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5894664 No.5894664 [Reply] [Original]

why does Zelda use indian currency?

>> No.5894686
File: 28 KB, 640x400, bottomofthewell2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>designated shitting dungeon

>> No.5894687

They're supposed to be Rubies, but they translated it to Rupee.

>> No.5894689

an npc claims that a man lived there many years back (before child link) and he had the power to see the truth

>> No.5894712
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Because they can't give credit, except if they were a little more...

>> No.5894734

More like Indian currency is so worthless, they had to name it after a fictional one.

>> No.5895103
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because Link is a blond/blue eyes Aryan warrior and as we all know Indians wuz Aryans n shit

>> No.5895107


>> No.5895229

Indians were the original Aryans, and the Zelda series is very pro-Aryan/anti-Semitic.

>> No.5895245


>> No.5895338

Wrong. Link was originally a Christian warrior.

I wish they kept that angle, instead he is a cross dressing puff now.

>> No.5895373

And who do you think were the earliest and most important adopters of Christianism? Aryan gentiles.

>> No.5895378

desert dwellers

>> No.5895391
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For some reason Japan had or has a fascination with India. I guess they see Indian culture as exotic. Hence the popularity of curry and the Indian theme of Doki Doki Panic.

>> No.5895394

Don't forget there's a dungeon in the shape of a swastika, too.

>> No.5895396

Doki Doki is arabic, not indian
Why are americans so fucking stupid?

>> No.5895397

The Roman Catholic Church is in the desert? News to me.

>> No.5895404

near east desert dwellers mostly jews brought this shit to europe

>> No.5895417

Still doesn't change the fact that Christianism has been a part of European/Aryan history, culture and identity for centuries.

>> No.5895428

by that logic everything foreign thats present somewhere is part of the culture and identity if its there long enough. islam is present for many years now in white countries so its part of their culture and identity or what?

>> No.5895437

But what is your argument? That only things made by Aryans can be Aryan? Aryans made Christianity relevant, or did you forget about the crusades, reconquista, etc.

>> No.5895440

is this nigga here unironically talking about aryans

>> No.5895446

>That only things made by Aryans can be Aryan?
yes thats exactly my point.
only things that have their roots in your own people are your culture and identity. no matter what bullshit came from outside how long it was there and how many idiots fallowed it.
besides that inidans have nothing to do with aryans, never had.

>> No.5895468

>very pro-Aryan
I've never heard this take. Please explain?

>> No.5895476

Christianity is a brown-skin desert religion. European culture is paganism. The Greeks and Romans were pagans. The Germanic people and the Scandinavians were also pagans.
Monotheism comes from the desert.

>> No.5895482
File: 77 KB, 285x249, Link_Artwork_(The_Legend_of_Zelda).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Link carried a literal crusader shield and a bible.

>> No.5895483

Reddit take

>> No.5895487

It's true. Monotheism is not a European concept.

>> No.5895489

Who is "they"? In the original Japanese, it's "rupii".

>> No.5895491

Lot s of cool stuff here don't have time or care to remember stuff about lesser nations

>> No.5895495

It's pretty ironic that the series is centered around feminist paganism now.

>> No.5895513

where can i buy these glasses? i want to play poker with them so much

>> No.5895520

Hyrule/hylaia is heaven in pythagoras mystery cult. That's why the triforce are triangles.

>> No.5895523

Saying it's brown skin is a reddit take nerd. That's the same as we wuz kangz shit you really don't understand anthropology.

>> No.5895537

Nobody wants you here.

>> No.5895556
File: 55 KB, 720x720, UWOTM8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>the triforce represents the holy trinity
>the father, the son, and the holy spirit

>> No.5895587

>Christianity is a brown-skin desert religion.
Except within a decade or two after Christ it was already spreading to Rome and developed just as much there as it did in Jerusalem.

>> No.5895604

Nobody wants you here redditor

>> No.5895613

Yeah right faggot India will be superpower by 2030 just watch faggot

>> No.5895617

>a decade or two after Christ it was already spreading to Rome and developed just as much there as it did in Jerusalem.

>> No.5895621
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>> No.5895627
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>pagan LARPer
You guys are a joke, as was your "religion".

>> No.5895628

Paul and Peter. Paul was imprisoned in Rome and would've surely proselytized to his captors. Most historians date at least some of Paul's letters to pre-70 A.D. since none of them mention the destruction of the temple. I've seen 1 Corinthians dated to 56. Likewise, the books attributed to Peter don't mention the temple either, even though it would advantageous for him to say that Jesus predicted the temple would be destroyed. And it's pretty well established from the writings of other first and second century church father writings that Peter became a missionary to Rome.

>> No.5895632

And who do you think the crusaders were? Definitely not the shitskins that invented Christianity.

>> No.5895646

Which is literally ruby

>> No.5895660

I think I lost 20 IQ points reading this shit

>> No.5895674

Intredasting, thanks.

>> No.5895679

Hyrule is based on ancient India, when the blond haired light skinned Aryans commanded a vast green empire. Then Ganon comes from the desert, nigger black and symbolizing the Eternal Poo. He ruins everything, destroys Hyrule, and turns it into a shitty wasteland, just like what happened in real life.

>> No.5895695

If Aryans in India were so great why did they get taken over by the poos then?

>> No.5895701

Strength in numbers. Poos are a plague.

>> No.5895732

Then you're getting that much closer to being redpilled.

>> No.5895734

Why do you think white people are becoming minorities in their own nations? My guess is that their problems were much like ours today. They did away with their old traditions. They embraced liberalism and classlessness in their society. White guilt drove them to acts of malignant altruism that only served to ruin them. Racial sadists and masochists came to power and got off on denigrating their own people while worshiping nonwhitess.

>> No.5895736

What the fuck is this /v/pol/ shit on my board?
Underages need to go back.

>> No.5895737

Whites are the only group of people with collective guilt to be exploited by the jews.

>> No.5895740

I'm 30 sieg Heil my nigger

>> No.5895772

Please tell me you're only pretending.

>> No.5896719
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Good, soon you'll overflow into redpill IQ territory.

>> No.5896867

Why don't you just look it up, retard

>> No.5896890

This is awesome, and actually makes a lot of sense.

>> No.5896907

>hence the popularity of curry
anon...there's a historical reason behind that, it's not them being interested in indian culture. also, what >>5895396 said (magic carpets anyone?)

>> No.5896908

Educated Japanese people understand India was once a great nation with highly advanced knowledge and culture. The people who tried to erase it and their knowledge were not Indian.

>> No.5896912

>own people
>still believing in muh racial purity in 2019
unless you live a remote town in the netherlands that has never had any contact with outsiders chances are that you aren't a pure-blooded "aryan"

>> No.5896915

Whenever or whatever that was...nothing of it remains today.

>> No.5896917

>blonde hair
>white feature
>what are native australians

>> No.5896926
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>its the current year so races dont exist anymore
kill yourself braindead retard

>> No.5896956

What happened with 2020?

>> No.5896972

Which is why they make games and shit featuring aspects of it. It's literally probably the only place you can see historical shit from India presented in a good and interesting light, even their own period piece movies remove all the actual culture and uniqueness then turn it into a Pirates of the Caribbean or Matrix type of film. Same as you will never hear about any of the Old Gods, culture and traditions of other places besides in Japanese works (besides stuff that just uses Greek, Roman, Egyptian names for their dumbass characters, etc...).

>> No.5896981

Do you think you're better or more valuable to society than that guy in the picture? Because you're really not, you're literally the person who should kill themselves.

>> No.5896993

The Japanese seem to be a pretty pure race. And have a very clean, efficient and successful society with extremely low crime.

>> No.5897000

Don't worry, your masters deliberately try to crush their economy and your nerds flock to the country and infest it like the colored people you complain so much about do to you.

>> No.5897008

>efficient and successful society with extremely low crime
That's really just how they present themselves, their criminal justice system is actually a complete joke with an *extremely* suspicious 99% conviction rate, and their sky high suicide rate is almost certainly a cover for unsolved deaths and murders.

>> No.5897015

>infest it like the colored people you complain so much about do to you.
Except it's not anywhere near in the same league, numbers wise.

>> No.5897137

Us conviction rate is just as much if a joke. If you're not filthcrime. It going viral with the naacp you're not getting off from any crine.

>> No.5897146

Civnat cucks are fucking embarrassing

>> No.5897152

Ruby is ルビー (rubī)
Rupee is ルピー (rupī)

>> No.5897171

He probably is. I'm sure that guy is a very nice person but he's also a massive drain on resources. Some people just have more value than others anon were not all equally valuable just let go of that lie right now

>> No.5897181

>the leddit hive mind banishes thee!

Fuck off retard

>> No.5897197

Are you kidding me?

Advances in astronomy, mathematics, the Buddhist religion and more all came from the original Aryan civilization on the Indian subcontinent.

No pire aryans exist today, but their spirit lives on. Aryans influence results in cultures of selflessness, creation, and cultural progress and is diametrically opposed to Judaic "values" of rootless parasitic consumerism, destruction, and skullduggery. Aryans create and Jews destroy. Though I'm not an aryan by blood, I still chose to uphold their values as a bulwark against Semitic filth.

>> No.5897218
File: 2.60 MB, 540x304, trying to not laugh.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5897341

in sanskrit, 'rupya' means either 'formed/shaped silver' as in a silver coin (from 'ruup' for 'to shape' and 'piia' for 'silver') which, over time, came to be used more generally to mean 'something of value' IE money.
this is why many former and current currencies have names which are direct descendants and/or cognates of 'rupya' such as russia's ruble, india's/bengladesh'/sri lanka's/nepal's etc rupee, indonesia's rupiah, maldives rufiya etc etc etc

my guess would be someone at nintendo is either a curryboo or a fan of linguistics. or just fucking liked the sound of the word.

>> No.5897373

you guys put more thought into it than ninty ever did.

>> No.5897378

>anime reaction images

go dialate

>> No.5897428
File: 59 KB, 392x293, tonnura.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>a-a-anime on muh 4chan
Come back when you're 18, kid. Actually, make it 25.

>> No.5897601

>or just fucking liked the sound of the word
Here is your answer.
That's literally how 99% of naming conventions in Jap games goes.

>> No.5897605

The things you list as "Aryan" are in fact Dravidian. Aka the people bunch of filthy cattle ranchers conqured and got branded as "inferior" by the barbarian elite.
Including of course being "original civilization". Aryans were pretty much the Indian equivalent of Germanic hordes of subhumans taking over Roman ruins, only in different time period.

>> No.5897608
File: 203 KB, 1232x2974, aryan germans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Aryans were pretty much the Indian equivalent of Germanic hordes of subhumans taking over Roman ruins, only in different time period.
Ergo this.

>> No.5897630

>complaining about anime on an anime website
>can't even spell his faggot buzzword right

Blow your fucking brains out.

>> No.5897675

Pretty sure magic carpets are Persian, not Arabic, originating with Sheherazad, which is very, very Persian. It's common to mistake/confuse Persian, Arabian and Indian cultural examples. Even Persians and Arabs do it to this day. Do you have any idea how many Arab and Arabised cultures think samosas originated with them and not in India? Hint: it's pretty much all of them.

If you wanna be technical, it's more likely Mughlai than anything. The Mughals combined aspects of Arabian, Persian and Indian cultures.

Japan has had an interest in India and, to a lesser extent, Sri Lanka and Nepal, from shortly after Buddhism entered grolious Nippon and they learned its Indic origin. They've been sending monks there for centuries. The most recent example of Indo/Jap relations I can think of is the Indian judge during the WWII trials. The Japanese built a statue to him somewhere over there.
Oddly, as far as I can tell, the Chinese, who introduced Buddhism to Japan in the first place, never really cared much about its provenence.

>> No.5897679

Notice how there are no toilets in Hyrule.

>> No.5897750

Not him but stop calling this place an anime site you fuckin faggots. That's like calling 2ch an anime site. This is just as much an "anime site" as it is a "Manga site" "origami site" and every other topic a board exists for. You anime centric weaboos just need to fucking die you entire understanding of everything is through an anime filter and it's caused you all to become fuckin retarded.

>> No.5897754

Martin Luther was right salvation is a free gift granted by the grace of God it's laid out pretty clearly in john 3:16

>> No.5897769

He is, but goddamn that was so much bloodshed.

>> No.5897781

Also I'd like to add the first world War was a war of British aggression. Germany had legitimate claims to the territories they invaded and england were a bunch of butthurt fags and didn't want Germany to surpass them as the supreme European super power. Also why they fucked over Germany in the treaty of Versailles to try and keep them down even though Austria started it

>> No.5897790

wow, anon
you sound madder than shizuo heiwajima when he sees izaya orihara doin' stuff. hope you feel better. ლ(´﹏`ლ)

>> No.5897792

I'd believe that actually (The Eternal Anglo), do you have a source where I can read about it?

>Also why they fucked over Germany in the treaty of Versailles to try and keep them down even though Austria started it
Mind France was in on that gangbang as well.
The Treaty Of Versailles was probably not a very good idea.

Shut the fuck up, faggot.

>> No.5897798

>calling that dickhead a faggot
Hey asshole. I'm a faggot and I sure as fuck don't want that dickhead associated with me.

>> No.5897826

I dunno read some material on europe leading up to the first world war, thats what I did and kind of just put the pieces together. The unification of germany scared the fuck out of england, and threw the european balance of power that had existed since the congress of vienna in 1815 sideways. England wanted to be top dog and were scared of the germans after they saw the ass whoopin they handed france in the franco prussian war

>> No.5897832

Faggot means a lot of things, are you a faggot or are you a faggot?

>> No.5897835

Je suis le president de Burundi.

>> No.5897861

>implying anyone gives a shit about interpretation since they can just play the ONLY WE CAN TRULY UNDERSTAND THE WORD OF GOD card

>> No.5897863

when did this board get infested with dick lovers

>> No.5897870

Are you new to 4chan?

>> No.5897871

Why did you make a thread with racist intention on /vr/?

>> No.5897974

>"For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life."

not really any room for interpretation any other way there, nice try though sodomite

>> No.5897976

There's no reason a sodomite can't worship god.

>> No.5898008

I'm sure some of them will find some other way to interpret it, they always do.

>> No.5898034

true, that redditor fucks butt with no remorse tho


>> No.5898078

Objection. Assumes facts not in evidence.

>> No.5898119

Pretty interesting question, can't wait to read the thread.


>> No.5898149

>Ruby is ルビー (rubī)
>Rupee is ルピー (rupī)
To be fair to the other anon, the Japanese for those two words is pretty fucking close to identical. Which would support the theory that it was supposed to be rubies but one or more person involved in the game ended up making it rupees instead.

>> No.5898165

What is Persia for $500 Alex?

Making such broad generalizations about unique historical events (dude Indo-Aryans and Germanics are the same) is peak psuedointellectualism, but if you did have to be an Eurocentric idiot who needs a direct analogy to understand foreign historical events, the Aryan conquest of India was more similar to the Norman conquest of England in the way that both races (Normans and Saxons/Aryans and Dravidians) maintained a somewhat separated culture for generations that eventually found a synthesis over time. A lot more happened in European history between Rome and the Victorian Age. Read a book sometime.

First of all, no one was talking about germanics, they were talking about the historic aryans who were the forerunners of the Persians and Indo-Aryans.

Martin Luther was right, the Catholic Church was corrupt, decadent, and given to idolatry.

World War One had victims on every side. The leaders who instigated the war and sent the youth to die in the trenches were the villains. Are you really going to be an apologist for the Tsarist regime just because they were on the Allied side, or the British and French who used millions of third worlders as slave labor at that time?

>> No.5898175

>Are you really going to be an apologist for the Tsarist regime just because they were on the Allied side, or the British and French who used millions of third worlders as slave labor at that time?
No, I will shit on them too.

>> No.5898215

Sony's been in bed with Indian entertainment for several decades, so cheap bollywood stuff and indian pop culture naturally leaked over.

On top of amiable political relationship, its only natural some Japanese creators would think "hey, this indian thing is neat, i'm inspired"

>> No.5898225

>Legend Of Zelda

>> No.5898235

Why the fuck would you spend the time to make up this shit.

>> No.5898402

there is one in termina

>> No.5899220

Chrono Cross Termina > Failduh Termina

>> No.5899667
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And so you throw out Maccabees and leave the very church founded by Christ Himself? Nice.

>> No.5899757

Christ didn't start catholocism. Wut

>> No.5900504

Those are the same fucking moon symbols?
ビ ピ

>> No.5900510

Aryans arent a race, its a title. The Aryans were a class of Indians. Albino Indians make up most current europeans EXCEPT for blonde nordics. Nordics are pure albino africans.