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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5883591 No.5883591 [Reply] [Original]

>vaguely industrial or urban settings
>prerendered backgrounds
>dark tone with cozy safe spots
I feel like there are so many of them, but none are coming to mind for the next Let's Play that I watch.

>> No.5883680
File: 273 KB, 512x512, Sector7-ffvii.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5883683

Resident Evil games

>> No.5883689

Let's dig deeper gents

>> No.5883691

LAPD Future Cop

>> No.5883758

Digimon World.

>> No.5883764

Pokemon is better

>> No.5883776

I know a good one and bad one that vaguely fit that description.
>fear effect 1 - 2
>countdown vampires
if you expand your search to include dos games you might have more luck
>blade runner
>gorky 17

>> No.5883816

Not really pre-rendered but:
Overblood 1&2

>> No.5883836

>burnt dead body in the middle of the room
>parrot jump-scare
>creepy diary talking about demon summining
>"""""cozy safe spot"""""

>> No.5883846

>demon summining

>> No.5883853 [DELETED] 

Comfyness obsession from vr population is quite bluffing, its like you're all some very frail and fragile dorks in search for a safespace.




>> No.5884068

pre rendered backgrounds like this were expensive, so you won't find too many games with this specific style on the ps1 unfortunately. you'll have way more luck with comfy industrial/urban settings if you're willing to go back to 16 bit instead. The only ones that jump to mind that haven't been mentioned are Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis and Gorky 17 (kinda). None of them are niche.

>> No.5884080

>The only ones that jump to mind that haven't been mentioned are Parasite Eve
Maybe you should check the OP image again. Also OP is a giant faggot.

>> No.5884095
File: 35 KB, 735x541, 32536.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Oh my gawd, I made a typo, oh my gaaawd, where is that mspaint comic, oh here it is, there you go.

>> No.5884187

tough luck pal

>> No.5884507

Why would they be expensive lol, they are just drawn backgrounds. There is literally nothing the character is walking on besides a flat plane in black space. It would be cheaper if anything.

>> No.5884514

>pre rendered backgrounds like this were expensive, so you won't find too many games with this specific style on the ps1 unfortunately. you'll have way more luck with comfy industrial/urban settings if you're willing to go back to 16 bit instead. The only ones that jump to mind that haven't been mentioned are Parasite Eve, Dino Crisis and Gorky 17 (kinda). None of them are niche.
Fine, name more. Also on the PC there are some that would fit this category with prerendered backgrounds, like the Longest Journey and probably some other adventure games I can't think of.


>> No.5884583

In cold blood

>> No.5885081
File: 350 KB, 1280x567, 32157[1].png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will never ever find a tamer game as interesting and complex as Digimon World
And you will never ever find a Pokemon game as good looking as World 1

>> No.5885090

people like to repeat this meme. same with sprites being more expensive (they aren't)

>> No.5885106

About 90% of the comments here are borderline retarded, can't tell if trolling.

>> No.5885215


>> No.5885263

Thanks for quoting the posts that you have a problem with and explaining why. As it stands your post is just extraordinarily helpful :eyeroll:

>> No.5885281

complexity isn't necessarily what is liked, I enjoyed pokemon gen 1 and 2 before it bloated with monsters and got too intricate in raising a party

>> No.5885293

Post a screenshot or I will NEVER watch a LP of it.

>> No.5885328

stop posting cringe

>> No.5885335


>> No.5885338

fuck outta here with your poke cringe bro

>> No.5885339

why don't you fuck off and get a life dipshit

>> No.5885363

stop posting cringe
stop posting cringe

>> No.5885520

These are all me btw

>> No.5885563

In Cold Blood
Parasite Eve
(both on PS1)

>> No.5885564

Syberia 1 & 2

>> No.5885575

Really, no one in this thread has told him to fuck off after talking about watching a Let's Play? So either it's just bait or you're all zoomers who don't play games.

>> No.5885583

How else do you experience old games? I never played them as a kid; I always watched my friends or brothers play them, especially the scary ones. LP's are the best way to simulate that experience because I don't really have friends anymore.

>> No.5885602

that's so cringe

>> No.5885765

just shit my pants a little lads

>> No.5885767

As far as A E S T H E T I C goes, Vagrant Story is near the top of my list for any generation. Not sure if I'd call it comfy though

>> No.5885937

they aren't even remotely comparable games but some idiot will always say something like this without fail, just because the names of the franchises are similar

>> No.5886459

Wow that is some pretty advanced-level cope for a digifag

>> No.5886647

OK all retards can GET OUT because I actually am getting some pretty good recommendations ITT. Not the OP, but still a based topic idea. Why was the gritty industrial look so popular on PS1? Was there some technical limitation reason for leaning toward this style?

>> No.5886682

>Was there some technical limitation reason for leaning toward this style?

Metal Gear 1-2 were jungle themed, but they realized the PS couldn't handle that. Instead they went for Alaska since the terrain is so much simpler. Snow, + industrial military base. All nice hard flat edges.

MGS3 returned to jungle entirely because they could finally do it.

>> No.5886694

i love both series, digimon world is nothing like pokemon games
digimon world is an adventure game with tamagotchi mechanics whereas pokemon is at its core a traditional turn-based rpg

>> No.5887964


>> No.5887967
File: 300 KB, 1280x694, MV5BMzNiMDk4MmMtNzU1Zi00MGY2LTliZDktYmViMDU0ZTZhY2ZiXkEyXkFqcGdeQXVyNDAxOTExNTM@._V1_.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>How else do you experience old games?
By playing them.

>> No.5887971

So you're just a dick who thinks you're superior to everyone else?

>> No.5887975

No. I just enjoy playing video games. Why are you here if you don't play them?

>> No.5887978

I want to be "comfy"

>> No.5888959

did cloud really have to go back and kill the dress store owner just because they said he looked good in a dress?

>> No.5889042
File: 40 KB, 639x361, Septerra Core.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Septerra Core (PC, 1999).

Checks every box, but beware, you spend an inordinate amount of time in combat in this game.

>> No.5889104

Redpill me on this game. Never heard of it

>> No.5889314

Looks like a FFVII ripoff desu. Hard pass.

>> No.5889321

Dino Crisis isn’t prerendered

>> No.5889380
File: 16 KB, 640x616, 1568450956300.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

There is literally nothing comfy about watching some 12 year old play video games on YouTube

>> No.5889431

Fuck you

>> No.5889441
File: 63 KB, 640x480, JohnnyCross.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

As aways, the answer is Chrono Cross

>> No.5889567

I mean, this is basically the "I'm looking for FF7likes" thread.

Septerra Core doesn't really have any hard similarities to FF7 outside of the artistic direction.

>> No.5889692

It seems like it was a common art style during that era in general, espeically on PSX. Crash Bandicoot is like the only game that had vibrant colors. Everything else was industrial-core. MGS, FFVII, FFVIII, RE series, Dino Crisis, Parasite Eve, plus everything else named in this thread.


During the Xbox or PS3 era everything was just brown post apocalyptic shit, so I'm thinking it's one of those directions nudged along by popular taste as well as hardware limitations. For whatever reason meat factories rendered well on the Playstation.

>> No.5889697

I don't think I've ever seen someone this mad on 4chan, ever.

>> No.5889706

I dunno that it fits the “cozy” point. The Monsaic Lines portion and maybe the Paramonia intro are fairly benign wilderness portions, but on the whole the game is pretty hostile. Though it is cozy for me just because the game has a huge nostalgia factor; even the most harsh environments there are comforting in some way for me.

>> No.5889710

Don't mind that faggot. I know exactly where you're coming from. I had an older brother that I'd experience games with. I have fond memories if watching him play RE1 and 2 while shitting my fuckikg pants out of fear. I've actually been watching Carcinogen's let's plays, which along with his commentary, pretty well simulates that experience.

>> No.5889738

One I'd recommend for survival horror LP's in particular is AgentJR. I'll check out your guy.

>> No.5889771

Jade Cocoon

>> No.5889786

Isn't that a porn star

>> No.5890339

Why would a pornstar have "Cocoon" in their name?

>> No.5890437

Star ocean 2 might an answer.

>> No.5890495

Kind of off topic but
Black Mirror (PC)
The Longest Journey(PC)
Hard Edge(PS1)

>> No.5890879

Why was The Longest Journey so "diverse" for its time? Is it because it was Swedish? Every white woman has a black boyfriend.

>> No.5890884

Played it when it came out.
Clunky kinda fun but it was very hard from what i remember.

>> No.5891038

Let's plays of retrogames are not comfy, either they're gameplays of stretched, choppy and shit emulation or some annoying fuck ruining the experience of the gaming talking bullshit nonstop

>> No.5891469

It's Norwegian, and to my knowledge no characters you interact with have a black boyfriend.

bear in mind that TLJ takes place in 2209 after some vague societal collapse so take from that what you will

>> No.5891750


>> No.5891892

You ok anon

>> No.5892002

I just think it's interesting as I play through

>> No.5892004


>> No.5892054

Sorry that was from another thread where I was mad.

>> No.5892532

The problem isn't the talking; it's that the people doing the talking are stupid autistic boomers.

>> No.5894384
File: 28 KB, 750x498, 1563490527181.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Misspelled zoomers by the way. Sorry I'm dumb

>> No.5894578

I think you're confusing it with the male porn actor Jake Cocoom