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File: 37 KB, 250x123, 250px-Street_Fighter_Logo.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5817432 No.5817432 [Reply] [Original]

Is this series better than Mortal Kombat? What is the best two player versus game, and is it one of the Street Fighters?

>> No.5817441

People are divided between Super Turbo or 3rd Strike.
I'll say Alpha 2 or Alpha 3 are peak SF.

>> No.5817471

I'm an Alpha 3 and 3rd Strike guy with a nod to SFA2 Gold and II CE.

>> No.5817492

A3, HF
3S, 2T

>> No.5817505

Hyper Fighting

>> No.5817520

mortal kombat is just gay retarded edgelord shit while street fighter 2 is a classic and highly influential fighting game

>> No.5817529

ST and A3 are the best, followed closely by 3S and A2.

>> No.5817536

World Warrior is the best one.

>> No.5817538

probably ST or A3

waiting for the token retards that say


See me on fightcade then in either game bitch

>> No.5817540

>Is this series better than Mortal Kombat?
>What is the best two player versus game, and is it one of the Street Fighters?

>> No.5817596

How does Virtua Fighter compare? not great?

>> No.5817602

Third Strike is the best street fighter game and the best fighting game of all time, hands-down.

>> No.5817603

it's a masterpiece of the genre

>> No.5817607

It doesn't compare, because it's not trying to be the same thing. It's not bad, though.

>> No.5817614

for me
killer instict>street fighter alpha 3> mortal kombat trilogy/ MK2

>> No.5817621

>better than Mortal Kombat?
You bet'cha.

Best 2D fg? debatable but my account goes for mvc1 with over 1200 hours logged. SF tier list though? Probably something like this:
If you're gonna play street fighter you'll find out which series or games you like independantly by playing them all. its highly known amongst fans that 3s can be a boring game to play but entertaining to watch. its boring to play at an intermediate skill level due to things like wakeup DP not being as effective because it can get snuffed by basically any crouching MK. Other than that, you'll be playing a game involving baiting parrys and doing a bunch of random light attacks to make your opponent mistime their parrys. great game, but definitely not the definitive SF but made alot of groundbreaking effort.

if youre going to play sf2 at all, play super turbo. no arguement or conversation is really necessary or even can be had about it. its simply the best one.

vsav3 is a great game all around. can't really talk shit about it.

mvc2 is the best two player versus game due to its roster and replayability. amazing ost, gameplay, character selection, hype, combos, and craziness.

tying with mvc2 is cvs2. rest in peace to cvs2, you magnificent game, you.

alpha 3 is widely known as garbage.

>> No.5817632

>Is this series better than Mortal Kombat?
I love how nobody really bothered to reply to this question seriously because it's so obvious.

>> No.5817645

Marvel vs Capcom seems like it's better due to the super hero characters and the engine seeming like Street Fighter?
A poster above you seems to think alpha 3 is best SF.

>> No.5817658

competitively and metagame-wise, hardcore fans know alpha 3 isn't that great a fighting game. the mvc series is regarded so high due to its level of, lets say; you aren't worried about something like in SF context where if ryu or sagat has you in the corner spamming projectile and chipping you out you figure to jump over but you cant block in the air so you have to find 'another way' around it all. mvc series has the best combos known to man in any fighting game with unlimited potential and 2 matches are never the same which is untrue for street fighter series to be honest. in mvc series you have pushblock originating from xmen vs streetfighter which is essentially the single most important defensive mechanic introduced to fighting games that would be sadly forgotten and having games today like dbfz relegate its strategy based around its own proportionate meta as opposed to understanding its own place as a high speed 'super hero like' fighting game where you can do actions such as: air guarding, dash backs and forwards that are tiny side steps like SFIII3s, super jumps, magic series combo system, all while keeping in the importance of things like footsies and plenty of surprises. mvc series is truly the best of both worlds.

>> No.5817745

Original SFIV without any character expansions is my favorite vs. game.

>> No.5817758


>> No.5817764
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>competitively and metagame-wise, hardcore fans know alpha 3 isn't that great a fighting game

Yes that's why it's Daigo, BAS, Valle, and Ricky's favorite fighting game. You stupid fucking faggot repeating hearsay/memes.

>> No.5817981

get off 4chan, Alex

>> No.5817994

Street Fighter is way better than Mortal Kombat. The best Street Fighter game is either Super Street Fighter II Turbo or Ultra Street Fighter IV.

>> No.5818548

This guy knows his shit

>> No.5818554

Juggles are jank in this game and you don't even have to be high level to notice.

>> No.5818696

I had a lot of fun with Alpha 2 in the SF collection for PS2, though I was playing with a controller so that really limited me. I didn't buy a stick until this gen to play SFV and DPs and hadoukens are so much easier to do now. Without going back to play the old ones again I can't say, but V is a lot of fun because I'm only low level and just dicking around. I really liked the aesthetics and roster of Alpha 2. You can argue if 2 or 3 is better but I thought 2 was simpler and had a more solid core, where 3 added a lot more characters and the ISMs systems and for my level it was just too much.

I've been a life long MK fan, mainly because the inputs are easier to do on controller on SNES/PS2, but if I'm being honest I never really liked the characters much. SF has a much more pleasant and colorful roster that is more likable and fun to play.

>> No.5818719
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I still wonder what inspired Capcom to take a mediocre fighter and overhaul it so heavily. Was the original Street Fighter even that popular to warrant a sequel?

>> No.5819073

>I still wonder what inspired Capcom to take a mediocre fighter and overhaul it so heavily.
Was the original Street Fighter even that popular to warrant a sequel?

>> No.5819078

SSFIIT is the all time best

>> No.5819107

Fucking children. The original Street Fighter was groundbreaking and seemed incredible when it first showed up.

>> No.5819235

>a mediocre fighter

Is this bait? Or are you genuinely retarded?

>> No.5819257

Yes faggot, technically it had a planned sequel that turned into a spinoff series, then an actual sequel, then a NES game with the same name.
So it had at least 3 direct followup games.

>> No.5819268

Have we really gotten to the point where people are claiming SF1 was good? For 30 years it's been regarded as trash because of it's terrible controls and now neo-retro hipsters have latched onto it claiming it's a forgotten masterpiece. There's a reason Capcom never re-released it until a couple years ago.

>> No.5819324
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>> No.5819571

Alpha 3 Upper is pretty great for a Street Fighter game. But just limiting yourself to MK or SF is pretty shallow when a lot more stuff is out there.

KOF 98 and 2002 are both pretty good. DOA 2 is also good. Tekken 3 gets high praise from lots of people. Last Blade 2 is awesome. Ring of Destruction is great. Daraku Tenshi is obscure and should be played by more people outside of Japan.

That's a good enough list to get you started down the path.

>> No.5820158

You're missing the point. It's not that it was an amazing game but calling it a mediocre fighter is riddiculous. It's like calling Rogue a mediocre roguelike

>> No.5820269

hyper fighting/turbo and alpha 2 are the best

>> No.5820473

still less dumb than valle cc

>> No.5820826



>> No.5820847
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>> No.5820848

What is this shi...oh, lawd.

>> No.5820868 [DELETED] 

It's two British teenages hired as a summer job and told to recreate SF2 on 8-10 year old home computers with one button joysticks, no access to the original source code or art assets, and told to finish in two months.

>> No.5820879

It's what happens when you have two British teenagers hired as a summer job and told to recreate SF2 on 8-10 year old home computers with one button joysticks, no access to the original source code or art assets, and given two months to finish.

>> No.5820984

What's throwing me for a loop is the ZX Spectrum version having the character portraits from Super.

>> No.5820989

If maybe they'd made the sprites a little smaller, the framerate would be higher than 3 fps. Perhaps also cut out the vertical scrolling when you jump kick.

>> No.5820995

I want to agree, but most likely the super detailed high res sprites were done so the game would look good in magazine screenshots.

>> No.5821029

The best is Fighting Street

>> No.5821070

Lol, that music.

>> No.5821147

Capcom have never made a worthwhile game in their lives

>> No.5821410

Megaman series invalidates your opinion, you're objectively incorrect.

>> No.5821439

They didn't even try to do SF2 on the NES because they knew it wasn't possible and the ZX Spectrum was somehow expected to be able to pull it off?

>> No.5821452

This game still doesn't get the recognition it deserves

SF2 gets all the credit when people talk how it redefined the fighting game genre, but 3 button for punches and kicks, blocking pressing back, crouching and air attacks that either hit regular blocking or crouch blocking opponents and special attacks were all introduced by this game

SF2 is by far the better game, sure, but this game doesn't get enough credit

>> No.5821469

>implying that ever stopped US Gold

>> No.5821510

When even the original company thinks a port on an 8-bit machine isn't possible...

>> No.5821520

No...they only cared about making some quick dosh from kids who thought they were getting Street Fighter on their Amiga.

>> No.5821636

Holy shit

>> No.5822413

Nope, even back in the day SF1 was mediocre. They even tried to gimmick sell some boards with the pressure senstive buttons.
As for why they made a sequel, it's probably nothing more than Capcom had a new CPS board, they also hired some decent pixel artists and they made "Street Fighter 89" née Final Fight. This did very well, and so a project to try and use their new talent on an old also-ran was started. It was probably originally intended as a quick and dirty easy profit thing, but devs are notorious for taking the piss on scope when they see a chance to make something they want to. Then after a while they showed this 10% finished SF2 and used it to beg for more time to finish it. Fortunately they were granted it.

>> No.5822414


>> No.5822485

This t.b.h.

>> No.5822532



>> No.5822562

Calling it a mediocre game is markedly different from a mediocre fighter. Nice attempt to backpedal though lol

>> No.5822583

>How does Virtua Fighter compare?
Best 3D fighting games if you don't count the SSB series.

>> No.5822645
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Using polygons for graphics does not make a game 3D.

>> No.5822648

Why would you even bother positing this?

>> No.5822668

3rd Strike is the best. I like MK but it's nowhere near as good as SF mechanically.

>> No.5822674

Not him but 2D and 3D fighters are different genres regardless of how the graphics are achieved.

>> No.5822806

Not him but why would you even bother posting this?

>> No.5823103

Because the guy being replyied to seemed not to understand that simple fact.

>> No.5823183

SF is better than MK, though MK2 is pretty solid in a funsie-shenanigans sort of way. None of the Street Fighter games are the best two player versus game, unless you're one of those people who thinks fighting games are supposed to control like dragging a knife through cold butter. It's amazing how many people view an arcade stick as a learning prerequisite when there are plenty of games that control just fine without making you conduct playskool surgery for the game to read your inputs accurately.

>> No.5823209

Just admit that you suck dick at fighting games.

>> No.5823324

No one cares how good anyone is at fighting games outside the competitive "I win money doing this" sphere, nor does it render anyone's opinion null. Go figure, someone who doesn't like how a game feels isn't going to bother putting in the time to learn its competitive nuance. Wow. Soon you'll be figuring out 2 and 2 makes 4. But I understand joining a clubhouse is important in a boy's coming of age. Soon you might even touch a girl.

>> No.5823429

> of the Street Fighter games are the best two player versus game,

What are then? Assuming your opinion on that isn't just as outdated as thinking stick is a prerequisite.

>> No.5823438

The only think MK does better is simplified inputs (D,F forward versus D,DF,F) that are a lot more lenient in how you do them.

Also MK doesn't use supers (until 9). Supers are super dumb and every fighting game copied SF once it put them in. They suck.

>> No.5823454

Supers are a good comeback mechanic. They're in almost all fighters for good reason.

>> No.5823471

for me the best 2 player versus game of all time is garou mark of the wild
kof 98 and 2000 for me are very nostalgic
sf third strike is really high up there as well

in terms of design or gameplay or sales id say MK just falls below in all aspects compared to SF, but its really just preference

>> No.5823519

Except most people don't use them as a "come back" they use them when they have a juicy life lead and you're on the last 20% of your health to close out the round to totally B you TFO. It ends up punishing the person who it should be trying to help get back in the fight.

>> No.5823521

>mark of the wild

>> No.5823527

If you've got down to 20% health and have no meter so you get mashed by a super instead of using yours to try and come back then you suck pretty hard and explains why you don't like them.

>> No.5823574

Didn't say I didn't have a meter, but I'm not going to waste it by just throwing it out for it to get blocked. It's not out of question for the other guy to beat me to it.

At least SFV handles it better with the V-trigger system since you mostly only get it when you take damage, so it is an actual come back meter, unlike the regular one.

>> No.5823886

>Is this series better than Mortal Kombat?

The most important thing in a fighting game is having good characters. They are what you spend 100% of your time looking at and interacting with. If they are no good, the game will not be good no matter how good the gameplay is since people will not be bothered to spend 500 hours learning a character they hate.

SF has always had better characters than MK. SF's are colorful, upbeat usually, friends with each other, and even the bad guys aren't for the most part truly evil (Bison aside).

MK cast is dark and pissed off all the time. There is no humor or levity, it's just depressing.

>> No.5824038
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I still think you sound like you suck so you need the game to be simpler.

>There is no humor or levity, it's just depressing.


>> No.5824048

Yeah ok but in the canon story Shang Tsung is not giving people rainbows, he's ripping out their souls.

>> No.5824058

Yeah and Akuma is much better? Sorry but you sound like a retard. You don't play fighters for story by chance do you?

>> No.5824074

No I already explained the point that SF has more likeable characters. I don't like Akuma, but I do like how Chin-Li and Guile are friends and work together but still have their own lives, or how Sakura and Karina are rivals but still friends despite being from different backgrounds. It makes them relatable. There's nothing relatable about a guy with four arms. SF has better palette than MK too, also making it more fun to look at and play. Also better stages.

>> No.5824114

Your opinion is fine, but I don't agree at all. I always found SF's characters especially in 2 pretty boring and generic while MKs were more interesting and unique. Neither beats KoF though.

>> No.5824206

I have played all SFs, except for sf5, and the most fun for me is SF4

>> No.5825071

I have a fondness for 3 but that's mostly the aesthetics, 4 is my favourite overall as well.

>> No.5825075

>At least SFV handles it better with the V-trigger system since you mostly only get it when you take damage, so it is an actual come back meter, unlike the regular one.

Regular meter rewards aggression over turtling. It's a fighting game after all why play if you don't want to fight? I agree supers are a good feature.

>> No.5825086

>Is this series better than Mortal Kombat?
No one takes mortal kombat seriously.

>> No.5825115


>> No.5825138

I thought I was the only one.

>> No.5825141

There's a difference between aggression and "this guy won't get off me for two seconds, I can't do a move" which is what most of SFV has turned into. I don't even know how the Ken I fought did a DP into sweep with no recovery between.

>> No.5825180

Rainbow Edition

>> No.5825658

Lol sounds like that0 appraisal was right on the money.

>> No.5825674

Not even people who like Mortal Kombat think they're good games.

>> No.5825693

There are fighting games that are VERY defensive in nature, like Virtua Fighter. Those games are an intense psychological battle of throwing feints and trying to get through your opponent's guard while minimizing your openings.

>> No.5825696

>Regular meter rewards aggression
You do realize the best way to build meter is to sit back and chuck fireballs, right. Only specific sets of characters in a given game will be effective at mixing up close-range enough to build meter.

Best SFs are A2/3 with 3S right behind. Alpha series is like a concession to the constrictive controls and toolsets in SF2, SF3 is a double-down on that tight/precise albeit sometimes cumbersome method of play where it heard what you had to say about 2, reels around and slaps you in the mouth for talking shit. But at least has the courtesy to nerf fireballs.

>> No.5825758

Is the SF Collection on Steam worth it, like no major glitches or problems? I want to play SF1 for the first time and would like to play my old favorites now that I got a PC fightan stick. I don't care too much about online, so if online is the only problem that's not a huge negative for me.

>> No.5826617
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>You do realize the best way to build meter is to sit back and chuck fireballs, right?

Yeah which makes you an easy target. It's funny I almost made a joke about you whining about fireballs earlier.

>> No.5826619

Well since you brought it up, fireball spam is not only cheap but an almost impenetrable defense. It's hard to consistently time the jumps over and then when you do get close it's DP. Either give everyone a fireball or give no one a fireball. Having it just on a select few characters makes them undisputably "the best".

>> No.5826640

>fighting game

>> No.5826681

Best street fighter is EX PLUS ALPHA! I miss that combo system so much ! The new fighting layers is basically that without the street fighter characters ! (Made by Arika )

>> No.5826860
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The NES is perfectly capable of doing SF2, only reason Capcom didn't bother is because the NES was old news and Nintendo really wanted SF2 for the SNES. If the chinks could do this, I imagine Capcom would've used a style similar to Mighty Final Fight to help compensate for the small sprites.

>> No.5826994

Of course they could downgrade the graphics enough to make it work, hell they had a SF port on Game Boy, but how are you supposed to adequately make a 6 button layout work on a 2 button NES controller? I guess the same as Game Boy, and that answer is "not good". Not surprised Capcom would rather wait until SNES rather than rush it out early on NES and make a bad first impression for their new game.

>> No.5827035


>> No.5827196

I wasn't even the other dude you replied to. It's cool you're getting deep enough in the genre that you're willing to see past what other people complain about and make fun of them for it, but you'll get to a point eventually where you learn what you like about fighting games and what you don't and discover an entire sea of these games where your more developed tastes may very well be better suited, that aren't SF/KoF/whatever long running series is currently getting play among the vocal fangroups. tl;dr play Breakers

>> No.5827626
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I've been into these games since before it was even really a genre and like a number of them. And sorry but calling spamming fireballs an impenetrable defense waa real funny.

>> No.5828296

>calling spamming fireballs an impenetrable defense
What did I just say? I wasn't the person who said that. The only thing I said was that they tend to be the best way to build meter as a refutation to the "building meter rewards aggressive play" point. In SF2 specifically since we're kind of dancing around which game really puts an emphasis on zoning, wanton advancement and button presses are about the worst thing you can do.

>> No.5828345

>as a refutation to the "building meter rewards aggressive play"

And fireballing isn't aggression? Many players will open with that to suss out what kind of player they're against. If just fireballs pins you down and you don't know how to deal with it of course they're not going to let up. Where's the problem?

>> No.5828386

it's way better than mortal kombat.

my top fav that has sf characters in it.

1. super sf2 turbo

2. capcom vs. snk 2

3. ultra street fighter 4

4. alpha 3

5. marvel vs capcom 2

third strike is awesome, but honestly i never played it as much as the ones listed above.

>> No.5828408

SF4 is best. It's in 3D!

>> No.5828412

That's dishonorable gameplay. It's a fighting game, not a shooting game. Combat should be close and personal. For all the faults Tekken has at least it gets this right (until 7 when it put in Akuma).

>> No.5828501

>That's dishonorable gameplay.


>> No.5828523

Stop pretending to be me with this shit.

Fireballing is strong D, it isn't "aggression" at all. What constitutes offense and defense is pretty clear-cut and nobody you ask is going to say that fireball zoning is anything but putting up the wall for your opponent to have to get around, i.e. playing the defense.

>Where's the problem?
It's a matter of preference. In my case, threading the needle stopped being a suspenseful battle of attrition to a rewarding payoff, and just a hassle after playing other games that entail more rapid call/response between the two players.

>> No.5828560

wtf, what are you 12? go fuck yourself

>> No.5828585

Defensive aggression is still aggression. It's far more offensive than turtling

>> No.5829242

dat damage scaling tho... so beautiful

>> No.5830242

Are there any good youtube videos that give a comfy retrospective of SF games without the host being a raging homo?

>> No.5830251

SF is better but it's still a silver medal since Samurai Shodown exists.

>> No.5830261

How are we supposed to know what's going to trigger your polboner? Go look for yourself.

>> No.5830296

>/pol/ boogeyman

Stay classy

>> No.5830335


>> No.5830365

I calls 'em like I sees 'em.

>> No.5832398

How is it actually better than SF2?

>> No.5833251

MK isn't as good but it bothers me how prone so many people are to treat it like some second-rate shitpile, as if it didn't legitimately break ground in the genre with moves like Subzero Freeze, Get Over Here, and teleportation moves. We wouldn't have Faust's fishing pole or Jin Kisaragi's anything without MK.

>> No.5833276

this post is such primo scrubquotes material that had to check and make sure i wasnt on twitter

>> No.5833281

/vr/ is full of try-hards and contrarians

>> No.5833608

I don't think anyone would deny that it was groundbreaking, but it's also fundamentally not that great as a game

>> No.5833802

There was a time when Street Fighter was the slow ass choppy game nobody liked for SNES and Mortal Kombat was actually fasr and fun. Seriously the only kids playing SF were adult Gen X weirdos, the kids played MK2 and 3

>> No.5833854

I'm struggling hard to come up with any thing MK does superior to SF, and I say that as an MK fan. SF just had the better package: character (less palette swaps), colorful and varied stages, great large sprites > digitized people, and of course gameplay mechanics. People say MK didn't catch on in Japan due to the gore but I think even without that SF would still be king over there. It just has something that appeals to everyone, while MK is more niche.

>> No.5833876

MK is much more accessible. Everyone controls very similarly and special moves are easy to perform. Someone new to MK can pick any character they think looks cool and start at least using all their moves to try and kick butt. Someone new to SF who picks say Zangief has a much steeper hill to climb.n

>> No.5833882

That's fair. MK moves are a lot easier to pull off, especially on an SNES d-pad. I do remember hating SF2 the first time I rented it because I read in a magazine Dhalsim can teleport all around and I could never pull it off. Meanwhile Raiden is just down,up.

>> No.5834050

MK also later added dial combos which are much easier and flashier to pull off.
MK actually has a cult fanbase on Japan, with MK9 being their favorite game iirc

>> No.5834073

>What is the best two player versus game?
I'm not much of a fighting game guy but i always preferred MK, soul calibur or an "anime fighter" like jojo or persona over street fighter.

i think most of the capcom fighters are a little bit on the boring side.

I'd say alpha 3 or 3rd strike are the only ones that mattered to me.

>> No.5834082
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>"anime fighter"

>> No.5834109

anime may be a mistake but I'd rather watch a match in jojo or DBFZ than street fighter.

>> No.5834172

>I'd say alpha 3 or 3rd strike are the only ones that mattered to me.
Well those ARE the best 2 Non-Crossover Street Fighter games.

>> No.5834268

That is literally the term the FGC uses. Refers to games like BlazBlue, Guilty Gear, etc.

>> No.5834836

I don't think it's a bad thing either. Back in the day I taught my mom how to use Mileena and she could cheese my friends pretty bad and fatality them. She couldn't even do a DP is Street Fighter though.

>i think most of the capcom fighters are a little bit on the boring side.

I agree with that, I always saw SF as very good technically but boring. I still played it a lot but early on I was much more into MK and then later KoF became my main jam.

>> No.5835439

SF has the better roster but it's gone on so long it's having the same problem MK is. Both have stuffed the rosters with so many trash newcomers that will never see the light of day again that they fall back on using the same tried-and-true originals that it starts to get boring. I'm glad SFV is experimenting with a lot of different characters but it makes me wonder how SF6 will turn out since V already used most of the classics again. I don't want either series to resort to having to rehash, even though MK11 is heavily guilty of that.

>> No.5835880

i think the main problem is that most people are so used to the originals that they're not really willing to give any newcomers a chance.

>> No.5835885

That's a big problem too. I'd be more than happy to see Ryu and Scorpion retired, or hell even just sit a game out, but people would riot.

That said characters like El Fuerte and Jacqui are horrible.

>> No.5835927

>the nigger still gets beat in all the ports that have it

>> No.5835937

>caring about the story's continuity

>> No.5836009
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anything on pic/related should be good

>> No.5836048

Not like MK had much else to fall back on

>> No.5836059


>> No.5836069

It took 2, arguably 3 games to make SF good. It took MK 9

>> No.5836079

/vr/ said that the best MK was 3/ultimate and deception -4.. or was that one 5

>> No.5836092

And then it fell right back off the horse again and shit itself with X and 11.

>> No.5837436

What did X and 11 do wrong? I liked 9 a decent amount but never got around to the others. Injustice was a lot of fun as well but the little bit I played of 2 felt kind of off.

>> No.5837763

A large part was the god awful roster both games had. 9 had the classic favorites everyone loved, then in X they ditched a lot of them to stuff it full of a half dozen military units, then doubled down on that in 11 as well while still not including heavily requested fan favorites.

>> No.5837835

That makes sense the rosters were part of why I never bothered to get them. I hadn't cared about MK in so long and then 9 came along and was surprisingly good but then the stuff I saw from X looked like it was trying too hard and I was still into Injustice at the time.

>> No.5838193

X wasn't bad, it was like the MK3 of the reboot, since it had the run button and gameplay was much faster, which honestly I liked, but the story was so-so and the new characters were really hit or miss, and again it focused way too much on Special Forces units, plus most of the newbies were completely forgotten for 11 anyway so what was even the point.

>> No.5838202

Best two player versus is SSBM

>> No.5838205

/vr/ is full of trannies who dont actually play games and just say that the best thing just happened to be what they played during their childhoods

>> No.5838215

Where did the influx of transvestites come from? I was under the impression that it's statistically rare.

>> No.5838227

If you were here in the old days you'd have realized 4chan always had a large lgbt community. This is the site that memed a cute kid in line at a con into one of the most popular trans pornstars there is. It's the pol kiddies who came here because it was the cool place to get triggered about jews who now cry that everyone they don't agree with must be a tranny that bring it up all the time though.

>> No.5838369
File: 22 KB, 414x389, yara.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I can't hang with A3. Give me a game where I can do the back-and-forth shimmy-shammy and play the bait/whiff punish game and I'll be fine, but do that shit in A3 on someone who can play and they'll be all up in your mouth faster than you can say "malaria" and be harder to get off than a tick. It's got kind of a weird feel too, like they put an extra turbo mode on A2 so the inputs also have to be faster to register properly.

>this post

>> No.5838610

wait which kid are we talking about here

>> No.5838932

SF1: never played

SF2: archaic by today's standards, but revolutionary at the time, not bad, but wouldn't go out of my way to play today either

Alphas: this is the pinnacle of SFs with improved gamplay, great rosters, amazing graphics, this has it all

SF3: it's ok, brought in some cool new characters, rotoscoped sprites are the high point, but the skill barrier (parries) is too high and a turn off

SF4: ass ugly graphics and ramps up the difficulty of SF3 x 10 to where you really need to be an EVO god to play this competently. Very exclusionary as a result, many who grew up with SF2 as their intro to the series will be put off

SFV: improved graphics compared to 4 so it's nice to look at, better roster, inputs are simplified across the board, especially in terms of doing supers, combo timings, and charge moves. Easier, but still could be made more user friendly like the Alphas

>> No.5839064
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I don't even know who they're talking about, just reminding folks what it was like.

This is an interesting take, back then I found SF2 technically proficient but boring. Alpha and SF3 were cool but I think that was mostly just graphics (3 moreso) and more interesting characters but I didn't playit much because KoF was king to me at the time. I spent the most time with 4 which felt like expanded 2 to me, proficient but boring.

>> No.5840373

MK 1-3 were bad games in the way that while fighting a friend is fun , fighting the IA feels like you are playing some shitty korean or taiwanese fighting game like best of best.
I mean, MK 2 had a good worldbuilding and the scenarios looks cool , and MK3/Ultimate had better combo than the other. But still, I don't think that they are good games.
MK Deception is a fun game to play with konquest and other things, but isn't a good fighter.
MK9 is a good fighter and a good game.The other 2 sequel, I only played 10 ;it wasn't bad, is a fun game to play with friends and nothing more(like the original trilogy).

>> No.5840396
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>this bitch shows up in the ladder

Might as well just reset the game and start again.

>> No.5840416
File: 653 KB, 1920x1080, Almost went right over his head.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>MK9 is a good fighter and a good game.

As a fighting game it was still an absolute mess. Not only pic related, but iirc there was an issue where if hits traded the 1P would get priority and his will actually land instead. Or something like that, it's been a while since I bothered with it. Point is it was a step in the right direction but it still had some major technical issues, but people were more forgiving because of its "return to roots" roster and style, especially after the MK vs DC abomination.

>> No.5840429
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Not him I'd count it as good but not great. I still think the first Injustice is the best game they've madr so far which I also wouldn't call great but it's very good.

>> No.5840441

Yeah no doubt MK9 was fun to goof around in but when they're taking it to EVO and player 1 has a very clear advantage that's a big problem when there's real money on the line. I remember players would rock, paper, scissors each other to determine who got to be 1P.

>> No.5840446

Yeah it's a shame because they got a lot of the basics really solid.

>> No.5842356

She's so cool though.

>> No.5842370

Revisionist degenerates like you need to unironically have their throats slit.

>> No.5842376

dude wtf are you talking about I'm here since 2004 and none of that gay shit is true

>> No.5842385

>laughs in Dudley

>> No.5842386

stop lying foxnews tourist

>> No.5842639

You're either lying or unbelievably clueless. Of course your response is a call for violence because your ilk who flooded this place are subhuman garbage.

>> No.5842684

Niggers shut up. SF1 was shit in 1987 and it's shit now. Capcom didn't want their IP to go to waste and slapped it on their new game.
Just because moot fucked this site over 5 years ago and let you self indulgent faggots post your degeneracy with no hesitation doesn't mean you can rewrite history. Please go back to resetera where you belong.

>> No.5842697

Lol still can't read. A mediocre game but groundbreaking for the genre. No shock you can't understand anything and are equally clueless on the history of 4chan.

>> No.5842708

I'm a KI Gold man myself

>> No.5844229

Alpha 2's my favourite but I also like 3rd Strike and Turbo/Hyper Fighting a lot. I do like MK but SF is definitely better. My favourite two player VS game would be CVS2.

>> No.5845453 [DELETED] 
File: 248 KB, 1024x784, 1560480415713m.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I think sf4 is the best but a lot of people grow up playing kof, tekken, and mortal kombat and develop a nostalgic attachment to it.

>> No.5845927

BASED christbro.

>> No.5846178

Why are Christians so all over the New Testament while ignoring things from the Old Testament like dietary rules? Are some parts of the Bible more true than others?

>> No.5846193


Not him, but no, you're wrong. SF1 wasn't groundbreaking or incredible. It can at best be said to be "influential" because it logically led to SF2 and some of that game's mechanics, but really a lot of SF2's mechanics were already shared with similar games and SF1 didn't invent those, and in truth the dev didn't understand a lot of those mechanics anyway or their significance.

What really happened is SF2 came out, Capcom got extremely lucky in that they struck gold, and they listened to competitive players enough to not ruin things with subsequent revisions of the SF2 sub-series.

>> No.5846214 [DELETED] 
File: 119 KB, 370x551, garifeld.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

in my very own opinion
>Cream of the crop:
Ultra Street Fighter 4
Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
Super Street Fighter 2
Street Fighter EX
Street Fighter Alpha &3
>Just awful:
Street Fighter V
Street Fighter
Street Fighter: The Movie Game

>> No.5846218

in my very own opinion
>Cream of the crop:
Ultra Street Fighter 4
Street Fighter Alpha 2 Gold
Street Fighter 3: Third Strike
Super Street Fighter 2
Street Fighter Alpha &3
Street Fighter EX
>Just awful:
Street Fighter V
Street Fighter
Street Fighter: The Movie Game

>> No.5846229

Is there really a character who uses their crotch scent as an attack? I know Hotaru cowgirls someone to create some sort of energy pillar attack.

>> No.5846927

No, it's just a joke about how bad she smells. I forget the exact reference off the top of my head but I think it was from a doujin or something.

>> No.5847765

I still don't understand what is wrong with V and why it's so hated. I agree it was shit on release when it was basically a $60 early access, but 4 years later now it is pretty good. Is it just first day buyers still being mad?

>> No.5847882


No. They've added enough content to make it a justifiable purchase nowadays but the neutral game is still garbage.

>> No.5848141

The first release of every new Street Fighter has been rocky. SF2 was probably the most solid but even still vanilla is still obsolete at this point. That's just Capcom.

>> No.5850408

IIRC didn't vanilla SF2 not even give Chun Li a fireball? That is super archaic by any SF's standards.

>> No.5850412

SFV feels like shit to play

>> No.5850420

that's relatively minor, probably the most archaic thing about it is no mirror matches

>> No.5850437

You can cancel any normal into any special move.

Uppers don't do anything.

The game is this stupid contest to see how can whiff punish first while both players smash their best whiff punisher. Every other viable tactic in the game was nerfed as best as possible, they should just remove Ryu's fireball and give him a different move.

>> No.5850543

Poison is a woman

>> No.5850640

I am OK with Poison being a woman but not OK with Hugo having anything resembling common preference when it comes to sex

>> No.5851013

you cannot play either properly

>> No.5851018

Yeah because transwomen are women.

>> No.5851019

What about the gameplay feels shitty compared to other SFs?

>> No.5851051

Slow normals, crush counter system sucks, no awesome combos from a jab or crazy 1-frame links, zoning is shit, basically a step back in every way compared to IV

Also you need to buy the fucking characters

>> No.5851221

Yeah but to be fair you can "buy" them for free if you strategize your approach. Or just wait on sale and you can get all 38 characters for like $35 which is pretty cheap, considering.

>> No.5851306

>damage scaling
What's that?

>> No.5851329

>vanilla is still obsolete at this point.
>IIRC didn't vanilla SF2 not even give Chun Li a fireball? That is super archaic by any SF's standards.

>> No.5851509

Okay show me where all the people playing the original release of SF2 are. Not Champions or Hyper, Super or Super Turbo. Just vanilla World Warrior.

>> No.5852994

Hits doing less damage the longer a combo goes on.

>> No.5853251

>I'm struggling hard to come up with any thing MK does superior to SF

Go back and play the original SF2. Not Championship Edition or Super SF2 turbo or anything like that - the original. Then go back and play the original MK. Both of these games are slogfests by today's standards.

Then go play/compare MK2 to Super SF2. SF2 is a polished version of SF2, whereas MK2 is substantially better than the original MK in every way.

These games aren't that far apart in quality. The original MK had mirror matches, every character has a projectile, no one has charge moves, an innovative single player ladder with endurance matches and two bosses, a hidden character (Reptile), photorealistic graphics (for the time) that didn't succumb to massive slowdown everytime someone throws a projectile like the original SF2, the sweep/uppercut power moves every character has, and of course Fatalities.

>> No.5853264

>>5853251 cont'd

We then go into 1995 where MK3 came out, which was kind of a bland title but still had some cool new characters added (Kabal, the cyborgs, etc). At the time Capcom released the shitty SF Alpha 1 that had an underwhelming roster and not much to add in the gameplay innovation. They fixed this shortly thereafter with SF Alpha 2, but Midway had already released Ultimate MK3 and at that point "3D" was starting to become in vogue.

The bottom line is that if you compare these series as they were released instead of through 20/20 hindsight, you can see why they were so competitive. The fighting game market fell off quite a bit after Super SF2 Turbo's/UMK3's heyday, aided by the fact that they keep getting more and more complex to play and get good.

>> No.5853286

>The original MK had mirror matches, every character has a projectile, no one has charge moves

I guess it's debatable if those are good things or not. Mirror matches were due to the small roster and them wanting to pad out the game more, and charge characters are a lot of people's preferred character types so I could see why that's a big negative for some people.

>> No.5853294

And wtf why is this thread on autosage? We seem to be having fun talking about SF.

>> No.5853347

MK1 has exactly 1 less playable character than World Warrior. If you count Ryu/Ken as the same (the only difference was the kick throw), the roster is the same amount of characters that actually play differently.