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5872329 No.5872329 [Reply] [Original]

Is it authentic to play a remade game if it was done by the same company that did the original? Or is it zoomer cancer?

>> No.5872330

OoT wasn't done by a first party
but the remake is one of the best remade games ever, it includes Master Quest unlocked after beating the game, amazing

>> No.5872332

I wouldn't use the word authentic since a remake by definition remakes the game, but anyway, nobody gives a fuck which version you play so shut the fuck up and play one.

>> No.5872335

Company doesn't matter for shit. OOT 3D was babe by Grezzo. What you really want is the same dev team to do a remake, or at least some of the key players.

And even then, over time their mindsets can change. You might not get what would be a better version of what was originally intended

>> No.5872351

Which remake is this?

>> No.5872358

Too hidden and gemlike to know for sure

>> No.5872394

It's a disgusting game, one of those "remakes" that had devs that thought it was basically ok to release a 20 year old game with different graphics and two QOL changes.
Those kind of games are the cancer of the video games industry, movies don't pull that shit, when movies get remakes, it's an actually different experience that reused the ideas of the original. But no game dev know they can get away with it because so much of the audience are retards that will lick their plate clean no matter what you'll put in it.

>> No.5872397

not ocarina of time though

>> No.5872563


fuck the AAA publisher cunts.

>> No.5872726

>Is it authentic to play a remade game if it was done by the same company that did the original
OoT 3D wasn't made by Nintendo, Grezzo created it.

but even if it were developed by Nintendo EAD that wouldn't mean it would have been the exact same team either, just like the Legio XIV Gemina that defeated Boudica wasn't the same Legio XIV Gemina that fought under Septimius Severus like 100 years later

>Or is it zoomer cancer?
it's a good remake, go for it

>> No.5872731

it's not even a game, it's an RPG. escapist LARP with no skill

>> No.5872735

There are parts of the remake I like better than the original, but the overall brighter color hues isn't one of them. The Mana remakes have been doing the same thing and it makes everything look more like a cartoon and less like a fairy tale.

>> No.5872749
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Most people, and this isn't just normies but also long-time enthusiasts of whatever the franchise in question is, will just buy it and play the entire thing because it's the game, and technically in most cases all of the levels and characters and features will be there.

These ports that are known as "remakes" are not only wasted opportunities 99% of the time, but of course they often dumb down the original game, lose integral gameplay-related elements in translation such as AI, hit detection, correct movement and stage hazard placement. When games are ported carefully, which is also something that happens so we have a point of reference, we realize how important exhaustive intention to detail and actually considering how the graphics and code will affect things on new hardware is.

The developers of the port figure, it's the game and these dummies will buy it even if we don't put in the work it deserves, so why bother? Ocarina of Time 3D may not be the best example actually, I know more about Majora's Mask 3D and at least in that case they went OUT OF THEIR WAY to outright remove the challenge in several parts of the game, such as making moving platforms still and all of the bosses having one way to kill them with a gint Gohma eye popping out of their side to attack. Anyway, the masses prove them right. I'm clinking my glass to you but that won't change much, so we're better off forgetting. If I didn't have the perspective to not really care about one 19 year old video game it would drive me crazy that people consider it a legit way to play Majora's Mask and an 8.5/10 game. To many we'll sound like we just don't want anyone else to have fun, but we realize what these ports could be if the people who worked on them cared about their job and transcended the knowledge that people would buy them either way.

>> No.5872751

eat me you bitch made faggot

>> No.5872767
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It really depends. Some remakes are good. Some aren't. Whether they effectively replace the originals is another story.

>> No.5872797

the remake of OoT is really solid, just disappointed with their direction in the lighting.

>> No.5872806

did they enhance the music? I remember it having the same music and sounds

>> No.5872807

And even here, where the end result really was a better version of what was originally intended, people fell in love with what they got, not what the devs originally intended for them to get. It's funny, but many times what people like about a game is what the developer didn't originally want or even mean to do. It was an accident, or an oversight too late, or a workaround forced upon them by hardware constraints. Then you make the remaster, the remake where you say "no more limits, we can do what we wanted to!" and the result is fans crying "hey, you changed what I liked!" It's rather ironic.

>> No.5872830


It's the same music but they messed with the levels and such. 6 and a half minutes in to Nerrel's video on the 3DS version he explains it well.

>> No.5872836

I play the remake on an emulator lol

>> No.5872838

>the remake is one of the best remade games ever

>> No.5872848
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It depends on the remake. In OOT3D's case, I think it's fine... although if you can, play the original first, which is still a perfectly playable game.
But if you don't have original hardware and a CRT, but you have access to a 3DS, playing the remake is fine. The dev company who made this, Grezzo, had access to the original source code of OOT, and the original dev notes, they were also supervised by pic related, who is said to be the most knowledgeable person about Zelda at Nintendo. Miyamoto himself and Aonuma also supervised and advised Grezzo during development (things like gyro aiming, one of the best additions to the remake, was a Shiggy idea).
I've played OOT3D several times and it's good.
Not sure about Majora's Mask 3D, I didn't play it and I heard they changed the Zora Link swimming controls for the worse, which would be a deal breaker for me.

>> No.5872849

Hey I'm American

>> No.5872860
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>> No.5872863

I prefer brown haired Zelda, am I weird?

>> No.5872869

If it didn't require two screens, i would be happy to emulate the newer graphics on a large screen with an old controller.

>> No.5872991


Just using that word is cancer, piss off with that meme shit.

>> No.5873009

I bet you prefer movie adaptations to the original books.

>> No.5873160

>it's not even a game, it's a roleplaying GAME

>> No.5873174

Too many buzzwords so I feel like you take other people's opinions of what is/is not popular quite seriously. You can like and not like whatever you want, both opinions are equally okay and valid.

And yes, some remakes are simply better than the original like Perfect Dark, even though it's not made by the original company.

>> No.5873186

Look at that. Grezzo cranked the soul knob to 11.

>> No.5873349
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>it's not even a game, it's an RPG.

>> No.5873351

/v/-tier thread.

>> No.5873378

>Intimidating Kubrick-stare
>Frowny face

>> No.5873486

This is basically a /v/ post

>> No.5873545

Is this just a fan mod?

>> No.5873554

no it'sa $60 remake

>> No.5873627
File: 16 KB, 480x360, magicmissile.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why is this word thrown around nowadays to describe anything imaginary or make-believe, even when it's in a game or online? You know the "LA" is for "live action," right? Otherwise, it's just RP.

>> No.5873631

Its your choice to play it or nah.
Dont listen to others if you enjoy something.
I enjoyed both Zeldas because they have different glitches and i like to give Nintendo money if they do the right thing.
(I wont buy awakening)

Besides that the old Ocarina of Time is much better. For me its mostly the graphics. A bit darker and the fog adding atmosphere.

But overall it depends on the game. Some are good some are bad but not because some 4chin plebs overuse the word zoomer.

>> No.5873642

That's not even the same frame.

>> No.5873645

It's more akin to a remaster then. A remake would be like RE2 and the over the shoulder version.

>> No.5873667

>(I wont buy awakening)

>> No.5873684

Are you sure? Which part of the game is that scene from?

>> No.5873764


>> No.5873783


>> No.5873898

You play the best version and fuck what anyone else says. Perfect Dark on 360 and REmake on Gamecube are the only right choices.

>> No.5873909

I paid like 10 bucks for it last year. It was pretty good.

>> No.5874042

zoomer cancer is coming to your internet friends for approval before you play a video game

>> No.5874051

do whatever you want and stop caring about dumb memes

>> No.5874425

Kill yourself, "remaster" is just another label publishers use to sell the same game to idiots again.

>> No.5874434

If your game isn't worth buying again it must suck.

>> No.5874438

No game is worth buying twice.

>> No.5874440

lmao you only play shitty games

>> No.5874678

This and add to the fact that this game was remastered for the GameCube which is more powerful then the 3ds and has 480p textures progressive scan and widescreen. Which means it'll look good on a modern hdtv with component cables either on the GameCube or wii. They made a worse version of a game that was all ready remastered.

>> No.5875003

I'm not sure why, but they did turn up the color and brightness a lot. My assumption was always that the scenes were purposely made darker than they actually wanted in the original, and that it was because the textures weren't as good as they originally wanted them to be, and so the darkness was just to hide the problems they couldn't fix. With the 3DS, they had powerful hardware, and could fix those original textures, so now they didn't need to hide the flaws. Ironically (or perhaps just how it goes), the thing people fell in love with was what the devs saw as imperfection. That's just my theory though.

Personally, I would love to see a romhack of OoT3D which redid the light and color choices of the scenes so that it matched the N64 original (and did things like adding back red blood to environments, restoring original fire temple music, etc.)

Also, to finish this post, I sometimes wonder if some of this stuff was done in consideration of the 3DS hardware and how it behaved vs. the N64 hardware. If you were playing on the original model 3DS with maybe middle brightness setting, maybe some of the scenes as they were in the original would look too dark or hard to distinguish on the 3DS screen. That might have influenced their decision-making too (consider Castlevania: Harmony of Dissonance, another game that retroactively suffered from attempts to accommodate the specifics of its target system). Again, just theorizing on my part. I'd love to see someone try it so that we could try and reimagine what must have happened during development to encourage their design direction with the remake.

>> No.5875019

Show me otherwise if I'm wrong, but IIRC they didn't remake textures at all for the GC re-release. It was just the original ROM images and an N64 emulator.

>> No.5875024

This game is zoomer trash either way so you're good

>> No.5875045

I had it a decade ago. They did indeed not remake the textures. It's just an emulated N64 version. Well, slightly modified.
You can even supposedly find it extracted from the disc to use in N64 emulators, though there is very little reason to do so.

However, I clearly remember it being even worse than the N64 version when it comes to graphical framerate. Like somewhat frequent single digit slideshows. Paper Mario's VC version for the Wii also suffered from that.
Which is impressive, really. Considering the framerate on the N64 was already 20 max and sometimes down to like 12.
Though emulation helps the drops with some overclocking and counter rate hacks, all attempts at getting over the 20 limit have been buggy as hell.

It's also not internally widescreen. You have to use widescreen hacks to achieve that (That Swiss loader thingy, Gecko/AR codes, and/or Dolphin).
Double checked with google searches, Dolphin's forums, and videos, so that part isn't just memory.

So I don't really know what #5874678 is smoking. But I don't want any of it.

>> No.5875121

Well as with PC emulation, the Wii's n64 emulation wasn't perfect. It had flaws or inconsistencies with the original hardware behavior, perhaps most humorously demonstrated by pannenkoek's bowser in the fire sea exploit.

>> No.5875130

Because they're dumb people who think using buzzwords makes them sound important.

>> No.5875134

Specialty terms are used by two kinds of people, those who know what they're talking about, and those who want to look like they know what they're talking about.

>> No.5875549

They turn up the brightness because 3ds ghosting.
Ghosting happens when you are playing in 3d and the image is too dark.

>> No.5877253

This. This describes so, so, so many remasters and remakes.

>> No.5877269

Truest posts in the thread.

>> No.5877428

My cock is sooooo fucking hard

>> No.5877447

didn't beat the original because was shit player back then and got stuck in final temple. Fast forward and beat Minish Cap and Twilight Princess years before 3ds version comes out and I beat the 3ds version.

I liked it, Twinrova and the Great Fairy were in HD which is all I cared about.

>> No.5877486

They're not technically in HD (Defined as 1280x720 progressive or higher) unless you emulate it with such options.

>> No.5877494

They're hi-res enough, not to mention staring at the better res women in farm villiage who keeps losing her chickens.

>> No.5877502

Higher detail, you mean. Roughly the same resolution as N64 (400x240 instead of what I believe was 320x224), but higher detail and framerate within that.

>> No.5877512

>when movies get remakes, it's an actually different experience that reused the ideas of the original
Star Wars Special Edition from 1997

>> No.5877871

There you go. I'm curious if they improved it at all in other games, I don't remember ghosting as much in Luigi's Mansion 2 (which incidentally had perhaps the most perfect 3D implementation I ever saw on 3DS).

>> No.5877881


>> No.5877894

I don't mind it, but 9 times out of 10 I prefer the original versions. Of course you have to also play it on original hardware and a CRT too to get the full experience.

>> No.5877940

I wanted REmake not what we got out of 2

>> No.5878014

Perfect Dark Zero was a shitty remake

>> No.5878049

What was a remake? There was an actual remake on xla that was really radical.

>> No.5878059

well it wasn't as much a remake as much a shitty sequel. Remember when we thought we were getting Zelda 2, 3, 4 and 5 but instead we got Pitfall followed by the Tell-Tale Zelda games where link talked on the Cd-i?

>> No.5878079

You realize the people in that video probably use 4chan and are quite comfortable using the term LARP the way everyone else does here?

>> No.5879995

I tried to read it, but I couldn't get through it?

>> No.5880849
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all nintendo remakes are massive failures

>> No.5880867

except OoT tho

>> No.5881020
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>> No.5881035
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>only includes 1 of the types of caves in All-Stars
Sasuga nitpick-kun

>> No.5881047

SM64DS is amazing

>> No.5881050

Just ignore these idiots and they'll go away eventually. Original hits you hard with nostalgia, allstars is still a good play. Why can't both be good?

>> No.5881087

DS has better air controls though, gotta give 'em that
Who the fuck cares

>> No.5881106

Nah, he won't go away. He's a chronic autist. So at least I'll fuck with him.

>> No.5881268

No, OoT remake is also a failure. They always fuck up something. Usually the art.

>> No.5881287

OoT 3d is 99% fine. The only issue it has is the lighting being too bright in some areas that are supposed to be dark. Otherwise it's fine.

>> No.5881295

You get used to the changes and then what you're left with is a portable oot bundled with mq.

>> No.5881305
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>> No.5881306
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>> No.5881615

>Not sure about Majora's Mask 3D, I didn't play it and I heard they changed the Zora Link swimming controls for the worse, which would be a deal breaker for me.
You could always use this https://github.com/leoetlino/project-restoration

>> No.5881623

people complaining about the zora swiming changes are laughable
it gives a bit of challenge to the extra bottle race and makes it easier to control normal swimming

>> No.5881641


>> No.5881668

hate the OoT remake for what you want, but after playing it it's hard as hell to go back to vanilla Oot. The text scroll alone in the original is so fucking slow idk how people can speedrun that game playing it endless times a day and not lose their minds

>> No.5881701

Speedrunners use the Japanese version which has much faster text

>> No.5881703

How can I beat that game without looking at the solution?
Do I just have to git gud?
Do the bugs have some purpose?

>> No.5881724

what are you having trouble with that you'd need a guide? listen to Navi! navigation

>> No.5881739

If you can’t beat the game without a guide you are literally retarded. As for the bugs, read the in game description of the item when you catch them. Actually, if you can’t figure that out on your own, you’re in for trouble. Just quit the game now.

>> No.5881778

They had to change the lighting since you're supposed to play your 3DS both inside and outside

>> No.5881780

Cherry picked, right is taken right as lighting strikes. The 3DS version is brighter but that's due to it being impossible to play outside with the original lighting

>> No.5881782

They updated it to have the block back in the shadow temple

>> No.5881915

Do both. Zoomers know the first one exists and probably applied the same "it's old therefore mystical therefore cool le wrong generation" shit we did

Nah, man

Who picked these images for comparison? An idiot?

Dodongo looks pretty good

>> No.5881917
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best boi

>> No.5881958

You can sell bugs to the hippy that slaps its legs and you can drop them into dirt crevices where you plant magic beans in order to get a little somethinsomethin.

>> No.5882179 [SPOILER] 
File: 233 KB, 646x419, 1568475420457.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>When water fills the lake, shoot for the morning light
>play the sun song
>a fairy appears
>think that is the hinted secret

>> No.5882258

Not everything in the remake is worse, but why would they change the town and the temple of time? If the devs had intended it to look like that originally they could have done it, since it's all prerendered anyway

>> No.5882280

remake looks way better.

>> No.5882335
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Do you really, honestly care about authenticity?

>> No.5882349

Of all the things you could point out, you choose to defend the soulless brown caves? That's not chery-picking. Almost all of the caves in SM All Stars have been changed from their original varied colors to generic brown.
I don't even give a shit I think All-Stars is fine and played it as least as much if not more than the original. But the brown caves suck I even noticed that when when I was a kid.

>> No.5882351

OoT 3D was still overseen by Nomura. Grezzo was orchestrating the music and Nomura stepped in and said to keep the original music.

>> No.5882359

So they made it better?

>> No.5882386

but on the other hand, isn't it cool to see a different take on the game?

Alternatively, consider that with the assets now there, people could remake RE2 themselves using the remake assets.

>> No.5882634


>> No.5882651

Some remakes are representative of the original, some are better (like most 90s Dragon Quest remakes), some are worse, some are different.

>> No.5882836

temple of time looks like a painting in the original which is lost in the remake

>> No.5882873

faster as in like 10 seconds off their speedrun or actually noticeably faster?

>> No.5882886

the worst part is the minor details, it sucks to lose the scratches on trees in OoT and the cool marble/dirt path in SM64

>> No.5882928


>> No.5883728

Get outta here youtuber

>> No.5883751

they were there, that's enough lol

>> No.5883761

Wrong gook. Also you fabricated that story.

>> No.5883781

I'm playing Legend of Zelda: OoT right now for the first time with a real N64, Everdrive 64 cart, and a RetroTink 2X hooked up to a shitty 720p HDTV. Am I making a mistake doing it this way? I know I should use a CRT but I can't get one now. Should I emulate instead? Thoughts?

>> No.5883801

now that was a game

>> No.5883819
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Launch complete

>> No.5883827

I can't believe this is real.

>> No.5883840

Just put a bomb on a one-eyed stone.

>> No.5883884

Seriously though is there a better way I can play it, without a CRT?

>> No.5883891

yeah there's a few ways to play it
it's a good game

>> No.5883892

Alright I'll stick with this then. It looks alright graphically but the 720p HDTV isn't helping.

>> No.5883915

Yes. Play it on a New 3DS XL. Preferably with at least an IPS top screen.
>Stable 30fps
>QoL improvements
>Master Quest playable after you beat the vanilla game

>> No.5884220
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Am I correctly equipped to beat Ganondorf?

>> No.5884237

>no fairies

>> No.5884239

Blue Potion is better, it's just not automatic.

>> No.5884367

Pretty damn overkill, really.
Also, N64 looks really awkward to me without the 3point linear filtering. These are not the graphics I am used to.

>> No.5884380
File: 49 KB, 694x634, 1568245618157.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn't try to use every single item on the sheikah stones

>> No.5884384

The scratches make you curious about the tree, which will make you more likely to find the gold skulltula on top of it since you can't hear it rustling from the ground. Without the scratches, you're more likely to barely notice the tree and just leave it alone, assuming there's nothing special about it at all. The scratches tease your imagination and you're then rewarded for experimenting on it.

>> No.5885419

It's because that texture was supposed to be used over where the werewolves first show up but they goofed and applied it to the wrong tree

>> No.5885446

those bottles should be empty
your sword should be two handed

>> No.5885456

You're right, I got my Japanese people confused. it was Kondo.

Mahito Yokata:
>at first I decided to spruce it up by arranging slightly more up-to-date music. But when I'd done about half, Kondo-san suddenly said, "Make sure you stay faithful to the Nintendo 64 sound."
>So I gathered together the development team and said, "We've got to remake all the music. We need to recreate the Nintendo 64 sound, so let's do our best!" Then we set about redoing it all.
>But I also put in a song recorded with an orchestra. Only one, though.

>> No.5885708

there are no rules. play the games that you enjoy.

>> No.5885712

>movies don't pull that shit
Have you never heard of star wars? Also, movie remakes are way fucking worse when they entirely remake it. See all those new disney remakes like Aladdin or Old Boy or literally any movie remake.
Just because you have some autistic mental breakdown that OoT 3D isn't 1:1 with the original doesn't mean its not a good remake.

>> No.5885727

(1) People will buy it, that's enough of a reason to sell it like this.
(2) Movies pull this shit super often. When they aren't doing literal remakes of old movies that now feature Chloe Moretz or Emma Watson, they 're constantly rereleasing decades-old movies on new media. When DVDs got popular, everything got rereleased on DVD. Later, things shifted to Blu-Ray, and all the same movies were 'remastered' again for that. Now everything's being repurposed for streaming services to the point where it's big news when The Office or Friends is or is not available on some streaming service.

>> No.5885772

if you dont suck, you just need a few light arrows