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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5883131 No.5883131 [Reply] [Original]

catacomb 3d > doom > duke nukem

there i said it

>> No.5883187

wolfenstein sucks

>> No.5883273


>> No.5883282

homosexuality > contrarianism

there i said it

>> No.5883285

Nemesis (The skeleton guy in the painting in this screenshot) used to scare me as a kid.

>> No.5883293

i loved catacombs but DOOM is clearly superior. DOOM had better level design than Duke.

>> No.5883316
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apples and oranges

>> No.5883709

Apples are clearly superior to oranges. Mandarins are the only citrus fruit worth your time.

>> No.5883787

hovertank 3d > catacomb 3d
there you go faggot
what's the matter, suddenly you're not so cool anymore?

>> No.5883793

Lemons limes and grapefruit all rule faggot

>> No.5883808

>Arena Foreground
What kind of a porn star name is that?

>> No.5883851

Ops Mom > Duke Nukem 3D

there I said it

>> No.5885521

Grape master race

>> No.5885584

flip book animation> the entire FPS genre

>> No.5886084

The color Green > Greek civilization

>> No.5886578
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cybermage < quiver

>> No.5886603

My fave game >>>>> Your fave game

>> No.5886614

Cybermage was never good. Sure it was innovative as an FPS and fake-RPG, but it's no good.

>> No.5886636
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rebel moon > quiver > witchaven > necrodome > pathways into darkness > cyclones > disruptor > bad toys 3d > doom > blood

>> No.5886751

Killing Time > Shadowcaster > Wrath of Earth

>> No.5886762


>> No.5886794

Rise of the Triad > Doom.

>> No.5886807
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inferior game > superior game

>> No.5887003

Super Noah's Ark 3d > catacomb 3d > doom > duke nukem

>> No.5887216

>killing time

I played it on 3do and loved it, game reached a point and my 3do had a bug in the memory and couldn't advance any further. Was the PC version even worth playing?

>> No.5887227


>> No.5887398

sucking dicks > this thread

>> No.5887421
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patricians > plebs

>> No.5887570

This whole thread and nobody has brought up Blood. What has happened to this board?

>> No.5887645

Please rape my face for pretending I'm anything other than a newfaggot who can't read and can't tell this is a bait thread.

>> No.5887652
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>> No.5887785

catacomb 3d is better than wolfenstein 3d
but it's not better than doom or duke.
duke is much, much, much better than doom, pretty undebateable. in fact doom is probably the worst doom engine game. heretic and hexen and strife were much more advanced.
granted shadow warrior and blood were more advanced than duke but they werent better games.
anyway rise of the triad > catacomb 3d > doom
>Rebel Moon Rising
What in the actual fuck
I thought I was the only people who fucking played these. CyClones with the meme mouse control. Rebel Moon with the meme oxygen meter and insane secrets and friendly AI.
That said how can you think rebel moon was better than anything.
Wrath of Earth is fucking good, even though I had to boot up my DOS machine in some special fucky way because it used EMS memory instead of XMS. I remember having trouble figuring it out and my dad helping me write an autoexec.cfg and adding a boot option to our boot menu that we made together before that. Anyway despite being all on one floor it's actually a really good game and I like the power suit you use.
This is actually debateably true. At least in weapon variety.
Look I've played Tek War and it really isn't good. I loved the game-breaking bug that let you move around while the game was paused on the menu though.

>> No.5887786

You wish I would.
You ever been in bed with your woman, both talking dirty, and you go too far? You ever say some shit that gets you kicked out of bed? And the woman’s like, ”Fuck me, harder! Fuck me, Daddy, spank me!” -”All right, you ho.” -”Who you calling a ho? ”Who the fuck are you calling a ho? ”Untie me!” l ain’t no expert or no shit, but, fellas, if you’re gonna talk dirty to your woman… you got to talk with authority. You can get a woman to do any nasty little thing you want. You say that shit like a man, make a little eye contact… put a little bass in your voice, she will do that shit. She wants to do that shit. She’s dying to do that shit. Your woman is nastier than you ever imagined. But you gotta come correct… because anything you mumble ain’t getting done. You can’t be in bed all unsure, like, ”Excuse me…. ”Excuse me, l was wondering…. ”Ma’am, l have a request. Could you lick my balls?” ”l ain’t licking nothing. Lick your own balls!” See, if you just said it right, you’d been in there. Now you got dry balls. That’s right, confidence always wins. Do you realize, it is some women still don’t give head? Ninety-fucking-nine. Whenever l meet a girl that doesn’t give head… l look at them like a damn Betamax, ”They still make you?” And when it comes to head, there’s three types of women: A: Women that don’t give head. Bye, leave, see you. B: Women that give you just enough head to shut you up. You ever meet them women? They’re like, ”You okay?” l hate them women! And number three, my favorite woman: the woman that likes nothing better than to suck a dick. That’s right, God bless all of you! That’s right, you make the world a better place to live in. l want you to suck my dick like you think the antidote’s in it! Like you trying to get some Robitussin out of that motherfucker! That’s right. Relationships: easy to get into, hard to maintain.

>> No.5887921

Quake 1 and 2 were tech demos

>> No.5887950

Unreal too

>> No.5887954

Every FPS is a tech demo.

>> No.5887956

No, only popular ones

>> No.5888840

Doom wasn't.

>> No.5889828

>This is actually debateably true. At least in weapon variety.

Rise of the Triad was in many ways more advanced than Doom, despite using an older engine. The only area where it was definitely behind was enemy design and variety (99% of the enemies were human).

>> No.5890656

No you.

>> No.5890657

nah, you're just being contrarian

>> No.5890660

Great TV show and Shatner, bad game.

>> No.5890664

This is catacomb abyss you moron
Catacomb 3-D was worse than Wolfenstein, but I fucking loved the catacomb trilogy as a kid, but it wasn't better than doom, sorry.
It did the fantasy stuff better than heretic imo tho