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5906890 No.5906890 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone else have a hard time deciding how to play game boy games? Even limiting to real hardware only there are too many options.
Is GBI good enough to get a gamecube just for that purpose? And what do you think of modded systems with backlight or front-light?

>> No.5906903

>Having a hard time deciding the most mundane shit.
Listen, kiddies, Obama isn't President anymore, so you don't have to emulate him and his beta ways.

>> No.5906913

GBA SP AGS 101 is the best if you had to limit yourself to a single model.

>> No.5906916

>talking about retro games is mundane
>let's bring up some random pol shit and try to be funny

>> No.5906915

I thought the GBA SP was the generally accepted best version, it has a backlight and has playback for GBC / GB games.
Its batteries last longer, it has a bigger screen relative to its size, it's more comfortable in your hands and of course it plays GBA games too.

They're hard to get a hold of, though.

>> No.5906920

ags 101s are more rare and more bright, but they have pretty awful ghosting and flickering issues especially noticeable when playing classic gameboy games.

>> No.5906934

Why do you lie like this?

>> No.5906959

I'm not lying, it does seem to depend on the game though, Play something like pokemon red/blue with max brightness on an ags 101 and tell me you don't see a slight flicker in the image.
Ags 001 provides a much smoother image and colors that aren't way too saturated

>> No.5907235

I'm finally going to get my GBA modded with a backlight and rechargable battery. It's going to be a worthwhile investment since it will become the best way to play 3 system libraries.

>> No.5907238

read it in Try's voice

>> No.5907250

Alright, I assume by "like pokemon" you mean the whole screen moving around the player. Busted out three games like that and I'm concluding you're full of shit. Absolutely no flicker from my 101, and frankly I wasn't noticing any ghosting either. You sure you just weren't just playing a faulty unit?

>> No.5907335

>You sure you just weren't just playing a faulty unit
it's possible, but if you don't notice any ghosting you're the one who's full of shit

>> No.5907340

I broke out Speedy Gonzalas - which is as close to Sonic as you can get on the GB - just to test it. I don't know what to tell ya, man. I just wasn't seeing it.

>> No.5907374

I just got out my 001 and 101 and compared them side by side with Pokemon Red running on both at the same time. Neither has any flickering and motion blur looks about the same on both. The 101 just has way better contrast and brightness. Are you sure you're not comparing with a chink knockoff 101 screen?

>> No.5907381

Post the result in the handheld thread that's up at the time. I'm always curious about the button and color choice when it comes to custom gba's

>> No.5907386

I saw a really nice modded GBA (first model) with a teal body and cream buttons. It had a glass screen and backlight too, looked clean.

>> No.5907408

I feel ya OP. I've tried most options and have a hard time sticking with one
>DMG: feels great in the hands but >god dat screen
>Pocket: great aesthetics and color choices, nice screen but >battery life >no color-only gaems
>Color/Advance: ERGONOMICS, decent screens but >getting light to hit it just right
>DS phat/lite: finally backlit screens but >can't use muh GB/GBC carts >durability
>GC with GBi: feels nice to play on the ol CRT up to GBA but >dat D-pad

It's always something I swear, most are just nitpicks but I always have that feel of "maybe I'm missing out by not playing this on X system with Y or Z mod" etc.

>> No.5907409

And just like that, GBI is perfect.

>> No.5907410

Don't forget about Super Game Boy

>> No.5907431

>Does anyone else have my kind of autism
Yes. Most of your degeneration. Having more options is a good thing if you're not mentally ill.

>some random pol shit
pajamaboyism is very relevant to OP

>> No.5907496
File: 329 KB, 1600x1600, $_32.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>not portable
>no gbc/gba
Like I said it's always something.

There's also that lingering feeling when playing older titles on more advanced hardware that I could be playing something native to that console instead. Even if the console is backward compatible

Rarely I forget all of this bs and just play

>> No.5907593
File: 189 KB, 360x498, Capture.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We share similar feelings. I think it's best to accept there is no "one best way" to play game boy games. There's something unique to be enjoyed about each one and you should play whichever one you feel like.
These days I go for nostalgia with a regular old lime green game boy color. I enjoy using the same model I had as a kid and and use a flash cart with it.

>> No.5907609

This is the first thing I thought of, can play everything from GB up to GBA, nice small clamshell that fits in the pocket, and it's incredibly durable.

>> No.5907618

Yeah I can see why one would like others but the SP has the most features of all the gameboys. Only problem I have with it is the shoulder buttons.

>> No.5907751

I love my SP, but the thing that's made it a dealbreaker in recent years is the lack of a headphone port on it. It's still my only real non-emulation option due to the backlight, but trying to play it in bed at night wakes up my wife. Even my kid down the hall can hear it, and that's on the absolute lowest volume.

>> No.5907814

Are you ok?

>> No.5907906

They made an adapter so you can use headphones on the SP. It's better than nothing.

>> No.5908120

>tfw you're so retarded you keep asking if people are ok when the only problem is you

>> No.5908265
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>> No.5908370
File: 74 KB, 300x300, s-l300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I like my AGS 101 SP, and I recently bought pic related and it greatly improved my enjoyment (I expected it to be shit honestly).

>> No.5908372

You can buy a cheap adapter.

>> No.5908883


>> No.5909529

Because they already know the answer retard

>> No.5909590

The ghosting is literally not noticeable. Remember that most gameboy games were made to accommodate the ghosting of the original green lcd.

>> No.5909605
File: 120 KB, 960x768, 10937772_10205840407108525_932054347_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Depends on how I'm feeling it, either original green DMG screen OG game boy, or Super Game Boy if I want some color.

>> No.5909727

>i've never played on actual GB hardware in my entire 12 years of life

>> No.5909759

>it's more comfortable in your hands
Maybe if you have tiny baby hands.

>> No.5909883
File: 338 KB, 1600x2162, 0W7UR7A.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

No I don't have a hard time deciding because I'm not a beta cuck retard that can't think for himself and makes pointless psuedo begging threads asking about shit that takes three seconds to Google for an answer. JUST TRY THEM OUT.

Reddit was a mistake.

>> No.5909902

I prefer Gameboy Pocket or GBC for the extra convenience
I tried playing GB games on a GBA a handful of times. I'd guess the SP would be pretty sweet because of the backlit screen

>> No.5910115

Anyone know a good site to buy modded Gameboys? Thanks in advance

>> No.5910380

ebay, ebaby

>> No.5910384

this, fuck

>> No.5910549

Etsy has some options here and there including original Gameboy Advances with ags screen mod if you prefer the feeling of the original GBA compared to the SP or micro.

>> No.5910591

I don't like the layout of the SP, just isn't very comfy too hold for me plus no headphone jack. I've had a micro for a long time be before modding was a thing and thought it was the best GBA, but I think OG GBA with mods would probably be better.

>> No.5910607

If the bigger problem in your life is deciding how to play a GB game, then you are a failure, you disappoint your old parents to this day.

>> No.5910703


I’m in my mid 30s and OG Gameboy was my only console growing up.

>> No.5910787

>projecting this hard
no one ever said anything about this being the "bigger problem in their lives"

>> No.5910837

That'd be tying your shoes?

>> No.5910841

why don't you take your cringy attempts at humour to a different thread if you don't find the topic interesting?

>> No.5910881

I really wanted an ags-101 but then I got one and it just felt like I was emulating without the reflective lcd. Currently favoring GBP, which I think not only has the best form factor but arguably the best screen. I'd love to snag a Gameboy Light cheap but I doubt that's going to happen and I'm not about to pay $100+ for one until I've seen it with my own eyes. Photography really doesn't adequately describe these kind of things.

>> No.5910926

ags 101s are highly overrated, especially when it comes to playing original gameboy games, they are just about the least flattering screens for them.
ags 001 is better but still you have to deal with a tiny little screen that is smaller than even the DMG's.

>> No.5911092

Because laughing at tards like you is so much fun?