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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 155 KB, 638x906, high_seas_havoc.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5839456 No.5839456 [Reply] [Original]

What's the verdict on this game?

>> No.5839464

Hard as balls final boss. Holy shit why is it so hard. Nice graphics though.

>> No.5839468

Reminds me of Rocky Rodent. They took the hardcore gamer difficulty really seriously.

>> No.5839528

Watching different sections of a longplay lead me to believe this is a really unremarkable platformer.

>> No.5839530


>literally just Sonic with some otter...thing as the MC

>> No.5839552

typical 5/10~6/10 16-bit platform game,unremarkable but not broken

pretty challenging tho

>> No.5839553

Still better than any of the Amiga's gay Euro/Zniggy platformers.

>> No.5839560

That's true.

>> No.5839563


>> No.5839583

This. Last boss is crazy, got there with tons of lives and still fucked it up. Game is good though.

>> No.5839587

At least HSH is actually beatable, has workable controls, doesn't require you to press Up to jump, and doesn't have some hideous rainbow color palette.

>> No.5839605

Those jump animations are pretty fucking good.

>> No.5839679

>Holy shit why is it so hard.

because it was destined for arcade but canned so they released it on genny.

>> No.5839727

Someone drew this character in a Gamepro Fan Art in the 90s and I had no idea who it was, thought it was the Golden Crisp bear dressed as a pirate. Never made sense to me until I found about this game a few years ago

>> No.5839759

>>literally just Sonic

yeah, welcome to the 90s

>> No.5840627

>literally just Sonic
you can't be this retarded
But even without clicking that link i know that you are amerifat and probably saw the amerifat version first.
where they had 1st shittiest level where you run through shitty woods + some obstacles falling like in Sonic 3.

in european version you start with arriving to the Pirate ship on the bot and it has that WOW-level and much better of a start
it had nothing to do with Sonic in European version.

all sonic-meme in Havoc is that 1 level

>> No.5840671


>> No.5840708

So that's why it's so bad.

>> No.5840768
File: 122 KB, 299x420, Captain+Lang+(Japan)+(En,Ja)-image.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

one of the few 16-bit games where the western boxart was better

>> No.5840803

what are you talking about. Japanese boxart is always worse
>le wacky/cute whimsical crap= japan
>cool detailed action = america
>wtf am i looking at = europe

>> No.5840807

>I'm allergic to female tits = america

>> No.5840808


>> No.5840834

Drop the little nose and turn the muzzle into a beak, and the character would instantly look more appealing.

>> No.5840839

>beta virgin jerks off to japanese weeb-crap because wapanese culture brought nothing but fanservice
color me surprised

>> No.5840843

Not just weeb crap, Americans are allergic to all sex because you can't get your mutilated circumcised micropenis up.

>> No.5840848

disgusting freakazoids

>> No.5840853

But im from europe. we are not allergic to sex. But american sega mega drive box art is always better than shitty wapanese one and european too

>> No.5840857

>fat murrican calling other people virgins

>> No.5840863

Just a heads up: If you really hate the whole weeb thing, you might not be in the right place in 4chan. This site isn't owned by an american anymore, it's owned by Hiroyuki, a japanese man. By filling captchas to post, you're essentially making money for him.
If you actually want to live up to your anti-weeb philosophy, maybe Reddit or some other non-japanese website would be more fitting.

>> No.5840870


>If you really hate the whole weeb thing, you might not be in the right place in 4chan.
hey grandpa
Did you miss the lastest news? 2005 was many years ago and 4chan is not a weaboo loosers places anymore. It has many types of people. And most of them tend to make fun of weebs. Go back to /an/ faggot

>> No.5840890

>Did you miss the lastest news? 2005 was many years ago and 4chan is not a weaboo loosers places anymore
It's not about that. Back then, this site was owned by moot, so even if this site was "weeb", you were still mostly benefitting an american by posting here.
Nowadays, you're giving money to a Japanese guy. So, posting on 4chan should be against your agenda.
You just helped the japanese guy a bit more by posting now. And I bet you will keep replying, so, more money for Hiroyuki.

>> No.5840902

Americans not only hate sex they also need to constantly shove into everyone's faces how much they RESPACT WAMAN more than everyone else. I hope you get #metoo'd by some chubby brown single mother you met on tinder 15 years ago and now that you're rich and successful she remembered she got raped.

>> No.5840907

>It has many types of people
Yeah, fuck weebs! I'm glad we have SJWs, bronies, schizos, zoomers... wait, bring back the weebs, they weren't that bad.

>> No.5840917
File: 143 KB, 406x415, 484949499.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>tfw I enjoy my own country's media and Japanese media, but not American media
Call me a weeaboo if you must. Better than being an ameriboo.

>> No.5840932

Who the hell made that game? It looks like a sonic clone for the Amiga.

>> No.5840939

I'm from central Europe and the local gaming magazine even made a comparison screenshot to show how much it looks like Sonic.

>> No.5841035


>> No.5841369

I could never get very far in this game
All I remember is the water music was really fucking good

>> No.5842010

Go and post on /int/ so we can see what "country" that is instead of hiding behind anonymity like a little bitch.

>> No.5842021

No. I hate boards with flags for a very good reason.

>post on /int/
>instead of attacking your argument, anons attack your flag

>> No.5842036

Hiding from what exactly?

>> No.5842129

Main character has way too much porn considering the game is relatively unheard of today

>> No.5842143

>Not just weeb crap, Americans are allergic to all sex because you can't get your mutilated circumcised micropenis up.

Right?! Thank You!

>> No.5842149

>Just a heads up: If you really hate the whole weeb thing, you might not be in the right place in 4chan. This site isn't owned by an american anymore, it's owned by Hiroyuki, a japanese man. By filling captchas to post, you're essentially making money for him.
>If you actually want to live up to your anti-weeb philosophy, maybe Reddit or some other non-japanese website would be more fitting.

Thank You!!

>> No.5842228

merica is always the best bro

>> No.5842472

How the fuck we go from talk about an old game to burger chimp out because they can't get their ass kissed in one thread?
Pray that chinks scum companies isn't becoming bigger if is that what you only care, lol

And about the game, I prefer ristar, but it was a good sega plataformer.

>> No.5842490


No mention of that Wolf (Fox?) Wizard boss right before the final boss stage?


That one seems to have been a brick wall for a lot of people.

>> No.5842638

Just another Sonic clone that didn't understand why Sonic was so successful, though it's still alright. Definitely looks nice.

>> No.5842704

cumbrain american pig

>> No.5842712

>Pray that chinks scum companies isn't becoming bigger if is that what you only care, lol
What did he mean by this?

>> No.5842720

China is the future of the world's economy.
I mean, they have the means, but China is so complicated as a region that I don't know what'll really happen, they could become the next ruling empire, or they could selfdestruct. Only time will tell.

>> No.5842848
File: 513 KB, 640x604, EC4Yo_xUYAADtrf.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ehh....I love the music in the game. One of my all time favorite ost on the Genesis. But the gameplay seems mediocre at best as it wants to be like Sonic but not. Freedom Planet did a better job doing that. What makes it hard is the design of the levels and the way you attack. It's not easy to pick up but also not hard to understand. If the levels were designed better and the controls feel more fluid, I would put it as a top ten of one the best Sega Genesis games.

>> No.5842942
File: 549 KB, 2000x2000, 15618511026761.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>"2005 was many years ago and 4chan is not a weaboo loosers places anymore."
>4chan has been shit for almost 15 years

>> No.5842986

b-but at least we got rid of weebs, r-right?

>> No.5843082
File: 328 KB, 800x778, 19E393C6-4FAA-4891-AB46-2709AD297AC8.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Im gonna be a radical centrist and say that boxart from all regions sucked

>> No.5843484
File: 268 KB, 1024x768, 1540120263132.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5844645

>S-stop mocking my animus, u b-baka bully