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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5876236 No.5876236 [Reply] [Original]

You are given the chance to magically fix one, and only one, flaw on this piece of shit. Which is it?

>> No.5876242

I'd make emulation for it better so anti-N64 guys would stop having it rent free on their mind.
Allowing 5th gen on /vr/ really was a mistake, but eh, at least we're free from 6th gen shitposting.

>> No.5876258

can you fix their haters?

>> No.5876259

t. Ninteniggers

>> No.5876261

I'd magically erase OP and everyone like him from existence.

>> No.5876265

CDs instead of cartridges. That's all it had to be.

>> No.5876267

Yeah dude, console wars!

>> No.5876270

better library

>> No.5876271

It'd just add loading times. Carts are fine.

>> No.5876285

Should've made a 4 player top down Zelda game.

>> No.5876289

Better ram running at a higher speed. It really held the thing back

>> No.5876292

Chop off the d-pad handle.

>> No.5876307

Curious they never made a hardware revision akin to the SNES jr that incorporated the expansion ram onto the main board, or better yet, doubled it.

>> No.5876314

No they're not

>> No.5876319


>> No.5876331


What would cd version of goldeneye 64 have brought you that the cart version didn't?. not him btw.

>> No.5876337

I guess at the time they were greedy and wanted to sell expansion packs. I wonder if they did release a straight upgraded version like with the 3DS would people have been upset. I heard the standard Xbox One is barely capable of running modern releases, in some cases things are outright unplayable. If console generations were longer back then I bet they would have released an N64++.

>> No.5876346

Movie clips, voice acting in place of text dialogue, more maps.

>> No.5876350

That guy>>5876314 is fucking dumb

>> No.5876351

FMV cutscenes clearly

>> No.5876359

FMVs were a nice novelty back then but in retrospect, not having to deal with loading times is the better end.

>> No.5876369

Increase texture cache.

>> No.5876375

The blur filters

>> No.5876380

Processing power on x86 architecture.

>> No.5876397

Only thing it really needs is a better analogue stick.

>> No.5876416

My knee jerk would be to fix the controller. Maybe simple as move the joystick over to the left like modern controllers.

But my real answer is I'd have the CEO of Nintendo straight up drop to his knees in apology to Square Soft and beg them to come home.

More rpgs, problem solved.

>> No.5876568


>> No.5876596

Make the joystick not shit itself when used.

>> No.5876602

x86 was shit at the time though. The RV4300i was a really nice CPU.
x86 didn't really catch up with its RISC competition until around 2001.

>> No.5876612

Better controller, that's really all it needs, every other flaw it has I can live with

>> No.5876638

The controller's fine when you're using it, until the joystick breaks down.
Looks silly, though.

>> No.5876643

le bubble world

>> No.5876649

The joystick is primarily what I was referring to, not only should it be sturdier and actually built to last, but I never liked how tiny the ball that the stick rotates on is, I never had a very easy time getting careful precise movement out of it compared to Playstation, which especially becomes a problem when I play FPS games and try to aim up or down. So I'd give it a sturdier joystick with a bigger ball

>> No.5876691

First of all, N64 emulators play 99% of games just fine.

Second of all, 5th gen was always allowed on this board.

>> No.5876849

I thought the same, but there are archives of early /vr/ only being up to 4th gen. 5th gen was included shortly after.
I thought I came here the very first day too, so either I didn't notice it or I have bad memory. But yeah the archive doesn't lie.

>> No.5876857

Release the 64DD in 1998 alongside OoT

>> No.5876862

The cancer inducing blur filter

>> No.5876893


>> No.5877058

All games running smoothly in 640x480

>> No.5877128

>allowing 5th gen on this board was a mistake
Man this is so retarded, 5th gen was released 23-25 years ago, and ended 20 years ago. How can you argue that isn't retro at this point? Or do you just not want to open threads about N64 and PSX? If that's the case, you can just filter them or hide them, nobody is forcing you to read this.

As for a change to N64 to improve it, I would definitely change the controller to something more sensible so that the D-pad and analog stick could be used simultaneously.

>> No.5877137

Its flawless though. It has a great small single player and multiplayer library, without any bullshit shovelware or incel jarpigs.

>> No.5877142

CD based instead of cartridge based.

>> No.5877149

The joystick wear.
The Vaseline blur.
RGB at the multi out.
Get more third party developers, and make 2d games/sprites a thing on the system.

>> No.5877164

Came here to post this.
We still get memory expansions so all should be good.

>> No.5877176


yeah, so y'all wanted games like Tomorrow Never Dies.

I never cared for the movies. If I wanted to see low quality movies on disc I would have bought a vcd player.

>> No.5877182

Fix textures by increasing texture cache.
Cartridges were dumb, but some games could still have been ported if they had 64MB carts right away for cheap and the royalty fees were lower.

>> No.5877184

Nigger you're lying. 5th gen was allowed from day 1, just with the original cutoff being 1999. Post the archive or lest you be branded lying nigger.

>> No.5877185

>5th gen was released 23-25 years ago, and ended 20 years ago. How can you argue that isn't retro at this point?
Probably with the same bullshit reasoning to not allow 6th gen despite PS2 turning 20 next year.

>> No.5877196

Better textures + remove the blurry filter.

>> No.5877202

It's not about age, it's about a specific period in time.

>> No.5877219
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>> No.5877275

After you fixed this issue my fix would have to be carts instead of CDs

>> No.5877283

RGB and no blurry filter and 64DD should have been build in

>> No.5877292

I never said that's what I wanted. That's likely what would have been in the game had it been released on cd at that time.

>> No.5877529

Check this out
>Note that 'Fifth generation', and later consoles are not considered retro.
I was actually just as surprised as you probably are. I was also sure 5th gen was allowed from day 1, but nope.
The discussion isn't if 5th gen is "retro" or not (there is no actual official definition for retro, some sources say something must be like 50 years or more to be retro, but at the end of the day nobody can really say what's retro or not, it's just a vague word).
The point is that 5th gen attracts so many awful shitposting and /vr/ would be better without it, we'd only have to endure some genesis vs snes and maybe some ironic scarce sms vs nes.

>> No.5877531

>1st /vr/ post was a snes vs genesis thread

>> No.5877649

I'd kill the faggot that keeps posting threads about his hate boner for it

>> No.5877693

>The point is that 5th gen attracts so many awful shitposting
We can thank the Sonyfags for that. They also falseflag the board hard because they're seething over PS2 not being allowed here while Dreamcast is.

>> No.5877751

I would not fix anything because Nintendo is still alive on consoles while Sega fans became lolcows.

>> No.5877775

>still trying to drive a wedge between Nintendo and Sega bros
We see right through your bullshit, Sonytranny.

>> No.5877794

Maybe nintendo is still alive but their last truly great console was the N64

>> No.5877821

>last truly great console was the N64
nah, it was their first bad one

>> No.5877828


>> No.5877839

Nah, GameCube was great but just lacked third party support. The main IPs had amazing games on GameCube. That's off topic though.
SNES was the goat, and there's really nothing that will ever beat it.

>> No.5877848

"Everything before 2000" isn't a specific period of time dumbass. We all know 6th gen isn't allowed because that's when the average /vr/ poster started getting cynical about games. If you were 25 in the late 90s you'd be cynical about the 5th gen and consider it not retro.

>> No.5877850

Nobody liked the main IPs on Gamecube at the time. Sunshine was a step down from 64, they made Zelda too kiddy and easy, they turned Metroid into an FPS, they had to outsource F-Zero and Star Fox and Wario to inferior companies who didn't understand what made those franchises great, and so on.

>> No.5877854

But it had real 3d which opens up possibilities

>> No.5878019

>Literally nobody liked Gamecube
Don't speak on behalf of a wide swathe of people like this anymore lol.

>> No.5878025

Most obvious answer would be CDs instead of carts, but rather than that, I would've liked it if the system had more memory. Even if it used CDs, 'a lot of games' visuals would've still been cucked by the lack of memory forcing the developers to resort to stretching the same low-res textures over everything.

>> No.5878040

Zoomers who grew up on the Cube as their first console and couldn't realize it was the worst thing by Nintendo at that point count as nobodies.

>> No.5878050

Everyone who thinks cd was the problem are not-smart.

>> No.5878051

The controller is fucking garbage

>> No.5878063

Thumb sticks that don’t wear out so quickly

>> No.5878309

make the control stick not shit other than that its alright for me

>> No.5878312

CDs held much more data than cartridges, and were much easier and cheaper to produce, therefore, you are gay.

>> No.5878313

Loadtimes, durability

>> No.5878315

give it more 3rd party support because it has no games

>> No.5878320

release the Zelda game no later than 97

>> No.5878324

>no loading times
>more durable and reliable
>no having to turn your system upside-down and pray the laser would read the disc

Carts win. Eat shit CDfag.

>> No.5878328

b-but muh FMVs.....

>> No.5878332

>muh load times
You over exaggerate how bad they were, zoomer niggers. PS1 load times were servicable for the time. If you want to bitch about load times, play the Neo-Geo CD
>muh durability
Quit being lazy niggers and keep your CDs in their case, holy shit.
>they had to outsource F-Zero and Star Fox and Wario to inferior companies who didn't understand what made those franchises great,
Yeah, because Nintendo sure knows how great F-zero is by letting it die after Sega and Namco outdid them at making their own game.

>> No.5878358

Loadtimes typically weren't that horrible, had N64 and PS1 back in the day, never really bothered me. I'll give you that on durability, my 64 still operates perfectly. My PS1 reads discs fine, but the mechanism that holds the lid shut is half broken, and the center part that holds the discs (don't know what it's called) comes off when you take a disc out. It'll probably be broken in the next couple years, if I even actually ever hook it back up.

>> No.5878478

Have it accept 64DD right out of the gate

>> No.5878483

Oh yeah GX was boss as fuck

>> No.5878485

>Wanting /v/ posters to come to this board
>Delusional enough to think this also won't become /v/ because of it
Just go back to /v/ and discuss later gens, what's stopping you?

>> No.5878513


>> No.5878556


>> No.5878559

This is the sort of shitposting that is shit.

>> No.5878563
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>All this console wars cringe bullshit.
Is this what this board has become? How insecure do you have to be to have any part of your identity or self worth tied to which console team you belong to? Can't we all just talk about retro video game stuff and get along?

Can't we give love a chance?

>> No.5878568

I wish OP would fuck off

>> No.5878581

Dont question me, bitch. I know more about video games than you do.

>> No.5878596

The average N64 game looks like a blurry mess because it can't put textures on the screen at a reasonable speed.
A larger block of memory for TMEM would be amazing.

>> No.5878608

Wow your parents must be proud

>> No.5878609

>Yeah, because Nintendo sure knows how great F-zero is by letting it die after Sega and Namco outdid them at making their own game.
Miyamoto realized he couldn't top X, that's why F-Zero is kill.
As for Namco, Star Fox Assault was trash.

GX wasn't bad, but X had better soul, more features, and better gameplay. It's easily the best game in the franchise.

>> No.5878638

Well, what >>5876346 said but the primary thing isn't what the N64 would have gained by having CDs, it's what the N64 wouldn't have lost - literally its entire 3rd party publishing base. All stolen by Sony, all because of CD media.

>> No.5878651

the coolkids stayed

>> No.5878659


Honestly, I have no idea who were the publishers or the other guys and what they did as far as producing games but whoever did stay with Nintendo was good enough for me.

I loved the games that came out and loved the graphics of the N64. I always saw it as a Nintendo = quality, while Playstation = quantity kind of thing.

>> No.5878668
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Online play

>> No.5878679


I don't think that would've done shit. Online then wasn't what it is now. Would've ended up as useless as the web browser ability of the dreamcast. We'd be discussing that that would have been the one thing to remove.

>> No.5878750

Make the middle handle on the controller shorter.

>> No.5878751

What happened here.

>> No.5878756

Normal fucking controller with 2 thumb sticks.

Now it's fucking 10x better than PS1 in every possible way.

>> No.5878762

replace the controller with one not designed for mongoloids

>> No.5878765

Should have used gigantic rom sizes for all games is all. Shit, look at how these awesome games turned out with 7 mb roms. All they needed was twice that. Fuck 250-650mb.

>> No.5878780

It's hard to pick just one thing to change to fix the systems many problems. There's the controller that self destructs from regular use, the lackluster library which is due to Nintendo's arrogance and also Nintendo obfuscating important system information, the numerous accessories that add questionable benefits at times and the god awful performance basically across the board. There's not just one solution to the problems the N64 presents. Using an optical analog stick would work, but that's just one problem. Switching to CD media would attract more developers and address a lot of inferiorities compared to its competition but that doesn't solve the timing restrictions which crippled performance. These could be alleviated with better hardware had Nintendo been more flexible with the target pricing of the system.

It's got too many issues. It's not like the Saturn where you can just say "just simplify the hardware design." or the PS1 "just give it an extra 1MB of RAM."

The N64's failings are too complicated to just name 1 to solve everything.

>> No.5878783

Literally the only issue with the controller is wear on the stick over use, due to the lack of grease.
Every other aspect of it is fine
What? it has a normal d-pad, 6 face buttons, and 2 shoulder buttons, and the start button.
>b-but the stick
Yeah I already addressed that the only flaw of the controller is the stick... but not the stick itself, the stick itself is still one of the most precise analog sticks on any home console. The problem is that it wears out, but even when it's worn out, it STILL has more precision than most analog sticks in subsequent controllers. It shits all over any other Nintendo stick, any Xbox or Playstation stick.
>b-but 3 hands!
Most devs were lazy and mostly made games for the right-position (holding the middle part with the stick and using the face buttons), but some devs tried something more experimental, like Treasure with games like Bangai-O or Sin and Punishment. Moving with the d-pad while shooting in all directions with the analog stick is the patrician way to play that game, once you get the hang of it, there's no turning back. But yeah, not many developers dared to experiment with the possibilities of the N64 controller.

>> No.5878784


name fifty things you'd fix

>> No.5878790

>"just simplify the hardware design."
That doesn't sound too simple.
Truth of the matter is, "hardware is too hard to work" is just lazy excuses.
The reason Sony got so many devs on board isn't because the playstation is a great system, it's pretty mediocre, but Sony made things very easy for devs, economically. Even offering free advertising in some cases (FF7). Hard to dismiss Sony's generous offers.
Sega and Nintendo weren't big companies like Sony, who could literally burn money in order to penetrate the market (and eventually, taking Sega's place, forcing them to step out).
The reason the Playstation got so big wasn't hardware-related.

>> No.5878807

>Truth of the matter is, "hardware is too hard to work" is just lazy excuses.
The issue is the hardware isn't good enough to get good results out of. Nintendo also required too much and the result is only certain games were feasible to design - racers, 3D platforms and wrestling games. Stuff with easily managed environments where you could control what the player has on screen and with the most ambitious being 3D platformers, they rarely did things that made the system excel
> it's pretty mediocre
It's fast in 3D, has good 2D tools, and excellent development environments as well as mediums that were exciting for devs to engage with at the time (3D and CD tech.) It's not mediocre, it was exciting and really good at what it did.

Sony pushed what the ideal third party relationship should be. They cover the bills, the devs get to make the game they want and not have failure be the end of the world. This wasn't a new practice but Sony just did a great job of spreading it. Also, Nintendo could have afforded it.

>The reason the Playstation got so big wasn't hardware-related.
Not true.

>> No.5878808
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>anon is still seething over the N64

>> No.5878819

I don't get what you're getting at with the whole "what the player has on screen"... what would be the opposite of that? Also the most acclaimed N64 game isn't a racer, wrestling or platformer game.
>It's fast in 3D
Yeah, the wobble is fast, I guess.
>has good 2D tools
Which system didn't by fucking 5th gen times?
>Not true.
Sony being able to burn money was the true reason of the success. If they couldn't offer devs all these economic helps, it wouldn't have been as successful. People would have went with the brands they knew for video games instead of trying yet another console by electronic companies like Phillips or Panasonic.

>> No.5878824

>Also the most acclaimed N64 game isn't a racer, wrestling or platformer game.
That's nice, but that doesn't change what the majority of what the library is.
>Yeah, the wobble is fast, I guess.
of course, the PS1 could wobble thousands of polygons on the edge of your screen, the N64 could only blur at 20fps unfortunately.
>Which system didn't by fucking 5th gen times?
the n64
>If they couldn't offer devs all these economic helps, it wouldn't have been as successful.
No shit, Nintendo could have done the same however, they chose to do the opposite.
>People would have went with the brands they knew for video games instead
Yes, a games console is indeed defined by its quality games. I'm not sure what you are trying to say in your entire post to be honest. Do you have a point?

>> No.5878827

N64 came out later didn't it?. I'm surprised it did so well considering how late it came out. It was Sony vs Saturn and everyone went Playstation. If N64 truly sucked, nobody would have touched it. They already saw everything playstation could do.

>> No.5878834

>of course, the PS1 could wobble thousands of polygons on the edge of your screen,
>the n64
Wonder Project J2 probably is one of the best-looking 2D games of 5th gen. Seriously, you think fucking 5th gen systems didn't have "good 2D tools"? They all did. Saturn had the advantage though, due to the extra chip for background layers.
>No shit, Nintendo could have done the same however, they chose to do the opposite.
Nintendo isn't a multinational corporation that can loan money from their music or movie branches. They're a video game company, like Sega.
>Yes, a games console is indeed defined by its quality games
Yeah, and Sony sure had a lot of great franchises! such as... uuuh, gran turismo and jumping flash! (don't get me wrong, good games, but...)

>> No.5878837

It was the follow up to three of the greatest systems of all time (NES, GB, SNES). Nintendo had enough of a foothold that them launching a little late probably meant nothing to a lot of people.

>> No.5878838
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A softer thumbstick.

After beating this bastard on a Master difficulty run, my thumb would be bleeding. Took a week to get any feeling back in it. Maybe cuz of my intense Jago favoritism; but still was not comfy for extended periods.

>> No.5878842

>Wonder Project J2 probably is one of the best-looking 2D games of 5th gen
It looks okay, and isn't really doing anything that couldn't be pulled off on the PS1 or the Saturn. The 64 needed to use billboard 3D elements for sprites, it had no 2D.
>They're a video game company
One that, apart from the virtual boy, usually made a significant return on its video game products. Sega had an excuse, they were never the wealthiest company in the console race. Nintendo never really was that troubled.
>Sony sure had a lot of great franchises
They absolutely did! Even the franchises they didn't have exclusively were still largely associated with them for many reasons, such as Resident Evil and Tony Hawk. Even then you had the Crash games, of which Team Racing is one of the best kart racers around, Spyro made its waves, the Final Fantasy games were massive triumphs for the system, Konami had their share of hits. Even after all of the ports and remakes down the line are still associated really closely with the PS1. Now that's impressive.

>> No.5878847


are you pro n64 or against?. I'd be surprised if you said the N64 wasn't great but still calling it's other systems great for your own defense.

Either way doesn't really matter though. It's a pretty big assumption/leap to take. It's not like you had to choose to stick with your nes or snes. You could jump to whichever one you wanted with whole new cartridges/equipment. Saturn didn't take off even though they had as long a history as Nintendo did.

>> No.5878849

I honestly don't give a shit. I don't "pick sides" in these idiotic threads.

>> No.5878850

>are you pro n64 or against?
Why does this matter?

>> No.5878852


Like I said, doesn't matter. Just trying to see if the poster realize that his claims seem contradictive/oddly selective. Saying through the entire thread that N64 sucks balls and then all of a sudden saying everything else Nintendo did was fantastic. Forget it, really forget it. I'm not trying to go too far with this. Maybe he genuinely does approve of Nintendo's other stuff just dislikes the n64.

>> No.5878853
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>GX wasn't bad, but X had better soul

>> No.5878856


well, not the entire thread. Not sure where he popped in at. Fuck it.

>> No.5878857

>Maybe he genuinely does approve of Nintendo's other stuff just dislikes the n64.
This is a pretty non-controversial opinion. The SNES and NES had massive libraries and the N64 not so much.

>> No.5878859

Yeah, forget it. Forget putting words in other people's mouths because I never said I disliked the N64. Just that Nintendo had enough clout to hold off launching it. Fuck me.

>> No.5878864


I don't think anyone would dispute the library issue with the N64. Truth is never bothered me much. I loved the games that came out and now that I have all the time in the world to download everything that ever came out for either system I'd never get to play it all. It had enough games for me.


ok, yeah you're right. You never said the N64 was shit and not sure who's who in this thread so whatever but your post on that doesn't really follow any sense. Like I said the Saturn was Sega's and it didn't bail them out of bad reviews or shitty sales. But with the N64 it's almost like you want to pass it off to it's history. Sounds like someone coming up with stuff just to not admit it was the N64's overall great design/whatever that kept it afloat.

>> No.5878869

>I'd never get to play it all.
I did, or at least what I cared about. Didn't really take too long.

>> No.5878871
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I'm hiding this thread. Holy fuck my head hurts.

>> No.5878872


I have a long post history, can't you please entertain me some more.

>> No.5878878

>I have a long post history
Of that, we can be sure.

>> No.5878893

cheap storage space like we have today, so wewould have castridges with 1gb or more, allowing all the ps1 games to come out on the n64 as well with better graphics and no loading time.

>> No.5878897

>It looks okay, and isn't really doing anything that couldn't be pulled off on the PS1 or the Saturn.
I agree, but it's still one of the better looking 2D games on 5th gen though
>The 64 needed to use billboard 3D elements for sprites, it had no 2D.
Is there actual evidence for this? I keep reading this sort of thing (for the PlayStation too, actually), but I dunno... you're saying stuff like Puyo Puyo Sun 64 or Pokemon Puzzle League isn't 2D?

>> No.5878937

>I agree, but it's still one of the better looking 2D games on 5th gen though
I don't think this. I've played a lot of 2D games from that gen and some of the stuff on the Saturn is so gorgeous it's baffling, and the PS1 too. WPJ2 looks nice, but it's not really up there with the most impressive 2D games at the time. Nanatsu Kaze no Shima Monogatari immediately comes to mind as a real looker for the time.

>Is there actual evidence for this?
Not on hand but the PS1 did it basically the same way. 8x8 sprites would just be a flat polygon and it worked really well because the systems could crunch a lot of polygons without doing anything special in 3D space and pass it as sprites. 64's weird blurring didn't do it any favors here but over composite it was indistinguishable from what the PS1 would do. The Saturn was the only real 2D system that gen, at least of the big 3. In fact there's some games that the PS1 version of uses mpeg FMVs whereas the Saturn just uses realtime sprites for them.

>> No.5878940

Nanatsu is gorgeous, too.
>In fact there's some games that the PS1 version of uses mpeg FMVs whereas the Saturn just uses realtime sprites for them.
This is true, I noticed when I played Street Fighter Alpha 2 on PS and Saturn, the intro was just a bad quality FMV on PS.
Anyway, flat polygons or not, it can't be said that N64 or PS couldn't do 2D, because they could. I mean, again, you can't say that games like Puyo Puyo aren't 2D.

>> No.5878974

>you can't say that games like Puyo Puyo aren't 2D.
It just appears 2D, if you pop open a wireframe renderer you'll see all the polygons. It's really clever and indistinguishable to the eye (for the most part), but even modern 2D indie games work the same way.

>> No.5878982

CD instead of cartridges. It literally saves the system and keeps Nintendo as a solid competitor of Sony and eventually Microsoft instead of that 3rd weird guy that still hands around while causing absolute bangers once every 5-10 years.

>> No.5878993

>'90s comic book style art
>heavy metal soundtrack
>low-poly ship models

>> No.5880089

Blurry filter was kind of nice I think, after having played lots of PS1 games.
I would have liked a switch to turn it on and off, though.

RGB outputs are the number 1 thing for me though. Barring that, a joystick that doesn't self destruct.

>> No.5880131

64DD should have had either typical Zip disks or CDs for its media format instead of the closed-source Zip-disks. That and better marketing by Nintendo.

>> No.5880156

This. Shit made me practically puke.

>> No.5880158

Higher quality textures.

>> No.5880283

No, because there's still the same amount of texture cache regardless of if it used CD's or something else.

>> No.5880369

>ignores how much better that actual gameplay of GX is
>S O U L
Can't hear your non-arguments over that reddit shit.

>> No.5880384
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>>'90s comic book style art
What fucking retardation is this, it's cutesy as fuck, they kept adding more moe characters as the series went along.

>> No.5880413

Let the manchildren in denial refuse to accept everyone into anime is a lolcow

>> No.5880416

Can the whole memory architecture be considered just one flaw?

>> No.5880535

except the physics and controls are better in X

>> No.5881521


>> No.5882513

literally the only bad thing about the n64 is the piece of shit design for the control stick

>> No.5882550

I’d make the cartridges cheaper to manufacture while increasing storage capacity.

>> No.5882730

Do you think that'd be possible, though? I agree that a lack of RPGs is probably the N64's biggest drawback relative to the PS1, but I thought the whole issue was that it would take an ungodly number of cartridges to fit the kinds of games that Square was putting out. I think the real power move is to change the cartridges to CDs. I think that'd make the system more appealing to third party developers across the board. Even if Nintendo still lost FFVII, they might've scored some other Squaresoft title down the road.

SNES might be the definitive GOAT, but the GameCube was better on the whole than the N64, even if it had weaker showings from some of their main IPs (though they still tended to be great games). I think the Switch is turning out to be pretty solid, as well.

>> No.5882734

I'd give it better Castlevania games than what it had

>> No.5882903

I'd give it a dedicated DSP chip.