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/vr/ - Retro Games

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5849561 No.5849561 [Reply] [Original]

Are they really that bad?

>> No.5849605

They are interesting experiments if you are a fan and want to give it a shot. Still, it is pretty weird to play. It's just like playing Simon's Quest: i don't think it's the worst thing i've ever played and i even like some ideas, but it has it's issues.

>> No.5849612

They're not the best games out there, no retro game really is, but they're a pretty good jaunt through some good ole times.

>> No.5849614

Dont take this the wrong way, but I have to take a huge shit in your mouth now.

>> No.5849672

They're pretty rough, but considering the devs really didn't know what they were doing from the start, they turned out mostly ok? The only people who really shit on them are bitter spritefags who are still mad that their precious Metroidvanias were relegated to the ghetto of handheld gaming from that point onwards.

>> No.5849921

>Are they really that bad?
The platforming is

>> No.5849934 [DELETED] 

Fuck off back to /v/ if the games you consider to be the best are modern trash.

>> No.5849940

give zoomers some slack. they're getting back to school on monday, let them lash out.

>> No.5849941

They're good and I'd rather play Legacy of Darkness than any post-SotN Castlevania.

>> No.5849957

>>5849940 >>5849934
you guys are pathetic

>> No.5849960

Huh? what in my post made your nerves itch? if anything I'm defending zoomers.

>> No.5849969

that stuff just cements the idea that 'you had to have been there' or nostalgia fuels the enjoyment of these old games.

>> No.5849976

Please point out to me how did anyone in this thread ever suggested that idea, anon.
All I'm seeing is:
>anon A claims the best games can't be retro games, on /vr/ of all boards
>anon B tells anon A to go back to /v/
>anon C tells anon B to chill and let younger fellas lash out because of furstrations and stress of ending of vacations
I don't see how I'm being pathetic (I'm anon C btw).

>> No.5849989

>They're not the best games out there, no retro game really is, but they're a pretty good jaunt through some good ole times.
There's plenty of modern games that trump older games, plenty of which might actually be referred to as retro styled.
You're being pathetic by having the audacity to say let them vent their frustrations it's Summer. There's this superiority complex that encircles this board. Also just because someone is older doesn't mean they're wiser neither.

>> No.5850002

Anon, it just seems you just had a bad experience here and are actually venting out. I can see you're angry with this board.
But remember, not everyone is your enemy here. I was actually on your side. I was not "feeling superior" by saying that you're lashing out because of school on monday, I was saying something logical. If I was wrong, then I apologize, but why would you come to /vr/, of all places, to try and start a "modern games are better" discussion?
Also there's good games, both retro and modern. I think many retro games still are the best among its kind.

>> No.5850082 [DELETED] 

>There's plenty of modern games that trump older games
Maybe, but to say the best modern games are better than the best retro games is /v/-tier trolling.

>> No.5850115

>Maybe, but to say the best modern games are better than the best retro games is /v/-tier trolling.
I guess I can see how you can think that but it's certainly a head scratcher to me initially. Everyone is free to prefer whatever games they like, but it seems disingenuous to not secede on certain points.
>"modern games are better" discussion? Also there's good games, both retro and modern. I think many retro games still are the best among its kind.
I agree but the point is that this is the kinda thing I see as disingenuous if no one can admit there's good modern games, regardless of the board's theme. You're right I've had bad experiences here, but it feels like it's a 4chan wide dilemma. I really thought there would be thought provoking discussion on an anonymous image board but it feels like I get trolled every thread.

>> No.5850117

>no one can admit there's good modern games
But nobody even claimed that. You just came out of nowhere claiming retro games can't be among the best. On /vr/. It comes off as a troll comment, so you're doing the exact same thing you're complaining about, intentionally or not. Like you're reacting to other experiences you've hard here, on a thread where nobody was even talking about modern games to begin with.

>> No.5850127

It's just a tangential discussion point that people can take up with me after answering OP, it's not meant as a troll like what I'm referring to at all.

>> No.5850132

>They're not the best games out there, no retro game really is

Are you implying modern games are much better? If so, you're a fucking retard.

>> No.5850138

I prefer games from the days when genres weren't dumbed down skinner boxes.

>> No.5850165

They mainly suffered from poor camera, much like a lot of early 3D adventure games. Also the hedge maze with attack dogs and chainsaw Frankenstein was intense as fuck for its time

>> No.5850204

>>5850138 >>5850132
Case and point. Generalizing all the releases as bad.

>> No.5850224

>It's just a tangential discussion point that people can take up with me after answering OP
And again, what did you expect from your statement, on /vr/ of all boards? You're also generalizing by saying that retro games can't be among the best.
I get what you were saying before, but what you're doing is not the solution to the problem. You're just adding to the very same thing you're complaining about.

>> No.5852339

i really wanted to like legacy of darkness but oh man it's far worse than i ever expected it to be

>> No.5852396

>what did you expect from your statement, on /vr/ of all boards?
>You're also generalizing
oh my wow
It's my opinion that older games aren't better, I'm willing to discuss this at length. I'm left to the conclusion that the overwhelming majority of posters here share in the opposite opinion which would be an interesting conversation. It's okay to maintain a contrary opinion than theirs or mine but it's boring to have trolls and literal shit posting in response.
>dookie in buttox
After seeing it a few times that's spam.

>> No.5852469

>which would be an interesting conversation.
Not really, it'd just be you vs other guys disagreeing ad infinitum. There's good and bad games in all eras. You can't generalize like that and say "games from X period just can't be among the best". You'd have to more than just that vague opinion to generate good discussion. If all your argument is "older games can't be as good as modern ones", then don't expect quality discussion, you're going to get called a /v/tard.

>> No.5852480

Older video games don't have access to modern technological magic so they 'age' objectively speaking. The only way to counteract this is to remake the video games without stylistic changes, or rather the odd differences that tend to plague remakes most of the time. Video games that are made concurrently can utilize all present technology and game design tricks to their advantage. It's a true statement that no retro game is as good as modern ones if you judge it in this sense.
It's another conversation entirely to contrast the merits of certain video game designs subjectively.
>no I disagree, you're a retard
haha no, u

>> No.5852492

>modern technological magic
Not sure if you're being ironic or not, but more advanced technology does not equal better games. All modern games could add to classics like Pac-Man is add an install screen, maybe some loading times, and a trophy set.

>> No.5852513 [DELETED] 

So what modern games do you think are superior to any retro game?

>> No.5854460
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>All modern games could add to classics like Pac-Man is add an install screen, maybe some loading times, and a trophy set.
>Not sure if you're being ironic or not
advanced technology = better games
All modern games are technically-objectively better. It's more up to personal and subjective tastes which gameplay types I think are better. If I dissect certain aspects of games I could comparatively decide which pieces I prefer.
I think Binding of Isaac is better than Smash Tv, for one. The former does a lot of what the latter did in a much better way, includes quality of life features that increase replayability exponentially, and even replicates a retro styilization that is very tasteful.

>> No.5854474

Dumbest thing I've ever read.

>> No.5854484

>and even replicates a retro styilization that is very tasteful.
Not really, the art style is mid-2000s newgrounds flash style aesthetics, it doesn't go for a /vr/ style.

>> No.5854485

Flash and tasteful don't belong in the same sentence.

>> No.5854503

You gotta read more often dog

>> No.5854506

Well you got me.

Everything simply boils down to good things are good and bad things suck. The level of technology has no impact on that at all. It barely has any impact on graphical quality, assuming the artist works within his limits. The only thing technology can do is expand what you can do with the game.

>> No.5854509

no they awesome. Its for a different type of gamer. Kind of like how new yakuza turn based. Platforming is very fun. Both n64 have intense adrenaline filled moments. They sure are refreshing from the snooze casual gameplay of metroidvanias.

You really missing out as castlevania fan if you didn't play them around release.

>> No.5854524

I bought the first one when it originally came out. It was terrible so I returned it (IT WAS THE CAMERA, AAAAAGGGGGGHHHH!!!! I'm still getting over it to this day). Never bought another Castlevania game after that until the last couple of years to see what I had missed.

>> No.5854527

My spirit can finally rest
>feels good mayne

>> No.5854537

I had a similar experience with the series. First one I played was Symphony of the Night (which I was hyped about because most games at the time were ugly low poly 3d games). I found it kind of boring and forgot about the series until I went back and started playing the SNES ones.

>> No.5854546

camera, tank controls, etc. You probably don't like playing rts games either I bet. Like I said its for different type of gamer.

symphony of the night for casual gamer don't like stress. N64 castlevanias for more gamey gamers that don't mind it.

>> No.5854563

>muh SOTN boogeyman

>> No.5854585

no it's actually underrated now; haven't you been keeping up with the ecelebs?

>> No.5854607

>retro games
Generation that played retro games plays games not watch people play them.

>> No.5854625

>muh retardation steeped in muh internet culture

>> No.5854628

the n64 games suck.

>> No.5855158

>tank controls
The 64 games don't have tank controls, dumbass.

>> No.5857006

They were pretty awesome. Fun fact, they got a +8.0 review when they came out. The second game got a bad review but because it was mostly an upgrade of the first, the review still called it better than the original which was an +8.0 or something like that. They also easily had a better story and characterization than any Castlevania ever at that point, and if there's any Castlevania that's ever going to scare you or give you the creeps, it's this one.

The perception that those games were bad comes from modern zoomer youtube reviewers who are literally too stupid to play a game.

Most criticisms are BS. Is it too hard? Oh, boo hoo, aren't Castlevania diehards extremely proud of how hard classic vanias are? Anyone who enjoys the classic platforming has no business complaining about this one.

That it failed? How? Even after the game changer that SoTN was, the franchise kept moving forward on 3D for the consoles. Metroidvanias were handheld only.

The only criticisms that aren't outright false or judging the game without understanding the historical and technological context of videogames at the time, are: "It isn't 2D classic!" and "It isn't 2D Metroidvania!". Which are honestly shit opinions.

>> No.5857279

>The perception that those games were bad comes from modern zoomer youtube reviewers who are literally too stupid to play a game.
Bullshit, I remember reading gaming forums in around 2004-2005 and they were already shitting on N64 Castlevanias back then, if you want an example of a game from that era which had it's reputation ruined by youtubers that would either be Sonic Adventure or Conker: Bad Fur Day

>> No.5857349

I played the one where the main character is a werewolf and I kinda liked it. The beginning part of the game was quite boring tho.

>> No.5857384

I really wish konami would've given another stab at properly translating the classicvania formula into 3D. It's absolutely possible; they just decided to give up after basically one attempt.

When I think of how a 3D CV game should work, I think of Demons and Dark Souls. They're pretty similar in terms of being slow paced and thoughtful where every action you make has weight and consequence to it, and you have to commit. Compare the clocktower level in CV3 to Sen's Fortress in Dark Souls, for example. Just have levels like that, make it linear, and get rid of the souls games RPG stuff.