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File: 114 KB, 726x1000, 200px-Ff6_shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5899282 No.5899282 [Reply] [Original]

>be a low life thief who fucks up a train robbery
>leave your dying friend to fend for himself when the authorities close in
>knock up the woman that saved you, then pay her back by skipping town and leaving her to be a single mom
>spend the rest of your days being a turbo edgelord and killing people for money
>constantly abandon the group of people who are trying to save the world because the money isn't in it for you
>eventually return to the town your daughter lives in, but keep your mouth shut and continue letting some random old man take care of her
>ultimately decide to kill yourself for some dumbshit reason, leaving your daughter truly fatherless and abandoning your loyal canine companion
Is Shadow the biggest shitbag in JRPG history?

>> No.5899294

His friend was dead anyway and he skipped town because they were closing in and were gonna kill them. Don't remember him killing himself, though.

>> No.5899302

He stays behind on Kefka's Tower as it's collapsing and basically tells his dead friend he doesn't need to run anymore, and to wait for him--the implication heavily being that he stuck around and died.

>he skipped town because they were closing in and were gonna kill them.
That might have been a viable explanation at the time, but after the near-destruction of the world and the collapse of the Empire, I really doubt authorities wanting to go after an old train robber would be a concern anymore.

>> No.5899325
File: 133 KB, 873x1077, 22970173_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You underestimate the train police.

>> No.5900097

He had the best theme music though.

>> No.5900103

The point of his arc was that he was always on the run as an outlaw, trying to outrun his past he could never escape. He felt guilt at leaving his friend to die when he felt it should have been him, so he spent the rest of his life running away from that reality he couldn't face (symbolic reason for why he dresses like a ninja, to hide his real self). At the end he decides to man up (stop running) and sacrifices himself because the Japanese see that as a noble thing to do when you have dishonored yourself, as he had in the past by acting like a coward. By doing this he is redeemed.

tl;dr it's a Japanese samurai "muh honor" thing.

>> No.5900129

He'd slit his momma's throat for a nickel, so I'd say yeah.

>> No.5900413

The original Japanese line for this was a lot more interesting. It was 'he'd kill his best friend for the right price", which was deeply ironic, since his entire hangup was that he was unable to kill his friend in the end.

>> No.5900542

Thanks Woolsey

>> No.5900547

I always idolized him. Truly free of moral restraint

>> No.5900617

Shh, you'll summon the horde of Woolsey autists.

>> No.5900648
File: 139 KB, 643x648, Interceptor_and_Chibi_Shadow.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And the best dog.

>> No.5900650
File: 102 KB, 1000x739, interceptor.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5900659
File: 1.36 MB, 1920x1080, DFFOO_Interceptor.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5900662

his hind legs look like wheels

>> No.5900708

He's a wheelie good boy

>> No.5900790
File: 131 KB, 868x1000, FFII_Chocobo.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Maybe they are. This is Amano's idea of a chocobo after all

>> No.5900796


>> No.5900798
File: 24 KB, 405x422, Amano_Mog_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

i wish mogs were playable in more games. especially the Ivalice-style mogs.

>> No.5900853

Oh, that's cute.

>> No.5900897
File: 176 KB, 640x797, 64897379_367832387205194_3357785557560848364_n.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

We missed out on him venturing out

>> No.5900952

I don't think that's how legs work.

>> No.5900957

Pinkertons are objectively some of the biggest cucks is history.

>> No.5901051

...even after in the World of Ruin when...you know, NOTHING really mattered but rebuilding?

>> No.5901052

Looks like he ripped it off from Dragon's Heaven.

>> No.5901071

It's about honor, anon. To a Japanese that is everything. He could not face the new world or help in building it until he paid for his past sins. In his mind he had to sudoku to regain his honor.

>> No.5901086
File: 231 KB, 500x800, 8baae0c1fb65f56be2677437d8837a3a.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>shadow left THIS behind

>> No.5901103

>Japan loses war
>Gaining back honor

...something does not add up.

>> No.5901109

>tfw no one will ever pay you to smash in socialist skulls and hunt train bandits with your bros

Moderneity is such a drag

>> No.5902201
File: 598 KB, 857x481, Best FF doggo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Best FF doggo

>> No.5902231

damn, Ridley looks like that?

>> No.5902235

at least she has the dog, haha.

>> No.5902245

if only he was a bit more intelligent and nihilistic *le sigh*

>> No.5902340

Which game is this?

>> No.5902438

It's from the DIssidia Mobile Gacha game "Opera Omnia." Turn based combat (FF10 style) and has characters from the entire series including several spinoffs all stuck together in a warped world together. Lots of fun cut scenes, graphics style is somewhere between psx and ps2 quality, Super heavy on nostalgia and references.