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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 35 KB, 480x360, kknd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5886940 No.5886940 [Reply] [Original]

Does anyone remember this gem? Also old RTS thread

>> No.5886945


>> No.5886956

Didn't enjoyed picrelated (KKnD) back then in my 11 yo. It just was too hard, when Starcraft Terrans campaign had perfect difficulty.

Also was playing its pirated russian translation, where Russian and Ukrainian was fighting over pigs meat. It was super-hilarious at the time (and less hilarious now, sorry for the /pol/).

Recently played Dune2 on Mega Drive (played only DOS version before) and it is surprisingly polished and plays very well with controller.

>> No.5886962

sure do

>> No.5887004
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Was blown away by graphics in picrelared. Just got Pentium 2 with Voodoo around that time it appeared. Full floating camera. Hills and trees. Day and night. Weather effects (snow in the morning). Tanks turn lights on in the dark. Boats and helicopters.

It had no balance whatsoever (and generally unpolished - too much stuff included, like lazers), but the atmosphere was superb, and who cares about the balance in single player.

Also its russian voice acting was the absolute best I've ever seen, much better than english one (for russians campaign).

I think it was a swansong of C&C clones.

Still play it once in couple of years.

>> No.5887007
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Played this version

>> No.5887094

Name? What sets it apart from other cnc clones?

>> No.5887096

>It had no balance whatsoever (and generally unpolished - too much stuff included, like lazers)
Go on

>> No.5887151
File: 13 KB, 204x204, War wind.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Recently played Dune2 on Mega Drive (played only DOS version before) and it is surprisingly polished and plays very well with controller.
It's been a long, long time since Dune2, but I seem to recall trying to replay it and just getting frustrated with how difficult it is to coordinate attacks, since you can only select one unit at a time and a strike force will frequently run into the low dozens of units.

For my own submission, I'd pick pic related. Kind of a shame the balance was so crap, but it had some really neat ideas that were definitely ahead of their time.

>> No.5887173
File: 130 KB, 1024x768, p1_2007466_cc5fd52e.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Earth 2150

A lot of additional stuff is included - you make tanks from blueprints - choosing base and guns. Can do fake tanks without guns (cheap, can distract the opponent). Campaign witb a story and a global base accessible from the mission with transport helicopter.

Lazer weapons - feature of russians - must be obtained in a separate mission, where you ard digging an underground tunnel to the old abandoned secret base. Lazers after that are very powerful - they dont do ordinary damage, but heat up the opponent tank/mech and it explodes in 10 secs (unless get off the lazer).

Russians use tanks and helicopters. Americans use walking mechs that can be equipped with mortars - more damagd than guns, but can be evaded by micro. Japanese use floating macines a-la F-Zero and electricity charge cannons.

Units can be grouped into squads (with a name and single command). Active pause (like in baldurs gate) - can move camera and give orders during the pause.

All this in 1999, was playing UT and this with a "future is here" feeling at that time.

>> No.5887310

Thank me later

>> No.5887416

Was that on a PC Gamer demo disc?

>> No.5887485

Satisfying, however, I much preferred Dune 2000

>> No.5887494

Command and Conquer was great especially the not retro Red Alert. It has that pixel animation charm to it.

>> No.5887603

Earth 2150 was golden. The music was fucking great, the graphics were really good for the time and the atmosphere was spot on. And the game had nice pitch-black humour too. Eurasian Dynasty was every "evil socialist" trope rolled into one and played up for laughs, United Civilized States were hilariously derpy and trigger happy, with their robots being essentially retarded cylons and my favourite was Lunar Corporation. The all-female peaceful scientists from the moon that came to Earth to negotiate peace between warring factions because of enviromental crisis - and got immediately BTFOd by ED and UCS. The humour comes from the idea that they have to fight in a war but don't know how. Also, some of the LC personnel never saw a man before.

>> No.5887793

thought it was dark reign from the thumbnail but KKND fuckin' rocks
I'd say I agree. for what it's worth, dark reign 2 had the full floating camera hills and trees thing also and came out at like the exact same time.
both are overlooked gems.

>> No.5887794

>he didnt play earth 2140 that didnt have lunar faction
>he doesn't realize they're not from the moon but they left earth after the 3rd world war

>> No.5887893

Not retro

>> No.5888007
File: 121 KB, 960x480, why-2028047_960_720.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

> Not retro

> In the German market, Earth 2150 debuted in 22nd place on Media Control's computer game sales rankings for November 1999.

Besides the date, it is the freaking essence for the overcomplicated (anti-streamlined) C&C clone from late 90s.

>> No.5888040

I ought to check it out now. Thanks anon

>> No.5888073

>r*ddit spacing
Why are Germans such cancerous retards? I am surprised you didn't shit up the thread with your retarded emojis yet.

>> No.5888074

Thoughs on OpenRA?
also a month ago i've played the first C&C and the music... my god the music is great!

>> No.5888082
File: 44 KB, 650x650, 1566195805190.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>gets destroyed
>maybe if i bait him hard enough i'll derrail the thread
>r-rreddit! Cancer!
Stop trying to ruin an rts discussion and get out. The game was released in 1999 and there is nothing you can do about it, nigger.

>> No.5888086

I hate people saying not retro like it means anything. They can't contribute jackshit.

>> No.5888095
File: 18 KB, 340x340, 1495021013836.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Seething mutt detected

>> No.5888257

I posted the first time in the thread, how did I get destroyed, you retarded newfag?

>> No.5888264

Then you are a troll who walked in with the intent of ruining the thread. Shut up.

>> No.5888270


Neck yourself, teen.

>> No.5888303

2150 is now retro

>> No.5888336

Who cares about your shitty east European budget RTS? This thread is for AAA big dick American chad games.

>> No.5888346

You first, sweatie :)

>> No.5888349

KKnD was made by aussies

>> No.5888510

Still have the "what the hell" voice line for the buggy (I think) from KKND2 in my head.

>> No.5889229
File: 115 KB, 1024x768, earth-2150-the-moon-project-5.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Need more nice screenshots

>> No.5889961
File: 160 KB, 1024x768, 55646924.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5890506

I fucking loved KKND (especially second game, that soundtrack damn) and Earth 2150.

>> No.5891009
File: 110 KB, 220x260, Dark_Reign_-_The_Future_of_War_Coverart.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I still feel bad for that thing. It had a huge potential but Starcraft happened.

>> No.5891307
File: 447 KB, 1280x800, Screenshot (1).png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


agree, starcraft also killed this genius innovation

>> No.5891312

Still salty that the GoG version is broken

Somehow I was the only kid playing this back then

>> No.5891326


I was big into it when I was 9ish or so. I actually got into TA:K a few years later. There's an active community for both to an extent. One of the lead designers actually just had an interview about all the comfy times during making those games.

>> No.5891561

similar to openRA

>> No.5891625

It was revived later with SupCom and still lives to this day with FaF and that other ripoff

>> No.5891664

>the GoG version is broken
I have a GoG version and finished campaign, including Raise of the Shadowhand not long ago and don't encounter any real problems, maybe with the exception of stuttering music from time to time.
Are you sure you are not thinking about DR2?
but it's shit sequel anyway

>> No.5892012

Been replaying AoE2 while waiting for AoE2: DE and holy shit the fucking Saladdin campaign is so ball-busting hard. People always seemed to bitch about the Attila campaign but that one is a huge cakewalk. Honestly, all the Conquerors campaigns and scenarios feel much easier than the classic AoK ones. I'm up to the Horns of Hattin mission and I'm having a really hard time with it

>> No.5892042

I have to admit it's been ages since AoE2, but I don't remember having trouble with any of the Saladin missions other than the last one which you can cheese if you're desperate. About the only major trick I remember is that the Mamluks look impressive but their ranged attack is too short ranged to be truly useful, and I got a lot more mileage out of good old fashioned horse archers and camels. I don't remember any particular trouble with missions 1-5.

>> No.5893313

Anyone play Space Clash? Played the shit out of this when I was a kid, though instead of playing it properly like a war sim I'd play on a map for hours and hours and create the biggest wealthiest empire and have alliances with everyone.
