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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 47 KB, 768x432, 1487954608-2742-card.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5867818 No.5867818 [Reply] [Original]

Hi I am Todd Howard.

>I fucked all your so cherished retro games
>I transform The Elder Scroll into a normie game
>I fucked Fallout so hard that it made a beautiful kid: Fallout 76
>I will fuck every game that you like, everything that you love, even that little peaceful squirel in your backyard

>> No.5867821
File: 300 KB, 1070x1196, AiUti3J.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And there's nothing you can do about that, m a total chad.

>> No.5867824

presidency is just figurehead

>> No.5867825

Nice. I almost thought I missed /v/ for a second there, but you reassured me that I didn't.

>> No.5868154


>> No.5868172
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Why would you bump an off topic bait thread? The jannies must be asleep.

>> No.5868176

I will never ever again spend money on a Jewthesda Scamworks product. Not even pirating their shit.

>> No.5868182
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No, I want your shekels, don't worry, the next Fallout, woulb be a full achievement with so much choices!

>> No.5868184


>> No.5868185

Imagine an infinite possibility of choices, like chosing the name of you character or his gender!

>> No.5868253
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>> No.5868280

I guess some people needed to experience Fallout 76 to finally realize that Bethesda is full of shit. Which is funny, because you could've seen the writing on the wall, as early as Oblivion and especially Fallout 3. The half-assed content, horrendous writing and game breaking bugs were there since Oblivion. Post-Morrowind Bethesda was always and incompetent company with a good PR team, of fans were simply blind to it, cuz "muh immersion"

>> No.5868302

He also was behind the best game in the series. Though it really should have been its own series, as it's so far removed from d&d generic daggerfall. Not even talking about lore but the entire game design. Dagger guy is right when he says Todd completely destroyed his vision of elder scrolls, but that's because Todd's vision (Morrowind) was something very different and in my opinion much higher quality. Daggerfall is mmo-tier compared to Morrowind.

That being said I don't know how much Todd is actually responsible for the new medium Morrowind set for the series.

>> No.5868324

>The half-assed content, horrendous writing and game breaking bugs were there since Oblivion.
they are were there since the series began

>> No.5868627
File: 22 KB, 338x358, fdaf7522531ec979fdb8cf2beebd39362229188ar1-338-358v2_uhq.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Guess who is making your new Elder Scroll 6?


>> No.5868630

I like Fallout 76. The glitches suck but it’s fun

>> No.5868631


This, that's the definition of Elder Scrolls. People just play it because it's a big world with quests to explore. It's always been bad execution.

>> No.5868676

Between be a a bugged game and a casual gamer game is not the same thing.

>> No.5868745

>fallout always had terrible combat and inventory management.

>its best part is a setting so cool you cant possibly deliver on it. Its best when its leaving it unsaid.

>> No.5868754

I hope they streamline Elderscrolls 6
I hate variety

>> No.5868807

I already bet that The Elder Scroll 6 would be the worse of the serie.

>> No.5869142

>Todd fucks everything he sees to bring misery to others.

Is Molag Baal Todd’s secret self-insert?

>> No.5869173

it's going to take place in hammerfell so they can cash in on the current woke race politics trend so yeah

>> No.5869176

I like Todd
as a person
who exists

>> No.5869180

La li lu le lo?

>> No.5869203

>elected lead
>no read

>> No.5869227

not gonna lie I would like an rpg where there's politics concerning using magic to raise dead and switch genders

>> No.5869350

>Beth in Hebrew means "home". Beth-esda, hum...

Todd is a black hole. He would destroy Fallout and the Elder Scrolls franchises.

He really wanted Oblivion to be more casual and action oriented. Despite Oblivion not being a good, even very good game for some, it is, compared to Morrowind an empty, poor and soulless game.

I do still play Morrowind to this very day, but not Oblibion, I don't see the value replaying it.

People should really turn their back to Bethesda. Perhaps we should focus on Daggerfall unity after all.

>> No.5869364

>Perhaps we should focus on Daggerfall unity after all
of course
the game's only missing quests to fill up that massive landscape

>> No.5869509

Didn't Todd Howard spearhead ALL the Elder Scrolls games?

>> No.5869515


>> No.5869675

Lol no

>> No.5869676

You're funny

Theres just going to be a strong single brave needs no men womyn sorceress.

Even though there have been plenty of important female characters in the game before. They were just men with boobs bolted on. They werent stronk womyn

>> No.5870167

Daily reminder that Todd is actually doing your Elder Scrolls 6, with a lot of... love.

>> No.5870717
File: 92 KB, 958x984, done with ever buying anything from bethesda.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>I will never ever again spend money on a Jewthesda Scamworks product. Not even pirating their shit.
Based, but what took you so long? You've been warned for decades.

>> No.5870740

Bethesda rely on it's community to patch and mods the gam after their release to make them playable.

That company it's such a disgrace.

>> No.5870749

Lmao elder scrolls was worse off before morrowind

>> No.5870861

I dont know why so many loved Oblivion and Skyrim.

>> No.5870876

Same reason La Macarena was a huge hit.

>> No.5870928

How old are you anon? haha

>> No.5873247


>> No.5873530

what if:

>TES 6 comes out
>Creation Club account or via steam will be necessary
>it will be a monthly subscription service
>paid mods only
>nexusmods can't host mods for free anymore except older TES stuff

I wouldn't put it past them, honestly.
they could go down the full EA bullshitter road.
from what I've seen in term of Skyrim mods nobody needs Bethesda develop anything anymore. the mod community could actually band together and create TES 6 all by themselves at this point.

>> No.5873538

I for 1 wouldn't buy it

>> No.5873546

>La Macarena


>I dont know why so many loved Oblivion and Skyrim.

because they had great potential. Skyrim is a better game for sure and the mod community did a better job completing everything than Bethesda ever could. heck, I installed a College of Winterhold mod pack and one for Solitude too and I was blown away by how decent they were.
now it feels like Bethesda might as well give you the baseworld with not even any NPCs or any quests in it and let modders do the rest. Oblivion isn't even core-TES aesthetically speaking (no war-paint either and speaking to NPCs is a shallow shitfest and there is no essence or suspense either. just "too clean" conversations that are superficial and shit quests but Shivering Isles was really good and modding saved that game. TES is a mod playground that will always be its saving grace if everything fails.

>> No.5873553

the more casual/accessible a video game the more beloved it will be on average

I spilled the beans

>> No.5873557
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/r/ing Todd Howard shoop of this

>> No.5873562

>not Chris Avellone
>not George Ziets

I wanna see decent writing and quests in TES for once.

>> No.5873594
File: 80 KB, 669x899, Z05LOr9.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Todd is retro

>> No.5873697

because Battlespire and Redguard tanked hard.
they had a similar situation with Morrowind like Squaresoft back then with FF1 when they were about to go bankrupt so Bethesda just put all their eggs into one basket.

>> No.5874075

All Elder Scrolls are clunky af day 1, without the huge modders community those games would be barely enjoyable.

A think unfortunately Bethesda really to much on this :/.

>> No.5874093

I agree, they should absolutely go into the EA road and take people 100% for walking wallets.

Perhaps people would start to wake up.

I stop playing TES after Oblivion and honestly I had waaaaay more fun with Fallout 1 and 2 than the 4.

Let's not speak about Fallout 76, I won't even swipe my ass with it.

>> No.5874261

I have friends that still have hope for/defend fallout 76, but really we all know New Vegas is the best one that will never be improved upon.

>> No.5874268

Fallout 4 should have been/made by obsidian/a spinoff title
Elder scrolls 6 better be gud

>> No.5874290

But why should they bother? Fallout 4/Skyrim bland quest design seems to satisfy the normies. Those games keep selling insanely well, so why should Bethesda care about any improvements? Normies don't want a story, they want wacky "immersive sim" where they put a bucket on someone's head and it "very funny".

>> No.5874309

I honestly think that stuff would be good on its own but it needs to be upgraded and expanded upon. The problem is they ruined a great series for a glorified tech demo.

>> No.5874312

They tried.

Here's the shit they've spewed out:


>> No.5874334

People are trying to spruce up the wilderness with random houses and dungeons, etc... There is also quest packs and more on the way. If you wanted to, you could make mods for it too.

>> No.5874345

I only know how to use the construction set for morrowind

>> No.5874541
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>> No.5874554

Can't change the originals, just dont buy new games ez pz

>> No.5874610
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>> No.5874725
File: 396 KB, 945x2133, Look at that subtle off-white coloring. The tasteful thickness of it. Oh my god. It even has a watermark.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5874770

Not convinced

>> No.5874789
File: 180 KB, 939x923, Todd Howard.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You will be soon. Todd has the power to channel your hatred of his games into love for him.

>> No.5875695

aggghh, I can't fight it.. he's too strong!

>> No.5877015


>> No.5877061
File: 1.60 MB, 3000x2034, PCXL Redguard Preview.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

This. Post more retro Todd.

>> No.5878521

I wonder if at the end we don't all fool ourselves. Perhaps TES is good not thanks to Bethesda but thanks to us.

We mod the game after it's release and should not expect anything from Bethesda.

I can feel they know it and rely to much on us.

All TES are bugs fest but at least up to Morrowind you felt a grain of madness and old school c-rpg that was making me still bite.

Todd is really bad, he is in the same category than those people at EA. Perhaps even worse because in his position he could make things different for the studio and the games.

>> No.5878526

Why hasn't this been deleted or moved to /v/ yet? Wrong board

>> No.5879302

How you do that btw?

>> No.5880802

you're right. it's still sad though.
fuck the normie audience btw.

>> No.5880818

>Todd paying off all these people to say nice shit about him

seeing straight through your twisted stupid faggot shit, Todd. fuck you, you fucking hack.

>> No.5880859
File: 23 KB, 293x395, 293px-MW_Socucius_Ergalla.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Ken Rolston

fun fact: Socucius Ergalla is based on this guy. they created this character without his knowledge just to tease him a bit. it's sorta sweet.

>> No.5880862
File: 277 KB, 750x750, dagoth_todd.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is this how you honor the Sixth House, and the tribe unmourned?

>> No.5880957

No way

>> No.5882489

Bump, because I can

>> No.5882615

You see that mountain over there? you can buy a lootbox to go there quicker.

>> No.5882868
