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5844692 No.5844692 [Reply] [Original]

What are some good aftermarket N64 controllers?

>> No.5844695 [DELETED] 

They have thumbstick sensitivities

>> No.5844702

Retrobit version of that controller

>> No.5844764

Isn't it just worse?

>> No.5844767

They're all shit.

There's replacement sticks now that are casted off the original. For some reason we got a couple of autisits here who claim they are shit.

>> No.5844912

20€ for a new controller vs 70€ used controller

>> No.5845014

There are literally none
The N64 controller's joystick is fundamentally flawed in every way possible and attempting to replace or replicate it never fucking works due to how shit it was

>> No.5845378

Where's the best place to buy those things? My n64 sticks are loose as fuck.

>> No.5845667


>> No.5845669


>> No.5845670

Hori pad is incredible.

>> No.5845679

Even after replacing the stick the sensitivity is bad because the internals matter more than the stick.

>> No.5845702

The stick, bowl,and gears get switched out. The PCB is reused.

>> No.5845707

its shit

>> No.5845710

Sorry it's just not as good.

>> No.5845718

Nice autism.

>> No.5846221

Explain why

>> No.5846287

I'm not too fond of Hori. The dpad is unusable (lots of ps1 ports on n64 use it like Tony Hawk) and the L/R and Z buttons are the same shape

>> No.5846293 [DELETED] 

He hates silky-smooth even rubber sticks that have even resistance. He's not happy unless he has that uncomfortable plastic under his thumb, grinding away like a shoe full of sand.

>> No.5846320

He hates silky-smooth rubber sticks that have even resistance. He's not happy unless he has that uncomfortable plastic under his thumb, grinding away like a shoe full of sand.

>> No.5846326

I love the N64 controller and it never feels awkward.
Here come all the spergs to tell me my opinion is factually wrong.

>> No.5846356

Your opinion is factually and objectively wrong. The controller is so bad that you've surrendered your right to even have an opinion because you can't be trusted to have one.

>> No.5846382

>Your opinion is factually and objectively wrong.
When the millennial "mind" actually implodes into a singularity of stupidity

>> No.5846387

Is there a way to stop the N64 controller's joystick from wearing out?

>> No.5846392
File: 40 KB, 720x540, official-n64-controller-controller-test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Here's a joystick test from a real N64 controller

>> No.5846398
File: 43 KB, 720x540, n64-hori-mini-pad-controller-test.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's the Hori. Complete shit. Yes, even if you bother to open it up, replace the joystick, start filing the plastic down, etc.

>> No.5846407

If the red line stopped inside the white dots then you'd have a point. As it stands, perfect stick.

>> No.5846408
File: 43 KB, 720x540, tribute-64-controller-test (1).jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

And here's your Retrobit piece of shit, even worse.
I feel sorry for anyone who comes accross this board and actually takes the advice given here without looking at evidence. It's probably the same people who are telling you the Hori is a good controller, that are claiming N64 emulation isn't good, or it's impossible to get less lag than original hardware, or CRTs can never be made again so you should stock up now.

>> No.5846414

I guess you missed how on the original controller the values stay between 81-83 but on the Hori they range from 99-116. No consistency. Also notice how the red lines extend away from the white dots way too much. But the bigger problem is they're random distances from the dots. In the original controller, all of the red lines are almost exactly the same distance from their closest dot. Again, reference the numbers. Or just try it out, it just doesn't feel right. But you probably don't even use or test game equipment, you just buy it to stare at it on a shelf.

>> No.5846419

Not only is the analog stick not nearly as good as the real thing, but these controllers are TINY. Real controllers aren't expensive, if your stick is too fucked up from use, just buy another.

>> No.5846431

>on the Hori they range from 99-116
On different axes, not that it would matter even if it were on the same axis. And readings are going to vary from stick to stick. Check the values on a worn official stick and you often won't even get full range, which actually does matter, a lot.

>> No.5846436

>And readings are going to vary from stick to stick.
Which is why this test was done multiple times on multiple controllers of the same type to ensure the results
Wipe the drool up and realize it's literally proven they're bad controllers.

>> No.5846437

>Not only is the analog stick not nearly as good as the real thing, but
It's 100 times better. It turns a console that always feels varying levels of shitty to play into a pleasure. Software emulation sucks, but in this case (if you don't own a Hori or SteelStick) it's almost worth it because it allows you to use a decent controller.

>> No.5846447
File: 43 KB, 720x540, tribute-64-controller-test-2.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>m-maybe it's just that one controller and you didn't test multiple
Here's a completely separate test on another of those Retrobit controllers. What do you know? Almost identical results. Trying to shift that goalpost didn't work

>> No.5846448

>Wipe the drool up and realize it's literally proven they're bad controllers.
Have you even used one? Unless you play in oven mitts, or you're a speed runner--AKA a smooth-brained faggot--I'm skeptical that you've tried the Hori.

>> No.5846449

>he-he-here's a separate test on a shit controller that wasn't even a p-p-part of the discussion

>> No.5846450

>y-you probably haven't even tried one!
>and you're probably a speedrunner! faggot!

>> No.5846452

All this time and effort and you never have used any of these controllers, clearly.

>> No.5846454

The best part is, this idiot thinks the Retrobit are shit just like you. I feel bad you got hori cock in your mouth and the other guy has your vagina on his anus.

>> No.5846457

>that wasn't part of the discussion! i'm a shitposting faggot that didn't even see the first post in the thread i'm posting in to realize that was where it entered into the discussion

>> No.5846458

The controller feels too small in the hand and the stick isn't precise enough to play F-Zero properly, so no, it just sits in a drawer while I play with my real controller.

>> No.5846459

>No, I haven't used one (have you seen the ebay prices?), but I do have these cool jpgs that I don't understand.

>> No.5846461

>isn't precise enough to play F-Zero properly
Let's be honest here. You meant it's too sensitive. Michael J. Fox writes his definitive controller review.

>> No.5846479

Low sensitivity is more precise. Competitive FPS players don't have their mouse sensitivity jacked up for a reason.

>> No.5846487

It's not about precision it's about how the game is supposed to feel having a controller with analog sticks that aren't the same sensitivity as the controller it was designed for can ruin the way a game feels because developers took years writing code for a game that was specifically designed for one controller. Try playing certain backwards compatible games then play them on original hardware and you'll see what I mean

>> No.5846502

don't listen to any of these niggers op the hori pad is shit and the replacement sticks are shit that you also have to work for the actually good n64 controllers are less known because of these people and just because of the sheer amount of third party n64 controllers which is good because it also means they stay dirt cheap.

>> No.5846506

Paying 150 dollars for a controller that doesn't have one to one sensitivity with the original which is what every single game is designed for this is basic fucking logic dude

>> No.5846518

>developers took years writing code for a game that was specifically designed for one controller.
The more relevant issue is that you got used to a less sensitive controller after playing certain games with that controller for years. Drop a new controller with a higher sensitivity in your hands and no matter how much better that new controller feels you sperg out because you're hitting the walls in a game that you tediously and pointlessly mastered over countless hours of practice with possibly the worst-feeling (albeit functionally capable) analogue stick ever manufactured.

I go original hardware and official controller for every other console, but nobody with half a brain thinks that the N64 analogue stick feels good to use. If you get used to it then it works well and is very precise, but it never allows a game to feel good or fluid to play. It's like a skateboard with hard wooden wheels and dirt in the bearings. Even if you can use it to pull off 100% of Rodney Mullen's trick repertoire, if the experience of just rolling down the street and carving feels like shit then what's the point.

>> No.5846519

>Paying 150 dollars. Basic fucking logic dude.
>Has not only never used one, but doesn't even know the price.

>> No.5846537

They would get looser but it still stays in a certain passing level of sensitivity that the hori doesn't get close to and if your useing the same n64 controller for years your then no wonder why you think the hori is good a 64 controller at the most is only good for a year and still you must not be aware that their are third party n64 controllers that have one to one sensitivity with the original and have steel sticks that never wear out and go for about 15 bucks.

>> No.5846539

A new hori mini pad goes for well over 100 dollars

>> No.5846545

Link some of these controllers

>> No.5846554 [DELETED] 

No fuck you I want them to stay cheap people talk to.much about rare games and accessories to other people and thats why they get expensive you can probably find two of the three pretty easily but if you do don't fucking tell anyone else.

>> No.5846563

Don't worry anon, I won't tell anyone. I just wanna play some video games. I'm calling bs on that sensitivity bit though. I have yet to see a 3rd party n64 controller match up as well.

>> No.5846569

There's a literal ocean of third party n64 controllers so the good ones are hidden no one has ever tested all of them he'll even the hori commander is a better controller then the mini

>> No.5846581


>> No.5846592

One of few that got a steel stick. I'd recommend them but it looks like he ain't willing to work on replacement sticks no more for people. Its an absolute objective upgrade to the shitty plastic stick.

>> No.5846594

Would you happen to be talking about the Competition Pro?

>> No.5846660

Collectorfag here. I've basically tested them all. None 3rd party are accurate

>> No.5846803

the n64 control stick is the console's greatest flaw. No matter who you are, you got fucked by it somehow while playing over time. Why is it such a hard thing for even people making controllers for it 20+ years later to get right?

>> No.5847140

How exactly should I stop the wear and tear on a stock N64 controller?

>> No.5847171

kitsch-bent, you can buy a full set of gears/stick/bowl (if you really need the whole thing) for something like 4-5 USD +shipping IIRC.

I bought just a set of gears and bowls, I might replace sticks at some point but I'm pretty happy with just what new gears (and bowls as needed) were able to do.

For reference, I had an absolutely shredded controller I bought cheap from a store which told me it was marked down as it was gross as shit when they got it. They did their low-tier cleaning job (exterior was clean minus a few crevices, I didn't expect much more from this low-tier place) and passed the savings to me. I opened the thing, opened the joystick assembly, and found a whole mess of plastic had been ground out from use. I replaced the bowl and gears and kept the original stick, and lubricated every vulnerable spot. I actually found that the new parts were a little too stiff at first (I've seen some people recommend smoothing them out slightly on receipt, my method of choice was just spinning the stick a lot a la mario party), but now they feel great.

I used the same lube that kitsch-bent sells, except I bought a large tube on amazon and it was 5 bucks vs. whatever they hike up for their sales (I don't blame them, gotta get your pay somewhere). When I remember I'll post what brand/product it is exactly.

Either way, controller now is great. I use it for F-Zero and Goldeneye and have no problems with the precision required for each game.

The only sad thing is that I figure this kind of wear and tear is inevitable with the stick being designed as it is. For me it just means stocking up on more replacements, or waiting for the day that steelstick finally stops being unavailable/100+ USD each. DESU I'm pretty happy with the performance as is, and I doubt it will wear down that quickly given the lubrication, so I'm optimistic it won't be a huge problem.

>> No.5847183

Don't use it at all. That's literally the only way. The original N64 controller is inherently flawed by design, but it's pretty understandable since it was the first of its kind. It's was the first mainstream controller with an Analog stick like that.

Also, I own a Hori Mini, Retrofighter 64, and Original N64 controller. All work extremely well, and I honestly can't even tell the difference in performance. The only real difference is the comfort of the grip. I'm not autistic enough to run each controller through digitized tests for analog sensitivity that will realistically never even matter in casual play.

>> No.5847328

Good luck trying to convince the nintendrones that fact.
Not gonna lie, but I'm gonna enjoy the meltdowns when the inevitable N64 mini gets released and it turns out Nintendo themselves can't get the analog stick right.

>> No.5847418

Thanks for the help. I'll probably just order a bunch of the replacement sets because they're so cheap, then later on I can just have everything already there when I need to replace another stick.

>> No.5847541

It's a bit costly, but I personally use this.


>> No.5847608

>I'm gonna enjoy the meltdowns when the inevitable N64 mini gets released and it turns out Nintendo themselves can't get the analog stick right.
This would be fucking hilarious if it happens.

>> No.5847645

>inevitable N64 mini
never ever

>> No.5847751

For the cheap price, the third party controllers you'll find on ebay or amazon are actually really solid

>> No.5847761 [DELETED] 

Anyone have a list of every N64 game that uses the D-pad instead of the analog stick for gameplay?

>> No.5847781

No, fuck that noise. I bought one of those and had to get my money back instantly because the control stick was a complete piece of shit that had inputs even when i wasn't touching it as well as having next to no inbetween from deadzone to full tilt

>> No.5849250


>> No.5849282
File: 259 KB, 1536x2048, n64stick.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

If it's ever actually released it would be nice to play through the 64 library with one.

>> No.5850816

>on DOS using graphics mode 0x13

>> No.5851946

Because zoomers aren't the first generation to care about this?

>> No.5851983

SM64 world record holders use Hori controllers on their autistically obsessive speedruns.

If it's good enough for them it's good enough for me.

>> No.5852173
File: 12 KB, 480x360, npc_sheep.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>i claim that two or more autists do something retarded so it's good enough for me

>> No.5852213

It doesn't have to be "instead", though, is the issue. Any game that is better with the dpad makes the Hori basically useless since its dpad is basically unusable due to placement.

>> No.5852303

>Hello, I'm a poor bitter nerd with no standards and a low tier brain.
The major argument leveled against the hori pad here is that because it's more sensitive its performance is lacking compared to the original. Anon points out that players at the highest level choose to use it when cheaper and more easily accessible alternatives are available. But because you don't wanna pay for one, or can't afford one, you come up with this irrelevant response. Transparent and sad.

>> No.5852438

>Hello, I'm a summerfag who can't into greentext
The major strawman here is the bullshit you claim is "the major argument" because you're a retarded faggot. "Anon" claims exactly what I said except without "retarded". But because you're an underage poorfag you project your inadequacies onto others. Transparent and sad indeed.

>> No.5852448

That's a lot of words to say nothing at all.

>> No.5852465

just mod a regular stick

>> No.5852736

>in fewer words than I used to kidsplain my fail you rekt me
sounds legit

>> No.5852757

>strawman, projecting, summerfag

>> No.5852858

Getting and installing a decent analog arcade stick into a stick case is easier said than done.

>> No.5852920


>> No.5853202

>i failed b-b-but
Even your mom is laughing at her snowflake at this point