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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5880475 No.5880475 [Reply] [Original]

How the FUCK did they get away with this?

Was it just a con to force people to buy a guide book or were they just taking the piss

>> No.5880495

Game is easy shit already your completionist OCD ass doesn't even need to obtain the Zero's saber.

>> No.5880503

It's Mozart

>> No.5880518

God forbid you might be learning something.

>> No.5880545

>"Was it just a con to force people to buy a guide book"
It's called go to the library and learn some history, anon.

>> No.5880549

Yes, it was a crafty ploy to get kids to read an encyclopedia.

>> No.5880551

omg you dunderhead its called REAL knowledge

zoomers these days!!!

>> No.5880552
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where could i have found this in a library in 1999

>> No.5880554

who doesnt know hungry like the wolf?
are you genuinely fucking retarded?

>> No.5880557
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how about this

>> No.5880560
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>8 year old me looking at this shit

>> No.5880567
File: 82 KB, 939x677, Screenshot_7.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm curious to see a fan translated version of the japanese quiz. surely its not the same

>> No.5880573

This is Millionaire tier shit

>> No.5880587

In the CD rental section. Or an encyclopedia. Or on the Internet on a computer. Or in any number of books on music history. I can’t tell if you’re serious.

>> No.5880591

>8 years old
>year 2000
>internet access

nigger what

>> No.5880595

Everyone had Internet access by 2000, zoomer. If not at home, then at least at the local library.

>> No.5880604

Is this Mega Man Legends 2?

>> No.5880607

My primary school didnt even have computers yet, you're full of shit, zoomer

>> No.5880614

AOL trial disk

What encyclopedia sites were available back then though?

>> No.5880617

>primary school
Oh, sorry, I didn't realize you were a third-worlder. In the developed world, elementary schools had computers since the '80s and Internet access was common at home by the mid/late '90s.

>> No.5880626

You must've lived in a shitty neighborhood, then.
My parents had gotten a computer and internet back in '98. I specifically remember looking up cheat codes for Perfect Dark on Gamefaqs back in 2000.

>> No.5880630

the way she move doe

>> No.5880635

>Playing perfect dark in 2000, rather than a glorious FPS online back in the glory days

>> No.5880636
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She is fucking hot. Imagine being pissed off about having to be her student for all eternity.

>> No.5880647

I fucking wish. Unfortunately my parents were super goddamn strict with the computer and I was never to have games because I would "give the computer viruses".
Also being the youngest kid didn't help matters either.

>> No.5880706

You could have just checked your mom's cassette library
you could have just checked your older brother's cassette library

>> No.5880724

Libraries absolutely had internet back then. It's how I looked up fake "cheats" for Pokemon in 1998.

>> No.5880727

I grew up in the goddamn ghetto and even my elementary school got a computer lab full of Gateways when I was in first grade (1992-ish). We didn't have internet, but we absolutely had computers.

>> No.5880734

There are plenty of books available that give all that info.

That you want every game released to the public to be beatable by an 8 year old with no outside knowledge or the ability to look for themselves is one if the big reasons games turned to such garbage. Now every developer thinks they need to cater to literal retards like you or their game won't sell and the result is a stream of walking simulators and bullshit movie games that don't require an ounce of skill.

Congrats Anon, you are the reason games suck now. Go get a hug from your mom and play more N64.

>> No.5880747

My elementary school got its first computer around that time and it was considered the pride of the school lol. There was about 150 kids in the school though. I lived in a nice neighbourhood. Maybe your school shouldn't have wasted so much money on stupid shit before they became actually useful in an elementary school.

>> No.5880750

and by "first computer" I literally mean ONE computer. They still only had one computer years later when I left, I wouldn't be that surprised if that's still the case. Really, what's the point of computers in an elementary school. By now kids can use smartphones if they really need to look something up.

>> No.5880751

i printed out gamefaqs guide back then
also i wonder how the japanese quiz was?

>> No.5880758

My elementary school had computers and Internet in 1999. My brother went to the same school two years before me, had Internet and computers even then.
Don't talk about an era you didn't live in, kiddo.

>> No.5880830

you took the meme too far.

>> No.5880921

Sorry for not realizing this meaningless noise.

>> No.5880937

You literally had the internet in 1999

>> No.5880949

No anon, (You) had the internet in 1999.

I lived in a rural Irish village.

You had computers, I had sheep.

>> No.5881081
File: 20 KB, 466x490, 1558889342184.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Four choices
>None of them are Mozart

>> No.5881114

>what is common knowledge
>burger poster

>> No.5881364

Have you stopped fucking sheep now that you have a computer?

>> No.5881373

Well you should have asked a sheep then mic.

>> No.5881376


Are you complaining about the word circle used for a highly elliptical orbit?
There was a translation error where they translated カリウム as Cerium instead of Potassium.

>> No.5881451

Eh, Capcom does so love their quiz games. I only ever bothered with the Homing Missle arm anyway

>> No.5881478

Mozart died in his 30s. So did Chopin. I don't know how old Schumann was when he died, but I've only seen pictures of him looking fairly young, so I'm gonna have to guess he died young. That leaves Wagner. I've seen pictures of him looking old as fuck, so I'm gonna have to go with Wagner.

>> No.5881592
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>decide to look up their ages
>everyone but Wagner died before the age of 45
What the fuck. Is creativity fatal?

>> No.5881602

While we're at the subject of MML2, fuck the water ruins. Who decided that you'd move slower than a fucking snail under water. I get that he's a robot but that's not a good gameplay decision. It wasn't even fun to explore cus of while I've gotten the 100% achievement on the other ruins.

>> No.5881851

Poverty is.

>> No.5881886

you could always use trial and error

>> No.5881891

Didn't know they had Nintendo Switch owners back then too

>> No.5881912

Bro, looks like you need some more Capcom quizzes. Mozart was paid shitloads and had many, many connections. For some reason people try to paint the picture that these guys who were speaking to leaders and royalty directly 'was just broke fellas like us' but you don't get worldclass musical training, have instruments in your home, or a chance to compose for opera, orchestra, royal events, etc if you are on that poverty time. While it's true that Mozart blew alot of his money he always had more on the way. As for Mozart exactly, there are those that believe in different kinds of foul play. He is know for purposefully putting down many high ranking people, as well as his colleagues, purposefully trying to subvert society and morals, went against things considered taboo or unholy, and was in many different societies, some say he turned on one of the societes and tried to expose them through his later music. Others say his music was actually pushing ideas from certain societies, and those against that had him killed. Interesting stuff, they should make a game with that kind of story, only thing that pops to mind is FFT.

>> No.5881925

Let me tell you something tho, beating the final boss with the sword is damned satisfying. (Even if it's seen as cheap.)

>> No.5881926

The real question is why the hell there is literally only ONE question that actually has to do with the game itself ("What is the name of Tron's brother?")

>> No.5881932

>How the FUCK did they get away with this?
How DARE they have a quiz to test your knowledge. How DARE they make you LEARN.

Even as a kid I didn't have many problems with this, if you got it wrong you made note of the question and the answer you got wrong, and tried again. Only a fucking moron would have bought a guidebook for this

>> No.5881968

Anywhere outside of America.

>> No.5881974
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>> No.5882079
File: 132 KB, 1279x799, 33649_Screen_Shot_2016-03-18_at_7.59.46_AM[1].jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Bro, looks like you need some more Capcom quizzes.
Well, while we're on the topic, how many of these are actually translated. I'm into quizzes and shit like that and I really like the idea of these Japanese-style arcade quiz games that are way more creative than you just being a contestant on a tv show. There's Quiz and Dragons, I've played that. Not a huge fan of the question set though, even considering the fact that it's obviously aged since it was released.

Is there anything else? I can't seem to find anything. Even a fan translation would suffice.

>> No.5882102

Do kids these days think we didn't use the internet in 2000???

>> No.5882163

How the fuck do you not know that was by Duran Duran?

>> No.5882183
File: 132 KB, 780x536, carmen-sandiego.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I'm kind of missing context here as I don't recognize the game. Is this specifically a trivia game? Or is it some minigame tacked onto something else?

>> No.5882215

Mozart's true cause of death is unknown it seems most likely to have been a disease.
Similar with Chopin except he's known to have had poor constitution his whole life.
Schubert and Schumann both died from Syphilis-related complications.
Mendelssohn looks to have had bad genetics and probably some kind of other exposure to pathogens and died of a ruptured blood vessel.

Haydn lived to be 77 though.

>> No.5882249

It's from Mega Man Legends 2.
You can answer a long quiz or pay an assload of cash to get a component to build a weapon.

>> No.5882263

I don't know where this anon lives, but I first got Internet in '99 and I was already late to the party, according to my friends (and this was in fucking Portugal).
I even remember playing Worms Armageddon with a cousin through a shitty program similar to BattleNet in the night from 99 to 00.

>> No.5882269


Your age is showing

>> No.5882275

>play Carmen Sandiego on the master system as a kid
>guess at all the answers
>barely ever get anywhere
>occasionally get shot

Truly a magical time

>> No.5882281

I bet you think movies in the 80's were in black and white, too.
I have a brother 15 years younger than me and you wouldn't believe the kind of stuff I hear on a daily basis. I feel ancient

>> No.5882294

I looked them up, the questions are very difficult with a few easy ones thrown in. They have specific retro gaming only quizzes as well.
I don't know if Google Translate will work for those... Anyway, on most pages the first half has just questions then answers are at the bottom.

>> No.5882309

It's a joke

>> No.5882317

Don't be daft. "Hungry Like the Wolf" tested poorly with the sheep demographic

>> No.5882324

other than the pop culture questions, the ones posted so far could all be solved with nothing else but the books we learned from in elementary school (I'm from Europe). And the pop culture questions could be solved by asking in the local CD shop.

This is ignoring the fact that the game supports saving; you can just trial-and-error your way through using pen and paper, WHICH IS WHAT YOU DID IN NEARLY ALL ROLE PLAYING GAMES in the 90s.

>> No.5882385

I lived in a rural Irish village as well - anywhere there was a phoneline there was the internet by well before 1999. I had 56k for many years.

>> No.5882406

Does anyone know of games or rom editors that allow you write your own quizzes? I guarantee you if you are questioned on something you are vastly more likely to remember it, which is the core idea of the Anki software.

>> No.5882440

People in the 90s went to school for other things than shooting each other up every week.

Read a book once in a while, faggot.

>> No.5882468

Dude, I was playing fucking GTA over the webs way back in '97. The fuck is everyone drinking?

Also, I know it's hard to imagine a world without internet, where every answer is at the tip of your fingers, but there were alternatives, and people were way more sociable.

>> No.5882481
File: 7 KB, 341x232, Adventure_Quiz_-_Capcom_World_and_Hatena_no_Daibouken_(NTSC-J)_[HCD2028]-0002.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

In the movie "Splash", Daryl Hannah played which of the following sea creatures?
1. Starfish
2. Mermaid
3. Dolphin
4. Whale

>> No.5882498

Mermaid in Splash, Whale in 2019.

>> No.5882536

I remember that movie, the kid pretended to trip and loose a bunch of coins, and while he picked them up, he was looking up the skirts of the girls.
When they asked the mermaid girl what is her real name, her speech made all the glass break apart.

>Mermaid in Splash, Whale in 2019.

>> No.5882542

They intentionally picked three composers who died young because it's supposed to be an easy as fuck question in a game for retarded children

>> No.5882553

Chopin had tuberculosis, Schubert had syphilis, and Schumann had schizophrenia, had to be locked up, and you don't survive for long in a 19th century loony bin.

>> No.5882565
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>> No.5882585

>What encyclopedia sites
Read a book!

>> No.5882592

I would like to see the individual who made this post.

>> No.5882872
File: 21 KB, 249x400, The-Lives-of-the-Great-Composers-Schonberg-Harold-C-9780349109725.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You may make light of my weight problem when you have familiarized yourself with the biographies of the master composers of the Western tradition

>> No.5882897

Books you colossal brainlet

>> No.5882907
File: 29 KB, 339x277, 1564755712416.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw legit got it through autistic trial and error
I remember being really confused as a kid to learned Hitler was born in Australia.

>> No.5882916
File: 66 KB, 659x609, hLpCIKm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my dad bought them every year, up to '99...I think.

>> No.5882939

In that case I might find it kind of annoying to have trivia this random.

>> No.5883734
File: 140 KB, 1280x796, big_1464746168_image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Everytime I got an answer correct I would write it down... Eventually I just won..!

>> No.5885608
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>> No.5885616

I'm not that old shut up

>> No.5885620

There was never a Herbert Browner, only Herbert Brownell.

>> No.5885627


I've been online since 97, megadeth arizona baby!

>> No.5885628


I honestly think they think the internet became a thing in 2010, they're always going on about 2010 for some reason.

>> No.5885881

My dad brought home a Sony Vaio with a Pentium III in 1999 and we went through multiple ISPs like Earthlink, AOL, NetZero, and Bluelight in the same year. Gamefaqs was also already around. Checkmate, poorfag.

>> No.5885942

I was playing an mmorpg in 1998, buddy.

>> No.5885971

In the mid-90s (94-96) the typical library user didn't realize you could get online using the card catalog machine (a VAX terminal). There was a menu you could call up and fire up a lynx text-based browser.
Better yet, the library had a local phone number you could dial in to access that same card catalog via telnet, so I could access the internet from my house for free. It was text-only and slow as shit but I remember getting stuck on a room in Eye of the Beholder 2 for like a year and finally finding a solution online (probably GameFaqs). It was a room with 9 pressure plates and you had to drop rocks on the plates in the shape of an "X".

>> No.5886183


Anon.. we were already discussing emulators online in 96, and downloading M.U.G.E.N. in 99.

>> No.5886192

>all this AOL shit
>no Prodigy

You're all zoomers

>> No.5886279

name of the game?

>> No.5886287

Rockman Dash 2

>> No.5886540
File: 37 KB, 446x357, 1562343264812.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

ITT : D students and kids who refused to be culturally aware get stumped by a quiz meant to be beaten by literal grade schoolers.

>> No.5886562
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fucking this

>> No.5886572
File: 29 KB, 662x392, LeisureSuitLarry3.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How the FUCK did they get away with this?

Was it just a con to force people to buy a guide book or were they just taking the piss

>> No.5886837

ITT: Dumbfucks who took this shitty bait

>> No.5886850
