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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5889287 No.5889287 [Reply] [Original]

Ask an N64 fan what his favorite games are, you'll get the same exact 20 games. Ask a PSX fan and you'll get a unique list every time.

>> No.5889293

it's because n64 was the original nogaemz console

>> No.5889298

What if you had both consoles?

>> No.5889309

Ban 5th gen from /vr/.

>> No.5889320

Then you're not a faggot fanboy.


>> No.5889325

>Ask a PSX fan and you'll get a unique list every time.
Not true. Even though PS1 does have more variety, most people always mention the same shit: MGS, Crash, Tekken, Resident Evil, Final Fantasy VII...
Seeing an actual original PS1 list is as hard as seeing an original N64 list. Most people like the same 20 or 30 really popular games and rarely venture outside of it.

>> No.5889327

>unique list
I'm a playstation fan, i liked
Crash trilogy
Final Fantasy 7 + 8
Gran Turismo

>> No.5889328

Quality vs quantity.

Nothing like OoT.


Even like it.

>> No.5889334

>Ask an N64 fan what his favorite games are, you'll get the same exact 20 games.
Which 20?

>> No.5889339

This is a very dumb argument,anon.

>> No.5889342

>nothing like OOT
What is Majoras Mask?

>> No.5889345

Name a semi open world third person RPG with real time combat on PSX
Majoras Mask is also on N64

>> No.5889346

20 games is a large number, i can narrow it down to 5
Mario Kart

>> No.5889351

Twenty really is a large number, I can barely think of ten I'd consider my favorites for either console.

>> No.5889352

n64 literally has no games.

neither did the gamecube really, it had like 5 worth playing. 3 if you don't like mario or zelda.

>> No.5889358

>Name a semi open world third person RPG with real time combat on PSX
Silent Hill

>> No.5889360

unga bunga n64 bad

>> No.5889362

people are still pretending OoT in the year or our Lord 2019 huh

>> No.5889363

Godammit phone keyboard, you fucked me

>> No.5889371

You don’t visit shops, keep track of money or increase stats (like health) over the length of the game. I can’t even remember if Silent Hill has an inventory system. If it does, it’s very rudimentary.

>> No.5889373
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>> No.5889378

>it's another nintendo fanboy falseflag thread to make it seem like anti-N64 guys are brainless
getting really tired of all these falseflag console war shitposts.

>> No.5889423

>PS1 fans aren't actually retarded!! its a false flag!

>> No.5889434

Legacy of Kain Soul Reaver

>> No.5889442

I hate that my game has backtracking durrr

>> No.5889456

Does it matter at all?
Both systems are dead.
Sony markets a shitty gimped AMD PC loaded down with DRM and manufactured by Foxconn.
Nintendo makes a gimped Nvidia Shield, also manufactured by Foxconn.
Sony makes shitty-ass movies full of AIDS and faggotry.
Nintendo sells itself out to app stores and Universal Studios(???).

>> No.5889463

It's a comment from another thread, even

>> No.5889509
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Then your parents must've been trying real hard to hide the fact their marriage was falling apart and distracted you with multiple toys. The only thing you accomplished is weird flexing about it on a mongolian basket weaving restroom graffiti, meanwhile Sonychads became successful adults while Nincels continue to live with their still married parents.

>> No.5889520

Or just waited until the end of the generation when console prices went down considerably.

>> No.5889521
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>> No.5889537

Id say of all Nintendo consoles that succeeded it it has more games then any other the GameCube has more games but their all multiplats, and run better on the Xbox. and the Wii is all shovelware.

>> No.5889538

The consoles were shared among the household, my parents weren't going to buy things that expensive if they weren't going to use them too.

>> No.5889543

based nintendo fanboy falseflagging as a sonygger

>> No.5889563
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>20 timeless games vs 1000 mediocre at best games


>> No.5889571

silhouette mirage is better than the entire library of the N64

>> No.5889575

mischief makers shits all over that game and also has the superior waifu protagonist.

>> No.5890042

For N64 in no particular order.

Paper Mario
Mario kart
Starfox 64
Conkers Bad Fur Day.

Yes SM64 is amazing I just have more "feels" for these. Regardless I havent seen that top 5 here so whats your point again OP?

>> No.5890228

What does that prove?

>> No.5890415

Healing items and ammunition are the currency that you keep track of. If Zelda is an rpg and you play the role of Link, then Silent Hill is an rpg and you play the role of Harry.

>> No.5890421

in zelda you level up by getting hart containers and pieces. you can't in silent hill.

>> No.5890426

False. In Silent Hill you level up by stock piling an arsenal of ammo and health items.

>> No.5890454

>semi open world third person RPG
N64 has no such thing either

>> No.5890486

>Name a semi open world third person RPG with real time combat on PSX
By that you mean a standard action-adventure game? Come on dude

>> No.5890576

Aidyn chronicles?

>> No.5890616

>you'll get the same exact 20 games.

Well, there were only about 20 games made for the console.

>> No.5890628

By my count there are closer to 45 good N64 games a person may reasonably see on such a list.

>> No.5890630

We are all forgetting that "Gauntlet: Legends" is the superior 3rd person RPG with real time combat on the N64

>> No.5890638
File: 858 KB, 1645x2200, Electronic Gaming Monthly Issue 106 May 1998 page 001.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>underages still triggered people call Zelda an RPG

>> No.5890640

>jarpig revolution
cringe and soipilled

>> No.5890645

>gaming journalists were as detached from gaming back then as they are now

>> No.5890723
File: 40 KB, 400x300, kingsley adventure_snap.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Nothing like OoT.
Kingsley 's Adventure is literally an OOT clone and the fact that no one in this thread even mentioned it just goes to doubly prove how diverse the PS1 library is

>> No.5892340

Really? My favourite N64 game was Hydro Thunder.
In their defence, they likely played only a handful of games on the system.

>> No.5892552

Oh yeah, I love tank controls on a fucking game where you have to do precision jumping like a retard. Totally reminds me of OoT

>> No.5892586

but you don't understand anon, quantity>quality.

>> No.5892634

Look up lists of top PS1 games, whether it be on GameFAQs, journalism sites, ROM sites, etc. Literally 10 games ever appear. No one remembers the system for anything other than the same small list of JRPGs.

>> No.5892640

This kek

>> No.5892647

20 games for N64? You're being pretty generous for a shtpost.

>> No.5892864

The whole quality vs quantity argument is so fucking dumb I can't imagine people using it for anything other than shitposting. Just try applying that logic to any other system, like
>Yeah Virtual Boy HAZ NO GAEMS but there's WARIO LAND, that one single thing makes it le BEST (not) handheld ever

>> No.5892869

Beetle adventure racing
Rogue squadron
Doom 64
Pokemon snap

>> No.5892895

Nobody will claim that Virtual Boy is the best console ever, but it's true that its 20 or so games are mostly all ranging from decent to great. It's funny but VB might actually be the console with the best good:bad ratio of games.
I think the only actual bad game there is Waterworld.

>> No.5892902

Space Station Silicon Valley
Buck Bumble
Jet Force Gemini
Mischief Makers
Super Smash Bros

>> No.5892915

>20 games

I think that's being exceptionally generous. There are maybe 5 good games for that system. It's no wonder everyone's lists are the same. There just isn't anything to work with, especially for RPG fans. They just got totally screwed with Nintendo that generation.

>> No.5892919
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N64 is all about shared experiences. I get why that causes rabid fandom. But you know what? Fuck other human beings.

I LIKE weird niche games.

>> No.5892920

>It's no wonder everyone's lists are the same.
Except that's not true.
Some people like 3D platformers, some others don't.
Some people like racing games, some other don't.
Some people like FPSs, some others don't.
Some people like RPGs, some others don't.
People have already posted different lists itt and they don't look the same, but honestly, every system always have the same top 20 or so games, the ones that are universally acclaimed. It happens on N64, and it happens on PS1. PS1 might have a lot of "jayden jemz" (as does N64, although in less quantity), but they never make it to most lists.

>> No.5892921

Parasite Eve isn't an RPG either. It's a semi-turn based Resident Evil clone.

>> No.5893436

>lol im gonna post my n64 hate thread again!
>I'll just switch the title and text!
>They'll never know!
You are a 100% faggot. Stop posting these threads every damn day

>> No.5893439

That's because most people played what their mom's gave them and start saying were the best ones on the system later.

>> No.5893440

Parasite Eve 2 is though

>> No.5893493

It's time to stop posting Gramps.

>> No.5893510
File: 120 KB, 220x220, Threads_of_Fate_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This one it even comes with no fmv perfect rival

>> No.5893659

>reading comprehension

>> No.5893682

PE2 > shit > PE3 > PE1

Change my mind.

>> No.5893685

I like tomb Raider 3 and 4, metal slug x, Worms world party, valkyrie profile and Vagrant Story

>> No.5893697

The same way there could be people whose favorite N64 games are Mystical Ninja 1 and 2, Worms Armageddon, Hybrid Heaven and Bangai-O.
But most people would include stuff like Zelda instead of Goemon, and most people would include Final Fantasy games instead of Vagrant Story or Valkyrie Profile.

>> No.5893721

stop molesting children you fucking geek

>> No.5893723
