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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3.40 MB, 4032x3024, virtue.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5876330 No.5876330 [Reply] [Original]

Previous thread: >>5855419

>Try to keep things /vr/ related: Focus should be on 5th Gen (+Dreamcast) games on back. Slight off topic is fine so long as it's related to CRTs, such as later 16:9 models, HD models, etc. Systems with backwards compatibility are also safe territory, as are re-releases on newer hardware. PC CRTs are also welcome and appreciated.
>Produce OC! Bust out your camera and take photos of your CRTs displaying all sorts of games, featuring all sorts of tubes, using all sorts of signals. Getting good shots can be hard, but if you take enough, at least a few will turn out alright. Tips'n'Tricks™ coming soon.
>Try and give as much information as possible when asking for info on a specific set, or troubleshooting an issue to expedite and help you may receive. As always, Google is your friend and we are your friends with benefits. Older archived threads aren't a bad place to look either; Seriously, there's literally 6 years of backlog at this point.
>Share appreciation for other's choice of technology and personal philosophy of gaming. Always remember to show courtesy in your discussion and moderate yourselves first.

Limited discussion of video processing and scaling devices is alright, but remember to keep the focus on CRTs and CRT accessories.

CRT Pastebin (Never Ever) : http://pastebin.com/1Ri5TS3x
Guide to CRT Hunting : http://pastebin.com/H9H9L2LQ
Guide to Video Monitors : http://pastebin.com/pQX4N6gZ
General Purpose CRT Adjustment Guide : http://www.arcaderepairtips.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/guide_setup_adjust_arcade_monitors_v1.2.0.pdf
S-Video Pasta : http://pastebin.com/rH2h6C7W
BKM-10R Protocol Info : http://pastebin.com/aTUWf33J
JVC RGB card cloning guide : https://pastebin.com/EXqMBfcY

!!NEW!! Thread Survey : https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSdef7fUnzXCUR1o3LBBgv52MqQdR5hOb60FscYZLOaTq0xDCA/viewform

>> No.5876340
File: 64 KB, 1262x1262, NO_SCART.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Don't fall for the scart meme.

>> No.5876348
File: 3.91 MB, 4032x3024, vivi1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that some kind of bot that just posts automatically when it recognizes a CRT thread?

>> No.5876360
File: 3.93 MB, 3629x2722, IMG_21292.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

just someone with no life

>> No.5876371
File: 1.78 MB, 4032x3024, two again.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is that a slot mask?
Looks really, really nice compared to 90% of slot masks I see. My Apple II monitor's the only one that I really like that I've got.
Random pic of two monochrome tubes mid-swap.

>> No.5876402

My crt seems to have distortion in the upper right hand corner of the set. Say for example, there's a straight line coming from the bottom, it will veer to the right once it reaches that corner. What is this problem called? how do I fix it?

>> No.5876418

It's often not fixable, this is often a problem caused by slightly cheaper/less effective beam control circuitry. It happens in that corner because the beam has just been pulled all the way back up

>> No.5876435

Could be scan velocity modulation, which may or may not be disable-able in a service menu or via some arcane I2C bus messages.

>> No.5876453

What makes this "Thread 2?"

>> No.5876462

Only that I also created the last one, and the format for "electric boogaloo" requires being preceded by the number 2.
It's absurd and stupid; don't worry about it.

>> No.5876463

Second thread to feature ff ix.

>> No.5876469

First pic in last thread was FF7 though

>> No.5876478

No worries, fren. Brought to you by Postinator II: Judgment Day.

>> No.5876489
File: 2.46 MB, 4608x3456, DSC01665.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Thrift shop find; big ol 19" flat-front SyncMaster. Seems to work okay. Bit on the heavy side.

>> No.5876491

nvm then, I think it was another thread

>> No.5876494
File: 87 KB, 953x960, 7621090830279810728.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This cool guy is selling a big Trinitron near me. How should I proceed to take the tv and not die?

>> No.5876497

Looks like an okay enough dude, talk some sports with him or something, idk

>> No.5876545

this thing? >>5875183
Yeah they borrowed one of my pics.
Clean your leather; take some pride in your car.

>> No.5876549
File: 2.21 MB, 3000x2250, F4013960-0BD0-4E19-ABE0-D86E1145FB76.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I fell for the BVM meme guys.

>> No.5876554

Good job
Now an hero; you have no reason to live

>> No.5876556


>> No.5876559
File: 2.65 MB, 4032x3024, A690F7E6-8C89-475A-B6D8-0BF9B14BE8F8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Now you’re playing with power®

>> No.5876561

Jesus we're going to have to deal with this faggot for the next six months now

>> No.5876632

When you meet him for the first time, greet him with an elaborate handshake sequence. He'll know how to keep it going, don't worry about it. It's like dancing, he'll take the lead. Your hands will just fall into place and it will look really cool to everyone watching. End it with a hug, and he'll surely give you a good deal.

>> No.5876687
File: 2.06 MB, 2016x1512, more gap than image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

How much scanline is too much scanline?

>> No.5876697

Personal preference really. If it looks good to you, roll with it.

>> No.5876715

Dust off the base of that Launch figure asshole

>> No.5876775

Shop Smart
Shop S cart

>> No.5876845
File: 1.68 MB, 1366x768, 1567178189378.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

An eloquently inoffensive centrist view! Fantastic! The more memes fallen for, the better I say!

>> No.5876852

Based retard

>> No.5876856

what's the best video connection for a Wii?

>> No.5876858

How does 240p + linedoubler + VGA monitor look and feel?

>> No.5876863

>photos of a screen
learn to use a capture card grampa

>> No.5876882

Why would you feel that way? You sound like an enormous vagina or a possible racist.

>> No.5876895

looking forward to cap card guy up there getting serious replies

>> No.5876898

Would a PCB of sorts be necessary to make a SCART to BNC cable with this:
and an existing RGB BNC to BNC cable?

>> No.5876929
File: 2.51 MB, 2016x1512, double the scanlines, double the fun.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Looks and feels like playing in ZSNES on my old Windows 98 PC, except without the glitches and slowdown.

>> No.5876931 [DELETED] 
File: 43 KB, 200x200, 33CE7E9F-382B-4E5B-8415-0947E64CC9BB.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5876934

What would you need a PCB for?

>> No.5876936

wouldn't you want a female scart plug? or are you trying to hook up something with a scart output to a bnc device?

>> No.5876961

What exactly are you trying to make? If you have SCART cables for your consoles, you want to get a female scart head and solder that to a cut-up BNC cable. If you're the anon from last thread wanting to use his BNC console cables in a transcoder, then you'd want that male SCART head. Also keep in mind you'd want female BNCs on the cable in the case of the latter, but I don't know if those exist so you'd just want female-female BNC connectors

>> No.5876964
File: 3.45 MB, 1836x3264, threed.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

based fellow thiccbro
what monitor is it anon?

>> No.5877168

I saw someone talking about those 5 inch coby tv's. So are they any good?

>> No.5877178 [DELETED] 
File: 62 KB, 592x570, 0BC7F0E9-63CF-4032-BFDA-872D225682C6.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5877217

Someone redpill me on this

>> No.5877235

>that Lunch figure

>> No.5877339

Why not? Scart is an easy way to get pre made RGB hookups and all you need is one scart to bnc (or your hookups) adapter. Sure, it's an extra step, but unless you're up to making or paying for custom cables, it's a legit non meme option.

That said, everyone using bnc should make their own cables by cutting monoprice ones in half. They are legit well made and shielded.

>> No.5877340
File: 1.54 MB, 2048x1536, earthbound.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

gas all multiformat users

>> No.5877346


>> No.5877349

Is this BVMD24E1WU?
Looks sexy as fuck.

How does it look from a distance?
Mind sharing a pic?

>> No.5877350

If it's a flat screen, this is common and as far as I know it's not really fixable.

>> No.5877384

I have one with original box. Using it on an xp build. Good monitor, definitely worth it.

>> No.5877412

It's a 20l5 which I've replaced with a 20F1U and I dunno how to take pics from farther back, always looks like shit if I do

>> No.5877425

Looks pretty different than a standard set but it might be closer to a BVM. However, I haven't ever used a BVM so I'm not sure.

>> No.5877441

Literally me. Phoenix adapters are a fucking pain in the ass though, but after making all the cabling it's worth it in the end to have an all-in-one switcher.

Worst part was that the 5-pin phoenix connectors I bought were too thick on the sides to fit them side-by-side. Had to spend a bunch of time whittling the sides down with a razor blade and sanding drill bit.

>> No.5877576
File: 112 KB, 1166x924, ED95i1KU8AAUz0I.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Something that'll work with one of these. I intended to retrofit one end of a composite sync BNC to BNC cable with a male SCART head. I also didn't plan on bothering with audio, since I'd have it hooked up to an external solution.

>> No.5877605

This is a retarded mindset and you know it.

>If they are not on my side or the other, they have to be in the middle.

Stop with the middle school bullshit of thinking everything has to be on a side or have chosen a path. Liking what you like, when it doesn't abide by either major choice doesn't even make you anything.

>> No.5877636

I hope you're not using snes to adjust your bvm, it's output is brighter than most systems.

>> No.5877642

Using any console to calibrate your display is retarded.

>> No.5877659

Very true, but I guess if you only used one console it might make sense to calibrate to it. What is the best other than some obscure signal generator? One of those test pattern DVDs?

>> No.5877669
File: 866 KB, 2016x1512, one man's trash etc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Some random free PC monitor and an OSSC. >>5876929
is the same monitor but with the scanline setting turned off.

>> No.5877851
File: 598 KB, 2048x768, soyul.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Left: Soul
Right: Souless

>> No.5878282

Hey, /vr/ my trinitron has a jiggle in its picture. Anybody else have issues like this? The funny thing is, the menu and words on screen are all fine. Is this more of a clean the pins on my connector, because it does it for rf and a/v.

>> No.5878296

This meme needs to die and YOU need to walk face first into a table saw.

>> No.5878323

>How much scanline is too much scanline?
That little scanline.

>> No.5878492
File: 1.73 MB, 4096x1536, ftfy.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

picture please kthnx
FTFY again
Please follow this anon's advice

>> No.5878494
File: 3.74 MB, 5975x2283, soulless_soulful_4mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left: soulless
right: soul

>> No.5878497

Stop soul posting you fucking niggers

>> No.5878508
File: 38 KB, 617x409, james brown.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5878551
File: 3.24 MB, 3911x2541, ff93.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5878676
File: 3.68 MB, 4096x2304, IMG_20190912_211550_DRO.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

left: soul
right: soulless

>> No.5878681

back of the bus bitch

>> No.5878704

S video

>> No.5878710
File: 1.85 MB, 1920x1920, 20190912_123009.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

RF thru a sony trinitron,

>> No.5878720

That's a dude
DRO doesn't do that picture any favors.
Wow your penis is so big

>> No.5878724

>flat screen
you got those reversed

>> No.5878854
File: 3.41 MB, 3168x2541, theyre so cute when theyre small_4mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5879028

in the process of recapping my crt's neckboard. my assumption is that this is a non polar electrolytic cap, but the board has a plus sign on the underside. could i replace this with a mylar or polyester cap, or should i stick with np electrolytic?

>> No.5879040
File: 1.15 MB, 2880x2160, 20190912_214241.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

fuck, forgot pic.

>> No.5879043
File: 1.22 MB, 1128x1504, 20190912_214733.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

and pic or board

>> No.5879102

FF9 sucks

>> No.5879142
File: 3.05 MB, 4032x3024, no u_1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ff9 sucks
No u
If it marks the polarity on the board you could try a polar cap. I would be safe and use a nonpolar one, though.
If you try a polarized cap and it blows up, it isn't _likely_ to cause permanent damage to everything else. But it shouldn't blow up if you use the orientation the silkscreen suggests.
You are correct, that is probably a nonpolar cap you're holding.

>> No.5879153

and mylar/poly might be ok, but remember that at high frequencies or temperatures polyester behaves somewhat badly.
I'd stick to electrolytic. nonpolar if possible.

>> No.5879160

any idea what chemistry i should use? non polar electrolytic caps are expensive, can i use mylar or polyester or ceramic?

>> No.5879165

I just said.

I'd use a polarized electrolytic and follow the markings on the board, if you really can't be bothered to spend a few bucks on your CRT.

>> No.5879168

appologies, thanks for the tip.

>> No.5879169

And ceramic _might_ work OK there. But just make sure whatever you used is rated for >=100V and is capable of operating at at least 16khz (rounding up).

>> No.5879172

Just remember: they likely picked a nonpolar electrolytic because it was better suited for the job than anything you've just thrown out there. If they thought they should be able to get away with cheaper they likely would have done so. If anything looks wrong with your picture, that'd be the first thing I'd go back to.

>> No.5879628

Not sure if this is the right place to ask, but I'm trying to connect my PC to an RGB pro monitor (15khz). I need to figure out how to combine horizontal and vertical sync to csync. I'm not worried about the difference between 31khz and 15khz, just the sync difference. I'm not seeing much info on this, but is it possible to just use a Y-cable to combine H+V into csync, just like combining left and right audio channels into mono? When making an adapter cable, can I just solder the csync line to both the H and V lines on the VGA side and call it a day?

This is going to be for use with crt_emudriver. The guide I saw doesn't discuss cabling and hookups, unfortunately.

>> No.5879632

I dont know anything about technology. what crt should I buy? I just want to plug in and play

>> No.5879750

OR them together with a 74ls32 or similar.
Your monitor will likely sync to TTL just fine.

>> No.5879753

if you know nothing you should learn
We don't even know your price point.

>> No.5879757



>> No.5879763

type RGB monitor on ebay and find a $300 one that works

>> No.5879764


thank you.

>> No.5879793

make sure it's s-video and composite only. if you get an rgb one it'll probably be too complicated to set up.

>> No.5879807

>New digital to analog converter

>> No.5879813
File: 304 KB, 1200x1600, s-l1600.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


yeah I think Ill stick to composite I looked at the back of one of them and I dont know where anything goes

>> No.5879830

>Other Features
>RGB Composite Switch
>RGB Seperate Synch
>RGB Synch on Green
Nice attention to detail over there. Somebody help them.

>> No.5879876

There are extron units that do this. Extron 109xi did it for me, I paid under $20 shipped for mine.

>> No.5879880
File: 1.15 MB, 2160x2160, 1513170948174.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should help.

>> No.5879908
File: 2.80 MB, 4947x2253, bnc_to_rca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This should also help

>> No.5879915

You're a retard
>Reference Quality on a CRT & PVM.
>PVM's are somehow not CRT's
>gold plated I/O
>We engineered DAC completely from the ground up
>for the most discerning enthusiast
So it's basically them preying on stupid people with money to burn. What's new?

>> No.5879918

Is that a 1944Q?
Looks a lot like one I used to have.

>> No.5879927

You can buy an entire SNES and Genesis for that price. What the hell?

>> No.5879935

Their target market is retards with more money than sense.

>> No.5879984


what do those do? and where do I put them?

>> No.5880064

I'm tempted, I've wanted a high-quality converter like this for a while.

>> No.5880074

Analogue is cancer, a raspberry pie can do everything a supernt can do times fucking 10

>> No.5880095

For what? This thing only works with Analogue consoles.

>> No.5880102

Obviously considering they’re both emulators.

>> No.5880119

Hey idiot, might wanna check those plugs again. You’re supposed to put all three on the same row. You don’t even get sound like that.

>> No.5880138

Ah, nevermind then. I guess I didn't read closely enough. I want someone to make a purpose-built DAC like that for SD CRT connectivity.
Is a Tendak my best bet?

>> No.5880143

There are plenty of high quality converters that cost less. All they have is apple-esque marketing and a shiny website.

Engineers can make great products and not care about web design; remember that. If you care about the look of a website/the case a product is in more than the product itself you get Apple.

>> No.5880163

Kek, you forgot to never forget.

>> No.5880168

people make rgbhv to ypbpr transcoders which is all you need to hook a pc up to a component capable tv.

>> No.5880178

I've been using one of these with my OSSC, PS4, and HDMI-only laptop, and it works pretty well: https://www.amazon.com/Portta-Converter-Component-Optical-Support/dp/B00KW6BXRG/

>> No.5880189

>Engineers can make great products and not care about web design
I get that, but the impression I have of HDMI to analog video converters is that they're all the same cheap, Chinese devices rebranded by different companies.
I have a good one of those (the SB-2840), but that's not all you need. Not all video cards will output 15.6kHz analog video (or analog video at all, nowadays). I can get it to the right color space, but having the right scan rate is a different problem altogether.
Does it allow you to select 240p (or similar) resolutions when you connect it via the HDMI port on your laptop?

>> No.5880204

>Does it allow you to select 240p (or similar) resolutions when you connect it via the HDMI port on your laptop?
Not directly, but I haven't looked into forcing it. Dunno if that's even possible with Intel graphics. It does work with 240p (passthrough) output from the OSSC, so I assume it would also work with a PC if you had the right drivers or whatever.

>> No.5880242

Chinese products are not necessarily bad (although they could be).
A quality digital to analogue adapter should NOT cost $70-$80 to make en masse. They just use FPGA's because theirs is not en masse.

>> No.5880254
File: 3.14 MB, 2822x3172, bnc_4mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think he's demo-ing what RCA to BNC adapters look like. Would have said something otherwise.
Plug one end into the BNC plugs on your monitor, and then connect your RCA composite video or whatever to that.

>> No.5880260

So do you know of a good device that does what I'm looking for, or no?

>> No.5880272

IDK, are you looking for an HDMI to VGA converter?
Here's something that looks promising, and also $30 cheaper.

It's not a scaler; their scaler is much more expensive https://www.siig.com/av-products/converters/hdmi-to/hdmi-to-vga/hdmi-to-vga-audio-scaler-converter.html

>> No.5880278

That was a low effort search btw. There are likely cheaper ones that will do the same thing. Siig has treated me well in the past though.

>> No.5880314

Analog is 3 years late but hey, at least they actually followed through with one of their promises: analog output from the Super and mega NT. I think this device is meant for someone who’s already part of the analog ecosystem ie. has at least a super nt and a mega nt. The thing is, if they if they already have a PVM, why in the holy mother or hell would they not own a origInal snes or genny? Theyve just had a crt they’re holding on to for all these years? And why market this to pvm users exclusively? I just don’t get it. Better off buying a rgb modded snes mini of the blocky aesthetic of the original snes isn’t to your liking.

>> No.5880323

Any geforce card with analog out will do 15khz no issue. It's only radeons which wont do it without custom drivers.

>> No.5880324

No, that's not quite what I'm looking for. I'm looking for an all-in one HDMI to analog + video downscaler device. I want to feed it HDMI from a computer, and get 15.6Hz, 240p RGB (or YPbPr) output.
I know there are conflicts between HDMI and SD video, but HDMI theoretically supports any arbitrary resolution (but I don't think it does a lower refresh rate than 30Hz), so I feel like such a device ought to exist.
As far as I know, such a device does not exist, and the only solution I'm aware of is to combine an HDMI to VGA converter with an Extron (or similar) scaler. Analogue's new device seems to do exactly that, if it does indeed just take the regular HDMI output of their reproduction consoles and output SD RGB. Maybe they're accomplishing it with internal trickery, though. Maybe their consoles will require a firmware update that lets them recognize the Analogue DAC and then send some purpose-designed signal over the HDMI interface that can be perfectly interpreted into SD RGB analog video.
I'd probably be better off just emailing Analogue and asking them if it's exclusively functional with their consoles. If they say yes, then I'm probably right about it not being a regular HDMI signal.

>> No.5880347

>The thing is, if they if they already have a PVM, why in the holy mother or hell would they not own a origInal snes or genny? Theyve just had a crt they’re holding on to for all these years? And why market this to pvm users exclusively?
Because stupid people like the kinds that have CRT's and still buy an Analogue (tm) console are the kinds that think the only good CRT's are PVM's.
This is clearly not the case (see >>5878494 ), but good luck telling that to someone who also probably uses Apple products.
>Better off buying a rgb modded snes mini of the blocky aesthetic of the original snes isn’t to your liking.
Or buy a super famicom. Either way.
Where the fuck on that analogue page does it even MENTION downscaling? Or the word scale? Or the word resolution?
>I want to feed it HDMI from a computer, and get 15.6Hz, 240p RGB (or YPbPr) output.
And how do you want to accomplish that? Ignoring every other line? Averaging each pair of lines together? There are lots of ways to "downscale." The best way to get 15.6Khz video is to have a device that can output it (probably running a Linux kernel).
https://github.com/TiBeN/15khz-arcade-pkg/blob/master/doc/15khz-package-documentation.md has some details if you don't want to figure out anything for yourself.
For nvidia cards, I've also made the binary official nvidia drivers work at 640x240, and just scaled 2:1 in retroarch or similar to make it display normally on a crt.
Or just use the real fucking consoles

>> No.5880352

p.s. my nvidia example is to show that the github page is slightly inaccurate on what is possible, but all the information it does give is good if you are trying to accomplish things the way they did.

>> No.5880361

>Analogue's new device seems to do exactly that, if it does indeed just take the regular HDMI output of their reproduction consoles and output SD RGB.
That's because their consoles can be made to digitally output video at ~15.6KHz horizontal scan rates.
>Maybe they're accomplishing it with internal trickery, though.
No, you're just ignorant of how HDMI and DVI-D work. Nothing about it inherently makes HDMI incapable of working at 240p. I've talked with kevtris about this on nesdev (he did the HDMI NES mod and was involved in the original Analogue NT. He might also be involved in these newer ones but I'm not sure) about this.

>> No.5880381

Go back discord please miss(mister)

>> No.5880386

Nah I use IRC.
Discord is evil and for retarded gaymur normies

>> No.5880423

Nice roleplay, irc is dead

>> No.5880442

>but unless you're up to making or paying for custom cables, it's a legit non meme option.
Is there a source for bare AV connector plugs for consoles? I've searched from aliexpress and ebay, but can only find premade cables which are either absolute shit, overpriced or both. Some of the connectors on those can be dismantled but some are molded and it seems to be a gamble which ones you happen to get. I'd rather build my own cables as I've got hundreds of meters of multicore coax.

>> No.5880448


>> No.5880449

Says someone who is never on efnet's dev channels
Which console in particular?

>> No.5880454

>$2.59 connector
>$15.56 postage
Why are the shipping costs from US so high nowadays? 10 years ago you could actually think of buying something but that's just crazy.

>> No.5880459

$4 for a padded mailer for me. Try living in a better country.

>> No.5880463

I rather take RGB input in any consumer set made since early 80's.

>> No.5880562

That's gotta leave a mark…
But I'd rather have 60hz from any TV made since 1941 and from any console ever sold

>> No.5880571

(but I am mad jelly that you got some MSX2 computers)

>> No.5880674

That seems high, but don't expect some sort of international shipping to ever be cheap. That said, I try to minimize the hurt from postage costs by planning things out and buying a bunch of parts for various upcoming projects all at once.

>> No.5880682

Yeah, but that goes for everything about the FPGA consoles in general. Either play on the real thing or just emulate. I don't see the purpose of buying expensive boutique FPGA consoles. And inb4 some "muh accuracy" shit, you damn well know that doesn't actually matter, especially for most of these older 3rd/4th gen consoles. Which actually makes their focus all the more odd IMO. I'd think it'd be more worthwhile to make FPGA clones of N64 and Saturn due to how hit-or-miss emulation on those can be.

>> No.5880690

So I just went for it and put the horizontal and vertical sync lines together, and I get a proper picture on my PVM.
What exactly is the purpose of the components you guys mentioned if just combining the lines works fine? Or am I missing something?

>> No.5880692

That would take actual effort and development and wouldn't print money like the older stuff.

>> No.5880695
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Almost any TV will sync to 60Hz just fine and even adding NTSC color decoding is usually quite trivial if it doesn't already exist and the system cannot output RGB.

It used to be far cheaper. I bought a lots of stuff from US about a decade ago and the shipping costs were very reasonable back then.

>> No.5880705

Also I should note that there are a few instances of FPGAs delivering a fairly worthwhile product. The CD add-on replacers for PCE and Genesis seem good, albeit a little pricey, but they're definitely something I'd consider before delving into trying to get all the shit set up for a proper PCE CD setup, or getting a working Sega CD that's already going to cost an arm and a leg anyway.

>> No.5880793
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Nes via composite, mitsubishi tv

>> No.5881129
File: 3.35 MB, 3264x2448, sonic mania title.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

wew lad, at last I can play sanic mania in native 240p on a CRT.

>> No.5881132
File: 3.57 MB, 3264x2448, sanic idle.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5881273

It's mainly because you're connecting two low impedance outputs together and that can potentially damage gear over time since it will be driving a lot more current than it's supposed to.
You should really sum them using two resistors, at the very least.

But if it works and you're OK with it, power to you.
If anything breaks (and it may not break) it will likely be the console/graphics card rather than the PVM.
My (model 2) Sega CD was $60 in 2015, and it came with a Model 1 Genesis that I sold off to bring it down to ~$20.

>> No.5881274

and it's worth noting that sega cd has no copy protection. It does have region locking, which can be bypassed by loading a foreign Mega CD Bios off a flash cart.

>> No.5881324
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Thanks, I appreciate the info. This sort of electrical engineering knowledge is something I have no clue about. However I do know that my Extron's ADSP function brings any voltages higher than TTL-level down to that, so that would be the simplest fix anyway since I plan on incorporating this PC into my old game setup for emulators, mame, throwback games like sonic mania and AM2R, etc.

Also it appears that it's just my BVM that handles this ghetto way of H+V=Csync 100% properly. I daisy chained the output to my panasonic PVM and I was getting bent warping at the very top of the image. Most of it was cut offf by overscan, but it's still evidence that everything is not correct.

But after doing some more investigation, turns out csync can be forced to output through the Hsync line anyway. I couldn't get it to work earlier, but I finally got that right. So I just desoldered the Vsync line from my DIY'd cable and now it's all good.

>> No.5881418
File: 3.83 MB, 3800x2673, cant even kill them.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Glad you figured it out.
>panasonic PVM
You do realize that PVM refers to the part numbers used by Sony monitors, right?
Just call it a Panasonic monitor, please.
I know it's a petty thing to get annoyed by, but I guess it triggers my autism or something.

Wish I could kill these cunts already.

>> No.5881427
File: 2.75 MB, 4032x2338, termination_switches_4mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Might be solvable on the panasonic by switching off termination, or by switching the orders of the monitors in the daisy chain and turning off termination on the panasonic.
Mine has switches for that, at least.

>> No.5881438

and FWIW my panasonic monitor and my PVM both sync to TTL signals just fine. I run csync from my genesis through a 74LS08 to buffer its open-collector sync signal.

>> No.5881494

any recommendations for crt computer monitors? there's never much discussion about them

>> No.5881523

Are ththe any 5 inch tvs with either scart, bnc or s-video?

>> No.5881524

Most are good
Giving any particular model number will instantly make that PC monitor become a meme worth 1,000x what it should actually cost.
So just find a nice one and say it's the best ever. PC monitors are usually made to much tighter tolerances than TV's.

>> No.5881527
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>naming plug types instead of signal types
BNC often carries composite video, so yes.

>> No.5881529
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brightness was cranked a little high there, unfortunately
It's hard to compensate for my camera sensor fast enough for cutscenes.

>> No.5881532

"I know what I've got" syndrome.
>"they aren't making any more of these"

>> No.5881692

No need for a PCB, can be wired directly.

Buy my shit.

>> No.5881698

Because USPS spends so much on handling packages coming into US that they "have to" raise prices going out.

>> No.5881807

So BNC can have more kind of signals like scart?

>> No.5881875

No, I will continue to use PVM as a generic term. "panasonic monitor" is too generic and doesn't give enough information on what display type I'm talking about, or whether I'm talking about a standard def device or a PC monitor. But everyone knows exactly what I mean if I say Panasonic PVM.

>> No.5881878

BNC is just a connector. It's no different than an standard RCA connector except with a locking mechanism. Any type of signal that can be sent over RCA can be sent over BNC

>> No.5881892

>doesn't give enough information on what display type I'm talking about, or whether I'm talking about a standard def device or a PC monitor. But everyone knows exactly what I mean if I say Panasonic PVM.
Except based on *context*, it is clear that we are talking about a standard definition monitor.
Stop being retarded on purpose so you can keep being wrong.

>> No.5881895

Kill yourself.

>> No.5881908

stop being autistic about this. I also call non-bandaid-brand adhesive bandages bandaids. I even call brand X gelatin desert jello.

>> No.5881916

That's a little different though because pro SDTV monitors existed before Sony started making them. Conrac was an early manufacturer, for instance, and is where the SMPTE-C phosphor name came from. (C for Conrac).

>> No.5881935

doesn't matter. PVM is an easy catch-all name for, well, professional video monitors. It gets used as a catch-all whether you like it or not.

>> No.5882032

OK. You're wrong, but OK

>> No.5882331

On my CRT monitor, the color red is blurry for me (red text), but others are fine. Why?

>> No.5882412

Got a 1987 RGB ikegami that works fine except for the contrast control on the front which does nothing. Any idea how to fix it?

>> No.5882416
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>> No.5882431

Enjoy your radiation

>> No.5882445

Harmful levels of radiation from CRTs wasn't a thing since the early 80s. Stop repeating false claims and retarded memes.

>> No.5882450

earlier than that even.


>> No.5882613

Your photography skills could use some work.
If that's a phone picture, consider using OpenCamera, enabling the Camera2 API, and then adjusting exposure settings manually.
That said, that should be a good monitor. Nice job.
>Any idea how to fix it?
Maybe take out the front control panel, or show us what the mechanism of the potentiometer looks like. Also, give us a service manual and/or a name of the particular model.

1) degauss.
2) recap your neckboard.
3) recap your deflection circuitry (might need to find a service manual or just recap everything if you don't know how to identify deflection circuitry).
Also could just be that your video cable is bad and the red line is picking up interference.
PC monitor or TV monitor?

>> No.5882625

One thing to try might be just working the knob back and forth repeatedly for a few minutes. That can scrape corrosion off the potentiometer, if nothing else is wrong with it.

>> No.5882860

what good is a CRT with RGB?

>> No.5882867

It's good for displaying things in RGB.

>> No.5882937

component I mean, not RGB

>> No.5882990

It's good for displaying things in component.

>> No.5883002

but games that benefit from component work well on modern tvs

>> No.5883010

What a profoundly ignorant thing to say.

>> No.5883014

i c

>> No.5883145

>Also, give us a service manual and/or a name of the particular model.
Ikegami tm14-16r

>> No.5883235

That doesn't even make any sense. component has nothing to do with resolution. 240p on component is going to be handled bv a TV no better or worse than composite at 240p.

>> No.5883356

Well I'm officially a moron. I made my first bnc rgb cable and spent 2 hours resoldering and checking continuity on the cable because the picture was tinted pink. It was in component mode. All I had to do was fucking switch it.

>> No.5883364
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hey /vr/, I don't ever go on here or know jack shit about CRTs but I thought I'd ask since you guys seem knowledgeable on the topic
when I was visiting my father he had a ton of old computer related shit he was throwing out, among it was a sony trinitron multiscan g400 19" monitor that I ended up asking if I could take off him so I did, just got home and set it up
Is this a good monitor? looking online it looks like the MSRP was $1000~ USD back in 1999 so I assume it's great but I've also heard something about not all crts actually being good for gaming purposes, even high end ones. been using it for the last hour or two to play symphony of the night and it looks incredible though

>> No.5883398

Sounds like trash, I'll take it off your hands for you though.

>> No.5883442

That's a really good monitor. I have one from the same line (rebadged for Silicon Graphics) and it's nice. It's not the "right" kind for retro gaming on real consoles (though it can be made to work pretty ideally with other expensive purpose-made AV equipment, like line doublers). For emulation it's just fine (though emulation isn't my preferred way to play).
If you're happy with how it looks, that's great. You should go enjoy your monitor and get away from here before you end up like me with 11 different CRTs and tons of weird cables and connectors and transcoders and switchers.

>> No.5883482

What's the best way to set it up for emulation? Just plug and play like I'm doing now? Or do people twiddle around with emulator presets?

>> No.5883515
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This game is so weird and pretty.

>> No.5883650

That's OK, it was your first time.

Took me about an hour to figure out that I was still getting colors on my PS1's yellow RCA jack after hooking luma to it and cutting the trace because the jack had a separate ground from the multi-AV port.

>> No.5883712
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>/CRT/ General

>> No.5883724
File: 3.62 MB, 4032x3024, two_psxes_desk_mess.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think the RGB from my SCPH-1001 (PU-8 main board) is blurrier than from my 5501 (PU-18). Not sure if it's just capacitors, or something deeper. Can't find many people who say the 1001 looks worse, so I am suspecting that my board has dying caps or something.
In any case, as of today I now have two working PSX's. And the yellowed one (1001) even has a matching yellowed memory card.
Never mind that the 1001 is held together with hot glue because the screw posts have all shattered.

>> No.5883743
File: 296 KB, 500x500, 1558792607987.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>ordered a remote for the 20" trinitron i picked up a few weeks ago so i can fix the awful tilting the picture has
>just checked and it hasnt even shipped yet
hold me bros, will i ever get to be part of the crt master race?

>> No.5883745

It's okay. took two weeks for an amiga floppy drive to ship from one state away. You aren't alone in the struggle.

Also you can probably get into a service menu with a universal remote. I've had luck with them.

>> No.5883752

Odd; I thought most people said the 1001 looked "cleaner?"

I've always thought s-video and such are better on the later units, but I don't know why RGB would be so much worse.
Apparently, some PU-8's have an earlier, very different GPU revision than all later ones. Does the GPU output analogue RGB? or is it put through a separate DAC somewhere?

>> No.5883754

yeah im honestly about to put a bag of fuck it on it and just walk to the dollar store and pick up a universal remote with a display button and do it that way. not the aesthetic i wanted but playing on an hdtv just isnt fun. wife thought i was crazy grabbing that box tv, when i showed her how much they go for she was very suprised, even more so when i showed her chrono trigger on the crt vs the hd tv. the tilt kills it though, makes me feel nauseous.

>> No.5883929


>> No.5884003

Defeats the point of a CRT thread if you can't see it on a CRT.

>> No.5884053

Any CRT's that are smaller than 10 inch and have a scart or S-video?

>> No.5884159


>> No.5884183

I cringe when I see this pic.
How could I have been so dumb?!

>> No.5884194
File: 19 KB, 480x640, s-l640.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Any potential hazards to putting this 2002 Magnavox mc132dmg01 on its side for vertical games? I'm mostly concerned about how the tube is being supported and if rotation would put too much stress on it, as well as any ventilation issues.

>> No.5884250

hey, cap card guy finally got someone
only if you put it on a wire rack with at least 6" of air beneath it, and possibly a fan pointing at it
take pics when you're done

>> No.5884343

IDK, maybe show us how it's built instead of a retarded photo of the outside
We don't know everything about every stupid generic TV ever made

>> No.5884371


>> No.5884394

What a worthless human. Poor B8 M8.

>> No.5884396

Meh, it's all good we all start somewhere, think of all the joy and giggles it spawned.

>> No.5884413

It doesn't bother me that so many anons had a laugh at my expense,
I deserved it after all.
Still cringe, lol.

>> No.5884414

It's a 2044qm.

>> No.5884437

I think that only applies to composite encoding.

>> No.5884520

Do you know any specific models/brands?

>> No.5884661

The reason USPS has to raise prices so often and so much is because they're required to follow a bunch of expensive federal employee requirements (not all of them, since they aren't actually federal employees) for their enormous army of postal workers, but they have to pay for it all themselves without federal/tax funding. All while competing against smaller shipping companies that don't have to deliver standard letters, catalogs, and postcards for pennies, or follow any of those same employee requirements. It's a wonder how USPS is still often the cheapest and most reliable shipping option up to a certain weight and size. Their only luxury is not owning and maintaining their own fleet of aircraft, only land vehicles.

Probably better to standardize on "pro monitor" while we still can, the way it's still common to say "presentation monitor" instead of Megaview. Being smarter about it now can prevent a Kleenex situation. It's not too late, the hobby is full of ignorant people already so let's manage this right.

>It's no different than an standard RCA connector except with a locking mechanism.
It's impedance-matched, so it's better at preventing certain artifacts caused by mismatch, especially in the cases of long runs of cable and intermediate switching/splitting/daisy-chained devices.

>> No.5884707

They're called broadcast or production monitor, which is what I think the B and P stand for in BVM and PVM, respectively.
Searching by using production and/or broadcast monitor usually turns up better results. People that use PVM/BVM in ads for non Sony monitors probably know what the market has become.

>> No.5884761

so then why bother?

>> No.5884786

What game is this?
And this >>5883724

>> No.5884824

I had to throw mine out because it was filthy from the previous owner

>> No.5884860

CRT is a manufactured meme made by corporate overlords so you emulate old games with shitty distortions.

>> No.5884872

As with anything analogue makes, I really want it, but not for that price.

>> No.5884897

how do they benefit from that?

>> No.5884904

They will sell you Super Mario Bros. for NES again for just $5

>> No.5884908

>Probably better to standardize on "pro monitor" while we still can, the way it's still common to say "presentation monitor" instead of Megaview. Being smarter about it now can prevent a Kleenex situation. It's not too late, the hobby is full of ignorant people already so let's manage this right.
I think you've perfectly phrased what I could not.
>I think that only applies to composite encoding.
It's more prevalent there but it can matter for any kind of analogue signal.
There are old computer monitors that are at least as good as a "broadcast or production" monitor, though. They're called monitors because they are better than TV's.
Also I've been to TV stations (years ago when they still used tubes) that didn't have any "BVM" monitors at all despite using mostly Sony equipment, only "PVM's". It's a marketing differentiation, nothing more.
>and this >>5883724
That's FF 9. I have no idea what the first one you asked about is, though. I'm also curious. guessing a final fantasy.
>CRT is a manufactured meme made by corporate overlords so you emulate old games with shitty distortions.
Lol, if that's the case then why don't any corporations make color CRT monitors anymore?
But they don't. No one makes official NES cartridges for the original hardware anymore, and the new systems suck for playing on a CRT. You can't even use Wii VC anymore, which was probably the last system that would do 240p that was "official."

>> No.5884921
File: 406 KB, 1161x2064, 20190914_205506_resized.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Chrono Cross

>> No.5884935

>Power PR enters the Board
>But they don't. No one makes official NES cartridges for the original hardware anymore

>> No.5884941

yeah those envelope-pushing prerendered 3D graphics from the late 90s were definitely made to be viewed on 30-year old TVs

>> No.5884987

Whatever, it has the scan line effect. Fuck you. Let me enjoy things.

>> No.5884996

Nintendo isn't a "he," it's an "it."
And I also mentioned that they did sell their titles on Wii virtual console for a while. But they haven't since Gamespy shut down years ago. Wii was the last system that would even output analogue 240p, and it's EOL.
Well yeah, mine are better than yours because they make sense and have a basis in reality. I'll treat any future replies to this from you as trolling because I suspect that's all this is already.

>> No.5885027
File: 2.09 MB, 720x8640, shills.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

great cointelpro
just wait
they will sell it to you again

>> No.5885040

I only buy physical media

>> No.5885124

I built my first rgb cable and want to build another for my Nintendo consoles. Which consoles need 220uf capacitors on the rgb lines?

>> No.5885159

Looking to build a new (modern) computer. Currently my CRT monitor only has VGA input. No modern video cards have analog output.

What's the best way for me to get my CRT working with a new video card if my only input option is VGA?

>> No.5885212

SNES and any others built to SNES specifications.

>> No.5885231

If you can open a remote control without making the seams look like they were gnawed at by rats (assuming you have to do a bit of prying and not just a simple unscrewing), their internal components and casings are very easy to clean thoroughly. Just about the only thing you have to be careful with is rubbing out printed button labels, especially if you use a solvent cleaner.

>> No.5885269

980ti still has analag output, otherwise some of the new ryzen motherboard still have vga out

>> No.5885286

If you have a GPU that does DVI, you can see if it can output an analogue signal, or if it's just digital-only. If it can output analogue, it's the same signal as VGA and you just need an adapter so your standard d-sub VGA cable can hook up.
Otherwise you can get some sort of DAC. I think there are lots of HDMI-to-VGA converters, but I haven't dabbled.

>> No.5885458

oh my god, this thread is so fucking funny for all the wrong reasons. are people really so young that they dont know anything about RCA connections let alone how to connect them?

let people waste their money, in the future it will be cheaper for people already invested in this hobby.

>> No.5885558

shut up, it's harder than you think

>> No.5885710

They just don't want to spend more than they have to and are afraid they're buying the wrong things.

>> No.5886375

lol no

>> No.5886465

What would you all suspect to be the point of failure in a circa 2000 PC monitor that starts up with very distorted picture and makes ticking sounds that gradually increase in intensity and correspond to a worsening of the picture stability?

>> No.5886548

integrated Taliban explosive

>> No.5886708

So ivd been using composite video for sync. How would csync be different? Is the difference that while I can use either as a sync, I wouldn't be able to use csync to display video?

>> No.5886716

Some monitors require csync. Also, if you're using shitty unshielded cables, composite video can cause visible interference in the other signals. If composite video works for you and you're not getting interference, there's no reason to bother with csync.

>> No.5886729

Thanks. I don't see any noticeable interference. The cable I'm using is communication cable made up of 5 mini coaxial cables, but since I needed 6 conductors (r, g, b, audio l, audio r, and sync), I used a single yellow rca cable and routed it along side the communication cable. The actual rgb lines should be very well shielded but the composite cable is about as shielded as any normal rca cable would be.

>> No.5886738

That should be perfectly fine.

>> No.5886758

they're only useful for APUs

>> No.5886810

If I don't have much money to spend (<£100) am I likely to be able to get anything that's actually going to be noticeably better than a modern IPS monitor?

The only things I can find in my local area are very cheap 12'' korean tv's, I can't find any JVC's or Sony's or the other brands that are mentioned in the sticky?

>> No.5886820


Surely you can find some random cheap TV with RGB SCART input? I wouldn't worry that much about brands to be honest.

>> No.5886825

get ready for the crt fad

>> No.5886829

The CRT fad has been going on for years already. John's late to the party.

>> No.5886834

More like monitor fad.

>> No.5886842

I took a look at his twitter and it’s full of people saying they picked one up thanks to his video/tweets. So yeah, it’s the new meme to fall for. Good luck getting one for cheap on craigslist in the future, faggots!

>> No.5887323

when I used composite video for sync on a genesis, it worked but the screen would shift to the side slightly on dark screens
I had to use an lm1881 to strip the sync, basically composite video contains csync within it

>> No.5887418

Yeah I'll do csync on the next cable. Does the csync line need to be grounded?

>> No.5887573
File: 823 KB, 1080x2220, Screenshot_20190802-181901_Samsung Internet.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Posted last thread but was away from home for a while. Finally back to post some pics of the CRT I picked up in action

>> No.5887580
File: 2.43 MB, 4032x2268, 20190916_202632.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Really happy with how it looks on the snes mini via hdmi. Maybe that's cheating but fuck it. Gamecube with s-video is really nice as well

>> No.5887581

You did take the test of the tng takes, right anon?

>> No.5887585

No I hoped the dude would come back to retrieve the rest... I'll never know what happened to the rest of that set

>> No.5887591
File: 2.02 MB, 2220x1080, Screenshot_20190916-204120_Gallery.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a close-up I guess. All the pics I take of it running seem really oversaturated

>> No.5887632
File: 1.99 MB, 3024x4032, 1598849141521.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

damn bros idk what to do. pvm is showing this bright red image. i tried factory resetting, changing to different cables, switching between component and rgb format, hitting the side of the crt. nothing helps.

>> No.5887653

I've got a KV-20FS100, setup colors in service menu, via component. Composite has such a washed out green compared to component and is oversharp, is this normal? Didn't touch any Y/C settings.

>> No.5887663
File: 604 KB, 1128x1440, 20190915_111707.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Fffff hahaha I live there, I was eyeing that one, the alley by the beer garden...
Congrats, I've got a 20" I found down lettered streets a year ago

>> No.5887668

What format? Composite tends to have a wash of fuzzy blue when the set is tuned to the component ins. At least in my shitty experience.

>> No.5887671

>hitting the side of the crt
jesus christ

>> No.5887713

Component gets a nicer looking signal to the TV than composite.

>> No.5887952

Just from the pictures my phone is taking, in person the colors are really vivid

>> No.5888180

They've been shilling PVM monitors for years to rag on shitty CRT filters, this is nothing new.

>> No.5888294
File: 94 KB, 1024x585, conversor-vga-pc-para-componente-para-retrogaming-em-tv-crt-jasnet.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I use pic related to connect a CRT Emudriver card to my PVM 1354Q via component. Would I see any improvement by finding a way to connect the videocard VGA to the RGB inputs in the PVM

>> No.5888310

Make sure it's not defaulting to vivid. I have a similar set but unfortunately the hdmi doesn't work. These retards parrot HD crt bad, but they are fucking amazing sets, literally the culmination of crt tech. You can do other things besides retro gaming, DVD, blueray, Netflix, modern gaming, hook a pc to it, etc. Great sets, enjoy it! I'm on the lookout for another local one but they don't pop up much as shitty projection tvs were the norm around here at that time period.

>> No.5888376

No improvement as long as you have it properly set up. But before buying that transcoder, sticking to RGB would have been the more straightforward option since your display already has the inputs.

>> No.5888393

Sounds dumb, but if it helps, you know you have a loose connection or cold/cracked solder joint somewhere.

>> No.5888405

What did you use to decide the values?

>> No.5888407
File: 415 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190917-072656.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Does "open" on a pinout mean no connection? Does anyone here have any experience wiring up a db25 connector?
I'd like to make a db25 to breakout bnc cable/adapter. If I'm reading this right, and I'm probably not, having pin 2 in low state makes it so I can use line a/b for audio input. Which would be greay beacaise I could get stereo. Leaving it in high state gives me audio through pin 13 only, making it mono. How do I give it less than 0.4v? I think all I need is:
Pin 2- low state (how?)
Pin 3- composite for sync
Pin 4- blue
Pin 5- green
Pin 6- red
Pin 9- high state, open(no connection?)
Pin 10- high state, 5V
Pin 12- high state, 5V
Pin 13 - audio, maybe
Pin15-24 - ground
How retarded am I?

>> No.5888408

VGA is RGB. All you need is a VGA-BNC breakout cable. CRT_emudriver lets you force your GPU to output CSYNC as well, so you just plug in the H-sync line and leave the V-sync line dangling. I made my own breakout cable and it works like a charm.

>> No.5888414

"open" is "not connected" yeah, it mean by default it is pulled up (high state) to 5v by an internal resistor.
to put it to low state you connect it to ground

>> No.5888431

Very cool, thanks. The only other question I think I have is the bit that says "negative polarity" on pin 3. I'm not really sure what that means in that case.

>> No.5888443

Is there a proper way to connect a modded psclassic to an European crt (with rgb scart) ?

>> No.5888446

negative polarity is the sync type.
15khz is nearly always negative so it's not a problem.
Although the monitor might require pure sync ? If it's the case and your console doesn't provide that sync you need an additional sync stripping circuit.

>> No.5888482

I just looked and the monitor does require a pure sync, which sucks because I wired the console cable up to be cvbs, and I hot glued the absolute ass out of the inside of the hood after confirming it worked on a different monitor. I guess I can get sync stripper, it should fit in the massive db25 hood. So I would keep my console cable the same, cvbs, and put a sync stripper in the hood before it gets to the monitor.
Would I have to wire up subsequent cables as cvbs also, or can I run a pure sync through a sync stripper without any issues?

>> No.5888565

I actually bought the transcoder way before the PVM, it was for use with a Philips CRT because SCART was never a thing here in Brazil.

>> No.5888583

You could well seen an improvement. A lot of those cheap transcoders reduce sharpness or mess with the colors. Even the Shinybow one that everyone recommends is not perfect: https://imgur.com/a/TIkUg3s

>> No.5888596

Can confirm. I have a generic CSY2100 clone that I bought back before I was able to acquire a PVM for use with my consumer set. Did its job well enough, although I would have to open the thing up and adjust the potentiometers inside (and there's no actual documentation so I just had to fiddle around and try to figure things out) to try to get the right color balance.
Not sure why this is necessary. You'd think the transcoding from RGB to YPbPr color space would be purely mathematical with no need to subjectively tweak things to look right, but whatever.

>> No.5888956

scannlines is a shitty manufactured industry meme

>> No.5889443 [DELETED] 

Reminder that CRT monitors are superior to CRT televisions in every single way, and that scanlines/composite noise

PC always wins.

>> No.5889447

Reminder that CRT monitors are superior to CRT televisions in every single way, and that scanlines/composite noise is indeed a meme.

PC always wins.

>> No.5889449

I've seen a lot of people say scanlines add to the detail so I made sure that I got a high tvl tv for my first one (never had one before, I'm only 18) cause I want to play games the way they were envisioned in the creators mind. so I got a 20l5 and use it for 240p pretty much exclusively, sometimes 480i too. Looks amazing, don't regret it at all. :)

>> No.5889494

So I recently picked up a 40in Mutsubishi CRT from a lady on offerup for $20. Would this be considered a good setup for a retro room? I feel like the colors are a bit off so I'm going to spend some time tweaking them, but other than tha everything works perfectly

>> No.5889783
File: 3.42 MB, 3619x2837, ff9_blackmagevillage.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Reminder that my monitor will actually work with a light gun and that amigas are better than PC compatibles

>> No.5889803
File: 61 KB, 356x265, ff9_blackmagevillage_faroff.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>people say scanlines add to detail
They don't.
>I got a 20L5, it uses 240p almost exclusively, I don't regret it
So what you are saying is, you fell for the 20L5 meme and are additionally actually retarded. I own a 20L5 myself and can't stand 240p on it.

the "scanlines" are a side-effect rather than a cause of sharpness. I can only bear to play on a nice RGB screen when I'm too far away to really notice the scan line effect.
(at such a distance that my camera has trouble taking a good photo with this lens.)

>> No.5889824

240p test suite Genesis version, used the color bars and tuned to equal gradation, intensity, and made sure grey was grey. Then did color/tint with SMPTE bars and blue only. Everything component looks great. Composite not so hot. The thing sadly doesn't have s-video so I can't nail it to the composite decoder or color demodulator...I've been meaning to solder one in though, FS100s all have the leads, they just left the physical port out of the smaller ones fffffs

>> No.5889830

>using a console with a limited color palette to calibrate your CRT
fucking tards

SMPTE bars for everything, and adjust brightness as necessary for black levels on a per-console basis.

>> No.5889851
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>> No.5889858
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>> No.5889883
File: 2.81 MB, 4032x3024, F26997BB-AC6E-436C-8D3F-48F2FB7FAE94.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>he didn’t fall for the 900TVL BVM meme

>> No.5889904
File: 3.79 MB, 3493x2673, ff9_party_assembled_4mb.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Wow, your BVM-penis is so big.
And that's not even _remotely_ a /vr/ game, by the way.
>he fell for the "buying a remote instead of an RS-485 interface" meme

>> No.5889946

ff9 is gay

>> No.5890229

Please help guys, I have a 29 inch Black Sony Trinitron from the 90's with a wavy image problem like in this video:


Sometimes it works great but it always come back after a few minutes or hours. What is the possible cause and how can I fix it?

>> No.5890234

The service manual should have default values in them, which are basically as close to standard as you can get without real instruments to measure. Try those.

>> No.5890274

Genesis is fully capable of displaying all the primary/secondary colors displayed by a SMPTE test image. It's not like a Nintendo where it's not capable of producing colors like yellow.

The real problem with using older consoles for calibration is their weird nonstandard resolutions. For instance, if you use the SNES version of 240p test suite to set your geometry, it's going to be off for everything else.
Really wish Artemio would port the test suite to more platforms. In particular, common things like PS1 and PS2 would help immensely.

>> No.5890526

I think the Wii is the best candidate. The PS1 has weirdness when switching between games and render resolutions. Crash, FF7, Harmful Park, Cotton 100%, Umihara Kawase Shun SE, Finger Flashing and Korokoro Post Nin all used different display settings and it became annoying to manage them. I don't think PS1 is consistent enough.

>> No.5890587

Got this free, bulk trash day.
Fucker was heavy, think I'm on my way to a hernia.

Sony wega trinition or something. KV-20FS120.

>> No.5890590
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Forgot the pic

>> No.5890597

Pray your geometry isn't completely fucked.

>> No.5890605

it seems okay when i tested it earlier w/Super Metroid.

>> No.5890725

Work out, anon.

Also, lucky find. I picked up a lovely JVC 27" on collection day not long ago. Your guys even left the corner tape on for as long as they owned it. Remote?

>> No.5890817

Not him, but the issue with bigger CRTs isn't necessarily the weight, but the size/shape and most importantly the weight distribution. I can deadlift lmao5plate but carrying a 20" PVM cube was still a struggle.

>> No.5890828

I considered that quite well, given my own armspan and experiences. But even to me 27"/200lbs. is the limit of a solo CRT pickup. That TV is less than 60lbs. and only 20" diagonal. I could probably still do a 15 minute mile carrying it. As for weight distribution specifically, glass to chest every time.

>> No.5890840

I'm just saying that strength only goes so far when you get to the point where physics and leverages make it basically impossible. I do agree that a 20" consumer set is light, however. Back in my city apartment I carried a 20" trinitron a little over a mile when I saw it on the curb walking back from class.

carrying with the glass facing you can be risky though. It's optimal in terms of leverages, but you have to be careful if any part of your clothing is going to scratch the glass screen. I kinda fucked up a CRT's screen that way because it was rubbing against the button of my jeans.

>> No.5890885

I was specifically talking about anon's new 20FS120 and his hernia comment.

>I kinda fucked up a CRT's screen that way because it was rubbing against the button of my jeans.
I use towels and tape to cover the screen and front panel/bezel. I keep them in the trunk. If the TV hasn't already been allowed to scrape a sidewalk, I wrap the underside with towels too.

>> No.5891062

Or just make a test pattern DVD
My 20" CRT is 70 lbs and as awkward as it is heavy. Most consumer sets are lighter though.

>> No.5891079
File: 40 KB, 207x310, cell_ir.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

no remote. didnt know to look for one, but i got a few old androids with IR blasters that work well with it.

i guess i could call her up. it was actually from my next door neighbor

>> No.5891086

If you want to go full completionist and your neighbor doesn't have it anymore, download the manual and look up the part number for the remote to pick up used on ebay

>> No.5891332
File: 749 KB, 1200x1600, 15688424179888211095557692244582.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Halp I just bought a pvm off eBay and I'm getting this seperation. Am I boned or what?

>> No.5891334

Great now it made a scary sound and shut off and is displaying a red light up top

>> No.5891346

>falling for the PVMeme
There's your first mistake.
>shipping a CRT
There's your second.

I'd open it up and see if the neck board got dislodged or something.

>> No.5891365

Poor guy.
Return it. It's fucked. Tell him to properly package his shit.
It's possible to ship a heavy CRT and have it arrive intact, but it requires careful packing.
Describe the scary sound.
Also do what >>5891346 suggested if you don't want to cut your losses.
It looks like you might have a deflection yoke that got unseated on the tube neck.

>> No.5891369

thanks doc

>> No.5891379

>buying a pvm

>> No.5891386

>70 lbs is heavy
Slow down

>> No.5891391

Come play 8 with the big boys

>> No.5891418

got me

>> No.5891423

Freight is the only way I'd recommend shipping. Used uShip and one provider blanket wrapped and secured my monitor in the front seat. But you pay for what you get, it costs a lot.

>> No.5891427

Luckily I've never had a shipped CRT break on me, but if it didn't, aren't you 100% covered by ebay's guarantee? I imagine that means a full refund if its borked. Seller pays return shipping, but I imagine many wouldn't even want to bother with the additional cost of shipping back a broken monitor, meaning you potentially get a free (broken) monitor that you might be able to fix with some soldering or whatnot.

>> No.5891526

Reminder that FF5 is the best FF.
FF9 is a nice balance.

>> No.5891587

Yeah you'd be covered but it's amazing how many people destroy great CRTs by trying to have them shipped through UPS, don't know how to fix them, and end up sending them to be recycled

>> No.5891628

not everyone has time for the gym, nor the desire to be fit beyond the basics of "not being fat."

>> No.5891646
File: 887 KB, 2454x1331, SmartSelect_20190919-010003_YouTube.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Sup Jared.

>> No.5891653

Never heard of him
Is he a youtuber? I don't watch those.
If he agrees with me he must be an OK guy though.

>> No.5891680

YouTuber, but goes as far back as the Screwattack days. Earlier this year this wife accused him of being a cheat, and at the same time a bunch of Tumblr kids called him a pedo. His nudes were leaked too.
A month ago he release a 40 minute response that btfo every accusation. This nigga kept his receipts.
Apart from sending his dick to fans, he seems a pretty neat guy.

>> No.5891690

I'd have to do more research to verify what I was just told, but based on purely what you've said he does sound neat.

>> No.5891717
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>> No.5891732
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>> No.5891749

being able to lift at least 100lbs should be a goal for everyone.

>> No.5891848

It is a disgrace to grow old through sheer carelessness before seeing what manner of man you may become by developing your bodily strength and beauty to their highest limit.

>> No.5891916

I'm fat and btfo your strength, imagine being satisfied to be weaker than I am

>> No.5891960

How do computer monitors compare to PVMs? I've been thinking of just buying a CRT monitor and running emulators with it.

What's the best monitor to get in the 25"+ range?

>> No.5891967

>What's the best monitor to get in the 25"+ range?
A CRT HDTV anywhere from 27-40" that will give you 480p (real or scaled), 720p (probably scaled) and 1080i (probably real)

>> No.5891971

Way sharper than most PVMs. More comparable to BVMs, and 240p looks just as bad.

>> No.5891992

What if you go through all that work and then realize you're actually a woman? Then it would be more work to undo everything rather than going from something closer to in between.

>> No.5892018

what games do you speedrun, anon

>> No.5892039

Tell that to Bruce Jenner.

>> No.5892045

BVMs don't reach those high PC resolutions

>> No.5892086
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>> No.5892116

But as far as line count goes, it should be comparable

>> No.5892386

The problem I have with consumer CRT HDTVs is that while they have a higher vertical resolution, they typically still have a low TVL count. So when displaying high-res content like 1080i, this results in a weird effect where the entire screen has vertical "scanline" (they're not actually scanlines but the low line count and high vertical resolution make it look that way)

>> No.5892478

Apples to oranges. You're comparing 240p 60hz monitors with 1440p, 144hz ones. I highly recommend one, but not for retro games as you don't get any scanlines due to the higher resolution.

>> No.5892554
File: 3.73 MB, 3674x2640, eiko1.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>no scanlines is a problem
OK, but you're wrong

>> No.5892570

Exactly how close do you sit to these things anyway?

>> No.5892708

>you don't play 2 feet away from a 52" TV

>> No.5892841
File: 1.97 MB, 2016x1512, MS320x240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

mitsubishi diamondtron 2070 with 240p custom resolution

>> No.5892859

Looks good, what's the actual resolution/refresh rate?

>> No.5892878


320x240 120hz
since it's a pc monitor it can't actually do 240p60hz, only 115-160hz at this resolution. i figure 120 would be good for emulating 60 fps games.

had to mess with the custom res timing. auto would set it to 640x480, all the other settings (GTF, CVT, etc) look like this.

>> No.5892891

wait you have scan lines and alpha blending on at the same time neo geo? or is that diagonal edge detection?

you shoudlnt have bilinear filtering (which contains alpha blending but has a little more) because they never paid for the licensing on that code. it was a hard no from snk

>> No.5892929


i only had a few minutes to run the thing before it crapped out on me (gonna figure out how to fix/get it fixed today). i was just doing some quick tests to see how it looked, so this is actually just a screenshot of metal slug 2. might even be a jpg. once i get it fixed i'll take pictures of actual games running.

>> No.5892968
File: 21 KB, 304x224, Aeshi_Nero.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

nevermind, the screenshot was a png, but my phone took a jpg of the monitor.

>> No.5893014

Are you using swiss to output at 240p? I wish there was something as easy for PS2

>> No.5893339

What is the monitor?

>> No.5893478
File: 228 KB, 870x870, 1567559419240.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

What is the best way to convert an HDMI signal to a/v, and why?

>> No.5893483

randomly searched for "trinitron" on local ad site and got like 50+ offers, most for $15 or so. Wish I knew anything about CRTs to fish out the good ones or just avoid the really bad ones

>> No.5893489
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>> No.5893491
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>> No.5893519
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I sent the guy a private message but some fag already alerted him to it possibly being worth big bucks.
The guys seemed open to giving it up. I offered to swing by on my way home from work. He's probably frantically googling right now but if he let's me have it or wants less than $50 or so, I'll take it from him.

>> No.5893658

Eh, it's just a 20n5U. I actually have one of those in storage. 500tvl and svideo only but can be modified for rgb relatively easily.

>> No.5893687

>These Sony Trinitrons are the best of all PVMs

>> No.5893690

Yeah, that triggered me nearly as badly as cutting a hole into it.

>> No.5893724

>can be modified for rgb relatively easily.
I've heard this a lot, but I don't think I've ever seen an example of one of these non-RGB PVMs being modded for RGB.

>> No.5893738

Me neither actually. I started getting ready to mod mine but then a different rgb monitor fell in my lap so I just kind of stopped. I compared the schematics with the rgb model and it's basically just adding the panel mount bnc jacks and wire them to the board, a switch, and I think there's like a resistor to be removed.
People modify consumer sets all the time and it can't be any more difficult than that.

>> No.5893740
File: 27 KB, 500x454, ssm20n1u.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>People modify consumer sets all the time and it can't be any more difficult than that.
Probably. I'm curious if there's any internal differences between the N5U models and the security ones.

>> No.5893750

If I remember correctly all of the N models had the same schematics with stuff like
>*not populated in N6U
So I'm pretty sure they have the same boards

>> No.5893786
File: 335 KB, 720x1280, Screenshot_20190919-162512.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Smashfags ruin everything

>> No.5893807


lmao, gettin dabbed on by redditfags

>> No.5893813

>composite/s-video only
kek trash, i spent less for a 20" full RGB PVM.

>> No.5893836

lel, I spoke to him for a bit and tried d to explain that the appeal is high tvl count and rgb functionality. I also told him that its not really uncommon to get them for free in los angeles and that the ones on CL and offerup for more money have been there for months. It's funny how quickly someone can go from scrapping it to gouging

>> No.5893876
File: 1.51 MB, 2330x2354, crts.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>> No.5893886

I tried, boys.

>> No.5893905

the CRT community is not even gate kept, the arcade community is 10x worse in all ways.

>> No.5893907

It’s too late. The ship has sailed.

>> No.5893929

After successfully making an rgb cable for my Playstation I tried making an rgb cable for my snes and I'm having a bit of trouble, I can't get it to work. I put 220uf caps in the rgb lines and a 330ohm resistor on the csync line.
Ive checked the pins to make sure nothing is jumped that shouldn't be and everything looks fine.
The caps are polarized the correct way and still working.
The screen does not display anything distinguishable and just jumps constantly. It isn't like it's missing a sync and the snes image comes through but jumps, no clear image comes through. There's also an auditory buzz.
Any ideas? My next step was just remove all the caps and resistor and try it straight.

>> No.5893942

Join the discord, there’s a link on crtgaming leddit. Then ask there. I always see people discussing cable shit there.

>> No.5893943

What do you use sync with the playstation?

>> No.5893954

I used cvbs on the Playstation cable

>> No.5893963

Are you using an original snes or the smaller version?

>> No.5893964

Touching the grounded bnc housings to each other triggers a buzz.

>> No.5893970

I'm using an original snes.

>> No.5893979

Have you tried using cvbs or luma as sync?

>> No.5893993

I'll give it a shot. I think I might have fucked my ground up somehow..? I tried removing all of the video lines and just plugging in just the sound connectors and neither of them are doing anything. I got worried that I'm clinically retarded and might have gotten the entire pinout flipped, so I tried each of the individual lines in the sound input. To check if the fucking red line was pumping sound instead of red, but no. No combination of cables have me anything but buzz. I'll give it another shot tomorrow.

>> No.5894001

Some TVs mute sound if no video signal is detected.
You can use a multimeter to check for shorts or open lines.

>> No.5894024

Damn, I thought I was being clever. Is there any reason that I should not use both grounds? The snes pinout has pins 5 and 6 as grounds. Should I jump them together?

>> No.5894032

I think they are connected together inside the console anyway.
Post a picture of the inside of your snes connector if you can.

>> No.5894042

I can tomorrow. The camera on my phone is broken so I can only take pictures with the front camera, which makes for really shitty pictures. Thanks though.

>> No.5894090

NVM. Turns out raspberry pis have a combined av in the 3.5mm jack. Which is cool.

>> No.5894125

Sounds the same as a camcorder minijack cable then, which is also what the official PSone LCD uses for secondary input.

>> No.5894212

Is using a framemister on a HD CRT like the Sony xbr retarded? Would it be the best of both worlds or a retarded compromise?

>> No.5894254

Depends on what your goals are, I guess. It's not going to look anything like an SD CRT.

>> No.5894358

Apparently is.

>> No.5894415


>> No.5894506

Component adds 480p but blurs the picture in a way other connections don't.

>> No.5894508


>> No.5894513

in my case, it's a 36" HD CRT I'm talking about. So I actually can notice the low TVL count

>> No.5894694

I have multiple 34" and kept one of my 36", and my question stands.

>> No.5894826

Just remember the audio output is mega drive II-tier bullshit.

>> No.5894845

what's the consensus on samsung's syncmasters, like 957DF for example

>> No.5894924

I have one, and I think it's in a bit of an odd spot. It's not amazing for DOS games due to the fine pitch (but better than no CRT of course). It's not ideal for newer games either as it only does 1600x1200@75hz, which is usable depending on how sensitive you are to flicker, but 85hz is far superior. It can do 1024x768@120hz if that's your thing though.
I've heard people bitch about the dynaflat tube, but I don't mind it.

I would recommend getting a better specced 19" or a 21" for later games and an older, courser pitch monitor for DOS games.

>> No.5894928

hm yea that is unfortunate now that you mention it.
Shame though, not sure if I can find anything better specced and most of those that are being sold locally are like $10 at most

>> No.5895023

That's not true. Picture quality is pretty much the same and scart can't do 480p.

>> No.5895024
File: 2.56 MB, 3264x2448, DSCN9769.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I cut the fucking cable and started again. I left the leads long to give myself more room to work with. Looks a mess but there are no jumps where there shouldn't be. Audio and video grounds are separate, I know it shouldn't matter but fuck it. The exposed wires are a little long which means they'll pop out of the connector a bit but I'll cover it.

>> No.5895027
File: 2.56 MB, 3264x2448, DSCN9768.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Like I said. It's messy, but it should fucking work. The melts are from reworking a few times.

>> No.5895030
File: 2.85 MB, 3264x2448, DSCN9770.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Whatever. I won't know if it works until I get home.

>> No.5895272

That's like answering with "RCA".

And you're confusing two issues. Wii's component isn't blurrier than its rgb, it's blurrier than GameCube's excellent component.

>> No.5895292

I just want to get the biggest CRT possible. It would be cool to run some hd xbox/ps2 stuff, but that's not as important imo

>> No.5895304

Did anyone ever successfully reverse engineer and copy a gamecube cable?

>> No.5895314

>it's blurrier than GameCube's mediocre component.
Fixed. The official component cable isn't that great and the GameCube still had subsampled chroma, so the difference between that and a late-model Wii isn't that dramatic.


>> No.5895321

Got a link by any chance? All I found was an assembler games thread that derails into an hdmi mod.

>> No.5895343

They just posted pictures of the finalized packaging on Twitter so they should be available soon. There's also EON's thing if you feel like spending more money and also getting HDMI.

>> No.5895372

the difference is noticeable enough to keep a gc around for its games esp. 480p and play wii games with a wii u's hdmi on a current tv, maybe for lower than 480p you're seeing no difference

>> No.5895375

Thanks, that's still a bit rich for my blood.

>> No.5895436

I didn't say there was no difference. I'm saying that the difference isn't that big, even at 480p, if you're comparing with a late Wii with a decent component cable. Mostly what I took issue with was you calling GameCube component "excellent" when it's not really that great compared to e.g. PS2 component.

>> No.5895447

who? i consider any actionable difference big btw

>> No.5895524

>PS2 component.
yeah cause the ps2 is well known for its stellar video quality...

>> No.5895597

Compared to the GameCube's? It's pretty good, yeah. As long as you're not using shitty cables, there's not much to complain about.

>> No.5895750

Meeting up with someone tomorrow to pick up a Toshiba 27AF43

Worth my time? Currently have an older Sony XBR from 1994. Only has svideo.

I want to reuse my genesis HD Retro cables

>> No.5895752

The toshiba af models are great sets but one noteworthy thing about them is they have forced edge enhancement. This isn't a huge deal though as you can actually just go inside the set and disconnect the board which handles this with no ill effects.

>> No.5895763

I maybe totally wrong but I swear I read that the 44-47 models had that where it couldn’t be defeated.

Anon do you have a link or a source about which board to disconnect?

>> No.5895885

looking at the service manual it looks like the vm coil pcb is a daughterboard to the neckboard, not entirely sure but it looks like it can still be disabled.

>> No.5895987

you can disable it in the user menu

>> No.5896021

There's nothing wrong with the GameCube's component either, other than what people believe to be chroma subsampling. It's sharp and color saturation is as you'd expect, what I'd consider flawless.

>> No.5896049

Okay, I'm a bit closer. I'm getting picture and sound but everything is dark as fuck and tinted red, i think.

>> No.5896071

It looks like I'm missing green somehow. Oh well, I can still play via scart on a couple other monitors for now.

>> No.5896117

>chroma subsampling
And it's not "what people believe", the external frame buffer is literally YUY2. And the official cable doesn't even interpolate the chroma (which turns out to be a good thing for GBI, but bad for everything else).

>> No.5896898

Holy fuck yes, goddam boomers gatekeeping all the nice arcade tubes.

>> No.5896910

redpill me on this

>> No.5897503

I ended up getting a Wii dual because of that. It wasn't worth it and I think 480p shouldn't be super sharp anyways.

>> No.5898156

Anyone got a bvm? How do you check the hours?

>> No.5898227

read the fucking manual

>> No.5898305

Status on the service menu, scroll up two screens and you’ll hit the info page for hours of your tube, and software version you have.

>> No.5898309

Tfw bvm with 49,000 hours ;(

>> No.5898583

Holy shit this BVM-D14H5U I got has just 1 hour

>> No.5898596

Treasure it and pass it along to your first born.

>> No.5898630

I bought two of these and the other one has 64,633 hours. Is that bad?

>> No.5898791
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Tips on how to take photos of a CRT with an smartphone? I tend to manually change the focus so it's not focusing on the screen rather than the image displayed there

>> No.5898884
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1/60th shutter (1/30th for interlaced), awb/focus locked on the brightest part of the pic (then adjust brigtness if too gright/dak).
If your phone/phone app has such settings...
(on pic I focused on white part of dress, but I moved taking the screengrab)

>> No.5899053

Unless it blows protection resistors on the deflection board instead, which earlier PVM's tend to if you put a neckboard electro in backwards.

>> No.5899058

For one, current versions of crt_emudriver will give you c-sync directly from the H-sync pin, like old ATI drivers would. It's an option you can turn on.

For two, you shouldn't be merging your audio channels directly.

For three - https://www.aussiearcade.com/showthread.php/87668-A-guide-to-connecting-your-Windows-PC-to-an-SD-CRT-TV-PVM-or-Arcade-Monitor

>> No.5899059

What's your method for doing this? What tools do you use to do what?

>> No.5899097

Hey anon, I recently got crt pc monitor and I was able to set it 320x240@120Hz, how do you use it with emulators? I was trying to to use this rez with mame but to no avail.

>> No.5899232

OpenCamera with Camera2 API enabled in settings
then do what >>5898884 does
So yours got reset then
My 27A42 (not AF) could not have it disabled unless you connected to the internal I2C bus and did it.
Not worth it IMO.
Yes, get an FPGA

>> No.5899242

Try the amiga community
I don't; I use a 15khz monitor and real hardware

>> No.5899360


>> No.5899363

On an older model that somehow has an input you can work with then sure, but pretty much every vga monitor I've come across doesn't go below 800x600. Which means no scanlines.

>> No.5899495
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I haven't tried with MAME but with bsnes all I had to do was set my CRT as my primary monitor and make it fullscreen

>> No.5899763


>> No.5899945

Learn to use your operating system. All vga monitors can scan down to 31khz.

>> No.5899978

Absolutely beautiful.

>> No.5900002
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Does anyone else watches retro movies on retro consoles?

I'm watching Parasite Eve on Sega Saturn

>> No.5900009

Is this a good bvm? I dunno what I just got

>> No.5900014

No, I don't have severe brain damage. This shit is like beyond the fucking spectrum.

>> No.5900031

>You don't need a reason to help people

Yes, you do. I will only help good people, not bad people.

>> No.5900045

It's not like this movie is easy to get on DVD or better quality.

>> No.5900325

set the resolution in nvidia control panel and use an adapter to send the output to whatever display. for a pvm you could use a vga>bnc cable and a t-adapter to join the h and v sync together but a proper sync converter would be better. for component you'd need a rgbhv>component converter.

>> No.5900353

what about stinky people? like people who shit themselves for fun.

>> No.5900394
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Anyone looking for a studio grade crt?
Need to get rid of my lil lady due to space.

>> No.5900395
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That's not the issue. I've tried every combination I can think of through both Toasty and Intel, but nothing seems to stick in the registry.
Maybe it's something to do with being a european model, or maybe it's to do with Windows 10. Or maybe I'm missing something. I'll leave the monitor specs here in case someone else can figure it out.

>> No.5900397
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Here is the back info shit

>> No.5900404

Install Gentoo.

>> No.5900417

Compiling updates isn't a videogame.

>> No.5900454

are you setting the resolution in windows properly? you need to go to display adapter properties and list all modes to actually change the resolution and not just scale it.

>> No.5900553

Depends where you are. If you're near Denver, yes.

>> No.5900604

Depends where you are. If you're near Portland, yes.

>> No.5900609

Depends where you are. If you're near Los Angeles, yes.

>> No.5900615

Depends where you are. If you're near Pyongyang, yes.

>> No.5900656

>pretty much every vga monitor I've come across doesn't go below 800x600
I promise you that's not true.

>> No.5900857
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Found this Sanyo at the dump.
Gave it a good clean and now I'm clearing room on my bookshelf for it.

>> No.5901084
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I've got the option to pick up either the Sony KV-32FS12 or the Toshiba 24AF43 and I've been struggling a little bit with which one would be the preferable choice. I'd be upgrading from some terrible 13" Sansui I've had for years, so I'm sure I can't go wrong either way. The Sony Trinitron would be dope because it's a Sony Trinitron but it's 32 inches and almost 200 pounds lol. I've read good things from people about Toshiba CRTs, though I know there is a form of edge enhancement that is prominent on this particular model. It is possible to disable it by opening the TV, so I'm not as worried about that if the feature ends up bothering me.

What do you guys think, is the Sony THAT much better than the Toshiba that it would be worth it at that size and weight or would the smaller 24" model serve just as well? I've read that when it comes to the "best size" for a CRT, the general opinion seems to be around 20" anyway, so the smaller size of the Toshiba doesn't bother me, just want to make sure that I'd have a nice picture quality.

TV would be mainly used for PS1/PS2, GC, Dreamcast, N64 and SNES.

>> No.5901138
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Like this?

>> No.5901143

>is the Sony THAT much better than the Toshiba
No, they'll be about the same. If anything the Toshiba might be sharper because it's smaller. Trinitrons are highly overrated. I would say just go with whichever one fits your setup better as far as viewing distance goes.

>> No.5901145
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What do you guys think of pic related for a modded SNES mini played on a PVM-14m4u? I had considered just going with RGB via SCART, but I want to use an AV receiver and I also have component for a wii and PS2, so even with the high price of the cable it still seems cheaper and more convenient than the initial investment of a decent SCART switch.

I'm just not sure about the video quality of the cable versus what I'd get if I went with RGB. Or if there's a cheaper solution.

>> No.5901162

But otherwise yes.
I'd do that if I wasn't already using RGB via RCA cables
>FF9 sucks
How appropriate. You fight like a cow.

>> No.5901195
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It's the only properly encoded movie I have that I can play through my Wii (besides some MJ concerts on VHS quality)

>> No.5901229
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can anyone ID the crt on the right behind me?

>> No.5901718

I'll watch old vhs or dvd rips of anime on the crt. Otherwise it's blu ray versions of old movies on the modern tv which look great.

>> No.5901738

I like using bnc connectors for most things since most high end video equipment uses bnc jacks and bnc to rca adapters are cheap and easy to get.

>> No.5901742

My thoughts: incredibly memerrific!

>> No.5901747

Curse you for blocking out the serial number! I was specifically browsing CRT threads for unwitting saps who post their CRT serial numbers so that I might redeem an expired $5 off rebate on a new CRT! (Which expired in 2002 but I would certainly have words with customer service on that!)

>> No.5901761
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Yeah it’s the KV-420LARPFAG

>> No.5901769

I ended up doing some research and figured an Extron matrix switch is the best solution for me and snagged a pretty nice one for just under the cost of the cable I posted before. Will be a little more expensive in the long run because of adapters and specialty cables, but scales much better with more consoles and equipment.

>> No.5902110

1616 big boy

>> No.5902136

People that block out serial numbers on anything old are fucking retarded. I was looking on eBay for a specific Wii model and someone actually covered the serial number.

>> No.5902138


>> No.5902141

If you must use an AVR, those cables will work. The color space for YbPbBr isn’t as good as RGB, though, so you’ll be missing out some.

>> No.5902198

It's super easy to adjust Component to match RGB though. And quality wise, they're the same

>> No.5902247
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I do that all the time with both hard/software. Suck my hairy scrotum if you disagree.

>> No.5902461

does a crt ever just lose power? it’s been a while since i last played my retro games and now the tv doesn’t turn on all of a sudden. is it most likely dead?

>> No.5902469
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Good tip, but no dice. The modes I put in were correct, it was just Windows deciding it didn't want to use them.
Managed to dig out an old tip from an old system11 thread though, which told me to use custom Powerstrip profiles to force the resolution down. That finally fucking did it. It's not PVM quality, but I'm happy to get this far at all.

>> No.5902479

you wont convince the retards here that it's the same so don't even bother.

>> No.5902482

What model and year?

>> No.5902497

I use custom resolution utility and hotkey resolution changer. Works perfectly.

>> No.5902540
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at what point do games start to look better on LCD than CRT?

was Wii the turning point for Nintendo systems?

>> No.5902559

all i know is it’s a magnavox. no year.

>> No.5902561

no, the wii outputs 480p at max, it looks best on a vga monitor or other multisync crt. even the 360 and ps3 look better on a good crt than an lcd.

>> No.5902565

LCD tech never got as good as CRT, just look at the recent DF video that went viral. OLED has potential, but they've got massive ghosting and latency issues.

>> No.5902650


>> No.5902653

Plasma screens used the same phosphors as CRT's though.
If you have a nice old plasma it might be similar.

>> No.5902663
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They look good for the most part but have odd native resolutions so getting non-scaled content is a crapshoot unless you have one of the nice 1080p ones. picrel is ps2 480p running on a 720p viera.

>> No.5902674

My Panasonic TH-50PZ800U is pretty good, although it does need to go through a scaler to avoid the interlacing problem.
I still prefer CRT's.

>> No.5902967

I mask that stuff every time. I strip exif off photos I upload anywhere too. I'm glad it makes people out there mad.

>> No.5902970

>The color space for YbPbBr isn’t as good as RGB, though, so you’ll be missing out some.
You and everyone else who says this would fail an ABX test between the two, guaranteed

>> No.5903001

Not that anon but I doubt too many would fail an ABX test. On the other hand, I don't think it actually matters as unless you have them side by side you'd never notice. Kind of like how FLAC can be told apart from MP3 side by side but otherwise aren't distinguishable, but that's a whole different rabbit hole.

>> No.5903018

You posted this on Reddit

>> No.5903174

it makes you retarded in the case of >>5900395 . in other cases it might be warranted.
There's nothing inherently wrong with shadow mask sets like the toshiba, but I've not liked my toshibas because of their scan velocity modulation thing.
In this case I'd go for the sony, but be sure to be clear it wasn't just falling for the trinitron meme. In this case it is the better option.
(I had a 27A42).

>> No.5903263

>Try the amiga community
I've been popping in and out of it, taking part in some gatherings too and doesn't seem nearly as bad

>> No.5903718

>OLED has potential, but they've got massive ghosting and latency issues.
OLED has neither of these issues.

>> No.5904260

>even the 360 and ps3 look better on a good crt than an lcd.
This is true, but they look just as good/better (depending on model) on a good high-end mid-era plasma, and those are much easier to get, own, and keep (space-wise) than a similarly-capable HD CRT.

>> No.5904274

>Plasma screens used the same phosphors as CRT's though.
This is blatantly false, do not spread misinformation. There was almost a flat panel technology (SED) that used the same phosphors as CRTS, but plasmas do not use phosphors at all. They use ionized gas.

>> No.5904532
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Don't link an article if you're not going to read it you absolute fucking moron.