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5906793 No.5906793 [Reply] [Original]

cute and pure

>> No.5906854

A thread died for this pastel colored shite.

>> No.5907020

If I made an earthbound game, I would give attacks different sound effects as well as attack descriptions with varying degrees of verbosity:
>Ninten attacked!
>Ninten swung his bat!
>Ninten threw the boomerang, whirling around and hitting the Hippie for 30 damage, knocking him unconscious

>> No.5907024

overrated and stupid

>> No.5907032

what;s with the stereotype of dark m/blonde f couples anyway

who;s a blonde m like me supposed to like

>> No.5907043

tall lady with short pink hair

>> No.5907245

I like the cut of your jib

>> No.5907247

What >>5907043 said. The end of my last post got cut off

>> No.5907474
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Since Op is a fag, I'm am just gonna use this thread to post some ideas of how I might do a Mother 1 remake.

>> No.5907539

Do it.

>> No.5907541

Earthbound is a mother 1 remake for all intents and purposes

>> No.5907547

It really isn't. It has many reworked ideas, but game is fundamentally different. It's a literal sequel, japanese title is "Mother 2: Gyiyg Strikes Back"

>> No.5907573

Ok, I'm just gonna do a quick list.

>Game would be full 3D, the characters would resemble all the original clay art. While the game world would be more detailed. i.e. more realistic buildings and forest, juxtaposed with the Peanuts-esque characters. Though architecture and the like would style follow styles like old sci-fi pulps or 80's architecture, true to the games setting and character designs of stuff like robot enemies.

>The game's story is mostly left alone. It's still pretty minimal, so the game isn't bogged down in cutscenes and the like. I want the game to still feel evocative of a movie like Stand By Me. Kind of a 'down-home', adventure in the woods feeling, with bits of spooky alien and ghost.
>Of course, I would still want to keep story messages in-tact, so I would try not to usurp the original tone of the game. Like actionizing it too much or making the solemn parts silly and so on.

>> No.5907585

>Changes made to the game's ending for the north american release of mother would be retained for the remake.

>I can't decide if I would keep the old Dragon Quest style battle screens or make the battles integrated into the overwold similar to Chrono Trigger. On one hand, I like the abstract battles of the original versions, adding sound effects and verbose descriptions of fights mentioned >>5907020 (similar to games like Wasteland or Fallout) to let the player's imagination take over during a fight. Like as a gun sound effect, they're imaging Lloyd firing off a gun into the enemy. But at the same time, most players would probably just like Chrono Trigger style 'scripted' overworld fights, where the battles are integrated into the world geometry. Like say in the Zoo, you get an animation of a tiger jumping out of a pen before initiating combat right there instead of going to a battle screen. This style would also likely have full animations for battle.

>> No.5907602

>anon sucked cock
>it left his opponent aroused and confused

>> No.5907604

>Something I would also stress having is that enemies are properly scaled to the characters. I want small mice and BIG elephants. I want a player to kind of shit themselves as they're staring down one of the huge R7 robots, even if they're in the tank or with EVE. Likewise, stuff like Bears and Titanians will be big. Most Mt. Itoi monsters will be scary big to mirror their danger.

>Relating to that, I want the game to still be kind of hard. Because fuck easy games. I want a JRPG that can kick my ass, but I do have an idea for difficulty options. However, there's some general combat additions I would make regardless.
>Maybe include Earthbound's Rolling HP Meter. People enjoy it enough, and it is unique. It may make the game easier though.
>Add a few more battle songs. Mother has like only three battle songs, iirc. It'd be nice for a couple more. Even if they're just taken from Earthbound or Mother 3.
>Add some more bosses. I like bosses, just maybe a couple guarding melody pieces, like one for the Rosemary Manor Piano.
>Add in-game descriptions for PSI. Relative damage done, PP cost, any effects. Explain stats. That kind of stuff.

>> No.5907612

>Ok. Difficulty levels.
>People think Mother 1 is pretty hard, so you may as well include an easy mode for those people. Those who just want to play for the story and quirk.
>Spawn rates of enemies halved
>Enemies give more EXP
>Mt. Itoi enemies nerfed in general

>Original Mode
>Pretty self explanatory. Difficulty is similar or identical to the original game. No huge tweaks.

>Hard Mode.
>Enemies have faster speed stats. Have fun going last!
>Enemies all lack "useless" moves. The moves that were just fun flavor text in the original game, not doing damage or causing status.
>Enemies use items if they have them. Stuff like bombs, or healing items.
>Some enemies will get new attacks.
>Rats get Earthbound's SMAAAAASH mechanics like mice in that game.
>Bonus weapons included as a reward for beating hard mode.
>Spiked Bat for Ninten
>Super-heated Frying Pan for Ana
>A Rifle for Lloyd
>A fancy-ass sword for Teddy.

>Also, just for fun. After beating hard mode you get Pippi mode!
>While Ninten sleeps, not being waken by a certain lamp. A young girl must fight her way out of a graveyard and across America to fight off an alien invasion. Lloyd and Ana stay home, but Teddy will and you still happen across a certain made for your neighbor, Ninten. However, Magicant isn't accessible, but due to no Queen Mary or the melody, this little girl with her buddy Teddy and robot Eve will fight off Giygas the old fashion way. Brutal fisticuffs.
>This mode would also feature a mix up of dialogue, kind of like Fallout's Wild Wasteland. This is the non-canon version of the story. It's weird!

>> No.5907620

>A lot of a world would get a mild redesign. This is mostly just to accommodate for the full 3d, rather than the original perspective (not sure if it's isometric or what). Buildings wouldn't all face the same direction, they're be varying elevations, wouldn't be on a grid.
>I just hate when 3d remakes of 2d games keep all the original perspective, making everything feel flat and look cheap. Pokemon ORAS and the new Link's Awakening are really guilty of this.

>> No.5907646

>But as far as world redesigns go, I would mostly like to overhaul dungeon areas. Or make 'dungeon-like' areas into proper dungeons.

>Duncan's Factor. Probably one of the most disliked dungeons in Mother 1. I would leave it largely alone. Except for merely adding some signs or landmarks that players can orient themselves around.
>In Mother, you must venture to Little Sweet's Factory to retrieve a bottle rocket for Lloyd so you can recruit him. Oddly enough, the factory is filled with weak enemies like rats, this was likely meant as a spot to grind him up safely. I think I would re-order Lloyd's recruitment, so that after meeting him in the school, you both venture down to the factory. There he'll kind of temporarily join your party (i.e. he won't leave the factory, won't go to magicant or so on), until you finish the level by getting to the end a finding the bottle rocket trash can. Then he'll actually join and you can progress through the game.

>> No.5907659

You are obviously forgetting the most important part

>Some assmad loser spams the board with screenshots of the remake with the caption
"S O U L L E S S". /vr/ proceeds to have the same 400 post argument about whether or not games age that they have every week.

>> No.5907665

I'll continue a little bit more on this tomorrow. I ended having a lot more ideas written down than I thought.

>> No.5907897
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I wish I had something interesting to add here, but I so thoroughly agree with every single one of your ideas that I almost think you're me from a parallel world samefagging. Seriously dude, you get it. You're actually someone gets MOTHER and even appreciates the extreme difficulty. Re: the battle screens, I myself would prefer they stay the same, but at the same time I can see the appeal of a Chrono Trigger like system as it could lead to all sorts of funny and cute battle animations (the flip side of that is that if the animations are too cartoony it might be harder to take the battle seriously). Also, Pippi Mode is just brilliant.

>> No.5907909

I'm writing an open source re-implementation of MOTHER. I haven't worked on it in about a year though.

>> No.5907914

why does our culture not value purity

>> No.5907930

Because people forgot the difference between innocence and ignorance.

>> No.5907959

Mother 3 had different sound effects foe each members attacks, all based on musical instruments

>> No.5907969

Because that's pedophilic.

>> No.5908528

Ok, the Zoo.
>I think this is probably because of the Zoo's cameo in Smash Bros Brawl's subspace emissary, but it's really high on the list of areas I would totally overhaul.
>In Mother, it's pretty short and small, with the exception of possible getting pulverized, by Tigers, Elephants or Alligators, it's pretty easy for a player to sweep through and clear.
>I think I would kind of want it to be scaled up to the nearly the size of an actual zoo. Kind of large, a number of exhibits the player has to go through. There's some interior spaces, like offices, gift shops, a restaurant, some 'employee only' areas, in addition to the exterior pens.
>I think the progression could kind of be handled as a key hunt to find the key to the main office where the Starman Jr is hiding out and driving the animals nuts.
>I feel it would also be cool if enemy spawn locations were a bit more dynamic, so instead of everything all spawning at random once you're in the zoo, you now have enemies spawning more frequently in certain spaces.
>Think that Elephants would only be able to spawn outside, obviously being able to go indoors. But in that same regard, enemies like Tigers are more likely to spawn indoors.
>I envision a Tiger, jumping down from the knocked-out ceiling tile of an interior office. Hyenas stalking you, pushing you into a dead end where they can gang up on you. Or Alligators, hanging around outside exhibits with water, or interiors like a flooded restroom. Consequently, mice encounters would probably be removed from the zoo altogether.

>> No.5908531

Purity in what sense? This is a meaningless statement.

>> No.5908584

I am in the same boat myself. I really love abstract battle scenes. Things that really force a player to imagine what's going on. And I really love how Earthbound renders stuff in neat ways. see here https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PJ42Afr_F3E
A favorite example of mine, is that instead of the game just merely drawing flames over an enemy when you use psi fire. You have an assault of bright red lines and shapes, with sound effects that vaguely sound like a roaring flame. It's actually really creative, imo and it fits the the more psychedelic style of Earthbound over the more traditional effects other JRPGs would likely use.

>> No.5908979

Whoops. I meant that elephants couldn't go indoors

>> No.5909112
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He means from his idealized, romanticized and repressed time from before he was born than never existed. He's probably just unhappy with his life and is looking into the past "when everything was perfect" when in fact that past never existed.

>> No.5909276

based and paulapilled

>> No.5909297

I don't feel everything needs romance. Mother 1's romance seemed forced and uncalled for.

>> No.5909301
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>> No.5909302

A story about a boy and girl is pretty generic and at the very least it isn't "uncalled for". You make it sound like heterosexual relations are problematic.

>> No.5909304

The story wasn't about romance at all. Ana's thing just came out of nowhere and they are just small kids anyway.

>> No.5909307

Games don't need to be focused on romance for romance to happen. It's pretty a common way to build relationships with characters even if the story isn't purely romance.

>> No.5909349

The ana dance scene was less about creating a good romances, and more about creating a small, endearing moment for the player. Especially when this is at the tail end of the game and coming from an otherwise silent partner in an era of minimal dialogue in games.

>> No.5909607

paula isn't pure...

>> No.5909616

There is a way to omit that scene (and keep Teddy in your party until the end, without Lloyd).
I still think it was a nice scene, though.

>> No.5909731

Thats exactly what I was gunning for, these para-nostalgic clowns can only communicate these ideas in the most vague ways possible because otherwise they might have to examine the fact that they are spouting meaningless platitudes

>> No.5910103

I'm suprised no one asked you about this. How far did you get?

>> No.5910114

Once again, I love your ideas and completely agree. The Zoo does feel rushed. Isn't that where get the second melody, the one from the canary? Maybe they could make that a little more difficult to find.

>> No.5910120
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>never existed
>Penn & Teller
Keep your cringe out of our comfy MOTHER general, thank you.

>> No.5910126

How does it come out of nowhere? While in game time it's been only 8-10 hours they've been battling tough enemies together for presumably weeks, maybe months. They've saved each other's lives countless times and have bonded over the fact that they both have unique psychic abilities. Do you really need a handful of dialogue scenes peppered throughout the game to spell that out for you?

>> No.5910162

Nah, zoo is the third melody with the singing monkey. Canary is the second. Though the zoo and canary sanctuary are right next to each other.

>> No.5910165

Ah, you're right. I forgot about the singing monkey.

>> No.5910945

this thread is bad

>> No.5910968
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>> No.5911689
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Not far. Map viewer. Maybe I will work on it tonight.