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File: 77 KB, 1190x672, AVGN_in_a_music_video_2_by_scout_sama.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
583516 No.583516 [Reply] [Original]

New AVGN Toxic Avengers

captcha: analPr letters

>> No.583535


>> No.583538

knowing AVGN it's a 50/50 shoe-in.

>> No.583547

It stars lloyd kaufman, so what do you think? its a shitty episode but cool cameo.

>> No.583540

AVGN episode with the most mixed recepetion I've seen in a while.

James was okay, but Kaufman really forced on some parts, while being funny in others.

>> No.583551
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It's alright.

>> No.583557

Here at /vr/ we like to strive for quality. This thread's topic does not meet or exceed these requirements.

>> No.583572


shutup. fuck.

>> No.583581

This review makes the MINEYCRAFTA video look good.

>> No.583614

nice cameo, the the episode was one of the worst. I'm not going to complain though, cameos are nice, and maybe in time the formula will get better. AVGN solo is obviously burned out.

>> No.583636

not bad. alot better than his last one

>> No.583637

Kaufman always makes me cringe. I like Troma, though.

>> No.583679
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mediocre episode. the acting was so forced and it wasn't very funny.

>> No.583685
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well, it's better than WHERE DID THEIR HAIR GO

>> No.583691

yeah, james does fine; I think Kaufman's downfall was that he's not experienced AT ALL to do these things so he's way out of his elements.

>> No.583698

Another great episode

>> No.583739

I was actually pretty shocked to see Kaufman there.

>> No.583750

I thought it was pretty cool, personally.

Not his best, but not bad at all.

>> No.583767

Kaufman is out of his element defiantly, (he overacts a lot) but it was to be expected from someone who has no experience with this type of cynical reviewing style (hell James get's it wrong plenty of times)
it's a 6 for the effort and just the fact that he got kaufman there in the first place.

>> No.583776
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I was alright(certainly better than the Ikari Warriors episode). Although Lloyd overacts a lot in this, I like him and his crazy old man way behave.
But despite all that, I can't brusho off this feeling, I can't quiet explain, but these last episodes have been just fucking weird. I can't put my finger on what it is, but they just are.

>> No.583790

James' heart is clearly not in it anymore. I can't say I blame him for it.

I didn't like it. Kaufman just wasn't funny, and it felt overall awkward to sit through.

>> No.583880

>it felt overall awkward to sit through.

I felt the same way. I laughed at some of the jokes but James seemed to not know how to react whenever Kaufman said something.

It was like watching some kid's grandpa plays a video game because the little shit kept begging for him to play. The only difference is the grandpa is hopped up on cocaine and the kid is autistic.

>> No.583887

>James was okay, but Kaufman really forced on some parts, while being funny in others.

I feel like part of this is James' fault. I'm not saying Kaufman is a genius or anything, but James does not play off of his personality at all. Most of the time he just goes "oh yeah?". Or just cracking up. Not really adding anything and just letting Kaufman go off the hook. James should have reeled him back or gone just as crazy.

>> No.583965

It seems like James and Kaufman had fun making this. Yeah, they overact, but it that really a bad thing?

Honestly, people take AVGN too seriously when a lot of the games he plays really aren't that bad (those Toxic Crusader games are pretty good, and the Genesis one is really good). Maybe overacting will help people not take his "reviews" so seriously and realize he's playing a character and doing a routine.

>> No.583967


Yeah, Kaufman doesn't seem to fit in well here. Last web tv interview I seen with him was on Doc Mock's Movie Mausoleum, it seems to fit him better.

Since James has a film background, I'd love for him to do his take on Troma movies.

>> No.583980

>Yeah, Kaufman doesn't seem to fit in well here.

Actually, I was leaning more towards James not fitting in with Kaufman.

>> No.583991


>not saying lloyd kaufman is a genius

He's so much better than a genius. He makes movies that are fun, visceral, and simultaneously lowbrow and actually about things.

>> No.583994

Same here. The AVGN act feels really out of place with this guy sitting next to him who is so much more entertaining. I kept hoping James would just play straight man and ask actual questions while Kaufman played.

>> No.583995

haha fuck, i was just checking the site earlier tonight and it was the same old shit

how opportune

>> No.584007


This is definitely the way they should have done it. It was relatively awkward, but not because of Kaufman. I suspect he's a really excellent human being.

>> No.584046

>so much more entertaining
I didn't find Kaufman's bits very entertaining at all in this video.
It was just him spouting random shit that didn't make sense and James not knowing how to react to the random shit.
All over it was a mess.

>> No.584071

I enjoyed it, but Rolfe was pretty boring. The ending was completely unnecessary as well.

Someone else mentioned getting a weird feeling from these eps, I kinda get that too. For me though it seems to be linked to how he's doing the filming now, production values seem a little bit better (maybe?) and I don't like it. Really clashes with the style of the show to me

>> No.584075

There was that too, but I felt like Kaufman probably didn't have much choice. I mean what's he going to do, let AVGN be the "outrageous" one and just sit there like an old man? It was like watching two 12 year olds trying to out do each other on /b/. It was definitely a mess.

>> No.584076

I checked YT literally 3 minutes ago and nothing was there. If not for this thread I'd have waited til tomorrow, thanks OP.

Dat Ron Paul Guest Star

>> No.584104

Just finished. I liked Ikari Warriors better.

>> No.584117


You guys are digging too deep. It's meant to be a fun show and Kaufman a fun guest. It's free entertainment. It's not the best duo but shit, I remember when all we had were 13 channels of SHIT on a SHIT 13" TV. Spoiled fucking kids. That god damn youtube is something else, let me tell ya. And I fucking enjoy it.

>> No.584118

I think he might do better for his audience going back to a more relaxed sched.

The problem with him is that he's like Joel or Mike if they didn't have the bots and just swore. He needs more charaters if the ANN char is to progress. He has HIS Role down, he just needs to remember it's limitations.

Solo warrior builds are different then Team builds.

>> No.584130

Why the fuck can't he just make an "AVGN coming of age" episode and just turn the show into informative reviews mixed with James' opinions, like the SwordQuest review for example.

You'd think most of his fans are adults by now.

>> No.584135

From what I can tell about AVGN, he will disappoint a few times, we will think he became shit, and he'll come back with something like Atari Sports and remind us we love him. If anything, I support him as a filmmaker.

>> No.584136

take it easy grandpa

>> No.584141

Because that isn't AVGN.

>> No.584148

I'll agree with a lot of what's being said here. They both have their forced moments, they both have their golden moments. I think he could have edited it a bit more and cut out some of the C material but I got the vibe he wanted to keep as much of Lloyd's riffing as he possibly could. I also agree that they didn't mesh well but it's not really their fault. They're just too similar. I can see how people wouldn't like the end but I think it was a funny throwback to the wanton vulgarity of the old Troma shit. It definitely fits here more than in any of his other videos. Overall I thought it was pretty good.

>> No.584170


Overall I agree. This one got a couple of guffaws from me but I was chuckling throughout all of Ikari Warriors. I don't know why people didn't like it. I think James and Kevin play off each other surprisingly well. You can tell Kevin is kind of awkward in front of the camera but he doesn't have the experience so no biggie.

>> No.584184
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>implying "where did the hair go" isnt one of the funniest spontaneous things on AVGN ever

>> No.584185

Personally, I think he did great. He comes off as kind of awkward, but it works well for him. He made it feel like a "James & Mike Play" video, and Mike makes it feel like a Mike video, unless it's a "James & Mike Play" video.

>> No.584205

I didn't like it. There wasn't any symmetry between the gameplay and AVGN/Kaufman. It was just awkward.

>> No.584210

Yeah, it was basically Kaufman being James but up to 11, and James being slightly less like himself than usual.

>> No.584237
File: 16 KB, 209x180, 1367386321198.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Where DID his hair go, though.

>> No.584251


>Atari Sports

Somehow I missed that one. Just went and watched it. Really fucking good. Felt very "classic nerd".

>> No.584257

I remember being in the same situation. Your assertion that anything is above critical analysis disgusts me.

>> No.584265

I was confused for a while. He's Kyle.
I liked it. It was obviously mostly improved, so you have to be expecting nothing more than some lighthearted joking around between friends, not scripted comedy.

>> No.584269

I remember living where we had NBC, CBS, and PBS and that's it (nothing on UHF band). For years.

I didn't live far from where they didn't get phone and power until the late 70s.

That doesn't mean I have to stomach mediocre bullshit. And it doesn't make mediocre bullshit free from ridicule.

You can enjoy it, I've never cared for these vids. I wasn't 13 when he started, so I kept out of this thread until I read your comment. Just popping in to say that you're wrong.

>> No.584276

Wow... that's the most unfunny video I've watched on youtube...maybe ever.

I think I'll be taking a break from AVGN for now until I hear about a good one.

I would watch the fuck out of that. That's my favorite side of James.

>> No.584289
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Well, it was better than this.

>pic related

>> No.584287


I'd be into that.

>> No.584296


That's it. Kyle, not Kevin. My bad.

>> No.584304

All the episodes he tries to turn into a shitty comedy film with whacky characters where the game itself isn't the primary focus are ALWAYS terrible. Toxic Crusaders, NWC, ROB, Crazy Castle, etc. They all suck.

>> No.584309


No, you're wrong because you watched something you regret. That becomes your problem and you being in the wrong, not me.

>> No.584312

I thought Alice in Wonderland was alright but I still agree

>> No.584314

wait what

>> No.584315

I agree as a general rule I mean. and I'd prefer it if he didn't do that. alice in wonderland was alright despite that though

>> No.584319

eh. the fact he got lloyd kaufman in there is impressive. it's not the best episode so far.
not now mayuri!

>> No.584328

there's an alice in wonderland episode?

>> No.584334


I think he means Wizard of Oz.

>> No.584343

This is pretty sad. Kaufman actually is coherent in interviews, here he just spewed things that were vulgar to seem like the AVGN.

>> No.584349


It's just a laugh, man

>> No.584369

shit, yeah, that

>> No.584374

I cringed, all the way through

>> No.584395

Awful. I wonder how much he payed Kaufman.

>> No.584413

>Giving attention to Youtube "celebrities"
You people are the reason for the massive dip in quality within the entertainment industry.

>> No.584415

Seems like they're deleting negative comments on cinemassacre now

>> No.584434

wow, that's a shame.
James is alright, but the AVGN series is way too popular for its own good.

>> No.584442
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I grimaced at every joke.

It just wasn't funny.

>> No.584448

They probably put Mike Matei in charge of moderating the comments.

>> No.584446


There's such a huge difference between James Rolfe and say, Ray William Johnson or PewDiePie. If you can't recognize that, I'm sorry.

>> No.584460

Yeah, I just went through the comments out of curiosity, and the only negative comment I found, started with "Why did you delete my comment?"

I expected better.

>> No.584463

>James is alright, but the AVGN series is way too popular for its own good.
It's not particularly popular. If he goes for a few months without episodes, everyone will forget about him completely.

The movie's going to be praised at conventions, vilified online, and bomb like fuck.

>> No.584467

Out of the near-million people who actively watch AVGN and follow James Rolfe, I wonder how many of then actually knew who Lloyd Kaufman is

>> No.584471
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>Every time Lloyd kaufman touch controller

>> No.584480

When they had those joke fights over the controller it seemed like they were only half kidding

>> No.584484


Being James' usual topics of bad videogames, he probably loves "bad" movies, or B movies, so Kaufman is probably someone James looks up to, especially with his background in film.

I'm also part of the fan base where those two interests disect but I'd guess 98% of his fanbase wouldn't know and probably 100% should know because I said so.

>> No.584489

I hope you mean intersect.

>> No.584495


I find a certain charm in his videos but only if I assume he isn't being serious (he isn't).

I consider Troma Films a fucking American treasure.

>> No.584498


I wouldn't call myself part of AVGNs fanbase, I meant to say.

>> No.584503

Which is exactly what every Youtube celebrity fanboy/ girl ever says. You might as well have just sat "AVGN is so much better than Justin Bieber, thumbs up if you agree :)"

>> No.584547


I do. I'm not an idiot with English but I always want to say disect instead of intersect.


Serious or not, I love good "bad" movies. Troll 2, for instance, the director took it very seriously but it's viewed by some fans as the best worst movie ever.

>> No.584559


The first sentence is about the AVGN. I have absolutely nothing but reverence for Lloyd Kaufman and his company.

>> No.584570
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Seeing as the Ikari Warriors one felt kind of shoehorned and dragged out, I'm interested to see what he got this time.

>> No.584581

Wow that Kaufman guy is UNFUNNY.

>> No.584601

I don't know if I'm getting old but I just can't laugh at his fart and shit jokes anymore.
And that awful shit and puke joke at the end (he has made it way too often already) always breaks my heart.

>> No.584614
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The episode was pretty bad itself, but god that ending was one of the most unfunny things AVGN has put out for a while. And even I thought that Ikari Wars was okay.

I just wanted someone to get mad at Toxic Crusaders not an old man saying random shit.

>> No.584626

I couldnt sit through this one

>> No.584639

Kaufman is fucking annoying. Having said that he made me laugh a few times. I wish AVGN would go back to reviewing the game like he used to.

>> No.584640

I hardly managed it myself.

>> No.584643

Don't you like constant shit jokes and guests?

>> No.584645

Makes me sad when I see people who think they're too "old " or" mature" to laugh at stupid jokes

>> No.584647

Remind me to never watch a movie by Lloyd Kaufman.

>> No.584649

No, it was never supposed to seem like I am edgy.
I merely stopped laughing at his shit jokes, maybe I just grew out of it. That's how it works, or do you still laugh at all the things that made you laugh when you were 15?

>> No.584650

im just glad he's started making videos again.

>> No.584652

You should, Class of Nuke 'Em High and the Toxic Avenger are great examples of some of the work Troma has done. Hell, Terror Firmer, or whatever it was called, was decent enough as well.

>> No.584656

Obviously not. I'm not 10 years old.

I have half a mind to email this thread to him.

>> No.584658

There’s been a noticeable decline in the quality of AVGN videos over the past few years. It can’t be that he’s run out of shitty games to review (he says so himself). It’s more to do with what he’s putting into the reviews. In his earlier videos, he’d review the game by pointing out flaws in design or something incredibly strange within the game, the videos were focused on the games (as they should being a review). But now, he tends to clog the videos up with tangential filler. By this I mean overacting scenes. Normally, he’ll dress up as character from the game and playfight some douchebag in another costume. He’ll do these silly subplots that aren’t at all funny. Review the damn game. Perhaps he’s acting on his own ambition of being some sort of thespian. I know he made a lot of shitty movies when he was younger. Just remember James, what made you famous. Stick to the format.

Another thing he should do less of is swearing. Repeating “shit cunt fuck piss” 10 times in a sentence tends to get old after a while and they lose their strength the more you hear them. It’s funnier to use words that sound like curse words but actually aren’t (b3ta’s philosophy, which I agree with).

I think part of the problem is his dedicated young fanbase. They’ll follow him into whatever avenue AVGN goes even if its just him sitting in front of the camera saying “turd” for 5 minutes or whatever. I’ve heard he doesn’t take criticism very well deleting negative comments off of his videos, which he’s entitled to do. James Rolfe has reduced the number of AVGN he makes now which is good I guess. It makes you look forward to them more.

When I heard he was working on a movie I thought “Oh great it’s going to be tangential bullshit for 90 minutes”. I sincerely hope this isn’t the case but I don’t see how he’s going to play an NES game for 90 minutes, if indeed that is the length.

>> No.584659
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I don't know about you, but I feel these are just shoehorned placeholders to sate his audience as the movie rolls along.
Maybe he'll put out something decent a while after the movie has been finished, otherwise this is going for broke.

>> No.584661

I love AVGN, but this was probably one of his weakest episodes in my opinion. I found Kaufman funny in it, but James was just... rubbish. There was almost no point in him being there.

>> No.584673

>I’ve heard he doesn’t take criticism very well deleting negative comments off of his videos

That's Mike. He controls the youtube accounts, and he's a bit of a cunt. He even completely disabled comments on his own videos for a while when the hate for him started to get really out of hand.

>> No.584679


I don't think it's you growing up. I'm 32 and laughed at his first videos. After a while you could get his humor pattern down and he's seemed to have gotten too reliant on that pattern. Every bad thing has to be compared to shit or taking a shit.

Regardless, he's still got potential to draw my interest and make me chuckle but I've watched too many of them to seem fresh anymore. And I've only heard of AVGN in the past year and watched a lot of them in the span of weeks so it's likely you feeling unrefreshed by the humor, not exactly growing up.

>> No.584687

Maybe it's really me just being unrefreshed by that humor.
Maybe it was just a phase of me because around the time when the first AVGN videos came out I watched a ton of "shit joke" related stuff.

>> No.584712

That was pretty hard to watch

>> No.584713

almost at the 7 min mark and it is painful does it get any better

>> No.584717

This was the only AVGN episode I couldn't finish, and I probably won't attempt again

>> No.584720

It only gets worse and the ending is one of the worst endings in history

>> No.584738

i'm not if its the guest or not ait seems like james isn't in it anymore

>> No.584747
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Disappointing. Hopefully the movie is better.
It won't.

>> No.584750


fuck, this shit was painful

>> No.584789

correction, I wish he was making at least decent videos again. ikari warriors was decent, this was... not.

watching that was a waste of my time

>> No.584829

Maybe funny if you're 12 years old or MAYBE funny the first time it was said, but not for the fucking 4 minutes or so he just sung "WHERE DID THE HAIR GO? WHERE DID THE HAIR GO?"

>> No.584865

Instead of just doing a flat out review of the games, they should have made the episode like an actual Troma movie. Like IDK, Kaufman gets turned into Toxie and is force to play the games his franchise spawned with James providing narration

>> No.584901


This sounds like the stuff good movies are made of.

>> No.584902


Man, that was dreadful. Worst AVGN yet.

>> No.584914

that would have been way better at lest i wouldn't have to listen to Kaufman make pop culture references

>> No.584921

I feel like James can't pull of a convincing Nerd anymore, and just acts pissed off because it's the character and people like it. He seems like he would be so much more comfortable if he just talked about the games.

>> No.584937


I kind of wish he would. Or like do a side series where he did that. Maybe I've just grown up, but I really prefer the tone in his film videos, where he's just a normal dude talking about stuff he likes.

>> No.584974

I wish he would make more videos where he just talks about shit. Pong consoles, Sword Quest, Castlevania videos, Magnavox Odyssey, etc. I've probably watched each of his videos several dozen times (they're pretty good background noise when you're doing stuff), but the ones I listed are easily his best, simply because he doesn't force any type of character or skit into them. It's just him talking about neat video game history. I enjoy a lot of his other videos too, but there are a lot that I just straight up avoid rewatching. His Bugs Bunny videos, his Batman videos, Wizard of Oz, etc.

This new video wasn't very good. At all. I watched the whole thing, but it's pretty disappointing. His Sports and Ghosts n Goblins videos were great, so he still has it in him to make good stuff, but damn, this video was just not very good.

>> No.584979

His video on Contra was great too. It was just him talking about how he grow up with the game.

>> No.585006


Oh yeah, he did have a few like 'video game memories' videos I think they were called, Contra was one of those. I think there was a Sonic one too. Those were good.

>> No.585085

so how many people want to bet comments will be on pending approved before the day is out

>> No.585106


I think there isa Mario one and a Mega Man one, too.

>> No.585153

That was fucking painful to watch, not ten seconds without homosexual dick sucking and ass licking jokes, I've seen straighter gay porn

>> No.585161

I wish I hadn't watched that.
Got really excited when Kaufman showed up, and within a couple of minutes I hated it.
So disappointing.

>> No.585202

Not gonna lie, after watching GameCenter CX, AVGN lost it's charm.

>> No.585286

Now, compare to this:

>> No.585308



This was better

>> No.585320

>that feel when this make me nostalgic...

>> No.585335

I hope RLM makes retro reviews.

all those sellout frauds can suck a cock.

>> No.585338


Really? I loved the Ikari Warriors one.

I usually dislike most of his newer stuff in comparison to the old stuff, but Ikari Warriors and Ghosts 'n Goblins are two of my favorites. It's fun to just watch him trying to beat games.

>> No.585364

is it me or the new HD camera makes the episodes look more generic and boring?

I liked the old camera it gave that comfy atmosphere.

>> No.585425

I thought it couldn't have gotten any worse after Mike.... I was wrong gentlemen. I was wrong.

>> No.585436

I just want more Mike videos, really... I do. His videos were bad at first but lately they've been getting better and better while James' videos go to shit.

Mike is the saviour of the channel if anything.

>> No.585445

It appears we are at an impasse. I think we need a duel. Pistols at dawn or Yu Gi Oh? Your choice.

>> No.585463

I think he browsed /v/ for approval and saw that everyone hated him. So he is now trying his hardest to prove himself by reviewing games like Klonoa and Dark Souls.
They're good videos though, I'm glad.

>> No.585478


I can't get past thinking of Mike as just some ass piggybacking off of his friend's popularity.

I mean would anyone give a fuck about his reviews if they weren't on the AVGN channel? No.

>> No.585495

Only, it's not like that at all. One year ago everyone was furious at James for not putting up any videos because he couldn't so his friend Mike who does half the work on AVGN, decided to tip in and help out for James and to make the fans happier.
Then everyone went into an autistic rage because it wasn't just James on screen.

I sometimes forget that most of the fanbase is children, it is frustrating to watch. More content isn't something to complain about.

>> No.585503

I don't even know what to say about this episode. I don't really know anything about Kaufmann, so I can't really tell if this was a corny performance or just par for the course.

At the end of the day, Kaufmann didn't fit. He doesn't understand the humour, and it would seem if you introduce him to a medium with no restrictions he appears to lose any sanity he may have once had.

Honestly, what was he thinking by spouting TV tier humour on the internet? Who the fuck is Taylor Swift?

>> No.585510


Does he really do "half the work"? I was under the impression that he just did title cards.

And don't get me wrong, I watch Mike's reviews and they aren't terrible. They're just sort of... there. Like I wouldn't be watching them if they weren't on the AVGN channel.

>> No.585518

He does the camera work, a lot of the writing, guest appearances and such. They were a duo since the beginning but Mike was camera shy, so would only get on camera when fully covered by costume.

James never worked alone on AVGN.

>> No.585521

He does research, the title cards and maintains the website, as far as I know.

James prefers to film and edit alone.

>> No.585528


I'm getting conflicting information here...

>> No.585537

Second guy was wrong, they explained it in a video a while back, I'd link but I am really not bothered going through their videos at this time.

>> No.585592

I cut the video when he was about to dump...

no wonder such dumbass would accept making a video with avgn.

>> No.585637

>not appreciating Kaufman

That's how I know half of you are underage. The dude inspired James who inspired some of you. I'm sure Kaufman realizes the comedic disparity between him and James and likely doesn't care. He does shit for fun, not to be over-analyzed by aspies on an image board. James may take criticism seriously or want to try hard to be funny but not Kaufman.

>> No.585640


Not everyone enjoys C-grade, unfunny garbage. Go polish your Ray Bans.

>> No.585648

Underage because we don't appreciate direct-to-video schlock?

>> No.585676 [DELETED] 
File: 25 KB, 400x273, nuke.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


Yup, underage.

>> No.585691

Yeah, well fuck you, buddy!

I'm going to watch the latest RLM episode because I just remembered it was released not long ago.

>> No.585696
File: 46 KB, 700x472, toxie.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Well I liked it. It was also nice to see Loyd Kaufman, because his comments we're just like from Troma movie with the "Well why the fuck not?" attitude.

>> No.585729

Well for one it would have played to Kaufman's strength's as a filmmaker so he wouldn't be struggling as a game reviewer

It would have helped if James would have actually put some thought into the episode instead of saying "HEY EVERYBODY, IT'S LLOYD FUCKING KAUFMAN. LET'S WATCH HIM GASP AT HIS OWN OFFSPRING AS HE PLAYS THESE HORRIBLY STINKY GAMES"

This is why I completely agree that James is miserable doing AVGN now

>> No.585747


>> No.585750

It's his damn "formula".

He has a process now and never breaks it. It sucks the life out of the experience.

>> No.585760

Who the fuck is Kaufman?

>> No.585774

Elderly Jewish producer of direct-to-video schlock that James likes.

>> No.585782

He's an extra in a lot of really big films.

>> No.585786


The unfortunate truth is that there was no time or budget for this kind of episode. James is still making the movie and just filming these in between. Which makes this whole thing a real shame.

James also isn't as comedian by trade or anything so when Kaufman says something, AVGN breaks character to laugh or just go "yeah" or "what the fuck". He never plays along with Kaufman or tries to even get into his AVGN persona and try to out-curse Kaufman or anything interesting really.

>> No.585813


I've never seen one of his videos, but AVGN is the worst thing to happen to retro games outside of this retarded price bubble we're in.

If your opinion happens to align with his, you're just "parroting" him, regardless of whether or not you played the game while he was still in diapers.

>> No.585821

That's what makes it so hard to like or hate this episode.

Kaufman's adlibbing didn't fit the established theme, but James didn't play off of Kaufman.

It's as if the problem is no one's fault and everyone's fault at the same time. In my opinion, at least. I'm not a fan of experimental cinema.

>> No.585827
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>It was like watching two 12 year olds trying to out do each other on /b/

>> No.585867

I just think the episode was rushed Kaufman probably had less than a day with James, so he wanted to make an episode with him as long as possible.

>> No.585908

That much was clear. A guy like Kaufman would expect to be paid more than a few drinks for anything more than a few hours work.

>> No.585920


You should really check out the interview James did with Kaufman. Kaufman is a really great guy who will appear in indie films for nothing.

>> No.585958

Yeah but

>Appear != Give a performance
>Indie film != Advertising funded web production

>> No.585964

If you guys dont like his humour perhaps you should be watching something else? There is tons of reviewers out there. I watch AVGN cuz I like his sense of humour. Other reviewers tend to bore me to death.

Whining cuz you dont like something doesnt make you more mature, if anything it makes you stupid since you keep going back to something you dont really enjoy.

>> No.585979

What is with his obsession with feces, anyway?

Were his ancestors German?

>> No.585991


But Kaufman says he's been trying to work with James for a long time....

>> No.585994


that's funny, because all AVGN does IS FUCKING WHINE ABOUT SHITTY GAMES

>> No.585995

So many cringeworthy namedrops of random relevant celebrities that made no fucking sense. HAHAHA TAYLOR SWIFT JUSTIN BIEBER SEE I'M HIP AND WITH IT

>> No.585996

It's an expletive which can be used as a generic description?

>> No.585992


Probably, most Americans are. But yeah, the same references to animals' shits can get a bit tiring.

>> No.586007

This episode was very different from his usual stuff. Different as in BAD.

>> No.586010

Well, I don't know then. Maybe it's that damned formula.

>> No.586012

Basically everything that needs to be said about this AVGN episode and every AVGN episode.


>> No.586068

I chucked at the "who cares, its only the one hundred and eleventh fucking episode."

I don't know who Lloyd is but I'm sure he's probably a good speaker in his element. He just tried something new with the vulgarity and it didn't work.

>> No.586069


So much insecurity and jealousy.

>> No.586080


I didn't laugh once watching this episode. I actually fell asleep

>> No.586105

No doubt he's seething with jealousy, but he's also absolutely right.

>> No.586129

You're no better than the /v/ kids who spout HURR NICE PROJECTING BRO. It's called "criticism".

>> No.586134

That's Youtube in a nutshell, yes.

>> No.586139
File: 25 KB, 400x408, it'syou.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


""...Not me being snobby..."
Right. Insulting an entire fanbase with comparisons to children with DS. You don't have to actively push the snobbishness, it's encoded into your DNA. Liking bad cartoons doesn't absolve you of anything, either.
Jealousy smells an awful lot like a neckbeard in a Planet Fitness shirt."

Nice try, prick.

>> No.586301

In this video, I agree. He's made some really good movies though.

>> No.586303

I felt like his comment was the opposite of edgy and didn't come off as condescending.

>> No.586314

I thought the episode was okay. I even laughed at some scenes, especially at the ending.

However it's obvious that, just like last time, less planning was made and more improvised cuts were kept. He doesn't care as much anymore.

The addition of the creator to the original series the game is based off was a nice addition, but here the problem is that his acting was terrible especialyl when he wasn't himself and trying to act "the AVGN way"

>> No.586323
File: 60 KB, 980x858, tknight.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Which one of you guys did this youtube video:


>> No.586330


Worlds fattest autist and the biggest anti-AVGN sperglord ever. This fat ass really needs to get a fuckin life or something.

Maybe if he made his own content instead of just using the content of other his channel would have a decent amount of views and he wouldn't need to resort to putting his wife into work in his sweat shop.

>> No.586404

Doot doodoo!

>> No.586474


Those are some nice ad hominem attacks you have there.

>> No.586509

Am I the only one that really like Kaufman's overacting? It was bad yeah, but it was Troma bad. His ridiculously over the top flailing while he was "playing" was hilarious. Over all it was a decent episode

>> No.586519

what a huge head

>> No.586520

>mfw it actually ends with AVGN puking on a pile of shit

>> No.586635

That was fucking terrible.
I didn't like the video, but
>Started off with a false claim (that every video ends in shit. It happens somewhat frequently, but not even 50% of the time)
>More than half the video is just interleaved ad homenim, complete with MS Paint scenes and a mocking voice. Even going as far as saying that everybody who disagrees with him is a convulsing retard in a trashed house for defending what they like
>Argues that the game shouldn't have been treated badly, because every NES game can do good for the world (even though it was a repro cart, which are the only ones that James destroys)

He made a valid point with the puke effect being hackneyed, and with the latest episode being unfunny, but in the rest, he jumps and stammers around. He has no idea how to follow through with a point-by-point review, and then has the audacity to call people who disagree with him immature by using badly-drawn cartoons and going "This is you, look at this picture, this is how retarded you are, you're probably also retarded, have a messy house, and are a redneck or something"
The latest AVGN was painful, but that was worse. The AVGN was crude, random, cloying, and unfunny, but this guy is depressingly inept. He would do better if he tried to act like an adult, and stopped excusing his inability to expand on a point with "well, my detractors are children anyway, so I don't need to follow through or explain anything".

>> No.586641

No it's not.
30 seconds of the video were legitimate criticism, the rest were "If you don't agree with me, you look like this, and act like this, and his fans are like this, and this is you".
The vast majority of the video was mocking. Mocking is not criticism.

>> No.586648

That's not ad-hominem, you fucking buzzword spouting half wit.

He is a fatass, he is a fucking autist sperglord (see every video he ever made), and he did sell his wife into slavery to support his poptart addiction.

>> No.586657

I found it wryly amusing that he complains about every AVGN video being about shit, then goes on to make a joke about bat guano.

>> No.586679

excessive masturbation

>> No.586684


"Ad hominem" doesn't mean "lie".


For how to do an actually legitimate criticism.

>> No.586698
File: 195 KB, 640x931, 1367308866762.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>calls people "buzzword spouting"
>says autist and sperglord

>> No.586739

Why would I want to criticize? In the vain hope he might improve? I don't even watch his hack videos. The finger print blurred plastic lenses on his cheap webcam hurt my eyes.

Spouting is when you use a word out of context. How typical for a tripfag to be so uninformed. Give me a moment to add you to my filter list.

>> No.586753

>Spouting is when you use a word out of context.

Did you just seriously invent a special definition for 'spouting'? You're a pretty sad, angry dude. Maybe you'd fit in better over at /v/.

>> No.586774
File: 412 KB, 766x1024, 1340982979170.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Ok, finally watched it.

What the fuck is wrong with you people? The Troma gramps is fucking LOVABLE. This is not the Ikari Warriors type of awkward shit.

Fuck you for hating on this, guys. This is what every Angry nintendo Nerd episode should be like.

>> No.586780

It's pretty obvious this was made for James himself, not the majority of fans. His true love is not video games, but shlock B horror movies like Troma is known for. He got to meet one of his heroes and had fun with it.

That said, as far as an AVGN episode goes it was not good. He should have done something else with Kaufman. I think James needs to just let AVGN retire, he's clearly not as passionate about it anymore.

>> No.586781

>(even though it was a repro cart, which are the only ones that James destroys)

I thought that 32x was real enough.

>> No.586783

Stay mad, tripfag. I don't even have a filter list.

>> No.586794

He had like 3 of those, and he shot one of the non-functional ones.
He's done it a couple times, but he generally doesn't break the working games.

>> No.586792


I'm not that tripfag.

inb4 hurr mad

You should grow up a little.

>> No.586798


It's how it is in this weird internet era. It allows various pseudo-intelectuals spill their bile, while they don't do anything with their sorry lives

>> No.586839

>You need to take it from an old drunk- I mean...
Was the only interesting part of the video.

>> No.586991

The only one in recent memory that got a laugh out of me was the Barbie one, and only because of the golden "Balls to the wall" joke.
He panders to the tween fanbase too much.
I kind of want to watch his movie, because I think there will at least be a shred of truth about the ET mythos, but I'm dreading all of the campy gore and diarrhea jokes.

>> No.587000

So when you said you were gonna filter me, you were really just spouting a buzzword.

[irony intensifies]

>> No.587257
File: 20 KB, 287x344, 1366953291855.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Holy shit this episode was even worse then the previous one and I didn't think that that was even humanly possible.

>> No.587757

Now who is this cutie?

>> No.587789

Was the previous one Ikari Warriors? Because that's the best episode in a long time.

>> No.587837

wait... I thought it was like totally uncool and what ever to like AVGN on all of 4chan...

>> No.587856 [DELETED] 

oh.... this is actually a movie thing and not an AVGN episode... thanks for being totally misleading everyone

>> No.587878

Except it is an avgn episode you fucking dense retard.

>> No.587880

Still doesn't change the episode was horrible. Deal with it.

>> No.587889

>The definition of cool is to follow everyone else and never formulate your own ideas and opinions

>> No.587897

I just recently watched this one again. I'm a HUGE Godzilla fan and a HUGE fan of 8 and 16 bit games. I'm James' age and I feel we have a lot in common.

The fact that he can shit on these games is great. And it's not only because they're not that good, but rather because they don't capture the movies spirit at all.

I don't completely agree with him on all of his points, but in general we're in synch.

>> No.587906

I clicked on the wrong thing, there is also an episode of his movie thing that focuses on toxic crusaders, calm down
also, if you haven't noticed, I deleted the post, but yeah, you had to pointlessly throw a lame insult at me anyhow

>> No.587912

It was terrible. I had to turn it off halfway in.

>> No.587932

you know what, I'm going to disagree with about EVERYONE in this thread, and say it's not Kaufman's fault that this entire thing is so boring and bad, it's James Rolfe's, it's obvious that the entire time that Kaufman is trying to set him up to play off of him and Rolfe is just like "mmmm hmm yup yup, look at the AI"

>> No.587947

never mind... I wasn't far enough in... this is a train wreck Kaufman just goes way too far, like some other people said, Rolfe should have rained him in

>> No.587952

and by way too far, I don't mean the humor, and mean he's just too way over the top the entire time

>> No.588114
File: 2.74 MB, 333x250, a... a... hold on....gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Were his ancestors German?

Do germans like shit?

>> No.588168


>> No.588202


>> No.588240

Contra was good. It was him sharing his experience

The Sonic one was pretty lame. it was just him describing what happens in Sonic games

>> No.589242

>Best AVGN episodes

Simon's Quest
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles
Top Gun
The Power Glove
Bible Games
Atari 5200
Ghostbusters Trilogy
Street Fighter 2010
Ninja Gaiden
Shwarzenegger Games
Ghosts 'n Goblins
Ikari Warriors

Stylistically, his old stuff was better. It felt more genuine. It wasn't him forcing himself to be mad. I mean, do you remember him yelling in Simon's Quest? No. It was just him genuinely talking about a game that he played as a kid. It felt legit. It felt inspired. I think he lost some of his edge when he made it into a real series.

Some recent ones have been great though. I love the Ikari Warriors one so much. Guitar Guy makes it.

>> No.589327


his two best episodes are Sega CD and 32X

>> No.589337

>Atari Sports not on there

>> No.589350


Hey, he's got a lot of episodes. My personal favorites are Ikari Warriors and The Power Glove.

It might be easier to pick out his worst episodes. Day Dreamin' Davey sucked.

>> No.589369

That's an old wive's tale.

>> No.589380


He, uh...sung it for a very, very short time. You're exaggerating.

>> No.589395

He didn't exactly explain what was so bad about the NES Toxic Crusaders. He just said it was "too hard" because "you lose your mop as soon as you get hit". The game is very hard, but surprisingly decent for a TOSE game.

>> No.589637

Does a bear crap in a German guys mouth?

>> No.589672

lloyd kaufman still doing the classic "you have to move the controller while you play the videogame" shtick


>> No.590985

Sword Quest is where it's at.

>> No.591880

It could be the fact that he's still working on the movie. The past few episodes were rushed so people would stop complaining about no episodes. I'd say he's still passionate, but he needs a break.

>> No.591896

>He didn't exactly explain what was so bad about the NES Toxic Crusaders
He's not a reviewer, you stupid fuck. He's an entertainer. It's an indie goddamn comedy show. Are you really expecting analysis and objectivity?

>> No.591920

Okay, grandpa I'm sorry. Please don't take away the Nintendo!

>> No.591964
File: 437 KB, 245x118, 1367357358038.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>>mfw troma is the distributor of the AVGN movie.

>> No.591995

>Kaufman's wikipedia page says he has a role in the Movie.

>> No.592028

>Okay, grandpa I'm sorry. Please don't take away the Facebook!

>> No.592049

Is that supposed to be a comeback or something?

>> No.592070

No, why? Why are you even expecting a comeback?

>> No.592075

One in the pink and one in the stink

>> No.592094

IF I wanted my comeback I would have wiped it of your mothers chin

>> No.592114

You just seemed to be trying to insult me.

>> No.592117


>> No.592120

kaufman reminds me of this fat old jew I used to work for who kept giving me stuff and had a hilarious, crude story about god damn everything

offensive and endearing all at once

>> No.592327


People can say what they want about them (see /pol) but no one can deny that they are genuinely funny people

>> No.592342

It saddened me when I look at the comments on the video.
Those people have no idea who Lloyd Kaufman is, what he made or why he behaves like that, and instead of trying to understand just lash out and insult him.

>> No.592353
File: 137 KB, 276x331, スクリーンショット 2013-03-05 21.38.36.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Are you serious? It was just kyle forcing out poop jokes every 5 seconds I almost died from second hand awkwardness. It reminded me of hanging out with that one friend who thought he was really funny and would constantly make really unfunny jokes that no one would laugh at.

>> No.592561

Do people actually find this guy funny?
What he says always seems so forced and overly vulgar for no reason.

>> No.592612
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>Better than anything

>> No.592620

embrace the beard of Jon and the chins of Arin

>> No.592632
File: 67 KB, 399x388, 1349669456433.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I tried, man. I tried.

They just suck so fucking bad at video games.

>> No.592641

I don't really watch them for the gameplay 100% of the time, just them talking is entertainment enough.

>> No.592643

Kaufman was mostly funny, but some dumb popculture references (like that Justin Beiber joke, has to be a first for the show) felt kinda forced.

I dunno, it was funny seeing James crack up every now and then, but he should've done more to play off Kaufman

>> No.592650

In all honesty though, AVGN's best videos are just James being himself

>> No.592670

Them talking can be entertaining some of the time, I guess.

Most of the time it's just Arin being a cunt and Jon being annoying as fuck. Did I mention that they're utterly frustratingly terrible at video games? They flat out ignore any and all obvious tutorials and then waste entire episodes running around trying to figure out something my retarded 15 year old self figured out in little to no time at all.

>> No.592678


Game Grumps is more offensive than AVGN simply because they mean the offensive things they say, whereas AVGN is just a character and none of the offensive things he says are actually somebody's opinion.

Not only that but the only funny thing GG has ever produced is Goof Troop episodes. Everything else before and after was a nightmare to watch. I remember getting sick to my stomach watching them play Megaman 7 because of how unfunny it was and how bad they are.

>> No.592686

AVGN should do Angry Movie Nerd, sort of like MST3K-ish, since that's his other passion. I'd love to see him review old shitty movies for a change.

>> No.592720

He does review movie, not in MST3K style though

>> No.596116

Saw it. It really wasn't funny at all, the games weren't even that bad.
I mean, shit they were bad okay. But not bad enough that he needed to do a video on them.

>> No.596140

I just couldn't sit through it. I was criginging within about 30 seconds.

Felt like the last episode with kyle, I barely sat through that one.

I dunno man, I'm a long time fan of AVGN too. Weird thing is, I'm completely ok with Mike, and most people hate him.

Eh he does make me cringe slightly here and there, but he's grown on me a little.

>> No.596153

I actually lol'd at that. It wouldn't have been so funny if he weren't a well dressed old man. I mean, you hear dumbass teenagers say stupid shit like that all the time but not your grandpa!

>> No.596314


maybe your grandpa didn't say shit like that but mine did. on the other hand, he was schizophrenic and had ptsd from world war 2. side note: he thought video games were the wave of the future as far as entertainment was concerned, and he loved his atari.

rip in pieces grandpa

>> No.596346

would someone please explain to me what the fuck is going on in this picture.

>> No.596356

MFW Troma made a movie with NAMCO and Kaufman fucked over NAMCO with it.

I'm talking about Kabukiman.

Toxic avenger was great and after say some of his later stuff everything just went to shit.

He's like Charles Brand, but slightly shorter.
Unless Kuafman dies
we will never see a legit toxy or kabuki man movie ever again.

>> No.596386


One of the original endings for Bioshock Infinite

>> No.596424

Is that cum?

>> No.596429

>A B B A
>awkward shit

>> No.598442

Atari Sports was great. James can you go back to doing that?

>> No.598479

>It's pretty obvious this was made for James himself, not the majority of fans. His true love is not video games, but shlock B horror movies

put it better than I ever could. This is exactly it. Look at his house- his living room walls are all shelves for DVDs and VHSs, the videogames are down in the basement. He is a movie person, not a video game person, and the AVGN character was just a way of exploring movie making for himself. Unfortunately the worst parts of AVGN are the scripted/acted/produced parts.