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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 3.10 MB, 2100x1551, Lufia II_ Rise of the Sinistrals.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5868638 No.5868638 [Reply] [Original]

Drop everything!
You are going to play Lufia 2 now!

>> No.5868639

The dungeon puzzles aren't bad but the battles are really boring

>> No.5868645

Fuck you I'm playing Wild Arms 2 instead

>> No.5868649

Scratch that I'm playing Crystal Beans as witch instead.

>> No.5868739

Started the DS reimagination recently.
I just got Tia and dropping the game to play the original again actually seems to be for the better.

>> No.5868741

>Started the DS reimagination recently.
that version was pure cancer
>dropping the game to play the original again

>> No.5868746

>that version was pure cancer
That was crystal clear once the first "hit A repeatedly!" command came up.

>> No.5868810

Shouldn't I play Lufia 1 first?

>> No.5868831

>DS reimagination
Who let all the retards in?

>> No.5868856

Extremely monotonous environments. Every dungeon, town, and region looks the same.

>> No.5868865
File: 138 KB, 1366x704, 2019-09-08 19_14_06.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Gonna defend the game on that, every dungeon has a qte "gimmick", ONLY the first one requires you to button mash to move the platforms. The other QTEs are better.

>> No.5868873

It's not even qte, more like a minigame.

>> No.5870513

/vr/ should have a weekly or monthly featured game for all of us to play or try. just saying

>> No.5870541

no, lufia 2 and than lufia 1, this is the correct timeline.

>> No.5870546



>> No.5870589


>> No.5870598

calm down anon, maybe /vr/ is not for you?

>> No.5870605

I did like how this game made it possible to win the "scripted loss" battle.

If you use the right equipment and tactics it's possible to win the first Gades encounter. The plot continues the same as if you lost, but Gades praises you and gives you a powerful weapon much earlier than it should be available.

>> No.5870761

Joke's on you anon, I already beat that game several times by now and plan to replay it sometime later this year. I'm too busy with catching up on N64 games for now.

>> No.5870795

ok ook jeez

>> No.5870919

the ending still hurts

>> No.5870935

We used to have threads that were the equivalent of a book club but for /vr/ games. We used to pick a game, all play it, and then discuss it. There were never enough participants and nobody could seem to agree on how exactly to structure the whole thing (do we play x amount of hours each week? x amount of chapters/levels? Does everyone just play at their own speed?) so it eventually died. It was revived a few times but it always ended the same way.

>> No.5870964

Play the Kureji Lufia 2 rom hack. Way more FUN. >:[

>> No.5870980

make it monthly and let breads go along side with playing the game. Doesn't have to be finished, just make it comfy. This way it doesn't matter how many actual play.

>> No.5871307

the dungeon music is really monotonous

>> No.5871357

game is fun, thx

>> No.5871361

Fuck this game. The protag basically randomly decides to leave Rei for Asuka halfway and you're stuck with a slutty cunt wife instead for the last half of the game.

Don't even bother.

>> No.5871363

wew, anon

>> No.5871364

Tia's just a friend.

>> No.5871368

>Rei for Asuka
you got a waifu problem

>> No.5871391

just like r/emulation? upvoted

>> No.5871394

this, I also found it to be so cruel.

>> No.5871397

I guess a rare instance when anon could friend zone a decent woman?

>> No.5871414

Fucking idiots will start accusing each other of forum sliding and shilling.

>> No.5872153
File: 329 KB, 640x480, 1565183586877.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

there are zero redeeming qualities about the game's battle system and nothing is ever satisfying. crappy sound effects coupled with just in general shitty context makes for a effortlessly soulless battle system. battles are how you usually progress in rpgs.. so.... no thx

>> No.5873785

somehow it doesnt bothered me back then that much, because I liked the dungeons, liked the look, liked the story and atmosphere of the game. New equipment made me always look forward what new special attack I would have. Really never got bored of the combat there.
But I see its something that didnt aged well. But I guess you can say that about almost all 16bit jrpgs

>> No.5874081
File: 115 KB, 262x372, 1567035542873.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>But I guess you can say that about almost all 16bit jrpgs
uh.. no, you can't. let me help you out grandpa; since your alzheimers is kicking in.
Seiken Densetsu 3
Bahamut Lagoon
Last Bible 3
Star Ocean 1
Tales of Phantasia
Front Mission
Live A Live
Chrono Trigger
Super Mario RPG
Romancing SaGa 3

...And the list goes on, just to give you a few of the more popular recognizable ones. I would gladly play any of these on my sd2snes if I had a week off from work because they're timeless. Lufia on the other hand kind of aged like milk.

>> No.5875859

Just found this thread.
This game is so boring. I've played 50 minutes so far, beat the monster in the Lake Cave, and it's just so soulless.

>> No.5876087

I meant turned based games, should have added that, so not something like Terranigma and Seiken Densetsu.
And I meant the combat getting boring, not the games being shit. Wasnt DQ3 also one of those A A A A A A games?
Dont know how fun or innovative the comabt in Earthbound and SM RPG were in the long run.

And I said there are exceptions of course. But some innovation for the combat was a must.
Real shame that some of the games you listed werent released outside of Japan. Wished I could have played them back in the day.

>> No.5876615

The game becomes a lot more varied once you get into that dungeon where you have to retrieve the crown, right after that fish boss if that's what you're referring to as the lake cave. There's a reason why it's compared to games like Link to the Past.

>> No.5876637

Play Wild Arms 2 instead.

>> No.5876646

repeated button mashing on a Handheld-so-if-a-button-wears-out-you-have-to-buy-a-whole-new-system is a cardinal sin.

Especially when that button mashing lasts well over a minute.

I still don't understand why people praise Sonic Rush.

>> No.5877391

I feel like JRPGs as a whole have such a slow start because being console games they expect to be played by a lot of kids, so you can't just throw in the heavy shit from the get go. Which also explains why they are so easy most of the time, i.e. enemy appears -> Attack -> enemy dies.

I have a hard time coming to grips with this because I have short patience for such games.

>> No.5878530
File: 215 KB, 960x540, get yer gaming fuel.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I feel like maybe this isn't the genre for you then and that's okay. Do you want to know what my favourite part of any RPG/JRPG is? The beginning when you are in the first town and you see that sword that costs 1,000gold but you only have 50 gold and monsters are dropping 20-30 gold. I love starting off struggling to beat those slimes with my one party member and then leveling up and saving until I can buy that sword and start decimating those damn slimes. Then when they aren't a challenge to me anymore I grind on them for another 20 minutes so I can freely explore that opening field and try to get into that cave that I'm not supposed to go into yet and fight a couple stronger monsters.

The other favourite part for me is when you get the option to fly or teleport to multiple towns so the world opens up to you. You might have to go to the next town over but I like exploring the map and finding a town that you will visit later in the game and again saving up for the best weapons they have and then using them in the current dungeon.

>> No.5878883

Tia is Asuka though.

>> No.5880582


>> No.5880609

You seem to ignore my statement about how Lufia is DIFFERENT from the typical jrpg while you keep going about 'but dem arpeegees are all dem same!'.
Serious question anon, do you even bother to read anything first before you ramble to someone else's post?

>> No.5880708

She's literally a tsundere. Selan is the more stoic of the two.

>> No.5880967

i tried but I got bored of it

be a sweetheart and spoonfeed me how to play virtual on oratorio tangram on retroarch. shits just crashes for me on boot

>> No.5880979

Ionno about that, she's a ditz who throws herself into the protagonist;

>> No.5880986

I don't recall Selan being a ditz. Can you point out specific moments?

>> No.5881236

i just looked it up
its shit

>> No.5881239

She's really wants to be a wife but can't cook el oh el. She's the very opposite of tsundere by definition of being really easy and into the protagonist from the beginning. Learn2weebshit

>> No.5881254

>el oh el

do you have to be that fucking obnoxious?

>> No.5881508

>She's really wants to be a wife
I don't think that's true, I think Selan just lvoes Maxim.

>> No.5881510

I just beat it last winter and I'm never going to play it again. Took me 20 years to finally do it. I always dropped it about 8 hours in because it starts off fun but becomes super monotonous. One of the best endings in a jrpg though, hit me hard with the feels.

>> No.5881674

I like it, no matter how hard you guys try, this is one of my fav gamses all time.

>> No.5882159

>I love starting off struggling to beat those slimes with my one party member
This is actually one thing I don't love about JRPGs (and RPGs in general). Early encounters can often be tedious and serve as a poor introduction to the gameplay. You start out with no skills with basically only the ability to attack and use potions. Having your first battles take 50% of your health when you have no decisions to make other than just pressing attack just feels careless to me. Having your most intense resource management scenario as your very first introduction to the game seems like a bad idea.

This is one thing I like about Final Fantasy. Final Fantasy IV starts you with two level 10 characters (against some of the easiest enemies in the game) before switching your second party member out to a level 1 spellcaster after the first dungeon. Final Fantasy VI starts you in simple overpowered Magitek armor with two temporary teammates. Final Fantasy VII starts Cloud at (almost) level 7, with enough hp to survive 50+ hits against the normal enemies while he dispatches them in one or two attacks at most. In all cases, the balance eventually evens out, but they reliably avoid the early-game artificial difficulty that often shows up in RPGs.

Lufia 2 is decent. The early battles are very easy are over quickly. The balance might not be quite as lopsidedly favorable as Final Fantasy usually is but it allows you to get into dungeon crawling aspects of the game without the combat being overly tedious. The main issue I have with Lufia 2 compared to Final Fantasy so far is that there are no decisions to make in combat other than fight and use items. The FF games are good about giving you at least a couple of low-cost abilities that you can use in combat to get a feel for combat decision-making. In Lufia 2 all I can do so far is choose which enemy to attack.

>> No.5882876

Alright, quitting my job right now, gonna play this thing inside and out, I don't even have to, I just want an excuse to quit my job

>> No.5883021

well you have those rage attacks too you know. Its at least something and some are really powerful.

>> No.5884848
