only played them briefly.

>> No.5918531

/vr/ is such a slow board that it's really easy for targeted shitposting since it isn't like threads 404 after like 10 minutes of no posts like on /v/. So shitposting can last for days, and it makes appear more magnified than it really is. There is no real split in the jrpg/shmup players outside of the few shitposters here on /vr/. In fact, I find it interesting there aren't 2hu posters in these shmup threads on /vr/ that would very likely also be fans of jrpgs. I guess they all stay on /jp/ and /v/.

>> No.5918606

Is Zanac x Zanac any good?

>> No.5918619 [DELETED] 

because 2hu isn't retro
>b-but muh pc98
nobody likes those ones

>> No.5918627

Yeah but not a single Reimu post ever? She is never going to make it into smash, yet that doesn't stop Reimu posters.

>> No.5918630

I'm over 30 and I've been playing more shmups lately than I have previously. It's pure gameplay, none of that faggy movie shit.

>> No.5918648

I don’t now stop making this thread over and over, there’s still another identical one still active.

>> No.5918670 [DELETED] 

It's meh, like all Compile shumps desu

>> No.5918675

>/vr/ is such a slow board that it's really easy for targeted shitposting since it isn't like threads 404 after like 10 minutes of no posts like on /v/.
ah, so that's why nobody shitposts on /v/

>> No.5918736

...I like those ones. Granted, I've only played them. Was trying out a ton of games on a PC-98 emulator and found them that way. 1CC'd Lotus Land Story and messed around with the others for a while.

>> No.5918743

I love them but I'm terrible at them

>> No.5918751

I love how /shmup/ changed their tactics. Victim complex won't help you here either, niggers. Fuck you and your shitty dead genre.

>> No.5918771 [DELETED] 

oy vey, the jarpigs are catching on!

>> No.5918792

>I find it interesting there aren't 2hu posters in these shmup threads on /vr/

that's because 2hu is literally too hard to understand for some people
like Ikaruga and Silvergun, kiwi shmup shmucks are literally too braindead to play anything that doesn't support relentless credit feeding in MAME
this is a fact

>> No.5918795
File: 100 KB, 768x672, parodius_select.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Who do you play as in Parodius? For me, it's Pentarou.

>> No.5918802

are there any good shmups besides ikaruga

>> No.5918803

>Why do you hate shmups so much, /vr/?
Only N64fags hate them because their shitty console never got any

>> No.5918805


>> No.5918814

The following sentence was important to the idea I was getting at
>So shitposting can last for days, and it makes appear more magnified than it really is.
I used to wonder why /vr/ autosages threads after they been up for so many days, but I get it now. Most anons can't let anything go, and two anons could bump a thread arguing over the same thing for weeks.

>> No.5918817

I feel sorry for shmup players
they suffer from the same illness speedrunners have "I must repeat this over and over for 200 hours until I shave off one second" "I must repeat this over and over for 200 hours until I get an extra 100 points"

no wonder shmup discussion is awful, just look at ADGQ, do you think those are well adjusted individuals?
you play a platformer, you reach the end and conquer the challenge, then you move on with your life, by comparison shmup players will tirelessly work towards some 3 billion high score they will never ever break because there will always be some asian dude with more time on their hands than they could possibly muster

and in the end your highscore is just as meaningless as your world record any%, all it gives you is some bragging rights with your fellow circle of broken people

It's time to let go boys, shmups are literally shit

>> No.5918826

They're fun to play though, and it's satisfying progressing a bit more than your last attempt or getting a higher score. You don't need to go for world records to enjoy them.

>> No.5918828

shmup trannies on suicide watch.

>> No.5918831 [DELETED] 

Because they haven't played Space Tripper yet or are too soi brained for non rpgs/action adventure games

>> No.5918835

Is Space Tripper just a meme or do you actually like it?
Looks pretty boring to me, but maybe I'm missing something.

>> No.5918837

Not everyone is a hardcore scorefag . Spend 15 hours.to 1cc and just move.on.

>> No.5918843 [DELETED] 

It's not good I just bring it up because it lacks the usual shit people here complain about and because it has a special place in my heart being the first shmup I got really into when I was younger

>> No.5918845


>> No.5918847 [DELETED] 

Or play a game with your buddy for a couple of weeks or a month and see who can get the best score

>> No.5918854 [DELETED] 

now THIS is a honest /vr/ poster

not all shmup players are scorefag autists, that'd be like saying that all Mario fans are speedbummers

>> No.5918856 [DELETED] 

Even most scorefags aren't autists, same as how not everyone who goes fast in Sonic and Megaman X is on HRT

>> No.5918859 [DELETED] 
File: 1.95 MB, 167x230, scared dog.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you sure about that tho

>> No.5918860

That makes sense. I can't remember my first shmup, maybe Gradius. One of the first I remember getting into though was Sky Shark on the NES. Not the best, but I still have a soft spot for it. Later I tried out DonPachi at a movie theater and it inspired me to play more of them.

>> No.5918872 [DELETED] 

They'll give you a bunch of dumb excuses like all of them being too hard (which is dead wrong, you have tons of super easy shmups to choose from).
The real reason is that they lack a narrative focus and progression systems, while also not being a nostalgic genre for most here. That's why /vr/ is only filled with RPGs and the best selling non-RPGs for /vr/ systems like Mario stuff. Arcade games are quite universally disliked here for this reason.
Essentially, /vr/ has too many modern gamers only playing stuff that resembles new mainstream releases the most.

>> No.5918874

>this amount of mental gymnastics

>> No.5918875

Yes, your original post was quite clear in its meaning, on a second read. I am so very drunk right now.

>> No.5918879

>Arcade games are quite universally disliked here
That's basically bullshit.

>> No.5918880 [DELETED] 
File: 28 KB, 405x205, copeclassic.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

absolutely redpilled, for some reason they feel ashamed of this and don't want to be honest about it nor it being exposed.

seething jarpig detected.

>> No.5918882 [DELETED] 

Except for a small minority it's totally true. It's undeniable, just check the catalog.

>> No.5918885

Not talking about them as much as you'd like doesn't mean people dislike them. And the catalog has a fair number of arcade game threads up right now. Of course more popular and nostalgic games will be talked about more, but that doesn't mean less popular games are disliked. Ignored might be a more appropriate word, but even that's not entirely accurate.

>> No.5918891 [DELETED] 

It wasn't the first for me since I played a ton of NES ones as a kid, but it was the first that I really got into and was determined to beat. Dodonpachi sold me on the genre years later when I was dicking around with MAME, never had any arcades nearby sadly, only lan places

>> No.5918896 [DELETED] 

This is all semantics and you know it. You know exactly what I meant. Maybe ignored is better wording but it doesn't matter, let's not get autistic.

>> No.5918902

>Games that require skill and dedication are quite universally disliked here
You're right about that, but you'd think the PCB collectors would get along with all the CRT fags here.

>> No.5918903 [DELETED] 

It's not bullshit as far as playing the games is concerned, when the threads are about name dropping, coming up with silly genre names or sick grabs everyone loves em

>> No.5918912

Because its bad, and its fans are even worse.
>spend years angry that his bad genre is dead and no one cares
>diminishing returns set in and /vr/ doesn't even bother getting angry at shmup retards anymore
>after years of pointless tantrums, begs /vr/ to be accepted
KEK, is there anything more pathetic than shmup fans?

>> No.5918913 [DELETED] 

Thing is they don't require that, you can play them casually, or easy ones. But they don't because they lack the elements of what they play games for: story focus, progression systems and nostalgia. There really is no other explanation.

>> No.5918915 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 307x343, soy noi.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is it bad tho
*when you get the rare drop*
How right am I

>> No.5918921

I like the -itsus because of Yu-Gi-Oh

>> No.5918928

I just don't think it's that bad, you still see occasional threads that get a decent number of replies. It's natural that more popular games that everybody played and feel nostalgic towards will get more attention, but I don't know what you can do about that. More obscure games are harder to talk about because less people have played them. I could make a Poy Poy thread and it wouldn't get many replies either.
>let's not get autistic
No promises.

>> No.5918934 [DELETED] 

You don't notice a problem because you haven't looked deeply enough, read this guy's post >>5918903

>> No.5918941

>when the threads are about name dropping, coming up with silly genre names or sick grabs everyone loves em
If you're talking about the quality of the discussion, I think this is true for almost every game though. It's inevitable that people will talk about that stuff because more people can participate. I guess other genres have more surface level things to talk about (story, characters, events, etc.), so they get bigger threads. Even the popular games don't usually have very in-depth discussions about gameplay in my experience.

Have to rush out the door so this post is probably poorly written, but whatever, posting it.

>> No.5918943

>coming up with silly genre names
I made a bmup thread with this meme thinking that would keep it bumped long enough to start some organic bmup discussion, but it just ended with some faggot hawking his sick NES bmup grabs.
>or sick grabs everyone loves em
I made a thread on this yesterday asking why so many /vr/ guys are addicted to buying shit over playing, and it got deleted. I wonder why?

>> No.5918947 [DELETED] 

lmao fucking exposed

>> No.5918957 [DELETED] 
File: 310 KB, 427x576, pepe chess.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

um, sweetie...
try to find a single arcade thread from /vr/'s history that goes this indepth with a single game, with so many people contributing in detail
and this happens ALL THE TIME
do you know why? because this board plays RPGs but not arcade games. woah

no fightcade threads but you get this
REALLY makes you think

stop deluding yourself because to us it's super obvious what's truly going on

>> No.5918993

are you here clast? if so, please justify why u like burning fight more than mutation nation. thx.


>> No.5918997

I absolutely love them and hate that we can never talk about them here anymore because the progress systems mongoloid keeps saying the exact same shit over and over, even making a second shitty "why don't you like this?" thread after his first one.

>> No.5919007 [DELETED] 

Believe it or not I was going to leave it at that for now (bump limit under 4 days for /vr/ is ridiculous) but someone else made this thread. I guess I'm not alone in bothered by this situation, or maybe he finds it fun to bait jarpigs.

>> No.5919008

Good games when they are light hearted and not pretentious crap. Especially in the 16 or 8-bit era. The fanbase on the other hand is fucking top tier autism, the classic etilist speedrunner-esque fags that pretend they are hardcore because they enjoy shitty chore games that you are obligated to replay to get good at it.


>> No.5919014 [DELETED] 

in being bothered*
What do you like btw? What are you playing?

>> No.5919019 [DELETED] 

Ikaruga is actually a very divisive game among actual shmup players so this really shows that you know very little about them.

>> No.5919027

Retardo got banned from shmupforums so there is an increase in animosity and schizophrenia posting on /vr/ . He thinks jrpgs killed shmups and now he's getting revenge and fighting a shmup crusade against casual gamers. Ironically he's the biggest shmup casual there is who barely even plays, can't score anything and is more of a chatter and gosipper than player...

>> No.5919039

Why do people diss shmups for requiring replay/practice to get good at when literally every challenging or competitive game is the same?

>> No.5919046
File: 22 KB, 320x224, Fantasy Zone.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

this one is awroight

>> No.5919050

If it wasn't for Cave I wouldn't have stuck with shmups for very long. Thankfully they exist and made the genre what it is.

>> No.5919058 [DELETED] 
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I'm reading bro, nice fanfic.
Playing casually is fine btw as well as enjoying any genre. Playing more dedicatedly is too, unless you go to unhealthy, unsustainable extremes.
Can't deny that RPGs made arcadey games disappear from mainstream releases though.
This really is just about exposing that fact to people that have a hard time swallowing that for some reason.
However when I made the previous thread I just wanted to have fun discussing why so many dislike shmups (I don't really have an issue if people dislike them, but it's fun to discuss and I want people to be honest about it too), and also show some that think that shmups are appealing but that they're just not exposed enough the truth: that they're mostly unappealing.

>> No.5919072 [DELETED] 

this, they get upset at the mere fact that this truth is exposed
>you play rpgs and not arcade games
it's really the crux of all this shitstorm
now why they get so defensive over this is beyond me. why not be fine and upfront with what you like. they're insecure af instead.
if they acted like that there would be no debate at all...
meanwhile shmup fans that aren't into rpgs have no issues admitting that. really, why is that? why this shame from jarpigs?
it's funny that this is something that has to be exposed at all

>> No.5919090
File: 23 KB, 258x245, 1463068160082.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Retardo got banned from shmupforums
>tfw chum challenged ricky to post the logs thinking he was bluffing, then started wigging out when ricky confirmed he would
pure farm kino tbqh.

>> No.5919095 [DELETED] 
File: 185 KB, 1115x768, chum.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Exactly. It's really amusing coming back from time to time to get under their skin with this. It's something I noticed quickly when I started posting.
They ALWAYS get worked up, it's amazing. I mean my thread just asked why few liked shmups even though they're a staple of /vr/ times and they got intensely mad instantly.
Truth is I have RPG fans IRL and they aren't like this. At first I couldn't believe people this pussy could exist but oh man was I wrong.

With my friends:

>Hey, how come you only play RPGs? What about say shmups.
>I enjoy the lore and levelling up. Shmup don't have that so they bore me. I see why you like them though, it's cool.

with /vr/ fags:

>Hey, how come you only play RPGs? What about say shmups.


>> No.5919110 [DELETED] 

I bet they're into pretending something they're not for e-cred, being anonymous protects you from being asked directly about proof of anything. There's a reason they're so afraid of so called doxing aka just asking what they play and being identifyable from that.
>look at my collection! I'm into retro games! (brb playing FFVI for the 20th time)
So the board itself being exposed threatens their collective illusion that they've created to feel a part of something.
Meanwhile arcade playes have no issues with identity. Enough said, you can guess the rest from that lmao

>> No.5919115 [DELETED] 
File: 134 KB, 984x629, tb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Damn, that was a good way to put it. I'd say they won't recover from this but they always have something to cope with.

>> No.5919117

No its not. No one called them shmups back in the day. Its cringy hipster lingo.

>> No.5919121

Yes we called them shoot em ups. "shmups" is just that all smashed together because people are lazy.

>> No.5919123 [DELETED] 

Check this site that's been up since 1997 (/vr/ times)
And shut the hell up ignorant fag.
Besides, who cares, it's just a name, if you get what it is by reading it that's its purpose. Fucking autists I swear.

People way back called them shooters, but as FPS became huge in the 90's other terms began to pop up to differentiate them. Shoot 'em up was the most popular one, but that's kinda long so for typing purposes specially it was shorted to shmup.

>> No.5919128


>> No.5919129 [DELETED] 

shortened to shmups*

>> No.5919130 [DELETED] 

seething because he got schooled lmao

>> No.5919134

No one called them shmups in 97 because of one retarded website. Are you fucking dense or what hipster face?

>> No.5919140 [DELETED] 

IRL it was most likely they called them shoot 'em ups, or shooters if the person was old fashioned. Online though, the shortened shmup version was common for obvious reasons.
Go sperg out somewhere else.

>> No.5919147

>most likely
i already told you to go fuck yourself

>> No.5919148

Xevious 3DG and Arrangement, and other stuff on the PS1 Namco Museums like Ordyne and the Galaga series. I'm trying to work on getting the Sol towers more frequently in Xevious.

>> No.5919150 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5919158


>> No.5919159 [DELETED] 

Are you the same Xevious 3D/G player from a year ago on shmupg? Fun times.
How do you deal with the luck elements?

>> No.5919169

Nah, I haven't played it that much, just trying to clear the third stage.

>> No.5919170

Of course RPGs are more popular here, I wasn't trying to dispute that.

>> No.5919187 [DELETED] 

For some reason jarpigs refuse to admit this which is beyond hilarious.

>> No.5919191 [DELETED] 

That's me, though I didn't play the game in more than 6 months. I haven't found a way to deal with the black balls, the flying saucers can be quick killed when they're off screen besides some instances, but the black balls are pure hell and the stage 4 and 5 bosses can suck some major ass. Maybe a better player can figure out something more consistent with the curvy lasers or something but I couldn't do it
Prepare for assrape once you reach stage 4

>> No.5919195 [DELETED] 
File: 22 KB, 121x165, NOTCH.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I haven't found a way to deal with the black balls

>> No.5919210 [DELETED] 

>a stupid sounding genre
>hipster lingo
Nah you retard, STG's the cringy hipster lingo and shoot em up is the head up the ass anti fun faggot term of choice

>> No.5919220 [DELETED] 
File: 89 KB, 1280x720, stg weekly staff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

more like cringy weeb hipster for STG but yeah spot on otherwise

>> No.5919241

What's a game with an easy, but enjoyable, scoring system? Something that gives you bonuses like extra lives for scoring well would be nice too.

>> No.5919242 [DELETED] 

Loads of 80's arcades. Omega Fighter if you want an example.

>> No.5919247 [DELETED] 
File: 106 KB, 1000x541, borat.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

reminds me of bananamatic the coping closet jarpig that pretends to not play monster cunter for hundreds of hours

>> No.5919248 [DELETED] 

Hyper Duel, the scoring is just killing every enemy in the stages, not dying and milking containers in stage 5. You also get a special bonus for keeping your helper ships/mechs alive but I wouldn't recommend worrying about that until you can already get all the bonuses because their AI is suicidal and stupid.

>> No.5919263 [DELETED] 
File: 59 KB, 680x977, TOP JUST.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

that goes online telling people that playing games too much is bad

>> No.5919267 [DELETED] 

tbf he's not wrong but lmao at the hypocrisy

>> No.5919342

Everyone who's posted so far in this thread or cares even a tiny little bit about its contents has attained a level of faggotry I never knew was possible and can barely comprehend.

Reevaluate your lives and/or consider suicide.

>> No.5919390 [DELETED] 

Lead by example you silly homo

>> No.5919407

Last week, while out on a gay date, I saw a guy playing Raiden with crossed arms so the right hand was on the stick. Do any of you do this?

>> No.5919654

I don't, I'm just fucking bad at them, so I don't wanna play them much.

>> No.5919667 [DELETED] 

Have you tried easy shmups?

>> No.5919668

No one called shooting games "shmups" during the 80s and 90s. In the west shooters were the unloved genre anyway. It was extremely rare to see the latest vertical or horizontal shooter drawing a crowd in arcades. It wasn't until the 2000's that people ONLINE called them shmups. Most likely inspired by that retarded website. Even STG is a more legitimate term since it has been widely used by japanese publications at the time. So what if STG tickles your hipster sensibilities? Go cringe yourself into a coma, faggot.

>> No.5919674 [DELETED] 
File: 29 KB, 375x500, obsessed for women.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Still at it?

>> No.5919678

you realize you need to play to become less bad right?

>> No.5919679 [DELETED] 

>getting assblasted cause people say shmup
LOL nobody of note cares whether you call them shmups, shooters, shoot em ups or STGs. There is no end to this type of autism on /vr/, what kinda boring fuck spends time fighting against a commonly accepted genre name

>> No.5919712 [DELETED] 

Gotta hate on shmup fans somehow that's the only way /vr/ can discuss the genre. A jarpig vent.

>> No.5919725

He's probably the belt scrolled guy (weeb)

>> No.5919729
File: 18 KB, 642x400, dn1-Yea blow it out yer ass Heehee what a mess I got balls of steel balls balls balls balls.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I bet you're one of those faggot weebs who cries whenever people use the term metroidvania instead of whatever dumb japanese term you pathetic losers use. People are just gonna keep calling it what they want and there's no amount of ass pains on your end will change that. How does that feel?

>> No.5919730

I'd be interested in trying some, can you give any examples? I kinda like Salamander/Life Force, and S.C.A.T/Action In New York, though obviously I'm not very good at them.

I do realize that, but I think part of it is that for fast gameplay involving lots of dodging, I'm just way more suited for things where I can move three dimensionally, like Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, etc, and some 3rd person games, and I do pretty well in those, not a pro, but I would call myself a moderate.

Rise Of The Triad was a game that leaned very heavily on arcade shmup ideas, and was an FPS, and I took to that game very strongly, I wish there were more games like it.

>> No.5919735

Why are you like this?

>> No.5919739 [DELETED] 

Fire Shark MD port is very easy but still fun

>> No.5919778

Been playing two, and I haven't had good experiences. The one I committed to is extremely repetitive, way too hard to master, forces hypertapping, claw gripping and unreasonable endurance. Basically it's harmful to play it, and the game is, despite being addictive, poorly made.

They're not the kind of games worth wasting your life on. They're work without pay.

>> No.5919794 [DELETED] 

Pick a shmup for you, there's easier and more relaxed stuff out there.

>> No.5919814

I stumbled upon Einhander from a /v/ infographic from like 6 years ago, and that one is really good with sweet artstyle. The controls are busted bc you have to claw, but you can remap in emu so it's fine.

>> No.5919824 [DELETED] 

Don't shit on the genre if you barely know it and happened to pick a bad one for you.

>> No.5919835

There's nothing to know about, fool. Titles like skykid, xevious... whatever. Arcade high scores taking infinite hours to master. It's a genre full of autism, but little substance.

>> No.5919839

>Why do you hate shmups so much, /vr/?
Anytime you repeat stale memes the troll wins. Let them die and think for yourself.

>> No.5919851 [DELETED] 

Substance being what, frolicking in the forest adventure and deep emotional story?

>> No.5919860

t. seething shmuck

>> No.5919869

Design that goes beyond dodging lazily placed projectiles all over the place. The complexities of a fighting game go so far beyond any shmup can offer and yet shmups are equal time sinks because of high score padding autism.

>> No.5919871 [DELETED] 

You mean like scoring routes?

>> No.5919884

Without that shmups wouldn't even be worth playing due to complete mindlessness. Still lazy game design with padded replayability. Highscore chasing is autism.

>> No.5919892
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Sticking 'autism' at the end of a sentence isn't an argument.

>Design that goes beyond dodging lazily placed projectiles all over the place.
I think Futari God Mode has like 2000+ bullets on screen at times flowing in intricate patterns that actually have solutions and can be beat by humans. I always found it amazing how they didn't accidentally make impossible patterns in bullet hells that only AI's could solve. (actually that might be the case for Inbachi sdoj)

>> No.5919894 [DELETED] 

Survival still requires plenty of strategy, memorization, dexterity and concentration. Nothing autistic about playing for score unless you make it autistic, but that applies to anything really, people even turn casual genres RPG's into an obsession

>> No.5919904

>infinite hours to master
>The complexities of a fighting game go so far beyond any shmup can offer

If shmups take infinite hours to master how can fighting games offer more complexity or depth?

have you ever watched an annotated replay of a shmup detailing what's going on and the strats being used?


>> No.5919908 [DELETED] 


Are you the same autist from ages ago? The fuck are you still doing in these threads anon

>> No.5919910

Imagine actually believing colorful patterns made in a day by some jap equals substance. Only shmup grindmonkeys could be this deluded.

How is it possible to miss the point so badly.

>> No.5919912 [DELETED] 

Each pattern's a different challenge or set of challenges that are deliberately designed by the developers, obviously it's substance what else would it be?

>> No.5919914

The core mechanics being simple isn't a bad thing. There's a lot of depth with routing, and depending on the game just playing for survival is interesting on its own.

> I always found it amazing how they didn't accidentally make impossible patterns in bullet hells that only AI's could solve.
I've always been impressed with this too. Designing a good shmup in general is a lot more complicated than it might seem. I remember messing around with programming one years ago and realized how difficult it was to make fair but also fun and interesting enemy/bullet patterns.

Jarpig sounds funny and all, but it's kind of sad that every thread now has to have people accusing each other of hating shmups or others baiting shmup fans. I assume it's just a meme to act hostile and most people aren't that serious about it, but it gets old. It seems like there's a decent number of fans here, and they could probably have a decent discussion amongst themselves if they wanted. Even this thread has a fair amount of good discussion, even if it's mostly recommendation. I guess the people here that would want to talk more about them mostly go to other places to do it.

>> No.5919924

>discussion from pedophile "strategy" space shooter fans
You cannot possibly be serious.

>> No.5919934

>If shmups take infinite hours to master how can fighting games offer more complexity or depth?
Not him, but that's an interesting question to think about. You can spend a lifetime improving at any game with sufficient depth, but some games are more complex than others. Like Go is more complicated than Chess, at least in the sense that it's harder to write AI for playing, but you can play either one forever and they're interesting in different ways.

Besides having more possible actions, I'd say even simple fighting games are more complex to master because you have a human opponent. Trying to figure out all the intricacies of reading another person's mind probably gives more complexity/depth than any single player game even though you can spend forever with a lot of shmups.

>> No.5919940

I think those are illusions of complexity when we are dealing with human subjects. In terms of human players both Chess and Go will be equally mind-numbingly complex and offer infinite replayability, the skill ceiling being asymptotic in both cases, never being reached by any one person.

>> No.5919941
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You mean leveling up a toon and saving the princess?

>> No.5919945

I'm enjoying your seething rage from realizing mario is peak design compared to shmups

>> No.5919947

Mario isn't even challenging platforming you fucking sped.

>> No.5919949
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>> No.5919950

More intellectually stimulating than your whole genre, pedo

>> No.5919952

It's less hypocrisy and more "don't turn out like me, kids".

>> No.5919956

I'm not a shmupfan, so miss me with that weak projection.

>> No.5919957
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"Be the change you want to see in the world." ~ Adolf Hitler

>> No.5919958

>seething shmuptranny deflecting
you're not fooling anyone, bucko

>> No.5919959

what games do you play? what are you playing now?

>> No.5919961


>> No.5919963

Let's Meow Meow
Do You Like Horny Bunnies?

>> No.5919967

he wasn't even asking you, sad

>> No.5919970

1v1 me in Tomba, see what happens

>> No.5919971 [DELETED] 

>shmup threads don't get shitposted by seething rpgcu-

>> No.5919972

i used to have one of those psx demo cds and i played tomba on it, but then forgot what the game was. it was a good feeling rediscovering that game, but i lost interest in the game

>> No.5919975

Maybe one day your parents will finally give you the validation and love you were always neglected.
But they never will.

>> No.5919976

It's a fun game. I first played it on that demo disc too.

>> No.5919980
File: 711 KB, 1043x1397, 1567241732446.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What shmups have you cleared?
why are you making all these weird arguments against shmups, saying they are too simple and not intellectual? they make no sense.

People who actually play the genre can critique it properly, but people like you just make frivolous arguments that expose your lack of understanding. Did you get assblasted by a shmup in particular? Was it a bullet hell? MMmmmmm?? or a classic shmup?

>> No.5919981

that game and kula world and yeah sth eerie about the atmosphere in tomba, it was comfy

>> No.5919984


>> No.5919985 [DELETED] 

There's some spiteful faggots who flock to shmup thread to shit on the genre. It's interesting though that shmup fans don't do this, and show absolutely no interest in threads dedicated to lesser genres. Wonder why.

>> No.5919986 [DELETED] 

don't boss around people anonymously then maybe you won't get shat on your shmup 'tism pedo tranny, ironic that its not good shmup fans but pedophile touhou faggots getting the most butthurt

>> No.5919989 [DELETED] 

>boss around
What did he mean by this

>> No.5919991 [DELETED] 

check discord

>> No.5919994 [DELETED] 

I don't use that cuck shit so going to have to elaborate buddy

>> No.5919996

where did the shmup touch you?

>> No.5919997 [DELETED] 

too bad because you come off like the most humongous discord shmup tranny

>> No.5919998 [DELETED] 

I do wonder what "boss around" is supposed to mean. Sounds like the anon's got an abusive relationship with some touhoutard on discord and comes here to vent or someshit lmao

>> No.5920002

Wow, this is a good post, you're really making /vr/ a better place.

>> No.5920004

back to your tranny discord, you're not fooling anyone

>> No.5920005


Time to do some runs. What music do you guys listen to when shmuping?

>> No.5920007

I always just listen to the game music. I like hearing the sound effects and stuff too, so playing other music makes it hard for me.

>> No.5920008

seriously why is it so easy to imagine you weeb shmup faggots, you're like cardboard cutouts im not kidding

>> No.5920009 [DELETED] 

Why are you avoiding answering a simple question? Can't stop "bossing you around" if I don't know what the fuck it's meant to mean

>> No.5920012 [DELETED] 

check discord

>> No.5920013 [DELETED] 

Game music unless it's Psikyo, in that case I stick on some fusion or something

>> No.5920024 [DELETED] 

Well shit lad, if you're going to dodge a simple question with some gay discord redirect shit, how am I or anyone else supposed to stop "bossing you around" whatever the fuck that means. Keep shitposting I suppose

>> No.5920026

I used to love them. They're just so repetitive, they hold nothing of value to me anymore. I'll play a new one every year or two, but it's more out of habit than anything else.

>> No.5920027 [DELETED] 

can't do it with this kind of reverse psychology

>> No.5920031

>Shmupfags ask why people dislike shmups.
>Refuse to accept any reasons that aren't 100% objective.

>> No.5920035

this is what triggered me desu fucking shmup trannies

>> No.5920037

The music in the game.

>> No.5920039

try different shmups.
They don't really feel repetitive when you are working towards goals and trying to solve stages/bosses/routes. When things click and you figure them out they are really rewarding. There's always something new to do in them, new goals to set.
There is a lot of grinding involved but it's not mindless like farming shit in an rpg, you have to be on your toes and constantly thinking how to make situations easier, more efficient and less risky.

>> No.5920043

I think the reasons need to make some sense, that's all. Saying shmups are too simple and not intellectual doesn't make any sense for anyone who has put time in the genre and knows how demanding they are.

It's like someone playing fighting games for a minute and reducing the genre to just "memorizing long combos" and "button mashing"

They have no idea what they are talking about.

>> No.5920045

>farming shit in an rpg
retard spotted, go on and tell me farming in WoW doesn't require strategy

>> No.5920047 [DELETED] 

Do you want to make a single post and drop outta the thread with no discussion?

>> No.5920048

>thought out genre with frame tested combos and a meta and human element
>colorful tranny bullets
shmupniggers are truly pathetic

>> No.5920051 [DELETED] 

The funny thing is that this is the same faggot lmao

>> No.5920054

>go on and tell me farming in WoW doesn't require strategy
I would run my bots nightly, farming tons of gold and materials and also PvPing for honor points. lmao. Not much strategy needed to setup a loop and click "run" before going to bed. Just don't be obvious about it and you won't get banned. I think I got one account banned in like 5 years of farming.

>> No.5920060

Case in point

>> No.5920062
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>Arcade games are quite universally disliked here for this reason.
Holy fuck, you complete goddamn bullshitter.

>> No.5920070
File: 15 KB, 236x303, disgusting.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tell me farming in WoW doesn't require strategy

>> No.5920086

Here's one:
The catharsis of overcoming the challenge of shmups isn't worth the time you have to spend.

>> No.5920090

I don't play Doom or Quake for nostalgia, or for the story, rather for the gameplay (as well as atmosphere), as well as the challenge, to fight monster encounters which truly test what I can do.
There's no progression system, only what you can do as a player, and the tools available to you in a map or episode (be that through items or the environment).

I don't get much into shootemups because I never seem to improve at them, and thus never enjoy the gameplay (maybe I have some sort of brain problem).
I used to kinda like JRPGs a bunch as I was younger, but I found I mostly grew out of them, because the gameplay really didn't entertain me, and the stories and characters I think are seldom very good.

I guess they just aren't a genre for me.

>> No.5920093

that's fine if you don't enjoy the learning process and only seek the high of the reward.

I like both though, the learning process and the reward of attaining goals.

>> No.5920098

Calling it "only seeking the high of the rewards" isn't fair since there are games that require just as much engagement but are much more popular.
But I guess calling the learning process not fun for most is a valid take on it.

>> No.5920103

>I don't get much into shootemups because I never seem to improve at them, and thus never enjoy the gameplay (maybe I have some sort of brain problem).
probably a visual problem not knowing where to look and how to identify patterns. once you understand how to look for negative space then gaps and path-finding become easier to notice and enter, and once you understand what kind of pattern youre dealing with the right way to react makes a lot more sense.

>> No.5920108

>Calling it "only seeking the high of the rewards" isn't fair since there are games that require just as much engagement but are much more popular.
So? Im just referring to shmups, if you only enjoy the "winning" aspect then of course you won't like the genre, since you're going to be failing a lot more than winning. If you don't see the fun in tinkering with the games and problem solving then it's best to look for something else.

>> No.5920109

I understand the appeal and I've played a bunch of them. But, while there is always something to do in them, it's no longer appealing to "work towards" those goals, because I've done so so many times.
Speaking of RPGs, what I'm feeling is akin to someone being sick of RPGs and you would be saying that there are new and different RPGs and you can always try to do skill playthroughs where you restrict yourself and stuff, but I simply don't enjoy the process anymore. I know exactly what I am aiming for and have achieved it before and so I know the time and effort isn't worth the goal.

>> No.5920126

so now you play monster hunter?

>> No.5920134

I played 3G and enjoyed it, but why do you make that assumption?

>> No.5920137

inside joke, a big dick Shmup player recently quit the genre and is mostly playing monster hunter now

>> No.5920153

shmups are fun, pure gameplay, don't overstay their welcome and offer a truly satisfying challenge. on the plus side they are usually visually interesting or downright beautiful and have great music.

i'm a fan.

>> No.5920158
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>> No.5920175

Touhoufags are also borderline pedo with their taste for little girls.

>> No.5920182

I almost play rpgs only but I wish to try. Where do I start with shmups? I've little to no experience, just "finished" Gradius on emulator, played Twinbee, arrived at Ikaruga's fourth stage with five credits (in co-op) and finished Heavy Weapon and Sine Mora iirc. Nothing much more. I don't want to destroy world records or do 1credit runs, just to have fun shooting planes or aliens or whatever

>> No.5920220

If you don't like lolis, you're honestly a secondary and you don't belong on 4chan.

>> No.5920253

>probably a visual problem not knowing where to look and how to identify patterns
Thing is I do it fine in Doom, Quake, Duke Nukem 3D, Shadow Warrior, etc, I use lots of mobility, cover, and infighting (in the games where it's a feature).

I guess maybe it's the fixed third person perspective and not being able to see the actual forward which my frontal lobe disagrees with.

>> No.5920264

Armed Police Batrider
Gradius Gaiden
G Darius
Metal Black
Sengoku Ace
Mushi Futari Original
Dodonpachi Daioujou [black label]

>> No.5920267

I'm glad I'm not you, holy shit dude. Get help.

>> No.5920268

>I guess maybe it's the fixed third person perspective and not being able to see the actual forward which my frontal lobe disagrees with.

Shmup visuals are totally different than FPS visuals, there's little to no transfer of skill. You just need more exposure to the genre, I doubt you have a brain issue, unless you've put in a hundred+ hours in a shmup and still can't make any progress.

>> No.5920271

Space ship shooter fags use the same deconstructivist philosophy towards other genres all the time your all fucking lashing out because you belong to a cult following that isn't popular or relevant anymore

>> No.5920310

>your all fucking lashing out
How many shmup communities have you been to? besides the threads on 4ch? The ones who yell 'jarpig' over and over and are few and far between and usually get banned from most shmup forums/discords/etc. They also use sockpoppet accounts to make their opinions even louder, i.e Retardo, he even did that on /shmupg/ so his seething posts would get deleted along with dozens of his sock puppet posts, lmao.

>because you belong to a cult following that isn't popular or relevant anymore
This is what keeps shmups pure in a way, so we don't get bloated cinematic experiences like other genres or casualizing features.

>> No.5920339

>This is what keeps shmups pure in a way, so we don't get bloated cinematic experiences like other genres or casualizing features.
>All genres are cinematic third-person action games

>> No.5920349

Ugh will you shut the Fuck up with the muh pure gameplay? moving spirte in a pattern to avoid being hit by dot is not a complex thing that's why it's a dime a dozen genre because there so easy and cheap to produce do you have any idea the amount of code foresight and vision it takes to make Mario jump and feel the way he does, I mean really process that the joy of motion that one feels in those games. But please stay in your cult don't let others infect your pure undiluted games maybe then you'll all shit the Fuck up about dodonpoc no one gives shit so we can have more nuanced talk about games.

>> No.5920358


based and shmuppilled

>> No.5920420

>>All genres are cinematic third-person action games
why did you ignore the other qualifier in the sentence: "casualizing features" ? it's obvious modern gaming is getting easier, dumbed down and pandering to the lowest common denominator of gamer; also let's not forget gatcha monetization features, dlc schemes, loot boxes, libshit propaganda and other modern 'improvements' -- shmups being unpopular is a blessing in many ways.

>incoherent gibberish

right on

>> No.5920439

Normalfags do not belong here.

>> No.5920447

>joy of motion

People jerk off about this so hard, but what's the point when the games never take advantage of it? All the moves you can do in 3D Mario are barely utilized for interesting challenges, Odyssey for example never offers truly challenging levels that require mastering the hat. People get so excited about Nintendo doing this basic concept well, and just ignore that the level design never gets involved enough to match this "joy of motion".

>> No.5920453

At least there's romhacks.

>> No.5920483

That's true with Odyssey and others. Even though the level design is really good overall, it's mostly easy and never pushes you much. But for 3D platformers, I can't think of much that even tries to have interesting platforming compared to 3D Mario.

>> No.5920485

Its about how you play it, you could essentially make any game an arcade game if you put in arcade type rules and limitations, I haven't played Mario Odyssey so I can't speak to that but the later levels that your forced to unlock by collecting stars in galaxy and 3d world especially the last fucking level are hard.

>> No.5920498

These are both me. Just pointing out that I'm not >>5920349. Not trying to make this into an attack on shmups, that would be stupid.

>People jerk off about this so hard, but what's the point when the games never take advantage of it?
I think making the basic act of moving around fun is neglected too much in a lot of games. Seems obvious, but if you're going to be running and jumping for the entire game those actions should feel satisfying. Even if it's disappointing when a game doesn't use the physics/movement options to their fullest, getting the feeling of motion right still adds a ton to a game.

>> No.5920506

Set your own rules if you want I do it when I play games all the time. I love forcing myself to do the rolling tumble jump diagonally across platforms in 3d world just because it feels good and its faster and its harder to pull off. This is why Mario speed runners exist push yourself to the absolute fucking limit if you want to or dont.

>> No.5920508 [DELETED] 

So why do you want them to be popular and force shmups on /vr/ then? You should be glad that they are niche and an anti-pleb filter.

>> No.5920529

>Easy games can't be enjoyable
When developing mario 64 they spend a lot of time just making movement by itself enjoyable. If moving isn't fun, then making challenges based around it isn't.
But if the opposite is true then at least moving though them is cathartic.

>> No.5920536

I just don't see how moving in 64 is so much more magical than Crash or Spyro or anything else. People seem to be acting like just moving around the castle is some unprecedented thrilling experience.

>> No.5920537 [DELETED] 

Mario's joy of motion's shit though, games like Umihara Kawase and N++ got it beat not to mention the levels are empty piss easy crap anyway. I don't know where you get this cult shit from you just sound dumb desu. Get a load of the Umi threads for some "nuanced talk" lmfao

>> No.5920541 [DELETED] 

Dumb meme parroted by eceleb watching /v/ tards, a game's movement is only as strong as its level design no one's but ultra-autists is going to have fun running around empty rooms and games with boring movement like GnG are elevated by good level design

>> No.5920543

Momentum and a surprisingly large moveset is part of it. There is a lot you can do to optimize how you interact with the environment.
Crash has the depth of a puddle in comparison.
No opinion on Spyro.

>> No.5920545

Wow guess what shump fag Im an elitist to when it comes simulation games and have thee exact same thoughts, so by all means stop talking about your dime a dozen easily made shit tier genre lest casuals gain interest in it and pervert its pure gameplay

>> No.5920548

There is a difference between levels not being challenging enough and having everything be a flat surface you dip

>Good level design
Pick 1

>> No.5920549

Again, what's the point of the moveset if it's never truly useful? What if a fighting game character had 10 special moves, but only one was actually helpful for winning the match?

>> No.5920550 [DELETED] 

Not much of a difference both are dull trash that make a game unenjoyable to play and yeah GnG has good level design the fuck are you retarded

>> No.5920553

There's more to it than just the level design. But I'd say Mario games have excellent level design too. Less challenging doesn't always mean worse. And games like GnG or Castlevania have good, satisfying movement too, even if it's less free than Mario games.

>> No.5920554

That's probably why you enjoy shumps

>> No.5920556 [DELETED] 

Less challenging means less deep/engaging so worse. GnG and CV movement is clunky and simplistic, do you even have any standards besides "I like it so its gud!"

>> No.5920557

There are very few moves in 64 that aren't useful. I have not played the game in a while but the only ones I can think if are crawling (useless) and backflip/ceiling hang which are used mostly as crutches if a player can't handle more difficult moves.

>> No.5920558
File: 24 KB, 480x360, sponge.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

It's useful for jumping around and having fun. It's like you can't see why kids love cinnamon toast crunch.

>> No.5920560

>Less challenging means less deep/engaging so worse.
False. You can artificially make any game almost impossible without increasing depth .

>> No.5920563 [DELETED] 

More challenge does not mean more depth, but less challenge always means less depth since challenge is a multiplier, a baseline condition necessary for depth to even emerge. Otherwise all you have is breadth, a bunch of options you can use at your own leisure like it's some kinda autistic sandbox rather than an actual game

>> No.5920565

It's silly when anons somehow only think games are rewarding if they increase the size of their e-peen, moment-to-moment enjoyment be damned.

>> No.5920567

Clunky and simplistic, but on purpose and with the right amount of speed and jumping physics, etc. You can easily have a game like CV or GnG where you move too fast or too slow, or jump too floaty, and it will make it way less enjoyable.

>> No.5920569 [DELETED] 

Moment to moment gameplay means nothing if it's not contextualized by challenge lol, what you're saying is that you can come up with your own self imposed shit to make the games less of an empty waste of time but desu that's not for me I come to games for a structured GAME not a sandbox, can get my creativity other via other means

>> No.5920571

Again, you can easily use the options given to you to complete levels faster, smoother and in a more stylish way. There is enjoyment to get gud at something for the sake of getting gud at it.

>> No.5920572 [DELETED] 

Too fast, too slow or too floaty for what? You can't even speak about these concepts without looking at the surrounding game elements ie level/encounter design. Besides Castlevania/GnG games all have different jump speeds and floatiness but that's pretty much a non element when deciding if you like the games or not while the level design absolutely is.

>> No.5920576 [DELETED] 

>there's enjoyment in being a speed tranny coming up with your own challenges because the game's too poorly designed to entertain you
Pass anon but you do you

>> No.5920579

>you can come up with your own self imposed shit to make the games less of an empty waste of time
All games are an empty waste of time.

>> No.5920585

Yeah, the movement has to match the level design obviously. But you could take the same levels and encounters, then ruin the game by changing the physics. There's also other factors like animations and sound effects that change how it feels to move your character around, or when the camera scrolls.

>> No.5920586

Then were probably not observing reality in the same way either, in the same way NPCs have no inner monologue our brains are viewing reality in completely different but ultimately just as valid ways

>> No.5920590 [DELETED] 

Then the problem would still be that those encounters are poorly designed to fit the controls rather than the controls themselves being poor. And GnG/CV movement's pretty much silent so you can't even apply the game feel argument there. I know you watched some ecelebs and think you're a game design pro but honestly you just come off as a giant fag

>> No.5920597
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>> No.5920598

Real life doesnt force you to do anything either faggot if you can't discipline yourself your a failure and should kys

>> No.5920605 [DELETED] 

LMAO this dumbass thinks he's disciplined cause he's fucking around in Mario, is that how you justify your speedrunning and hrt?

>> No.5920609

dude, you're shitposting on /vr/ in the middle of the day on a weekday

>> No.5920612 [DELETED] 

It's not midday here you dumb burger, way to out yourself loser cunt

>> No.5920615
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he seems like a poorly adjusted guy overall
kinda pathetic really

>> No.5920619

Why do you need an arcade game to force hard rules and dish out punishment
if that's what your looking for? Maybe the way a person plays a game is just as or is equally as important as its inherent design

>> No.5920621 [DELETED] 

Giving each other moral support after getting btfo? How sweet

>> No.5920623

Get a job

>> No.5920628

Have sex

>> No.5920629


>> No.5920635 [DELETED] 

>why do you need a game to be designed around the playstyle you like????
I dunno maybe cause I'm not a retard who wastes his time trying to shoehorn arbitrary playstyles into babymode nintendo shit, back to your speedrunning general or where ever you came from gaylord
I have a job, you're the one posting midday retard lol

>> No.5920636
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Yeah, because I'm retired already

>> No.5920638
File: 359 KB, 858x821, amazon wagie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I have a job, you're the one posting midday retard lol

>> No.5920640 [DELETED] 

>anti shumps
>Mario fan
Can't say I'm surprised

>> No.5920645

Who said I was anti-shmups?

>> No.5920647 [DELETED] 

I did, got a problem with that?

>> No.5920651

As a matter of fact I do, I thought it was very rude.

>> No.5920652

When did Nintendo become for babies officially the GameCube? Or was it n64?

>> No.5920657

That stereotype technically goes back to the SNES having stricter content restrictions than Genesis. But GameCube more than N64.

>> No.5920681

wiggle your spirte and dodge the lasers in repetition faggot

>> No.5920691 [DELETED] 

With n64 nintendo was at least still trying to make good arcade-style games, e.g. F-Zero X, Wave Race 64, 1080, Star Fox 64, etc.

>> No.5920697
File: 518 KB, 900x505, 1560436695279.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>No more f-zero

>> No.5920702

F-Zero GX > F-Zero X though

>> No.5920704

Granted it was developed by Amusement Vision

>> No.5920706 [DELETED] 

Yeah but GX was outsourced. The last time Nintendo tried to make one themselves was over 20 years ago.

>> No.5920708 [DELETED] 

GX is pretty much a Sega game borrowing Nintendo's IP, in every way.

>> No.5920713


>> No.5920717 [DELETED] 

Plebs dismiss it because of its flash origins and graphics, patricians look past that and see the finest most polished momentum based platformer around with a supreme sense of weight

>> No.5920718

Gamecube had 1080° Avalanche and Wave Race Blue Storm.

>> No.5920720

A lot of people conflate difficulty with fun I'm sure there's games you enjoy that aren't difficult but when you think or criticise them difficulty slips your mind what you really mean is that the game isn't stimulating you or that you just dont like it which is fine

>> No.5920721

Platformers are a bit unique in how the enjoyment comes mostly from the movement. I know it's supposed to be some kind of masterpiece but as soon as I touch the controls it just feel wrong on every level.

>> No.5920727

He seems hostile to the idea of anyone enjoying games that don't fit his criteria. Like if you said you like to play both JRPGs and shmups, he'd probably call you a liar or shit on you for not exclusively playing challenging games.

>> No.5920732 [DELETED] 

All shitposting aside difficulty's conflated with fun because it's a very important component of fun. Even when you play easy games you're almost certainly going to be aiming for goals that add challenge to the gameplay. These self imposed challenges are very varied and can be separated into different tiers, some flow naturally from the game mechanics and incentive structures and are usually called implicit goals, some are more arbitrary or even run counter to the game design. But make no mistake, as far as gameplay-centered games are concerned fun cannot exist without challenge.

>> No.5920737 [DELETED] 

Those weren't as good as the N64 versions.
Oh, and Namco fucked up Starfox on the Cube.

>> No.5920739 [DELETED] 

N++ has some of the most fun movement out of any platformer, it just takes some getting used to

>> No.5920745
File: 21 KB, 200x200, Platformers with tank controls.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I have gotten used to way worse. N++ is just too revolting to me.
Hopefully I can get over it someday.

>> No.5920747
File: 114 KB, 640x360, bunny must die.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Bunny Must Die is cool

>> No.5920750 [DELETED] 
File: 427 KB, 546x407, jarpig.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If you can't post your scores, you're a filthy lying jarpig.

>> No.5920751

>Parrying lethal spike traps
It really is. But the controls are not user friendly in the slightest.

>> No.5920756

Even if he has shit scores, he can still enjoy the games. I thought people were saying in this threads it's ok to enjoy shmups casually and play easier shmups? If someone plays multiple genres a lot, they'll probably have less impressive clear lists and score than someone playing shmups exclusively, but that doesn't mean they don't like them.

>> No.5920759 [DELETED] 

Difference is the controls in that game are just shit in specific ways for no reason, while in N++ they're initially uncomfortable because of the deep, challenging physics

>> No.5920765 [DELETED] 


>> No.5920776 [DELETED] 

Just read this thread and check the catalog. Can't deny that most don't care for them.

>> No.5920781 [DELETED] 

Finally a reasonable, non-seething answer. Funnily enough, it didn't come from a jarpig.
Learn, faggots.

>> No.5920782

Some countries didn't even have an arcade scene to begin with. It's a lot easier to discuss games you play at home.

>> No.5920783

stop being a retard

>> No.5920785

Where do you go personally to discuss arcade games?

>> No.5920786 [DELETED] 

>sockpoppet accounts
that was Cee bro

>> No.5920793 [DELETED] 

It's always bugged me that this fact didn't lead to an explosion of arcade appreciation where people would mass discover what are essentially superior versions of the types of games they loved as kids at home, games they completely missed out on due to no arcades nearby but which are now easily available due to emulation.

>> No.5920797 [DELETED] 

different people

>> No.5920803 [DELETED] 
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>> No.5920808

I'm sure a ton of people from those countries did play stuff on emulators later and appreciate them. But I think most people move on to the latest games and don't look back besides maybe the types of games they played growing up, if not just revisiting the specific games they liked.

>> No.5920809

There's no arcade scene to speak of around here, didn't grow up with any, but I still desire some arcade fun.

>> No.5920810

why doesn't the second on the right have an npc face?

>> No.5920818 [DELETED] 

again, you're not talking to the same person with the same opinions. shmups aren't a safe space
however, it's true that usually those comments are said by people that play RPGs 100 times more than shmups.

>> No.5920819 [DELETED] 

Should I play Soukyuugurentai or Kyuukyoku Tiger II next lads

>> No.5920825

Maybe so, but playing casually doesn't mean they "hate shmups." Nothing wrong with liking RPGs and maybe playing a few shmups for survival on the side.

>> No.5920826 [DELETED] 

Sadly, nowhere. At best with personal friends. It's this dire.

no nostalgic attachment for boomers, nor e-celeb praising for zoomers is huge unfortunately

>> No.5920828 [DELETED] 

The former is a more solid game but the latter is a more relaxed experience that's still fine.

>> No.5920829 [DELETED] 

it gets old when you get many like this on shmup communities and they can barely contribute, and even prefer defending RPGs to talk about shmups. it has happened believe it or not, that killed shmupg.

>> No.5920830

So the problem is deeper than just /vr/. You like arcade games, but you're not out there talking about them online all the time. This applies to a lot of people. Part of it is numbers, but I think a lot of people just don't care to talk about them on forums for whatever reason.

>> No.5920837 [DELETED] 

What's funny is that shmups are my favorite genre precisely because of their 8-way movement. Just that is inherently fun to me, and it's hard for me not to enjoy a shmup even a bit for a while, it has to be really terrible for that.

>> No.5920839 [DELETED] 

yeah no shit it's way deeper than just /vr/, it's the same everywhere. /vr/ has a particular hateboner for them though

>> No.5920841 [DELETED] 

Well I hope the people posting about movement are just doing low effort shitposting and don't actually believe it. It gives you perfect control and feedback at the sacrifice of movement dynamics, but those are made up for with the game design and scoring. It's also not easy to nail movement in a shmup, it's easy to fuck it up and make the ships move too fast or too slow, or make the difference between the various ship modes too small or too great. With genres like this, the small details are everything.

>> No.5920845

/vr/ is at worst indifferent towards shmups
/vr/ however does have a hateboner for shmupfags with a victim complex

>> No.5920846

>can barely contribute
Is one reason because there's so many different games? Even if everybody on a board plays shmups, odds are you're playing a different game, so it's hard to talk about much besides what game you're playing and posting your scores maybe. Maybe people will care and try to beat your score in that game, but it's not easy to have an in-depth discussion about anything. You complain about people defending RPGs (because people attack them instead of talking about shmups), but on the other side there's a lot of complaining instead of talking about games too.

>> No.5920852

I was posting about how I like Mario movement and agree with all this. I think it was just one guy complaining about shmup movement, might've been shitposting, not sure.

>> No.5920859


>> No.5920861


>> No.5920873

what happened?

>> No.5920876 [DELETED] 

and the hateboner is there because jrpgfags can't handle having their shitty genre getting dabbed on

>> No.5920878

The whole thing is really one sided, it's not jrpgfriends that are seething. Just one or two so-called shmup fans.

>> No.5920879 [DELETED] 

Just trannyjanny abusing xir powers again.

Don't like JRPGs? Enjoy your 30 day ban and having all your posts wiped.

>> No.5920901

Seems like it was about 3d platformers so good fuck him for not thinking their the best which they are

>> No.5920960
File: 85 KB, 267x200, +_defd7045c7e658ba39fc220183041d69.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. The amount of deleted posts is confusing.

>> No.5921073
File: 26 KB, 300x300, 2sad4u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>beat em up thread died while I was at work

>> No.5921074

kraut pls.

>> No.5921076

probably someone got banned. when you get banned, all your posts get deleted automatically.

>> No.5921081
File: 71 KB, 800x1200, lmao 2 plate.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>do you have any idea the amount of code foresight and vision it takes to make Mario jump and feel the way he does

>> No.5921089

No, that only happens when the mod is extra seething. The tranny jarpig mods always do this to ricky (or people they think are ricky. I've been banned by a mod thinking I was him when I was on a fucking American IP).

>> No.5921090


>> No.5921094

I don't know who the fuck are you talking about.
/vg/ people, I assume?

>> No.5921129

Nintendo is for children

>> No.5921134

cuz they are for faggots. thats why.

>> No.5921136

Edutainment games are for children (which are more predominantly on PC, which also happens to be the platform with the most adult-oriented (sex) games)
Nintendo games are video games for all ages. Like Pac-Man, Space Invaders, etc. Stuff you pick up and play intuitively.

>> No.5921167

And here we have an example of the "Nintendo-manchild in denial who refuses to grow up" specimen in his natural habitat.

>> No.5921242

And here I though the console war shitshow was contained in /v/.

>> No.5921283

Consolewar faggotry has infested /vr/ for quite some time now. It's unfortunate, but some people are unable to be completely insufferable pieces of shit.

>> No.5921723
File: 285 KB, 480x480, Torus Trooper.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Nobody hates them. They're awesome.

>> No.5921750
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>> No.5921806

Should I play Dodonpachi or Daioujou? What are the differences?
The smallest 1cc embiggens the noblest shmupper

>> No.5921807

>Tfw can't even beat RSG on saturn mode

>> No.5921827

This is the least corpulent video game I have ever played. Mindless eye rape for shmup trannies on the spectrum. Play only if you want to foster mental illness.

>> No.5921937

Because they all have terrible music. Prove me wrong please.

>> No.5922181

You're not kidding. Physically painful to watch.
And the entire 2hu OST to name a few.
Genre may suck balls but the music is great.

>> No.5922267

>shitting on shmups with weak bait
Your entire gaming and music opinions are thus invalid.

But just to make you look foolish:

Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi - Darkened (Boss)

Dodonpachi Dai-Ou-Jou OST- Saikou (Colorful Rainbow) (Stage 2)

Battle Garegga - Stab and Stomp!

Cho Ren Sha 68k OST - Infinity... (STAGE 4)

>> No.5922302

>massive deleted posts
now this is what I call the old shumps thread

>> No.5922306

ddp pure dodging
doj a bit easier because you have i-frame & bullets cancel from hyper activation etc

>> No.5922332

>doj a bit easier because you have i-frame & bullets cancel from hyper activation etc
doj is harder 1cc than ddp.

>> No.5922419

if you are a beginner I'd recommend Batsugun (original) or even special edition instead. They are great for all levels of skill, from new to superplayer.
DDP and DOJ are notoriously difficult after the mid-game sections.

>> No.5922449

yeah I'm thinkin we're back.

>> No.5922487

Anyone post Gate Of Thunder yet? It has a sick soundtrack.



>> No.5922525

Mike my good man, Pentarou is also solid

>> No.5922531

they're not really that fun.

>> No.5922861

saturn mode is a chore, takes longer to level up your ship. just play the arcade mode.

>> No.5923150 [DELETED] 

retardo where'd ya go?

>> No.5923164 [DELETED] 

he's banned

>> No.5923186

Why don't you?

>> No.5923208 [DELETED] 
File: 150 KB, 900x678, cursed nagoshi image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>seriously implying he actually bothers to sit out the tranny jannys' bans

>> No.5924486 [DELETED] 

theyve banned his entire area for some months

>> No.5924493 [DELETED] 


>> No.5924504 [DELETED] 

On discord seething about jrpgs and mame while never actually playing any arcade games.

>> No.5924512 [DELETED] 

Who is retardo?

>> No.5924538 [DELETED] 

legendary slayer of the jarpigs.

>> No.5924571 [DELETED] 

guy who killed shmupg by turning every discussion into a jarpig debate or e-celeb gossip debate or raging about trannies.

>> No.5924578

whats the point of stating how old you are? or rather, that youre older than 30?

>> No.5924579 [DELETED] 

He was SynthRicardo on the shmup forums, a lazy troll, but he got arrested recently and doesnt' post anymore.

Here he is during an actual interrogation

>> No.5924581

sokyugourentai is the best shoot em up

>> No.5924812

fuck me this is the hardest bait i've ever seen

>> No.5924871 [DELETED] 
File: 44 KB, 533x1024, 1569645084848m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Complain about JRPGs
>Get sent to jail
So is the incessant arguing just anons memeing?
Feels bad though. Shmupfags deserve a proper place for discussion.

>> No.5924896 [DELETED] 

>criticizing jarpigs is now illegal in the european union and classified as hate speech
retardo was right bros...

>> No.5924963 [DELETED] 
File: 7 KB, 304x356, sakura3.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>spouts degeneracy
>gets gassed
Nothing of value was lost.

>> No.5925278 [DELETED] 

retardo is never right

>> No.5925287 [DELETED] 
File: 8 KB, 303x259, mussolini_ok.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

t. assmad jarpig

>> No.5925581 [DELETED] 


>> No.5925987

Because he's a 14 year old desperately trying to fit in

>> No.5926149

What style of shmup is similar to Soukyugurentai?

>> No.5926170

Lock-on shmups? There's the Ray series, Crimzon Clover, Panzer Dragoon...

>> No.5927443


>> No.5927485

You passed!

>> No.5927515

panzer dragoon's not a shmup.

>> No.5927521

getting kraut shmupg flashbacks

>> No.5927531

it's a shmup in 3D, like starfox and sin & punishment.

>> No.5927578

I didn't think anyone would answer me if I asked directly.

>> No.5927975

In terms of 2all difficulty it would be


>> No.5927990
File: 31 KB, 287x266, !!e!U0S!BmM_$(KGrHqJ,!ioE0G)(4-O2BNP3t5cfVw___1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I own a Saturn, and I got myself all hyped to find a copy of Radiant Silvergun just like any red-blooded Saturn owner. Then I played it through on an emulator just to see what I was missing.

I really didn't care for it. The weapon system is cool, but the enemies and level aesthetics are just nothing to me. They're like something out of any other generic shmup. At least now I can save myself a few hundred dollars.

>> No.5928015

>muh aesthetics
OP confirmed for fag.

>> No.5928018

I'd rather play a game I naturally enjoy over forcing myself to enjoy one I don't take to.

>> No.5928019

I think people exaggerated how great it was for a while because it's Treasure and expensive. I love the game, but wouldn't pay hundreds for a copy of it.

>> No.5928032

The music is really cool imo

>> No.5928062

Yeah I'm feeling like it's the shmup equivalent of Earthbound; a respectable but not mind-blowing example of it's genre with a good pedigree that got blown out of proportion due to YouTube popularity.

>> No.5928703
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>> No.5928715

if it doesn't autoscroll, it's not a shmup.

>> No.5928779

you're thinking belt shooters

>> No.5928783

I have a mild mental disability which gives me "below average processing speed" meaning I can't do sports/reaction time/anything hand/eye coordination related.
It's a shame, because I love the art for shmups, I'm just too retarded for them.

>> No.5928794

Ask the Retroarch guys to put that runahead stuff in your brain.

>> No.5928796

Maybe if you play more memory based shmups you'd be fine. Something like R-Type might work for you.

>> No.5928808

There's R-Type Tactics a turn based strategy game

>> No.5928825

they got a star soldier episode


>> No.5929513

Puzzle game.

Well it looks like total dogshit, but I guess it does count as one shmup.

>> No.5929529

well looks like the tranny jannies got him and your SAFE SPACE is secure. now we can get back to talking about the Ikaruga OST in peace.

>> No.5929542

let your eyes go out of focus. your problem is you have bad peripheral. you focus on what you look at and your bran isnt filtering shit properly probably. after you do this for a while you can stop doing it as you should be aware of everything thats in front of you. basically if im right when you play your eyes move around instead of looking at the middle of the screen. in shumps everything is patterns. if you move your point of focus by looking around it disorients your sense of whats in front of you for a split second because everything will be offset. you probably run into shots fired alot on bosses

>> No.5929740
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>> No.5929969
File: 12 KB, 296x320, Ismayonnaiseaninstrumentpatrick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is Star Fox 64 a shmup?

>> No.5929975

yes, a 3D shmup. it's too easy though.

>> No.5930508


>> No.5930830

post your world record if it's so easy

>> No.5930847

to boring, i only go for WRs in hardcore games like doj.

>> No.5930965


>> No.5931213

>get hit once because the game shat 10000 projectiles everywhere
>now have no powerups so the death is just a game ender

>> No.5931219
File: 479 KB, 480x457, bee.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

#1 don't get hit, get gud

#2 being very hard to recover from is more for classic shmups, not bullet hells that shoot tons of bullets.