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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5881328 No.5881328 [Reply] [Original]

"Let no man ignorant of shmups enter here." - Plato

>> No.5881347 [DELETED] 

Shmups are for autistic trannies.

t. JRPG master race

>> No.5881363 [DELETED] 
File: 475 KB, 1536x2048, ED2AlIPUUAQO3hd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Try shmups.

>> No.5881904

shmups are god tier
Really make me wish I had an arcade cab!

>> No.5881924

Shmups are top tier but Progear is cancer

>> No.5881930

what makes you say that anon.
Playing a port can be comfy but the real deal can't be beaten imo

>> No.5882069


>> No.5882084
File: 663 KB, 1245x1754, e687f68ffe05bb236aa842e338036829.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

played gunbird 2 last night, really beautiful graphics, awesome soundtrack and crazy difficulty. would recommend

>> No.5882086

Is there anything with the dark aesthetics of DDPDOJ but without the insanity of the bullets and chaining?

>> No.5882096

Remember, it's not a proper shmup if there are no obstacles other than bullets. Then it's just a bullet hell.

>> No.5882116

So Daioujou = bullet hell
Daifukkatsu = shmup
Tatsujin = bullet hell
Deathsmiles = shmup

>> No.5882167

Metal black.
Very awesome underrated game.

>> No.5882168

Lasers count as bullets

>> No.5882170

OP said your type aren't allowed here

>> No.5882173

Don't the cannons themselves have hitboxes

>> No.5882390

The closest game aesthetically is Mars Matrix but it has lots of bullets and chaining too

>> No.5882797


>> No.5882912
File: 105 KB, 793x659, 1565297620366.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I've said it before and I'll say it again, Galaga is the greatest video game, period.

>> No.5884671


>> No.5886263
File: 35 KB, 142x200, 25b48ccb7e72c08bc1ed99882febd945.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

slightly OT maybe but I'm looking for a DOS Shmup, maybe 1993-95-ish, vertical scrolling with a weird T-shaped player ship. Can't remember the name.

>> No.5888528

I'll give you a curiosity bump.

>> No.5888628


>> No.5888631

is ourboy kraut still alive?

>> No.5888648 [DELETED] 

No, but thanks. Cho Ren Sha originated on the X68k, the Windows port is from 2001.

The ship in that game had a distinctive T-shape. It was probably done by Euros. I don't think it ranked very high with magazines when it came out. I think you had one single live for the entire game, but that could be a mistake.

>> No.5888649

Galaxian's better

>> No.5888652

No, but thanks. Cho Ren Sha originated on the X68k, the Windows port is from 2001.

The ship in that game had a distinctive T-shape. It was probably done by Euros. I don't think it ranked very high with magazines when it came out. I think you had one single life for the entire game, but that could be a mistake.

>> No.5889227


>> No.5889590

I just watched some guys 2-all of dodonpachi and he said it took him over 1000 hours of practice to grt it. I feel really discouraged now. I'd like to get into shmups and I've been playing dodonpachi but if its going to take 1000 hours to beat one game, I feel like I should spend that time on a real skill or something worthwhile.

Does it really take this long to beat a shmup, or is this guy just a slow player?

>> No.5889604

He was probably doing some scoring but it's common to see 500+ hours for a hard 2-ALL. It's not a goal you should aim for if you're just getting into the genre, it's something you do when you already find a game you love and want to play it more. Go for basic 1-ALL clears, or play 1 loop games, most Cave 1-ALL's are doable in under 50 hours. Not all 2-ALLs are equal either, there are easy ones you can get in under 20 hours like Sengoku Ace.

>> No.5889608
File: 69 KB, 648x474, rpgs.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


CAVE 2-alls are some of the hardest things you can accomplish in a video game, period. Comparing them to normal shmup clears isn't really fair. It's like learning Beethoven's Hammerklavier Sonata; most pianists aren't ever going to be at that level, and it takes a seriously dedicated person to get there.

For most games, getting a single loop 1cc is doable with some practice. Play a game you like, practice the bits that you die a lot on, and that sweet 1cc should come.

>> No.5889616


Thanks guys! I'll go for the 1-ALL, and leave the 2-ALL for more dedicated players.

>> No.5889618

Scoring is more fun than survival anyway, and you can get a really high score without getting a 2-ALL. Seriously, many high score runs don't even beat the TLB.

>> No.5889739
File: 1.73 MB, 4032x3024, 9634D602-5F54-4B5C-BDC3-CA6045B50BEF.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Finally beat this fucker.

I’m sure the die hards will laugh at me. Standard game settings. 3 lives, 3 continues. Down to last life when I won.

Felt so good bros.

>> No.5889934

>Does it really take this long to beat a shmup, or is this guy just a slow player?

depends on talent desu and approach.

>> No.5889987
File: 128 KB, 480x640, radirgy.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This game (radirgy) has special charm

>> No.5889991
File: 104 KB, 413x798, Operation-Wolf-Taito-Classic-Arcade-Game-Rental.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Behold, a shmup!

>> No.5890534

Is Radiant Silvergun really that complicated? It looks great and I like the few stages I've played

>> No.5890537
File: 2.87 MB, 640x480, Cho Ren Sha 68K secret.webm [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5890543
File: 35 KB, 640x480, blazing star.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5890905

anyone tate with a g-sync monitor? or what do you prefer?

>> No.5891182

X68000 Bosconian. Best version of the game.

>> No.5891203

whats good about blazing star except grafics

>> No.5891230

everything else

>> No.5891238

It's great