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/vr/ - Retro Games

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File: 955 KB, 2178x1143, retroarch-machine-translation.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]
5838506 No.5838506 [Reply] [Original]


>> No.5838512

That's kinda neat I guess. I would have preferred text replacement instead of audio narration.

>> No.5838525

Could be a helpful little tool. But trying to play an entire game like that is not feasible.

>> No.5838537

Didn't Ross use this long ago? It's not exactly new or easy to use.

>> No.5838543

>Machine translation of retro vidya scripts

In other words, it's garbage.

>> No.5838553

The big issue with it is that video game text is often broken up due to the box size and machine translations need the entire line for context.

>> No.5838572

Seethe and cope harder collectors

>> No.5838584

I doubt if Retroarch translates squat. It probably uses Google Translate as a backend instead. This would absolutely produce dogshit results.

It's funny; Retroarch does very little if anything because it's just a frontend, but the developer sure likes to take credit for "his" magnificient piece of software and all "its" capabilities. /vr/ certainly sees a lot of advertising for this project as well.

>> No.5838587


>that delicious seething and anger

>> No.5838596

This is really good and a game changer. Google Translate created Engrish, but it's understandable Engrish. This can take understanding from 0% to anywhere to 50% or 75%. This is excellent for navigating menus, and understanding the basics of what's going on and what you have to do.

>> No.5838603

Does this have any applicability to those situations where a game is already translated but folks haven't figured out how to insert the translation into the game yet (IIRC this is a common problem for PS1)?

I don't know what the "AI Service" consists of but maybe it could do something like:

1. OCR the text and match it against a corresponding line from the translation script

2. Figure out the bounding box of the text overlay and cover it with a Retroarch overlay with the translated text.

If that was a thing I'd settle for machine translation of a lot of untranslated stuff I've wanted to play.

>> No.5838609

>I doubt if Retroarch translates squat. It probably uses Google Translate as a backend instead. This would absolutely produce dogshit results.
Nobody reading this thread believes the Retroarch developers have come up with a novel way to machine translate Japanese or some shit. Imagine missing the point this hard.

>> No.5838618

>Marketing! Shills! What does open source even mean?
This guy again.

>> No.5838619

If it's a service, then I presume that there is some kind of contributor database that has already been populated with the data for that rom. As if a wiki of entries by people that have tried to translate it on their own. The AI component is probably examining your screen to figure out which database entry to look at, and not actually trying to translate meanings on the fly.

>> No.5838627

>Does this have any applicability to those situations where a game is already translated but folks haven't figured out how to insert the translation into the game yet (IIRC this is a common problem for PS1)?

That's possible. Make a custom profile for the game. When it detects certain text, it gives text from the custom sub file rather than translate it. Entirely possible.

>> No.5838630

does this work for sega cd games like JP only shadowrun?

>> No.5838646

Probably. I assume RetroArch will support Sega CD.

>> No.5838647


Retroarch, rather than being wholly new achievements, is combining other people's work in a novel way so that it gels togehter well.

>> No.5838649

I don't need this because I know Japanese but that's really cool for anyone who doesn't. Technology is amazing.

>> No.5838653

Finally, I will play it. I've waited like 15 years

>> No.5838654

>Now you can play uncensored Parodius, and hear the jokes in English while still not really getting why it's considered funny in Japan.

>> No.5838659

I think it also pulls from game-specific databases so that keywords like names and fantasy gibberish are translated correctly instead of the machine translator trying to make sense of them.

>> No.5838663

I tried this out and it actually works pretty well for most things. I can see why it would make people upset if they'd spent a long time studying a language or something though.

>> No.5838679

Actually, now that I've watched the video. It's quite off... but gets the point across.

>> No.5838725

Original sentence
>I need to buy seven orders of sheet paper so I can print out an incredibly lengthy book. I will print it double-sided and bind it together.
Sentence after being translated into Japanese and then re-translated into English
>You will need to purchase 7 order forms so you can print an incredibly long book. Print on both sides and bind together.
The only way I see it working in the near-future is by allowing weebs to make manual adjustments and tweaks.

>> No.5838763

>bilinear filtering
>wrong aspect ratio
who's making these videos?

>> No.5838789
File: 1.88 MB, 250x277, F2646C00-9353-49CC-8136-5141A0705B7B.gif [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Is there any way for retro arch to auto suggest an emu? Get tired of trying out each of these shits, just want to load and play, why don’t you assholes just tell me which emu is best for each platform?

>> No.5838816

Just use a front-end like Emulation Station. It will pick something for you, and if you don't like it you can change it.

>> No.5838827
File: 996 KB, 1024x790, transdimensionalバカ.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>having to use a front-end for a front-end
I really wish RA wasn't so clunky. The Android port is even worse.

>> No.5838859
File: 33 KB, 395x776, 1566273338343.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5838921

The Android version doesn't even work with icade controllers like every other emulator made in the last eight years

>> No.5838937

Oh Anon, don't worry. It was always meaningless, just like everything you've ever spent your effort on.

>> No.5838938

It's literally open source. Saying it "doesn't even work" with X doesn't even make sense.

>> No.5838942

Not a huge retroarch fan, but even if the translation is total shit that's a pretty cool feature.

>> No.5838946

LOL, even a bad translation is better than most of us can do on our own.

>> No.5839026

This is basically the dream of translation projects forever. But it's considered to be purely fantasy. Now it's a reality. The translation is a bit wonky, but it'll get better over time.

>> No.5839031

How do you get translators to translate images and video like that? I don't get it. I have a lot of scanned Japanese magazines I'd love to see what hte hell they're saying.

>> No.5839034

The only problem Im seeing is the translator pauses the emulation when it translates (with text)

>> No.5839035

Can I cache the data locally so that I don't have to always ping a web server to play? The database server might even go away someday, and it would be nice if the feature still worked.

>> No.5839149

Your two options:
1. Pay them
2. Put the scans online and hope someone comes along who appreciates the subject matter and translates them for free

If there's a particular article you are really dying to read you can probably get the whole thing translated for pretty cheap. Places like Fiver have a lot of professional translators IIRC, though I presume quality varies considerably

>> No.5839152

I'm sure it's easier to OCR pixel text than scanned paper. There isn't much room for recognizance things.

>> No.5839649

Shit for subhumans.

>> No.5839658

If we get to where this is accurate and it can do text then it'll be awesome.

>> No.5839659

That's also an option.

>> No.5839661



Tom's Translations
22 minutes ago (edited)
How unfortunate. People will be content to play these great games with horrible translations, thinking that's good enough. If and when a real translation comes out, they will already have the bulk of the story spoiled for them if they choose to play it again, but some will simply be content to not play a true translation, thinking that their time with the auto-translated game was fun enough.

It's like they say, the path to hell is paved with good intentions. This feature has good intentions, but it's disappointing to see."

Can't keep people hostage anymore and keeping people sucking on your dick in idle hopes of releasing anything. Muh lost e-fame.

>> No.5839669

The only people releasing fan-translations are beginners who chase e-fame.

People who actually learned Japanese just laugh at EOP subhumans.

>> No.5839728

It can't even fucking "Kamisama" right in that youtube demo, it keeps translating it as "You" for some reason.

>> No.5839750

EOPs are okay with any made-up shit as long as they can taste the illusion of getting Japanese content?

>> No.5839828

That is literally the correct translation in this context.

>> No.5840380

C&D'd in 3-2-1

>> No.5840419


You know the "meme arrows" are actually what you're supposed to use for quotes right?

>> No.5840589

Why are translators such drama queens?

>> No.5840619

Which is the reaction to

They spent a lot of time learning another language that has limited use outside of Japanese media. They used to be able to use this knowledge to provide something people want, which gave them a little bit of power in their lives. Now machine translations are evolving to the point where they will remove the need for any human translators. They can see the writing on the wall, and are busy screaming all over the internet how "MACHINE TRANSLATION WILL NEVER MATCH 'PROPER' TRANSLATION!" They are being obsoleted by technology and are salty as hell over it.

>> No.5840698

Most people who learned Japanese don't do translations. Many actually loath translations.
Your average translation is little more than machine translation rewritten to make it sound less artificial.

>> No.5840750

>google forces apps to be 64bit even on 32bit devices
>retroarch must follow suit to keep app on play store
>64bit retroarch breaks cores on 32bit devices
>follow instructions to fix this from retroarch site
>ps1 games now have weird graphical problems
>only way to possibly fix this is this is to scrap everything and redownload/install 32bit app
>all this to fix what was never broken in the first place
Jesus Christ.

>> No.5840764

Why are boomers so bad at everything related to computers lmao just ask a kid that lives near you to set it up, should only take a minute.

>> No.5840772

Are you OK?

>> No.5840809

He's used something similar but that was only a month ago, so you may be referring to something else :

>> No.5840825

Imagine reaching a state of inadequacy where your first reaction to this isn't "Oh that's cool, maybe I can play some Japanese games that I couldn't before," but rather "HAHAHA those people who learned Japanese are sure going to be BTFO, and even those people who translate games for free! I am so happy that people I don't even know and who are in no direct competition with myself will have their learned skill be X% less useful!"

>> No.5840915



>> No.5840964

>why don’t you assholes just tell me which emu is best for each platform?

GBC - Sameboy
GB - Sameboy
NES - Mesen
SNES - bsnes mercury balanced
32X - Picodrive
DC - Flycast
Gen - Genesis Plus GX
Sat - Beetle Saturn
PSX - Beetle PS HW

Don't ever try to mess with the MAME core or DOSBox through RA. It's not worth the hassle. Use stand-alone in those cases. Running a multi-platform emulator through another multi-plat-form emulator is just asking for trouble. While it is possible it's just a giant pain in the ass.

>> No.5840984


>> No.5841056

It's been a long time since I emulated DC games, so Reicast name was changed to Flycast? How much did DC emulation progress after the name change?

>> No.5841073

>so Reicast name was changed to Flycast?

>How much did DC emulation progress after the name change?

>> No.5841184

>Imagine learning another language and your first reaction isn't "Oh that's cool, now I can ingest some JP only media that hasn't been translated yet" but rather "HAHAHAHAH Time to go insult everyone who doesn't speak JP on the internet in the few communities where there's someone who actually cares about JP media but doesn't care to learn JP!"

Everyone is laughing because the people around here most vocal about knowing moonrunes behave like children. Strangely enough, when you act like a prick, people tend to want to shit on you.

>> No.5841586

>SNES - bsnes mercury balanced
please elaborate

>> No.5841592

Didn't know that DC emulation progressed so much, that's great to hear.

>> No.5841646

I guess Im dumb

I set it up, assigned an AI translate button, it paused it on a japanese text screen, and nothing happens

wut am I doing wrong

>> No.5842265

Somewhat true if you're talking about the beginners that do fan-translation.

>> No.5842270

Sounds like a way to play some JP only gems! Wonder if its possible to tweak translation bot/AI in some way to get different results

>> No.5842365


You seem to be right.

I see several going absolutely autistic right now on Twitter -


Literally spending over 2 hours sperging out



>> No.5842372


>> No.5842381



My god man these people are just ridiculous.

"I suppose given my vocation as a translator it's just a sore spot when I see people excited over garbled dialgogue."

Let's pretend that the vast majority of you "translators" don't just run the text through machine translation then massage the words somewhat.

What's the matter? Worried that your gig economy is falling by the wayside and you can charge less to future clients? Is that what the whole 'the sky is falling' narrative is about?

>> No.5842401

How come the translation uses Nikoni-sama instead of Ninini-sama? Is their OCR so shitty it can't distinguish between に and こor does it think it's a コ?

>> No.5842404

That does it, I'm selling all my consoles and playing games via retroarch on my lcd in wide-screen resolution.

>> No.5842410

But machine translation is really anything but enjoyable, it is unsuitable for anything other than menus. But these whiny fucks crying "just lern japanese lol" can go to hell. Also, I have some reservations as to how well OCR works on low-res kanji.

>> No.5842415

Google Translate is notoriously awful with names.

>> No.5842497

LUL, the Yakuza translator -


"Fantastic thread about some of the perils of machine translation (and I'm not just saying that because I like my job)"

Being a disruptor is all fun and games until it happens to them

>> No.5842506

>please elaborate
Elaborate what? Please elaborate.

>> No.5842513

Why is it better than BSNES or BSNES-HD?

>> No.5842514

This is what you wanted, isn't it?

>> No.5842516


You need a Google API key which from what I understand can only be obtained by making a billing account with Google which requires a credit card


I'd really like to try this but I don't have a credit card, the fuck am I supposed to do?

>> No.5842528

>Why is it better than BSNES [...]?

It's a safer recommendation performance wise because I don't know what kind of toaster anon might be using. That being said I use it as well as there are no drawbacks to it:
>bsnes-mercury is a fork of higan, aiming to restore some useful features that have been removed, as well as improving performance a bit.
>Maximum accuracy is still uncompromisable; anything that affects accuracy is optional and off by default.

>This core has been compiled with the Balanced profile.

>Improvements include:
>Improved framerate
>Faster ROM loading
>HLE emulation of some special chips is optionally restored (defaults to LLE), to improve performance and reduce reliance on those chip ROMs (they're not really easy to find). Chips for which no HLE emulation was developed (ST-0011 and ST-0018) are still LLE.
>SuperFX overclock is now available (off by default, of course); if enabled, it makes SuperFX look quite a lot smoother.

>The bsnes-mercury cores are not less accurate at default settings than the mainline bsnes cores (you have to explicitly enable 2 core options to switch to the less accurate special chip HLE).

>Why is it better than [...] BSNES-HD?
If you want the high-res feature I'm not sure there's an alternative option. I wasn't aware that the core had already been updated to include this recent addition as I don't care about this particular function. Might take a look and see if I end up liking it though.

>> No.5842539
File: 326 KB, 1600x960, FF5WS.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

The highres is now part of standard BSNES. BSNES-HD is for widescreen.

>> No.5842541

Huh... don't know how I feel about that but hey, more options is always good right? Is it optional though, as in you have to enable that feature or is this default behavior with that core?

>> No.5842547

You get a lot of options how to configure it. The main choice is whether to use it exclusively in mode 7 or in all modes.

>> No.5842595
File: 1.38 MB, 3840x2026, shot0001.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You do realize that the auto-translations are mostly gibberish, right?
An actual translation of picrelated would be something like "in these trying times, the surface of the Earth has become nothing but a wasteland infested by demons."

This approach seems ok for navigating menus, but not much more.

I don't care much either way, of course. I don't do video game translations.
And personally, I'll even play the games in Japanese, English, Spanish or German when an official translation into my native French exists. Video games are mostly a waste of time, and the only reason I allow myself to play them is that I can use them to learn foreign languages, which helps me expand my horizons and do things that actually matter.

>> No.5842610

>admitting to being French
Big yikes

>> No.5842629
File: 21 KB, 640x480, 6580FE3F-1681-492E-87D7-74113FA4883E.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

Why are you even on this board? This board is for people that enjoy playing retro vidya

>> No.5842658

>This board is for people that enjoy playing retro vidya
I do. I just have a different view on gaming than most of you.

It's like with any other vice. For example, I also enjoy drinking alcohol. But there's a difference between using alcohol as social lubricant at parties and events, and drinking yourself into a coma every night while alone at home.

>> No.5842778

My prediction:

>translators stop their activities because of this
>people eventually realize the quality is trash and not enjoyable at all, doesn't work most of the time etc.
>translation scene is dead
>EOPs seethe
>Japanese speaking chads win again

>> No.5842878

>the technology will not improve any beyond today
What makes you believe this?

>> No.5842885
File: 40 KB, 760x478, ztrans.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You can read the entire page and realize there are OTHER AI API's you can use instead of Google?

>> No.5842963


i thought it was something you had to do step by step rather than different method

but i must retarded because the other method doesn't work for me neither

>> No.5843380

I did 4.0 and its still not working

>> No.5843561

Yeah I don't need it to be 100% accurate but as long as I get the gist it will be worth my time.

>> No.5843601

I don't know japanese but they're right, this language is so broken mess that even computer would make mistakes in translations

>> No.5843853

>translators stop their activities because of this
Translators understand that machine trabslation is shit
>people eventually realize the quality is trash and not enjoyable at all, doesn't work most of the time etc.
No, they realize it right away, barely anyone will even try this feature, and only the truly desperate will go so far as to play something with it unironically

>> No.5844270

>RetroArch now has a feature where it streams everything you do to Google
Fuck this shit, I'm out.

>> No.5844273

Your autistic rage tells me RetroArch must be very good.

>> No.5844276

My gentle yet firm suggestion is to slow down and pick one game to play by researching beforehand on the internet, then research which ROM/ISO to get and which emulator. Set up everything properly as if you had paid money for a product that you care about, instead of lazily clicking anything in a rush to get something working in under 2 minutes.

>> No.5844282

Oh god, they’ll know I play shitty eroges

Oh the humanity

>> No.5844316

For 95% of dialog, just having the keywords translated and the context is enough to piece together what's being said. Details will be lost, but you'll be able to roughly follow the plot.

>> No.5844343

Would be nice to hotkey between translations for learning purposes. Maybe dual text boxes.

>> No.5844363

From that tweet thread
"i know a lot of J-E translators have weighed in on this lately but uhhhh

a lot of people seem to think this is some groundbreaking stride in retro game translations and will trust the results with their lives, which is a major problem, because machine translations are Not Good"

I don't think people are risking their lives by playing machine translated video games

>> No.5844495

Have you ever tried reading jp->eng machine translation, dude?
Prolonged exposure to that shit is pretty much guaranteed to give you brain damage.

>> No.5844502

Even electronic brain pancake crystal elderly?

>> No.5844596

Yeah, "Not Good" is kinda low balling how bad it can be. Some of google's attempts at deciphering euphamisms, idioms, slang, etc. are hilariously bad, to the point that a highly literal translation might have been closer to accurate.


As long as you realise this and are just using it to find out that the "KEY TO THE PALACE OF THE DRAGON KING IS IN A CAVE TO THE NORTH OF THE BRAIN PANCAKE" well, I think you'll manage to enjoy yourself regardless.

We just have to try and keep these machine translated fags off the lore wikis.

>> No.5844613

>We just have to try and keep these machine translated fags off the lore wikis.
Stick to Japanese sites.

>> No.5844628

kek, imagine getting this worked up over bs. retroarch' devs were clear on using a translation service for this since several months ago, no one ever claimed to have developed japanese-to-english translation software lol. retroarch arguably does quite a lot very well for a front-end, and the developer is actually several developers because that's how open source works. in fact I'm pretty sure the original person who came up with the idea has left since a couple years ago. the devs are enthusiastic (as they should be) but I don't think they ever claimed to be worthy of a nobel prize. finally, no one's shilling it or advertising it. it's got some dope features no emulator offered until now, and people who aren't purist autists enjoy it a lot and discuss it.
now that you got fucked hard in the ass by the truth please neck yourself bitch

>> No.5844632

>As long as you realise this and are just using it to find out that the "KEY TO THE PALACE OF THE DRAGON KING IS IN A CAVE TO THE NORTH OF THE BRAIN PANCAKE" well, I think you'll manage to enjoy yourself regardless.

I'll take you up on that and give you Google Translations of a couple hints from Zelda 1:

>Japanese: コノサキノヤマヲ ウエヘ ウエヘト ユケ
>Google Translated English: Konosakino Yamawo Uehe Ueheto Yuke

>Japanese: コレヲ オバアサンニ ミセテゴラン
>Google Translated English: Korewo Obasasanni Mistegolan

>Japanese: ハカバノジイサンニアエ
>Google Translated English: Hakabanojii Sanniae

Surely gets the point across.

>> No.5844651

Lol, someone's salty about his failure to learn Japanese.

>> No.5844679

Strange that anon didn't seem angry at all nor did he sperg out about shills, but some slight criticism or doubts raised about retroarch immediately brought about this sort of "LITERALLY SEETHING" "OH LOOK THE AUTIST SCREAMING ABOUT SHILLS" attacks which does seem like literal actual shills taught to just shit on and burn everything that is negative about their product. Try to be less artificial in your posting if you want to blend in better you fucking retards.

>> No.5844706

>that anon
>totally not me
nah /vr/'s been sperging out about retroarch like that for too long now. it's not real without the lag, muh CRT filters bad, etc. the only legitimate complaint is that the ui is shit

>> No.5845213

How many patreons is this ""features"" going to kill?

>> No.5845357

Just for fun, I tried to machine translate a couple chapters from a German book and it still is hot garbage.
I can't imagine how badly it'd fuck up with Japanese.

>> No.5845370

is the desktop version already out or do we still need to use that shitty ui designed with gamepads in mind

>> No.5845471

Exactly zero.

>> No.5845681

It's not going to work at all with actual text. Being able to machine translate "please enter your name" is piss easy but actual text and dialogue is another story.

>> No.5845715

It's not that Google can't translate them, it's that it erroneously assumes that they're meant to be proper nouns because they're in katakana. If you convert the first one to hiragana, for example, it translates to:
>Go up this mountain and go up
That's something that should be a pretty easy setting to fix.

>> No.5845852

>How unfortunate. People will be content to play these great games with horrible translations, thinking that's good enough.
Still better than waiting over 10 years for a public release due to a couple end game bugs.

>> No.5845879
File: 22 KB, 476x318, gfs_59432_1_8.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

my body is ready

>> No.5845901

That doesn't look like a line this system is going to be able to handle.

>> No.5846072

>But soden

>> No.5846184

Quit circlejerking over whether or not you know japanese and tell me how to get this to work

Putting in the API key didn’t work

>> No.5846231

Apparently we have to PAY to use this feature?
Unless I'm reading the setting up steps wrong.


>> No.5846251

I'm going to assume the ZTranslate API is shittier than the paid google API.
Can you use someone else's API?

>> No.5846290
File: 143 KB, 891x673, vvcap 2019-08-28-22-41-27.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]


>> No.5846323

what api are you using?

>> No.5846329

What makes you think you'll benefit from translations if you can't even read the basic setup page that's in perfect English?

>> No.5846331

Ive done each one of those steps and none of them work

>> No.5846338

Try wrapping your mouse cord around your neck until you stop breathing

>> No.5846341
File: 233 KB, 618x242, 1560568203788.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

how about you suck my dick, faggot

>> No.5846394

Followed the instructions for the Google API and I'm still getting nothing. Only the shitty free one works.

>> No.5846395

please tell me what you did for the zt one, I still cant get it to work

>> No.5846401

Followed the instructions.

>> No.5846402

did you put the key in between <> or use quotation marks? I cant figure out what Im doing wrong

>> No.5846404

After the = replacing the <> and everything inside them with the key.

>> No.5846410
File: 20 KB, 1104x241, mmm.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

For those using VGTranslate, how's the console looking for you?

>> No.5846416

What the hell am I missing here

I still cant get it to work

>> No.5846472

am I supposed to do step 2.0? Ive only done 3.0 and 4.0

>> No.5846713

People are in for a rude shock when they try to get this shit to translate anything more complicated than "namae kudasai"

>> No.5846785

You're in for a rude shock if you believe "namae kudasai" is a proper Japanese sentence.

>> No.5847148

>proper Japanese sentence

Japanese is not as formally structured as some other languages. Simple expressions are both common and "proper."

Exactly what argument are you trying to make here?

>> No.5849142

>translators still sperging out
I want to know what makes all these people so convinced that the technology will never improve. All languages follow rules, if it can be expressed in rules it can be taught to a machine.

>> No.5849150

It would need some kind of intelligence instead of fixed rules. And even then it's only as good as human translations which are a poor replacement for the original language.

>> No.5849157

Call me when it doesn't take 30 seconds for every screen. It's unplayable, make it real time.

>> No.5849162

What are you doing in the meantime?

>> No.5849172

Getting bored because I'd like to play untranslated text-heavy games.

>> No.5849176

Maybe you should find something to do with your time that helps you play those games.

>> No.5849186

>some kind of intelligence instead of fixed rules
You think AI is some black box magic? It's just a highly complex set of adjustable rules governing action and reaction.
>it's only as good as human translations
Which is exactly what the translators are sperging out about.
>no replacement for original language
There is no concept that can't be translated or explained in another language. Stop falling for the memes weeb.

>> No.5849231
File: 510 KB, 1035x835, MAME Retroarch.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

>Don't ever try to mess with the MAME core
Why not? Works fine here.

>> No.5849235


I think we're about 1 decade off from decent real time machine translation.

>> No.5849237


The issue is that their Dosbox and MAME ports are mediocre and not properly updated. The reason being that Dosbox and MAME are super complex and the RA team is tiny in comparison.

>> No.5849239

Artificial intelligence is an overhyped buzzword is has nothing to do with intelligence or artificial.
>There is no concept that can't be translated or explained in another language.
Is American the only language you ever learned?

>> No.5849269

Can you name a word or concept in a major language like French, Japanese, German, or Russian that can not be translated or explained in any of the other three languages? Because no one cares about if it can be translated into Bantu.

>> No.5849278

Then you get wonderful location decisions like Charlotte in Trials of Mana went from using ちゃう to talking in Elmer Fudd baby speak.

>> No.5849280


>> No.5849284

No. Stop and go back. You are the one who disagreed that there is no concept that can't be translated or explained in another language. I'm not jumping to localization choices until you actually back your claim up with some evidence or proof.

So come on weeb, point out the word or concept that can't be translated or explained.

>> No.5849291

No he isn't.
What do you even mean with explained, add a paragraph long TL-note or teach the consumer the whole language?

>> No.5849307

>No he isn't.
That's exactly what he did.

>no replacement for original language
>There is no concept that can't be translated or explained in another language. Stop falling for the memes weeb.
>There is no concept that can't be translated or explained in another language.
>Is American the only language you ever learned?
Implied RIGHT THERE that there are words or concepts that can not be translated or explained. I asked for an example, got "Well localization choices!"

>what do you mean explained?
If the word or concept can't be directly translated, you explain it. Writers have been doing this for centuries.

>> No.5849309
File: 195 KB, 847x569, ruca.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

You have instances where speech patterns can actually be used for character development, my all time favorite example was child Lucca immediately stops talking in a childish manner after her mom's accident but she still mixes up a few chaus here and there indicating she's not fully grown up.
Both Woolsey and the "accurate" fan retranslation gave up trying to localize that and just kept it literal.

>> No.5849314

I know what I wrote and you are trying to attribute to somebody else.
You can't even comprehend that there's more than one other person.

>> No.5849318

So because they decided to not make someone sound childish in a translation, that means it's not possible? Before you try to say you can't make someone sound childish in English, I'd like you to explain the behavior and wording of ADBL fetishists.

>> No.5849321

You can make her baby-talk like Elmer Fudd which is what they did in Trials of Mana but oh God that sounds absolutely terrible.

>> No.5849323

Tell me which posts are actually yours and what you were trying to say then. Because I still haven't heard a counter argument, or alternative explanation as to what >>5849239 was trying to say.

>> No.5849326

>Well it SOUNDS better in another language
Which was not the argument at hand at all.

>> No.5849327

Why don't you just Google it?

>> No.5849328
File: 804 KB, 900x507, jG98Vj7.png [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

I agree with what Woolsey did and would rather just not have baby speech at all.

>> No.5849335

How would you convey to an American audience that Lucca has matured up after the accident using a few text boxes alone?

>> No.5849341

Same way the Japanese did, and give the character child-like speech until after the accident?

>> No.5849343

Because I didn't make the claim, and have no obligation to help some lazy faggot prove his own point?

>> No.5849353

I believe the cultural implication here is that children in anime (not in real life) talk very informally and avoid using honorifics to not accidentally lower a person's status or raise their own. So when referring to anon they would repeat >anon-san >anon-san >anon-san over and over rather than saying "you" or "him".
Same thing when talking about themselves in first person so they would say "Charlotte is hungry" instead of "I am hungry".
tl;dr anime autism that doesn't work in English

>> No.5849357

And I have no obligation to teach some monolinguals the concept of puns, idioms, unique vocabulary etc.

>> No.5849358
File: 34 KB, 1200x675, 11111m3r2lxrye1u8fksa77wg.jpg [View same] [iqdb] [saucenao] [google]

That worked wonderfully.

>> No.5849367

If a 5th grade child says "anata" to you it implies that he thinks you are too a 5th grader.

>> No.5849369

>I have nothing, so you just have to google it!
Don't make claims if you can't back them up.\
>he actually thinks you can't explain puns, idioms, or words that don't exist in other languages
Ah, just a weeb who drank the "JP IS SUPER FOLDED 1000 TIMES LANGUAGE" meme koolaid. Nevermind then, I know all I'm going to get out of you is disdainful statements with no facts to back them up.

The entire reason no one can post an example of something that can't be translated is because no such thing exists. Period.

>> No.5849373

Does it use あなた 貴方、 貴女、彼方 or アナタ?

>> No.5849380

The fact that you think it's about Japanese shows how retarded you are.

>> No.5849391

For wifes.
For husbands
Third person over there (implies distance)
> アナタ
For emphasis.
That ain't hard.

>> No.5849393

all this is gonna do is make translators and hackers more lazy than they already are. It would be cool if you could DL full accurate translations and then import them somehow.

>> No.5849405

I already said no one cares if you can translate it into shitty incomplete languages like Bantu. Again, since you still can't seem to name ONE THING:
>The entire reason no one can post an example of something that can't be translated is because no such thing exists. Period.

Put up or shut up, since you have yet to prove me wrong.

>> No.5849407

I have a small penis.

>> No.5849409

You failed to realize that 貴 is only taught in sixth grade so a 小五 shouldn't normally use it.

>> No.5849421

A child wouldn't call you darling or honey either unless you're muslim.

>> No.5849426

I've read plenty of manga with child brides. All in the name of 少子化対策.

>> No.5849762


MAME core is kept up to date with the latest version.

Dosbox is fine.

>> No.5849767

Pix plz.

>> No.5849768


Wow, the fan translation that came out in 1999 was so much better than this trash.

If this is what anti-ML guys consider 'good' and they want to get elitist about, GTFO

>> No.5849834

For starters, off the top of my head I can think of about a dozen words for the concepts of "I" and "you" which all imply different things about the speaker and the listener (their relative age, their sex, the degree of intimacy of their mutual relationship, their place in the social hierarchy...). The only words for these concepts you can use in modern English without sounding archaic are "I" and "you."

>> No.5849842


>>5840964 here, I never said they don't work or weren't being kept up to date but there are just numerous issues when using these two cores in RA that make them way more inconvenient than the standalone versions.

MAME core basically fully installs standalone within your RA directory at least in part its folder structure. Not much work has been done to adapt it to RetroArch's way of doing things and therefore it requires certain files to be in places no other cores uses. It also handles certain internal logistics like standalone causing issues with button mappings among other things. Also the overlay, at the very least until recently - maybe even know I haven't checked - is so blurry and low resolution that you can barely read anything. It's just a hassle to use. MAME is complicated enough on its own. Don't make that shit any more cumbersome that it already is. And DOSBox? Well, if things start off by having to deactivate all RA key bindings in order to be able to type anything, you know you're in for a ride. It only gets more fun from there. Also complicated enough on its own if you ask me. Don't run multi emus through multi emus, that's just stupid.

>> No.5849856

The "anata" conversation is some of the dumbest shit I've read on here in a while. Thanks. Not even gonna quote those...

>> No.5850181

>Now machine translations are evolving to the point where they will remove the need for any human translators.
no they aren't, they're still god-awful.

>> No.5850193

>I want to know what makes all these people so convinced that the technology will never improve.
because machine translators as we know them today have been around since babelfish, and they're just as shitty now as they were back then. it's been over 20 years and they still mostly produce gibberish.

>> No.5850328

Where? In German we mainly have Ich/Wir, Du/Ihr and Sie.
That's more than in English but hardly a dozen. Nobody is going to use things like Meine Wenigkeit in normal conversations.

>> No.5850418

he's talking about japanese you fuckhead